Bill Winston Ministries Monthly Partner Letter

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The key takeaways are that God is restoring the earth back into the hands of Christians and there will be a supernatural transfer of wealth from the wicked to Christians.

The main message of the letter is that as we get closer to Jesus' return, the Kingdom of God is invading the world and bringing God's will, rules, and values to replace the devil's systems. There will also be a great transfer of wealth from the wicked to Christians.

The 'greatest wealth transfer' is referring to a prophesied transfer of large amounts of money and resources from non-Christians to Christians through divine favor, inventions, and generosity.

From the desk of Dr.

Bill Winston
Bill Winston Ministries Monthly Partner Letter
February 2012

Dear Partners,

“And the Lord God said to Abram, after that Lot was separated from
him, Lift up thine eyes, and look from the place where thou are northward,
and southward, and eastward and westward: For all the land which thou
seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever” (Genesis 13:14-15).

This was a prophetic picture of restoring the earth back into the hands of its
rightful owners, as well as restoring the power or Blessing to govern it. Because of
Adam’s sin, the earth was not in the hands of God’s family. Now, God is working
His redemptive plan to get it all back…what I refer to as a SUPERNATURAL
transfer of wealth.

As we get closer to our Lord’s return, there is an invasion of the Kingdom

of Heaven into this world. The imposing of God’s will on the plans of the devil.
Earthly systems, laws, rules, policies, and values must now come in-line with
Heaven’s order or Heaven’s Government, the Government of the Kingdom of God.
“. . . His kingdom rules over all” (Psalm 103:19, ESV).

Don’t think it is any coincidence that we are in the year 2012. The number
twelve is the number of “Government.” In the Book of Isaiah it was prophesied,
“...and the Government shall be upon His shoulder...” speaking about Jesus
the King, the Son of the living God (Isaiah 9:6).

In the Old Testament there were the twelve tribes of Israel. In the New
Testament, in the Book of Revelations, the Holy City Jerusalem descending from
heaven had a great wall with twelve gates, the gates had twelve angels, and the
city had twelve foundations. Jesus chose twelve disciples to help establish the
Government of the Kingdom every place He went.

He healed the sick, open blinded eyes, caused the lame to walk and raised
the dead, demonstrating the sovereignty and power of this new kingdom or
government. Everything contrary to the rules, laws, and justice of God was being
brought under subjection. Jesus took personal responsibility for the darkness
over the earth, and He planned for the Church to do the same.

One of the major things coming in this hour is an EXPLOSION OF WEALTH

in the body of Christ. Through divine favor, witty inventions, and the grace of

giving, we are at the season of the greatest WEALTH TRANSFER in the history
of this planet. There will be inventions that will make the iPhone® seem like child’s

This is a prophetic time in history, the same as the “set-time” that triggered
the release of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage. This is a season
when what happened then is happening now. It is a set-time or a season which is
the consummation of something pledged or promised by God. The reservoirs of
the wicked will now be drained, and as the Babylonian system of the world fails,
the system of the Kingdom of God will prevail.

As I mentioned, Jesus took personal responsibility for the darkness over this
earth and, as His representatives, we are to do the same. We are stewards over
this planet (Psalm 82 and Psalm 115:16). We should see the drug problem not
as the world’s problem, but as the Church’s problem. The poverty and sicknesses
in the nations, illiteracy and every other evil work as something the Church is
responsible to eradicate.

In fact, nothing should exist here on this earth without our permission (Matthew
18:18). God gave Adam a mandate to “have dominion” over all the earth, and we
are still under that Eden mandate. This includes the wealth and all the resources
necessary to finish what Jesus started.

There should be a clear difference between the Church and the rest of the
world. We are sent to occupy and establish territories that Satan and his kingdom
now illegally possess. He has been illegally holding captive the people and the
wealth or property. Our job . . . “And Recover All.”

Again, it is the season for the greatest WEALTH TRANSFER seen on the
face of the earth. We’re even going to see money supernaturally transfer into
the bank accounts of the people of God. Why the transfer of wealth? Mainly
for the advancing of the Kingdom and bringing in the end-time harvest of souls.
God needs the wealth in our hands to fulfill the call that is on our lives for this
generation --- to reclaim what Jesus redeemed. There are billions of souls who
need to be reached.

God has a pattern of giving His people the wealth of the wicked.

“For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and
knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap
up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and
vexation of spirit” (Ecclesiastes 2:26).

This verse says that every lost person out there in the world is busy gathering
and heaping up the wealth. I call it, “their ministry.” They have an assignment to

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that a large part of the work has not been done simply because a major source of
revenue has been left in the wrong hands.

Who are the people who are “good before God?” According to the Word of
God, they are blood-washed saints, in covenant with Him (being a tither), and
have as a priority Kingdom expansion.

The Book of Proverbs says, “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his

children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just,” or
justified ones (Proverbs 13:22). Make no mistake. This is talking about real
wealth, I mean actual hard assets.

God plans for every “good man” to leave an inheritance for his children’s
children. The wealth is to come from the sinner, who God is allowing to stack up
billions and trillions worth of wealth. Even wealth that is hidden, “And I will give
thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou
mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of
Israel” (Isaiah 45:3). God knows where every dime is . . . they can’t even hide
it in off-shore accounts. This is the Bible. There is plenty of wealth in the world.
It’s just in the wrong hands!

God speaks about ill-gotten wealth. “He that by usury and unjust gain
increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor”
(Proverbs 28:8). You see it today in loan sharks, cheats, and money loaning
operations with unreasonable interest rates and hidden loan costs. They are
gathering through unjust methods and eventually will have to give it all up to those
who will pity the poor. That is, the wealth will end up in the church that meets the
needs of the poor.

As we meet the needs of the poor, God said He will give it right back to us:
“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the lord, and that which he
hath given will he pay him again” (Proverbs 19:17). Notice, God will perpetually
supply those who take care of the poor of this world. The wealth circulates from
the wicked right back into the hands of the faithful stewards of God, the Believers.
God never intended for the Federal Government to care for the poor, He planned
for you and I to do it.

I heard one man of God say, “When God created us, the born-again Believers,
He created spenders.” Now you can see what he was saying; God intends for us
to spend on His priorities and NEVER RUN OUT. He planned for us to have more
than we see anyway to use.

God, more than once, speaks about the world unknowingly involved in a
worthless endeavor; the day-in and day-out, nonstop gathering of wealth to give
it over to total strangers, the children of God.

Here are a few more scriptures speaking about this end-time transfer of wealth:

‡ “There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common
among men: A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth,
and honour so that he wanteth nothing for his soul of all that
he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a
stranger eateth it. . . ” (Ecclesiastes 6:1-2). This speaks of a stranger
eating the wealth that the rich man has gathered up. I ask you, “Who is
more of a stranger to the wicked than a God-fearing Believer, the sons
and daughters of Almighty God?”
‡ “This is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the heritage
of oppressors, which they shall receive of the Almighty. If his
children be multiplied, it is for the sword and his offspring shall
not be satisfied with bread. . . Though he heap up silver as the
dust, and prepare raiment as the clay; He may prepare it, but the
just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the silver” (Job
27:13-17). Who are the innocent? The blood-washed, blood-bought
Christians! The children of God shall put on those expensive clothes
and divide the silver among themselves.

I don’t care how you slice it, God’s plan is to take the wealth of the wicked
and give it to the just. I believe this is not an event, but will be ongoing until Jesus
returns. “The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just.” Period!

Why all that wealth? One main reason is to “...prepare him an habitation...”
(Exodus 15:2). There was only one thing they could use all that wealth for in the
middle of a desert . . . to build Him a tabernacle or temple. The Bible says, “...We
are the temple of God.” The Church is the true temple of the Living God and
God is giving us the wealth of the wicked so we can build Him a temple -- to bring
in the greatest harvest experienced on the face of the earth. This is YOUR year!

Veronica and I thank you for your continued support of Bill Winston Ministries.
As you sow your seed, sow it for a manifestation of your seeds sown over the
years. This is the year of manifestation, the “Year of the Harvest.”

We love you and stand in agreement for this to be the best and most
prosperous year you have ever had. God bless you and keep walking by faith!

Your Partner and Friend,

William S. Winston
“God has a pattern of giving His people the wealth of the wicked”

Introducing “Faith In The Blessing”

A special teaching by Dr. Bill Winston!

Many have heard the scripture that says, “...the Blessing

of The Lord, it maketh rich...” But, hearing is not enough.
You’ve got to exercise your faith in the Blessing in order
for it to fully manifest in your life. In the new special
teaching series “Faith In The Blessing,” Dr. Bill Winston
shows you how to activate the Blessing of the Lord in your
life through faith.

Let the revelation shared in this special three-disc teach-

ing help you to get strong and boldly take what God has
for you by having and exercising unrelenting Faith in the

To order please call 1-800-711-9327 or mail the form below. Downloadable format available at

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Select Bill Winston teaching series are now available on
iTunes. Simply search “Bill Winston” in the iTunes store
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“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and
cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night
shall not cease.”
- Genesis 8:22

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Go to, select “Partners” and then choose “Partner Café.” If you
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