Diagnostic Test Personal Development

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Diagnostic Test
Personality Development
Grade 11

Name of student:
Grade Level:
Teacher: Mrs. Sueza L. Taperla

Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. “ No two individuals are exactly alike means ____________.

a. twins have the same characteristics
b. you may have the same qualities as your brother, but there are certain things that only you or he can do
c. because your characteristics are similar to your father’s, you can do what he can exactly do
d. your mother has fair skin complexion, and so you inherited this physical characteristic
2. The following are elements of self except __________________.
a. sensations b. emotions c. curiosity d. body
3. Physical attributes and the psychological makeup of a person are due to_____________.
A. environmental factors B. heredity
a. Only letter A is correct c. Either A or B is correct
b. Only letter B is correct d. Both letters A and B are correct
4. Self- actualization means _______________.
a. your tendency to do or perform what you are capable of becoming
b. your ability to understand yourself
c. your capacity to find solutions to your problem
d. your point of view about certain situations in life
5. Which is not a characteristic of a self- actualized person?
a. Has a realistic perception of self and others
b. Open- minded
c. Concerned about helping others
d. Pessimistic
6. Adolescents tend to participate more in social gatherings. What does this statement mean?
a. Social competence of teenagers is enhanced
b. Social insights of teenagers improve
c. Teenagers become more confident in their talents and abilities
d. All of the above
7. Which statement is indicates that post conventional reasoning among adolescents is achieved?
a. They begin to question their parent’s more beliefs
b. They consult their peers about certain acceptable standards
c. They can stand for what they believe is right
d. They conform to the standards of their peers
8. What would adolescents likely suffer from when they act upon someone’s request or demand even though it
goes against their principles or moral beliefs?
a. Self-blame c. Self-devaluation
b. Self- condemnation d. Self- assurance
9. Psychologists believe that our thoughts influence our feelings and behaviors. Which of the following best
illustrates this statement?
a. My parents love me, so I feel frustrated when they do not allow me to attend parties
b. If I fail in a quiz, the I should study harder next time
c. When the teachers calls my attention because I am talkative, it means that she is concerned with my personal
d. Coming late to class means that I should wake up earlier next time
10. Which statement illustrates emotional stability?
a. You can evade certain situations
b. You can express emotions in a socially acceptable manner
c. You can confront people
d. You can ignore the person who hurt you
11. Which is essential in successfully coping with stress?
a. Attitude c. Knowledge
b. Skills d. Behavior
12. What should you do to become more motivated in your studies?
a. Clarify your goals c. deal with your stressors
b. Manage your time well d. Establish effective study habits
13. Academic success can be achieved through ___________
a. improved memory c. improved speed of reading
b. improved concentration d. improved information processing
14. When you manage your time well, you may __________.
a. experience more stress c. be able to handle your stress better
b. encounter more challenges d. experience irritation
15. Which is a mental state that jeopardizes the quality of your work as well as your capability to beat deadlines
because of your tendency to delay doing tasks at hand?
a. Poor organization c. Procrastination
b. Perfectionism d. Focusing
16. What do you usually feel when you face personal and academic pressure?
a. Overwhelmed c. Happy
b. Excited d. Curious
17. Sufficient amounts of ___________ is produced by the brain when you perform deep breathing exercises.
a. energy c. oxygen
b. carbon dioxide d. gas
18. What does deep breathing allow you to do?
A. pause for a while
B. have more time to reflect
a. Both statements are incorrect c. Only A is correct
b. Both statements are correct d. Either A or B is correct
19. Which is not considered as a strategy to relax your muscles?
a. Getting a massage c. Running
b. Taking a nap d. Taking a hot shower
20. When you do achieve catharsis?
a. When you cry
b. When you talk to someone
c. When you release pent-up emotions
d. All of the above
21. Which of the following is considered as threats to the psychological well-being of adolescents?
a. Family structure c. Socioeconomic condition such as poverty
b. Bullying d. All of the above
22. Separation of spouses is _____________.
A. possibly due to overseas employment
B. considered as a social phenomenon
a. Only A is correct c. Both A and B are correct
b. Only B is correct d. Both A and B are incorrect
23. What do children in families with high levels of marital conflict more likely to have?
a. Behavioral problems c. High levels of emotional maturity
b. Good friends at school d. High degree of self-control
24. Which of the following illustrates poverty in the Philippines?
a. Inability to enroll at school
b. Teenagers selling sampaguita garlands at the street
c. Beggars asking for food
d. All of the above
25. What form of bullying is manifested through kicking, hitting, or biting someone?
a. Psychological c. Physical
b. Nonverbal d. Cyber
26.Which refers to the personal assessment of your worth or importance as a person?
a. Self- concept c. Self-evaluation
b. Self-confidence d. Self- esteem
27. What does unrealistic self-esteem cause?
a. Arrogance c. Grandiosity
b. Feelings of superiority d. All of the above
28. Which refers to your capacity to control and monitor your own behaviors?
a. Self-discipline c. Self-monitoring
b. Self-control d. Self-regulation
29. An individual’s capacity to relate more effectively with others is a characteristic of enhanced_________.
a. social skills c. cognitive ability
b. emotional skills d. physical ability
30. What does “setting limitations” mean?
a. Learning to say “no” to others
b. Communicating with others in nonaggressive ways
c. Becoming assertive
d. All of the above
31. Which is not a characteristic of intimate relationships?
a. Trust c. Self-disclosure
b. Self- acceptance d. Emotional attachment
32. Which does not refer to emotional attachment?
a. Sharing secrets
b. Being able to express your feelings
c. Caring for others
d. Being critical to others
33. Which refers to friendship as a form of relationship?
a. Being with others and not just thinking of yourself
b. Saying “yes” always to be accepted by your friends
c. Having a lot of friends
d. Mingling with friends
34. Which best characterizes friendship during adolescence?
a. Being sensitive to others
b. Having a mutually satisfying relationship of caring and sharing
c. Being together through smooth and rough times
d. Having compassion for your friends
35. Which type of friendship is observed among teenagers who join others once in a while?
a. Companions c. Acquaintances
b. Cliques d. Best friends
36. Which type of friendship requires the effort of still connecting with each other despite physical distance?
a. Intimates c. Cliques
b. Companions d. Acquaintances
37. Which is type of friendship where the same interests are being shared such as playing basketball?
a. Acquaintance c. Cliques
b. Intimates d. Companions
38. Which is usually composed of smaller members and is exclusive to peers who have the same interests?
a. Cliques c. Best friends
b. Companions d. Acquaintances
39. Which of the following refers to a group whose members share similar social activities such as parties and is
composed of 10-20 members?
a. Smaller peer group c. Crowd
b. Larger peer group d. Clique
40.Which is a form of relationship characterized by a mutually satisfying relationship of sharing of caring and
a. Romantic relationship c. Personal relationship
c. Friendship d. Close friends
41. Emotional intelligence includes the individual’s __________.
a. ability to motivate oneself c. ability to empathize with others
b. capacity to control impulses d. all of the above
42.What do you need to do to be emotionally intelligent?
a. Identify what you feel c. Use and manage your emotions
b. Understand why you feel that way d. All of the above
43. What does “understanding emotions” mean?
a. Making sense of what you feel
b. Talking to someone
c. Releasing what you feel
d. Crying to release tensions
44. Controlling impulse is manifested when you ____________.
a. immediately buy what you want
b. insist on your parents that you want a new cellular phone
c. wait for the right time to buy your dream car
d. meet friends during examination week
45. What does “managing emotions” mean?
a. Controlling emotions
b. Being honest on what you feel
c. Suppressing your feelings
d. Dominating your feelings
46. Which refers to your state or condition that is free from mental or emotional disorders?
a. Psychological well-being c. Emotional health
b. Mental health problems d. Physical balance
47.Which is not considered a form of mental disorder?
a. Anxiety c. Laziness
b. Depression d. Personality
48.Mental illness occurs when individuals ____________.
a. exhibit maladaptive and extremely deviant behaviors
b. experience loneliness
c. exhibit laziness
d. demonstrate loss of interest in school
49. Which type of mental disorder is characterized by excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioral
a. Depressive disorder c. Anxiety disorder
b. Bipolar disorder d. Addiction
50. When individuals experience hopelessness, lack of energy in their usual activities, crying for unexplained
reasons, and low self esteem, they are said to be suffering from what form of mental illness?
a. Anxiety disorder c. Addiction disorder
b. Depression disorder d. Conduct disorder

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