It System Proposal, 2018

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This project is our original work and has not been presented in any other university.

REG NO:0101/LCK/BS/201

Signature............... Date..............

This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as University Supervisor.


Signature .............Date..............

We have taken efforts in this proposal. However, it would not have been possible without the
kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. We would like to extend our

sincere thanks to all of them. We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to our supervisor
Mr. Jimmy Makau for being with us all through during the formulation of the project.

Table of Contents

LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................................vii
1.1 BACKROUND OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................................1
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.............................................................................................................4
1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS.........................................................................................................................4
1.4 JUSTIFICATION......................................................................................................................................4
1.5 OBJECTIVES...........................................................................................................................................5
1.5.1 General objective........................................................................................................................5
1.5.2 Specific objectives:.....................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................................6
2.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................6
2.2 SYTEM REVIEW.....................................................................................................................................6
2.2.1 The University of Queensland revision and e-learning system...................................................6
2.2.2 Khan academy online revision system........................................................................................7
2.2.3 Multimedia corporate resource mobile E-revision app...............................................................8
2.2.4 Online web-based revision system..............................................................................................9
2.3 Critique of the Existing Literature Relevant to the Study....................................................................9
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................9
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Population and Study Sample.............................................................................................................10
3.3 Sample Size and Selection of Sample.................................................................................................10
3.4 Sources of data...................................................................................................................................10
3.4.1 Questionnaire............................................................................................................................10
3.4.2 Interviews.................................................................................................................................11
3.5 Data management........................................................................................................................12
3.6 Data analysis strategies....................................................................................................................12
3.7 Choice of software development models to be used........................................................................12
3.7.1 Rapid Application Development (RAD)...................................................................................12
3.8 FACT FINDING APPROACH..................................................................................................................14
3.9 LOGICAL DESIGN.................................................................................................................................14
3.9.1 Activity diagram.......................................................................................................................14
3.9.2 Use case diagram......................................................................................................................16

3.9.3 Sequence diagram.....................................................................................................................17
3.10 Software tools to be used.................................................................................................................17
3.11 Assumptions of the study.................................................................................................................18
3.12 Limitations of the study....................................................................................................................18
3.12.1 Resources................................................................................................................................18
3.12.2 Time........................................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................................19
4.1 Implementation and Testing..............................................................................................................19
4.2 Requirement analysis.........................................................................................................................19
4.3 Functional requirements....................................................................................................................19
4.3.1 Student registration...................................................................................................................19
4.3.2 Student verification...................................................................................................................19
4.3.3 Login........................................................................................................................................20
4.3.4 Administrator’s control panel...................................................................................................20
4.4 Non-functional requirements.............................................................................................................21
4.4.1 Operational requirements..........................................................................................................21
4.4.2 Performance requirements........................................................................................................21
4.4.3 Look and feel requirement........................................................................................................21
4.4.4 Scalability requirements...........................................................................................................21
4.5 Testing.................................................................................................................................................22
This will involve actual execution of the program code using representation test data sets to exercise
program and output examined to detect any deviation from the expected output. It involves:...........22
4.5.1 Objectives of Testing................................................................................................................22
4.5.2 Unit testing...............................................................................................................................22
4.5.3 Integration testing.....................................................................................................................22
4.5.4 System testing...........................................................................................................................23
4.5.5 Acceptance testing....................................................................................................................23
4.5.6 System maintenance.................................................................................................................25
4.5.7 Adaptive maintenance:.............................................................................................................25
4.5.8 Corrective maintenance:...........................................................................................................25
4.5.9 Perfective maintenance:............................................................................................................25
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................................26

5.0 CONLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..............................................................................................26
5.1 CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................26
5.2 RECOMMENDATION...........................................................................................................................27
APPENDIX A: PROJECT BUDGET................................................................................................................29
APPENDIX B: PROJECT SCHEDULE.............................................................................................................30


FIGURE 2.2 KHAN ACADEMY ONLINE REVISION SYSTEMS.......................................................................7
FIGURE 3.1 RAD DIAGRAM..................................................................................................................................13
TABLE 4.1 FUNCTIONALITIES OF SYSTEM....................................................................................................22
FIGURE 4.5: SIGNIFICANT CHART....................................................................................................................23
TABLE 4.3 EASE OF NAVIGATION.....................................................................................................................24
FIGURE 4.6: NAVIGATION CHART.....................................................................................................................24
TABLE 4.4 IMPROVEMENT OF SYSTEM...........................................................................................................25
FIGURE 4.7: IMPROVEMENT CHART................................................................................................................25
PROJECT BUDGET..................................................................................................................................................29

The internet is the most seen and used platform in academics today. The main aim of an online
revision is to digitally enable students and researchers to access information and resources for
academic and research purposes.
An online revision is a web-based application intended to help students who cannot access the
libraries or other physical sources of information. The main objective of this web application is
to make learning interactive and easy access to information. It would make academic work easier
given that it is considering all the students who are far from school library and those who cannot
access the resource materials they want from the library because the resources are scarce.
In this project we have developed an online revision website for students in higher levels of
learning. The system will basically be implemented on a web server with a backed MySQL
database (php MyAdmin page) and a web browser as the front client (local host).
In development of this project, we concentrated on object oriented php framework as an open
source customization. We again used programming languages such as Hyper Text Markup
language (HTML), preprocessor Hypertext (php) and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS3) and a
relational database management system (MySQL).
The project has a goal to develop an online revision website where students can download notes
and revision past papers for exams in various courses. The documentation will discuss in detail
how each of the following technologies will be implemented on an online revision website.



ICT has played a great role in our society leading to the evolution of almost all sectors that we
tend to interact with. One of this sectors and that greatly influences our day to day living is
Decrease in revision exercises in our daily activities especially in class has led to poorly done
work. Take for instance a mathematics class, continuous revision exercises should be undertaken
to sharpen ones wits. Take another scenario motivation speaker, for them to become so prolific
in talking in front of large crowds of people; it requires a great deal of revision. Laziness might
be the most common source for this problem.
Procrastination, this is where work supposed to be accomplished is postponed to a later date.
This is most common to students all around institutions. Take for instance, revision required for
the undertaking of a particular continuous assessment test or a main examination. It is more
likely that the performance to the stated exercises will be poor.
Institutions are finding time to balance ones social life and education life. This being an
important aspect in our day to day activities, great emphasis has been geared towards online
learning. With precise organization comes a great accomplishment. Another example is building
a skyscraper; various components are required to make it a success. A proper foundation, skilled
personnel, proper building components such as the right mixture of ballast and cement is
required. A simple example is an operation of a multinational corporation, despite its size and
operations; it still has a structured layout of management with distinct responsibility that cashes
in millions of dollars annually.
Revision is a continuous process in that without the required practice it would be like to forget
what one has covered. Great motivational speakers have fallen victims to this issue. Have you
ever found yourself on a situation that you’re really confident you know the answer to a
particular query but you can’t seem to actually remember it? Kids in kindergarten, nursery and
pre-schools tend to have a fascinating way to practice on things learned at school i.e. through
tailored poems and songs about things like the farm animals and the sounds they produce what
would become of an actor without practicing through his script surely it will certainly have
consequences. This stated project aims at making revision a much more common exercise in our
day to day activities lack of motivation also has crushed the revision spirit in our institutions.
Most institutions don’t focus on this element of studying as opposed to acquisition of resource
materials despite the complimenting each other.
Most high school heads have taken great measures to invite prominent leaders in their respective
fields to inspire the students at that tender age.

Pepe Minambo is a well-known and respectable motivator with the book “inspire before you
expire” which has played a key role in shaping the readers perspective to revision and education
as a whole. Students tend to easily forget so this problem would be greatly solved by continuous
motivation. Other forms of motivation apply take for instance rewarding the student for a job
well done, let’s say accumulation of points that will reflect on the final transcript or a gift
package to the winner, this brings out the competitive side to most of the Students. Try
rewarding any student in class with some money and see how lively the class would be.
Some institutional systems don’t favor revision as a kind of measure that ought to be put under
great emphasis so they tend to focus more on other educational issues neglecting what might be
the most important aspect of it. Lack of proper planning are among issued that need to be dealt
with to help avert this problem like not adequately revising. This focuses on what is required for
a particular activity. A simple farmer’s work can’t begin if he/she doesn’t have the necessary
tools to partake in his work. Necessary stationary, resource material and platform is necessary for
efficient revision exercise. To help solve on this challenge students are assigned to particular
peer study groups to help them cover up on what wasn’t clearly understood in class or undertake
in some assignment. Clearly two heads prove to be better than one.
Boredom during revision usually kicks in especially if one has spent a lot of time on one thing
and this may lead to a gradual decline in revision. Ultimately what loses track of what he/she has
covered and with the boredom revision wouldn’t be an option. Having a picture on the wall of
ones future expectation such as a dream house, desired body shape or even a lovely family gives
one the motivation and the drive to effortlessly partake in the activity that would get one there.
To curb this, revision is made fun, in that it takes the boredom out of the presumably so serious
Globally, these systems have been developed to help create a revision platform that brings
together peers to sharing ideas via ICT. Basically it composes of a communication portal
developed with added features PowerPoint with supporting answer sheet, exam questions wiki or
word mats to help facilitate an efficient revision atmosphere. Most campus institutions globally
have taken that initiative to help its students cope with cumbersome courses. A united kingdom
based company and an award winner for innovators of e-commerce Fishers education limited has
developed a mathematics revision system for secondary schools that is easily accessible on. India
has developed systems that provide a real life interaction of students and top quality professors
such as Farooq haque classes.
This system will help the long distance learning and revision of the different fields of study,
offering clarity to doubts about queries that can easily be solved by contacting the professors via
texts or emails.
With the incorporation of ICT with our day to day activities there has been a global network all
around the world, trading systems, educational systems, social interaction systems and the like.
With this it revolutionizes education as we know it; electronic learning has come a long way.

Khan academy has also provided a platform for its users situated all around the world to easily
access online resource materials as well as a revision area.
Other similar systems developed are used to revise on courses to student waiting to enroll in
tertiary institutions such as kuccps; this provides an interactive nature between the course and the
student. This seems to meet some of our local needs here in Kenya by providing satisfactory
services to our candidates. Local tertiary institutions such as St. Paul’s university has provided an
online interactive system that helps the local students to access online research material, and a
platform to share ideas with other students.
In our institution Taita Taveta University various measures are under way to help curb this issue
of revision to help improve in ones performance since it plays a pretty big role. Systems are
being developed to help and assist reduce difficulty in doing assignments as well as
examinations. Bringing the faculty and students together brings about an improved relationship,
better clarity on issues and an immediate feedback. In a few years to come, online learning and
revision will be as common as having a lecturer physically around, long distance learning will be
simplified; all this with the development of new ideas in the ICT department.
Taking a trip down memory lane we find that revision was an exercise that was practiced from
way back in pre-school. This was done in form of songs and poems sang and recited on daily
basis as a childhood measure to help in understanding of what was taught in class better.
Revision was done after each minor examination to help with the preparation of the final
examination. Special rewards were given to those who will excel due to consistent revision. This
brings us to the concept of tailoring revision systems now to their rightful users.
For our current revision system the main beneficiaries to it would be BBIT students as well as
the lecturers i.e. having both parties learn from each other. It will provide a platform with which
a simple login as an access restriction. A student will have access to required resource material,
interactive sessions between them and their peers, predicted questions to specific courses; those
likely to come to the final examinations, word mats alphabetically arranged for easy accessibility
to topics, power points with adjacent answers.
This will benefit the users in that revision and curb boredom. No specific requirement are needed
other than computer literacy and an authorized access entry. It does not restrict users to this
confined area, but whosoever has the logins.

In a broader perspective, students have been facing a series of challenges and inconveniences by
not adopting the current technology. This has made the students not to get facts and ideas which
are vital concepts applied not only in class work but also in the job market.
Currently, the mode of revision and study requires the students to physically appear in the library
to borrow books and past revision papers which are given for a short-term period and at the same
time being inadequate to cater for the demand of the students. This has created a battery of
problems one of them being time wastage which is a scarce resource for a student.
Initially, students depended on lecture class notes in printed form and others in softcopy to be
printed. Most of these notes give shallow information since it’s a simple extract meant to guide
the student in doing more research in the libraries. The cost of printing and photocopying the
notes among the student has also posted a big challenge to them since some of them even
struggle to survive in the university hence cannot afford that.
There is need for the students to access the online revision system for quality revision and
research purposes which is a reliable and quick source of information.


1. How is online revision efficient to the Taita Taveta students?
2. What factors can positively influence the acceptance and the use of online revision
process at Taita Taveta University?
3. Which factors will be considered in developing a functional and a user-friendly online
revision system?

The internet has been used as a research platform by scholars though it’s not effective because it
provides searches which if not well looked at can give misleading information. Therefore,
coming up with this system will give students the exact information they are looking for and
which is relevant to their requirements of study.

1.5.1 General objective:
To analyze the current manual system with the aim to provide an automated revision system,
design an interactive revision system for Taita Taveta University.

1.5.2 Specific objectives:

1. To review the current manual system with a view to provide an online revision system that
will help students to revise.
2. To analyze the requirements for an online revision system so as to provide functional
specifications by providing links, searches and images.
3. To test for usability of the system.


Although there exists other online learning platforms where online revision and access to
learning materials and resources are found, this has proven to be unreliable to some of the users
who are looking for information. The researcher therefore tends to discuss on some of the online
revision systems in learning institutions across the world that relate to this project.


2.2.1 The University of Queensland revision and e-learning system

Figure 2.1 The University of Queensland revision and e-learning system

This system extends the range of tools available to instructions for designing effective courses.
Face to face systems such as UQ word cloud enhances in-class interactions, improve quality and
protect diversity. This system has but a number of capabilities i.e. More effective and efficiency
in the distribution and collection of assignments, provides faster feedback to students, enhance
students preparation and revision for class, online tests to measure students’ progress. Languages
used are java script, html, CSS.
However, due to the complexity of this system as a result of its many components it may be
difficult to deal with especially students with low understanding of how it works.

2.2.2 Khan academy online revision system

Figure 2.2 Khan Academy online revision systems

This system was developed by an educator called Salman Khan back 2006.Its aim was to provide
free world class education for anyone anywhere. It produces short lecturers inform of YouTube
videos. Initially, it offered videos mostly on mathematics but currently due to its expansion it can
now offer courses on history, medicine, economics, biology, chemistry, physics, and computer
programming and computer science.
Again, in this system a video library with over 9000 videos in various topic areas assist the user
efficient revision in the available resources materials. It also has an automated exercise with
continuous assessments test. Languages used are HTML, JavaScript, frame work.
This system is quite complex in both development and maintenance, therefore in the occurrence
of a systems crash or hack it will greatly affect its users due to the increased number of bugs.

2.2.3 Multimedia corporate resource mobile E-revision app

Figure 2.3 Multimedia corporate resource mobile E-revision app

In this system, it enables one to access everything in the library seamlessly through the app.
Within the App, one can search and filter content by subject, competency and content type. The
book summaries are available in digital formats for by all computers, smart phones, tablets and
eBook reader. Again; they even combine their broad array of format option with new-designed
mobile library. So summaries and other contents are displayed and searched for almost every
mobile device.
However, in this system one can print or read from their computers, through the pdf. The pdf
have again being optimized to be viewed on BlackBerry, android phones, iPhones and iPad touch
and tablets
The system was developed by the use of the two fundamental programming language i.e. HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language) which has being incorporated with CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
for android syntax and also Java. It is easily accessible on gadgets such as a mobile phone.
However, one requires the appropriate skill to develop and maintain the system.

2.2.4 Online web-based revision system

This is the proposed system that is expected to satisfy the academic needs of the students and
lecturers of Taita Taveta University. The system will require students to sign up into the system
which will then direct them to choosing the course they pursue, year of study and the type of

resource they want to access that is either revision past papers or lecture notes. The student will
then choose either to view the document or download. The system will have simple functionality
for easy understanding by the user. The system has no security issues because it’s well managed
by the administrator. Maintenance of the system is simple as well as updating the data. The
system will only provide the resource materials relevant to the programs offered in the
University unlike the other systems which provide many searches which may make it difficult
for the user to know exactly what they are looking for.
2.3 Critique of the Existing Literature Relevant to the Study
Both systems provide an access control measure that ensures only registered users i.e. both
students and lecturers have access to the resource materials. Different users subscribe to different
Packages according to ones requirements. Having resource materials like tutorials accessible on
YouTube for efficiency has also improved the systems goals.


3.1 Introduction
The chapter covers the research methodology that the research will be using in the study ,this
includes the overview, population of the study ,sampling, sources of data ,collection of data, data

management, data analysis strategies, software development models choices, software tools,
assumptions of the study and limitation of the proposal methodology.

3.2 Population and Study Sample

The target population was the students and lecturers of Lukenya University who will be the main
users of the system. A study sample was conducted where by selected students and lecturers
were sample.

3.3 Sample Size and Selection of Sample

The size of the sample used in collecting data was 20 students from all departments i.e.
Mathematics and Informatics department, Mining department and Business studies and
Economics department. A lecturer from each department was also picked.
The number will be assumed to give a true prediction on efficiency of the system. The mode of
selecting the students and lecturers was based on the residential places within and outside the
university. This is because the intended system will mostly target the students who reside far
away from the school library. The choice of lectures was based on one lecturer to represent their
respective department and on this case the respective heads of the department was opted for.

3.4 Sources of data

The data needed to develop a system which would meet the user specification and requirements
was obtained from both the students and lecturers.
Data collection being an important aspect of any type of proposal study, any inaccurate data
collection had an impact to the results of the study and finally led to invalid. We also used the
following methods: interviews and questionnaires.

3.4.1 Questionnaire
A Questionnaire is used because it provides an inexpensive method of gathering data from a
large number of people, allowing individuals to maintain their identity (anonymity) hence they
can provide real facts.

The questions will be presented consistently to all the respondents without bias and interview
because they happen to be the most effective and appropriate for this project. It has four main

a) To acquire an understanding of existing system and people’s views on e-commerce as a

channel for access to the website and curio products.
b) To get the user interfaces preferences.

c) To collect information on the application environment such as type of the devices
available to users to access the internet.
d) To get views on what the targeted users expect the system to do (functional

A questionnaire was conducted to gauge opinions on the current processes. This approach was
chosen over an interview or focus group because although these two methods would gather more
in-depth information, the number of people that could contribute would be limited. A
questionnaire can be sent out to many people, and a well-structured set of questions will be able
to extract the appropriate level of detail required from the respondents. In addition, a higher
quantity of responses would be obtained and individuals would maintain their identity
(anonymity) hence they can provide real facts. Justification of questionnaire

1. Practical
2. Large amounts of information can be collected from a large number of people in a short
period of time and in a relatively cost effective way
3. Can be carried out by the researcher or by any number of people with limited affect to its
validity and reliability
4. The results of the questionnaires can usually be quickly and easily quantified by either a
researcher or through the use of a software package
5. Can be analyzed more 'scientifically' and objectively than other forms of research
6. When data has been quantified, it can be used to compare and contrast other research and may
be used to measure change
7. Positivists believe that quantitative data can be used to create new theories and / or test
existing hypotheses

3.4.2 Interviews
In Quantitative proposal (survey proposal), interviews are more structured than in Qualitative
proposal. In a structured interview, the proposal asks a standard set of questions and nothing
Interviews can be:
i. Face -to -face interviews.
ii. Telephone interviews.

The developer carried out the face to face interview with the management team at the TTU
University to find out the problems they are facing with the current system as well as their
expectations of the new system.

3.5 Data management

Data management is the organization, storage, preservation and sharing of data collected and
used in research project. The notes and the revision materials will be uploaded in the system for
students to read from the files or download them.

3.6 Data analysis strategies

Data analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and logical techniques to
describe and illustrate, condense and recap an evaluate data. Upon the completion of the study
the data that will have been collected will be analyzed using sampling and questionnaires and the
data will be represented in graphs and tables.

3.7 Choice of software development models to be used

The software development model that was used is RAD (Random Application Development

3.7.1 Rapid Application Development (RAD)

RAD model is Rapid Application Development model. It is a type of incremental model. In
RAD model the components or functions are developed in parallel as if they were mini projects.
The developments are time boxed, delivered and then assembled into a working prototype.  This
can quickly give the customer something to see and use and to provide feedback regarding the
delivery and their requirements. RAD uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping. The
"planning" of software
Developed using RAD is interleaved with writing the software itself. The lack of extensive
Pre-planning generally allows software to be written much faster, and makes it easier to change
requirements. It is comprised of the following steps as illustrated in the figure below.
1. Requirements Planning phase – combines elements of the system planning and
Systems analysis phases of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Users,
Managers and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope,
Constraints and system requirements. It ends when the team agrees on the key issues
and obtains management authorization to continue.
2. User design phase – In this phase, users interact with systems analysts and
develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, inputs, and
Outputs. The RAD groups or subgroups typically use a combination of Joint Application
Development (JAD) techniques and CASE tools to translate user needs

Into working models. User Design is a continuous interactive process that allows
users to understand, modify, and eventually approve a working model of the system

that meets their needs.

3. Construction phase – focuses on program and application development task similar

to the SDLC. In RAD, however, users continue to participate and can still suggest

changes or improvements as actual screens or reports are developed. Its tasks are

programming and application development, coding, unit-integration and system


4. Cutover phase – resembles the final tasks in the SDLC implementation phase,

including data conversion, testing, changeover to the new system, and user training.

Compared with traditional methods, the entire process is compressed. As a result, the new
system is built, delivered, and placed in operation much sooner. Its tasks are data

Conversion, full-scale testing, system changeover, user training.

Figure 3.1 RAD diagram

3.7.2 Joint Application Development
We chose to use Joint Application Development methodology (JAD) which evolved from the
Rapid Application Development. In this method, we had to consult the following parties:

1) System designers. This is the team which designs the systems before it’s developed and
tested. It’s very important because it ensures that the system is simple to use by the users. They
can easily interact with it without any complications.
2) System administrator. This is the person who is responsible for the maintenance and
implementation of the system. We needed to seek advice from him so that he/she may know
whether the proposed project will be compatible with the other systems and to ensure that it will
be maintainable with his/her absence.
3) Executive sponsor. We needed to know the financial status of the system sponsor so that we
may not come up with so costly projects or system.

The followings are the reasons as to why we proposed to use the JAD methodology:
JAD decreases time and costs associated with requirements elicitation process. During 2-4 weeks
information not only is collected, but requirements agreed upon by various system users, are
JAD sessions help bring experts together giving them a chance to share their views, understand
views of others, and develop the sense of project ownership.
The methods of JAD implementation are well-known, as it is "the first accelerated design
technique available on the market and probably best known", and can easily be applied by any
Easy integration of CASE tools into JAD workshops improves session productivity and provides
systems analysts with discussed and ready to use models.


At this point, the developer has to know the purpose of the proposed system. It should be as per
user specification. We had to state what the system entails and what is expected to do. Again, we
gathered information and facts using several methods like: holding discussion forum with
students, lecturers and researching on the already existing systems.


The system will be based on OOSAD. The tools discussed in details here will be used in the
logical design.

3.9.1 Activity diagram

Activity diagrams describe activities which are functions performed by the system. The current
system has the activities described in figures below indicating the activities for the proposed

New member admin

Request for registration

approval for registration

Registration of a new user

approval for the registration

access to notes and revision


Figure 3.2 Activity diagram 1

The current activities as shown above indicate the process undertaken by a new member or user,
request for registration which is immediately followed by an acceptance. After the new user
registration subscription for a required package plan is made and as shown below login made to
access the system.

Admin Data base

Show user details User details retrieve details
Request update details

Request details Update Update details


Request to delete record details Delete records

Figure 3.3 Activity diagram 2

3.9.2 Use case diagram

Use Case Diagram is a graphical representation that describes how different users will interact with the
revision system.

New user

Approval for registration


Manage the database

Request new
resource material

Figure 3.4 Use case diagram of the proposed system

3.9.3 Sequence diagram

A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows object interactions arranged in relation
to time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of
messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario.

New member Request for registration Admin
get authentication



request for a page

Authentication for the page

Figure 3.5 Sequence diagram of the proposed system

3.10 Software tools to be used

The software to be used to develop the system includes:
Software: word press, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 and Photoshop for websites
Language: We also used the PHP and java script programming language.
Database: SQL Server.
Network system: wireless connection platforms and protocols used in order for devices to
communicate for instance WAP and XAMPP.

3.11 Assumptions of the study

The population sample size chosen depicts behavior of all the students and lecturers in the
institution. Again, the resource materials the students need are the ones by provided by the

lecturer. The lecturers will not give tasks to students which require reference from other source
apart from the one provided.

3.12 Limitations of the study

3.12.1 Resources
Being students and not having sources of income, we had to sacrifice a lot as to get enough
money to carry out the study.

3.12.2 Time
Due to the limited time given we had to spend sleepless nights so as to work on the proposal.


4.1 Implementation and Testing

We reviewed the available online systems with relevant with information on students’ online
revision websites and analyzed the already existing systems to ensure that our system will be
compatible with them and ensure that they can properly integrate with each other.

4.2 Requirement analysis

In this section, we analyzed the functional and non-functional requirements of the system.

4.3 Functional requirements

4.3.1 Student registration

This module will provide a platform for the admin to register all new members. All lecturers and
the students will to be registered with the proposed system. This page is accessed by clicking
sign in button and filling all the sign in form after which all the information will be recorded in
in the database system.

Figure 4.1 Student registration page

4.3.2 Student verification

In this module, it will provide the students and the lecturers with the functionality to verify if
they have been registered in the system. The system will display “registration success” on the
screen after they entered the correct credentials into the system.

Figure 4.2 student verification page

4.3.3 Login
This module will allow students to login to the system so as to view the available revision
resource in websites for their respective units and courses too. It will also lock out anyone who is
not registered member i.e. Taita Taveta University student.

Figure 4.3 Login page

4.3.4 Administrator’s control panel

This module will allow the admin to login and again access to the system so as to control and
manage the students’ information in the database. Again, he will be able to upload revision
materials, access the list of the books already uploaded, the information of registered students
and finally it is in this panel where he will be able to authenticate the new members to access the
uploaded revision resources in the website.

Figure 4.4 Administrator control panel page

4.4 Non-functional requirements

4.4.1 Operational requirements

The system will operate effectively across different platforms for instance androids, iPad,
window phones, window operating systems, Linux, UNIX.

4.4.2 Performance requirements

The system will allow registered students to access notes and revision resources upon
registration into the system. Again, it will store data of all the registered students in the database.
The authenticated person (Admin) will ensure that the unregistered cannot access the services.

4.4.3 Look and feel requirement

The system will have a simple and easy to use interface. There will be registration of the new
students, login of the already subscribed students into the system.

4.4.4 Scalability requirements

The system will be able to store data for all registered students and allow them to access their
respective notes and revision resources for their respective units and courses simultaneously
without any confusion or conflict with the other systems.

4.5 Testing

This will involve actual execution of the program code using representation test data sets to
exercise program and output examined to detect any deviation from the expected output. It
4.5.1 Objectives of Testing
1. Build quality in the system developed.
2. Demonstrate the working capabilities of your system.
3. Assess progress and suitability of the system.

4.5.2 Unit testing

This involves testing the individual components of the system independently to ensure they work
as expected. Unit testing involves verification of the smallest units of the system. Unit testing
helps discover the smallest errors that would not be discovered if the system was tested as a
whole. In this system unit testing will involve testing the login and register pages to see whether
the login page authenticates users who have registered and not any user. It will also involve
testing the database to ensure that data about the users is well stored and secured.
The following table shows a survey of 20 users done to determine if the various functionalities of
the system work
Table 4.1 Functionalities of system
Home The user can access revision and notes online Users Pass
Sign Up The user can Sign Up and create an account 18 Pass
Log In The user can Log Into the portal 17 Pass
Blog The user can access notes and revision resources 16 Pass
Log Out The user can Log Out of the portal 16 Pass

4.5.3 Integration testing.

Involves testing the different components of the system to check whether any problem arise from
component integration. Integration which involves combing components, user interface and
database can at time bring problems. For Example after integration the system might be not
authenticating users before visiting the donation page. Integration testing helps discover these
problems and highlight them.

4.5.4 System testing
This involves testing the system as a whole to ensure that it delivers expected services.

4.5.5 Acceptance testing

It involves testing the system with real data and not simulated test data. It seeks to reveal any
errors and omissions in system requirements definition. Also serves to test whether the system
meets the users’ needs and the system performance is acceptable and fulfilling. Is the information in the current student revision systems significant?

The following was the responses conveyed when asked whether the information conveyed in the
current student revision portal was significant and useful
Table 4.2 Significance of existing portals.
Significance of Existing Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Strongly Agree 20 40 40
Agree 15 30 70
Disagree 5 10 80
Strongly Disagree 10 20 100
Total 50 100 100

Object 2

Figure 4.5: Significant Chart

According to the table and figure the responses were 40% strongly agree, 30% agree, 10%
disagree, and 20% strongly disagree that the current systems are significant.

23 Ease of navigating current students online revision portals
The following were the responses given when asked whether the information conveyed in the
current students online revision portal were easy to navigate and understand.
Table 4.3 Ease of navigation
Ease of Navigation Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Strongly Agree 8 16 16
Agree 7 14 30
Disagree 10 20 50
Strongly Disagree 25 50 100
Total 50 100 100

Object 5

Figure 4.6: Navigation Chart

According to the table and figure the responses were 16% strongly agree, 14% agree, 20%
disagree, and 50% strongly disagree that navigation is not easy in the current systems. Improvement of the current systems

The following was the responses given when asked whether the current student revision systems
need improvements.

Table 4.4 Improvement of system

Improvement of System Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Strongly Agree 12 24 24

Agree 30 60 84
Disagree 2 4 88
Strongly Disagree 6 12 100
Total 50 100 100

Object 8

Figure 4.7: Improvement chart

According to the table and figure the responses were 24% strongly agree, 60% agree, 4%
disagree, and 12% strongly disagree that the current systems need improvements.

4.5.6 System maintenance

The three main types of system maintenance include:
4.5.7 Adaptive maintenance: This is where modifications of the system are done in order to
cope up with the changing technology and also the working procedures.
4.5.8 Corrective maintenance: The modifications and improvements to the system are made to
ensure that it meets the original user requirement.
4.5.9 Perfective maintenance: This is where the system is improved so that it becomes more
refined and more efficient at processing.



This chapter gives a summary and conclusions of the whole project proposal and
recommendations in achieving an efficient and effective online revision resources to the students
and lecturers.

The adjustment of the existing supplying materials for revision has been successfully
implemented. Also the system was examined and implemented in a teaching process what made
concentration of different abilities possible:
i. Combined revision on different units in their respective course in a classical way.
ii. Unlimited space content distribution and all time access to learning and revision resources.
iii. Ability to follow and register students’ work and check their knowledge.
iv. Different forms of communication and management among the users.
v. Ability to organise and manage different study programmes.

It was shown that the system is useful for preparing the students for teaching, a reminder on
learning material, as a means to give practical tasks in digital form and gathering solution and
on-line tests realisation. Except the already existing communication forms (face to face during
teaching, in time of consultation, via e-mail or news group) that were already available before,
through the use of additional computer network, “Online revision” enables the electronic
communication among students group, thematic Internet chat in real time, thematically led forum
tied to virtual classes or particular seminars and system for exchanging short messages that look
like e-mail.
Concerning the advantages when we talk about lecturers, the evidence and organisation of
teaching is much easier as well as following teaching activities and activities of particular student
course and formalising learning contents.
Negative part of the researching results is determined by technical condition of computer-server
work for online revision. The system may not be satisfying in terms of performances or what we
prescribe to as weak hardware system base.

In this plan it is expected a new aspect of communication between mentor and students or
students among themselves will be formed.

the fact that also with the users that are inclined to ICT can happen the saturation of learning
which is deprived of interaction with people. It is obvious that the learning process and
knowledge transmission is much more complex than just presenting facts. Learning by the
machine support is undoubtedly a social and includes defined human needs. But in any case
online revision system and distance learning as a form of knowledge transmission will develop
further and specially in the individual learning direction. Examining the quality and users’
satisfaction shown in this paper, gives reason for being optimistic and to continue with using
such systems. Learning and the form of its realisation will further follow the technological trends
so we can expect the further increase of application and some new forms of its implementation,
but for now the technology does not have power for cancelling the classroom learning process
and revision too.
In “deluge” of such approaches, this is one of the possible ways in which the institutions can
build their own system. The presentation of developing the own system by the method of
prototype based on the users demands and SCORM concept implementation, represents a
contribution to the future efforts to promote the learning process by the use of ICT.

The following recommended enhancements would make the system much better.
 Development of an android system for functionality in android devices. This is
because many students today use android phones.
 The development of an android application would meet the demands of a
potential user.
 Widening of the system scope- Making the system to accommodate the whole of
scope of Kenyan Universities offering similar courses would be a great deal

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Inc, Surajit Chaudhuri, IEEE Computer Society (1998). Data Mining and Database
Systems: Where is the Intersection?, in Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Data Engineering.
 Sommervile Ian (1995).software Engineering (III ED);Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
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Project budget



2 LUNCH 1500




TOTAL 14000


Work schedule

September October November December to March to

February June

Approval of

Chapter 2
submission &


Instructions: For each of the statements below, please put tick [√] in the box that best
describes yourself or you and your opinion concerning online revision system.

Section one: Personal information

1. Gender: Female [ ] Male [ ]

2. First language: English [ ] French [ ] other [ ]

3. Age: 18-22 [ ] 23-27 [ ] 28-32 [ ] 33 or more [ ]

4. Year of study: First [ ] Second [ ] Third [ ] Fourth [ ] Five or more [ ]

5. Which course do you pursue? ..................................

Section two
6. In your opinion is the information provided by the existing revision systems significant?

Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree [ ]

7. In your opinion are the existing portals easy to navigate?

Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree [ ]

8. In your opinion do students benefit in any way from the existing students revision systems?

Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree [ ]

9. In your opinion how often do students visit the library for revision?

Very Often [ ] Often [ ] Not Often [ ]

10. In your opinion do the existing revision systems need improvement?

Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree [ ]


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