Topic Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies

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Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, 2000 Pampanga, Philippines


Learning Plan in Creative Nonfiction
Topic Introduction to Creative Nonfiction Week: 1-2

Content The learner understands the literary conventions that govern the different genres. (e.g., narrative convention of fiction, etc.)
Performance The learner clearly and coherently uses a chosen element conventionally identified with a genre for a written output.
Learning The learner is able to:
Competencies 1. Identify dominant literary conventions of a particular genre
2. Compare and contrast how the elements are used in the different genres
3. Analyze and interpret the theme ad techniques used in a particular text
4. Create samples of different literary elements based on one’s experience
5. Write a draft of a short piece using any of the literary conventions of genre following these pointers:
a. Choosing a topic
b. Formulating a thesis statement
c. Organizing and developing ideas
d. Using any literary conventions of a genre
e. Ensuring that the theme and technique are effectively developed
6. Peer-edit each other’s draft based on:
a. clarity of idea
b. appropriate choice of literary element
c. appropriate use of the elements
d. effective combination of the idea and the chosen literary element
7. Revise the draft of a short piece using any of the literary conventions of a genre (e.g. plot for narrative piece)
Specific At the end of the week, the learners/students will be able to:
Learning 1. Distinguish what makes creative nonfiction different from the other forms of writing
Outcomes 2.

Strategies A. Preparation
Daily routine: Opening prayer, checking of attendance, classroom management

B. Presentation

C. Activities

D. Generalization (Closure)

E. Values Integration/ Attributes Integration

Materials Laptop, projector/ LED television, whiteboard


Assignment Enhancement activities

Prepared by: Checked by:

Janine Lei L. Oliveros, LPT Ms. Violy Fernanda Y. Santos, Ed. D

Teacher Principal
Unisite Subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, 2000 Pampanga, Philippines


Learning Plan in Oral Communication in Context
Topic Nature and Elements of Communication Week: 2
Nov. 28- Dec. 2, 2016
Content Standards The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context.
Performance The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on context.
Learning The learner:
Competencies 1. explains why there is a breakdown of communication.
2. uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.
3. demonstrates sensitivity to the socio- cultural dimension of communication situation with focus on culture, gender,
age, social status, and religion
Specific Learning At the end of the week, the learners/students will be able to:
Outcomes 1. recall knowledge on factors of successful communication.
2. identify the diffence between the verbal and non- verbal communication
3. discuss the different types of verbal and nonverbal communication.
4. describe the key elements of effective communication
5. develop effective communication skills
6. discover the importance of learning culltural differences
7. acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes that increase cultural competence.
8. develop positive attitudes towards people from different cultural groups.
Strategies A. Preparation
Daily routine: Opening prayer, checking of attendance, classroom management

B. Presentation
 Get a partner and talk about any topic while observing keenly how one speaks. For example, His/Her facial
expression, hand movements, etc. Be prepared to discuss your observation.
 Process the answer of the learners.

Lesson Proper
 Discuss verbal and nonverbal communication.
 Discuss effective communication skills and intercultural communication.
 Learners will be given copies of drills for proper pronunciation of words. (See attachment 1)

C. Activities

I. Practice Selection
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul; he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and
thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

II. Twist your Tongue!

An economical young fellow named Beebee

Wished to marry a lady named Phoebe
But he said, I must see
Bout teh minister’s fee
Before Phoebe can be Phoebe Beebee.

III. Charade
 The learners will be divided into two groups. Each group will be choosing a representative who will be acting the
word that he/ she had picked. The remaining members will be the one to guess the word.
 The first group who will be getting the highset score will be declared as the winner.

Happy Together Nobody is Perfect

Love yourself No man is an island
Pillow Talk Photograph
Jumpshot We Don’t Talk Anymore
IV. Let us Meet Them
 Think of a difference in the culture of the Filipinos from the Americans, Japanese, and Chinese. Explain how these
differences can create a problem in cultural relations.

V. Accent Time- Transfer Task (Scaffolding for the Oral Perfomance Task)
 The learners will be given a copy of the American Accent Training Text that they need to memorize. They will be
given a chance to choose which accent to use when they deliver their memorized speech. The learner will be asked
to grade their classmates using the rubric. (See attachment for the rubric)

VI. What’s on your Mind? - Transfer Task (Scaffolding for the Oral Performance Task)
 The learners will be asked to get a piece of paper. Each paper has a quotation written on it. They will be given 5
minutes to prepare for their speech and they will be given two minutes to deliver their speech. (See attachment for
the rubric).

C. Generalization (Closure)
The worst assumption a speaker could have is that he will be able to send a message and be understood the way he
wanted his listeners to understand it. So many things could go wrong during the communication process and the least
that one would want to have is a misunderstanding with the person he is communicating with. Therefore, it is essential to
know that every communicative act is based on something that conveys meaning, and that conveyance is the message.

D. Values Integration/ Attributes Integration

Critical Thinking, Communication Skills, Higher-order Thinking

Materials Laptop, projector/ LED television, whiteboard

Resources Antonio, Ma.,Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School. 2016 (pp. 13- 71)
Assessment/Evalua Oral Performance Task
1. Divide the class into 9 groups.
2. The groups will choose if they would like to have dubsmash/ impersonation.
3. They will be getting a clip from a movie and they will be imitating the characters in the movie clip that they will be
4. They will be asked to bring their gadgets to do the task.
5. The group will be assigning who will be the moderator, secretary, time keeper, english patroller and the representative.
6. The learners will be given two periods to practice. They will be presenting the video in the class and the class will be
grading the output of the group.
Assignment No assignments


Prepared by: Checked by:

Ms. Princess Santos Viray Ms. Violy Fernanda Y. Santos, EdD

Teacher Principal

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