(2004, Sinclair, Wallston) The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of The Brief Resilient Coping Scale

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The article introduces a new scale called the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) which is a 4-item measure designed to assess adaptive coping with stress. Two samples of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis were used to validate the scale.

The BRCS is a 4-item scale that aims to capture tendencies to cope with stress in a highly adaptive manner.

Two samples of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (ns = 90 and 140) were used to validate the BRCS.



The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale
Vaughn G. Sinclair and Kenneth A. Wallston
Assessment 2004 11: 94
DOI: 10.1177/1073191103258144

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The Development and Psychometric

Evaluation of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale

Vaughn G. Sinclair
Kenneth A. Wallston
Vanderbilt University School of Nursing

This article introduces the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS), a 4-item measure designed
to capture tendencies to cope with stress in a highly adaptive manner. Two samples of indi-
viduals with rheumatoid arthritis (ns = 90 and 140) provide evidence for the reliability and
validity of the BRCS. The BRCS has adequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability.
Convergent validity of the scale is demonstrated by predictable correlations with measures
of personal coping resources (e.g., optimism, helplessness, self-efficacy), pain coping be-
haviors, and psychological well-being. Resilient coping, as assessed by the BRCS, also buff-
ers the effects of high levels of arthritis-related and non-arthritis-related stressors on
depressive symptoms. The sensitivity of the BRCS to changes associated with a cognitive-
behavioral intervention is also demonstrated. The BCRS may be useful for identifying indi-
viduals in need of interventions designed to enhance resilient coping skills.

Keywords: resilience; coping; stress reactions; rating scales; rheumatoid arthritis

Resilience is a complex phenomenon that refers to the ated with a variety of positive psychological and physical
ability to rebound from and positively adapt to significant outcomes (Benard, 1999; Hechtman, 1991). Researchers
stressors (Dyer & McGuinness, 1996). According to Web- interested in adaptive coping need an efficient instrument
ster’s dictionary (Mish, 1996, p. 996), resilience is “an that measures this construct. The purpose of this article is
ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or to present the validity and reliability data for the Brief Re-
change.” O’Leary and Ickovics (1995) note that some re- silient Coping Scale (BRCS) using two samples of indi-
silient individuals actually thrive after successfully deal- viduals with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis
ing with stressful challenges, extracting positive changes (RA) is an autoimmune condition often accompanied by
from the experience and surpassing former levels of high levels of pain, fatigue, and functional disability
growth and functioning. After decades of correlational re- (Pincus, 1996). Because of the chronic disease-related
search dedicated to identifying individual and environ- stressors associated with RA, this patient population can
mental protective factors promoting resilient behavior, the provide helpful information about resilient patterns of
current research focus has shifted to the protective process adapting to stress. There is great individual variability in
of resilient coping (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000; how well individuals with RA adjust to the condition, and
Richardson, 2002). This focus is reflected in a recent defi- this adaptation pattern varies even when controlling for the
nition of resilience as “a dynamic process encompassing amount of pain and disability reported (Newman &
positive adaptation within the context of significant adver- Revenson, 1993). Highly resilient individuals should gen-
sity” (Luthar et al., 2000, p. 543). erally be able to cope with RA-related stressors such as
Knowledge about the resilient coping process is of pain, fatigue, and functional limitations without depres-
great interest to researchers because this process is associ- sion or psychological breakdown.

The research reported in this article was supported by a Clinical Science Award from the Arthritis Foundation (Sample 1) and Grant
No. 5R01 NR01007 from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Nursing Research (Sample 2). The authors would like to
thank Joseph Hepworth, Ph.D., and anonymous reviewers for their helpful feedback on an earlier version of this manuscript.
Assessment, Volume 11, No. 1, March 2004 94-101
DOI: 25814410.1177/1073191103258144
© 2004 Sage Publications

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REVIEW OF LITERATURE problem-solving ability, and attributes that indicate a

capacity for action in facing a situation” (p. 6). The situa-
Although there is some consensus in the literature tional pattern also incorporates realistic goal-setting skills,
about the nature of protective factors correlated with resil- an ability to assess consequences of actions, and active
ience, far less is known about the nature of the resilient problem-solving behavior enhanced by flexibility, perse-
coping process itself (Jacelon, 1997). Lazarus and verance, and resourcefulness.
Folkman (1984) define coping as cognitive and behavioral Using Polk’s (1997) model, resilient coping behavior
efforts used to manage external or internal demands ap- refers to a tendency to effectively use cognitive appraisal
praised as taxing or exceeding an individual’s resources. skills in a flexible, committed approach to active problem
The construct of resilient coping adds the critical condi- solving despite stressful circumstances. The use of resil-
tions of significant threat and the outcome of positive ad- ient coping tends to promote positive adaptation in the face
aptation to this generic coping definition (Luthar et al., of adversity and involves reliance on the dispositional re-
2000). The distinguishing feature of resilient coping is its sources identified in Polk’s model. Furthermore, the use of
ability to promote positive adaptation despite high stress. Polk’s dispositional and situational patterns is mutually
reinforcing. For instance, effective coping experiences
Conceptual Framework enhance the dispositional traits of self-efficacy, optimism,
and self-reliance, and these traits, in turn, reinforce a will-
Although resilience has been described in the literature ingness to attempt to actively solve other problems
as both a cluster of personality traits and a complex, adap- (Kumpfer, 1999). Possession of creative, adaptive problem-
tive coping process (Jacelon, 1997; Kumpfer, 1999), the solving abilities (i.e., resilient coping) may, therefore, be a
personality traits and environmental protective factors the- salient indicator of the additional possession of a wide va-
oretically provide a substrate for the development and re- riety of dispositional resilience characteristics.
finement of the adaptive coping process. Rutter (1987)
proposes that the relatively stable set of personality traits Previous Studies
associated with resilience reduces the probability of nega-
tive chain reactions to stressful events and maximizes the The vast majority of resilience inquiry to date focuses
probability of effective coping and adaptation. Resilient on identifying personality characteristics associated with
traits, therefore, promote the use of adaptive cognitive and adaptive coping—characteristics that merit discussion.
behavioral coping processes in the face of adversity. Re- Targeted samples of adults who have coped well with
peated successful engagements with stressors then rein- chronic illness include long-term survivors of AIDS (Rabkin,
force the resilient traits and make the use of adaptive, Remien, Katoff, & Williams, 1993) and participants at risk
resilient coping more likely in the future (Woodgate, for cervical carcinoma (Antoni & Goodkin, 1988). Per-
1999a). sonal characteristics associated with resilience in these
Polk (1997) identifies 26 clusters of phenomena in the studies include optimism, an active or adaptable coping
literature related to resilience and groups these clusters style, and the ability to elicit social support (Antoni &
into four classifications: dispositional patterns, relational Goodkin, 1988; Rabkin et al., 1993). In addition, Rabkin
patterns, philosophical patterns, and situational patterns. et al. (1993) mention higher levels of intelligence and edu-
The dispositional pattern refers to personal attributes noted cation, wide-ranging interests, and an ability to articulate
in the literature that serve as protective factors, including future goals as attributes of resilient individuals in their
both physical and psychosocial attributes such as intelli- sample. The optimistic and active problem-solving style,
gence, self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-efficacy. The goal orientation, and flexible coping identified in these
relational pattern in her framework incorporates social studies correspond to Polk’s (1997) situational patterns,
skills that elicit social support and commitment to social which we conceptualize as resilient coping patterns.
roles interpersonally and in the community. Polk also The majority of research studies related to resilience
identifies a philosophical pattern that incorporates attrib- investigate children and adolescents who have experi-
utes identified in the resilience literature, including per- enced significant adversity. These studies identify per-
sonal beliefs that promote a sense of meaning and purpose sonal attributes and environmental variables serving as
and a balanced perspective of life. Finally, the situational protective factors, generally assessing three clusters of
pattern in this model of resilience corresponds to resilient characteristics—personal predispositions, family charac-
coping patterns, the construct of interest for our scale de- teristics, and the impact of peers (Cowen & Work, 1988;
velopment purposes. Polk states that the situational pattern Luthar & Zigler, 1991). Congruent findings from studies
“discloses resilience as a characteristic approach to situa- of resilience in children and adolescents include compe-
tions or stressors and is manifested as cognitive skills, tent cognitive skills that enable a child to think independ-

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ently and creatively address problems, reflective capabil- tionnaire that was administered twice, 6 weeks apart. They
ities that promote independent and novel approaches to also completed these items at the end of the intervention
problems (evidenced in reframing), and an ability to elicit program and at a 3-month follow-up. The mean age for
positive support from others (Beardslee & Podorefsky, 1988; Sample 1 was 46 years old (SD = 11.8), and the average
Fonagy, Steele, Steele, Higgitt, & Target, 1994; Garmezy, length of time since diagnosis was 10.35 years (SD =
1993; Hechtman, 1991; Werner & Smith, 1982; Wood- 8.79). The items in the BRCS were also completed by 140
gate, 1999b). The competent cognitive skills and reflective men and women with RA (73% women) who were partici-
capabilities identified in these samples may promote the pating in a longitudinal measurement study of adaptation
use of the resilient coping pattern of creative problem solv- to RA (hereafter referred to as Sample 2). The items were
ing. In general, child and adolescent studies focus on pro- administered to this sample only once, during the third
tective factors that encourage the development of resilient wave of data collection. The mean age in Sample 2 was
traits over time despite significant adversity (Kaplan, 57.8 years old (SD = 13.35), and the average length of time
1999), whereas this study focuses on resilient coping be- since diagnosis was 5.25 years (SD = 1.25). In addition to
haviors in adults dealing with current stressors. marked differences in gender—Sample 1 only included
women, χ2(1) = 29.26; p < .001— there were significant
Available Measures differences between our two samples with respect to age,
t(228) = 6.83; p < .001, and length of time since diagnosis,
The literature offers few scales related to resilience t(91.32) = .5.47; p < .001.
measurement, and none of the published scales focuses on
resilient coping in adults. Jew, Green, and Kroger (1999) Scale Development
developed a 35-item Resiliency Scale for adolescents that
is based on 12 skills and abilities identified by Mrazek and In the initial phase of instrument development, the first
Mrazek (1987) as factors contributing to less vulnerability author wrote a set of items related to beliefs that could the-
to stress in children. Their 35-item Resiliency Scale has oretically be affected by a cognitive-behavioral interven-
three subscales related to future orientation, active skill ac- tion designed to enhance adaptive coping and a sense of
quisition, and independence/risk taking, with many items control over stressful conditions. The questions were de-
that are related to specific adolescent issues, such as seek- signed to measure resilient coping and the effective use of
ing help from teachers. A 45-item Dispositional Resil- social support–related constructs that were addressed in
ience Scale published by Bartone, Ursano, Wright, and the intervention. The details of that intervention have been
Ingraham (1989) was developed to refine measurement of described elsewhere (Sinclair, Wallston, Dwyer,
the personality style of hardiness, a construct composed of Blackburn, & Fuchs, 1998). With the assistance of six doc-
commitment, control, and challenge dimensions (Kobasa, toral nursing students in a research methods course, nine
1979). Wagnild and Young (1993) developed a 25-item items were selected for further analysis to determine
Resilience Scale based on five aspects of resilience that whether they constituted a unidimensional measure of
were identified in their qualitative study of elderly women coping. The directions for the items were worded as fol-
who had successfully coped with loss (Wagnild & Young, lows: “Consider how well the following statements de-
1990). The five attributes of resilience guiding the devel- scribe your behavior and actions on a scale from 1 to 5,
opment of this scale—perseverance, self-reliance, where 1 means the statement does not describe you at all
meaningfulness, existential aloneness, and equanimity— and 5 means it describes you very well.”
correspond more closely to Polk’s (1997) dispositional The data on these nine items completed by both sets of
and philosophical patterns of resilience than to her situa- participants were combined into a single data set and were
tional patterns. subjected to exploratory principal components factor anal-
yses with orthogonal rotation to determine whether one or
more factors emerged. The Scree test indicated that there
METHODS were two factors (see Table 1 for a listing of the items with
their loadings on the two principal components). As dem-
Samples onstrated in Table 1, four of the nine items loaded cleanly
on the first component, three of the items loaded on the
The items used to develop the BRCS were administered second component, one item loaded on both, and one item
to two samples of individuals with RA. Ninety women loaded on neither. The four items that loaded cleanly on
with RA who were enrolled in a cognitive-behavioral in- the first component were deemed to fit the authors’ con-
tervention program (hereafter referred to as Sample 1) ceptualization of the construct of resilient coping. Subse-
completed the items as part of a baseline assessment ques- quently, these four items became the BRCS.

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Results of Principal Components Analysis With Varimax Rotation
Item Wording Component 1 Component 2

1. I actively look for ways to replace the losses I encounter in life.b .685 –.112
2. I believe that I can grow in positive ways by dealing with difficult situations.b .679 –.200
3. I look for creative ways to alter difficult situations.b .652 –.130
4. Regardless of what happens to me, I believe I can control my reaction to it.b .623 –.137
5. I only set goals which I know I can reach without the help of others. .494 .481
6. When I need help, I don’t hesitate to ask a friend to help. .239 –.756
7. I hesitate to ask others to help me. .039 .846
8. My friends and family frequently don’t live up to my expectations of how they should act. –.173 .414
9. I really resent anyone telling me what to do. –.116 .174

Eigenvalues 2.359 1.540

Percentage of Variance 26.209 17.116

a. Loadings are from the rotated component matrix.

b. Items that are on the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS).

Psychometric Testing were returned by mail to research assistants who then en-
tered the data. Data were checked for accuracy by another
After assessing the internal consistency and stability of research assistant.
the BRCS, construct validity was investigated by correlat-
ing BRCS scores with measures of personal coping re-
sources, pain coping behavior, and psychological well- RESULTS
being in both samples. The researchers hypothesized that
the BRCS would correlate positively with personal coping Reliability Testing
resources (e.g., self-efficacy), adaptive pain coping behav-
iors, and positive indicators of psychological well-being. Separate item analyses were conducted in both samples
Conversely, the BCRS should be negatively correlated and in the combined sample for the purposes of establish-
with helplessness, psychological vulnerability, maladap- ing the internal consistency of the scale and to determine
tive pain coping behaviors, and negative mood. The mea- whether all four of the items contributed to Cronbach’s
sures of personal coping resources were the arthritis alpha. Table 2 lists item means, standard deviations, and
helplessness subscale of the Arthritis Helplessness Index corrected item-total correlations for both samples. Com-
(Stein, Wallston, & Nicassio, 1988), the Perceived Health bining the two samples, the mean BRCS score was 14.81
Competence Scale (M.S. Smith, Wallston, & Smith, (SD = 2.95). With a theoretical range from 4 to 20, 30.5%
1995), the Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scales (Lorig, Chastain, (low-resilient copers) scored 13 or less, and 27.1% (high-
Ung, Shoor, & Holman, 1989), the Life Orientation Test resilient copers) scored 17 or more.
(LOT)—a measure of dispositional optimism (Scheier &
Internal consistency. Cronbach’s alpha reliability for
Carver, 1985), and the Psychological Vulnerability Scale
the 4-item BRCS was computed for each time it was ad-
(Sinclair & Wallston, 1999). In Sample 2, pain coping be-
ministered to Sample 1. The alphas were .64 (first base-
havior was assessed by the Vanderbilt Multidimensional
line), .76 (second baseline), .69 (end of program), and .71
Pain Coping Inventory (VMPCI) (C. A. Smith, Wallston,
(3-month follow-up). The BRCS was administered only
Dwyer, & Dowdy, 1997). A shortened version of the
once to Sample 2, and the alpha for that sample was .68.
VMPCI was administered to participants in Sample 1.
The alpha for the combined (pooled) sample was .69.
Psychological well-being was assessed by the Positive and
Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) (Watson, Clark, & Stability. To assess test-retest reliability, Sample 1
Tellegen, 1988), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, BRCS scores collected 6 weeks prior to the intervention
Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985), and, for Sample 2 were correlated with BRCS scores collected during the
only, the Center for Epidemiological Studies–Depression week prior to the intervention. The test-retest correlation
scale (CES-D) (Radloff, 1977). The reliability and validity of the BRCS over this 5- to 6-week baseline period was .71
of all these measures have been established in the literature (n = 87; p < .001). Stability was also assessed by correlat-
and in studies of patients with RA (Sinclair et al., 1998; ing the postintervention BRCS scores with the BRCS
C. A. Smith & Wallston, 1992; C. A. Smith, Wallston, & scores obtained 3 months later at the follow-up. That cor-
Dwyer, 1995). For both samples, self-report instruments relation was .68 (n = 83; p < .001).

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BRCS Item Wording, Means, Standard Deviations,
Item-Total Correlations, and Cronbach’s Alpha if Item Is Deleted
Corrected Item— Alpha If
M SD Total Correlation Item Deleted
Item Wording S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2

I look for creative ways to alter difficult situations. 4.15 3.73 0.91 1.10 .45 .49 .70 .61
Regardless of what happens to me, I believe I can control my reaction to it. 3.57 3.50 0.93 1.02 .46 .40 .70 .66
I believe I can grow in positive ways by dealing with difficult situations. 4.14 3.88 0.88 0.84 .55 .50 .65 .61
I actively look for ways to replace the losses I encounter in life. 3.69 3.45 1.01 1.08 .61 .49 .61 .60

NOTE: BRCS = Brief Resilient Coping Scale; S1 = Sample 1; S2 = Sample 2.

TABLE 3 ing resources (e.g., helplessness) and pain coping behav-

Correlations of BRCS With Measures of iors (e.g., catastrophizing or “expecting the worst”) and
Personal Coping Resources, Pain Coping less negative affect or depressed mood.
Behaviors, and Psychological Well-Being The preintervention BRCS scores from Sample 1 did
not correlate with chronological age, employment status,
Sample 1 Sample 2
or length of time since diagnosis. However, the BRCS did
Personal coping resources correlate significantly and positively with educational
Helplessness –.32* –.32** level in Sample 1 (r = .37; p < .01). The BRCS did not cor-
Psychological vulnerability –.26* –.17* relate significantly with any of the measures of disease
Dispositional optimism .50** .41***
Perceived health competence .39** .39**
symptomatology (e.g., pain and fatigue) in either sample.
Self-efficacy—pain .48** .18*
Self-efficacy—arthritis symptoms .37** .30*** Additional Validity Testing
Pain coping behaviors
Reappraisal .60**. .56*** Predictive validity. As further demonstration of the va-
Active problem solving .57** .40*** lidity of the BRCS, we theorized, using Lazarus and
Seeking social support .24* .23**
Acceptance .36** .ns
Folkman’s (1984) stress and coping model, that resilient
Catastrophizing –.38** –.41*** coping behavior would affect psychological and/or physi-
Venting –.22* –.25** cal outcomes. We were interested in whether the interven-
Psychological well-being tion used with Sample 1, designed to enhance resilient
Positive affect .50** .47*** coping, resulted in improvements in psychological and
Negative affect –.28** –.30*** physical well-being. We therefore created an Outcomes
Life satisfaction .25* .24** Index composed of six standardized variables reflecting
CES-D .NA –.30***
postintervention scores from the following six measures
NOTE: BRCS = Brief Resilient Coping Scale. CES-D = Center for Epi- of psychological and physical well-being: the Life Satis-
demiological Studies–Depression scale. NA = not available. faction Scale (Diener et al., 1985), the positive and nega-
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
tive affect subscales of the PANAS (Watson et al., 1988), a
shortened version of Tack’s (1990) fatigue scale, the pain
Initial Validity Testing
subscale from the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales
Bivariate analyses revealed a consistent pattern in both (AIMS) (Meenan, Gertman, & Mason, 1980), and the
samples of theoretically predictable correlations between global well-being visual analog scale (also from the
BRCS scores and measures of personal coping resources, AIMS). An item analysis of these measures revealed ade-
pain coping behaviors, and psychological well-being (see quate alpha reliability (.86) for the six measures compris-
Table 3). The correlations in these tables indicate that indi- ing the Outcomes Index. Regression analysis was then
viduals with high scores on the BRCS also reported higher used to assess the effect of the preintervention BRCS
levels of positive personal coping resources (e.g., opti- scores on postintervention outcomes. We found that aver-
mism and self-efficacy), adaptive pain coping behaviors aged preintervention BRCS scores were a significant pre-
(e.g., reappraisal and active problem solving), and psycho- dictor of postintervention outcomes as measured by the
logical well-being (e.g., positive affect and life satisfac- Outcomes Index (b = 2.35; p < .03).
tion). In contrast, individuals registering high in resilient Sensitivity to change. Although resilient coping may
coping reported lower levels of maladaptive personal cop- be a relatively stable pattern, the participants in Sample 1

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Interaction of Resilient Coping Interaction of Resilient Coping
and RA-Related Stress and Non-RA-Related Stress
(Past Month’s Pain Intensity) on Depressive Symptomatology
on Depressive Symptomatology
21 20

20 19

Depressive SX
17 Low
15 resilient
Depressive SX

14 coping
15 13 Average
14 Low 12 resilient
resilient 11 coping
12 10 High
9 resilient
11 resilient coping
coping 8
10 High Low Stress High Stress
9 resilient
Lo w Pain High Pain
NOTE: RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis.

NOTE: RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis.

sure of stress. In separate regression analyses, CES-D
scores were regressed on the main effects of BRCS, the
stressor, and their interaction. With past month pain inten-
were involved in a cognitive-behavioral intervention that
sity as the stressor, the interaction term was significant,
included content designed to have an impact on resilient
ß = –.19; t (121) = –2.23; p < .03. As can be seen in Fig-
coping. If the BRCS is sensitive to changes in cognitive
ure 1, with lower amounts of pain intensity, BRCS scores
and behavioral resilient coping patterns and the interven-
were not related to the reported degree of depressive
tion affected those patterns, there should be changes in
symptomatology. As pain intensity increases, lesser amounts
BRCS scores after the intervention. The mean BRCS
of resilient coping were associated with higher CES-D
scores for the two preintervention assessments were 10.7
scores, whereas the regression line for those with BRCS
and 10.8, respectively. Immediately after the interven-
scores one standard deviation above the mean was almost
tion, the mean BRCS score was 11.1, and at the 3-month
flat. The exact same pattern emerges when non-arthritis-
follow-up, it was 11.6. A repeated measures ANOVA re-
related stress was examined, ß = –.26; t (121) = –3.12; p <
vealed a significant linear effect across the four assess-
.01) (see Figure 2).
ment periods (F = 7.78; df = 1, 81; p < .01). As a follow-up,
paired t tests showed a significant increase in mean aver-
aged BRCS scores from before the intervention to after the
intervention (t = 2.12; df = 89; p < .05).
Interaction effects. As a final test of the construct va- The BRCS is a brief scale that captures an important as-
lidity of the BRCS, we hypothesized that resilient coping pect of a dynamic and complex process. Several themes
would act as a buffer against the harmful psychological ef- emerge from the items in the BRCS: tenacity, optimism,
fects of disease-related and non-disease-related stressors. creativity, an aggressive approach to problem solving, and
Specifically, we believed that resilient coping would be a commitment to extract positive growth from difficult sit-
most protective against psychological distress in situa- uations. Individuals who endorse these four items would
tions when the individual was under a greater amount of be expected to be goal directed, believe in their ability to
stress. To test this interaction hypothesis, we chose as a de- address adverse circumstances, and usually succeed at
pendent variable scores on the CES-D scale (Radloff, their selected challenges. The items in this measure de-
1977). Pain intensity in the past month, as assessed by a vi- scribe an effective, active problem-solving coping pattern
sual analogue scale from the AIMS (Meenan et al., 1980), that reflects the resilient coping patterns discussed in the
was selected as the arthritis-related stressor. Participants’ literature, specifically the attributes described by Polk
responses to another visual analogue item—“How much (1997) as situational patterns associated with resilience.
stress have you been under in the past 6 months not related Rutter (1990) states that the ability to reduce the risk
to arthritis?”—were used as the non-disease-related mea- impact in a stressful situation is a major protective mecha-

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nism for the effects of stressful circumstances. Reduction BRCS scores had significantly lower CES-D scores under
of risk impact is frequently accomplished by altering the high stress than individuals with low BRCS scores.
appraisal of the risk factor and its ability to cause severe The BRCS appears to be a valid instrument, although
damage. Individuals who score high on the BRCS are en- we acknowledge that more validity testing needs to be
dorsing a tendency to reframe the potency of stressors by conducted. This article presents initial evidence for the
affirming control of positive ways to offset potential construct and criterion validity of the BRCS from two
losses. Using Lazarus and Folkman’s (1984) terminology, samples of people with RA. The diversity of the two sam-
they would mitigate their primary appraisal of the potency ples, with significant differences related to gender, age,
of the stressor and enhance secondary appraisals of their and length of time since diagnosis, enhances the potential
ability to deal with ensuing losses. generalizability of these findings to RA populations. Fur-
ther research is warranted in other populations with
The BRCS meets the minimal standard (~ .70) for reli-
chronic illness. In addition, studies are needed to examine
ability of a research instrument. The brevity of this 4-item
the usefulness of the BRCS as a predictor of psychological
scale is a double-edged sword, making the scale conve-
breakdown and depression in healthy populations.
nient to administer although it may affect its internal con-
Resilience is an attribute with considerable intuitive ap-
sistency. Nonetheless, the BRCS has sufficient internal
peal because it lessens a person’s vulnerability to the vicis-
consistency and stability for a 4-item scale (Shelley, 1984).
situdes of life. Information about resilient coping could
Because of its brevity, it could easily be administered mul-
prove useful to both physical and mental health care pro-
tiple times in a longitudinal study.
viders as they attempt to help patients cope effectively
The validity testing demonstrated that BRCS scores with stressful situations and conditions. The BRCS may
correlated in theoretically predictable directions with be useful for identifying individuals in need of interven-
scores from a variety of personal coping resources, pain tions designed to build resilient coping skills. If resilient
coping behaviors, and psychological well-being. These coping can be reinforced, patients may be more likely to
findings were consistent with findings published in studies withstand stress without psychological breakdown. The
evaluating correlates of resilience (Jacelon, 1997; Kaplan, BRCS may also be useful to investigators seeking to un-
1999). BRCS scores were not correlated with measures of derstand how resilient coping processes operate to protect
physical well-being, but our entire study population had a individuals from the effects of stress. Adaptive coping pro-
chronic, progressive illness that involves considerable cesses, in general, are a prime research target for health
amounts of pain and fatigue. BRCS scores were positively care researchers seeking to manage patient populations
correlated with education level, a finding consistent with more effectively and efficiently.
the resilience literature (Rabkin et al., 1993). The BRCS
scores were predictive of outcomes associated with our
cognitive-behavioral intervention. This finding indicates REFERENCES
that the BRCS measures a coping resource that influenced
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