Seismic Resistance of Type 2 Exterior Beam-Column
Seismic Resistance of Type 2 Exterior Beam-Column
Seismic Resistance of Type 2 Exterior Beam-Column
An experimental investigation of the behavior of external beam-col- of all internationally known researchers in the field ap-
umn joints with inclined reinforcing bars under seismic conditions is pears.
presented. A simple technique to prevent these elements from failing
in premature, explosive cleavage shear fracture was implemented for Paulay, Park, and Phillips5 first introduced the idea
the first time. Twenty full-scale reinforced concrete exterior beam- of using inclined main reinforcement to prevent brittle
column subassemblies were tested. The primary variables were the failure in short reinforced concrete coupling beams.
amount of inclined bars, the ratio of the column-to-beam flexural Following the work of Paulay, Park, and Phillips, 5
capacity, and the joint shear stress. Test results showed that use of Minami and Wakabayashi6 and Tegos and Penelis' ap-
crossed inclined bars in the joint region is one of the most effective
ways to improve the seismic resistance of exterior reinforced concrete plied the idea in short columns and carried out some
beam-column joints. experiments. The results showed that the columns with
inclined reinforcing bars performed considerably better
than those with conventional reinforcement. Beam-col-
Keywords: beam-column frame; beams (supports); columns (supports); con· umn joints have many similarities in geometry, state of
nections; cyclic loads; earthquake-resistant structures, fiber reinforced con-
crete; hinges (structural); joints (junctions); metal fibers; reinforced concrete; stress, and mechanical behavior with short columns and
reinforcing steel; shear strength; structural analysis. coupling beams. For these reasons, the efficiency of a
new nonconventional reinforcing pattern by the use of
crossed inclined bars is examined as a way of improv-
Current design philosophy permits moment-resisting ing the seismic performance of Type 2 exterior beam-
frames subjected to seismic loading, apart from a few column connections. 8•9
exceptions, to be induced into the inelastic range where
the forces that develop in parts of the structure will ex-
ceed their design values. 1•3 In this phase of inelastic in- RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
tensity, the beam-column joints are obliged to resist This study investigates the improvement in the seis-
high horizontal and vertical shear stresses coming from mic behavior of exterior reinforced concrete beam-
the adjacent beams and columns. This occurs during a column joints resulting from the presence of inclined
large number of inelastic cycles and while the joints reinforcing bars in their core region. The tests on exter-
need to dissipate large energy amounts. However, in nal beam-column joints reported herein show that it is
spite of systematic research that has been carried out possible to achieve highly ductile behavior by reinforc-
investigating the behavior of reinforced concrete beam- ing these structural elements with the proposed new,
to-column connections in the past 25 years in the nonconventional reinforcing pattern.
United States, New Zealand, and Japan, we have not The comparison of this new reinforcing type with the
succeeded in improving satisfactorily this behavior, the other well-known nonconventional type of using steel
specific features of which are extreme decrease of (a) fibers showed that the former pattern has remarkable
strength; (b) stiffness; and (c) energy dissipation capac- advantages that offer better seismic beam-column joint
ity, all of which may lead to collapse of the whole performance, economy in construction, and structural
structure. simplicity of design.
Attempts at improving beam-column joint perform-
ance resulted in nonconventional ways of reinforcing, ACI_Structural Journal, V. 89, No. I, January-February 1992.
Rec~1ved Apr. 16, 199!, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
such as the use of fiber concrete. For this type of rein- Copyng~t © 1992, Amencan Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
fo~ement, more research is proposed by ACI-ASCE the makmg of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright propri-
etors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the November-December 1992
Committee 352, 4 in which the recent design philosophy ACI Structural Journal if received by July I, 1992.
51 3~14 [g 3$14 2$141012 $!4 3$8 4$14 0 5360 340(225) ~1.43(20) 2.79(1.40) 7 .36( 12) 0.75(0.47)
XI " " 3$8 0 4$14 3770 340 ( 268) 21.43(20) 2. 79(1.40) 8. 77(12) 0. 75(0 .47)
52 2$10 IDJz$10 2~12101 2~12 3$8 4$14 0 3770 340(230) 30 .00(20) I. 38( I. 40) 9.16( 12) 0. 75(0.47)
l$!0 l$10
xz " " 3$8 0 4~14 3480 340(239) 30.00(20) 1.42(1.40) 9. 54(12) 0. 75(0.47)
54 3~10 o 3$10 2~14
IOI 2$12
2~14 3$8 4$!4 0 3040 340(299) 30.00(20) 0.97(1.40) 17 .58(12) 0. 75(0.47)
56 2$14 [OJ 2$14 4$141014$14 3$8 4~14 0 4780 340( 238) 21.43(20) 1.04(1.40) 15.58(12) 0.75(0.47)
VI x6 " " 3$8 0 4~14 3910 340(263) 21.43(20) 1.06(1.40) 17 .22(12) 0.75(0.47)
x7 2$14 !DJ2$14 3$8 0 6~10 2610 340(322) 21.43(20) 1.06(1.40) 21.09(12) 0. 75(0.47)
x8 " 3$8 0 4~10 2750 340(314) 21.43(20) 1.03(1.40) 20.53(12) 0. 75(0.47)
y1 " " 0 0 0 3330 340( 285\ 21.43(20) 1.02( 1.40) 18.66(12) 0(0.47)
.L 3 4tl4
also conventionally reinforced, the only difference be- a. The percentage of inclined reinforcing bars.
ing that its joint vertical shear reinforcing bars were b. The ratio of column moment strengths versus
placed in the other columns' opposite sides, thus in- beam-moment strength at the joint, hereafter called
creasing the moment strength of the columns (see Ta- MR .
ble 1). .c. The horizontal joint shear stress determined by the
All these series were used to determine the efficiency parameter 'Y• as is defined by ACI-ASCE Committee
of the inclined bars when they replace an
equal amount 352. 4
of vertical joint shear reinforcement. Specimen S~ was Committee 3524 specifies maximum allowable joint
used to answer the possible question that the improve- shear stresses in the form of 'YJ!I, where joint shear
ment obtained from the proposed inclined reinforcing stress factor vis a function of the joint type (i.e., inte-
bars is simply caused by an increase in the columns' rior, exterior, etc.) and of the severity of the loading,
moment strength due to the presence of the inclined and f: is the concrete compressive strength. Lower lim-
bars' development lengths (Fig. 1). its of flexural strength ratio MR are also confirmed by
The seventh series consisted of two specimens rein- the Committee. Thus for the beam-column connections
forced in the joint region with different percentage of examined in this investigation, the lower limits of MR
inclined bars compared with that of specimen X 6 • The and 'Yare 1.40 and 12, respectively.
influence of the increase in the amount of inclined re- Exterior beam-column specimens with flexural
inforcing bars in the seismic behavior of the exterior strength ratio greater than 1.40 and joint shear stresses
beam-column joints is examined with the aid of this se- lower than 12./1: psi are considered to be the specimens
ries of specimens. with optimal MR and 'Y values. On the contrary, exte-
The characteristics of eighth series specimens in the rior beam-column specimens with flexural strength ra-
beam-column connection region were the following. tio less than 1.40 and joint, shear stresses higher than
Plain concrete and concrete from the same batch rein- 12./1: psi are considered to be the specimens with non-
forced with 1.0 percent by volume steel fibers were used optimal MR and 'Y values. The first series specimens
in the joint region of specimens P 1 and F 1, respectively, have optimal values for the parameters MR and v val-
while higher strength concrete was used in the joint re- ues. The second series specimens had joint shear stress
gion of specimens 0 1, Ytt and F2• Adequate shear rein- much lower than 12./1: psi, while their flexural strength
forcement consisting of stirrups was provided in the ratios were very close to 1.40. All other specimens used
beam-column connections of specimens 0 1 and F 2 , have nonoptimal values for MR and 'Y. The choice of
while specimens P 1, Y 1, and F 1 had no beam-column these values was made intentionally to see clearly the
connection reinforcement. The eighth series specimens seismic behavior improvement of specimens reinforced
had the same beam and column reinforcement as the with inclined bars, while the seismic behavior of their
sixth series specimens S6 and X 6 and were used to ex- corresponding conventionally reinforced specimens
amine the efficiency of the proposed reinforcement would be ineffective. All specimens had the same con-
pattern compared with the use of steel fibers as rein- fining reinforcement except for the unreinforced speci-
forcement.10-12 Details concerning reinforcements and mens P 1 and Ytt and the same development length for
material properties are summarized in Table 1. the hooked beam bars. 4 Due to the changes in material
The principal variables of the testing program were: properties and physical constraints, the _experimental
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1992 5
r- 700 --+~--- 2.800 ----t-700 1 Table 2 - Comparison of theoretical and experi-
mental results
one-way actuators M, Mbmax
8 a,
" Series Specimen MRcal MRexp vru/ M,y M,y kN
.. v""
8.59 1.15
X, 1.42 1.26 9.54 8.41 1.19 1.25 17.24
S, 1.04 1.07 13.22 9.57 0.95 1.04 8.43
X, 1.10 1.02 11.09 9.00 1.04 1.15 13.53
S, 0.97 1.31 17.58 10.18 0.74 0.78 7.36
axial load jack X, 0.94 1.18 19.54 12.18 0.77 0.84 14.06
S, 1.20 1.41 17.90 10.94 0.78 0.84 12.44
X, 1.17 1.27 19.08 13.70 0.82 0.94 17.63
s, 1.04 1.27 15.58 9.85 0.78 0.79 7.15
Fig. 2- Test setup (dimensions in mm, 1 mm = 0.039 VI X, 1.06 0.98 17.22 14.05 0.99 1.10 16.67
s; 1.79 1.95 16.62 11.28 1.01 1.03 8.55
X, 1.06 1.18 21.09 15.26 0.80 0.93 13.05
X, 1.03 1.26 20.53 12.90 0.72 0.83 11.26
P, 1.03 1.82 22.38 9.50 0.57 ,0.57 4.37
Y, 1.02 1.53 18.66 8.93 0.68 0.68 3.92
VIII F, 1.04 1.32 21.71 13.10 0.80 0.80 5.18
0, 1.04 1.65 20.00 9.80 0.59 0.63 5.63
F, 1.00 1.41 18.27 9.60 0.70 0.70 12.60
specimens of Type S. The eighth series specimens
showed extreme decrease of strength, stiffness, and en- 0
ergy dissipation capacity.
For the sake of easier observation of strength degra- 20
dation, diagrams of percent yield strength versus the 25
displacement ductility are plotted (Fig. 7). The yield 35
40 ®
was measured during the test from the plot of the ap- 45
plied load versus the displacement of the load point and 55
60 cycle number
corresponded to the case when significant decrease in 65
the stiffness of the subassemblage occurred. From these
diagrams the following observations can be made:
Specimens S~o XI, x2, x4, Xs. x6, x7, and Xs performed
very well by maintaining their yield strength for dis- Fig. 4 - Loading sequence
170KN vo
1/ 160 K
I / II
./ v / I
'r- 2/
I/ 141
jo I jll 140 7 II I 6
'IV 1/ I20 1/111
/ I
-10 -90-111-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 ~ II
1 I -10 -90-60-70-60-50-<10-30-20 -10 ~ ~v I I
)/ t::: ~~ I I 1/
• vv b P;~ 1/ I J A
1/ I II l vvv vv 1/
1/1/ I I
'II 1/~ / /
1/ II J a f,o 20 JO 40 so so 10 eo omm 1/ I ~ ~ fto 2010 40 607080901 !lamm
I 1/V
v I 111 I
v 20
I 1/ v ~v v VI I
I I II/~ 1/ l/11/ I
v l11
I 5 4 v v 1/1--'
{ 2
vv./ -SO
v I specimen 51
specimen x 1
l c
I3 I IY 7ls_
I ~H
-7p-&>-5HO-l0-~-10 u 20
r1 fT
~.~~ w uV
-7 -60-50-40-30-20-10 V-~v A
~ 21
f++-t-bf'YJ,flbf./ -t--+--1-+-+---1
I -3o
I/ I
f-1, ~'*fH.P.'!-V_,j_J-·b -t--+--1-+-+---1 7 -40
--~spec imen s2
specimen x 2
o specimen s,
140 o specimen P,
c spec::iml!n 5 2
"specimen Y,
11 specimen S3
.:. specimen F,
• specimens.,. • specimen 0 1
• specimen S11
... specimen Se
• specimen F2
... specimen 5 8
" specimen 5$
X SpeCimen 56
G specimenX 8
10 12
Displacement ductility
Fig. 7(a) -Maximum load carried by Specimens S1
through s~ at various displacement levels. Displacement ductility
c the beam near the column. At the conclusion of the
.., o specimen x, test, their joints and critical column regions near the
~ 80
a specimen XI!
1>. specimen x3
• specimen X.o~
joint were almost intact, while the damage concen-
• specimen X11
... specimen X11 trated in their plastic hinge regions and had two char-
" specimen X7
G specimen X8 acteristic features: concrete rupture in the beam com-
pression zones and buckling of beam reinforcement
10 12 13
(Fig. 8).
Displacement ductility
The second failure mode is that of Specimen S1 •
There was again formation of a plastic hinge in the
Fig. 7(b)- Maximum load carried by Specimens X 1 beam near the column and more damage concentration
through X 8 at various displacement levels
in this region, but there was little damage in the joint,
placement ductilities of 5 or higher. Specimens with in- with partial loss of joint concrete cover (Fig. 8).
clined bars had a higher load-carrying capacity than the The third failure type is that of Specimens S2 , S3, X3 ,
conventionally reinforced specimens. For S2 , S3 , S4 , S5 , and ~. All specimens developed flexural hinges in their
S6 , S~, and for all the eighth series specimens, the load- beams. Damage occurred both in this region and on the
carrying capacity was sharply reduced after a displace- beam-column joint (Fig. 8).
ment ductility of approximately 2. In the fourth failure type, which is that of Specimens
X 5, X7 , and S6 , despite the appearance of hairline cracks
Failure modes during the first two cycles of loading, both in the joint
Five distinct failure modes were observed: and at the end of the beam, subsequent cycles resulted
The first is the failure mode of Specimens X 1 and X2• in an increase of the width of the cracks only in the
Both specimens developed flexural hinges at the end of joint (Fig. 8).
8 ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1992
specimen xl specimen sl specimen x2 specimen s2
Fig. 8- Cracking configuration of specimens Xi> Sl> X 2, S2, X 6, S6> s;, F2 • (Cracking configuration of Specimens
S3, X 3 is identical with that of Specimens S2, X 6 ; cracking configuration of Specimens X 5, X 7 is identical with that of
Specimens;; and cracking configuration of Specimens S4, S5, X 4, X 8, P 1, Y 1, 0 1, F 1 is identical with that of Speci-
mens S6> F2 )
The fifth failure mode is that of Specimens S4 , S5, S6 , in the pastic hinge region (Fig. 8). However, for Speci-
X4 , X8 , and of all the eighth series specimens. In this men s2, the load-carying capacity deteriorated after the
mode there was formation of hairline cracks across the fourth cycle [Fig. 5, 7(a)].
joint during the first cycle of loading. Subsequent cy- A major cause for stiffness loss in the specimens is
cles resulted in an increase of the width of the cracks in the slippage of the column bars through the joint and
this region. The specimens' beams were intact at the the pullout of the beam's longitudinal reinforcement
conclusion of the test (Fig. 8). from the joint, especially when the joint yields earlier
during the test and the cracked joint concrete loses its
Effect of inclined reinforcing bars in combination ability to resist the bond forces. Thus the less cracked
with MR andy the beam-column joint concrete is, or the later the
The beam-column connections of Specimens S1 and beam-column joint yields during an earthquake, the less
X 1 , which had very optimal values for design parame- beam and column reinforcement slippage occur.
ters MR and 'Y that involved very low horizontal and By correlating the stiffnesses of the hysteresis loops
vertical joint shear stresses, showed increased strength of specimens S2 and X 2 , expecially near the zero dis-
and ductility and permitted their adjacent beams to de- placement point (pinching of hysteresis loops, Table 2),
velop bending moments 25 and 40 percent higher, re- it can be seen that the inclined bars reduce the slippage
spectively, than their flexural strengths during the first of beam and column longitudinal reinforcement in the
cycle of loading (Table 2). Also, this strength increased joint region by increasing joint strength and ductility
continuously until the fifth cycle in Specimen S1 [Fig. 5, and by reducing the joint concrete cracking.
7(a)] and until the last cycle in Specimen X 1 [Fig. 5, The inclined reinforcing bars helped Specimen X 2
7(b)], while their hysteresis loops show high energy dis- improve its resistance by a change in the failure mode
sipation capacity, minimal decrease in stiffness, and compared with Specimen S2 • It is worth noting that
little pinching. The presence of inclined reinforcing bars Specimen X 2 's joint was intact at the end of the test
in the joint region of Specimen X 1 enhanced its load- while the joint of Specimen S2 had extensive damages
carrying capacity compared with that of Specimen S1 (Fig. 8).
[Fig. 5, 7(a) and (b)]. Besides, the joint of Specimen X 1 Beam-column connections of the other specimens are
was intact at the conclusion of the test, while in Speci- designed with nonoptimal values for parameters MR
men S1 the joint lost part of the concrete cover (Fig. 8). and 'Y. The hysteresis loops of speciments with inclined
As shown in Fig. 5, Specimen X2 maintained its max- bars demonstrated increased strength, ductility, and
imum first cycle load through the eighth cycle of load- energy dissipation capacity and less joint damage com-
ing, while the little strength degradation in the follow- pared with those of their corresponding conventionally
ing cycles is caused by intensive buckling of beam bars reinforced specimens. A representative example of
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1992 9
exterior beam-column joint's seismic resistance im- cycle, during the last cycle, and the strain gage data of
provement with the presence of inclined bars, while the the vertical shear joint reinforcement for the first cycle,
values of MR and 'Y are nonoptimal, is given by Speci- respectively. It can be seen that the inclined bars yield
men X6 • Fig. 9(a) and (b) show the strain gage data of during the first cy~le but remain active during the whole
Specimens S6 and X6., beam-column joint reinforce- test. The opposite occurs with the vertical joint rein-
ments, respectively, during the first quadrant of load- forcement of Speciment S6 that did not yield. This leads
ing. Fig. lO(a) through (c) show the strain gage data of to the conclusion that inclined bars accept more shear
Specimen X6 's inclined reinforcing bars during the first stresses than vertical joint shear reinforcement, which
remains almost inoperative during the test.
Comparing the beam-column joint hoop reinforce-
ment strain gage data between Specimens S6 and X6 , we
find that Specimen's ~·s hoops accept less tension than
~ 50
specimen 5 6 Specimen S/s hoops, despite the fact that Specimen
a 40 strain gages X6 's beam-column joint was subjected to higher shear
<II 30 location stresses. This was due to inclined bars which relieved
"tJ <D
~ 20 Specimen X 6 hoops' tension [Fig. 9(a) and b]. The
c 10 presence of inclined bars enhanced Specimen X/s joint
I strength compared with that of Specimen SJs joint, as
2 0 -1 -2 -3 strain [Ofoo] can be seen from the hysteresis loops (Fig. 6) and the
0 tension strain gage data (Fig. 9). Specimen X6 exhibited less loss
0 compression of strength, less stiffness degradation, less slippage of
(al longitudinal beam and column reinforcement, and
higher energy dissipation capacity than Specimen S6 •
The preceding Specimen ~·s beam-column joint seis-
80 0 (i)®
mic behavior improvement allowed its beam to yield,
developing 5 percent more bending moment than its
flexural strength in the third cycle. Specimen S6 's beam
specimen X 6
did not yield (Table 2). Finally, Specimen X6 showed
~ 50
significantly better mode of failure with less joint dam-
40 strain gages
age compared with that of Specimen S6 (Fig. 8) .
<II location
"tJ 30 <D Comparing the hysteresis loops of Specimens S6 and
fr"c 20 SJ (Fig. 6), it can be seen that the substitution of verti-
cal joint reinforcement with equal percentage of col-
I umn moment reinforcement did not significantly im-
2 0 -1 -2 -3 strain [Ofoo1 prove the beam-column capacity, and slippage of beam
0 tension and column reinforcing bars in the joint region. On the
0 compession contrary, Specimen X6 , in which the joint vertical shear
reinforcement is substituted by inclined bars, demon-
Fig. 9(a) and (b) -Applied shear versus measured strated satisfactory performance.
strain in main beam-column joint reinforcement of Examination of Specimens ~. X7 , and X8 during and
Specimens S6 and X 6 at the conclusion of the test indicated that Specimens
80 ®
® ®
( ) tompression
8 compression
8 compression
Fig. 10- (a) Strain gage data of Specimen X/s diagonal reinforcement during the
first cycle of loading; (b) during the last cycle of loading; (c) strain gage data of
Specimen S/s vertical shear reinforcement during the first cycle of loading
10 ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1992
X1 and Xs, which had a lower amount of inclined bars 0. sv sx