10 Process Capability

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Introduction to

Process Capability

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About this Module

• Process capability enables the prediction of the
ability of any process to produce products and
services that meet their specifications
• This module focuses on typical manufacturing
processes. Transactional and other manufacturing
processes will be discussed in the Advanced
Process Capability module.
• The principles of process capability will be
introduced--then Minitab will be used to calculate
process capabilities.

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Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this module participants will be able

1. Recognize the value of and uses for process
2. Calculate and explain the capability of processes
whose output is normally distributed.
3. Predict the probability that the output of a process
will be within its specification
p limits.

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Basic Principle

• All measures of process capability are based on the

concept of calculating the number of standard
d i ti
deviations b
t th
the process center
t and
d th
specification limits.
• A Six Sigma process has six units of standard deviation
between the process center and both specification

LSL © 2008 ASQ

Slide 4
Visualizing Process Capability

Process width


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Quantifying Process Capability

Yield of a one sigma process 0.683 If we assume the
process is centered
on the target and
does not shift or drift
the yields would be.

Process Sigma Yield
1 0.6826895
2 0.9544997
3 0.9973002
4 0.9999367
5 0.9999994
6 1

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Calculating Yield
We know that Z is the number of units of standard deviation on a standard
normal curve which has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. We
also know any normal distribution can be converted to the standard normal
using the Z equation

x −µ If the specification limits are substituted for x we can

Z = determine the number of units of standard deviation
σ between the process center and the specification limits on
the standard normal curve. Then we can use the tables to
look up the probability a value will be less than that

X −X In most cases we do not know µ or σ so we substitute the

Z = sample statistics for the population parameters as shown.

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Calculating Yield Example

Consider a process that has the following specification limits: Lower
Specification Limit (LSL) of -1 and a Upper Specification Limit of 1. Data
indicates the process is centered on 0 with a standard deviation of 1. What is
the yield?

USL-X Using tables or software to look up the area under

σ̂ the curve when Z=1 we find .8413. This means that
84.13% of the product has a value less than the
ZUSL = =1 upper specification limit.

LSL X A i using
Again i ttables
bl or software
ft tto look
l k up th
the area
ZLSL = under the curve when Z=-1 we find .1586. This
means that 15.86% of the product has a value less
ZLSL = = −1 than the lower specification limit.

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Calculating Yield Example Cont.
The yield is the product that is less than or equal to the ULS and greater
than or equal to the LSL. Thus the yield is .8413 - .1586 or .6827.

L t’ ddo thi
this example
l iin E
1. Create a Process Sigma column numbered from 1 to 6 starting in
cell A1
2. In cell B2 enter the command = Normsdist(A2)-Normsdist(-A2)
3. Copy that formulae down through A7 and your spread sheet
should look like
Process Sigma Yield
1 0.6826895
2 0.9544997
3 0.9973002
4 0.9999367
5 0.9999994
6 1

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What if the Process Shifts?

In module one we learned that processes have been
observed to shift and/or drift 1.5 standard deviations over
time. How would that effect the yield of a one sigma

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1

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Calculating Shifted Process Yield
USL-X Using tables or software to look up the area under
ZUSL = the curve when Z=-.5 we find .3085
ZUSL = = −.5
LSL-X Again using tables or software to look up the area
σ̂ under the curve when Z=-2.5 we find .0062.

ZLSL = = −2.5 Subtracting the two we obtain .3023

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Calculating the Yield in Excel

Let’s to this example in Excel
1. Create a Process Sigma Shifted column numbered from 1 to 6 in
increments of .5 starting in cell A1
2. In cell B2 enter the command = Normsdist(A2-1.5)-Normsdist(-A2-1.5)
3. Title column C DPMO
4. In cell C2 enter the command =(1-B2)*1000000
5. Copy the formulae down from B2 through C12
6. Your table should look like
Process Sigma Shifted Yield DPMO
Note: a process that
1 0.30232787 697672 was centered 6
1.5 0.4986501 501350 standard deviations
2 0.69122983 308770 from the
2.5 0.84131307 158687 specification limits
3 0.9331894 66811 then shifted 1
3.5 0.97724958 22750 standard deviations
4 0.99379032 6209.7 has 3.4 DPMO
4.5 0.9986501 1349.9
5 0.99976737 232.63
5.5 0.99996833 31.671
6 0.9999966 3.3977
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Process Capability Exercise 1

1 ± .06 Inches

Data indicate the process is centered with a standard deviation of .02.

1. Calculate the yield.

2. What would the yield be if the process shifted 1.5 standard


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Your Sketch/Calculation

Answers at the end of the module.

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Using These Principles

• Process capability and process capability indices are

unambiguous and will be addressed first.
• Process sigma is somewhat ambiguous and will be
addressed second.

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Process Capability Terms

Measures of the ability of a process to produce compliant products/services:
Cp - Short-term process capability
‹ For a limited period of time (not including shifts and drifts)
‹ Does not consider process centering
‹ Also known as process entitlement
Cpk - Short-term process capability index
‹ For a limited period of time (not including shifts and drifts)
‹ Does consider process centering
Pp - Long-term process capability
‹ For an extended period of time (including shifts and drifts)
‹ Does not consider process centering
Ppk - Long-term process capability index
‹ For an extended period of time (including shifts and drifts)
‹ Does consider process centering
See formulae on next page.
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Capability Formulae

Specification Width (s) USL-LSL

Cp = Short-Term = ST
Short Term Process Width 6σ

Specification Width (s) USL-LSL

Pp = = LT
Long-Term Process Width 6σ^

Cpk= USL-X or X-LSL

Lesser of:
^ ^

3σ ST ST

Ppk= Lesser of: USL-X or X-LSL




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Process Sigma Formula

If the process is centered and the specification limits are symmetric then:

Process Sigma Short Term =
2σ^ Short Term
Process Sigma Long Term =
^ Long Term

However, if these conditions are not met the yield is assumed to be in
the left tail of a standard normal distribution and process sigma is the
number of units of standard deviation (positive or negative) from 50%.
For example consider a process with a short term yield of 95%. Using
t bl or software
tables ft we find
fi d the
th Z value
l off 1 1.64.
64 If the
th yield
i ld is
i llong tterm
the process is assumed to have shifted 1.5 standard deviations thus 1.5
is added to the Z value.

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Process Capability Using Minitab
Consider an injection molding machine with 5 cavities that is producing
plastic bottle caps with a target value of 1 inch and a tolerance of .005.
The data is in Bottle Caps.MTW

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Decision Tree to Minitab Path

Data Note: If possible plot the data in time
sequence to determine stability before
determining process capability. See Control
Discrete Continuous Chart Selection for the appropriate charting

Shift double
Defective Defects click to go to
(Attribute) (Count) P≥.05 Data Normal? P<.05 Control Chart
Stat >Basic Selection
Stat >Normalityy
Yes No
Stat> Quality Raw
Tools Data
>Process Normal Non-Normal
Capability Yes
St at>Quality
Poisson Stat>Quality Yes No Is there some sudden shift in the data?
Tools>Process Stratified Do a time series, then brush the top data to see if there is any pattern to the "outliers."
1. Yield can be modeled using e^(-dpu)
2. Process yield can be converted to process Investigate Check for a
sigma using the standard normal distribution. causes and distribution that
Calc>Probability Distributions>Normal> take action. fits
Inverse Stat>Quality
3. To convert from long term to short term add Tools>Individual
1.5 sigma Distribution

Shift double

No Any distribution Yes

with a P value
Box Cox >.05?
Cox Stat>Quality
Transformation Tools>Process
Select the distribution
that matches
Yes Is the No
data normal?

Stat>Quality Tools>Process Stat>Quality

Capability Normal>Box Tools>Process
Cox Capability>Nonnormal
select optimal Lambda >Johnson

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Using Minitab
The data is continuous so test for normality
Stat>Basic Statistics>Normality Test

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The Normality Test

Probability Plot of Caps
Mean 1.000
StDev 0.001986
0 001986
N 750
99 AD 0.619
95 P-Value 0.107


The P value is > .05

therefore do not reject
20 the assumption of
5 normality. Much more
1 about this in week 2.

0.992 0.994 0.996 0.998 1.000 1.002 1.004 1.006 1.008

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Using Minitab to Calculate Process

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Minitab Results
Process Capability of Caps

LSL Target USL

Process Data
Target 1 O
USL 1.005
Sample Mean 1.00006 Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N 750 Z.Bench 2.26
StDev(Within) 0.00198431 Z.LSL 2.55
StDev(Overall) 0.00198636 Z.USL 2.49
Cpk 0.83
Overall Capability
Z.Bench 2.26
Z.LSL 2.55
Z.USL 2.48
Ppk 0.83
Cpm 0.84

45 60 75 90 05 20 35 50
99 .99 .99 .99 .00 .00 .00 .00
0. 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
% < LSL 0.40 % < LSL 0.54 % < LSL 0.54
Let’s examine this in detail
% > USL 0.67 % > USL 0.64 % > USL 0.65
% Total 1.07 % Total 1.18 % Total 1.19

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Process Data
Process Capability of Caps

LSL Target USL

Process Data
Calculated Within
Target 1 directly from Overall
USL 1.005
Sample Mean 1.00006 the data. The Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N 750 Z.Bench 2.26
StDev(Within) 0.00198431
within Z.LSL 2.55
Z.USL 2.49
StDev(Overall) 0.00198636 standard Cpk 0.83
deviation is Overall Capability

the pooled Z.Bench 2.26

Z.LSL 2.55
standard Z.USL 2.48
Ppk 0.83
deviation of Cpm 0.84

945 960 the 75 90 05 20 35 50

9 9 99 .99 .00 .00 .00 .00
0. 0. 0. 0
subgroups. 1 1 1 1
Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
% < LSL 0.40 % < LSL 0.54 % < LSL 0.54
% > USL 0.67 % > USL 0.64 % > USL 0.65
% Total 1.07 % Total 1.18 % Total 1.19

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Observed Performance
Process Capability of Caps

LSL Target USL

Process Data
LSL 0.995 The percent of
Target 1 Overall
USL 1 005
1.005 product that
Sample Mean 1.00006 Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N 750 was outside of Z.Bench 2.26
StDev(Within) 0.00198431 Z.LSL 2.55
StDev(Overall) 0.00198636
the upper and Z.USL 2.49
lower Cpk 0.83
Overall Capability
specification Z.Bench 2.26
limits in this Z.LSL
data set. Ppk 0.83
Cpm 0.84

45 60 75 90 05 20 35 50
99 .99 .99 .99 .00 .00 .00 .00
0. 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
% < LSL 0.40 % < LSL 0.54 % < LSL 0.54
% > USL 0.67 % > USL 0.64 % > USL 0.65
% Total 1.07 % Total 1.18 % Total 1.19

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Expected Within Performance
Process Capability of Caps
The percent of
LSL product thatUSL
Target is
Process Data
0.995 expected to be Within
Target 1
outside of the Overall
USL 1 005
Sample Mean 1.00006 upper and lower Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N 750 Z.Bench 2.26
StDev(Within) 0.00198431 specification Z.LSL 2.55
StDev(Overall) 0.00198636 Z.USL 2.49
limits on an short Cpk 0.83

term basis. This Overall Capability

Z.Bench 2.26
projection is Z.LSL 2.55
Z.USL 2.48
based on the Ppk 0.83
within standard Cpm 0.84
5 0 5 0 05 20 35 050 the
994 996 997 999 deviation
00 .00 .00 and 0
0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 1 1.
process mean.
Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
% < LSL 0.40 % < LSL 0.54 % < LSL 0.54
% > USL 0.67 % > USL 0.64 % > USL 0.65
% Total 1.07 % Total 1.18 % Total 1.19

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Expected Overall Performance

Process Capability of Caps

The percent of LSL Target USL

Process Data
product that is
Target 1 Overall
USL expected to be
1 005
Sample Mean 1.00006 Potential (Within) Capability
outside of the
Sample N 750 Z.Bench 2.26
upper and lower
StDev(Within) 0.00198431 Z.LSL 2.55
StDev(Overall) 0.00198636 Z.USL 2.49
specification Cpk 0.83
Overall Capability
limits on an long Z.Bench 2.26
term basis. This Z.LSL 2.55
Z.USL 2.48
projection is Ppk 0.83
Cpm 0.84
based on the
45 60 75 90 05 20 35 50
overall standard 99 .99 .99 .99 .00 .00 .00 .00
0. 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
deviation and the
Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
% < LSL 0.40 mean.
% < LSL 0.54 % < LSL 0.54
% > USL 0.67 % > USL 0.64 % > USL 0.65
% Total 1.07 % Total 1.18 % Total 1.19

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Potential Within Capability
Process Capability of Caps
Z USL and Z LSL are
calculated usingLSLthe Target USL

Process Data
process 0.995
mean, the Within
Target respective 1 specification Overall
USL 1 005
Mean and the within
1.00006 Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N 750 Z.Bench 2.26
0.00198431 Z.LSL 2.55
Z.USL 2.49
Z bench0.00198636
StDev(Overall) is calculated by Cpk 0.83
putting the projected Overall Capability
Z.Bench 2.26
within yield (.982) in the Z.LSL 2.55
left hand tail of a standard Z.USL 2.48
Ppk 0.83
normal then looking up Cpm 0.84

the respective94Z5 score. 60 75 90 05 20 3 5 50

9 99 99 .99 .00 .00 .00 .00
Cpk is calculated 0. 0.1/30.of the 0 1 1 1 1

Observed of ZExp.
Performance or
LSL . Exp. Overall Performance
Note: Minitab uses within to
% < LSL 0.40 % < LSL 0.54 % < LSL 0.54
% > USL 0.67 % > USL 0.64 % > USL 0.65
% Total 1.07 % Total 1.18 % Total 1.19
describe short term variation
and overall to describe long
Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW term variation.

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Overall Capability
Process Capability of Caps
Z USL and Z LSL are
calculated using LSL the Target USL

Process Data
process 0.995 mean, the Within
Target 1
respective specification O
USL 1.005
Sample Mean and the overall
1.00006 Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N 750 Z.Bench 2.26
StDev(Within) 0.00198431deviation. Z.LSL 2.55
StDev(Overall) 0.00198636 Z.USL 2.49
Z bench is calculated by Cpk 0.83

putting the projected Overall Capability

Z.Bench 2.26
within yield (.981) in the Z.LSL 2.55
Z.USL 2.48
left hand tail of a standard Ppk 0.83
normal then looking up Cpm 0.84

the respective 45 score. 0 5 0 5

96 997 999 000 002 003 005
0 5 0
99 Z.9score
0. 0 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.
Ppk is calculated as 1/3 of
Observed Performance
the 0.40
% < LSL
lesserExp. ofWithin Performance
Z 0.54or Z LSL
Exp. Overall Performance
.% < LSL 0.54
% > USL 0.67 % > USL 0.64 % > USL 0.65
% Total 1.07 % Total 1.18 % Total 1.19

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Within - Between
Process Capability of Caps

LSL Target USL

Process Data
This process is very stable
LSL 0.995
Target 1
as indicated by the Within O
USL 1.005
Sample Mean 1.00006 Potential (Within) Capability
and Between lines being
Sample N 750 Z.Bench 2.26
very close together.
StDev(Within) 0.00198431 Z.LSL
StDev(Overall) 0.00198636
Cpk 0.83
Overall Capability
Z.Bench 2.26
Z.LSL 2.55
Z.USL 2.48
Ppk 0.83
Cpm 0.84

45 60 75 90 05 20 35 50
99 .99 .99 .99 .00 .00 .00 .00
0. 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
% < LSL 0.40 % < LSL 0.54 % < LSL 0.54
% > USL 0.67 % > USL 0.64 % > USL 0.65
% Total 1.07 % Total 1.18 % Total 1.19

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Calculating Cpk and Ppk

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Calculating Cpk and Ppk
CPL and CPU are
Process Capability of Caps
calculated using the
process mean, the LSL Target USL
Process Data specification Within
LSL 0 995
Targetlimits 1and the within Overall
USL 1.005
Sample Mean 1.00006
deviation. Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N is calculated
750 by Cp 0.84
StDev(Within) 0.00198431 CPL 0.85
StDev(Overall) the projected
0.00198636 CPU 0.83
Cpk 0.83
within yield (.982) in the Overall Capability
left hand tail of a standard Pp 0.84
PPL 0.85
normal then looking up PPU 0.83
Ppk 0.83
the respective Z score. Cpm 0.84
Then dividing by 45 33.60Cpk
75 is90 05 20 35 50
99 .99 .99 .99 .00 .00 .00 .00
the lesser of CPL 0. 0 or 0CPU.0 1 1 1 1
Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
PPM < LSL 4000.00 PPM < LSL 5355.08 PPM < LSL 5395.59
PPM > USL 6666.67 PPM > USL 6432.04 PPM > USL 6478.48
PPM Total 10666.67 PPM Total 11787.12 PPM Total 11874.07

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Calculating Cpk and Ppk

PPL and PPU are
Process Capability of Caps
calculated using the
process mean, the LSL Target USL
Process Data specification Within
LSL 0 995
Targetlimits 1and the overall Overall
USL 1.005
Sample Mean 1.00006
deviation. Potential (Within) Capability
Pp is calculated
Sample N 750 by Cp 0.84
StDev(Within) 0.00198431 CPL 0.85
StDev(Overall) the projected
0.00198636 CPU 0.83
Cpk 0.83
within yield (.9813) left Overall Capability
hand tail of a standard Pp 0.84
PPL 0.85
normal then looking up PPU 0.83
Ppk 0.83
the respective Z score. Cpm 0.84
Then dividing by 45 3.
3 60Ppk75 is 90 05 20 35 50
99 .99 .99 .99 .00 .00 .00 .00
the lesser of PPL 0. 0 or PPU.
0 0 1 1 1 1
Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
PPM < LSL 4000.00 PPM < LSL 5355.08 PPM < LSL 5395.59
PPM > USL 6666.67 PPM > USL 6432.04 PPM > USL 6478.48
PPM Total 10666.67 PPM Total 11787.12 PPM Total 11874.07

Worksheet: Bottle Caps.MTW

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Using the Assistant

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Statistical Process
Assistant Result Control chart
Capability Analysis for Caps
indicates the
Diagnostic Report process is stable.
Xbar-R Chart Note: stability and
Confirm that the process is stable.
capability are




1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136

Normality Plot
The points should be close to the line.
Normality Test result,
Results Pass
P-value 0.107 normality

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Assistant Result
Capability Analysis for Caps
Summary Report

How capable is the process? Customer Requirements

0 6 Upper Spec 1.005
Low High Target 1
Lower Spec
p 0.995
h = 2.26

Process Characterization
Does the process mean differ from 1? Mean 1.0001
0 0.05 0.1 > 0.5 Standard deviation 0.0019864
Yes No
Actual (overall) capability
P = 0.378 Pp 0.84
Ppk 0.83
Z.Bench 2.26
Actual (overall) Capability % Out of spec 1.19
Are the data inside the limits and close to the target?
LSL Target USL

-- The process mean does not differ significantly from the
target (p > 0.05).
-- The defect rate is 1.19%, which estimates the
percentage of parts from the process that are outside the
spec limits.

Actual (overall) capability is what the customer experiences.

0.9945 0.9960 0.9975 0.9990 1.0005 1.0020 1.0035 1.0050

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A Process that Drifts

Consider a similar process that does change over time.

Datafile/Caps Drift.MTW.

First test for normality…

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Normality Test
Probability Plot of Caps Drift
Mean 1.000
StDev 0.001291
N 720
99 AD 0.326
95 P-Value 0.520



20 Do not reject the

assumption of

0.9950 0.9975 1.0000 1.0025 1.0050
Caps Drift

Worksheet: Caps Drift.MTW

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Capability Analysis

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Capability Analysis
Process Capability of Caps Drift

This process is is changing LSL Target USL

indicated by
the difference
Target 1 between the Overall
USL 1.005
Mean Between
0.999998 lines. Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N 720 Z.Bench 4.76
Plot StDev(Within)
this data0.00102066
using a Z.LSL 4.90
StDev(Overall) Z.USL 4.90
control chart.0.00129055 Cpk 1.63
Overall Capability
Z.Bench 3.70
Z.LSL 3.87
Z.USL 3.88
Ppk 1.29
Cpm 1.29

0.9960 0.9975 0.9990 1.0005 1.0020 1.0035 1.0050

Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance

% < LSL 0.00 % < LSL 0.00 % < LSL 0.01
% > USL 0.00 % > USL 0.00 % > USL 0.01
% Total 0.00 % Total 0.00 % Total 0.01

Worksheet: Caps Drift.MTW

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Slide 41

Control Chart
Stat>Control Charts>Variable Charts for Subgroups

Note: Any point outside of the control limits indicates an assignable

cause (nonrandom event). Control Charts will be covered in detail
later in the course. Control charts are only used here to assess
process stability.

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Control Charts Shows Process Drift
Xbar-R Chart of Caps Drift
1.002 1
1 1
555 22222 2222 222 22 55
55555 UCL=1.001368
22 2 22 2 2
2 6

2 2 _
2 _
Sample M

1.000 X=0.999998
2 22
8 2 2 2 22 2
6 622 6 2
55 6 22 555 2 22222 LCL=0.998629
2222 5 1
0.998 1 111
1 1
1 15 29 43 57 71 85 99 113 127 141

e Range

0.0030 _


0.0000 LCL=0
1 15 29 43 57 71 85 99 113 127 141

Worksheet: Caps Drift.MTW

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Slide 43

Assistant Setup

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Statistical Process
Assistant Result Control chart indicates
the process is not
Capability Analysis for Caps Drift
Diagnostic Report stable. Note: stability
Xbar-R Chart
and capability are
Confirm that the process is stable.





1 15 29 43 57 71 85 99 113 127 141

Normality Plot Same

Th points
The i t should
h ld be
b close
l to
t the
th line.
Normality Test result,

Results Pass
P-value 0.520

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Slide 45

Comparing Two Processes

Two suppliers have submitted sample parts.
The parts were created in subgroups of 5 and the specification limits are:
LSL 14.8
USL 15.2
Use the Minitab
s assistant to compare the processes

Data = Compare

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Assistant Dialog

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Assistant Output
Before/After Capability Comparison for Supplier 1 vs Supplier 2
Summary Report
Reduction in % Out of Spec Customer Requirements
100% Lower Spec Target Upper Spec
% Out of spec was reduced by 100% from 69.36%
to 0.01%. 14.8 15 15.2

Was the process standard deviation reduced? Statistics Before After Change
0 0.05 0.1 > 0.5 Mean 14.980 15.001 0.020757
Yes No Standard deviation 0.50724 0.050492 -0.45674
P = 0.000
Pp 0.13 1.32 1.19
Did the process mean change? Ppk 0.12 1.31 1.20
Z.Bench -0.51 3.79 4.30
0 0.05 0.1 > 0.5
% Out of spec 69.36 0.01 -69.35
Yes No
P = 0.265

Actual (overall) Capability Comments

Are the data inside the limits and close to the target?
Before: Supplier 1 After: Supplier 2
-- The process standard deviation was reduced significantly (p
< 0.05).
-- The process mean did not change significantly (p > 0.05).

Actual (overall) capability is what the customer experiences.


© 2008 ASQ
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Assistant Output
Before/After Capability Comparison for Supplier 1 vs Supplier 2
Process Performance Report

Capability Histogram Process Characterization

Are the data inside the limits and close to the target? Before After Change

LSLTargetUSL Total N 750 750

B f
Before S b
Subgroup size
i 5 5
Mean 14.980 15.001 0.020757
StDev (overall) 0.50724 0.050492 -0.45674
StDev (within) 0.50314 0.049633 -0.45351

Capability Statistics
Before After Change

Actual (overall)
After Pp 0.13 1.32 1.19
Ppk 0.12 1.31 1.20
Z.Bench -0.51 3.79 4.30
% Out of spec (obs) 69.87 0.00 -69.87
% Out of spec (exp) 69.36 0.01 -69.35

Potential (within)
Cp 0.13 1.34 1.21
Cpk 0.12 1.34 1.22
13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 Z.Bench -0.50 3.86 4.36
% Out of spec (exp) 69.12 0.01 -69.12

Actual (overall) capability is what the customer experiences.

Potential (within) capability is what could be achieved if

process shifts and drifts were eliminated.

© 2008 ASQ
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Exercise 2
Assume a process owner has asked you analyze the data in Process
Capability Exercise 1.MTW. Parts A and B are made on different machines
in lots (subgroups) of 5.
The customer has established specification limits of 10 ± .1 and requires a
Ppk of 1.33.

Prepare a brief presentation to describe your analysis and

recommendations? Remember to present data practically, graphically and

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 50
Exercise 1 Visualizing the Answer
-.06 -.04 -.02 +.02 +.04 +.06

Process average

D i width
(.12 Inches)

There are 3 units of standard deviation between the process average and the
specification limits therefore this is a 3 sigma process (short term).

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 51

Exercise 1 Calculating the Yield

USL-X Using tables or software to look up the area under

ZUSL = the curve when Z=3 we find .9986
ZUSL = =3
Again using tables or software to look up the area
ZLSL = under the curve when Z=-3 we find .00135.
Subtracting the two we find a yield of .9973
.94 1
ZLSL = = −3

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 52
Exercise 1 Calculating the Shifted Yield

USL-X Using tables or software to look up the area under

ZUSL = the curve when Z=1.5 we find .9332
ZUSL = = 1.5
ZLSL = Again using tables or software to look up the area
σ̂ under the curve when Z=-4.5 we find ~.00.

ZLSL = = −4.5 Subtracting the two we find a yield of .9332

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 53

Exercise 2 Normality Tests

Probability Plot of Part A
Mean 10.00
StDev 0.05049
N 750
99 AD 0.420
95 P-Value 0.324





Probability Plot of Part B
9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 Normal
Part A
Worksheet: Process Capability Exercise 1.MTW Mean 10.00
StDev 0.05647
N 750
99 AD 0.248
95 P-Value 0.752


No reason to reject the 50

assumption of normality for 20

either part. 1

9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2
Part B
Worksheet: Process Capability Exercise 1.MTW

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 54
Exercise 2 Process Capabilities

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 55

Exercise 2 Part A Process Capability

Process Capability of Part A

LSL Target USL

Process Data
Target 10 Overall
USL 10.1
Sample Mean 10.0009 Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N 750 Cp 0.67
StDev(Within) 0.0496334 CPL 0.68
StDev(Overall) 0.0504922 CPU 0.67
Cpk 0.67
Overall Capability
Pp 0.66
PPL 0.67
PPU 0.65
Ppk 0.65
Cpm 0.66

9.88 9.92 9.96 10.00 10.04 10.08 10.12

Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
% < LSL 1.87 % < LSL 2.10 % < LSL 2.28
% > USL 2.80 % > USL 2.30 % > USL 2.49
% Total 4.67 % Total 4.40 % Total 4.77

Worksheet: Process Capability Exercise 1.MTW

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 56
Exercise 2 Prepare the Control Charts

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 57

Control Chart Shows Process Stability

Xbar-R Chart of Part A

Sample M

10.00 X=10.0009

1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136


Sample Range

4 _
R 0 1154
0.1 44

0.0 LCL=0
1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136

Worksheet: Process Capability Exercise 1.MTW

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 58
Process Capability Part B
Process Capability of Part B

LSL Target USL

Process Data
g 10 Overall
USL 10.1
Sample Mean 9.99961 Potential (Within) Capability
Sample N 750 Z.Bench 1.71
StDev(Within) 0.0496334 Z.LSL 2.01
StDev(Overall) 0.0564727 Z.USL 2.02
Cpk 0.67
Overall Capability
Z.Bench 1.43
Z.LSL 1.76
Z.USL 1.78
Ppk 0.59
Cpm 0.59

9.84 9.90 9.96 10.02 10.08 10.14

Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance
% < LSL 4.13 % < LSL 2.24 % < LSL 3.89
% > USL 4.00 % > USL 2.16 % > USL 3.77
% Total 8.13 % Total 4.39 % Total 7.66

Worksheet: Process Capability Exercise 1.MTW

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 59

Control Chart Shows Time Based

Xbar-R Chart of Part B
1 1 1 11 1 1

Sample Me

10.00 X=9.9996

5 5 LCL=9.9330
1 1
9.90 1 1 1
1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136



4 _
Sample R

0.1 44

0.0 LCL=0
1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136

Worksheet: Process Capability Exercise 1.MTW

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 60
Exercise 2 Using Assistant

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 61

Assistant Output
Before/After Capability Comparison for Part A vs Part B
Summary Report
Reduction in % Out of Spec
Customer Requirements
61% This showsLowernegative
Spec improvement.
Target Upper Spec
% Out of spec increased by 61% from 4.77% to
7.66%. Let’s reverse9.9 the order 10 to make10.1

interpretation easier.
Was the process standard deviation reduced? Statistics Before After Change
0 0.05 0.1 > 0.5 Mean 10.001 9.9996 -1.31E-03
Yes No Standard deviation 0.050492 0.056473 0.0059805
P = 0.999
Pp 0.66 0.59 -0.07
Did the process mean change? Ppk 0.65 0.59 -0.07
Z.Bench 1.67 1.43 -0.24
0 0.05 0.1 > 0.5
% Out of spec 4.77 7.66 2.89
Yes No
P = 0.636

Actual (overall) Capability Comments

Are the data inside the limits and close to the target?
Before: Part A After: Part B
LSL Target USL
-- The process standard deviation was not reduced significantly
(p > 0.05).
-- The process mean did not change significantly (p > 0.05).

Actual (overall) capability is what the customer experiences.


© 2008 ASQ
Slide 62
Exercise 2 Assistant

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 63

Exercise 2 Assistant Output

Capability Comparison for Part B vs Part A
Summary Report
Part A has less Defectives than Part B
Customer Requirements
38% Lower Spec Target Upper Spec
% Out of spec was reduced by 38% from 7.66%
to 4.77%. 9.9 10 10.1

Was the process standard deviation reduced? Statistics Before After Change
0 0.05 0.1 > 0.5 Mean 9.9996 10.001 0.0013091
Yes No Standard deviation 0.056473 0.050492 -5.98E-03
P = 0.001
Pp 0.59 0.66 0.07
Did the process mean change? Ppk 0.59 0.65 0.07
0 0.05 0.1 > 0.5 Z.Bench 1.43 1.67 0.24
% Out of spec 7.66 4.77 -2.89
Yes No
P = 0.636

Actual (overall) Capability Comments

Are the data inside the limits and close to the target?
LSL Target USL
Before: Part B After: Part A
-- The process standard deviation was reduced
significantly (p < 0.05).
-- The process mean did not change
significantly (p > 0.05).

Actual (overall) capability is what the customer


© 2008 ASQ
Slide 64
Exercise 2 Assistant Output
Capability Comparison for Part B vs Part A
Diagnostic Report Note: “Before” and
Xbar-R Charts
Confirm that the Before and After process conditions are stable.
“After” were changed
Part B Part A
to “Part B” and “Part
10.05 A” by double clicking

10.00 on the field and

typing the modified


1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136

Normality Plots
The points should be close to the line.
Part B Part A
Normality Test
Part B Part A

Results Pass Pass

P-value 0.752 0.324

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 65

What We Learned

1. Recognized the value of and uses for process

2. Calculated and explained the capability of
processes whose output is normally distributed.
3. Predicted the probability that the output of a
process will be within its specification limits.

© 2008 ASQ
Slide 66

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