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of Professional Journalists. Information: (317) Broadcast Engineers. chapter 15. New York Marquis Hotel, New York.

Hotel, New York. Information: Trudy

653 -3333. Times Building, New York. Information: David Wilson, (212) 586-8424.
Bialik, (914) 634 -6595.
Feb. 8- 9- Radio-Television News Directors Asso- Feb. 21 -23- Louisiana Association of Broadcast-
ciation student conference. Arizona State Uni- Feb. 13 -"High Performance Account Man- ers annual convention. Embassy Suites Hotel,
versity, Tempe, Ariz. Information: (213) 462- agement," seminar sponsored by American As- Baton Rouge, La. Information: (504) 383 -7486.
6053. sociation of Advertising Agencies. Century Plaza,
Los Angeles. Information: (212) 682 -2500. Feb. 21- 23- Society of Broadcast Engineers re-
Feb. 10- Presentation of 15th annual Televi- gional conference. Sportsmen's Lodge. Los
sion Bureau of Advertising automotive commer- Feb. 13-15-Cable Television Public Affairs As- Angeles. Information: (213) 871 -4660.
cial competition. Atlanta Convention Center, sociation forum '91. Keynote speech: Ted
Turner, Turner Broadcasting System: other Feb. 21-28-- -C -SPAN invitational seminar for
Atlanta. Information: (212) 486 -1111.
speakers: FCC Commissioner Ervin Duggan, general managers and managers in communi-
NCTA Chairman Jerry Lindauer. Ritz -Carlton ty relations, government relations, marketing
Buckhead, Atlanta. Information: (703) 276- and programing. C -SPAN, Washington. Infor-
mation: Pat Daniel, (202) 626 -4853.
ALSO IN FEBRUARY Feb. 13- 15-- "Satellite X: Global Pathways to Feb. 22-23- National Academy of Television Arts
and Sciences trustees meeting. Marriott Marquis
Feb. 10.13- Broadcast Cable Credit Association Profit," 10th annual international conference
Hotel, New York. Information: Trudy Wilson,
25th credit and collection seminar. Loews and exhibition. Ramada Renaissance, Wash-
ington. Information: (301) 340 -2100. (212) 586 -8424.
Summit( Hotel, New York. Information: (708)
827 -9330. Feb. 22-24--Oil, Foreign Policy and the Econ-
Feb. 13-17 -"Jack Benny: The Classic Tele- omy," economics conference for journalists
Feb. 10.15-National Association of Broadcast- vision Performances," screening at Museum of
Sponsored by Foundation for American Commu-
ers 26th annual management development Broadcast Communications. Museum, Chicago. nications and Ford Foundation, Asilomar Con-
seminars for broadcast engineers. University Information: (312) 987-1500. ference Center, Pacific Grove, Calif. Informa-
of Notre Dame, South Bend. Ind. Information: Feb. 15-Deadline for entries in Guillermo Mar- tion: (213) 851 -7372.
(202) 429 -5350. tine:- Marque: Journalism Award, open to His-
panic journalists. Information: (202) 783 -6228.
Feb. 25- Academy of Television Arts and Sci-
Feb. 10-15 -13th International Market of Cine- ences forum luncheon. Speakers: Linda Blood-
ma, TV and Video. Loews Hotel, Monte Carlo. Feb. 15- Deadline worth- Thomason and Harry Thomason, pro-
for entries in National Acad-
Information: (33) 93-30 -49 -44 or (fax) (33) 93- eme of Television Arts and Sciences's Sports ducers. Beverly Hilton, Los Angeles.
50-70-14. Emmy Awards. Information: Ira Zimmerman, Information: (818) 953 -7575.
Feb. 11-"Winning New Business," seminar (212) 586 -8424. Feb. 26- "Changes in Television Network
sponsored by American Association of Advertis- Feb. 17-20- Advertising Agency General News Coverage in the 1990's," course offered
ing Agencies. Beverly Hilton Hotel. Los Angeles. Management Program, sponsored by American as part of Smithsonian Resident Associate Pro-
Information: (212) 682-2500. Association of Advertising Agencies. The Lodge, gram's "The Media and Society." Speaker:
Feb. 11 -12-National Association of Broadcast- Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Information: (212) Torn Brokaw, NBC News. Smithsonian, Wash-
ers' Radio Group Head Fly -In for executives of 682-2500. ington. Information: (202) 357-3030.
radio groups. NAB headquarters, Washington. Feb. 17- 21-Technology studies seminar for
Information: Aimee Jennings. (202) 429 -5402. educators, sponsored by Gannett Foundation
Feb. 12-"Economic, Demographic and Tech- Media Center. Columbia University, journalism American
nological Changes in Television Network News
Coverage," course offered as part of Smithsoni-
building, Gannett Center, New York. Informa-
tion: (212) 280 -8392. Psychological RpS
an Resident Associate Program's "The Media and
18- Deadline
Feb. for entries in Charles E.
Society." Speaker: ABC News President Scripps Awards of National Journalism
Boone Arledge. Smithsonian, Washington. In- Awards. sponsored by Scripps Howard Founda-
formation: (202) 357 -3030. tion, open to newspapers, television and radio
Feb. 12-13--Television Advertising Forum
sponsored by Association of National Adrenis-
ers, examining future of television advertising
as a mass medium. Participants include Jamie
stations and local cable systems for outstand-
ing efforts to combat illiteracy in their commu-
nities. Information: (513) 977 -3035.
Feb. 19-20 -North Carolina CATV Association
Kellner, Fox Broadcasting Corp.: Terence
McGuirk, Turner Broadcasting System: Peter
Chrisanthopoulos, Network Television Associ-
winter meeting. Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Re-
search Triangle Park, N.C. Information: Kelly
Edwards, (919) 821 -4711.
EE E $1,000
Cash Award &
an all expense paid
ation; Peter Jennings, ABC News; James Hed-
lund, Association of Independent Television Feb. 20-National
Academy of Television Arts
Feal trip to San Francisco
Stations; Bruce Christensen, Public Broadcast- and Sciences, New York chapter, drop -in lun- in each award category
ing Service; Grant Tinker, GTG Entertainment: cheon. Topic: "Programing for the Niche of the
Warren Littlefield, NBC Entertainment: Robert 90's." Speaker: Brooke Bailey Johnson, vice Entries are now being sought for the radio.
Iger, ABC Entertainment; Jeff Sagansky. CBS president, programing and production, Arts & television Mews/documentary) and television
Entertainment; Mike Wallace. CBS News. and Entertainment Network. Copacabana, New (drama /entertainment) categories of the 34th
Maria Shriver, NBC News. Waldorf- Astoria, York.
annual media awards program of the American
New York. Information: (212) 697 -5950. Feb. 20.24- "Harry Porterfield: Broadcast Psychological Association.
Feb. 12 -13 -"The New Federal Budget: Presi- Journalist," screenings at Museum of Broadcast
Communications, including "An Afternoon with Program must deal with psychological issues
dential Priorities and Democratic Alternatives," and have been aired, for the first time, on or
conference for journalists sponsored by Wash- Harry Porterfield," on Feb. 23. Museum, Chica-
go. Information: (312) 987-1500. after April I, 1990 and on or before April I, 1991
ington Journalism Center. Watergate hotel.
on U.S. television or radio.
Washington. Information: (202) 337 -3603. Feb. 21-
Federal Communications Bar Associa-
Deadline for receipt of all entries is April 16, 1991
Feb. 13- National tion monthly luncheon. Speaker: Peter Jen-
Academy of Television Arts
and Sciences. New York chapter. drop -in lun- nings, ABC's World News Tonight. Washington
cheon. Topic: "A Look Inside the Music Busi- Marriott, Washington. Information: (202) 833-
ness- Foreign Ownership, Censorship, Intel- 2684.
lectual Property Protection, Record Labeling." Feb. 21-Broadcast Pioneers Golden Mike
Speaker: Michael Greene, president. National Award dinner. Recipient: WOAI(AM) San Anto-
Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. Co- nio. Plaza Hotel, New York. Information: (212)
pacabana, New York. Information: (202) 768- 586 -2000. Rules and
Feb. 21-National Academy of Television Arts entry form, rontata
Feb. 13 -"DAB Broadcast Systems: The Sys- and Sciences trustees awards dinner and cere- Public Affairs Office, American Psychological
tem Proponents-Strother Communications, mony. Recipient of Trustees Award: Ted Association, 1200 Seventeenth Street, NW
CD Radio," seminar sponsored by Society of Turner, Turner Broadcasting System. Marriott
Washington DC 20036, (202) 95S -7710.

Broadcasting Feb 4 1991 Datebook 9

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