HW 1

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Name:Ali Mahmoud Ayal

Evening study
1. (4 pts) Define the following terms

 Surface tension: it is the effect that causes the surface layer of any liquid to act as a
flexible sheet. Small metallic objects such as needles, or pieces of tin foil from
floating on water, are also the cause of capillary action. That is the effect that allows
insects to walk on water, which is also the cause of capillary action.

 Interfacial tension: its defined as property of the interface between two immiscible
phases. Interfacial tension is the Gibbs free energy per unit area of interface at fixed
temperature and pressure. It is occurs because a molecule near an interface has
different molecular interactions than an equivalent molecule within the bulk fluid.

 Wettability : is defined the attraction of a liquid phase to solid surface, and it is

typically quantified using a contact angle with the (solid phase), and it fundamental
property of solid surfaces that plays important roles in daily life, industry .

 Mixed wet : it defined as that mixed-wet conditions can arise as a consequence of
destabilization of thin brine films coating the rock grains.

 Intermediate wet : it is property to rock is partially wet, but rather wet, but it
loses its ability over time to get wet used a chemical additive that changes the
surface properties of natural rock samples while keeping interfacial tension and
viscosity constant.

 Fractional wet : Fractional wettability of a reservoir rock is defined as the fraction
of the internal surface area that is in contact with fliud . Capillary pressure and
relative permeability of unconsolidated sand are functions of fractional wettability.

 Capillary pressure: It is the phenomenon of the rise of any wet fluid (Wetting Fluid)
inside the capillary tube, the smaller the diameter of the capillary tube, the higher the
height of the wet fluid inside the capillary tube. The pores are small inside the porous
and permeable rocks that can be represented by capillary tubes.
 Relative permeability :(Kro ,krw,krg) it is the multistage flow in the porous media,
the stage permeability is a dimensionless measure of the effective permeability of that
stage. It is the ratio of the effective permeability of that stage to absolute
permeability. It can be considered as an adaptation of the Darcy Law of a polyphase

 End point permeability: : The relative permeability end points of the low
permeability mixed wet diatomaceous mudstones increased with flow rate because of
both decrease in capillary end effect and increase in capillary number. We evaluated
the separate contributions by imaging steady state saturation distributions of different
rate floods on one sample, and by conducting long term flow tests on three short

 Infill Drilling :it means of improving sweep efficiency by increasing the number of
wells in an area of field . Modifications to well patterns and the increase in well
density can change sweep patterns and increase sweep efficiency in heterogeneous

 EOR: is the process of increasing the amount of oil that can be recovered from an oil
reservoir, usually by injecting a substance into an existing oil well to increase
pressure and reduce the viscosity of the oil.

 IOR: is defined as any recovery method used to improve oil recovery above the use
of non-stimulated, naturally-flowing vertical production wells (Please note that with
this definition, each reservoir will have a different baseline because each reservoir
will respond differently to the application of these wells).

 MISCIBLE: is a general term for injection processes that introduce miscible gases
into the reservoir. A miscible displacement process maintains reservoir pressure and
improves oil displacement because the interfacial tension between oil and water is

 IMMISCIBLE: It property where tow substsnces sre not capable of combining to

form ahomogenouse mixture.

 FLODDING: Also known as injection pattern, the particular arrangement of

production and injection wells. The injection pattern for an individual field or part of
a field is based on the location of existing wells, reservoir size and shape, cost of new
wells and the recovery increase associated with various injection patterns.

 HUFF_N_PUFF:- enhanced oil recovery to the heavy oil ,its acyclic process in
which awell injected with arecovery enhanced fluid and after asoak period ,the wellis
put back on production ,example are cyclic steam injection and cyclic co2 injection .
 MEOR: is a biological based technology consisting in manipulating function or
structure, or both, of microbial environments existing in oil reservoirs. The ultimate
aim of MEOR is to improve the recovery of oil entrapped in porous media while
increasing economic profits.MEOR is a tertiary oil extraction technology allowing the
partial recovery of the commonly residual two-thirds of oil,thus extending the life of
mature oil reservoirs.

 MICELLAR: flooding involves injection of micelle and polymer to the aqueous

phase to reduce interfacial tension and polymer is added to control the mobility of the
solution, which helps in increasing both displacement and volumetric sweep
efficiency and thereby leads to enhanced oil recovery.

 REMAINING OIL: Fraction of pore volume occupied by oil at any location in a

reservoir at any time during its life. Remaining oil saturation has no petrophysical
significance beyond an assessment of the amount of oil remaining in the rock.
Considered a snapshot of the reservoir, this assessment depends on the location in the
reservoir and time of the measurement. This saturation is measured without regard to
the displacement process or processes that produced it.

 RESIDUAL OIL: Oil that does not move when fluids are flowed through the rock in
normal conditions, for example primary and secondary recovery, and invasion. fuel
oil that remains after the removal of valuable distillates (such as gasoline) from
petroleum and that is used especially by industry.

2. (2 pts) Please name 20 methods to enhance your oil recovery and cite the
references that you used.

A- Thermal MethodS
• Steamflooding,
• Cyclic steam stimulation
• In situ combustion.
• Miscible Recovery
• Carbon Dioxide Flooding
• Cyclic CO2 Stimulation
• Nitrogen Flooding
• Nitrogen CO2 Flooding
C- Chemical recovery methods include
 Conformance Control
 polymer,
 micellar-polymer and
 alkaline flooding

D- Microbial Flooding
E- Cyclic Microbial Recovery
F- Biopolymer injection.
G- Biosurfactant injection
H- ydrocarbon solvent injection
I-Alcohol water solution injection.
J- Acid water solution injection (H2SO4).
K-Alkali water solution injection

Referance/’ Enhance your oil recovery’ By professor Mischenko 1.T.Moscow


3. (4 pts) When water cut is too high, it is not economical any more if you continue
to inject water for oil production. Please answer the following two questions:
 Why oil recovery cannot reach 100% if you use water flooding?

For many reasons, it is not possible to reach a 100% high extraction rate by
flooding water, because the oil is usually heavy if it has a high viscosity of 100
cp or more. , It will lead to turbulent displacement and lead to the formation
of fingering inside the oil area, as well as if the rock was oil wet, the rate of oil
extraction is small. Because it will produce water, because it is the phase that
exists in large pores.
 What problems will be brought by excess water production? (please read
some papers or books to answer the question if you don't have the knowledge)

Excessive water production in oil fields results in a restriction of oil production and creates
several production problems, including high lifting cost, producing corrosion and scale in
production facilities and even sand production. In addition, high costs are incurred to
separate, treat and dispose of the produced water. Produced water also contains organic and
inorganic minerals which have a substantial negative impact on the environment.

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