3 RD Level Sir
3 RD Level Sir
3 RD Level Sir
From the Teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani as Taught By Shaykh Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi
Soul’s Subtlety
Moon – Maqam al Fardani
Color: White
Season: Winter
Archangel: Izrail/Azrael (as)
Companion: Abu Bakr Siddiq (as) – The Truthful, Guide within the City of Knowledge
Pillar of Islam: Zakat (Charity)
Highlights of the Station of the Sirr e Sir (Secret of the Secret) in Upcoming Articles:
Ibrahim (as) – Let the divine fire burn falsehood and bad characteristics
Ibrahim (as) was Saved from Fire – O Fire be Cool and Peaceful – Bardan wa Salaman (Quran 17:80 )
Musa (as) – blessed with Hearing [0] and speaking [1] to his Lord – two essential attributes of knowledge
Abu bakr (as) -Perfection of Iman (faith), Love Prophet (s) more than yourself
Hearing and Seeing produce Real Taste – Haqq al ya’qeen (Truth of Certainty) – Realm of Light
The Souls perfection will perfect your Physicality allowing you to reach to Physical Perfection.
Allah will take from the believers their Dunya and will exchange Akhira with them. This is the best of bargains.
Sayyidina Abu Bakr As-Sadiq. Abu Arwah Guide of the City is the Father of all Siddiqeen.
Station of Akhfa – أخفاءRepresents Annihilation
And then we get to the two gates that enter at the bottom of the lata’if which are from the Sir o Sir and then
the Khafa. Allah (Azza wa Jal) says in Surat Isra verse eighty that: this is the gate of the Siddiq. Maqaa as-Siddiq.
We are asking: yaa Rabbi with these realities You are opening, that for Sayyidina Jibreel to dress the soul, and
Sayyidina Mikhail is dressing, and these servants are supported by these angelic realities. They take from these
angelic realities. Means they take from Sayyidna Jibreel the knowledges that are being bestowed upon the soul, they
take the support from Sayyidina Mikhail to struggle in the way of Allah (Azza wa Jal) and to dress their sustenance
and bless their sustenance.
Then comes Sayyidina Azrael and Sayyidina Israfil. Sayyidina Azrael is on the Sir o Sir and is coming to teach you
how to die. That I have to come to teach you to go through the gate of the Siddiq, means to leave this dunya (matrial
wolrd) with a way that Allah (Azza wa Jal) gave to you, to leave this way in a noble and honored way. Don’t wait
for Allah (Azza wa Jal) to come and call you back in a condition that you don’t know what condition you are in,
but mawt qabl al-mawt (dead before dead).
That if you want our way, we will come, Prophet (salallahu `alayhi wa sallam) will send us (angels), to teach you
that at every moment not to be attached to this world. And every test will begin to come to you so that you don’t
hold the world like this (tight fisted): O I am not going to change, this is what I want. No, no this world has to be
like a string for you, if they pull it, it falls out of your hand, that there is no attachment. That is through Sayyidina
Leave from the Gate of Siddiq (Truthful)
Sayyidina Azrael begins to come to the servant and keeps teaching, that death is coming, death is coming, lose the
taste of this dunya, hub ad-dunya and direct yourself to the hub of Akhirah and to the love of Akhirah, which is to
the love of Sayyidina Muhammad (salallahu `alayhi wa sallam). Then begin to open the secret of ayat al-kareem that
how yaa Rabbi constantly reciting: yaa Rabbi let me leave from the gate of the Siddiq.
Means then when we are passing from this Sir as Sir (Secret of Secrets), passing through this Akhfa, then maqam Sir
as Sir, from the Sir (Secret) to Sir as Sir (Secret of Secrets), then this is the stations of light, that we talked a few
nights ago before that are under the authority of Sayyidina Ibrahim and Sayyidina Musa alayhis salaam.
Ibrahim (as) Teaches Can’t Enter Divine Presence with Bad Characteristics
Sayyidina Ibrahim alayhis salaam describing that: if you want to enter into these realities and enter into the Divinely
Presence, enter into the oceans of faith, there is a big fire in front of you. What people call the fire
of jahannam (hellfire). What we use in computers is a firewall. You have a computer, it’s a firewall. The firewall is
for what? It is to defend the server against viruses, against badness and bad characteristics. They begin to teach us
that your characteristics, your bad energy, your bad ideas, your bad understanding, they won’t be allowed in
Divinely Presence. They are going to pass through the firewall. They are going to pass through that cleansing. They
are going to be washed.
Then they teach you: lose all other than what Allah ‘Azza wa Jal wants. Anything that you are taking with you of a
desire, of a character, of something that not pleasing to the Divinely Presence, it’s going to burn in that fire like a
moth that is directed to the flame. Means that lose those desires now so that you don’t face the difficulty of the
Wudu (ablution) Makes Fire of Anger Cool and Peaceful
Sayyidina Ibrahim alayhis salaam comes and teaches that, “They build the fire to throw me within that fire and
‘Qul ya nahru kuni bardan wa salaaman ‘ala Ibrahim’,”
٦٩ ﴿ قُ ْلنَا يَا نَا ُر ُكونِي بَرْ دًا َو َساَل ًما َعلَ ٰى إِ ْب َرا ِهي َم
21:69 – “Qulna ya Naaru, kuni Bardan wa Salaman ‘ala Ibrahim.” (Surat al Anbiya)
“We said, “O fire, be cool and Peaceful upon Abraham.” (Holy Quran, The Prophets 21:69)
Means that you take a path. Once you are in the tariqa, you take a path, [saying] “Ya Rabbi, don’t let me to be filled
with ghadab (anger). Don’t let anger to overtake.” Anger burns all ‘amal (actions), so any good ‘amal will be lost
with anger. Any good actions will be burnt away with anger.
So then they actively begin to pursue their anger to be dropped, their anger to be dropped. Every wudu, say “Qul ya
There is the process. They came to Imam Shafi and they asked him about all of these things, they said, “Oh prove
this for me, prove this for me. Where is this, where is that,” and he gave very simple example. He said, “Bring a
bucket of milk for me,” and they brought a bucket of milk. And he said, “Would you believe that in this milk there is
butter? Would you believe that in this milk there’s like, cottage cheese? How many products you can make from this
milk? They are all there but why you not seeing them? Because there is a process in which to process and produce
that milk and it becomes the butter, it becomes the cottage cheese, it becomes the ghee (clarified butter). But if you
don’t do anything with it, it stays as milk. It has all of its potential but didn’t reach what Allah ‘ Azza wa
Jal wanted.”
Means: “Qalb al mu’min baytullah.” Baytullah must be very powerful if it’s really baytullah and these are the