Anti-Oppression/Anti-Bs FOR New Orleans Elections: Voter Education Guide SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2020

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History—including the immediate past—teaches us that social change is not linear,

that it exists at the whim of natural and man-made (or exacerbated) disasters,
and that it is not solely dictated by elected bodies. In the months between when this
election was originally scheduled and now, we have seen the calculated neglect of
a public health crisis on state and federal levels. We have seen the extrajudicial
murders of people—particularly Black people—by the police. And we have seen the
public rise up to demand a better world—outside the polling booth, largely propelled
by people who aren’t even allowed in, and not just symbolically: the youths who have
been putting their bodies on the line at protests all around this country.

With that fire in our hearts, we offer you this guide on another mode of civic
participation. While there are no perfect candidates, there are lesser evils.
Grassroots organizers often frame voting as selecting the candidate you think
you can most successfully push to support your goals and movement. Voting is
an imperfect, absurd response to an imperfect, absurd social system. Ultimately,
what we want is to build a new world with you. Our survival depends on it.


This Louisiana election season, we will be voting in the presidential primary,

electing a judge, and electing people to the Democratic and Republican parties in
the state. If you are a registered Democrat, your ballot will include elections for
both the Democratic Parish Executive Committee (DPEC) and the Democratic
State Central Committee (DSCC). If you are a registered Republican, your ballot
will include elections for the Republican Parish Executive Committee (RPEC).
Due to a pending lawsuit involving redistricting and gender representation, the
election for Republican State Central Committee (RSCC) is cancelled. There are
ANTI-OPPRESSION/ANTI-BS two DSCC seats in each state legislative district, one designated for a male and
VOTER EDUCATION GUIDE FOR one for a female (a gesture toward equity that undermines itself by reinforcing
the notion of biological essentialism. Where do trans people fit into this binary,
NEW ORLEANS ELECTIONS antiquated approach to gender parity?) and 14 seats in the DPEC.
SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2020 Parish Executive Committees run party affairs at the parish level. They
endorse local candidates and work to build up voter registration and political
Greetings beloved readers, and welcome to the collaborative Anti-Oppression/ participation in their communities. The DSCC oversees the DPECs and runs the
Anti-Bullshit Voting Guide for the election on July 11, 2020! These guides have Louisiana State Democratic party. The DSCC works to elect Democrats, raises
been lovingly produced since 2014 by an ever-evolving group of individuals money, endorses candidates, and conducts the Democratic National Committee
who seek to confront the lack of accountability in the branches of Louisiana delegate selection process. These representatives will put forward and
government. To create this guide, we created a survey, conducted research, and support candidates who share the same ideals as their own. Locally, this is an
talked with our neighbors, friends, and co-conspirators. opportunity to elect people who share our ideals, and who will in turn hopefully
champion candidates who also espouse those values.
We agree on the following guidelines to shape our analysis:
Looking at the voter guide and your sample ballot, you’ll notice that this is a
• Promote justice, autonomy, and dignity for vulnerable, historically neglected, huge field of names, and that several people are elected at once to the Parish
and exploited populations: Black people, Indigenous people and people of color, Executive Committee seats. The candidates range from people who have never
poor people, queer and trans people, immigrants, youth, women, unhoused people, held or run for any political office, to people who have held many or are even
people with disabilities, and people most affected by climate crisis. In other words, holding them simultaneously, to people who are part of local political dynasties.
to prioritize the needs of people most harmed by systemic oppression. Some of these candidates have taken the effort to campaign or put information
about themselves out there. Others have limited or no public presence—and
• Favor the judicial candidates least destructive to the lives of poor and working there’s not necessarily a correlation between the person’s background and their
class people, undocumented people, unhoused or precariously housed people, campaigning presence. Those without an active campaign presence may just be
people impacted by and most vulnerable to incarceration, and others caught in relying on word of mouth or clout; others may just be shooting their shot.
the dragnet of our punitive legal system.
This election cycle, we created a survey of our own (see page 35) and shared it
• Be strategic about New Orleanians’ specific needs being adequately addressed with every candidate we could locate. Our survey focused on decriminalization
and advocated for on the state and federal levels, especially with regards to of sex work, approaches to drug use, food insecurity, housing, and incarceration
environmental, economic, housing, and health care concerns. in Louisiana. These are issues often considered too controversial for candidates
to speak out on during election cycles. They are also some of the most pressing
• Center concerns and demands currently being raised by the public, particularly issues facing our communities.
considering the role of police in our communities, our budgets, and our lifespans.
Though the pandemic and election reschedule negatively impacted our response
• Vehemently reject the influence of post-Katrina opportunism, pandemic- rate, and our sample size is too small to make broad generalizations, we are
era exploitation and austerity, and all disaster capitalism at all levels of intrigued by the near-unanimity on certain questions. For example, 100% of
government and the private sector. respondents supported creating legislation that allows, promotes, and funds
supervised drug consumption sites—a harm reduction measure usually framed
We approach this work with a harm reduction ethos. Harm reduction is a by politicians, mainstream media, and types as far too radical
philosophy and praxis rooted in autonomy and mutual aid, designed and led by to even consider. All but one supported decriminalization of drugs, and their
people who use drugs, specifically focused on minimizing the harm associated explanation? That predatory drug manufacturers ought to be prosecuted. All
with drug use. but one respondee favored the decriminalization of sex work, with the dissenter
favoring legalization and regulation instead.
Is it possible to reduce harm within a system fundamentally based on
control and disenfranchisement? In the publication “Voting is Not Harm When it came to incarceration, respondents overwhelmingly identified
Reduction,” the group Indigenous Action writes: “If voting is the democratic themselves as being in favor of ending cash bail, ending the incarceration of
participation in our own oppression, voting as harm reduction is a politics youths, and exploring restorative justice models as an alternative. Eliminating
that keeps us at the mercy of our oppressors.” It is certainly discouraging jail time for non-violent convictions was endorsed by more than half of
how elections—particularly national ones—not only siphon energy and respondents (Please note that we wrote this survey before the recent uprisings
resources from longtime organizers but also co-opt language and ideas (only shifted the discourse on reform versus abolition significantly). We believe that
to abandon it all when it’s no longer politically useful). Election cycles and more people are open to radical change than the establishment would have you
the corresponding media coverage paralyze the political imagination of the believe, and we look forward to building on this survey for future guides. Let’s
public at large. dive in!


PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE Biden’s main selling point is that he’s
DEMOCRATIC PARTY not Trump (he’s the other guy who
has a rack of credible accusations
Michael Bennet of sexual assault). Biden’s record
Joseph R. Biden (on mass incarceration in general
Michael R. Bloomberg and pushing Reagan to increase
Cory Booker (withdrew) criminalization in particular,
Steve Burke reproductive justice, affordable
“Pete” Buttigieg housing, public humiliation of
John K. Delaney Anita Hill, revisionist and/or
Tulsi Gabbard delayed support of queer rights,
Amy Klobuchar unpopularity among environmental
Deval Patrick activists, support of Israeli
Bernard “Bernie” Sanders apartheid, role in launching the
“Tom” Steyer opioid crisis, passionate hate of
Elizabeth Warren parties and drug users, participation
“Robby” Wells in imperialist foreign policy, etc.)
Andrew Yang offers little comfort.

Wow, remember the Democratic The Obama administration laid the

primary? Feels like several years groundwork for Trump’s genocidal
ago at this point. Despite running immigration policies, and while Biden
a campaign with such passion that says he would do better this time, it’s
supporters earnestly referred to it as hard to ignore all that blood on his
a movement, despite championing hands, and voting for him will be a
one of the most popular policies in our joyless act come November. Biden’s
lifetimes (Medicare for All), despite campaign—his entire vibe—can best
being scandal-free (a true anomaly be described using the title of his 2002
in our national politics), Bernie anti-rave bill: Reducing Americans’
Sanders suspended his campaign. Vulnerability to Ecstasy. If Trump
Whether you blame boomers, the loses and actually cedes power, a Biden
DNC, or other reasons, we hope you’ve presidency would in no way signal
made peace with it by now. the end of the fight for a livable world. Valerie Bustamante hasn’t that trains women to run for office.
Remember, the race for president is had the chance (yet). New to As a member of the Louisiana
One crucial detail of the presidential the contest to see who becomes the politics and new to New Orleans, Coalition for Reproductive
primaries is that when we cast a vote next biggest war criminal. there is little to no evidence that Freedom, Snider fights restrictive
for a primary contender, we are really Bustamante is running to win, as abortion laws. Reproductive justice
voting for the delegates that each Summary: The primary still has she has no real campaign presence. is clearly important to her: in her
candidate sends to the Democratic an impact in terms of delegates. A She hails from Miami, where spare time Snider volunteers with
National Convention. The candidates vote for Bernie could help accrue she and her husband organized Lift Louisiana and Plan B NOLA.
that clear 15% of the vote get delegates who could (in theory) help immigrant workers and co-wrote Another pet cause is transparency in
delegates allocated to them on a push the party platform further left a children’s book (Manny and government. She wants to educate
proportional basis. These delegates at the DNC. the Mango Tree) that tackles the public about what DPEC and
then vote to nominate a presidential xenophobia at a reading level DSCC are, because they are part of
candidate, but they also help craft the DSCC MEMBER appropriate for 4-8 year olds. a bewildering, obscure process that
party platform and set the rules for 91ST DISTRICT “A” seems designed to exclude most
the next convention. In other words, Summary: Vote Bajoie (but read people—including those who have
though the nominee is effectively a Diana Bajoie Bustamante’s book to your kids). no clue that they might actually
foregone conclusion at this point, a Valerie Bustamante want to give a damn. Snider wants
vote for, say, Bernie could serve other DSCC MEMBER you to have a clue and give two
purposes. At the 2016 Democratic The 91st District runs from Hollygrove 93RD DISTRICT “A” damns (because she is running for
National Convention, rule changes down to the Lower Garden District both committees). She also shares
pushed by the Bernie delegation and includes Gert Town, Central City, Avis M. Brock a list of bills she plans to support.
curtailed the role of superdelegates in parts of Broadmoor, Uptown, and the Helena Moreno (withdrew) Snider walks the walk.
the primary process. Irish Channel. Megan Snider
Summary: Vote Snider. Brock has
Though former Vice President Joe Diana Bajoie began her political The 93rd District comprises a wide sphere of influence already,
Biden’s campaign had initially career in the ‘70s as a State portions of the Lower Garden and we’re not fans of where she
seemed like a longshot, he is now Representative. In 1991 she became District and Central City Tulane/ directs it.
the presumptive nominee. Biden the first Black woman elected to the Gravier, the CBD, the Tremé, the
supporters are notoriously hard- Louisiana State Senate. Bajoie, a French Quarter, the 7th Ward, and DSCC MEMBER
pressed to name a single policy survivor of breast cancer, has long St. Roch. 93RD DISTRICT “B”
of his that they are excited about. been an advocate of health care
But we do know a few things he’s expansions and reproductive rights. Avis Brock is Councilman Jay Banks’ Cyrus Cooper
not into. Biden doesn’t believe in At the local level, she helped secure Director of Community Affairs, Royce Duplessis
universal health care. He’s not going funding for the “revitalization” of Secretary of DPEC, and elected Jerome Johnson
to challenge wealth disparity in any the Oretha Castle Haley Corridor. member of the Black Organization
meaningful way. In response to the Currently serving as the director of for Leadership and Development. Cyrus Cooper is new to the political
increasingly mainstream call to community relations for the LSU And while we don’t expect those who scene, better known to locals as a
defund the police, Biden has taken Health Sciences Center, Bajoie has work for city council to be outright comedian at the New Movement,
the position that actually this highly- had her hand in numerous public critical of anyone within the sacred a controversial club with a slew of
militarized, lavishly-funded armed health non-profit initiatives, and administration, Brock’s personal sexual misconduct allegations (and
wing of the State needs more money used the fingers of that hand to cut Facebook is resplendent with praise a boycott). We couldn’t locate any
(although he did offer a modest checks to her friends, family, and for Cantrell (who recently said that public disavowal of those misdeeds,
proposal that protestors should former senate coworkers. she doesn’t care if people in jail get and he seems to have performed
be merely maimed, not killed, for COVID-19). there recently, so that’s the biggest
participating in dissent). Perhaps his Sure, Bajoie has her nepotism- blemish on his record. A gamer/
most interesting campaign talking fueled money scandals, which is Attorney and first-time candidate podcaster type, he also has a Twitch
point has been telling people not to basically a rite of passage for any Megan Snider is a 2019 graduate of TV show and is a member of comedy
vote for him. seasoned New Orleans politician. Emerge, the Louisiana organization troupe Dean’s List.
Though the layers of satire politics over the past 15 years. In Richard Duplantier Jr. is a senior know if her philosophy would carry
characterizing Cooper’s Twitter 2007 she was the first Democrat in partner at one of New Orleans’ fancy over to more stigmatized drugs.
(he has no campaign website) can over 20 years to qualify for the state law firms (Galloway) dealing in cases Unfortunately, she did not respond
make his positions a little hard rep race. Langhoff is heavily invested of professional liability. In 2018, to our survey.
to pin down, he seems to believe in electoral politics, but to her credit Duplantier ran in hopes of becoming
that housing is a human right and she is also involved with Justice a judge on the Orleans Parish Civil Sandra Green Thomas is a current
the pharmaceutical industry is & Beyond, a Black-led, anti-racist District Court, but had to drop out member of the OPDEC District D.
dangerously dishonest. Cooper is weekly forum for progressive social after two citizens revealed that he was This position is similar to the DSCC
sincerely radical enough to raise change. running as a Democrat but registered chair she’s running for here, but
money for protestors’ bail, but isn’t as a Republican. Duplantier claimed operates in a more local capacity
savvy enough to know that the Bail If we gave out grades for the survey that he had registered as a Republican (Orleans Parish), instead of at
Project is a nonprofit that imposes we sent out, Hope Phelps would back in 2008 in order to vote for the state level. She endorsed and
limits on how many people they’ll receive an A+. According to her Republican candidates in elections campaigned for Hillary Clinton
actually bail out (community/ responses, Phelps is in favor of that were closed to Democrats. But, in the 2016 Democratic primary,
grassroots bail funds are far more legalizing supervised injection still being registered 10 years later and represents a branch of the
effective, in need, and deserving of sites, decriminalizing drugs and sex as Republican is, at best, a strange Democratic party, just left of center,
your support). work, working to reduce rates of oversight. whose politics are useless placations
incarceration through numerous in our current social, economic, and
State Representative for District measures, and a $15 minimum wage. Michael Foley, whose father is a political climates.
93 Royce Duplessis earned quite Member of the local Democractic former court clerk and current Biden
a list of endorsements, including Socialists of America chapter, delegate, is running for a position once Sophie Kunen is a member of the
those from the Black Organization 29-year-old Phelps is a first time held by his mother. He is an attorney New Orleans Democratic Socialists of
for Leadership Development, the candidate. A tour through her and has volunteered on various America. She is a host and director at
Independent Women’s Organization, Twitter makes clear her belief campaigns of Louisiana Democrats. WTUL 91.5FM. Her Twitter timeline
the United Teachers of New Orleans, in removing symbols of white Other than that, and because none of is full of retweets of Bernie Sanders
and Step Up Louisiana. Duplessis supremacy, defunding the police, his actual political views can be found, and the New Orleans Workers Center
served as chair of the City Planning and shows a true condemnation we must assume he’s relying on family for Racial Justice. She doesn’t just
Commission and worked to impose of the NOPD’s violence at the ties to propel his campaign. talk the talk either, having worked
stricter regulations on short term recent protests. Not to mention previously with the Louisiana
rentals. As a state representative, her pivot from once canvassing for Mainstay of the local tenant rights Bucket Brigade and on the Louisiana
Duplessis collaborated with The Bernie Sanders to now showing her scene, Yasin “Frank” Southall Medicaid Expansion Campaign.
First 72+ to promote bills aimed at dismay at his reactions to recent is the lead organizer at Jane Place
ending solitary confinement and protests (i.e. Sanders not calling for Neighborhood Sustainability Diedre Pierce Kelly has worked
reducing recidivism. His legislative defunding the police). A Democratic Initiative, a housing advocacy as a New Orleans attorney and a
support of literacy programs and Socialist that doesn’t hold Sanders as nonprofit that promotes affordable legislative assistant in the Louisiana
increased pay for teachers no doubt their lord and savior? We’ll take it! housing policy, develops affordable House of Representatives and Senate.
helped endear him to UTNO. housing in a community land trust, She is running concurrently for
Tammy Savoie has a history of monitors eviction courts, creates a DSCC seat and an OPDEC seat.
We found no evidence that Jerome campaigning against Republicans definitive reports on short term She has a more visible campaign
Johnson has an active campaign. (including Steve “David Duke rentals and evictions, and constantly than most of her opponents—and
without the baggage” Scalise in provides resources and space for she provided more straightforward
Summary: As far as politicians 2018), which has resulted in her own low-income homeowners and information about the duty of DSCC
go, Duplessis advocates for issues politics being more to the center of tenants to organize. At Jane Place, members than even the Louisiana
mostly aligned with our values. left. In November she lost the race Southall launched the Renters Democratic Party’s own website.
for state representative of District Rights Assembly, which provides However, her campaign is light on
DSCC MEMBER 94 to Republican Stephanie Hilferty. legal counseling and support in actual policy or any indication as to
94TH DISTRICT “A” Savoie’s military background hopes of preventing evictions. the values she would look for when
as a clinical psychologist leaves endorsing potential candidates. It
Deborah Langhoff us less than enthused, but she Summary: Southall somehow doesn’t exactly help that she’s already
Hope Phelps continues to campaign on increasing finds the time to show up for every entrenched in the current Louisiana
Tammy Savoie funds for education, opposing community meeting, protest, and Democratic establishment.
gerrymandering, improving event. We’re going to show up for him.
The 94th District encompasses a infrastructure, and increasing the A savvy observer might put their
sliver of Mid-City and Bayou St. minimum wage (but only to $9). DSCC MEMBER money on Iam Christian Tucker
John, the City Park neighborhood, 97TH DISTRICT “A” to win this race, due to the reach
and the Lakefront areas of Orleans Summary: Hope Phelps. of her voice and access to more
and Jefferson Parish. The district Deborah Violet Chapman donations and powerful people.
is 73% white, with a majority DSCC MEMBER Sandra Green Thomas Tucker is the founder and CEO of
of residents above the median 94TH DISTRICT “B” Sophia Kunen a New Orleans civil engineering
household income for the state. Diedre Pierce Kelly firm, which specializes in sewer
Historically a Republican district, Paul Anger Iam Christian Tucker and drainage design. She served as
the 94th has seen a shift away from Richard Duplantier Jr. Angele Wilson part of Mayor Cantrell’s transition
that trend in recent years. Michael Andrew Foley team, overseeing civil and structural
Yasin “Frank” Southall The 97th District contains Gentilly, engineering, as well as construction
Deborah Langhoff ’s blood and an intestine-shaped little chunk of management activities. Ambitious
runs blue. Langhoff is a DNC Wisconsin native and retired Mid-City, including strips of Esplanade, and connected people can seem
committeewoman, current member editor of the Detroit Free Press, Orleans and Canal, carefully drawn like inevitable winners. But this
of both OPDEC and DSCC, and was a Paul Anger now resides in around City Park Avenue. type of low-level, grassroots
superdelegate for Hillary Clinton in Metairie where he flexes his 50+ election is exactly the place to begin
2016. She is the founder of LARoots, years of journalism experience by Deborah Chapman is a local undermining that assumption.
a “grassroots” database and occasionally contributing articles community leader who advocates
network that supports Democrats to local publications and blogs. for drug reform, prison reform, At press time, there was no evidence
nationwide, inspired by the Anger has only been in the greater and youth mentorship. She served of an Angele Wilson campaign.
campaign of John Kerry (a phrase New Orleans area less than five as the coordinator for the New
one imagines hasn’t been uttered years, which gives us pause, as Orleans International Drug Policy Summary: Demographically,
much), with visions of flipping does his Facebook claim that while Conference. In her speech, she District 97 is predominantly
Louisiana. While she talks in broad he is a registered Democrat he called for reduced criminalization Black. While we think Sophie
strokes about Democratic ideals, “understand[s] and often agree[s] of marijuana and spoke against Kunen is a strong candidate from
she has been effective in shifting her with Conservative or Libertarian incarceration as a means to curb a values standpoint, Kunen is also
district toward more progressive views on specific issues.” drug use. It would be interesting to white; so if it’s important to you


that representatives reflect their the minimum wage to as much
constituents in that way, that’s as $20 an hour in New Orleans.
something to consider. If that’s the Nowak advocates for reallocating
case, Deborah Chapman, who served NORA as public housing for the
as treasurer for the New Orleans houseless population. He supports
NAACP, is certainly qualified. We are substantive prison reform,
with her on the decriminalization from ending cash bail and youth a sample from the
of drugs and prison reform, and her incarceration, to early release
established community ties would initiatives and eliminating jail Harm Reduction Voter Guide Survey
surely help her effectively represent time for nonviolent crimes. He
the interests of this district. adds that early release initiatives When someone feels that their drug use is disrupting their life,
“do not go far enough if there is no do you think that issue is best addressed by the police, a doctor,
DSCC MEMBER basic monthly assistance and free or someone else?
97TH DISTRICT “B” vocational training provided.”

Jared Brossett Carlos John Stich does not appear to In 2017, Louisiana recorded 415 deaths due to drug overdoses.
Robert “Bob” Crowley have any kind of campaign presence. In an effort to reduce drug related deaths, other countries—
Arthur A. Morrell and one US city, Philadelphia—operate or allow supervised
David Gregory Nowak Summary: Nowak easily outshines consumption sites (facilities where people can use drugs in a
Carlos John Stich the others in this race. safer environment monitored by trained professionals). Since
opening, none of those sites have reported a single drug-related
Councilmember Jared Brossett, DSCC MEMBER death. Are you in favor of creating legislation that allows,
of recent viral DWI video infamy, 98TH DISTRICT “B” promotes, and funds supervised injection sites?
has served on City Council since
2014. He helped write legislation David Alvarez
instituting New Orleans’ first Timothy David Ray In 2001, Portugal dealt with their opioid crisis by
living wage law, which requires Andre Mayer Stolier decriminalizing drugs. HIV infections among people who
all employees and contractors on Carlos L. Zervigon inject drugs plummeted from 1,482 in 2000 to just 18 in 2017.
projects contracted by the city to Overdose deaths decreased from 369 in 1999 to 30 in 2016.
receive a wage of at least $11.19 The 98th District comprises In 1999, 3,863 people were incarcerated for drug offenses,
per hour and seven days of paid the majority of Uptown west of but that number shrank to 1,140 in 2017. Do you support
leave per year. He helped create Washington, including the Tulane decriminalization of drugs in our country?
the Equal Pay Advisory Committee and Loyola areas, south to the river
and contributed to legislation and north to Claiborne.
Sex workers in Louisiana face harassment not just by
prohibiting City contractors
from conducting credit checks David Alvarez is a former teacher clients, but also by law enforcement. Another measure of the
on employees. He also accepted and academic coordinator who vulnerability of this population: Louisiana also has some of the
a substantial donation from now heads a consulting firm for highest rates of HIV in the nation and a mortality rate from
developers of the Hard Rock Hotel. Louisiana schools and businesses. AIDS-related complications that is twice the national average.
He ran previously for Orleans Parish Sex workers are disproportionately represented within those
Bob Crowley is a writer and School Board on a platform of statistics. Full decriminalization of sex work is associated
photographer, who previously undercutting competition of charter with improved health outcomes for those in the industry.
organized a Louisiana teachers’ schools by having the city run and Additionally, decriminalization results in sex workers who
union. He was pro-Bloomberg, now standardize schools. Online, he
are the victims of violence feeling more empowered to pursue
he’s pro-Biden, but above all he seems supports BLM and the unionization
to be anti-Trump. We’re reaching for of teachers. justice. Do you support the full decriminalization of sex work?
a bar a bit higher than that.
Timothy David Ray is an attorney According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2018, “SNAP reduced
Arthur Morrell is a former and political consultant. He served poverty by 1.9% and child poverty in [Louisiana] by 3.8%—the
Louisiana House Rep and the previously as an interim first city second largest reductions attributable to SNAP of any state
current clerk of Orleans Criminal clerk of court. Recently, he worked in the nation.” In spite of this, our rate of food insecurity was
District Court. At the beginning on Mack Cormier’s 2019 campaign, 15.8% in 2019, significantly worse than the national rate of
of the year, Morrell threatened to helping flip that legislative seat 11.7%. What would you do to make sure Louisianians aren’t
furlough the entirety of the court’s from red to blue. In his responses
going hungry?
staff in a hold-out for an increased to our survey, he voiced support
budget from the city. This would for decriminalization of drug
have left many individuals in prison use and sex work. He provided Louisiana’s rate of incarceration is nearly double the national
with no way or chance to bail out, some thorough and nuanced average. The below measures have been used to reduce
and a complete stoppage on criminal dissections of food insecurity incarceration rates. Do you support these measures? (Check all
proceedings. The City eventually in our communities, calling that apply)
caved to Morrell’s demands and for increased state funding of
paid him what he wanted, so the programs like SNAP and the • Ending cash bail
court never shut down, but Morrell’s School Lunch program, while • Reducing sentences and promoting early release initiatives
willingness to use people’s lives and simultaneously incentivizing the • Ending the incarceration of youths
freedom as bargaining chips for his establishment of fresh markets and
office is about all you need to know fresh food sources in lower income
• Eliminating jail time for non-violent crimes
about his priorities. neighborhoods. On houselessness, • Restorative justice approaches to replace prison time
he proposes repurposing publicly-
Currently working as the foreman owned land like abandoned In 2018, over 35,000 eligible families were on the waiting list
of a film industry equipment rental buildings to transitional or for public housing assistance in New Orleans, according to
company, David Gregory Nowak permanent housing, highlighting Hundreds of people sleep on the streets of our city
is a vocal supporter of Medicare the importance of public transit every night. What would you do to begin to combat this housing
For All and defunding the police. restructuring as crucial to crisis? How would you expand services to unhoused people?
He supports the decriminalization confronting this issue. At the
of sex work and drug use. He values end of his stint as clerk of court,
strong community organizing and Ray was caught up in a money
fellowship as a means to undermine mishandling scandal, when it was
harmful and inequitable systems revealed he’d cut three checks from
of power. In his response to our a City account for questionable or
survey, he supported raising unfilled services.
Andre Mayer Stolier doesn’t “broken brake light” as a common DSCC MEMBER DSCC MEMBER
seem to have much of a campaign cop euphemism for Driving While 100TH DISTRICT “B” 102ND DISTRICT “A”
presence. On social media he has Black. Marone is also a comedian
expressed support for Black Lives who once ran for U.S. Senate as a Austin Badon Delisha Boyd
Matter and defunding the police. semi-satirical protest candidate Willie Jones Roberta B. Brown
with an earnestly progressive Kenya Rounds
Carlos Zervigon comes from a platform. DSA supports defunding The 102nd District includes Algiers
political, activist-oriented family the NOPD, supporting Medicare Austin Badon is the current first city and New Aurora.
with a long civil rights legacy. He’s for All, supporting the striking court clerk, an office responsible for
the secretary of the Keller Family sanitation workers, and reallocating small claims, most eviction filings Delisha Boyd is the DPEC
Foundation. He supports the money from the Convention (for rent under $3,000), and civil incumbent for District C and a real
decriminalization of sex work and Center’s reserve fund to support lawsuits with claims up to $25,000. estate agent at her own business.
drug use, medicaid expansion, a hospitality workers. He has previously held office as a Her strong business background
living wage, reproductive freedom, state representative from 2004 to and connections with other DPEC
marijuana decriminalization, Raquel Greenup Richmond is 2016. In 2014 Badon sponsored a members have strengthened her ties
and LGBTQ rights. He wants to married to congressman Cedric bill meant to keep pregnant women in the Louisiana political scene, but
improve access to non-carceral drug Richmond, but she herself has on life support, regardless of their we have concerns about someone
treatment. However, he does not minimal online presence. She is a real family’s wishes, in order “to preserve who has a vested interest in the rise
support ending incarceration for estate agent, but what is her platform the life of an unborn child.” (You may of housing prices also having a say
nonviolent crimes. and why exactly is she running? remember this as an actual plot line in the legislature (of course, a great
from the show The Handmaid’s Tale.) many people in positions of power fit
Summary: Timothy David Ray’s Summary: Vote Cade or Marone. Badon has also shown a troubling that description).
ideas are solid, if we take him at his Cade’s defense of public schools, impulse to expand policing—asking
word according to the survey results. and by extension New Orleans’ then-governor Jindal in 2011 to send Roberta B. Brown is the founder
And he clearly has experience in Black middle class, is laudable, the National Guard into Central City and executive director of Concerned
the political sphere (which might especially considering that school to quell gun violence. At a forum in Citizens for a Better Algiers, a non-
be read as connections, as well, board races have faced influxes of 2010, Badon once promised to have profit that provides services to low
for better or worse). However, outside cash propping up “reform” the NOPD “kicking in at least four and middle income families. Brown
mishandling public funds bums us candidates. However, we respect doors a day.” is also the jury commissioner at
out. Zervigon isn’t perfect either, but Marone’s organizing too. Both seem Orleans Criminal District Court,
a strong candidate. like good choices. Willie Jones held a seat on the but not much else is available to the
OPDEC, and ran unsuccessful public in terms of her political values.
DSCC MEMBER DSCC MEMBER campaigns for Louisiana House
99TH DISTRICT “A” 100TH DISTRICT “A” of Representatives in 2015 and Summary: Vote Boyd or Brown.
Lieutenant Governor in 2019. He is
Cynthia Cade Lisa Marie Manning Ambrose also a former member of the Zulu DSCC MEMBER
Jeanne “Jon” Jackson Alicia Plummer Clivens Social Aid and Pleasure Club. He does 105TH DISTRICT “A”
Kaitlin Marone “Jenn” Johnson not have much of an overt campaign
Raquel Greenup Richmond message and his platform running for Vanessa Turner Billiot
The 100th District encompasses a Lieutenant Governor was similarly Lisa Ray Diggs
The 99th District includes areas to part of New Orleans East, north of nebulous, with unsubstantiated lip
the east and west of the industrial Chef Menteur, and mostly east of service to increasing tourism outside The 105th District includes the east
canal—the Marigny, Bywater, the Crowder Boulevard. The district is of the main Louisiana hubs and bank of Plaquemines Parish, the
Florida/Desire Area, the Venetian majority Black (87.6%), and the next providing tax incentives for the film west bank of Jefferson Parish, and a
Isles, Holy Cross, and parts of New largest demographic is Asian (7.5%). industry. He ran against Republican small portion of Algiers.
Orleans East. The district is majority Billy Nungesser and was endorsed by
Black (around 79%). Lisa Manning Ambrose has the Louisiana Democratic Party. Vanessa Turner Billiot is a
served in the DPEC and is in resident of Plaquemines Parish, the
Cynthia Cade served on the favor of Medicare expansion and Kenya Rounds is an attorney who rest is a mystery.
Orleans Parish School Board from criminal justice reform, according serves on the Zulu board of directors
2004 to 2015 and was a union ally to her messaging. She attended as well as practicing personal injury, Lisa Ray Diggs is a current member
and opponent of charter schools. both the Emerge Louisiana contract, and criminal law. He was of the DSCC for her district and was
However, she was barred from training (for women who want accused of attempting to cover up a previously endorsed by Congressman
running for reelection in 2016 to run for Democratic office) and sexual harassment complaint against a Cedric Richmond. Diggs, who
because she failed to file her taxes. the Congressional Black Caucus Zulu member in 2018. Also in 2018, he recently announced she will be a Joe
Institute. None of the available represented Edgar P. Harney Spirit of Biden delegate at the Democratic
Jon Jackson, daughter of state materials give much detail about her Excellence Academy’s Board. Former National Convention, was on Team
representative and late ‘80s/early political vision. Principal Ashonta Wyatt claimed Joe since before the fall of the more
‘90s city councilmember Johnny that Rounds denied Wyatt’s request progressive candidates, so it is clear
Jackson Jr., has a minimal online Alicia Plummer Clivens is a veteran for a public meeting when the board her politics are hardly left of center.
campaign presence. She runs a local Democratic Party campaigner, real convened to discuss firing her, after
foundation named after her father. estate broker, and public health nurse she criticized board spending. She Summary: Diggs, as she seems to be
The youth-oriented programming who has run for both the city council claims that he denied her request in the one in politics here.
includes “shop with a cop,” which District E seat and for the LA House a possible violation of open-meeting
frankly sounds like entrapment. On of Representatives. In her campaigns law, though he disputes this account. DSCC MEMBER
her personal Twitter page, Jackson she has advocated for greater 105TH DISTRICT “B”
has re-posted sentiments about investment in both New Orleans East Summary: None of these choices
supporting guiding Black youth into and the Lower 9th while working are particularly exciting. Both Darren P. Lombard
careers in law enforcement, as well to rebuild homeownership in that Badon and Rounds’ records are Burghart H. Turner
as other posts supporting both BLM neighborhood. In her Louisiana disqualifying. Jones doesn’t have
protests and policing reforms. So, in house race, Clivens was endorsed the glaring red flags, but his actual Darren Lombard is the current Chair
short, an aspiring legacy politician by the AFL-CIO, the Louisiana politics remain unclear. of the DPEC and has been a court
and centrist. Federation of Teachers, UTNO, the clerk for years. Most notably, Lombard
Independent Women’s Organization, navigated the logistics of post-Katrina
Kaitlin Marone is a field organizer and The New Orleans Tribune. elections and has been praised for his
with Democratic Socialists of management skills. In 2018, Lombard
America (DSA) who co-founded We found no online campaign was elected to serve as clerk of the
their brake light clinic, which presence for Jenn Johnson. second city court which deals in small
provides a needed service, shares claims, civil lawsuits, and evictions
skills, and addresses the use of Summary: Alicia Clivens. with rental fees under $3,000 a month.


Burghart Turner has had three some names from this list (Carlos Development Board. Most ongoing from Delta restoration to food
unsuccessful runs for Plaquemines Zervigon, Richard Duplantier construction projects the board has insecurity, health care for musicians,
Parish President. Could it be his Jr., Bob Crowley and Deborah given money to are hotels and CBD and composting. Leitzinger has a track
confusing campaign announcement Chapman) because they are also apartments, including one loft project record of caring about this city and the
that stated his philosophy of “Do running for DSCC positions. that was exposed for converting units people who live here, and now seeks to
no harm, do all you can, and find to short term rentals in 2017. bring her mission of compassion and
ways to make government work for Aimee Freeman keeps running inclusion to the political field.
the people. If government doesn’t for office, and that means we are Cortney Busch, executive director at
work for the people, then it doesn’t going to keep calling her out on her international fundraising foundation Simon Levitsy is an attorney
work.” ? Could it be his ties to campaign for increased policing. non-profit Chapel & York, previously promising “new perspectives and
Chevron that interfered with his Prior to her election to the Louisiana worked for Tammy Savoie. Where unbiased decision making.” If you
service on city council? House of Representatives, she sat Savoie worked for the military, Busch can get past this blandly jargonistic
on the executive committee of the served as operations director for babble you’ll find some decent
Summary: Lombard. New Orleans Police and Justice Reprieve US, a non-profit that works signs, like supporting BLM and
Foundation, and has advocated for to free Guantánamo Bay detainees. providing pro-bono help with filing
more surveillance of people post- We salute the latter but are wary of unemployment claims throughout
incarceration. We’ve got to do better big finance conflicts of interest in the the COVID-19 crisis. Natalie
than Freeman. former. Mitchell, also an attorney candidate
worth a look, can be found online
Incumbents Gizelle Banks and Carling Dinkler is an experienced voicing her criticism of Louisiana’s
her husband Ryan Banks are both policy adviser with seven years in youth incarceration and immigrant
running for reelection. Mr. Banks DC under his belt spent working concentration camps. She has spent
is a graphic designer and elected under members of Congress. Two some time in City Hall as well, doing
member of the Black Organization of his main focuses are redistricting public relations and liaising with the
for Leadership Development. Mrs. and undoing gerrymandering, and business community (we don’t know
Banks is president of the Finance restoring the coastline. Rob Clemenz how those two fit together either).
DPEC MEMBER(S) Authority of New Orleans, a housing is a hagiographer, who makes medals
DISTRICT A and development financing agency adorned with saints. He doesn’t have Irma Muse-Dixon was the
14 to be elected geared toward low-income people. much of a political presence so far, first Black person to be elected
She recently reposted and applauded but is anti-Trump online. Incumbent to the Louisiana Public Service
Aimee Adatto Freeman Cantrell’s open letter to protesters Sylvia M. Crier was a teacher in New Commission, where she represented
Kristin Artigues (withdrew) who had demonstrated outside the Orleans for over 50 years. We salute the 3rd District for 12 years. A former
Gizelle Banks mayor’s house—a letter that sought to her dedication to working with our social worker, Muse-Dixon mentored
Ryan Banks shame the protesters and undermine city’s young people. However, in a a generation of Black politicians
Christian Bonin the organizers by misrepresenting 2016 interview, she placed blame on seeking leadership roles in the ‘80s.
Allen H. Borne Jr. their stated goals. We reject Cantrell’s parents who “don’t have money to buy She is involved in the Urban League
Mindy Brickman bad-faith chiding, and Banks’ [their kid] a book... but are standing and Beacon of Hope charity, and
Cortney Busch endorsement. We stand with the in line at the Nike store at 4 in the currently serves as parliamentarian
Deborah Violet Chapman protesters and organized workers, morning.” That’s a pretty reductive on the Louisiana Democratic Party
Robert “Rob” Clemenz the striking sanitation workers, Still misrepresentation of the deepset Executive Committee. Dixon’s
Sylvia M. Crier Perkin’ baristas on the picket line: poverty and education problems in most recently articulated political
Robert “Bob” Crowley the people who Cantrell ignored in New Orleans, and disturbing to hear priorities are the same inoffensive
Reuben DeTiege II that letter. from a longtime teacher. boilerplate agenda espoused by Dem
Carling Dinkler centrists here and everywhere: better
Richard Duplantier Jr. Allen Borne Jr. lost the 2019 Caroline Fayard ran for lieutenant schools, better jobs, more affordable
Caroline Fayard District 5 senatorial race, but is back governor and state senator, losing housing, a safer city. Her personal
Anthony “Tony” Grana running for a different position. In in both races. She is a lawyer from a touch is also advocating for improved
Edmond L. Guidry response to our survey, he said he wealthy family that was previously technology training—a field in which
Sean Hoffman would support the decriminalization endorsed by the Landrieus. In her she built herself a career outside of
Erin Huggins of sex work “with credentials and previous elections, she’s tried a kind public service.
Alexandria Irvin testing.” He indicated he would of centrist approach, positioning
Kathryn “Katie” Ives not support the decriminalization herself as an outsider Democrat and In an outright campaign of bullying,
Jackson Jimenez of drug use, but would instead hero of the young people—due to her Jason Napoli brought malicious
Susan Krantz seek to prosecute abusive drug radical ideas like closing the gender personal criminal charges against
Rose A. Lalanne manufacturers. Unfortunately, this pay gap. However, she’s also in the public defenders. As a result of his
Elizabeth “Beth” LeBlanc approach does nothing to address pocket of big oil and panders to the tenaciously vexatious litigation, a
Emily Leitzinger the discrimination of drug users right on topics like reducing state judge once even (allegedly) called
Simon Levitsky trying to find work or housing, nor government and opposing the ACA. Napoli “Lucifer” after he harassed
Kate Magsamen overpolicing and the prison pipeline. her on her personal cell phone.
Shaun Mena In stark contrast to Fayard’s big money With Napoli as a top prosecutor in
Natalie K. Mitchell Christian Bonin is an attorney, and powerful friends, Tony Grana is the notoriously nefarious, often
Irma Muse-Dixon born and raised in Lakeview. His a grassroots candidate who advocates outright malicious District Attorney
Jason Napoli father is former judge Paul Bonin, for unions and Black Lives Matters. Leon Cannizzaro’s office, we can
Julie Ray who is being federally investigated He is an organizer who has been only imagine that the toxicity of that
Beverly Richard for making legal decisions based on volunteering on campaigns since he workplace ought to have earned it a
Elizabeth Sangisetty personal financial and political ties was a teenager. Erin Huggins seems designation as New Orleans’ second
William “Will” Scott to a post-incarceration monitoring like another promising candidate. superfund site. In one instance of his
David Lee Simmons company, including threatening to She supported Bernie, protested pattern of abusive behavior, Napoli
Leah Stevenson put people back in jail if they fell police brutality, and has experience manipulated what was essentially a
Jack Reno Sweeney behind on payments to the company. with crisis intervention and treating misunderstanding or bureaucratic
Sarah Usdin Bonin supported Dad’s election on sexual trauma and domestic violence error into a young public defender
Mark Vicknair his own social media pages in 2016, survivors. being held under $50,000 bail. Jenny
Thomas “Tom” Watson and has been silent since these Holzer’s axiom holds: abuse of power
Alex Weingarten allegations came out. Complacency in Emily Leitzinger hosts a radio comes as no surprise. The last thing
Carlos L. Zervigon the face of oppression is complicity. show on WHIV dedicated to helping someone like Napoli needs is more
listeners learn about ways they can power.
District A is made up of the Uptown, Incumbent Mindy Brickman is get involved in community initiatives
Carrollton, Lakeview, Fairgrounds, an attorney, is involved in the New around the city. Over the course of A former journalist for Gambit and
City Park and Audubon Park Orleans Pro Bono Project, and serves more than 85 broadcasts, Leitzinger The Times-Picayune, David Lee
neighborhoods. You’ll recognize on the New Orleans Industrial has drawn attention to everything Simmons now works as Mayor


Cantrell’s deputy communications DPEC MEMBER(S) Carter is the radio show host of The trooper presence in the French
director. He has called for DISTRICT B Good Life Radio Show and is also Quarter. Most recently, Moreno
conversations and dialogue about 14 to be elected Cantrell’s social media manager. directed Entergy to provide
renaming city spaces and removing forgiveness and credits to help out
statues, and has praised peaceful Diana Bajoie And that brings us to a whole slew those in financial need during the
protests. Though we appreciate Olander “Butch” Bajoie of these candidates who are part of pandemic (though the funding that
Simmons using his platform Charmaine Baker-Fox the Cantrell administration. We’ve Entergy is using is just money they
in a positive way, agreeing that Katherine Baudouin got Trey Caruso, Cantrell’s press were supposed to refund to people
Confederate statues and police Jonetta Bennett assistant and John Pourciau, years ago but haven’t, plus some
brutality are bad is pretty low- Artelia Bennett-Banks chief of staff who we only know storm reserve money).
hanging fruit. Seth Bloom through their statements on behalf
Justin Boone of the governing “we.” Justin District 91 state Representative
DSA-backed Jack Reno Sweeney Kristine Breithaupt Boone is also a special assistant Mandie Landry has been a
works with the Louisiana Bucket Avis M. Brock to the mayor and is on the board champion of reproductive rights,
Brigade, an organization committed Cheron Brylski of the Broadmoor Improvement the legalization of marijuana,
to fighting environmental racism in Valerie Bustamante Association where Cantrell was once and authored the newly passed
Cancer Alley. Sweeney is a potential Kevin Caldwell president. Representing Action New bill that enacted the first changes
Sanders delegate and is in favor of at Eileen Carter Orleans, Cantrell’s political action in over a hundred years to
least a $15 minimum wage, Medicare Karen Carter-Peterson committee, is Kristine Breithaupt, Louisiana’s solitary confinement
for All, and shifting the budget from Joseph “Trey” Caruso
policing to community services. Ronald C. Coleman
He is so committed to government Danae Columbus
transparency that he set up a Reddit Noa Elliott Ambitious and connected people
Ask Me Anything for his campaign. Ryan Gomez
Caroline Good
can seem like inevitable winners.
Sarah Usdin has moved through the
Teach for America ranks, ultimately
Rhys Gribbin
Eric Griggs
But this type of low-level, grassroots
becoming the state director. Usdin Christine Harvey election is exactly the place to begin
then moved on to co-found New Stacy Head
Schools for New Orleans, a nonprofit Brent Hodges undermining that assumption.
that launches and expands charter Devin Johnson
schools. We’re looking for the Steven Kennedy
opposite of that. Mandie Landry who holds the role of director laws. In a recent act of solidarity
Isidore Marshall Jr. of communications. Breithaupt with protesters, Landry used her
Incumbent and attorney Mark Erica Martinez continues to lobby for the City to campaign Facebook page to share
Vicknair was previously a public “Ed” McGinnis III receive higher shares of tourism the letter written by health care
defender in Orleans Parish. While Robert McKnight revenue. professionals condemning the use
Vicknair was a committee member Helena Moreno of teargas by the NOPD.
for the Pro Bono Project, he also sits Dana Peterson After his loss in 2017 to Jay Banks for
on the Police Community Advisory Gregory Phillips City Council District B, Seth Bloom Ronald Coleman is the new
Board (PCAB). John Pourciau is back on a ballot. Bloom came president of the board of the local
Timothy David Ray under scrutiny for his shoddy record NAACP and is tasked with helping
Elizabeth Sangisetty is a Virginia Saussy of attendance while serving on the the organization recover from the
pediatrician, member of the IWO, Nyka Scott Orleans Parish School Board, and past few years of leadership turmoil
and married to lawyer and state Elizabeth Selasky for his support of charter schools in and money mismanagement. Also
rep Ravi Sangisetty. During his Kea Sherman general. On the other hand, Bloom on the Board of the NAACP is
campaign, she published a letter in Ronald Sholes Jr. continues to have a more humanistic Gregory Phillips, who resigned
support of her husband, detailing the Beverly Smith approach to criminal justice, in from his position as CEO of James
topics that come up at their family Jonathan B. Stewart part due to his own struggle with M. Singleton Charter School and
dinners such as racial disparities Carlos Stich addiction involving opioids and his Dryades YMCA after a standardized
in health care, reproductive rights, Miles Tepper work with the Welcoming Project, test cheating scandal.
and reducing the number of ICE which assists in reintegrating
detention centers in Louisiana. District B includes the Irish formerly imprisoned young people. New to politics is Ryan Gomez,
Channel, Uptown, Broadmoor, whose platform centers around
Bishop Tom Watson founded The Central City, and the CBD. Councilmember Giarrusso’s land “progressive voices, anti-racism,
Family Center of Hope and once ran use and policy director, Katherine worker dignity, and care-based
for mayor, neither of which went You’ll recognize some names Baudouin, is also seeking a society.” Though he self-identifies
well. The center (still yet to be built), from this list (Diana Bajoie, Avis committee seat. Baudouin, who has a as being Warren-first Sanders-
which received $2.7 million of public Brock, Valerie Bustamante, background working with Medicaid second this still places him
funds, has been the subject of six Carlos Stich, and Timothy David at the Louisiana Department further left than most of the
lawsuits. Money mishandling aside, Ray) because they are also running of Health, pledges to prioritize other candidates. His website
if finally built, the center would for DSCC positions. school-based health care. On her includes a directory of progressive
provide programming for teens personal Facebook page, Baudouin organizations (and the list is not
convicted of crimes as an alternative The first in the Carter trilogy is called NOPD’s use of teargas on just full of nonprofits!) encouraging
to the juvenile detention center. Karen Carter-Peterson, Louisiana protestors “not okay” which is an people to get involved. We
All sounds great until you realize Democratic Party and state Senate understatement to say the least, appreciate the energy.
that the center won’t accept teens member. Carter-Peterson served on but stands out because among any
who have substance abuse issues, Obama’s task force developing the politicians in this city, vocal critics of Then we have Eric Griggs, a.k.a.
mental health crises, or have prior Affordable Care Act and has been the police are few and far between. Doc Griggs, who you might recognize
convictions for crimes deemed too pushing for health care expansions from his weekly slot on Fox 8 as the
violent. in the state Legislature. Her husband Councilmember Helena Moreno health educator. The “every man’s
Dana Peterson is the deputy is a mixed bag. Yes, Moreno has doctor” is adding politics to his
Summary: YES: Dinkler, Sangisetty, superintendent of external affairs supported bills aimed at decreasing laundry list of extracurriculars. At
Zervignon, Grana, Huggins, at the Recovery School District; opioid overdose deaths, providing least one can hope he’d use science-
Leitzinger, Sweeney. MAYBE: and while the guiding principles of protection for victims of sexual based information to make informed
Borne, Busch, Levitsy, Muse-Dixon, our group require us to be firmly assault, and decriminalizing public health decisions (looking at
Mitchell, Simmons. NO: Freeman, anti-charter, Peterson and his team marijuana. But Moreno (a devotee you, Avegno).
Banks (both), Bonin, Brickman, are slowly returning control from of “top cop” Kamala Harris) also
Watson, Crier, Crowley, Fayard, board to parish. Carter-Peterson’s proposed using unclaimed lottery The Tulane crowd includes Rhys
Napoli, Usdin, Vicknair. sister Eileen Carter is also running. winnings to fund increased state Gribbin, who graduated in 2019. A


not-as-recent grad, Miles Tepper DPEC MEMBER(S) expansion of City Council to include DPEC MEMBER(S)
is a special assistant to Cantrell DISTRICT C representation of New Orleans East. DISTRICT D
and co-founder of Sister District 14 to be elected As for this freshman class, we prefer 14 to be elected
NOLA, an organization helping those two over Tyler Russel, an
to elect progressive candidates. Jihad Allen urban planner who works under Gwendolyn Allen
However, they recently supported Delisha Boyd Mayor Cantrell. Eldon Delloyd Anderson
Tammy Savoie, indicating that their Joseph Broussard Jr. Patrick Armstrong
definition of progressive is a $9 Roberta B. Brown There are some red flags here Ethan Ashley
minimum wage. Another Tulane Troy A. Carter as well. Chief among them is Gabi Bonin
Sister District NOLA candidate Kenneth Cutno Marlon Defillo. At one time the Kenneth “Kenny” Bordes
is Noa Elliot, who also works David Daniels II second highest ranking officer on Leslie Bouie
for Millenial Voter Engagement John Davillier Sr. the NOPD, he retired in a hurry Gretchen Bradford
(MoVE). Marlon Defillo after blowback for his failure to Jared Brossett
Lisa Ray Diggs investigate the cops who killed and Cynthia Cade
Robert McKnight, former Orleans Ericka Edwards-Jones burned the body of Henry Glover Catherine Clayton
public defender, maintains his Leslie Ellison during Katrina. We’re also wary of Ryan Early
commitment to reforming the Rhonda Findley attorney Edwin Shorty, who is a Wayne Encalarde Jr.
criminal reform justice system David Flemings member of the Louisiana Constable Adonis C. Expose
and has previously earned an Kenneth P. Garrett Sr. and Marshall’s Association—the Maple Richmond Gaines
endorsement from Step Up Kristin Gisleson Palmer police have more than enough Eugene Green
Louisiana. Kea Sherman, Sandra Henderson-Wilson power and representation. Leslie Marguerite Green
proponent of all things girl power™, Merlin Jackson Ellison earned a reputation serving Sandra Green Thomas
is a lawyer and previous candidate Rongel Johnson on the Orleans Parish School Board, Randy Greenup
for state Representative whose Freddie King III where she argued in support of a Brandon Gregoire
political priorities have been coastal Noah Kressler bill that would have allowed charter Lois “Pye” Hazeur
restoration and improvements to Adam Lambert schools to refuse enrollment to gay Jeanne “Jon” Jackson
local infrastructure. Darren P. Lombard students by claiming, verbatim, Kevin “KJ” Jackson (withdrew)
Jordan Lombard “There is no such thing” as Alvin Johnson
Steven Kennedy is the president Jordan Hunter Mitchell seperation of church and state. Jerome Johnson
of a real estate advisory firm and Zachary “Zach” Monroe Deborah Langhoff
well-known for his involvement Nadine Ramsey Candidates like Delisha Boyd, Durrell L. Laurent
in and commitment to Justice & Edward Robinson a real estate broker, and Erika Rachel Lockhart
Beyond, a Black-led, anti-racist Tyler Russell Edwards-Jones, who is on the Percy Manson
weekly forum for progressive Edwin Shorty board of trustees at a charter school, Arthur A. Morrell
social change. Founder of the Margie Thomas give us pause for their overlapping Jared Munster
pro-legalization of marijuana Hashim Walters professional interests. David Gregory Nowak
organization CommonSense NOLA Diedre Pierce Kelly
Kevin Caldwell intrigues us. We District C is a widely diverse area, Kenneth P. Garrett Sr. previously John Price (withdrew)
applaud his pro-drug stance, but are containing parts of the French ran for state Representative on a Brandon H. Robb
disappointed that the majority of Quarter, Marigny, Bywater, platform of balancing the budget. Tammy Savoie
his focus is on the business aspect Tremé, plus Algiers and a bit of the Zachary “Zach” Monroe is a Mary R. Schultz
of marijuana and not on addressing Westbank. The ballot reflects the consultant and former campaign LaTanja Silvester-Lewis
the racial disparities in the carceral diversity of the district, in terms of manager for Mickey Murphy, Megan Snider
system or the legalized market. the wide range of candidates and former candidate for Senate who Maria Mercedes Tio
their backgrounds. lost a runoff against Beth Mizell. Iam Christian Tucker
Former editor at NOLA Family Monroe previously had worked Dominic Anthony Willard Jr.
Magazine, Christine Harvey is Running for this district are under Mary Landrieu and Cedric Matthew Willard
an “obsessive planner and mom some more established local Richmond. Though there’s not Angele Wilson
of two” who wants more police politicians like Councilmember much available in the way of
presence in her neighborhood. You Kristen Gisleson Palmer and Monroe’s own political leanings, his District D includes parts of the
might recognize incumbent Danae former Councilmember Nadine many years spent working behind Upper 9th Ward, Gentilly, Lakeview,
Columbus from her endless supply Ramsey. Palmer is one of the the scenes in Louisiana politics parts of the Tremé and a small part
of deranged Uptown Messenger more progressive members of make him a decent pick for the of New Orleans East.
articles, the most appalling of which the current council (except when experience and practical insight
supports Trump’s false assertions it comes to sex workers’ rights, he could bring to local elections. Eldon Delloyd Anderson is from
on crime. Or you might remember unfortunately). She worked to Kenneth Cutno formerly ran for New Orleans, and has worked for
when she was fired from her post increase regulations against the House, and supports criminal Take Fo’ Entertainment and Records
as City Council spokeswoman after short-term rentals, and supported justice reform and raising the (D.J. Jubilee, Katey Red, Choppa)
making a racial slur (and never construction of an affordable minimum wage. for decades. We are happy to see
apologizing for it). housing complex in the Bywater, more people in the music biz run
part of her own district, despite Rhonda Findley owns boutique for office, and Anderson seems to
Stacy Head was the only City pushback and NIMBY bigotry clothing stores in the Quarter and have strong ties to the community.
Councilmember to oppose the from some of her constituents. on Magazine. Noah Kessler is a Next up is Patrick Armstrong,
removal of the Lee statue in 2017 Her predecessor, Ramsey, had corporate finance attorney. Merlin whose abandoned blog took a
and, perhaps not coincidentally, is previously positioned herself Jackson is a lifelong teacher who detailed (if somewhat rambly) look
also notorious for being particularly against converting riverfront earned recognition from the state at New Orleans politics. Not many
hostile to Black leadership. Political property into affordable housing. for his work with young people. One people are out here writing about
consultant Cheron Brylski, who is of these is not like the others. the consent decree, the Entergy
heavily involved in charter schools, We’ve also got some fresh young stranglehold on New Orleans rate-
has also been caught playing some upstarts like Jihad Allen, whose Summary: There’s more to be wary payers, and City zoning overhauls,
bizarre race politics and tokenizing community involvement includes of than to get excited for. About but it is a valuable service.
games for her clients that can only youth mentorship and coordination half these people will get seats,
be described as... still racist. of domestic violence conferences. though, one way or the other. Harm Ethan Ashley has a history of
You might remember Hashim reduction means voting against cops, working with the charter regime
Summary: YES: Baudouin, Walters as the youngest mayoral bigots, and predatory capitalists in the school board, but has also
Coleman, Gomez, Landry, Kennedy, candidate in the 2018 election at as often as possible. YES: Palmer, worked for juvenile justice reform,
Peterson, and McKnight. MAYBE: just 22 years of age. During his run, Walters, Cutno, Jackson. MAYBE: and served as director of community
Kevin Caldwell, Elliott, Phillips, he advocated for local control of Garrett, Monroe, Allen, Russel. NO: engagement for the Urban League
and Griggs. NO: Brylski, Columbus, public schools, expanding housing Defillo, Ramsey, Shorty, Ellison, of Louisiana. In his unsuccessful run
Harvey, and Head. for low-income people, and the Boyd, Edwards-Jones. for state Representative, he backed


gender-inclusive sex education, bail DPEC MEMBER(S)
reform and ending fees for re-entry DISTRICT E
programs, and state-funded Universal 14 to be elected
Basic Income. Kenny Bordes is a civil
rights and wage law attorney running Lisa Marie Manning Ambrose
on a platform to protect civil rights Brandon Armant
and workers’ rights, and to make the Austin Badon
party more accessible. He also co- Therese Badon
hosts a civil rights law show on WHIV. Frederick M. Bell
Shawon Bernard
Gretchen Bradford is president Cathy Brice
of the Pontchartrain Park Hattie M. Broussard
Neighborhood Association, which Alisha Lain Brumfield
has promoted COVID testing Kimberly Lavon Burbank
and provided mask and food Trenton Butler
distribution in their community. he advocated for coastal restoration, for buses. He campaigned saying Alicia Plummer Clivens
Since the national uprising against education funding, and collaboration that partnerships with trade unions Shelia Collins-Stallworth
police brutality, Bradford has in government throughout the could help high school students Lena Craig-Stewart
posted about Black Lives Matter on region to improve transportation find careers. While this is not an Kelly Derbigny
her social media. Similarly, Rachel and infrastructure. He is publicly objectively terrible idea, we need to Brian P. Egana
Lockhart has a fairly progressive uncritical of the military, and his be cautious that such programs don’t Donna Glapion
social media presence. stated aims are both uncontroversial funnel Black students into dangerous Kevin Guillory
and unspecific. or underpaid jobs. Carl Haydel
Leslie Bouie is heavily involved in David Hudson
different community institutions—a This brings us to Eugene Green who Maria Mercedes Tio worked for city Jason Hughes
board member at the Preservation is on the City Planning Commission councilmember James Gray, and says Dent A. Hunter Jr.
Resource Center, which has a history and the New Orleans Council on she wants to use the DPEC position Anthony Jackson Jr.
of racist directors, and is a board Aging, and founded Nationwide to increase registration and turnout. Ashton M. Jackson
member of the Gentilly Terrace and Real Estate Corporation, a property Though Tio initially supported Thomas Jasper
Gardens Neighborhood Association. management company. He ran for Kamala Harris, she has joined Women “Jenn” Johnson
In 2016, Bouie served as board chair of Louisiana House of Representatives for Biden. In her professional life, Eric Jones
the charter network New Beginnings, and City Council before, in 2019 she has worked in public relations for Felix Jones
and approved a $175,000 salary for a and 2014, respectively. Considering politicians including Mitch Landrieu Mildred Jones
CEO. At the time, the network had just his obvious interest in housing during his time as Lieutenant Tymetrius “Tyme” Jones (withdrew)
four schools under its management, instability and disenfranchisement Governor, and also for James Gray, Willie Jones
and last year, the same CEO was via the predatory real estate former city councilmember. Barbara Lacen Keller
suspended with pay after multiple industry, we have a hearty Trecenia Conerly Lewis
allegations of malfeasance. skepticism of his candidacy. Jared Munster led the City’s Sabrina C. Mays
Department of Safety and Permitting Dawn McKendall-Hunter
Councilmember Jared Brossett is On the other hand, we have and has been executive interim Diamond Nickelson
the recently disgraced representative gardener and small business owner director of the RTA. He is now their Chelsey Richard Napoleon
of District D, after being charged Marguerite Green, who last year chief administrative officer. He Raquel Greenup Richmond
with a DWI on the first night of bars ran an inspiring but ultimately recently wrote an op-ed calling for Kenya Rounds
reopening. Just prior, he refused to unsuccessful David vs. Goliath Jared Brossett’s resignation after his Betty P. Stewart
condemn NOPD for their use of tear campaign for state agriculture DWI. David Gregory Nowak is a real Cynthia Willard-Lewis
gas and rubber bullets on nonviolent commissioner. An active DSA one, as discussed previously (DSCC /
protesters who were kettled on a member, Green ran on a platform District 97A race above). District E comprises New Orleans
bridge on the interstate. As a rule of sustainability, environmental East and the Lower 9th Ward.
we don’t find it helpful or kind to and food justice, and protecting LaTanja Silvester-Lewis is
shame people for their relationship Louisiana’s forests. another Biden delegate, and a co- You’ll recognize some names from
to substances, nor their encounters founder of the Les Femmes PAC, this list (Jenn Johnson, Austin
with the law. However, endangering Next up we have incumbent Sandra which helps elect female candidates Badon, Alicia Plummer Clivens,
the lives of others—the lives of your Green Thomas, a delegate for to Democratic offices in Louisiana. WIllie Jones, Raquel Greenup
constituents, over whom you have Joe Biden. Thomas is a founding She is also president of SEIU-Local Richmond, Lisa Marie Manning
some power—with reckless behavior member of the GU272 Descendants 21, a service workers’ union that Ambrose, Kenya Rounds) because
is certainly unacceptable. Driving Association, an association by supports the rights of school staff in they are also running for DSCC
drunk is bad, but letting cops get away and for the descendants of the New Orleans to unionize. positions (see above).
with tear gassing people makes you a 272 enslaved people sold by the
SERIOUS menace to the public. Jesuits in 1838 and trafficked from Brandon Robb is a lawyer There are those already working in
Maryland to Louisiana. The group specializing in family law and LGBTQ politics, such as incumbent Therese
2017 Zulu King Adonis Exposé has courageously sought justice civil issues in particular. Matthew Badon, who is married to Austin
runs an event management from Georgetown University—the Willard is a member of the state Badon. She is VP of development of
business and works for the Housing institution that benefited from the legislature (representing the 97th UNCF, an organization that raises
Authority of New Orleans (HANO) sale of their ancestors. District). During his house race he millions of dollars each year for
in communications. He is active in was endorsed by the AFL-CIO, the Black and POC college scholarships,
the community both professionally Durrell Laurent is president of the United Teachers of New Orleans, and as well as supporting HBCUs.
(recruiting small businesses to Edgewood Heights Neighborhood STEP UP Louisiana, an education and While we are deeply skeptical of
contract with RTA) and outside of Association and board chairman of economic justice organization. He nonprofits, we also believe that
work, collaborating with various Einstein Charter Schools. Under campaigned on fighting for lowered supporting Black students and
youth groups and organizing within Laurent’s management, Einstein property taxes for seniors and paid HBCUs is important. Given Badon’s
Zulu. Exposé ran for the Louisiana apparently failed to meet state maternity leave. He has also authored profession, we know at the very
House District 99 seat in 2019 and guidelines when, in 2019, the school legislation to improve protections for least she is a skilled fundraiser.
has expressed support for charter neglected to give over 500 students long term care facility residents. Another incumbent, Sheila Collins-
school oversight and reform. a state-mandated social studies Stallworth, is the current treasurer
exam, and failed in 2018 to provide Summary: YES: Anderson, of the OPDEC, but other than that
Brandon Gregoire previously ran for transportation for students, arguing Armstrong, Ashley, Bordes, Cade, she flies under the radar.
Louisiana State Senate in 2019. He is a that giving them free RTA vouchers (Marguerite) Green, Nowak, Silvester-
Marine Corps veteran who was also a accomplished the same goal. Running Lewis, and Willard. MAYBE: Thomas, Chelsey Richard Napoleon has been
speechwriter for the Commandant of for Louisianna State Representative, Kelly, Langhoff. NO: Brossett, (Eugene) in the business for a while and is a
the Marine Corps. In his Senate run, he then argued OPSB should pay Green, Gregoire, Morrell, Laurent. member of both the League of Women


Voters and the Independent Women’s disputes and directing teachers not Matt Matern is an attorney and
Organization. During the pandemic, to give students failing grades. entrepreneur, and there is no way
she has been working diligently to we can offer a more succinct and
provide free online access to public Dawn McKendall-Hunter works effective origin story than the one
records. Very good! Information at Young Audiences Charter School. from the man himself: “Deeply
wants to be free! Then we have Diamond Nickelson, who has impressed by Reagan’s stand against
Cynthia Willard-Lewis, a former lawn signs but no platform, is a totalitarianism, Matt became a
member of the state Senate and House social worker in the trauma unit of believer in the role of America
of Representatives. She served on City University Medical Center. as a champion of freedom and
Council during the immediate years democracy around the world.” Ah,
post-Katrina and continues to push Then we have people running yes, following in Ronnie’s footsteps
for resources for New Orleans East. from backgrounds in other areas with plans to cut taxes and end
of government, such as Kevin homelessness by giving a $10,000
There are also candidates working Guillory, who ran for judge in 2016 federal tax credit to anyone who
in City Hall or affiliated with the and continues to work as assistant takes in a person off the streets. Yes,
Cantrell Administration, such as district attorney at Orleans Parish that’s his actual policy proposal.
Kelly Derbigny, who works for Criminal District Court. Guillory PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE
Cyndi Nguyen’s office as a special hopes to steer courts away from REPUBLICAN PARTY Finally there’s Bob Ely,
project director. She does not appear punishment and towards methods entrepreneur and former
to be actively campaigning. to decrease recidivism. Meanwhile, Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente investment banker. This self-
Jason Hughes, vice president of the “Bob” Ely described jerk previously ran against
Trenton Butler actually has a City Planning Commission, cautiously Matthew John Matern Obama, claiming he didn’t know
Twitter explaining the functions oversaw the proposal for the Bywater Donald J. Trump what to do to fix the problems in our
and responsibilities of the office, mixed-income HANO development Bill Weld country except run for president, in
a promising sign as accessibility and STR regulation. Hughes wants a race he knows he’ll lose.
is part of that. He is young, a to move school control back to the In a reelection year, the presidential
Xavier grad, and has posted about Orleans Parish School Board as well as primary for the incumbent’s party Summary: Who comes to the
dismantling structural racism within invigorate business growth in the East. is little more than a formality. Since Harm Reduction Voter Guide
the Democratic Party. He is involved presidential primaries became a in ANTIGRAVITY to figure out
with the Cantrell regime, both her Sabrina Mays is the coordinator for thing, the incumbent has always who to vote for in the Republican
reelection campaign and Forward the New Orleans Black Mardi Gras received the nod from their party. Presidential primary? If this is
Together New Orleans. Indian Co-Op, having retired from the Still, hollow gestures toward you, contact us. We’d like to get to
public school system after 30 years freedom and democracy are about as know you. Weld seems the most
Barbara Lacen Keller was as both a teacher and the homeless American as baseball and systemic qualified and serious of these
a staff member for former liaison and program Director for the racism, so by all means anyone can candidates, and displays at least
Councilmember Stacy Head, which Orleans Parish School Board. Mays step up to the plate and waste a bunch some understanding of basic human
meant she was tasked with doing created summer camps for the arts, of money running for the nom. rights. It is almost impossible that
damage control for Head’s inability facilitated workshops for government he will get the 15% of votes required
to self-censor. More than once, offices, and has leadership roles in Bill Weld is currently in second to secure delegates and have an
Lacen Keller was put in the beyond the Umoja Committee, the Tremé/ place behind incumbent Donald impact at the RNC, though.
uncomfortable role of attempting Seventh Ward Cultural District Trump. By that we mean Weld has
to repair Head’s relationship with Committee, and the Tremé/Seventh one delegate to his name compared RPEC MEMBER(S)
the Black community. Ward Arts and Culture Festival. to Trump’s... all the rest. Weld is DISTRICT A
a former Republican governor of 14 to be elected
From the New Orleans Education Youth advocate and actual youth (the Massachusetts. More recently, he
system, we have Shawon Bernard, 23-year-old ran for representative of was registered as a Libertarian before John “Jay” Batt
with a background in teaching and the 100th District last year but lost to switching back to red to run in this Phil Brickman
educational administration, now Jason Hughes) Anthony Jackson primary. He endorsed Obama in ‘08 Adrian Bruneau
practicing family and educational Jr. is very pro-cop—volunteering and Romney in 2012. He wants to Christine “Chrissy” Bruneau
law. She ran for a position on the with the NOPD and Crimestoppers. do away with all tax deductions and James “Jeb” Bruneau
Louisiana Board of Elementary and No apparent familial relation but loopholes and impose a flat rate, has Michele Gaudin
Secondary Education to represent certainly ideological kin, Ashton supported legalizing marijuana since John Grillot
District 2 in 2019, though she lost. Jackson, in May of this year 2020, had the early ‘90s, and says he would Louis Gurvich
She was endorsed by the AFL-CIO a pro-incarceration Facebook post keep and build on the Affordable James T. “J. T.” Hannan
and the Louisiana Federation of AND is lead revenue accountant for Care Act, alongside deregulating Francis F. J. Hebert Jr.
Teachers and School Employees Entergy. Pass. Then we come to Carl private insurers. On his campaign David Kepper Jr.
during her run for the BESE. Haydel who is just literally a cop. site, Weld offers ye olde laissez faire Charles Eugene Marsala
Bernard advocated for a return to credo, “government should stay out Murray Nelson
local governance for the schools, One of the most well-credentialed of your wallet and [...] your bedroom.” Eugenie “Gina” Palmisano
and an overhaul of the entire system contenders is Hattie M. Broussard, Counterpoint: Trump thinks Nazis are Anne Queyrouze
rather than continuing to tweak currently a mediator working with very fine people and is moving to close Allen Richard Jr.
the extractive system in place now, the Orleans Parish Family Court COVID testing sites as the number of Patrick Sens
because students deserve better. Pilot Mediator Program. She has infected continues to surge. Kirk Williamson
worked in various federal agencies: as
Next is Brian Egana, who works assistant chief counsel for Customs Also running is Rocky De La Fuente, District A contains parts of
for NORD and is very supportive of and Border Patrol in New Orleans who ran as a Democrat in 2016 and Lakeview, Mid-City, Hollygrove
the great work that they do in the (she left in ‘95), as a field attorney for in 2018, entering nine senate races and Uptown/Carrollton. This is
community. A less positive note: he the U.S. Department of Homeland and losing them all. He denounces the only district where registered
is also involved with the Louisiana Security, and assistant United States Trump’s immigration policies—which Republicans will get to vote on
Land Trust, an organization that attorney for the Eastern District U.S. of course includes directing over members to represent the Orleans
“acquired” properties through Department of Justice (a federal four billion taxpayer dollars toward Republican Party. In the other
the Road Home post-Katrina prosecutor). She’s currently a keeping people detained under districts, all the candidates are
rebuilding and buyout program, commissioner at the New Orleans inhumane conditions at the border. running unopposed.
which discriminated against Black Redevelopment Authority. De La Fuente instead offers his own
homeowners. He is also on the board abstruse plan to “match immigrants Jay Batt comes from an old New
of a charter organization—Firstline Summary: YES: Bernard, Clivens, with job shortage.” It’s unclear Orleans family who owned the
Schools, and he is a charter apologist. Mays. MAYBE: Badon, Butler, how literally that slogan should be Pontchartrain Beach theme park
Fellow candidate Eric Jones Napoleon, Guillory. NO: Egana, taken, but his website amounts to once upon a different lifetime.
resigned from the Coghill Charter Anthony and Ashton Jackson, Jones, repeatedly referring to immigrants He served previously on the New
School Board after reimbursement Rounds, Haydel. as “assets.” Orleans City Council from 2002 to


2006. During Trump’s 2016 run, circumstances—the existing housing local autonomy on housing matters,
Batt was one of his more well-known crisis, the pandemic, unemployment, e.g. property taxes).
Louisiana supporters and even lack of adequate protections—will
served as Trump’s delegate at the no doubt trigger a wave of evictions. This is the most clear-cut example
Republican National Convention. In turn, this will destabilize lives of how voting could be considered
More recently, he’s been Angry and make it harder for people to harm reduction. Until we ultimately
Online™ about “vandalism” at BLM find or hold down jobs, plus worsen decommodify housing and achieve
protests and the Seattle autonomous public health, which will worsen true liberation, we can reduce
zone, while remaining silent on the pandemic. In other words, a real suffering by electing judges who
police brutality. feedback loop of preventable evil. are less likely to side with landlords
JUDGE 1ST CITY COURT Orleans Parish is predicted to be hit (and by letting them know we’re
A couple other big name local SECTION B the hardest in Louisiana, and the watching). Which of these judicial
Republicans are on this ballot as state itself in the top three hardest candidates can we trust to use their
well. Louis Gurvich is a third Aylin Acikalin hit nationally, according to the powers of discretion to the fullest
generation Republican and Jacqueline Gilds (withdrew) Center for Planning Excellence. and protect the renters, the low-
current chairman of the Louisiana Robbins Graham income, working class people of New
Republican Party. He’s also an Schalyece Harrison Let’s spell it out as clearly as possible: Orleans? Who among them share
attorney and owns a large private Marissa A. Hutabarat Black women and their families the values most closely aligned with
security firm, New Orleans Private Sara Lewis may be on the verge of getting the guiding principles of this voter
Patrol. Then there’s Phil Brickman, Scott Shea (withdrew) kicked out of their homes in record guide? Let’s get into it.
also an attorney, and chairman of numbers, during a pandemic that
GNOR, a local Republican PAC that This position became vacant disproportionately impacts Black On the topic of housing, the Greater
endorsed Rispone last fall. after the untimely death of Judge people, in the midst of a national New Orleans Housing Alliance
Angélique Reed, the first Black judge movement demanding we value, (GNOHA) awarded Robbins
Adrian Bruneau is a former to serve on this court. The First City protect, and defend Black lives. Graham the highest score of all five
marine who transitioned to Court of New Orleans’ jurisdiction candidates—95%. A former assistant
being a political consultant covers civil lawsuits, small claims The government should have district attorney, Graham has spent
and equates running a political suits, and evictions—which is why cancelled rent and mortgages for the bulk of his 30 years of practice
campaign to a military operation. this ballot item is arguably the the duration of the pandemic. in family law—as a child support
He advised Trump’s campaign in most important of this election. Their failure to do so will result in attorney for the Department of
Louisiana during the 2016 run. Why? New Orleans had an eviction preventable suffering and premature Children and Family Services,
His wife Chrissy Bruneau and crisis long before the pandemic death. So anyway, where are the and at the New Orleans Legal
brother Jeb Bruneau are also devastated our city’s residents judges in all of this? The CARES Act Assistance Corporation. However,
running on this ballot. Chrissy and its economy. According to a provided additional protections to
is a construction lawyer and Jeb report by Jane Place Neighborhood
is CEO of the local branch of a Sustainability Initiative (JPNSI),
national construction association,
and surely there’s nothing
in 2017, one out of every 19 renter
households faced a court-ordered
We believe that more people
fishy going on here. Certainly
there couldn’t be any ulterior
eviction (we’re making this
distinction because extrajudicial are open to radical change
motivation from this trifecta with
a blatant collective interest in
evictions aren’t possible to count)
at some point in the year. Between than the establishment would
who builds what and where in our January 2015 and June 2018, around
city seeking political prowess and
proximity to elected officials.
24,000 people were displaced have you believe
due to court-ordered evictions.
Evictions disproportionately
J.T. Hannan is the Director of occur in predominantly Black we don’t know much about how that
Advancement for the Archdiocese neighborhoods, particularly in properties that participate in federal experience shaped his perspective
of New Orleans Office of Catholic neighborhoods that were the victims programs, and courts around the on the law, or on his positions in
Schools. Kirk Williamson of redlining and disinvestment, and country have been trying to figure general. In contrast, there is ample
ran for the Louisiana House of particularly in neighborhoods that out how to navigate those provisions, proof of Graham’s volunteer efforts.
Representatives in 2019 and lost, are more affordable. given that many tenants don’t know Photos of him helping out with food-
but not before getting involved in a if their landlords are covered or distribution, participating in faith
shady smear campaign against his The big picture? Our eviction not, and some homeowners might community events, NORD benefits,
opponent. rate is nearly double the national not be aware that they qualify. New and more abound on his Facebook
rate, and in the most vulnerable Orleans’ solution to that? Instead page. He also shared a video on
Charles Eugene Marsala is an neighborhoods it can even be of extending the moratorium to the destruction of Black Wall
author, historian, and investment closer to four times that rate. match the end date of the CARES Street—an act of white terrorism
banker. If you had to choose JPNSI launched an eviction court protections, they’ve decided to about which far too few people are
someone off this list, Marsala monitoring project in September operate on an honor system where aware. Unfortunately, he also shared
might be the best bet, insofar as 2019. Based on six months of landlords have to swear they aren’t dubious copypasta on COVID-19
he seems the least like the bad monitoring, their initial report evicting in defiance of CARES rules. prevention (don’t eat ice cream!) and
guy from a ‘90s movie. It is worth found that renters who are evicted Landlords are totally notorious a conspiracy theory video about how
noting, though, that he’s recently by court-order are mostly Black, for being honest even when it’s the virus is a Bill Gates illuminati
had a lot to say about racist statues mostly Black women, mostly evicted to the detriment of their wealth plot to depopulate the earth. Though
coming down, defending some in a for owing just one month’s rent or accumulation, right? And how will we have little trust in the world’s
kind of thinly-veiled “well, here’s even less, and that most appeared the affidavits be verified? How will elite, being a public figure and using
the whole story” way. without the benefit of an attorney. violations be discovered, enforced, your platform to spread health
or penalized? Will violations result misinformation could actually
Summary: In a race like this it’s In April, a third of this entire in evictees being rehomed? (No.) harm people, and demonstrates
hard for us to say yes to any of country’s tenants couldn’t make questionable judgement. So we don’t
these candidates. Instead, we’re rent. In May, unemployment This scenario shares two crucial think he should be a judge.
saying definitely stay away from in New Orleans hit 24%. The commonalities with business-as-
Batt, Brickman, Gurvich—who has temporary moratorium on usual in New Orleans eviction court: A pro bono attorney at the Justice
enough political power—and the evictions did not include rent Judges will have some discretion and Accountability Center,
disconcerting Bruneau blob in the or mortgage cancellation, and (but many will pretend they don’t, Hollygrove’s own Schalyece
middle of the ballot. Williamson eviction courts have just reopened or won’t exercise it). And also, judges Harrison has also been out in
is also a no from us, and Hannan (with new evictions going to court will be limited because of decisions the community, serving food,
should be avoided if you value just two days after early voting on the federal and state level (the distributing masks, supporting
reproductive rights. ends). The accumulation of these state constitution significantly limits local Black-owned bookstores—and
sharing information about renters’ District Court, she joined Glago informed by her stint as a domestic something is legal doesn’t mean
rights during the pandemic. It’s clear Law Firm. Hutabarat says she is violence extern at Southeast it’s not ultimately genocidal. We
Harrison wouldn’t take her role in for “working families, ex-offenders, Louisiana Legal Services. SLLS don’t trust any public officials (or
deciding eviction cases lightly. She local businesses, and anyone else has been an essential resource for nonprofits) who aren’t ultimately
noted in an interview that tenants feeling locked out of the American housing assistance during COVID, working toward the goal of making
in court are often “unrepresented Dream,” which seems substantiated and Lewis has used her platform their job obsolete. We don’t know
single moms.” Harrison says she is by her volunteer work as a pro to highlight their foreclosure- if Lewis shares our interpretation,
best qualified because “we need a bono attorney for FIP-led reentry prevention presentations during but her words, policies, and record
judge who is from this community advocates The First 72+. The elusive this time. Lewis tied with Harrison distinguish her from the other
and understands our culture and (illusory) American Dream, and the for second in the GNOHA housing candidates in our eyes.
our traditions and who will treat legal stumbling blocks peppering the scorecard (both still earning an A),
everyone with dignity and respect minefield defending it, play a major and referred to our eviction rate as a Summary: Sara Lewis publicly
no matter their race, age, or income role in Hutabarat’s origin story. As “crippling burden.” endorses the policies and values
level.” Eviction court is a circus of a child she watched her father, an that do the least damage to New
misery and cruelty and it’s crucial for immigrant from Singapore, battle a Lewis was also clear about pointing Orleanians. We’ll have to hold her
any prospective judge to understand predatory, xenophobic collections to the racial dimension of the to that. Marissa Hutabarat has
that. But Harrison’s views on other agency in court—and win. housing crisis, noting that “in offered fewer specifics but is a solid
matters are less clear-cut. On one communities of color, 1 in 4 people second choice.
voting guide, she is opposed to Like other candidates, Hutabarat will deal with an eviction in three
ending cash bail and reducing the has been out in the community years, compared to 1 in 24 for
number of people held on remand. delivering food and visiting seniors predominantly white areas.” Of all
But she is also signatory on a letter throughout the election/pandemic, the candidates, Lewis made perhaps
demanding the end of cash bail. Her and her care for them seems the most substantive statement
stated opposition to restorative genuine. She hasn’t remained silent about Black Lives Matter in the
justice tools, trauma-informed on racial justice in the past month, wake of the George Floyd uprisings,
practices, and excessive sentencing sharing Black Lives Matter posts on writing that “it is the duty of those
is surprising and disappointing. her social media (but not discussing of us who are beneficiaries of our
Her stated support for the school- how the court system upholds white systems of white supremacy to
to-prison pipeline. That seems supremacy). The word that came to dismantle them.” The judiciary is,
disqualifying in a city that cages mind as we researched Hutabarat of course, one such system. Perhaps
traumatized kids at an alarming rate. was electable—which takes on a new Lewis’ identity as the descendent
It’s disappointing—we would love to dimension of accuracy with her of Holocaust survivors aided her
see Angélique Reed’s seat filled by a most recent (at time of printing) in understanding that just because
Black woman from Hollygrove. social media post depicting her
alongside Joe Biden, both endorsed
Aylin Acikalin is the only candidate by the Orleans Parish Democratic This guide was compiled using EARLY VOTING SITES
not to earn an A on GNOHA’s Executive Committee. That information published by the
scorecard, and that’s no surprise—as descriptor—invoking confidence, Louisiana Department of State, for City Hall
a staffer for Nadine Ramsey, she yet also a nervous tautology—can the parish of Orleans. Depending on 1300 Perdido Street
participated in a pro-developer, anti- connote disdain, which we don’t where you live, your ballot may differ Room 1W24 70112
neighborhood effort to build the Sun have for Hutabarat. She seems from this guide. Visit voterportal.
Yard hotel (the neighborhood won). extremely qualified, hard-working, to view your ballot by your Algiers Courthouse
Also while working for Ramsey, and polished. We simply mean that name or address. Saturday election 225 Morgan Street
she was on the tourist-developer she doesn’t seem to have made any voting hours are from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Room 105 70114
side again in a scheme to push an mistakes, but also hasn’t taken any
unpopular zoning change benefitting particularly tough positions publicly. Vote early and vote often! If you Chef Menteur Voting Machine
properties owned by Acikalin’s own are registered and don’t care to Warehouse Site
relatives. Her father was also a donor In responses to our survey, trilingual vote, please find someone who is 8870 Chef Menteur Highway 70126
to Ramsey’s campaign, to the tune of civil litigator Sara Lewis wowed currently incarcerated, on parole,
almost $6,000. We know nepotism us by being in favor of legislation undocumented, or otherwise Lake Vista Community Center
is as New Orleanian as potholes, but that allows, promotes, and funds disenfranchised from voting, but 6500 Spanish Fort Blvd. 70124
this behavior lends little credence supervised consumption sites, wants their opinions heard. You can
to her promise that as judge she decriminalization of drugs, and vote for their interests. FURTHER READING AND
would “not consider political or decriminalization of sex work. RESOURCES
special interests.” Acikalin refused You might think these views We suggest you bring a photo ID to
to answer most questions on a voter would make Lewis an outsider or the polls, but if you do not have one League of Women Voters of
education survey, using the broadest longshot candidate, but you’d be you can still cast a ballot by signing New Orleans
possible interpretation of Judicial wrong—she won the New Orleans a voter affidavit which vouches for Candidate biographies and
Canon 7.B.(d) to dodge having Bar Association poll in a landslide, your identity. The secretary of state questionnaires
to state any positions she could winning 60%, 42 points ahead audits all voter affidavits after the
possibly be held accountable for of the runner-up. Other lawyers election to ensure that you are who
later. That stringent code of conduct, love her, and she’s been endorsed you say you are. Voters Organized to Educate
however, does not prevent her from by the Independent Women’s Equal justice and civil rights
releasing tone-deaf liberal lullabies Organization, Alliance for Good If you have a disability, you are advocacy
on her COEXIST-bumper-sticker- Government, and the New Orleans entitled to receive assistance to cast
esque Soundcloud page. Lyrics like Coalition. Regarding measures your vote. If your assigned polling
“I am Catholic / I am Buddhist / I am to reduce incarceration rates, she place is not accessible, you can vote
Black / I am white / I am a refugee indicated support for ending cash at the nearest polling place with
child tonight” do actually help us bail, sentence reduction and early the same ballot or at the Registrar This voter education guide is
understand why this white, blonde release initiatives, an end to youth of Voters Office. For more details published primarily as a resource
woman saw fit to represent herself incarceration, and implementation on disability and voting, see the and does not constitute an official
as a “racially diverse” candidate of restorative justice approaches Louisiana Secretary of State’s voting endorsement of any candidate or
(invoking her Turkish heritage). instead of imprisonment. If elected, information page ( proposition by ANTIGRAVITY
Lewis says she will establish a pro or the New Orleans Harm
Marissa Hutabarat has collected bono volunteer mediation process As of press time, the deadline to register Reduction Network.
quite the roster of endorsements, to resolve disputes, as an alternative for this election has passed. Early
including councilmembers, state to bringing civil cases to trial. voting ends on July 4. The last day to
Representatives, and the AFL-CIO. Lewis is also in favor of ending the request a mail ballot is July 7 (other
After clerking at the Fourth Circuit school-to-prison pipeline and using than military and overseas voters). all images public domain
Court of Appeals and the Civil trauma-informed practices, perhaps


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