6th Term - Urban Planning & Design
6th Term - Urban Planning & Design
6th Term - Urban Planning & Design
This backs up the view that urbanization results from, rather than causes, social change. This is
most notable in the development of capitalism and its attendant industrialization. It is said that
the development of the landless labourer and the concentration of wealth into a few hands
encourages urbanization. Others argue that urbanization is the inevitable result of economic
growth, with the rise of specialized craftsmen, merchants, and administrators. A further view
stresses the importance of agglomeration economies; cities offer markets, labour, and capital
with a well-developed infrastructure, all of which increase their comparative advantage. In
addition, Clark observes that the effects of globalization ‗compound, rather than replace, local
processes of urban development. They introduce reasons for urban growth and urbanisation
which add to the traditional attractions of cities as central places‘.
Urbanization is a relatively recent process in the Third World where it is even more rapid than
population growth and where the largest agglomerations are growing most rapidly. The negative
effects of urbanization include the loss of agricultural land coupled with problems of urban food
supply, the destruction of habitats, and urban diseconomies.
A "city" refers to a place of relatively dense settlement -- dense enough so that city residents
can not grow their own food. A city population, therefore, is always dependent upon its
"hinterlands" to provide it with food. Not until agriculture developed could hinterlands provide
food for their own populations and enough of a surplus to feed a city population. And in
agricultural societies the surplus was so small that only a tiny proportion of an entire population
It is essential to define and understand the nature of this process as a preliminary to any further
investigation. Lampard says that there are ‗three concepts of urbanization which have currency
in the social sciences: the behavioral, the structural and the demographic. The first of these is
concerned with the experience of individuals over time and with patterns of behavior; the
second is related to the activities of the whole population and is primarily related to changes in
economic structure; the third is the demographic concept where the process is seen primarily
as one of population concentration. All three of these throw a different light on the process and
each one presents particular problems. A brief review will give some insight into the
urbanization process.
The first of the three is perhaps the most well known and is usually related to Louis Wirths
paper ‗Urbanism as a way of life‘. Where he rejects simple measurements of size, density and
occupational structure or administrative status as denoting anything fundamental, Wirth
formulated a theory of urbanism based on existing knowledge of social groups. The size of the
aggregated population will affect relations between members, increasing the process of
differentiation which ultimately leads to segregation. ‗The bonds of kinship, of neighbourliness,
and the sentiments arising out of living together for generations under a common folk tradition
are likely to be absent, or at best, relatively weak in an aggregate, the members of which have
such diverse origins and backgrounds. Under such circumstances competition and formal
control mechanisms furnish the substitutes for the bonds of solidarity that are relied upon to
hold a folk society together. Urban dwellers meet in segmented roles and face to face relations
are impersonal and superficial. In consequence of the superficiality, the anonymity and
transitory character of urban social relations the individual becomes alienated from his folk or
rural background; a sense of belonging to an integrated community is no longer held and leads
to the state of ‗anomie‘, of being lost in ‗the lonely crowd‘. Density also adds to diversification
and gives rise to characteristic urban contrasts of wealth and poverty. In addition ‗the close
living together and working together of individuals who have non sentimental and emotional ties
fosters a spirit of competition, aggrandizement and mutual exploitation. The clock and the traffic
signal are symbolic of the basis of our social order in the urban world. But diversification means
heterogeneity and this breaks down caste boundaries and gives the individual a fluctuating
status determined by his own ability and effort rather than by his birth. A social role is not given
The consequences of the above rural- urban contrasts have been described as a ‗rural-urban
The second interpretation of urbanization is economic and relates ti ‗the movement of people
out of agricultural communities into other and generally larger non – agricultural communities.
This conception gives primary recognition to the differential ordering of occupations within a
given territorial space‘. The crux of this approach is a direct correlation of economic
develop0ment with urbanization and it usually couched in the form of the identification of phases
of economic development each of which is associated with a degree of urbanization.
Urbanization is seen therefore as a product of increasing economic specialization and
advancing technology. The only way it is possible to advance from a subsistence basis is by
specialization of economic activities. The linkages between specialism necessitate the
accumulation of people and this is the process of urbanization.
The third interpretation of the urbanization process is termed as demographic in the sense that
it postulates that urbanization is a process of population concentration. Urbanization is seen as
the organizational component of a populations achieved capacity for adaptation. It is a way of
ordering a population to attain a certain level of subsistence and security in a given
environment. In this a given factor is the level of technology which is itself a part of social
organization so that there are four variables, population, environment, technology and social
organization by which the process of urbanization is said to explained. Three of these ideas
bear relationship to those put forward by
Population= Urban growth
Technology= Industrialization
Social organization= Emergence of middle class
Urbanization or Urban Drift is the physical growth of urban areas as a result of global
change. Urbanization is also defined by the United Nations as movement of people from rural to
urban areas with population growth equating to urban migration. The United Nations projected
that half of the world's population would live in urban areas at the end of 2008. Urbanization is
closely linked to modernization, industrialization, and the sociological process of rationalization.
Urbanization occurs naturally from individual and corporate efforts to reduce time and expense
in commuting and transportation while improving opportunities for jobs, education, housing, and
transportation. Living in cities permits individuals and families to take advantage of the
opportunities of proximity, diversity, and marketplace competition.
People move into cities to seek economic opportunities. A major contributing factor is
known as "rural flight". In rural areas, often on small family farms, it is difficult to improve one's
standard of living beyond basic sustenance. Farm living is dependent on unpredictable
environmental conditions, and in times of drought, flood or pestilence, survival becomes
extremely problematic. In modern times, industrialization of agriculture has negatively affected
the economy of small and middle-sized farms and strongly reduced the size of the rural labour
Economic effects
In recent years, urbanization of rural areas has increased. As agriculture, more traditional local
services, and small-scale industry give way to modern industry the urban and related commerce
with the city drawing on the resources of an ever-widening area for its own sustenance and
goods to be traded or processed into manufactures.
Research in urban ecology finds that larger cities provide more specialized goods and services
to the local market and surrounding areas, function as a transportation and wholesale hub for
smaller places, and accumulate more capital, financial service provision, and an educated labor
force, as well as often concentrating administrative functions for the area in which they lie. This
relation among places of different sizes is called the urban hierarchy.
As cities develop, effects can include a dramatic increase in costs, often pricing the local
working class out of the market, including such functionaries as employees of the local
municipalities. Urbanization is often viewed as a negative trend, but can in fact, be perceived
simply as a natural occurrence from individual and corporate efforts to reduce expense in
commuting and transportation while improving opportunities for jobs, education, housing, and
transportation. Living in cities permits individuals and families to take advantage of the
opportunities of proximity, diversity, and marketplace competition.
Environmental effects
The urban heat island has become a growing concern and is increasing over the years. The
urban heat island is formed when industrial and urban areas are developed and heat becomes
more abundant. In rural areas, a large part of the incoming solar energy is used to evaporate
water from vegetation and soil. In cities, where less vegetation and exposed soil exists, the
majority of the sun‘s energy is absorbed by urban structures and asphalt. Hence, during warm
daylight hours, less evaporative cooling in cities allows surface temperatures to rise higher than
in rural areas. Additional city heat is given off by vehicles and factories, as well as by industrial
and domestic heating and cooling units. This effect causes the city to become 2 to 10o F (1 to 6o
C) warmer than surrounding landscapes. Impacts also include reducing soil moisture and
intensification of carbon dioxide emissions.
Recent developments, such as inner-city redevelopment schemes, mean that new arrivals in
cities no longer necessarily settle in the centre. In some developed regions, the reverse effect,
originally called counter urbanization has occurred, with cities losing population to rural areas,
and is particularly common for richer families. This has been possible because of improved
communications, and has been caused by factors such as the fear of crime and poor urban
environments. Later termed "white flight", the effect is not restricted to cities with a high ethnic
minority population.
When the residential area shifts outward, this is called suburbanization. A number of
researchers and writers suggest that suburbanization has gone so far to form new points of
concentration outside the downtown both in developed and developing countries such as India.
This networked, poly-centric form of concentration is considered by some an emerging pattern
of urbanization. It is called variously exurbia, edge city (Garreau, 1991), network city (Batten,
1995), or postmodern city (Dear, 2000). Los Angeles is the best-known example of this type of
Rural migrants are attracted by the possibilities that cities can offer, but often settle in shanty
towns and experience extreme poverty. Urbanization can be planned urbanization or organic.
Planned urbanization, ie: planned community or the garden city movement is based on an
advance plan, which can be prepared for military, aesthetic, economic or urban design reasons.
Examples can be seen in many ancient cities; although with exploration came the collision of
nations, which meant that many invaded cities took on the desired planned characteristics of
their occupiers. Many ancient organic cities experienced redevelopment for military and
economic purposes, new roads carved through the cities, and new parcels of land were
cordoned off serving various planned purposes giving cities distinctive geometric designs. UN
agencies prefer to see urban infrastructure installed before urbanization occurs. Landscape
planners are responsible for landscape infrastructure (public parks, sustainable urban drainage
systems, greenways etc) which can be planned before urbanization takes place, or afterward to
revitalize an area and create greater livability within a region.
The process involves the moving of the population away from urban areas such as towns and
cities to a new town, a new estate, a commuter town or a village. The first two of these
destinations were often encouraged by government schemes whereas the latter two were
generally the choice of more middle class, socially mobile persons from their own prerogative.
With the improvement of inner-city transport infrastructure, and more sustainable public
transport, people no-longer have to live close to their work, and so can easily commute each
Factors of moving
Many factors can come in to account when someone decides to move from an urban area to a
rural area including; housing density, housing prices, pollution levels (health afflictions), crime
levels, peaceful retirement, and a wish to improve quality of life. Developments in rural
electrification and rural Internet bring to rural areas some of the amenities of urbanity; thus
eliminating one of the obstacles preventing some people from moving to a more rural setting.
Pseudo-urbanization is the condition in which a large city has formed in an area without a
functional infrastructure to support it. As the population of an urbanized area grows, the city's
infrastructure must grow with it, or else shortages will develop, typically in housing, education,
transportation, clean water and waste removal services, or other services such as law
enforcement. Overpopulation in urban areas is often characterized by shanty towns, where such
services are inadequate or wholly absent. A city in which significant growth in the absence of
adequate infrastructure has taken place will be deemed "pseudo-urbanized".
Urbanization in the third world tends to consist primarily of pseudo-urbanization. This happens
largely because of so-called "rural push": factors which push people from the countryside into
the cities, without the city being prepared to accept them. Rural-urban migrants in the third
world usually move into the cities due to poverty-related reasons, leading to a demographic
explosion and a progressive concentration of poor migrants in the cities. This is a finite process,
as one city can only hold so many people due to limited infrastructure and available resources.
Urban sprawl, also known as suburban sprawl, is a multifaceted concept, which includes the
spreading outwards of a city and its suburbs to its outskirts to low-density and auto-dependent
development on rural land, high segregation of uses (e.g. stores and residential), and various
design features that encourage car dependency. As a result, some critics argue that sprawl has
certain disadvantages, including:
High car dependence.
Inadequate facilities e.g.: cultural, emergency, health, etc.
Higher per-person infrastructure costs.
Single-use zoning
This refers to a situation where commercial, residential, institutional and industrial areas are
separated from one another. Consequently, large tracts of land are devoted to a single use and
are segregated from one another by open space, infrastructure, or other barriers. As a result,
the places where people live, work, shop, and recreate are far from one another, usually to the
extent that walking, transit use and bicycling are impractical, so all these activities generally
require an automobile.
Low-density zoning
Sprawl consumes much more land per-capita than traditional urban developments because
zoning laws generally require that new developments are of low density. Buildings usually have
fewer stories and are spaced farther apart, separated by lawns, landscaping, roads or parking
lots. Lot sizes are larger, and because more automobiles are used much more land is
designated for parking. The impact of low density development in many communities is that
developed or "urbanized" land is increasing at a faster rate than the population.
Overall density is often lowered by "leap-frog development". This term refers to the relationship,
or lack thereof, between subdivisions. Such developments are typically separated by large
green belts, i.e. tracts of undeveloped land, resulting in an average density far lower even than
the low density described in the previous paragraph. This is a 20th and 21st century
phenomenon generated by the current custom of requiring a developer to provide subdivision
infrastructure as a condition of development.
Housing subdivisions
Housing subdivisions are large tracts of land consisting entirely of newly-built residences.
Prominent New Urbanist architectural firm Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company claim that housing
subdivisions ―are sometimes called villages, towns, and neighborhoods by their developers,
which is misleading since those terms denote places which are not exclusively residential.‖
They are also referred to as developments.
Subdivisions often incorporate curved roads and cul-de-sacs. Such subdivisions may offer only
a few places to enter and exit the development, causing traffic to use high volume collector
streets. All trips, no matter how short, must enter the collector road in a suburban system.
Strip malls
Shopping centers are locations consisting of retail space. In the U.S. and Canada, these vary
from strip malls which refer to collections of buildings sharing a common parking lot, usually
built on a high-capacity roadway with commercial functions.
Neighborhood quality
Critics of sprawl maintain that quality of life is eroded by lifestyles promoted by sprawl promotes.
Traditional neighborhoods the nearness of the workplace to retail and restaurant space that
provides cafes and convenience stores with daytime customers is an essential component to
the successful balance of urban life. Furthermore, they state that the closeness of the workplace
to homes also gives people the option of walking or riding a bicycle to work or school and that
without this kind of interaction between the different components of life the urban pattern quickly
falls apart, poor aesthetics in suburban environments make them "places not worth caring
about", and that they lack a sense of history and identity.
White Flight
Some blame suburbs for what they see as homogeneity of society and culture, leading to
sprawling suburban developments of people with similar race, background and socioeconomic
status. They claim that segregated and stratified development was institutionalized in the early
1950s and 1960s with the financial industries' then-legal process of redlining neighborhoods to
prevent certain people from entering and residing in affluent districts. Sprawl may have a
negative impact on public schools as finances have been pulled out of city cores and diverted to
wealthier suburbs. They argue that the residential and social segregation of whites from blacks
in the United States creates a socialization process that limits whites' chances for developing
meaningful relationships with blacks and other minorities, and that the segregation experienced
by whites from blacks fosters segregated lifestyles and can lead to positive views about
themselves and negative views about blacks.
Division of labour
Trade and economic interdependence. The division of labour makes trade necessary and is the
source of economic interdependence.
Urban morphology
Urban morphology is the study of the form of human settlements and the process of their
formation and transformation. The study seeks to understand the spatial structure and character
of a metropolitan area, city, town or village by examining the patterns of its component parts
and the process of its development. This can involve the analysis of physical structures at
different scales as well as patterns of movement, land use, ownership or control and
occupation. Typically, analysis of physical form focuses on street pattern, lot (or, in the UK, plot)
pattern and building pattern, sometimes referred to collectively as urban grain. Analysis of
specific settlements is usually undertaken using cartographic sources and the process of
development is deduced from comparison of historic maps.
Special attention is given to how the physical form of a city changes over time and to how
different cities compare to each other. Another significant part of this subfield deals with the
study of the social forms which are expressed in the physical layout of a city, and, conversely,
how physical form produces or reproduces various social forms.
People Flow
People Flow as a concept relates to the phenomenon of masses of people moving around in
buildings in an organized, comfortable and safe way.
Urbanization and the ageing of population are the key mega trends creating the need for
managing traffic flow in cities and people flow in buildings. A ―mega trend‖ is a concept to
describe a phenomenon that significantly changes the structure of society. Often the change is
As of 2005 more than 50% of the world population lived in cities and the process of urbanization
is expected to continue. As the population in cities increases, and the subsequent
environmental challenges need to be taken care of, cities are forced to grow tighter and
upwards. Challenges arising from this trend are the congestion and crowding of cities. However,
as history records show, successful urbanization is a prerequisite for economic growth.
Effects on history
The agricultural productivity of Britain grew significantly in the period of the agricultural
revolution. It is estimated that the productivity of wheat was about 19 bushels per acre in 1720
and that it has grown to 21-22 bushels in the middle of the eighteenth century. It declined
slightly in the decades of 1780 and 1790 but it began to grow again by the end of the century
and reached a peak in the 1840s around 30 bushels per acre, stabilizing thereafter.
The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major
changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport and technology had a profound effect
on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions starting in the United Kingdom, then subsequently
spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. The Industrial
Revolution marks a major turning point in human history; almost every aspect of daily life was
eventually influenced in some way. Most notably, average income and population began to
exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. In the two centuries following 1800, the world's
average income increased over 10-fold, while the world's population increased over 6-fold. In
the words of Nobel Prize winning Robert E. Lucas, Jr., "For the first time in history, the living
standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth. ...
Nothing remotely like this economic behavior has happened before." Starting in the later part of
the 18th century there began a transition in parts of Great Britain's previously manual labour
and draft-animal–based economy towards machine-based manufacturing. It started with the
mechanization of the textile industries, the development of iron-making techniques and the
increased use of refined coal. Trade expansion was enabled by the introduction of canals,
improved roads and railways. The introduction of steam power fuelled primarily by coal, wider
utilization of water wheels and powered machinery (mainly in textile manufacturing)
underpinned the dramatic increases in production capacity. The development of all-metal
machine tools in the first two decades of the 19th century facilitated the manufacture of more
production machines for manufacturing in other industries. The effects spread throughout
Western Europe and North America during the 19th century, eventually affecting most of the
world, a process that continues as industrialization. The impact of this change on society was
The first Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, merged into the Second
Industrial Revolution around 1850, when technological and economic progress gained
momentum with the development of steam-powered ships, railways, and later in the 19th
century with the internal combustion engine and electrical power generation. The period of time
covered by the Industrial Revolution varies with different historians.
Industrialization is the process of social and economic change that transforms a human group
from a pre-industrial society into an industrial one. It is a part of a wider modernization process,
where social change and economic development are closely related with technological
innovation, particularly with the development of large-scale energy and metallurgy production. It
is the extensive organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing. Industrialization
also introduces a form of philosophical change where people obtain a different attitude towards
their perception of nature, and a sociological process of ubiquitous rationalization.
History of industrialization
Most pre-industrial economies had standards of living not much above subsistence, aming that
the majority of the populations were focused on producing their means of survival. For example,
in medieval Europe, 80% of the labour force was employed in subsistence agriculture.
Some pre-industrial economies, such as classical Athens, had trade and commerce as
significant factors, so native Greeks could enjoy wealth far beyond a sustenance standard of
living through the use of slavery. Famines were frequent in most pre-industrial societies,
although some, such as the Netherlands and England of the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, the Italian city states of the fifteenth century, the medieval Islamic Caliphate, and the
ancient Greek and Roman civilizations were able to escape the famine cycle through increasing
trade and commercialization of the agricultural sector. It is estimated that during the
seventeenth century Netherlands imported nearly 70% of its grain supply and in the fifth century
BC Athens imported three quarters of its total food supply.
Industrialization through innovation in manufacturing processes first started with the Industrial
Revolution in the north-west and Midlands of England in the eighteenth century. It spread to
Europe and North America in the nineteenth century, and to the rest of the world in the
Industrialization in Asia
Apart from Japan, where industrialization began in the late 19th century, a different pattern of
industrialization followed in East Asia. China and India, while roughly following this development
pattern, made adaptations in line with their own histories and cultures, their major size and
importance in the world, and the geo-political ambitions of their governments (etc.).
Currently, China's government is actively investing in expanding its own infrastructures and
securing the required energy and raw materials supply channels, is supporting its exports by
financing the United States balance payment deficit through the purchase of US treasury bonds,
and is strengthening its military in order to endorse a major geopolitical role.
Meanwhile, India's government is investing in specific vanguard economic sectors such as
bioengineering, nuclear technology, pharmaceutics, informatics, and technologically-oriented
higher education, openly over passing its needs, with the goal of creating several specialization
poles able to conquer foreign markets.
Both Chinese and Indian corporations have also started to make huge investments in Third
World countries, making them significant players in today's world economy.
Mechanization of production was another important change. James Hargreaves invented the
jenny, which allowed an operator to spin multiple threads at the same time. Next came
Arkwright, with his water-powered factory. These inventions led to an exponential increase in
the production of textiles. Water power, which had replaced manual and animal power, was
later replaced by steam power. Changes were also introduced into the system of production.
Earlier, production was scattered. People manufactured textiles in their house, using their own
equipment. This was a second line occupation practiced by people in their spare time. The
system was known as putting out system, where production was decentralized or given out.
This was replaced by the factory system, in which the production was done at one place - the
factory. Production equipment was provided by the owners of the factory, and the workers
worked at pre-determined salaries. Above all, workers had no rights over the produce which
was owned by the factory owner. This led to the development of capitalism - the owner provided
the initial money, equipment and location for production. He owned the produce and sold it for a
Surplus production would require an efficient transport system, right from procurement of raw
materials to transportation of finished goods. This required the development of road, rail and
shipping. The steam engine required coal, and fuel and iron would be required to make rails,
railway compartments, ships, etc. As a result, mining of coal and iron also saw many alterations.
The Industrial Revolution, was not a good revolution for the planet. From the time of its start, the
factories and industry has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by two-
folds. Also in our drive for consumerism, our planets natural resources are being depleted at an
alarming rate. Pollution by nuclear waste, pesticides and other chemicals are also the result of
the Industrial Revolution.
The working conditions in mines were horrible, to say the least. Furthermore, women and
children were employed as they could be paid lower wages than adult male workers. Child
laborers possessed another advantage - they could easily crawl through the narrow passages in
mines. The situation in factories was not very different. The workers could not bargain for better
conditions and payments, as there was an abundant supply of workers available in the form of
displaced peasants and farmers. If one would protest, he would be fired - and there was always
someone else ready to replace him. Also, the capitalists were becoming richer by the day.
Using their wealth, they were influencing the policies and laws of the government. This influence
was naturally harmful to the labor class. This led to the organization of labor unions, and
subsequently to the development of the concept of socialism. The migration of such a huge
population to cities resulted in the overcrowding of cities and development of slums. The pace
of urbanization quickened to unprecedented levels. The migration also broke the social ties the
worker (i.e. the former peasant or farmer) was used to in villages. This, along with the
deplorable living conditions, caused many other problems like alcoholism, illicit relationships,
loneliness, etc. This degraded the quality of life to such an extent that it was said: "the shortest
route out of Manchester is a glass of whiskey".
The capitalists emerged from the hitherto middle class. The industrial revolution was an
expression of their strength. Their power increased in leaps and bounds. They had the funds to
influence the government. They acquired a stranglehold over politics which continues till date.
Other customs like the importance of punctuality and taking appointments before meeting
people, also started during this age.
The greatest changes of the effects due to the industrial revolution were visible all over the
world. A capitalist had two main requirements for making windfall profits. One was cheap supply
The origin of many modern phenomena and problems can be traced back to the industrial
revolution. The industrial revolution was primarily the economic dimension of the change from
the middle age to the modern age. This subject, hence, makes valuable study material for
anyone attempting to study the modern times.
There were many artistic movements during the period of Britain's industrialization, each of
which was a reaction to the feelings of the time, as well as to the movement which had
preceded it. By the time that the Industrial Revolution really took hold, some artists were at
differences with the ideals which it espoused, such as those of discipline, temperance,
structure, and views of the Enlightenment. These feelings translated into the Romantic
movement, which encouraged individualism, freedom, and emotion.
Romanticism was probably the most important artistic movement to flourish during the Industrial
Revolution. It had the most widespread effects on the general population, and its artistic
achievements are still admired today.
As a result, women and children were sent out to work, making up 75% of early workers.
Families were forced to do this, since they desperately needed money, while factory owners
were happy to employ women and children for a number of reasons. First of all, they could be
Urban Agglomeration
Urban agglomeration is a continuous urban spread constituting atown and its adjoining urban
outgrowths (OGs) or two or more physical contiguous town together and any adjoining urban
out growths of such towns. Examples of out growths are railway colonies, university campus,
port area, military campus etc. that may come up near a statutory town or city. For census of
India, 2001 it was decided that the core town or at least one of the constituent towns of an
urban agglomeration should necessarily be a statutory town and the total population of all the
constituents should not be less than 20,000( as per 1991Census). With these two basic criteria
(R.G 2001) having been met the following are the possible different situations in which urban
agglomerations could be constituted.
India shares most characteristic features of urbanization in the developing countries. Number of
urban agglomeration /town has grown from 1827 in 1901 to 5161 in 2001. Number of total
population has increased from 23.84 crores in 1901 to 102.7 crores in 2001 whereas number of
population residing in urban areas has increased from 2.58 crores in 1901 to 28.53 crore
in2001. This process of urbanization in India is shown in Fig 1 . It reflects a gradual increasing
trend of urbanization. India is at acceleration stage of the process of urbanization.
Urbanization in India has been relatively slow compared to many developing countries. The
percentage of annual exponential growth rate of urban population (table 5) reveals that in India
it grew at faster pace from the decade 1921-31 to until 1951. Thereafter it registered a sharp
drop during the decade 1951-61. The decades 1961-71 and 1971-81 showed a significant
improvement in the growth which has thereafter steadily dropped to the present level 2.7. The
sharp drop in urban rate during 1951-61 was mainly due to declassification of a very large
number of towns during that period. Rural growth has been fluctuating since 1901. The decline
in rural population growth was within small range during 1981-91 and 1991-2001
This fact is supported in case of Indian urbanization also since 1911.
Number of million plus cities(table: 8) have increased from 5 in 1951 to 23 in 1991 and to 35 in
2001. About 37% of the total urban population live in these million plus/ UA cities. As per 2001
census the newly added million plus cities are 12 in numbers, they are Agra, Meerut, Nashik,
Jabalpur, Jamshedpur, Asansol, Dhanbad, Faridabad, Allahabad, Amritsar, Vijaywada, Rajkot.
Problem of Urbanization
Indian urbanization is involuted not evoluted. Poverty induced migration occurs due to rural
push. Megacities grow in urban population not in urban prosperity, and culture. Hence it is
urbanization without urban functional characteristics. These mega cities are subject to extreme
filthy slum and very cruel mega city denying shelter, drinking water, electricity, sanitation to the
extreme poor and rural migrants.
Urbanization is degenerating social and economic inequalities which warrants social conflicts,
crimes and anti-social activities. Lopsided and uncontrolled urbanization led to environmental
degradation and degradation in the quality of urban life---- pollution in sound, air, water, created
by disposal of hazardous waste. Illiterate, low- skill or no-skill migrants from rural areas are
absorbed in poor low grade urban informal sector at a very low wage rate and urban informal
sector becomes in-efficient and unproductive.
Policy Implication
c) Urban planning and housing for slum people with human face.
In every developed economy, cities are the center of economic activity and opportunity. They
bring together businesses, workers, and customers into close physical proximity, which offers
firms and workers advantages that lead to more efficient markets, enhanced productivity, and
greater economic success. These benefits come about in several ways. Large metropolitan
areas allow firms and workers to specialize in activities in which they hold a comparative
advantage. By being close to suppliers and customers, firms can build efficient supply networks
that lower costs and enhance productivity. Also, dense, urban environments enhance the flow of
ideas and the transfer of technology through informational networks, which create growth
enhancing spillovers to firms. Workers also rely on informational networks to add to their
general knowledge, establish support groups, enhance job-related skills, and gain access to job
openings. Consequently, the physical and informational proximity of businesses and workers
within metropolitan areas yields the nation's most productive activities, spawns technological
and organizational innovations, and launches new business ventures.
For most urban residents, economic success is determined by the jobs and income generated
by labor markets. A labor market rewards those people with the appropriate skills, energy, and
ideas. Acquisition of these qualifications results from long-run decisions to invest in education
and training, to choose work over leisure, and to be networked with people who been
successful. Labor markets also provide the signals and incentives for individuals to make these
decisions and to be in a position to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. By offering
the greatest opportunity for economic success, cities attract both the nation's most talented and
successful individuals and the most disadvantaged. While people of all skills are important to
generate the economic complementarities that enhance productivity, many of the least skilled
people do not find the success they had hoped for. Therefore, cities stand as a stark dichotomy
of those who have succeeded and those who have not. They generate a large proportion of the
nation's wealth but also house much of the nation's poverty and homelessness. Cities have
always exhibited this stark contrast between those who have achieved economic success and
those who have not. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato gave commentary to his times in
observing that "there are two cities: One for the rich and one for the poor" (The Republic). The
The slowdown in earnings and the rise in income inequality have placed considerable stress on
cities. Many cities have been unable to make sufficient investments in physical and human
capital required for efficient markets and the easy flow of information. As the core structure of
cities deteriorates and the advantages of close proximity diminish, businesses and households
have left inner cities for outlying areas. This shift in location has left inner cities with fewer
resources to devote to mounting social problems. This shift has also helped to diminish the
nation's capacity to spawn high-productivity, high-growth activities. For individuals, these issues
include slow wage growth, increased earnings inequality, persistent earnings gap between
whites and minorities, disparity in job opportunities and earnings between inner cities and
suburbs, the spatial mismatch of jobs, and the increased isolation of many inner city residents.
For the nation, the issues are the social fallout from growing income disparities and reduced
income mobility and the economy's diminished growth capacity as the physical and social
infrastructure supporting urban area markets deteriorates. It is appropriate for the federal
government to create and carry out a national urban policy for two reasons. First, many of the
issues listed above are related to the redistribution of income, which is a traditional function of
the federal government. Second, the close proximity of activities within metropolitan areas
generates externalities that contribute more than proportionately to growth and that compound
the many social problems facing cities. Therefore, to reflect the urban environment that
generates these economic and social trends, a national urban policy must incorporate these
externalities. The policy statement should emphasize the effect of physical and informational
proximity on growth, the benefits of efficient urban markets, and the importance of the access of
workers to urban labor markets. These characteristics distinguish a national urban policy from
simply a national policy targeted at people who happen to live in cities.
I Metropolitan Growth
The fiscal and social distress experienced by cities in recent years has been well documented.
Yet, despite increased concern about urban crime, congestion, air quality, and high housing
prices, metropolitan areas continue to grow and to offer their expanding populations greater job
opportunities and higher income than the declining nonmetropolitan areas. This ability to create
relatively high paying jobs attests to the advantages cities offer to firms through higher labor
productivity and proximity to suppliers. The economic performance of central cities and suburbs
is strongly linked. Workers in both central cities and suburbs benefit to a large extent from the
growth of the entire region. In addition, job growth was markedly better for metropolitan areas
with smaller disparities between central city and suburban income. The linkages between the
two entities continue to strengthen as a greater percentage of holders of central city jobs reside
in the suburbs.
Even with these linkages, considerable disparity exists between central cities and outlying
suburbs. The median income of central city residents is 40 percent lower than that of suburban
residents. Also, central city residents are less educated and have a significantly higher
unemployment rate than suburbanites. This exodus from central cities and the persistent
economic disparities heighten the physical and intellectual barriers between central cities and
The traditional role of cities as a place to seek job opportunities and achieve income
advancement has been eroded during the last two decades by historically low earnings growth
for most groups of workers. The less skilled workers have experienced a loss in real income,
and consequently a decline in their living standards. While city dwellers on average have fared
better than the national average, their earnings have followed the national trend of slower
earnings growth. These trends stem from a complex assortment of economic, demographic,
and social forces. Many of the factors are symptomatic of urban problems. Focusing on the
more important factors offers perspective on how a national urban policy might prioritize the
host of problems facing urban labor markets.
Many economic factors are responsible for slower productivity growth, including a decline in
worker skills, lack of adequate investment in private and public capital, and decline in innovative
activities. With cities traditionally at the forefront of the nation's productivity gains, the slowdown
draws attention to urban concerns that may have contributed to this problem. Current urban
problems of poor educational opportunities in inner cities, the movement of jobs away from the
urban core, and the decline in investment in urban infrastructure may have contributed to the
productivity slowdown. Urban social issues, such as low skills, lack of an adequate support
structure, and lack of participation in the workforce, have also prevented many urban workers
from enjoying the benefits of productivity growth. Changes in social characteristics also
contributed to the change in household income. According to one study, social characteristics
had an even greater effect than economic factors. Ryscavage, Green and Welniak (1991) show
that the decline in married couple households as a percentage of all households and the
increase in educational attainment had large offsetting effects on household income. Of seven
factors considered--age, race, type of household, education, work experience and head of
household, work experience of spouse, and industry of household head--type of household and
education registered the largest effects.
One of the most troubling and persistent concerns in the performance of urban labor markets,
and one that a national urban policy must address, is the earnings gap.
For college graduates, changed occupational composition, shifts in industry demand, and
growth in relative supply are major contributors. For high school dropouts, the reduction in the
real minimum wage lowers earnings, and the increase in the proportion of people with criminal
records are major causes of reduced employment. The fall in employment is largely accounted
for by a rise in the number of men who experienced long spells of labor market inactivity, and
not in more frequent spells. The increasing number of working age males who are detached
from the labor force has long-run economic and social consequences. Without more frequent
work experience, a growing portion of the work force loses valuable job skills, which is
detrimental to the national economy in wasting valuable labor resources as well as to individuals
who lose income. They also lose the job contacts necessary to retain employment or find better
job prospects. Nonparticipants in the labor market contribute to social problems. Those who are
unemployed and no longer actively look for employment are much less likely to marry and live
with a spouse than labor market participants.
Urban workers benefit from metropolitan economic growth only if they have access to the urban
labor market. For minorities and low-skill workers, this access is impeded by physical barriers of
spatial isolation and intellectual barriers of poor education and inadequate support groups and
referral networks. Therefore, in designing a national urban policy, efforts should also be made to
increase access to the urban labor market. The shifting industrial mix of central cities and
suburbs has left some groups of workers isolated from decent-paying jobs. The movement of
manufacturing jobs to the suburbs has made it increasingly difficult for many inner city residents
to finds jobs close by that offer the same wages as manufacturing jobs. Various types of service
jobs have concentrated in central cities, but either the pay is lower or the skill requirements are
higher than the qualifications of many residents.
Physical distance is not the only barrier that prevents low-income inner city residents, from
gaining access to better-paying jobs. Intellectual barriers also play a major role. Intellectual
barriers prevent people from participating in the formal and informal information networks
through which people learn about job opportunities, are referred to employers, and gain
appropriate role models and support groups. These barriers stem in part from physical isolation,
such as the increasing concentration of poverty. But they also result from a growing gap in the
ability of inner city residents to meet the skill requirements of the workplace and to communicate
and move comfortably within an increasingly sophisticated work environment. While distances
may become effectively shorter because of better transportation, intellectual barriers may
continue to grow as businesses demand higher skills than many inner city workers can match.
The growing gap between skill requirements of the workplace and skills of inner city residents
deters many workers from participating in urban labor markets. Without appropriate skills and
workplace know-how, workers are shut out of many jobs, even entry-level ones.
The spatial separation of households with different income and educational levels is more
pervasive than simply between central cities and surrounding suburbs. Concentration of
poverty, and thus the loss of networks of families and friends with positive work experience, has
occurred within central cities. Studies have shown that low-income households have become
increasing concentrated in central city neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the tremendous increase
in crime in inner city neighborhoods may discourage the location of businesses, which reduces
the number of jobs available to these residents.
An effective national urban policy must embody the unique characteristics of cities while
addressing the trends that pervade the national economy. The distinguishing features of cities
include the spatial proximity of businesses and households, the flow of information between
these parties, and the linkages of markets within urban areas. Consequently, government's role
and the primary purpose of a national urban policy should be to design programs that promote
growth, internalize externalities, improve market efficiency, and strive for a more acceptable
income distribution. The slowdown in productivity growth has resulted in two major national
issues: sluggish real income growth and widening income dispersion. These trends directly
affect the welfare of urban workers and indirectly alter the structure of metropolitan areas by
promoting decentralization of businesses and households. Weakening the core structure of
metropolitan areas may diminish the economic advantages of cities. A national urban policy
should address the underlying economic and social causes of the productivity slowdown.
Increased productivity is critical to boost earnings and create additional employment
opportunities. Long-term growth hinges on investment in physical and human capital.
Consequently, a national urban policy should include provisions to increase the national savings
rate and allocate resources to education, research and development, and a more efficient flow
of technological information. Cities are the obvious place for this investment, as they offer the
greatest return per dollar spent. However, in doing so, redistributing growth across metropolitan
areas through favorable tax incentives or government subsidies for selected areas should be
Growth policies should also focus on increasing the efficiency of urban markets. Cities provide
businesses access to skilled labor, to supplier networks, to product markets, and to information.
However, access has been impeded by congestion, the decentralization of employment, and
deficiency in skills of some workers. Widening gaps between central cities and suburbs with
respect to earnings, employment, and quality of life have also reduced the efficiency of urban
markets and has impeded overall growth. In addition, inner city residents benefit from growth of
the entire metropolitan economy, not only in the neighborhoods in which they live. A national
urban policy should include measures to narrow these disparities through promoting the
establishment of regional governments, sharing tax bases, and coordinating metropolitan
provision of government services. Urban externalities can be internalized by reducing
fragmentation of metropolitan area governments, which will enhance overall metropolitan
growth. The benefits of the concentration of economic activities in the urban core as well as the
costs of supporting social problems of urban areas can be shared throughout the metropolitan
area. This would reduce the fiscal incentives to leave the inner cities and help revitalize these
Increased economic growth benefits only those people with access to urban labor markets. A
growing number of urban residents face physical and intellectual isolation from urban
opportunities. Isolation deprives individuals of greater economic success and deprives the
nation of potentially productive workers. It also breeds behavior that is burdensome to society,
such as welfare dependency, the breakdown of support networks, the decline in traditional
married-couple families, and involvement in criminal activity. A national urban policy must
address the disadvantages faced by minorities in qualifying for and obtaining jobs and the
disenfranchisement of low-income urban minorities. These programs should strive to get people
into jobs and keep them employed. Improving the quality of education and work-related training
for inner city residents will help to overcome intellectual barriers. Establishing support groups
and supplying appropriate role models through mentoring and employment advocacy programs
will provide access to the labor market and ensure that workers remain in the labor force.
Providing more convenient and affordable public transportation to people who must commute in
directions and at times not typically served by mass transit will increase access to jobs. In
addition, setting up an electronic job placement system that offers information on job seekers
and job vacancies for the greater metropolitan region would give inner city residents access to
the broader labor market. Workers benefit from on-the-job learning and from establishing a
network and support system of economically successful people, which offer opportunities for
future advancement. Programs, such as wage supplements and public service employment,
have proven successful in getting disadvantaged workers into the workplace and on their way to
more active involvement in the labor force.
Economic growth can be either positive or negative. Negative growth can be referred to by
saying that the economy is shrinking. Negative growth is associated with economic recession
and economic depression.
In order to compare per capita income across multiple countries, the statistics may be quoted in
a single currency, based on either prevailing exchange rates or purchasing power parity. To
compensate for changes in the value of money (inflation or deflation) the GDP or GNP is usually
given in "real" or inflation adjusted, terms rather than the actual money figure compiled in a
given year, which is called the nominal or current figure.
The long-run path of economic growth is one of the central questions of economics; despite
some problems of measurement, an increase in GDP of a country is generally taken as an
increase in the standard of living of its inhabitants. Over long periods of time, even small rates
of annual growth can have large effects through compounding (see exponential growth). A
growth rate of 2.5% per annum will lead to a doubling of GDP within 29 years, whilst a growth
rate of 8% per annum (experienced by some Four Asian Tigers) will lead to a doubling of GDP
within 10 years. This exponential characteristic can exacerbate differences across nations.
In 1377, the Arabian economic thinker Ibn Khaldun provided one of the earliest descriptions of
economic growth in his Muqaddimah (known as Prolegomena in the Western world):
"When civilization [population] increases, the available labor again increases. In turn, luxury
again increases in correspondence with the increasing profit, and the customs and needs of
luxury increase. Crafts are created to obtain luxury products. The value realized from them
increases, and, as a result, profits are again multiplied in the town. Production there is thriving
even more than before. And so it goes with the second and third increase. All the additional
labor serves luxury and wealth, in contrast to the original labor that served the necessity of life."
In the early modern period, some people in Western European nations developed the idea that
economies could "grow", that is, produce a greater economic surplus which could be expended
on something other than mere subsistence. This surplus could then be used for consumption,
warfare, or civic and religious projects. The previous view was that only increasing either
population or tax rates could generate more surplus money for the Crown or country.
Later it was theorized that economic growth also corresponds to a process of continual rapid
replacement and reorganization of human activities facilitated by investment motivated to
maximize returns. This exponential evolution of our self-organized life-support and cultural
systems is remarkably creative and flexible, but highly unpredictable in many ways. As there are
difficulties in modelling complex self-organizing systems, various efforts to model the long term
evolution of economies have produced mixed results.
During much of the "Mercantilist" period, growth was seen as involving an increase in the total
amount of specie, which is circulating medium such as silver and gold, under the control of the
state. This "Bullionist" theory led to policies to force trade through a particular state, the
acquisition of colonies to supply cheaper raw materials which could then be manufactured and
Later, such trade policies were justified instead simply in terms of promoting domestic trade and
industry. The post-Bullionist insight that it was the increasing capability of manufacturing which
led to policies in the 18th century to encourage manufacturing in itself, and the formula of
importing raw materials and exporting finished goods. Under this system high tariffs were
erected to allow manufacturers to establish "factories". Local markets would then pay the fixed
costs of capital growth, and then allow them to export abroad, undercutting the prices of
manufactured goods elsewhere. Once competition from abroad was removed, prices could then
be increased to recoup the costs of establishing the business.
Under this theory of growth, one policy attempted to foster growth was to grant monopolies,
which would give an incentive for an individual to exploit a market or resource, confident that he
would make all of the profits when all other extra-national competitors were driven out of
business. The "Dutch East India company" and the "British East India company" were examples
of such state-granted trade monopolies.
In this period the view was that growth was gained through "advantageous" trade in which
specie would flow in to the country, but to trade with other nations on equal terms was
disadvantageous. It should be stressed that Mercantilism was not simply a matter of restricting
trade. Within a country, it often meant breaking down trade barriers, building new roads, and
abolishing local toll booths, all of which expanded markets. This corresponded to the
centralization of power in the hands of the Crown (or "Absolutism"). This process helped
produce the modern nation-state in Western Europe.
Internationally, Mercantilism led to a contradiction: growth was gained through trade, but to
trade with other nations on equal terms was disadvantageous.
David Ricardo argued that trade was a benefit to a country, because if one could buy a good
more cheaply from abroad, it meant that there was more profitable work to be done here. This
theory of "comparative advantage" would be the central basis for arguments in favor of free
trade as an essential component of growth.
The notion of growth as increased stocks of capital goods (means of production) was codified
as the Solow-Swan Growth Model, which involved a series of equations which showed the
relationship between labor-time, capital goods, output, and investment. According to this view,
the role of technological change became crucial, even more important than the accumulation of
capital. This model, developed by Robert Solow[7] and Trevor Swan[8] in the 1950s, was the first
attempt to model long-run growth analytically. This model assumes that countries use their
resources efficiently and that there are diminishing returns to capital and labor increases. From
these two premises, the neoclassical model makes three important predictions. First, increasing
capital relative to labor creates economic growth, since people can be more productive given
more capital. Second, poor countries with less capital per person will grow faster because each
investment in capital will produce a higher return than rich countries with ample capital. Third,
because of diminishing returns to capital, economies will eventually reach a point at which no
new increase in capital will create economic growth. This point is called a "steady state".
The model also notes that countries can overcome this steady state and continue growing by
inventing new technology. In the long run, output per capita depends on the rate of saving, but
the rate of output growth should be equal for any saving rate. In this model, the process by
which countries continue growing despite the diminishing returns is "exogenous" and represents
the creation of new technology that allows production with fewer resources. Technology
improves, the steady state level of capital increases, and the country invests and grows. The
data does not support some of this model's predictions, in particular, that all countries grow at
the same rate in the long run, or that poorer countries should grow faster until they reach their
steady state. Also, the data suggests the world has slowly increased its rate of growth.
However modern economic research shows that the baseline version of the neoclassical model
of economic growth is not supported by the evidence. Calculations made by Solow claimed that
the majority of economic growth was due to technological progress rather than inputs of capital
and labour. Recent economic research has, however, found the calculations made to support
this claim to be invalid as they do not take into account changes in both investment and labour
inputs. Dale Jorgenson, of Harvard University, President of the American Economic Association
in 2000, concludes that: ‗Griliches and I showed that changes in the quality of capital and labor
inputs and the quality of investment goods explained most of the Solow residual. We estimated
that capital and labor inputs accounted for 85 percent of growth during the period 1945–1965,
while only 15 percent could be attributed to productivity growth… This has precipitated the
sudden obsolescence of earlier productivity research employing the conventions of Kuznets and
Taking the G7 economies and the largest non-G7 economies, Jorgenson and Vu conclude: ‗the
growth of world output between input growth and productivity… input growth greatly
predominated… Productivity growth accounted for only one-fifth of the total during 1989-1995,
while input growth accounted for almost four-fifths. Similarly, input growth accounted for more
than 70 percent of growth after 1995, while productivity accounted for less than 30 percent.‘
Development economics
The latter half of the 20th century, with its global economy of a few very wealthy nations and
many very poor nations, led to the study of how the transition from subsistence and resource-
based economies to production and consumption based-economies occurred. This led to the
field of development economics, including the work of Nobel laureates Amartya Sen and Joseph
Stiglitz. However this model of economic development does not meet the demands of subaltern
populations and has been severely criticized by later theorists.
Recent empirical analyses suggest that differences in cognitive abilities, related to schooling
and other factors, can largely explain variations in growth rates across countries. Cognitive
abilities comprise intelligence and knowledge and are more important than education itself.
Cognitive abilities are more relevant than the classical growth factor "economic freedom". In
comparison of low, mean and high ability groups within societies the competence level of the
high ability group is the most important, stimulating through research and innovation economic
growth and other favorable aspects of countries like democracy.
Other theories
Theories of economic growth, the mechanisms that let it take place and its main determinants
abound. One popular theory in the 1970s for example was that of the "Big Push" which
suggested that countries needed to jump from one stage of development to another through a
virtuous cycle in which large investments in infrastructure and education coupled to private
investment would move the economy to a more productive stage, breaking free from economic
paradigms appropriate to a lower productivity stage.[16]
Analysis of recent economies' success shows a close correlation between growth and climate. It
is possible that there is absolutely no actual mechanism between the two, and the relation may
be spurious. In early human history, economic as well as cultural development was
concentrated in warmer parts of the world, like Egypt.
According to Acemoğlu, Johnson and Robinson, the positive correlation between high income
and cold climate is a by-product of history. Europeans adopted very different colonization
policies in different colonies, with different associated institutions. In places where these
colonizers faced high mortality rates (e.g., due to the presence of tropical diseases), they could
not settle permanently, and they were thus more likely to establish extractive institutions, which
persisted after independence; in places where they could settle permanently (e.g., those with
temperate climates), they established institutions with this objective in mind and modeled them
after those in their European homelands. In these 'neo-Europes' better institutions in turn
produced better development outcomes. Thus, although other economists focus on the identity
or type of legal system of the colonizers to explain institutions, these authors look at the
environmental conditions in the colonies to explain institutions. For instance, former colonies
have inherited corrupt governments and geo-political boundaries (set by the colonizers) that are
not properly placed regarding the geographical locations of different ethnic groups, creating
internal disputes and conflicts which in turn hinder development. In another example, societies
that emerged in colonies without solid native populations established better property rights and
incentives for long-term investment than those where native populations were large.
Substantial academic literature and government strategies support the finance-led growth
hypothesis, based on an observation first made almost a century ago by Joseph Schumpeter
that financial markets significantly boost real economic growth and development. Schumpeter
asserted that finance had a positive impact on economic growth as a result of its effects on
productivity growth and technological change. (Schumpeter, Joseph A. ―The theory of Economic
Development‖, 1912, translated by Redvers Opie. Cambridge. MA: Harvard University Press,
1934). As early as 1989 the World Bank also endorsed the view that financial deepening
matters for economic growth ―by improving the productivity of investment (World Bank, World
Development Report, Washington DC, 1989, 9. 30). A number of case studies on Asia and
Southern African countries show the positive nexus between development of financial
intermediation and economic growth.
Economist Xavier Sala-i-Martin argues that global income inequality is diminishing, and the
World Bank argues that the rapid reduction in global poverty is in large part due to economic
growth. The decline in poverty has been the slowest where growth performance has been the
worst (i.e. in Africa).
Quality of life
Happiness has been shown to increase with a higher GDP per capita, at least up to a level of
$15,000 per person.
Resource depletion
Many earlier predictions of resource depletion, such as Thomas Malthus' 1798 predictions
about approaching famines in Europe, The Population Bomb (1968), Limits to Growth (1972),
and the Simon–Ehrlich wager (1980) have proven false, one reason being that advancements in
technology and science have continually allowed previously unavailable resources to be utilized
more economically.
Economists theorize that economies are driven by new technology and ongoing improvements
in efficiency. In the book The Economic Growth Engine: How useful work creates material
prosperity, 2009 Robert U. Ayres and Benjamin Warr present time series of the efficiency of
primary energy (exergy) conversion into useful work for the US, UK, Austria and Japan
revealing dramatic improvements Ayres and Warr, 2009. With useful work as a factor of
production they are able to reproduce historical rates of economic growth with considerable
precision and without recourse to exogenous and unexplained technological progress, thereby
overcoming the major flaw of the Solow Theory of economic growth. With regards ICT, we have
faster computers today than a year ago, but not necessarily computers requiring more natural
resources to build.
Also, physical limits may be very large if considering all the minerals in the planet Earth or all
possible resources from space colonization, such as solar power satellites, asteroid mining, or a
Dyson sphere. The book Mining the Sky: Untold Riches from the Asteroids, Comets, and
Planets provides an alternative example of such arguments. However, depletion and declining
production from old resources can sometimes occur before new resources are ready to replace
them. This is, in part, the logical basis of the Peak Oil theory. Although individual oil wells and
mines for other nonrenewable resources are often depleted, the availability of these resources
has generally risen and their prices have dropped over the long-run.
Environmental impact
Those more optimistic about the environmental impacts of growth believe that, although
localized environmental effects may occur, large scale ecological effects are minor. The
argument as stated by commentators Julian Lincoln Simon states that if these global-scale
ecological effects exist, human ingenuity will find ways of adapting to them.
It may be that economic growth improves the quality of life up to a point, after which it doesn't
improve the quality of life, but rather obstructs sustainable living. Historically, sustained growth
has reached its limits (and turned to catastrophic decline) when perturbations to the
environmental system last long enough to destabilise the bases of a culture.
Growth may lead to consumerism by encouraging the creation of what some regard as artificial
needs: Industries cause consumers to develop new taste, and preferences for growth to occur.
Consequently, "wants are created, and consumers have become the servants, instead of the
masters, of the economy."
Environmental impact
The 2007 United Nations GEO-4 report states that humans are living beyond their means.
Humanity‘s environmental demand is purported to be 21.9 hectares per person while the Earth‘s
biological capacity is purported to be 15.7 ha/person. This report reinstates the basic arguments
and observations made by Thomas Malthus in the early 19th century. Economic inequality has
increased; the gap between the poorest and richest countries in the world has been growing.
Some critics argue that a narrow view of economic growth, combined with globalization, is
creating a scenario where we could see a systemic collapse of our planet's natural resources.
Other critics draw on archaeology to cite examples of cultures they claim have disappeared
because they grew beyond the ability of their ecosystems to support them.[34] Concerns about
possible negative effects of growth on the environment and society led some to advocate lower
levels of growth, from which comes the ideas of uneconomic growth and de-growth, and Green
parties which argue that economies are part of a global society and a global ecology and cannot
outstrip their natural growth without damaging them.
Canadian scientist, David Suzuki stated in the 1990s that ecologies can only sustain typically
about 1.5-3% new growth per year, and thus any requirement for greater returns from
agriculture or forestry will necessarily cannibalize the natural capital of soil or forest. Some think
this argument can be applied even to more developed economies.
Equitable growth
While acknowledging the central role economic growth can potentially play in human
development, poverty reduction and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, it is
becoming widely understood amongst the development community that special efforts must be
made to ensure poorer sections of society are able to participate in economic growth. For
instance, with low inequality a country with a growth rate of 2% per head and 40% of its
population living in poverty, can halve poverty in ten years, but a country with high inequality
would take nearly 60 years to achieve the same reduction.[36] In the words of the Secretary
General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon:
Up to the present there are close correlations of economic growth with carbon dioxide
emissions across nations, although there is also a considerable divergence in carbon intensity
(carbon emissions per GDP). The Stern Review notes that the prediction that "under business
as usual, global emissions will be sufficient to propel greenhouse-gas concentrations to over
550ppm CO2e by 2050 and over 650-700ppm by the end of this century is robust to a wide
range of changes in model assumptions". The scientific consensus is that planetary ecosystem
functioning without incurring dangerous risks requires stabilization at 450-550ppm.
Indian Economy:
The economy of India is the eleventh largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and the
fourth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). Following strong economic reforms from the
socialist inspired economy of a post-independence Indian nation, the country began to develop
a fast-paced economic growth, as free market principles were initiated in 1990 for international
competition and foreign investment. India is an emerging economic power with a very large pool
of human and natural resources, and a growing large pool of skilled professionals. According to
the book 'Contours of the World Economy, 1-2030AD' by Angus Maddison, India was the
largest economy from the year 1 AD until the colonial period whereupon it was taken over by
other countries such as China and the U.K. Economists predict that by 2020, India will be
among the leading economies of the world. According to the BRIC report, published by
Goldman Sachs, India will be the second largest economy after China by 2043.
India was under social democratic-based policies from 1947 to 1991. The economy was
characterised by extensive regulation, protectionism, public ownership, pervasive corruption
and slow growth. Since 1991, continuing economic liberalisation has moved the country toward
a market-based economy. A revival of economic reforms and better economic policy in first
decade of the 21st century accelerated India's economic growth rate. In recent years, Indian
cities have continued to liberalize business regulations. By 2008, India had established itself as
the world's second-fastest growing major economy. However, the year 2009 saw a significant
slowdown in India's GDP growth rate to 6.8% as well as the return of a large projected fiscal
deficit of 6.8% of GDP which would be among the highest in the world.
India's large service industry accounts for 55% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
while the industrial and agricultural sector contribute 28% and 17% respectively. Agriculture is
the predominant occupation in India, accounting for about 52% of employment. The service
sector makes up a further 34%, and industrial sector around 14%. The labour force totals half a
billion workers. Major agricultural products include rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea,
sugarcane, potatoes, cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goats, poultry and fish. Major industries
include telecommunications, textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel, transportation
equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery, information technology enabled services
and pharmaceuticals.
India's per capita income (nominal) is $1,030, ranked 139th in the world, while its per capita
(PPP) of US$2,940 is ranked 128th. Previously a closed economy, India's trade has grown fast.
India currently accounts for 1.5% of World trade as of 2007 according to the WTO. According to
the World Trade Statistics of the WTO in 2006, India's total merchandise trade (counting
exports and imports) was valued at $294 billion in 2006 and India's services trade inclusive of
export and import was $143 billion. Thus, India's global economic engagement in 2006 covering
both merchandise and services trade was of the order of $437 billion, up by a record 72% from
a level of $253 billion in 2004. India's trade has reached a still relatively moderate share 24% of
GDP in 2006, up from 6% in 1985.
India's economic history can be broadly divided into three eras, beginning with the pre-colonial
period lasting up to the 18th century. The advent of British colonisation started the colonial
period in the early 19th century, which ended with independence in 1947. The third period
stretches from independence in 1947 until now.
The citizens of the Indus Valley civilisation, a permanent settlement that flourished between
2800 BC and 1800 BC, practiced agriculture, domesticated animals, used uniform weights and
measures, made tools and weapons, and traded with other cities. Evidence of well planned
streets, a drainage system and water supply reveals their knowledge of urban planning, which
included the world's first urban sanitation systems and the existence of a form of municipal
The 1872 census revealed that 99.3% of the population of the region constituting present-day
India resided in villages, whose economies were largely isolated and self-sustaining, with
agriculture the predominant occupation. This satisfied the food requirements of the village and
provided raw materials for hand-based industries, such as textiles, food processing and crafts.
Although many kingdoms and rulers issued coins, barter was prevalent. Villages paid a portion
of their agricultural produce as revenue to the rulers, while its craftsmen received a part of the
crops at harvest time for their services.
Religion, especially Hinduism, and the caste and the joint family systems, played an influential
role in shaping economic activities.[33] The caste system functioned much like medieval
European guilds, ensuring the division of labour, providing for the training of apprentices and, in
some cases, allowing manufacturers to achieve narrow specialization. For instance, in certain
regions, producing each variety of cloth was the specialty of a particular sub-caste.
Textiles such as muslin, Calicos, shawls, and agricultural products such as pepper, cinnamon,
opium and indigo were exported to Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia in return for
gold and silver.
An aerial view of Calcutta Port taken in 1945. Calcutta, which was the economic hub of British
India, saw increased industrial activity during World War II.
Company rule in India brought a major change in the taxation environment from revenue taxes
to property taxes, resulting in mass impoverishment and destitution of majority of farmers and
led to numerous famines. The economic policies of the British Raj effectively bankrupted India's
large handicrafts industry and caused a massive drain of India's resources. Indian Nationalists
employed the successful Swadeshi movement, as strategy to diminish British economic
superiority by boycotting British products and the reviving the market for domestic-made
products and production techniques. India had become a strong market for superior finished
European goods. This was because of vast gains made by the Industrial revolution in Europe,
the effects of which was deprived to Colonial India.
The Nationalists had hoped to revive the domestic industries that were badly effected by
policies implemented by British Raj which had made them uncompetitive to British made goods.
An estimate by Cambridge University historian Angus Maddison reveals that "India's share of
the world income fell from 22.6% in 1700, comparable to Europe's share of 23.3%, to a low of
3.8% in 1952". It also created an institutional environment that, on paper, guaranteed property
rights among the colonizers, encouraged free trade, and created a single currency with fixed
exchange rates, standardized weights and measures, capital markets. It also established a well
developed system of railways and telegraphs, a civil service that aimed to be free from political
interference, a common-law and an adversarial legal system. India's colonisation by the British
coincided with major changes in the world economy—industrialisation, and significant growth in
production and trade. However, at the end of colonial rule, India inherited an economy that was
one of the poorest in the developing world, with industrial development stalled, agriculture
unable to feed a rapidly growing population, India had one of the world's lowest life
expectancies, and low rates for literacy.
The impact of the British rule on India's economy is a controversial topic. Leaders of the Indian
independence movement, and left-nationalist economic historians have blamed colonial rule for
the dismal state of India's economy in its aftermath and that financial strength required for
Industrial development in Europe was derived from the wealth taken from Colonies in Asia and
Africa. At the same time right-wing historians have countered that India's low economic
performance was due to various sectors being in a state of growth and decline due to changes
brought in by colonialism and a world that was moving towards industrialization and economic
Independence to 1947
Compare India (orange) with South Korea (yellow). Both started from about the same income
level in 1950. The graph shows GDP per capita of South Asian economies and South Korea as
a percent of the American GDP per capita.
Indian economic policy after independence was influenced by the colonial experience (which
was seen by Indian leaders as exploitative in nature) and by those leaders' exposure to Fabian
socialism. Policy tended towards protectionism, with a strong emphasis on import substitution,
industrialization, state intervention in labour and financial markets, a large public sector,
business regulation, and central planning. Five-Year Plans of India resembled central planning
in the Soviet Union. Steel, mining, machine tools, water, telecommunications, insurance, and
electrical plants, among other industries, were effectively nationalized in the mid-1950s.
Capitalism and Private enterprise did not exist before 1991. Elaborate licences, regulations and
the accompanying red tape, commonly referred to as Licence Raj, were required to set up
business in India between 1947 and 1990.
Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister, along with the statistician Prasanta Chandra
Mahalanobis, carried on by Indira Gandhi formulated and oversaw economic policy. They
expected favorable outcomes from this strategy, because it involved both public and private
sectors and was based on direct and indirect state intervention, rather than the more extreme
Soviet-style central command system. The policy of concentrating simultaneously on capital-
and technology-intensive heavy industry and subsidizing manual, low-skill cottage industries
was criticized by economist Milton Friedman, who thought it would waste capital and labour,
and retard the development of small manufacturers. The rate from 1947–80 was derisively
referred to as the Hindu rate of growth, because of the unfavourable comparison with growth
rates in other Asian countries, especially the "East Asian Tigers".
The Rockefeller Foundation's research in high-yielding varieties of seeds, their introduction after
1965 and the increased use of fertilizers and irrigation are known collectively as the Green
Revolution in India, which provided the increase in production needed to make India self-
sufficient in food grains, thus improving agriculture in India. Famine in India, once accepted as
inevitable, has not returned since independence.
Since 1991
In the late 80s, the government led by Rajiv Gandhi eased restrictions on capacity expansion for
incumbents, removed price controls and reduced corporate taxes. While this increased the rate
of growth, it also led to high fiscal deficits and a worsening current account. The collapse of the
Soviet Union, which was India's major trading partner, and the first Gulf War, which caused a
spike in oil prices, caused a major balance-of-payments crisis for India, which found itself facing
the prospect of defaulting on its loans. India asked for a $1.8 billion bailout loan from IMF, which
in return demanded reforms.
In response, Prime Minister Narasimha Rao along with his finance minister and current Prime
Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh initiated the economic liberalization of 1991. The reforms
did away with the Licence Raj (investment, industrial and import licensing) and ended many
public monopolies, allowing automatic approval of foreign direct investment in many sectors.
Since then, the overall direction of liberalisation has remained the same, irrespective of the
ruling party, although no party has tried to take on powerful lobbies such as the trade unions
and farmers, or contentious issues such as reforming labour laws and reducing agricultural
subsidies. Since 1990 India has a free-market economy and emerged as one of the fastest-
growing economies in the developing world; during this period, the economy has grown
constantly, but with a few major setbacks. This has been accompanied by increases in life
expectancy, literacy rates and food security.
While the credit rating of India was hit by its nuclear tests in 1998, it has been raised to
investment level in 2007 by S&P and Moody's. In 2003, Goldman Sachs predicted that India's
GDP in current prices will overtake France and Italy by 2020, Germany, UK and Russia by 2025
and Japan by 2035. By 2035, it was projected to be the third largest economy of the world,
behind US and China. India is often seen by most economists as a rising economic superpower
and is believed to play a major role in the global economy in the 21st century. In 2009 India
purchased 200 Tons of Gold for $6.7 billion from IMF as a total role reversal from 1991.
Industry and services
India has one of the world's fastest growing automobile industries. Shown here is the Tata
Motors' Nano, the world's cheapest car.
Industry accounts for 28% of the GDP and employ 14% of the total workforce. However, about
one-third of the industrial labour force is engaged in simple household manufacturing only. In
absolute terms, India is 16th in the world in terms of nominal factory output.
Textile manufacturing is the second largest source for employment after agriculture and
accounts for 26% of manufacturing output. Ludhiana produces 90% of woolens in India and is
also known as the Manchester of India. Tirupur has gained universal recognition as the leading
source of hosiery, knitted garments, casual wear and sportswear. Dharavi slum in Mumbai has
gained fame for leather products. Tata Motors' Nano attempts to be the world's cheapest car.
India is fifteenth in services output. It provides employment to 23% of work force, and it is
growing fast, growth rate 7.5% in 1991–2000 up from 4.5% in 1951–80. It has the largest share
in the GDP, accounting for 55% in 2007 up from 15% in 1950.
Organized retail such supermarkets accounts for 24% of the market as of 2008. Regulations
prevent most foreign investment in retailing. Moreover, over thirty regulations such as
"signboard licences" and "anti-hoarding measures" may have to be complied before a store can
open doors. There are taxes for moving goods to states, from states, and even within states.
Tourism in India is relatively undeveloped, but growing at double digits. Some hospitals woo
medical tourism.
Farmers work inside a rice field in Andhra Pradesh. India is the second largest producer of rice
in the world after China and Andhra Pradesh is the 2nd largest rice producing state in India with
West Bengal being the largest.
India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry, logging
and fishing accounted for 17% of the GDP in 2009, employed 52% of the total workforce and
despite a steady decline of its share in the GDP, is still the largest economic sector and plays a
significant role in the overall socio-economic development of India. Yields per unit area of all
crops have grown since 1950, due to the special emphasis placed on agriculture in the five-year
plans and steady improvements in irrigation, technology, application of modern agricultural
practices and provision of agricultural credit and subsidies since Green revolution in India.
However, international comparisons reveal the average yield in India is generally 30% to 50% of
the highest average yield in the world.
Paddy fields at Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu
India is the largest producer in the world of milk, cashew nuts, coconuts, tea, ginger, turmeric
and black pepper. It also has the world's largest cattle population: 193 million. It is the second
largest producer of wheat, rice, sugar, cotton, silk, peanuts and inland fish. It is the third largest
producer of tobacco. India is the largest fruit producer, accounting for 10% of the world fruit
production. It is the leading producer of bananas, sapotas and mangoes.
India is the second largest producer and the largest consumer of silk in the world, with the
majority of the 77 million kg (2005) production taking place in Karnataka State, particularly in
Mysore and the North Bangalore regions of Muddenahalli, Kanivenarayanapura, and
Doddaballapura, the upcoming sites of a INR 700 million "Silk City".
The Indian money market is classified into: the organised sector (comprising private, public and
foreign owned commercial banks and cooperative banks, together known as scheduled banks);
and the unorganised sector (comprising individual or family owned indigenous bankers or
money lenders and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs)). The unorganised sector and
microcredit are still preferred over traditional banks in rural and sub-urban areas, especially for
non-productive purposes, like ceremonies and short duration loans.
Mumbai is the financial and commercial capital of India. Shown here is the World Trade Centre
of Mumbai
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi nationalised 14 banks in 1969, followed by six others in 1980, and
made it mandatory for banks to provide 40% of their net credit to priority sectors like agriculture,
small-scale industry, retail trade, small businesses, etc. to ensure that the banks fulfill their
social and developmental goals. Since then, the number of bank branches has increased from
10,120 in 1969 to 98,910 in 2003 and the population covered by a branch decreased from
63,800 to 15,000 during the same period. The total deposits increased 32.6 times between
1971 to 1991 compared to 7 times between 1951 to 1971. Despite an increase of rural
branches, from 1,860 or 22% of the total number of branches in 1969 to 32,270 or 48%, only
32,270 out of 5 lakh (500,000) villages are covered by a scheduled bank.
The public sector banks hold over 75% of total assets of the banking industry, with the private
and foreign banks holding 18.2% and 6.5% respectively. Since liberalisation, the government
has approved significant banking reforms. While some of these relate to nationalised banks (like
encouraging mergers, reducing government interference and increasing profitability and
competitiveness), other reforms have opened up the banking and insurance sectors to private
and foreign players.
More than half of personal savings are invested in physical assets such as land, houses, cattle,
and gold. Indian has the highest saving rate in the world at 36 percent.
Natural resources
India has the world's fifth largest wind power industry, with an installed wind power capacity of
9,587 MW. Shown here is a wind farm in Muppandal, Tamil Nadu.
India's total cultivable area is 1,269,219 km² (56.78% of total land area), which is decreasing
due to constant pressure from an ever growing population and increased urbanisation. India has
a total water surface area of 314,400 km² and receives an average annual rainfall of 1,100 mm.
Irrigation accounts for 92% of the water utilisation, and comprised 380 km² in 1974, and is
expected to rise to 1,050 km² by 2025, with the balance accounted for by industrial and
domestic consumers. India's inland water resources comprising rivers, canals, ponds and lakes
and marine resources comprising the east and west coasts of the Indian ocean and other gulfs
and bays provide employment to nearly 6 million people in the fisheries sector. In 2008, India
had the world's third largest fishing industry.[88]
India's major mineral resources include coal, iron, manganese, mica, bauxite, titanium,
chromite, limestone and thorium. India meets most of its domestic energy demand through its
92 billion tonnes of coal reserves (about 10% of world's coal reserves).[89]
India's huge thorium reserves — about 25% of world's reserves — is expected to fuel the
country's ambitious nuclear energy program in the long-run. India's dwindling uranium reserves
stagnated the growth of nuclear energy in the country for many years.[90] However, the Indo-US
nuclear deal has paved the way for India to import uranium from other countries.[91] India is also
believed to be rich in certain renewable sources of energy with significant future potential such
as solar, wind and biofuels (jatropha, sugarcane).
India's oil reserves, found in Mumbai High, parts of Gujarat, Rajasthan and eastern Assam,
meet 25% of the country's domestic oil demand. India's total proven oil reserves stand at 11
billion barrels, of which Mumbai High is believed to hold 6.1 billion barrels and Mangala Area in
Rajasthan an additional 3.6 billion barrels.
In 2009, India imported 2.56 million barrels of oil per day, making it one of largest buyers of
crude oil in the world. The petroleum industry in India mostly consists of public sector
companies such as Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
Limited (HPCL) and Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL). There are some major private Indian
companies in oil sector such as Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) which operates the world's
largest oil refining complex.
India has a self reliant Pharmaceuticals industry. The majority of its medical consumables are
produced domestically. Pharmaceutical Industry in India is dotted with companies like Ranbaxy
Pharmaceutical, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Cipla which have created a niche for themselves at
world level. India including China, Brazil, Turkey, Mexico, Russia and South Korea are called
―pharmerging‖ countries.
Today, India is an exporter to countries like the United States and Russia. In terms of the global
market, India currently holds a modest 1-2% share, but it has been growing at approximately
10% per year. India is unable to capture much of the value as most of the innovation taking
place is by non-Indian firms. They are developing products in their own R&D centres or
outsourcing to Indian engineering services firms and getting the stuff manufactured at either
their own factories or through contract manufacturing, as in pharmaceuticals.
In March 2008, India's annual imports and exports stood at US$236 and US$155.5 billion
respectively. Shown here is the cargo of a container ship being unloaded at the Jawaharlal
Nehru Port, Navi Mumbai.
India's economy is mostly dependent on its large internal market with external trade accounting
for just 20% of the country's GDP. In 2008, India accounted for 1.45% of global merchandise
trade and 2.8% of global commercial services export. Until the liberalization of 1991, India was
largely and intentionally isolated from the world markets, to protect its economy and to achieve
self-reliance. Foreign trade was subject to import tariffs, export taxes and quantitative
restrictions, while foreign direct investment (FDI) was restricted by upper-limit equity
participation, restrictions on technology transfer, export obligations and government approvals;
these approvals were needed for nearly 60% of new FDI in the industrial sector. The restrictions
ensured that FDI averaged only around US$200 million annually between 1985 and 1991; a
large percentage of the capital flows consisted of foreign aid, commercial borrowing and
deposits of non-resident Indians. India's exports were stagnant for the first 15 years after
independence, due to the predominance of tea, jute and cotton manufactures, demand for
which was generally inelastic. Imports in the same period consisted predominantly of
machinery, equipment and raw materials, due to nascent industrialization.
Since liberalization, the value of India's international trade has become more broad-based and
has risen to 63,080,109 crores in 2003–04 from 1,250 crores in 1950–51. India's major
trading partners are China, the US, the UAE, the UK, Japan and the EU. The exports during
April 2007 were $12.31 billion up by 16% and import were $17.68 billion with an increase of
18.06% over the previous year. In 2006-07, major export commodities included engineering
goods, petroleum products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, gems and jewellery, textiles and
garments, agricultural products, iron ore and other minerals. Major import commodities included
crude oil and related products, machinery, electronic goods, gold and silver.
India is a founding-member of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) since 1947 and
its successor, the WTO. While participating actively in its general council meetings, India has
been crucial in voicing the concerns of the developing world. For instance, India has continued
its opposition to the inclusion of such matters as labour and environment issues and other non-
tariff barriers into the WTO policies.
Balance of payments
Cumulative Current Account Balance 1980-2008 based on the IMF data
Since independence, India's balance of payments on its current account has been negative.
Since liberalisation in the 1990s (precipitated by a balance of payment crisis), India's exports
have been consistently rising, covering 80.3% of its imports in 2002–03, up from 66.2% in
1990–91. India's growing oil import bill is seen as the main driver behind the large current
account deficit. In 2007-08, India imported 120.1 million tonnes of crude oil, more than 3/4th of
the domestic demand, at a cost of $61.72 billion.
Although India is still a net importer, since 1996–97 its overall balance of payments (i.e.,
including the capital account balance) has been positive, largely on account of increased foreign
direct investment and deposits from non-resident Indians; until this time, the overall balance
Due to the global late-2000s recession, both Indian exports and imports declined by 29.2% and
39.2% respectively in June 2009. The steep decline was because countries hit hardest by the
global recession, such as United States and members of the European Union, account for more
than 60% of Indian exports. However, since the decline in imports was much sharper compared
to the decline in exports, India's trade deficit reduced to 252.5 billion rupee.
India's reliance on external assistance and commercial borrowings has decreased since 1991–
92, and since 2002–03, it has gradually been repaying these debts. Declining interest rates and
reduced borrowings decreased India's debt service ratio to 4.5% in 2007. In India, External
Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) are being permitted by the Government for providing an
additional source of funds to Indian corporates. The Ministry of Finance monitors and regulates
these borrowings (ECBs) through ECB policy guidelines.
As the fourth-largest economy in the world in PPP terms, India is a preferred destination for
foreign direct investments (FDI); India has strengths in telecommunication, information
technology and other significant areas such as auto components, chemicals, apparels,
pharmaceuticals, and jewellery. Despite a surge in foreign investments, rigid FDI policies
resulted in a significant hindrance. However, due to some positive economic reforms aimed at
deregulating the economy and stimulating foreign investment, India has positioned itself as one
of the front-runners of the rapidly growing Asia Pacific Region. India has a large pool of skilled
managerial and technical expertise. The size of the middle-class population stands at 300
million and represents a growing consumer market.
The inordinately high investment from Mauritius is due to routing of international funds through
the country given significant capital gains tax advantages; double taxation is avoided due to a
tax treaty between India and Mauritius, and Mauriitus is a capital gains tax haven, effectively
creating a zero-taxation FDI channel.
India's recently liberalized FDI policy (2005) allows up to a 100% FDI stake in ventures.
Industrial policy reforms have substantially reduced industrial licensing requirements, removed
restrictions on expansion and facilitated easy access to foreign technology and foreign direct
investment FDI. The upward moving growth curve of the real-estate sector owes some credit to
a booming economy and liberalized FDI regime. In March 2005, the government amended the
rules to allow 100 per cent FDI in the construction business. This automatic route has been
permitted in townships, housing, built-up infrastructure and construction development projects
including housing, commercial premises, hotels, resorts, hospitals, educational institutions,
recreational facilities, and city- and regional-level infrastructure.
A number of changes were approved on the FDI policy to remove the caps in most sectors.
Fields which require relaxation in FDI restrictions include civil aviation, construction
development, industrial parks, petroleum and natural gas, commodity exchanges, credit-
information services and mining. But this still leaves an unfinished agenda of permitting greater
foreign investment in politically sensitive areas such as insurance and retailing. FDI inflows into
India reached a record $19.5 billion in fiscal year 2006-07 (April–March), according to the
government's Secretariat for Industrial Assistance. This was more than double the total of
US$7.8bn in the previous fiscal year. The FDI inflow for 2007-08 has been reported as $24
billion and for 2008-09, it is expected to be above $35 billion. A critical factor in determining
India's continued economic growth and realizing the potential to be an economic superpower is
going to depend on how the government can create incentives for FDI flow across a large
number of sectors in India.
The Indian rupee is the only legal tender accepted in India. The exchange rate as on 23 March
2010 is 45.40 INR the USD, 61.45 to a EUR, and 68.19 to a GBP. The Indian rupee is accepted
as legal tender in the neighboring Nepal and Bhutan, both of which peg their currency to that of
the Indian rupee. The rupee is divided into 100 paise. The highest-denomination banknote is the
1,000 rupee note; the lowest-denomination coin in circulation is the 25 paise coin (it earlier had
1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 paise coins which have been discontinued by the Reserve Bank of India).
The Rupee hit a record low during early 2009 on account of global recession. However, due to
a strong domestic market, India managed to bounce back sooner than the western countries.
Since September 2009 there has been a constant appreciation in Rupee versus most Tier 1
currencies. On 11 January 2010 Rupee went as high as 45.50 to a United states dollar and on
10 January 2010 as high as Rupee 73.93 to a British Pound. A rising rupee also prompted
Government of India to buy 200 tonnes of Gold from IMF.
The RBI, the country's central bank was established on 1 April 1935. It serves as the nation's
monetary authority, regulator and supervisor of the financial system, manager of exchange
control and as an issuer of currency. The RBI is governed by a central board, headed by a
governor who is appointed by the Central government of India.
Percentage of population living under the poverty line of $1 (PPP) a day, currently 356.35
rupees a month in rural areas (around $7.4 a month).
As of 2005:
85.7% of the population lives on less than $2.50 (PPP) a day, down from 92.5% in 1981.
This is much higher than the 80.5% in Sub-Saharan Africa. 75.6% of the population lives
on less than $2 a day (PPP), which is around 20 rupees or $0.5 a day in nominal terms.
It was down from 86.6%, but is still even more than the 73.0% in Sub-Saharan Africa.
24.3% of the population earned less than $1 (PPP, around $0.25 in nominal terms) a day
in 2005, down from 42.1% in 1981.
41.6% of its population is living below the new international poverty line of $1.25 (PPP)
per day, down from 59.8% in 1981. The World Bank further estimates that a third of the
global poor now reside in India.
Housing is modest. According to Times of India, "a majority of Indians have per capita space
equivalent to or less than a 10 feet x 10 feet room for their living, sleeping, cooking, washing
and toilet needs." and "one in every three urban Indians lives in homes too cramped to exceed
even the minimum requirements of a prison cell in the US." The average is 103 sq ft (9.6 m2)
per person in rural areas and 117 sq ft (10.9 m2) per person in urban areas.
Around half of Indian children are malnourished. The proportion of underweight children is
nearly double that of Sub-Saharan Africa. However, India has not had famines since the Green
Revolution in the early 1970s. While poverty in India has reduced significantly, official figures
estimate that 27.5% of Indians still lived below the national poverty line of $1 (PPP, around 10
rupees in nominal terms) a day in 2004-2005. A 2007 report by the state-run National
Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) found that 65% of Indians, or
750 million people, lived on less than 20 rupees per daywith most working in "informal labour
sector with no job or social security, living in abject poverty."
Since the early 1950s, successive governments have implemented various schemes, under
planning, to alleviate poverty, that have met with partial success. All these programmes have
relied upon the strategies of the Food for work programme and National Rural Employment
Programme of the 1980s, which attempted to use the unemployed to generate productive
assets and build rural infrastructure. In August 2005, the Indian parliament passed the Rural
Employment Guarantee Bill, the largest programme of this type in terms of cost and coverage,
which promises 100 days of minimum wage employment to every rural household in all the
India's 600 districts. The question of whether economic reforms have reduced poverty or not
has fuelled debates without generating any clear cut answers and has also put political pressure
on further economic reforms, especially those involving the downsizing of labour and cutting
agricultural subsidies. Recent statistics in 2010 point out that the number of high income
households has crossed lower income households.
Agricultural and allied sectors accounted for about 60% of the total workforce in 2003 same as
in 1993–94. While agriculture has faced stagnation in growth, services have seen a steady
growth. Of the total workforce, 8% is in the organised sector, two-thirds of which are in the
public sector. The NSSO survey estimated that in 1999–2000, 106 million, nearly 10% of the
population were unemployed and the overall unemployment rate was 7.3%, with rural areas
doing marginally better (7.2%) than urban areas (7.7%). India's labor force is growing by 2.5%
annually, but employment only at 2.3% a year.
Official unemployment exceeds 9%. Regulation and other obstacles have discouraged the
emergence of formal businesses and jobs. Almost 30% of workers are casual workers who work
only when they are able to get jobs and remain unpaid for the rest of the time Only 10% of the
workforce is in regular employment. India's labor regulations are heavy even by developing
country standards and analysts have urged the government to abolish them.
Child labor is a complex problem that is basically rooted in poverty. The Indian government is
implementing the world's largest child labor elimination program, with primary education
targeted for ~250 million. Numerous non-governmental and voluntary organizations are also
involved. Special investigation cells have been set up in states to enforce existing laws banning
employment of children (under 14) in hazardous industries. The allocation of the Government of
India for the eradication of child labor was $10 million in 1995-96 and $16 million in 1996-97.
The allocation for 2007 is $21 million. In 2006, remittances from Indian migrants overseas made
up $27 billion or about 3% of India's GDP.
India's 300 million strong middle-class population is growing at an annual rate of 5%. Shown
here is a residential area in Mumbai.
In the revised 2007 figures, based on increased and sustaining growth, more inflows into foreign
direct investment, Goldman Sachs predicts that "from 2007 to 2020, India‘s GDP per capita in
US$ terms will quadruple", and that the Indian economy will surpass the United States (in US$)
by 2043. In spite of the high growth rate, the report stated that India would continue to remain a
low-income country for decades to come but could be a "motor for the world economy" if it
fulfills its growth potential. Goldman Sachs has outlined 10 things that it needs to do in order to
achieve its potential and grow 40 times by 2050. These are
1. Improve Governance
2. Raise Educational Achievement
3. Increase Quality and Quantity of Universities
4. Control Inflation
5. Introduce a Credible Fiscal Policy
6. Liberalize Financial Markets
7. Increase Trade with Neighbours
8. Increase Agricultural Productivity
9. Improve Infrastructure
10. Improve Environmental Quality.
Slow agricultural growth is a concern for policymakers as some two-thirds of India‘s people
depend on rural employment for a living. Current agricultural practices are neither economically
nor environmentally sustainable and India's yields for many agricultural commodities are low.
Poorly maintained irrigation systems and almost universal lack of good extension services are
among the factors responsible. Farmers' access to markets is hampered by poor roads,
rudimentary market infrastructure, and excessive regulation.
According to "India: Priorities for Agriculture and Rural Development" by World Bank,
India's large agricultural subsidies are hampering productivity-enhancing investment.
Overregulation of agriculture has increased costs, price risks and uncertainty.
Government interventions in labor, land, and credit markets are hurting the market.
Infrastructure and services are inadequate.[150]
Illiteracy, slow progress in implementing land reforms and inadequate or inefficient
finance and marketing services for farm produce.
The average size of land holdings is very small (less than 20,000 m²) and is subject to
fragmentation, due to land ceiling acts and in some cases, family disputes. Such small
holdings are often over-manned, resulting in disguised unemployment and low
productivity of labour.
India has many farm insurance companies that insure fruit, rice and rubber farmers in the event
of natural disasters or catastrophic crop failure, under the supervision of the Ministry of
Agriculture. One notable company that provides all of these insurance policies is Agriculture
Insurance Company of India and it alone insures almost 20 million farmers.
India's population is growing faster than its ability to produce rice and wheat. The most
important structural reform for self-sufficiency is the ITC Limited plan to connect 20,000 villages
to the Internet by 2013. This will provide farmers with up to date crop prices for the first time,
which should minimise losses incurred from neighbouring producers selling early and in turn
facilitate investment in rural areas.
Corruption has been one of the pervasive problems affecting India. The economic reforms of
1991 reduced the red tape, bureaucracy and the Licence Raj that had strangled private
enterprise and was blamed by Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari for the corruption and
inefficiencies. Yet, a 2005 study by Transparency International (TI) India found that more than
half of those surveyed had firsthand experience of paying bribe or peddling influence to get a
job done in a public office.
The Right to Information Act (2005) and equivalent acts in the Indian states, that require
government officials to furnish information requested by citizens or face punitive action,
computerisation of services and various central and state government acts that established
vigilance commissions have considerably reduced corruption or at least have opened up
avenues to redress grievances. The 2009 report by Transparency International ranks India at
84th place and states that significant improvements were made by India in reducing corruption.
The number of people employed in non-agricultural occupations in the public and private
sectors. Totals are rounded. Private sector data relates to non-agriculture establishments with
10 or more employees.
The current government has concluded that most spending fails to reach its intended recipients.
Lant Pritchett calls India's public sector "one of the world's top ten biggest problems — of the
order of AIDS and climate change".The Economist's 2008 article about the Indian civil service
stated that the Indian central government employs around 3 million people, including "vast
armies of paper-shuffling peons".
At local level, administration can be worse. It is not unheard of that a majority of a state's
assembly seats can be held by convicted criminals. One study found that 25% of public sector
India has made huge progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and
expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population. The right to education at
elementary level has been made one of the fundamental rights under the Eighty-Sixth
Amendment of 2002. However, the literacy rate of 65% is still lower than the worldwide average
and the country suffers from a high dropout rate.
In the past, development of infrastructure was completely in the hands of the public sector and
was plagued by corruption, bureaucratic inefficiencies, urban-bias and an inability to scale
investment. India's low spending on power, construction, transportation, telecommunications
and real estate, at $31 billion or 6% of GDP in 2002 had prevented India from sustaining higher
growth rates. This has prompted the government to partially open up infrastructure to the private
sector allowing foreign investment which has helped in a sustained growth rate of close to 9%
for the past six quarters.
Some 600 million Indians have no means of electricity at all. While 80% of Indian villages have
at least an electricity line, just 44% of rural households have access to electricity. According to a
sample of 97,882 households in 2002, electricity was the main source of lighting for 53% of rural
households compared to 36% in 1993. Some half of the electricity is stolen, compared with 3%
in China. The stolen electricity amounts to 1.5% of GDP. Almost all of the electricity in India is
produced by the public sector. Power outages are common. Many buy their own power
generators to ensure electricity supply. As of 2005 the electricity production was at 661.6 billion
kWh with oil production standing at 785,000 bbl/day. In 2007, electricity demand exceeded
supply by 15%.Multi Commodity Exchange has tried to get a permit to offer electricity future
India has the world's third largest road network in the world. Container traffic is growing at 15%
a year. Some 60% of India‘s container traffic is handled by the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust in
Navi Mumbai. Internet use is rare; there were only 7.57 million broadband lines in India in
November 2009, however it is still growing at slower rate and is expected to boom after the
launch of 3G and wimax services. Most urban cities have good water supply water 24 hours a
day, while some smaller cities face water shortages in summer season. A World Bank report
says it is an institutional problem in water agencies, or "how the agency is embedded in the
relationships between politics and the citizens who are the consumers."
Labour laws
India‘s labor regulations — among the most restrictive and complex in the world — have
constrained the growth of the formal manufacturing sector where these laws have their widest
application. Better designed labor regulations can attract more labor- intensive investment and
create jobs for India‘s unemployed millions and those trapped in poor quality jobs. Given the
country‘s momentum of growth, the window of opportunity must not be lost for improving the job
prospects for the 80 million new entrants who are expected to join the work force over the next
decade.– World Bank: India Country Overview 2008.
India's restrictive labor regulations hamper the large-scale creation of formal industrial jobs.
Economic disparities
Lagging states need to bring more jobs to their people by creating an attractive investment
destination. Reforming cumbersome regulatory procedures, improving rural connectivity,
establishing law and order, creating a stable platform for natural resource investment that
balances business interests with social concerns, and providing rural finance are important.
Slums next to high-rise commercial buildings in Kaloor, Kochi. Hundreds of people, mostly
comprising migrant labourers who come to the city seeking job prospects, reside in such shabby
One of the critical problems facing India's economy is the sharp and growing regional variations
among India's different states and territories in terms of per capita income, poverty, availability
of infrastructure and socio-economic development. Six low-income states - Bihar, Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh - are home to more than one third of
India's population.
Between 1999 and 2008, the annualized growth rates for Maharashtra (9%), Gujarat (8.8%),
Haryana (8.7%), or Delhi (7.4%) were much higher than for Bihar (5.1%), Uttar Pradesh (4.4%),
or Madhya Pradesh (3.5%). However, In 2009-10, Bihar witnessed a growth of about 12.6%,
and ended up becoming the 'fastest growing state' , followed by Gujarat with a growth of 11.3%.
Poverty rates in rural Orissa (43%) and rural Bihar (40%) are some of the worst in the world. On
the other hand, rural Haryana (5.7%) and rural Punjab (2.4%) compare well with middle-income
countriesThe five-year plans have attempted to reduce regional disparities by encouraging
industrial development in the interior regions, but industries still tend to concentrate around
urban areas and port cities After liberalization, the more advanced states are better placed to
benefit from them, with infrastructure like well developed ports, urbanisation and an educated
and skilled workforce which attract manufacturing and service sectors. The union and state
governments of backward regions are trying to reduce the disparities by offering tax holidays,
cheap land, etc., and focusing more on sectors like tourism, which although being
geographically and historically determined, can become a source of growth and is faster to
develop than other sectors.
The more people in the economy, the greater the demand for housing
It is necessary to consider-
Family size
Age composition of the family
Number of first and second children
Net migration
Non-family household formation
Number of double family households
Death rates
Divorce rates
Income is also an important determinant
Many housing economists use permanent income rather than annual income because
of the high cost of purchasing real estate
For many people, real estate will be the most costly item they will ever buy
Demand conditions for housing influence both the willingness and ability of people to make
house purchases
For eg. in areas when unemployment remains persistently above the national average, average
incomes are likely to be lower and confidence among buyers will be negatively affected
These three factors, incomes, employment and confidence are critical in determining the
direction of house prices. When these three factors are rising the conditions are normally in
place for sharp upward movements in prices However other economic variables also come into
Changes to the system of housing taxes and subsidies - government policies affect the
housing sector in different ways ranging from benefits for council taxpayers on low incomes to
the payment of stamp duty on the most expensive properties
With India's economy growing steadily, housing demand is estimated to rise to 42 lakh units
during the next five years, the majority of which will be in the affordable segment
"The pan-India residential demand for the period 2010-14 is estimated to be approximately
4.25 million units, of which mid range and affordable sectors continue to capture a
significant share of 70 per cent," property consultant Cushman & Wakefield
(C&W) said in a report
The report noted that out of total demand, 60 per cent is expected to come from top seven
cities, including national capital region and Mumbai
The demand in these cities, however, is estimated to be three times higher than supply
during 2010-14
"With India's economic environment showing signs of stability and buoyant growth, coupled
with improvement in affordability and access to finance, housing demand in the country is
expected to witness a revival in demand in the near future," C&W India Executive
Director (Investment Services) Manish Aggarwal said
"The demand for retail space across the country is estimated to be 55 million sq ft, of which
the top seven cities will witness approximately 53 per cent,―
Residential demand in top cities is projected to grow nearly 17% in 2010 to 5.8 lakh units
aided by strong economic growth and improved affordability, according to Cushman &
Units wanted
Residential demand is seen at-
6.8 lakh units in 2011 (18% growth over 2010)
8.1 lakh units in 2012 (19%)
9.8 lakh units in 2013 (near 20%)
11.8 lakh units in 2014 (about 20.6% growth)
The forecast is based on parameters such as affordability, population growth, anticipated home
loan disbursements, among others
The 30 cities include large macro markets such as NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune,
Hyderabad and Kolkata as well as smaller cities such as Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Cochin and
The selection of cities was based on an analysis of economic activity, infrastructure
development, population growth and presence of organized real estate developers
―The pan-India residential demand for the period 2010-2014 is estimated to be about 4.25
million units (cumulative), of which mid-range and affordable sectors continue to capture a
significant share of 70%,―
The global real estate consultant has said in its latest report
Housing stock -- the total number of residential units, including mobile homes, available for
non transient occupancy
A renewed focus on affordable housing is in order
There is plenty of demand out there; supply is more likely to be the constraint
The demand for housing units in the top 112 cities is expected be 10.5 million units during
the next 7 years leading up to 2015
The demand for housing units in the top 112 cities is expected be 10.5 million units during
the next 7 years leading up to 2015
The Housing Skyline of India estimates the demand for housing units in the top 112 cities
to be 10.5 million units during the next 7 years leading up to 2015
The current stock of housing units in these cities is estimated to be 41.8 million units,
which implies a growth in housing stock of over 25% within 7 years
Of these 112, the top 30 cities will account for 60% of the demand and are expected to
add 6.36 million units during the next 7 years
The current stock of housing units in these 30 cities is estimated to be 25 million units
In the top 30 Cities
Households with Plinth Area Less than 500 Sq ft -10.01 %
Households with Plinth Area Between 500-1000 Sq ft -7.48 %
Households with Plinth Area More than 1000 Sq ft - 7.55 %
Demand for units (2008-2015) for Plinth Area Less than 500 Sq ft 2.14 %
Demand for units (2008-2015) for Plinth Area Between 500-1000 Sq ft 2.07 %
Demand for units (2008-2015) for Plinth Area More than 1000 Sq ft 2.15 %
Affordable Housing
Housing for the masses
Comfortable living
Location proximity
Affordability is quantified by
Household income
Price of the product
Affordability does not compromise on
Quality of construction
Provisioning of socio – economic infrastructure
Speedy approvals of housing projects
Provisioning of additional FSI
Improving connectivity to suburbs
Rationalization of transaction cost
Non scarcity of developed land
Creation of Special Residential Zones (SRZ)
Value engineering in construction
Private Public Participation (PPP
The States of Tripura, Manipur and Chattisgarh were found to be well below the national
average in terms of prevalence of pucca structures
Other extreme, none of the three facilities were available within the premises of about –
30% of dwelling units in rural areas
11% of dwelling units in urban slums and squatter settlements
4% of dwelling units in other urban areas of the country97% of rural 99% of urban
dwellings Considering both rural and urban areas together, the percentage of households
lacking toilet facility in -
Chhattisgarh (82%)
Orissa (80%)
Bihar (79%)
M.P. (77%)
Jharkhand (76%)
A Mono-centric City
Cities looked very different 100 years ago:
◦ Cities had a unique center
◦ Jobs were concentrated near the city
◦ Manufacturing firms located near
railroad terminals
◦ Office firms clustered in the CBD
◦ Workers lived in city center and
commuted by foot or in the suburbs
and rode street cars
Income segregation
Households find location providing best tradeoff between land and commuting costs
Household move outwards as away from CBD, you save money on housing, but you
spend more on commuting
MB from moving out (Land Consumption):
Because the rich person consumes much more housing, they save much more for each
move out
MC from moving out (commuting costs):
Typically assume rich have higher marginal commuting costs (higher opportunity cost for
Empirical Evidence
One study (Wheaton 1977) has found that IEDH is roughly equal to IECC
If this is the case, then different income groups should be living in the same places
In some cities, especially in Europe, the opposite is true: rich live in center, which is
prohibitively expensive for poor, who live out in suburbs
Has to do with level of amenities in the city center (e.g. Paris vs. Detroit)
Policy Ramifications
Policies that help rebuild the inner cities, bring amenities, decrease crime and pollution,
improve schools, will bring some wealthy back from suburbs
Policies that limit exclusionary (large-lot) zoning will help bring poor out to suburbs and
allow for higher suburban densities
Urban Sprawl
The role of public policy
◦ Under pricing of commuting encourages long commutes
◦ Mortgage subsidy increases housing consumption
◦ Under pricing of fringe infrastructure
◦ Zoning: Minimum lot sizes to exclude high-density housing
Consequences of Sprawl
Environmental consequences
Increased consumption of fossil fuels
Increased demand for public goods, e.g., highways and schools
Inefficient to provide mass transit
Depletion of world reserves of fossil fuels results in a non sustainable life style
Suburban life: more land, same residential energy, 30% more travel
Environmental quality: cleaner cars offset increased mileage
Greenhouse gases increase with mileage
Loss of farmland hasn‘t increased agriculture prices
Low transit ridership
Financing Urban Infrastructure
Institutional models and allocation of responsibilities
Alternative financing instruments
Effects of financing instruments on urban planning and control
Pooled Financing
Only financially strong, large municipal corporations are in a position to directly access
capital markets
Most small and medium ULBs are not able to directly access capital markets on the strength
of their own balance sheets
Also, the cost of the transaction is another barrier
In 2003, the Tamil Nadu Urban Development Fund issued a bond by pooling 14
municipalities for commercially viable water and sewerage infrastructure projects
Matrix of Responsibilities\]’
Model Investment Operations Payer
The Regional Plan - 1973, defines land use zones very broadly and divides the region into 5
principal land use zones, namely:
1. Urbanisable Zone -U Zone
2. Industrial Zone -I Zone
3. Recreational Zone- R Zone
4. Forest Zone- F Zone
5. Green Zone -G Zone
• The U Zone covers existing towns, and areas marked for their planned expansion, proposed new
towns and other new township areas. In this zone, the development control is to be exercised in
accordance with the development plans and detailed Development Control Regulations of the
respective towns
• Large industrial areas outside the existing towns are designated as I Zone they are developed
and controlled by the local Industrial Development Corporation
• Developments in F and G zone, which are essentially conservation areas, are controlled by the
• Zoning is the regulation and restriction of real property by a local government
• It is the most common form of land-use regulation, as municipalities rely on it to control and direct
the development of property within their borders, according to present and potential uses of the
• Zoning involves the division of territory based on the character of land and structures and their
fitness for particular uses
• Consideration is given to conserving the value of property and encouraging the most appropriate
use of land throughout a particular locality
• A municipality's power to enact zoning regulations is derived from the state in an exercise of its
police power
• Police power is the inherent power of the government to act for the welfare of those within its
• The power to impose zoning restrictions is conferred on a municipality by a state enabling statute
• Zoning laws are intended to promote the health, safety, welfare, convenience, morals, and
prosperity of the community at large, and are meant to further the general welfare rather than to
improve the economic interests of any particular property owner
• They are designed to stabilize neighborhoods and preserve the character of the community by
guiding its future growth
When enacting zoning ordinances, a municipality takes many factors into consideration the most
significant are-
Selection of site location, launching a new project-site preparation & government clearances
• Site planning is a vital component of any type of building activity and is the first step
• With growing urban development and environmental degradation it has become imperative to
determine landscape design parameters, and also provide rules, regulations, controls and
procedures for the protection, preservation and modification of surrounding environment
• In most of the cases the site is selected by the developer before commencement of design phase
• Ideally the design team should be involved in site selection and should assess the
appropriateness of the site relative to the proposed development
• Analysis and assessment of the site characteristics in terms of its capacity to provide natural
resources inside the building such as light, air and water without damaging the natural
environment should be carried out during site selection and analysis process
The elements that get affected on site due to Project development are:
• Soil conditions if not preserved
• Hydrology of the site
• Topography
• Characteristics of land due to hard paving
• Built up spaces on the site
• Existing vegetation
• Solar access
• Wind patterns
The selection should be based upon severalfeasibility and impact studies related to sustainability such
as existing wind pattern, solar access, soil, air, water conditions, noise pollution, and bio diversity
Environmental consideration
The proposed project location should meet the standards prescribed by the Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) and IS standards for the following environment parameters:
• Ambient air, water and noise quality standards
• Natural disaster prone areas
• Ecologically sensitive areas
Urban availability of water and other critical infrastructures like electricity, roads with
adequate width and capacity
• The infrastructure and utilities available, expected water and power requirement by the proposed
new buildings and feasibility study of how much is available and what is the source of supply for
power and water
• The design team should gauge whether the site takes maximum advantage of natural resources,
such as solar energy, natural vegetation, and geographical features, and should also analyze the
proximity or remoteness of the site from existing transportation corridors, and its ability to match
the needs of the building owner, users, and their occupancy patterns
Site analysis
• After the first analysis of the site evaluation and site selection, the site should be analyzed with
respect to all the issues involved in its sustainable development
• The natural functions of a plot of land (hydrology, geology and microclimate) could be seriously
disrupted by the placement of buildings on it if site analysis for optimum placement and design of
buildings is not carried out
• Layout the site activities and building requirements after carrying out detailed site analysis so as
to ensure sustainable site development is in tune with its topography, climate, ecological
character and functional requirements of the building
• The main objective is to allocate and define the use of various parts of the site in a manner that is
most appropriate to specific building activities to be carried on the proposed site
• The purpose of site analysis is to determine the site characteristics so that proper drainage
pattern and system, circulation pattern, landscape design and other site development features
can be considered in relation to the existing site features and proposed building design
parameters such as building form, solar orientation, shape, skin to volume ratio, materials etc.
• The site analysis evaluates all the environmental determinants, which include (soil, air, water,
solar access, noise), that could get affected due to development on the proposed site
Building siting
• Building siting Geographical latitude and microclimatic factors such as wind loads and solar
access: Improper planning and layout of buildings can affect the availability of natural resources
to the occupants
• For example, Large built volumes perpendicular to the wind divert the latter and tend to create a
wind shadow of a length equal to 15 times the building‘s height (with wind velocity halved down)
• Design of buildings could result in overshadowing existing buildings and sometimes also result in
cutting down the availability of natural light in adjacent buildings
• The way in which a building or group of buildings are sited in relation to other buildings, natural
topography and landscape could have detrimental effects on its potentialities
Hydrology on site
This coves two aspects, i.e. natural hydrology and quality of water
1. Natural hydrology: Undeveloped land has a certain capacity to absorb rainfall in the soils,
vegetation and trees, also has a natural drainage pattern, clearing of vegetation and or
construction of impervious surfaces (like roads, parking lots and buildings) reduce the capacity of
land to absorb rainfall and increase the amount of storm water runoff and change the natural
pattern of drainage
2. Quality of water: Storm water run off volumes generated from imperviousness of the developed site is
transported into the receiving waters via urban infrastructure like gutters, pipes and sewers
Factors which shall affect the layout of a sustainable design Solar access
• Solar access in the morphology of clusters can be understood in terms of utilization of direct (and
not reflected or diffused) solar radiation mainly for day lighting and heat gain
• Solar path analysis would help define the minimal distances between the buildings and the
relations between built-up volume and open space
Building types
• Choice of building types depends mainly on the cost of the land, infrastructure, land availability
and suitability as per the requirements
• Each building type and combination of different type forms a matrix of environmental conditions,
which affect the macro as well as the microclimate around and inside the building
• Building types may be detached/semi-detached, with courtyard /patio, high-rise, row house
Open spaces
• The proportion of open space and its built-up edges should be designed such that it ensures
winter solar access and summer ventilation
• Vegetation may provide as shading and promote evaporative cooling
• In hot dry climates, evaporative cooling through appropriately sized wet surfaces or fountains
have a desirable effect
Soil preservation
• It is important to consider and understand factors such as soil characteristics, climate, rainfall
intensity and duration, vegetation and topography to predict the extent and consequences of soil
• Human activities during construction can accelerate erosion by removing vegetation, compacting
or disturbing the soil, changing natural drainage patterns, and by covering the ground with
impermeable surfaces (pavement, concrete, buildings)
A. Revised requirement of environmental clearance for construction projects
B. Impacts and mitigation Measures for Site, Planning & Development
C. Impacts and mitigation for Water Management
D. Impacts and Mitigation Measures for transport Management and Air Pollution Control
E. Impacts from Building materials and Constructions, including Solid Waste Management
F. Energy conservation Measures including Bio-climatic Design
G. Set of mandatory and expected criteria to be followed by the developer
H. Submittals required to address questions in Form1 and 1A of the notification
Stages in the Prior Environmental Clearance (EC) Process for New Projects: -
The environmental clearance process for new projects will comprise of a maximum of 2 stages
These stages in sequential order are
• Screening
• Appraisal
• Scrutiny of an application by the concerned State level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) for
determining whether or not the project or activity requires further environmental studies for
preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for its appraisal prior to the grant of
environmental clearance depending up on the nature and location specificity of the project
• Applications for prior environmental clearance may be rejected by the regulatory authority
concerned on the recommendation of the EAC or SEAC concerned at this stage itself
• In case of such rejection, the decision together with reasons for the same shall be communicated
to the applicant in writing within sixty days of the receipt of the application
1. Appraisal means the detailed scrutiny by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert
Appraisal Committee of the application and other documents like the Final EIA report, submitted by the
applicant to the regulatory authority concerned for grant of environmental clearance
• Transparent manner in a proceeding to which the applicant shall be invited for furnishing
necessary clarifications in person or through an authorized representative
2. The appraisal of all projects or activities which are not required to undergo public consultation, or
submit an Environment Impact Assessment report, shall be carried out on the basis of the prescribed
application Form 1 and Form 1A as applicable, any other relevant validated information available and
the site visit wherever the same is considered as necessary by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State
Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned
3. The appraisal of an application be shall be completed by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State
Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned within sixty days of the receipt of the final Environment
Impact Assessment report and other documents or the receipt of Form 1 and Form 1 A, where public
consultation is not necessary and the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State
Level Expert Appraisal Committee shall be placed before the competent authority for a final decision
within the next fifteen days
• ―Indian Culture‖ and evolution of ―Indian societies‖ is missing in most of our townships
• These townships seem to be just replicas of western culture where the independent families are
widely accepted while Indian culture and societies are ―Patriarchal and Joint Families‖ in nature
Product Mix
After blending the research data and the underlying concept along with the social and physical
separation to ensure privacy for each segment, the product mix is finalized:
1. Commercial Space
2. School
3. Tot lots
4. Multi Specialty Hospital
5. Infrastructure-Physical & Social
a. Recreational facilities- club house, swimming pool, gym
b. Open Spaces- parks
Social infrastructure:
An integrated township always has the basic social infrastructure essentials.
A quality school with education up to at least 10th standard is set up within the township, reducing
the travelling time between home and school and in turn providing the children with more time for play
and studies
A good healthcare facility with at least 50-plus beds and an emergency care is set up within the
township, thereby facilitating residents
Adequate space for basic sports such as football, cricket, tennis and badminton, fitness facilities
including a gymnasium and swimming pools are set up within the township to enhance social lifestyle
Community centre:
A spacious, well-decorated community centre with a club house and a function hall is set up
within the township
Road network:
A well-planned road network both within the township and connecting to the nearest highway or
main road is built, thereby easing communication
Communication infrastructure:
Good quality telecom services should be made available within the township
Estate management:
An integrated township should incorporate a well-equipped estate management
Infrastructure maintenance:
Proper and regular maintenance of roads, pathways, parks, electrical and plumbing
infrastructure, children play areas and common areas including community centre is essential for a well-
developed integrated township
Security and safety for all residents is a critical element of a township
Quality cinema or multiplex, popular games and kid entertainment facilities should be established
within the township
Well-stocked grocery stores as well as shopping centers including garment stores, electronic
goods should be established within the township
Food courts:
Good quality and hygienic food courts should be established within the townships to cater the
Proximity to workplace:
• While the intent of an integrated township is always to have the workplace and the residential
dwelling in close proximity
• It should establish adequate, well-equipped office space infrastructure and offer lower rentals to
attract companies, banks and corporate houses and create ample opportunities for residents
• Development of land and providing allied infrastructure will form an integrated part of township‘s
FDI in the development of integrated townships will be subject to the following guidelines:
i) The foreign company intending to invest, shall be registered as an Indian Company under
Companies Act 1956 and will henceforth be allowed to take up land assembly and its development as a
part of Integrated Township Development
All such cases would be processed by FIPB (Foreign Investment Promotion Board )on the
recommendation of Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation and other concerned Ministries
/ Departments Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation will develop an exclusive cell to
deal with such cases
ii) The core business of the company seeking to make investment, should be integrated township
development with a record of successful execution of such projects elsewhere
iii)The minimum area to be developed by such a company should be 100 acres for which norms and
standards are to be followed as per local bylaws / rules, In the absence of such bylaws / rules, a
minimum of two thousand dwelling units for about ten thousand population will need to be developed by
the investor
iv) The investing Foreign company should achieve clear milestones once their proposal has been
a. The minimum capitalisation norm shall be US$ 10 million for a wholly owned subsidiary
b) US$ 5 million for joint ventures with Indian partner/s the funds would have to be brought in
c) A minimum lock-in period of three years from completion of minimum capitalisation shall apply
before repatriation of original investment is permitted
d) A minimum of 50% of the integrated project development must be completed within a period of
five years from the date of possession of the first piece of land. However, if the investor intends
to exit earlier due to reasons beyond his control, it shall be decided by FIPB on a case-to-case
v) Conditions regarding the use of land for commercial purposes, development charges, external
development charges and other charges as laid down in Master Plan / Bylaws, preparation of layout
and building plan, development of internal and peripheral development, development of other
infrastructure facilities including the trunk services etc., will be the responsibility of the investor as per
planning norms and standards on similar lines as those applicable to local investors
• In the absence of such standards and norms, every State Government may decide their own
conditions for which the Urban Development Plan Formulation and Implementation guidelines
circulated by the Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation may serve as a guiding
vi) Land with assembled area for peripheral services such as police stations, milk booths will be
handed over free of cost to the Government / local authority / agency as the case may be \]]
x) For companies investing in Special Economic Zones,Foreign Investment Promotion Board may
accord exemption to any of the above mentioned conditions on a case-to-case basis, this will,
however, be an interim measure till guidelines are evolved in due course in a need based
• High Rise Buildings
• Generally considered as one that is taller than the maximum height which people are willing to
walk up; it thus requires mechanical vertical transportation
• This includes a rather limited range of building uses, primarily residential apartments, hotels and
office building, though occasionally including retail and educational facilities
• High rise building is defined as a building 35 mts or greater in height, which are divided into
regular intervals into occupiable levels
• To be considered a high rise building the structure must be based on a solid ground, and
fabricated along its full height through deliberate processes ( as opposed to naturally-occurring
formations )
• A high rise building is distinguished by other tall man-made structures by the following guidelines:
• It must be divided into multiple levels of at least 2 mts height
• If it has fewer than 12 such interval levels, than the highest undivided portion must not exceed
50% of the total height
• Distinct divisions of levels such as stairways shall not be considered floors for purposes of
eligibility in this definition
• Any method of structural support, which is consistent with this definition, is allowable, whether
masonry, concrete or metal frame
• In few cases where such a building is not structurally self-supporting (e.g. resting on a slope or
braced against a cliff), it may still be considered a high rise building but is not eligible for any
height records unless the record stipulates inclusions of this type
Minimum height
• The cutoff between high-rise and low-rise buildings is 35 mts
• This height was chosen based on an original 12 floor cutoff, used for the following reasons:
1. Twelve floor is normally the minimum height needed to achieve the physical presence which
earns the name high-rise
2. The twelve floor limit represents a compromise between ambition and manageability for a
worldwide database
• A building of fewer floors may only be included as a high-rise when its exact height is known, in
most cases a city is considered to have a satisfactory listing of high-rise buildings when all 12
floor buildings are counted
High-rise market
• Undeniably the high-rise building is also seen as a wealth generating mechanism working in an
urban economy
• High-rise buildings are constructed largely because they can create a lot of real estate out of a
fairly small piece of land
• Because of the availability of the global technology and the growing demand for real estate,
skyscrapers are seen as the most fitting solution to any city that is spatially challenged and can‘t
comfortably house its inhabitants
• There has always been a relentless quest for height in architecture through the ages
• The pyramids and spiraling towers are instances of man striving to create something awe-
inspiring in the past
• The two main reasons people go for skyscrapers are either sheer necessity or to depict power
and glory and both are justifiable says architect Hafiz Contractor
• Skyscrapers are always associated with power and grandeur and they may well become
indispensable in future Indian cities
• The word ―Skyscraper‖ was coined in the late 19th century, reflecting public amazement at the tall
buildings being built in the New York City
• The structural definition of the word ―skyscraper‖ was later created by architectural historians,
based on engineering developments of the 1880s which had enabled the construction of tall
multistory buildings
• This definition was based on the steel skeleton, as opposed to constructions of load-bearing
masonry, which passed their practical limit in 1891
Skyscrapers in Hyderabad
• Treating open space as an urban amenity
• Urban open space is a term used in land use planning to define open space areas for ―parks‖,
―green spaces‖, and other open areas
• The landscape of urban open spaces can range from playing fields to highly maintained
environments to relatively natural landscapes
• They are commonly open to public access, however, urban open spaces may be privately owned
• Generally considered open to the public, urban open spaces are nevertheless sometimes
privately owned
• Some examples of such places include higher education campuses, neighborhood/community
parks/gardens, and institutional or corporate grounds
• These areas still function to provide ―aesthetic and psychological relief from urban development‖
• Nevertheless, most commonly the term is used to reference spaces that are public and ―green‖
The value that urban open space provides to citizens can be broken into three basic forms;
recreation, ecology, and aesthetic
Recreational: Urban open space is often appreciated for the recreational opportunities it provides.
Recreation in urban open space may include active recreation (such as organized sports and
individual exercise) or passive recreation, which may simply entail being in the open space. Time
spent in an urban open space for recreation offers a reprieve from the urban environment is offered
• The conservation of nature in an urban environment has direct impact on people for another
reason as well
• As human live more and more in man-made surroundings – i.e., cities – he risks harming himself
by building and acting in ignorance of natural processes‖
• Beyond this man-nature benefit, urban open spaces also serve as islands of nature, promoting
biodiversity and providing a home for natural species in environments that are otherwise
uninhabitable due to city development
• The aesthetic value of urban open spaces is self-evident
• People enjoy viewing nature, especially when it is otherwise extensively deprived, as is the case
in urban environments
• Therefore, open space offers the value of ―substituting gray infrastructure‖
• Value of urban open space can also be considered with regards to the specific functions it
provides; essentially this is just another way to organize the basic reasons urban open space is
One study categorizes the measures of value into six groups:
1) Utility
2) Function
3) Contemplative
4) Aesthetic
5) recreational
6) Ecological
Public health
• Urban open spaces offer health benefits to city residents through exposure to a natural
• They offer citizens relief from the strains of urban environments and everyday demands
• That respite can come in the form of a walk or run, time spent sitting or reading, watching the
birds, essentially any time spent in the natural environment the open space offers
• Research shows that when open spaces are attractive and accessible, people are more likely to
engage in physical activity, which has obvious inherent health benefits
The enhancement of an area‘s aesthetic beauty is directly related to that area‘s
Each parcel of land should be landscaped thereby reinforcing the area‘s sense of place
It adds to the visual appeal and contiguity of a site, it also performs important and
invaluable function relating to the reduction of pollutants and storm water treatment
Landscape improvements have been implemented as well as pedestrian amenities
Increased landscaping enhances the aesthetic appeal of the area
The landscape is the green part of the city that weaves throughout - in the form of urban
parks, street trees, plants, flowers, and water in many forms
The landscape helps define the character and beauty of a city and creates soft, contrasting
spaces and elements
Green spaces in cities range from grand parks such as Central Park in New York City and the
Washington DC Mall, to small intimate pocket parks