A Theory of Generic Interpreters

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A Theory of Generic Interpreters

Phillip J. Windley

Laboratory for Applied Logic

Department of Computer Science
University of Idaho
Moscow ID 83843 USA

e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 208.885.6501
FAX: 208.885.6645

We present an abstract theory of interpreters. Interpreters are models of computation that are spe-
cifically designed for use as templates in computer system specification and verification. The ge-
neric interpreter theory contains an abstract representation which serves as an interface to the the-
ory and as a guide to specification. A set of theory obligations ensure that the theory is being used
correctly and provide a guide to system verification. The generic interpreter theory provides a
methodology for deriving important definitions and lemmas that were previously obtained in a
largely ad hoc fashion. Many of the complex data and temporal abstractions are done in the ab-
stract theory and need not be redone when the theory is used.

1 Introduction.

The formal specification and verification of microprocessors has received much attention. Indeed,
several verified microprocessors have been presented in the literature. This paper presents a model,
common to all of them, that can be used to guide future work in this area. The model defines an
abstract microprocessor specification (called a generic interpreter) and proves important theorems
about it.

We have formalized the interpreter model in the HOL theorem proving system [Gor88].
The formal model can be instantiated inside the system and serves as a framework for writing mi-
croprocessor specifications and verifying them. This framework clearly states what definitions
must be made to specify the microprocessor and which lemmas must be established to complete
the verification. After the user has defined the components of the microprocessor and proven the
necessary lemmas about them, individual theorems from the abstract theory can be instantiated to
provide concrete theorems about the microprocessor being verified.

The model that we have defined has proven useful in specifying and verifying several mi-
croprocessors [Win90a, Aro90, Coe92]. The model is not, however, limited to microprocessors.
Recent work by the author has shown that the model can be used in specifying other hardware de-
vices as well [Win91].

The model we have defined differs from other formal descriptions of state machines (such
as Loewenstein’s model in [Low89]) by including in the formalization the data and temporal ab-
stractions that are important in specifying and verifying microprocessors.

2 Formal Microprocessor Modeling.

There have been numerous efforts to formally model microprocessors. The best known of these
include Jeff Joyce’s Tamarack microprocessor [Joy89], Warren Hunt’s FM8501 microprocessor
[Hun87], and Avra Cohn’s VIPER microprocessor [Coh88]. Tamarack is a simple microprocessor
with only 8 instructions. FM8501 is larger (roughly the size of a PDP-11), but has not been imple-
mented (a 32–bit version is currently being verified and implemented by Hunt et al [Hun89]). Per-
haps the most interesting of these is VIPER since even though VIPER is significantly simpler than
today’s general purpose microprocessors, its verification provides a benchmark on the state–of–
the–art in microprocessor verification. VIPER was designed by Britain’s Royal Signals and Radar
Establishment (RSRE) at Malvern to provide a formally verified microprocessor for use in safety
critical applications and is commercially available. VIPER is the first microprocessor intended for
commercial use where formal verification was used. However, the verification has not been com-
pleted because of the large number of instruction cases that occurred and the size of the proofs in
each of the cases. This is not to say that the proof could not be completed; but only at large expense.
Recent work on hierarchical specification [Win90b], coupled with the work presented here, has
overcome the problems that faced the VIPER verification team and microprocessors significantly
more complicated than VIPER are now within the realm of formal treatment.

The specifications for the microprocessors mentioned above appear very different on the
surface; in fact, the specification of FM8501 is even in a different language than the specifications
of Tamarack and VIPER. On closer inspection, however, we find that each of them (as well as
many others) use the same implicit behavioral model. In general, the model uses a state transition
system to describe the microprocessor. We call this model an interpreter. The essence of verifica-
tion is to relate mathematical models at different levels of abstraction.

The rest of this section gives a mathematical definition of the interpreter model and shows
how two interpreters are related. In the discussion that follows, and for the rest of the paper, we
speak of the “abstract level” and “concrete level,” but keep in mind that these terms are relative; as
we move up and down a hierarchy of interpreters, what we call “abstract” at one level will be
termed “concrete” with respect to the level above it. As a matter of convention, we will decorate
variables representing the concrete level with primes throughout the rest of the paper.

2.1 Interpreters.

An interpreter is a computing structure with one control point. One of the many available instruc-
tions is chosen at this control point based on the current state and inputs. The state is then processed
by this instruction and the cycle begins again.

In general, a microprocessor specification can consist of many abstraction levels. Every

level except the bottom specification (which is the structural specification) can be modeled as an
interpreter. A hierarchical approach to specification and verification has been shown to significant-
ly reduce the amount of effort required to complete the verification of a microprocessor [Win90b].

2.2 Basic Types.

The basic types for our model are shown in Table 1. In addition to these basic types, we also use

Table 1 : Basic Types

Symbol Members Meaning

T {true, false} truth values

N {0, 1, 2, . . . } natural numbers
B N→T bit vectors
M N→B stores

the following type constructors: product, written (α × β); coproduct, (or sum) written (α+β); and
function, written (α → β). An n-tuple is indicated by (α1 × α2× . . . × αn-1 × αn).

2.3 State.

At times it is convenient to treat state as an object of type S, where S is uninterpreted. This allows
us to treat state in an abstract manner, knowing nothing of its structure or content. Eventually, we
will provide interpretations for S to model a specific machine. To provide such an interpretation,
we represent state using n-tuples. We let Sn be the domain of n–tuples representing state. These n–
tuples have the type:

(α1 × α2× . . . × αn-1 × αn)


∀ i ⋅ αi ∈ T + B + M

Whether or not S is interpreted, we write S ≤ S′ to indicate that S is an abstraction of S′.

The fact that S is an abstraction of S′ implies that there exists a function, σ : S′ → S. The function
σ is called the state abstraction function.

2.4 Time.

In general, different levels in the interpreter hierarchy have different views of time. A temporal ab-
straction function maps time at the abstract level to time at the concrete level [Her88, Joy89,
Mel88]. Figure 1 shows a temporal abstraction function Φ. The circles represent clock ticks. Notice
that the number of clock ticks required at the concrete level to produce one clock tick at the abstract
level is irregular.

The temporal projection, Φ, can be defined recursively on time. We define Φ in terms of a

predicate, Γ, which is true whenever there is a valid abstraction from the concrete level to the ab-
stract level. In a microprocessor specification, Γ is usually a predicate indicating when the lower
level interpreter is at the beginning of its cycle—a condition that is easy to test. The function Φ is
defined recursively so that Φ(Γ, 0) is the first time that Γ is true and Φ(Γ, (n+1)) is the next time


Γ: T T F T F T F F T T

Figure 1. The function Φ, which maps time at one level to another, can be defined
in terms of a predicate, Γ, which is true only when the mapping occurs.
after time n when Γ is true. The resulting function is monotonically increasing. We use N to rep-
resent time. Thus, we define Φ : (N → T) × N → N such that

∀ n, m ⋅ (n > m) ⇒ (Φ(Γ, n) > Φ(Γ, m))

We refer the interested reader to the references given above and [Win90a] for the details of
the temporal abstraction function.

2.5 State Streams.

A state stream is a function from time to state, N → S. We have chosen n-tuples of booleans, bit-
vectors, and stores to represent state. The application of a stream to some time, t, yields an n-tuple
representing the state at time t. We use a lambda expression for our concrete representation.

λ t ⋅ (a1 t, a2 t, . . . , an-1 t, an t)

∀ i ⋅ ai : N → (T + B + M)

An important part of our theory is the abstraction between state streams at different levels.
State stream u is an abstraction of state stream s′ (written s ⊆ s′) if and only if
1. each member of the range of s is a state abstraction of some member of the range of s′ and
2. there is a temporal mapping from time in s to time in s′.

There are two distinct kinds of abstraction going on: the first is a data abstraction and the
second is a temporal abstraction. Using the state abstraction function, σ, and a temporal abstraction
function, τ (defined in terms of Φ and Γ), we define stream abstraction as follows

s ⊆ s′ ≡ ∃ (σ : S′→ S) ⋅ ∃ (τ : N → N ) ⋅ σ o s′o τ = s
where o denotes function composition.

2.6 Environments.

The environment represents the external world; it plays an important part in our theory. The envi-
ronment is where interrupt requests originate, reset signals are generated, and so on. In our model,
the environment is used only for input; output to the environment is assumed to be simply a func-
tion of the state and environment. At the abstract level, we treat the environment as an uninterpret-
ed type. We know nothing about its structure or content. We denote it as E. Just as we defined σ ,
the state abstraction function, we define an environment abstraction function, ε, such that ε : E′→
E. When we provide an interpretation for ε, we represent the environment using n-tuples of bool-
eans and bit–vectors. We perform the same kinds of abstraction on the environment as on states.
Temporal abstraction is performed as it was for states. We define abstraction for environment
streams in the same manner that we defined it for state streams. Thus, we write e ⊆ e′ when e is an
stream abstraction of e′ and define stream abstraction for environment streams as follows:

e ⊆ e′ ≡ ∃ (ε : E′→ E) ⋅ ∃ (τ :N → N ) ⋅ ε o e′ o τ = e
2.7 The Interpreter Specification.

The preceding parts of this section have given preliminary definitions for concepts important in the
mathematical definition of interpreters. This section presents that definition. Interpreters are state
transition systems. The difference between our model of interpreters and other models of state tran-
sition systems such as deterministic finite automata (dfa) is that our model accounts for state ab-
straction and aggregation. By state aggregation, we are referring specifically to stores. A store rep-
resents a collection of state that we deal with as a monolithic unit. In a dfa model, each location in
memory is typically represented by a different piece of state which would be treated individually.

An interpreter, I, is a predicate defined in terms of a 3–tuple, (J, K, C) where J, K, and C

are defined as follows:
• Let J be the type of all functions with domain (S × E) and codomain S. Not all functions in J
are meaningful; the specifier’s job is to choose meaningful functions. We use a subset of J to
represent the instruction set; we call this set J. The functions in J provide a denotational se-
mantics for the instructions that they represent.
• In order to uniquely identify each instruction in J, we associate it with a unique key. At the ab-
stract level, we take keys from the uninterpreted domain K. At the concrete level, keys can have
various representations. We must be able to choose instructions from J according to some pre-
defined selection criteria. The selection is based on the current state and environment. We de-
fine K to be a function with domain (S × E) and codomain K.
• We define C to be a choice function that has domain (J × K) and codomain (S × E → S). That
is, C picks the state transition function from J that has a particular key in K.

We define an interpreter, I [s, e], as a predicate over the state stream, s, and the environment,
e. The definition of I is given as

I [s, e] ≡∀ t:N ⋅ s(t+1) = C(J, k t) (s t, e t)


k t = K(s t, e t)

The predicate constrains the state of the interpreter at time t+1 to be a function of the state
and environment at time t. The function is determined by the instruction currently selected by K.

2.8 Interpreter Verification.

Our goal is to prove a correctness relation between the interpreters at different levels of a micro-
processor abstraction. In particular, for two interpreters, Im and Il, we wish to show that

Im[sm, em] ⇒ Il[sl , el ]

where sm (em) is the state (environment) stream at level m, sl (el ) is the state (environment) stream
at level l and sl ⊆ sm (el ⊆ em). When this implication is true, Il is an abstraction of Im and Im is said
to implement Il. The correctness theorem given above follows from the following lemma:

∀ j ∈ J ⋅ Im(sm, em) ∧ j = C(J, k t) ⇒ ∃ c ⋅ (σ o sm) (t+c) = j((σ o sm) t, (ε o em) t)

This lemma, which we call the instruction correctness lemma, states that every instruction follows
from the concrete interpreter, Im. Specifically, it says that for every instruction, j in J, if j is selected,
then applying j to the current abstract state and environment, (σ o sm) t and (ε o em) t, yields the
same abstract state that results from letting the concrete interpreter Im run for c cycles. The instruc-
tion correctness lemma suggests a case analysis on the instruction set. In addition, the instruction
correctness lemma ignores temporal abstraction, stating only that there exists a time in the future
when the states correspond. Thus, the proof obligation on the user of the generic interpreter theory
has little to do with the temporal abstraction reasoning necessary to verify a microprocessor. That
is all contained in the abstract theory. This lemma plays an important role in the work which we
describe next.

3 A Formal Model of Interpreters.

This section presents the our generic interpreter theory for the HOL verification system. The basic
structure is the same as presented in the last section. In addition to the correctness result, however,
we prove several other important theories about interpreters including an induction theorem and
theorem about hierarchical composition of interpreters.

3.1 Abstract Theories.

A theory is a set of types, definitions, constants, axioms and parent theories. Logics are extended
by defining new theories. A abstract theory is parameterized so that some of the types and constants
defined in the theory are undefined inside the theory except for their syntax and a loose algebraic
specification of their semantics. Group theory is an example of a abstract theory. The multiplica-
tion operator is undefined except for its syntax (a binary operator on type ":group") and a loose
semantics given by the axioms of group theory.

Abstract theories are useful because they provide proofs about abstract structures which can
be used to reason about specific instances of the structure. In groups, for example, after showing
that addition over the integers satisfies the axioms of group theory, we can use the theorems from
group theory to reason about addition on the integers.

An abstract theory consists of three parts:

1. An abstract representation of the uninterpreted constants and types in the theory. The abstract
representation contains a set of abstract operations and a set of abstract objects. (These are
sometimes called uninterpreted constants and uninterpreted types.)
2. A set of theory obligations defining relationships between members of the abstract representa-
tion. Inside the theory, the obligations represent axiomatic knowledge concerning the abstract
representation. Outside the theory, the obligations represent the criteria that a concrete repre-
sentation must meet if it is to be used to instantiate the abstract theory.
3. A collection of abstract theorems. The theorems are generally based on the theory obligations
and can stand alone only after the theory obligations have met.

To instantiate an abstract theory, the concrete representation must meet the syntactic re-
quirements of the abstract representation as well as the semantic requirements of the theory obli-
gations. If the syntactic and semantic requirements are met, then the instantiation provides a col-
lection of concrete theorems about the new representation.

There are several specification and verification systems that support abstract theories.
Some, such as OBJ [Gog88] and EHDM [SRI88], offer explicit support. HOL, the verification en-
vironment used for the research reported here, does not explicitly support abstract theories; how-
ever, HOL’s metalanguage, ML, combined with higher–order logic, provides a framework for con-
crete abstract theories in a manner that does not degrade the trustworthiness of the theorem prover.
See [Win92] for details about using abstract theories in HOL

3.2 The Abstract Representation

We specify the abstract representation by defining a list of abstract objects and operations. Table
2 shows the operations and their types.

Table 2 The abstract functions and their types for the generic interpreter model.

Operation Signature

instructions :*key->(*state->*env->*state)

select :*state->*env->*key

output :*key->(*state->*env->*out)

substate :*state’->*state

subenv :*env’->*env

subout :*out’->*out

implementation :(time’->*state’)->(time’->*env’)->bool

sync :*state’->*env’->bool

We must emphasize that the representation is abstract and, therefore, the objects and operations
have no definitions. The descriptions that follow are what we intend for the representation to mean.
The representation is purely syntactic, however.The following abstract types are used in the repre-
• :*state represents the state and corresponds to S from the last section.
• :*env represents the environment and corresponds to E from the last section.
• :*out represents the outputs. In the model in the last section, outputs were assumed to be a
function of the current state and environment. In the formal model we will represent this ex-
• :*key is type containing all of the keys and corresponds to K from the last section.

The abstract representation can be broken into three parts. The first contains those opera-
tions concerned with the interpreter.
• instructions is the instruction set. The set is represented by a function from a key to a state
transition function and corresponds to J from the last section.
• select picks a key based on the present state and environment and corresponds to K from the
last section.
• output is a set of output functions. The set is represented by a function from a key to a function
that produces output for a given state and environment.
The second part is the abstraction functions:
• substate is the state abstraction function for the interpreter and corresponds to σ from the
last section.
• subenv is the environment abstraction and corresponds to ε from the last section.
• subout is the output abstraction.

Because we want to prove correctness results about the interpreter, we must have an imple-
mentation. The third part of the abstract representation contains three functions which provide the
necessary abstract definitions for the implementation.

• implementation is the abstract implementation. We could have chosen to make this function
more concrete, but doing so would require that every implementation have some pre-chosen
structure. Thus, we say nothing about it except to define its type.
• sync is the synchronization predicate for the temporal abstraction and corresponds to Γ from
the last section.
The components of the last part of the abstract representation correspond to concrete interpreter
from in level below the abstract interpreter we are defining.

3.3 The Theory Obligations

Proving that the implementation implies the interpreter definition is typically done by case analysis
on the instructions; we show that when the conditions for an instruction’s selection are right, the
instruction is implied by the implementation. We call this the instruction correctness lemma.

The predicate INSTRUCTION_CORRECT expresses the conditions that we require in the in-
struction correctness lemma:1
|–def INST_CORRECT gi s’ e’ p’ k =
(implementation gi s’ e’ p’) ==>
let s t = substate gi (s’ t) in
let e t = subenv gi (e’ t) in
let f t = sync gi (s’ t) (e’ t) in (
(select gi (s t) (e t) = k) /\
(f t) ==>
? c.
Next f (t,t+c) /\
(instructions gi k (s t) (e t) = (s (t + c)))))

INSTRUCTION_CORRECT operates on a single key, k. This theory obligation requires that

the implementation imply that for every time, t, if k is the key returned by select and the syn-
chronization predicate is true, then there is time c cycles in the future such that applying the in-
struction selected by k to the current state yields the same state change that the implementation
does in c cycles.

INSTRUCTION_CORRECT is a good example of the kind of information that is captured in

the generic model. Previous microprocessor verifications created this lemma, or one similar to it,
in a largely ad hoc manner.

Because our model has outputs as well as inputs (the environment), we must also assume
something about the output in order to establish correctness. The predicate OUTPUT_CORRECT ex-
presses the conditions that we require in the output correctness lemma:
|–def OUTPUT_CORRECT gi s’ e’ p’ k =
(implementation gi s’ e’ p’) ==>
let s t = substate gi (s’ t) in
let e t = subenv gi (e’ t) in
let p t = subout gi (p’ t) in
let f t = sync gi (s’ t) (e’ t) in (
(select gi (s t) (e t) = k) /\
(f t) ==>
(p t = (output gi k) (s t) (e t))))
OUTPUT_CORRECT is similar to INSTUCTION_CORRECT. The major difference is that output is as-
sumed to happen instantaneously and thus there are no temporal considerations.

Using INSTRUCTION_CORRECT and OUTPUT_CORRECT we can define the theory obliga-

tion for our model. The theory obligations are given as a predicate on an abstract representation gi:

1. The HOL code in the remainder of the paper is shown using the HOL convention of representing universal
quantification, existential quantification, lambda quantification, implication, conjunction, disjunction, and
negation by the symbols !, ?, \, ==>, /\, \/., and ~ respectively. The form “e1 => e2 | e3” represents “if e1 then
e2 else e3.”

|–def GI gi =
(!s’ e’ p’ k. INST_CORRECT gi s’ e’ p’ k) /\
(!s’ e’ p’ k. OUTPUT_CORRECT gi s’ e’ p’ k)
The predicate says that every instruction in the instruction set satisfies the predicate INSTRUC-
TION_CORRECT and every output function satisfies the conditions set forth in OUTPUT_CORRECT.

3.4 Abstract Theorems

Using the abstract representation and the theory obligations, many useful theorem pertaining to in-
terpreters can be established on the generic structure.

3.4.1 Defining the Interpreter.

One of the important parts of the collection of abstract theorems is the definition of a generic in-
terpreter. The definition is based on functions from the abstract representation.
|–def INTERP gi s e p =
let k = (select gi (s t) (e t)) in
(s(t+1) = (instructions gi k) (s t) (e t)) /\
(p t = (output gi k) (s t) (e t))
The specification of an interpreter is a predicate relating the contents of the state stream at time t+1
to the contents of the state stream at time t. The relationship is defined using the functions from the
abstract representation. The definition also uses the currently selected output function to denote the
current output.

3.4.2 Induction on Interpreters

The definition of the interpreter sets up a relation between the state at t and t+1. Sometimes it is
useful to have a more explicit statement regarding induction. The following theorem, which fol-
lows from the definition of the interpreter given in Section 3.4.1, defines induction on an interpret-
|– ! Q. INTERP gi s e p ==>
(Q (s 0) /\
!t. let inst = (instructions gi (select gi (s t) (e t)))in (
Q (s t) ==> Q (inst (s t) (e t)))) ==>
!t. Q (s t)
The theorem states that for any arbitrary predicate on states, Q, if Q is true of the state at time 0 and
when Q is true of the state at time t, it follows that its also true of the state returned by the current
instruction, then Q is true of every state.

We note that even though this theorem looks fairly simple, and indeed is quite easy to show
in the generic theory, the theorem will eventually be instantiated with the entire denotational de-
scription of the semantics of a particular instruction set and will be quite involved. The same ad-
monition holds for each of the theorems and definitions presented in this section.

3.4.3 The Implementation is Live.

Using the theory obligations, we can prove that the implementation is live. By live we mean that if
the implementation starts at the beginning of its cycle, then their is a time in the future when the
implementation will be at the beginning of its cycle again. That is, we show that the device will not
go into an infinite loop.
|– implementation gi s’ e’ p’ ==>
(!t. (sync gi (s’ t) (e’ t)) ==>
(?n. Next(\t. sync gi (s’ t) (e’ t))(t,t + n)))
Next P (t1, t2) says that t2 is the next time after t1 when P is true.

3.4.4 The Correctness Statement.

The correctness result can be proven from the definition of the interpreter and the theory obliga-
|– let s t = substate gi (s’ t) and
e t = subenv gi (e’ t) and
p t = subout gi (p’ t) and
g t = sync gi (s’ t) (e’ t) in
let abs = Temp_Abs f in
(implementation gi s’ e’ p’) /\
(?t. f t) ==>
(INTERP gi) (s o abs) (e o abs) (p o abs)

In the correctness statement, s’, e’, and p’ are the state, environment, and output streams
in the implementation. The function abs is defined in terms of a general purpose temporal abstrac-
tion functions, Temp_ABS, corresponding to Φ and a predicate, g, corresponding to Γ. The terms
(s o abs), (e o abs), and (e o abs) are the state, environment, and output streams for the
interpreter defined in the model. They are data and temporal abstractions of s’, e’, and p’. The
correctness statement says that if the implementation is valid on its state, environment, and output
streams and there is a time when the concrete clock is at the beginning of its cycle, then the inter-
preter is valid on its state and environment streams.

3.4.5 Vertically Composing Interpreters.

In [Win90b], we show that hierarchical decomposition makes the verification of large micropro-
cessors practical. To support this decomposition, the generic interpreter model contains a theorem
about vertically composing generic interpreters.
|– (INTERP gi1 = implementation gi2) ==>
! s’’ e’’ p’’ .
let s’ t = substate gi1 (s’’ t) and
e’ t = subenv gi1 (e’’ t) and
p’ t = subout gi1 (p’’ t) and
f t = sync gi1 (s’’ t) (e’’ t) in
let s t = substate gi2 (s’ t) and
e t = subenv gi2 (e’ t) and
p t = subout gi2 (p’ t) in

let abs1 = Temp_Abs f in
let g t = sync gi2 ((s’ o abs1) t) ((e’ o abs1) t) in
let abs2 = abs1 o (Temp_Abs g) in
(implementation gi1 s’’ e’’ p’’) /\
(?t. f t) ==>
(?t. g t) ==>
INTERP gi2 (s o abs2) (e o abs2) (p o abs2)
This theorem states that if gi1 and gi2 are generic interpreters and they are connected such that
the interpreter definition of gi1 is the implementation of gi2 then the implementation of gi1 im-
plies the interpreter definition of gi2. This important theorem captures the temporal and data ab-
straction required to compose two interpreters.

3.4.6 A More General Vertical Composition Theorem

The theorem in the last section showed how two interpreters can be composed. In general, howev-
er, we need to compose more than two interpreters to arrive at a final correctness statement for a
hierarchy of specifications. After the theorem in the last section has been used, the result cannot be
composed with a third interpreter.

More generally, we can say that any two generic interpreters can be composed to form an-
other generic interpreter as long as the implementation of one is the interpreter of the other:
|– (INTERP gi1 = implementation gi2) ==>
IS_GI(GI (instructions gi2)
(select gi2)
(output gi2)
((substate gi2) o (substate gi1))
((subenv gi2) o (subenv gi1))
((subout gi2) o (subout gi1))
(implementation gi1)
(\ s e .
(sync gi1 s e) /\
(sync gi2 (substate gi1 s) (subenv gi1 e))))
The resulting generic interpreter composes the data abstractions using function composition and
requires that the synchronization predicates at both levels be true. This theorem is more generally
useful since we can prove the theory obligations of each level of the hierarchy separately, show
that the composition of these separate results is a generic interpreter using this theorem, and then
use the result to instantiate the correctness theorem from section 3.4.4 to show that the bottom–
most member of the hierarchy implies the top–most member.

The generic interpreter theory contains the structure for the entire proof, freeing the user
from worrying about the data and temporal abstractions that result from the composition. This the-
orem is a good example of the utility of abstract theories in hardware verification. The theorem is
tedious to prove in specific cases and were it not contained in the abstract theory, it would have to
be proven numerous times in the course of a single microprocessor verification.

4 Conclusion

This paper has described the generic interpreter model. The theory isolates the temporal and data
abstractions of the proof inside the abstract theory. The theory also contains several important the-
orems about the abstract representation. These theorems are true of every instantiation of the ab-
stract representation that meets the theory obligations. The theory has important benefits:
• The generic model structures the proof by stating explicitly which definitions must be made
(one for each of the members of the abstract representation) and which lemmas need to be prov-
en about these definitions (namely, the theory obligation). This is a substantial improvement
over previous microprocessor verifications where these decisions were made on an ad hoc basis.
• The generic model insulates users of the model from complex proofs about the data and tempo-
ral abstractions. These proofs are done once and then made available to the user by instantiation.
• The use of a generic interpreter model for specifying and verifying microprocessors provides a
methodological approach. Making specification and verification methodological is an impor-
tant step in turning what has been primarily a research activity into an engineering activity.

We have used the generic interpreter theory to verify a microprocessor, AVM–1, with a
modern load–store architecture [Win90a]. Other efforts to use the generic interpreter theory are un-
derway. We believe that our methodology makes microprocessor verification accessible by non–
experts. We are testing our belief by using the generic interpreter theory to introduce microproces-
sor verification to graduate students with no previous verification experience [Coe92].

Based on our experience with AVM–1, we are confident that the generic interpreter theory
makes microprocessor specification and verification significantly easier because of the structure
that it entails and the theorem reuse that it enables.

5 References

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