Special Massive Spin-2 On de Sitter Space: Gregory Gabadadze and Alberto Iglesias

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Special Massive Spin-2 on de Sitter Space

Gregory Gabadadzea and Alberto Iglesiasb

arXiv:0801.2165v2 [hep-th] 21 Feb 2008

Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics
Department of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, 10003, USA
Department of Physics, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA

The theory of a massive spin-2 state on the de Sitter space – with the
mass squared equal to one sixth of the curvature – is special for two reasons:
(i) it exhibits an enhanced local symmetry; (ii) it emerges as a part of the
model that gives rise to the self-accelerated Universe. The known problems
of this theory are: either it cannot be coupled to a non-conformal conserved
stress-tensor because of the enhanced symmetry, or it propagates a ghost-like
state when the symmetry is constrained by the Lagrange multiplier method.
Here we propose a solution to these problems in the linearized approximation.
1 Introduction and summary
The main topic of the present note is a theory of massive tensor perturbation on
the de Sitter (dS) background, when there is a special relation between the mass of
the perturbation, m∗ , and the curvature of the background, R̄:

m2∗ = . (1)
Our interest in such a theory is twofold:
(I) It has been known since the works of Deser and Nepomechie [1], and Higuchi
[2] (see also [3]), that the linearized theory of a massive graviton on the dS back-
ground with the mass-curvature relation (1) exhibits an additional local symmetry.
The corresponding symmetry transformations are generalization of conformal trans-
formations; the symmetry disappears for any other value of m∗ . As a consequence of
this symmetry, the tensor mode (graviton) of mass (1) propagates on the dS back-
ground four on-shell helicity states [1, 3]. However, such a theory cannot be coupled
consistently to a conserved stress-tensor with a non-zero trace [2]. The question is
whether this latter drawback can be improved.
(II) In the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) model of modified gravity [4], there
is a self-accelerated solution which could model the accelerated expansion of the Uni-
verse [5, 6]. The acceleration there is due to “dark energy” which is supplied by grav-
ity itself, in particular, by a nonzero condensate of a massive graviton. Interestingly
enough, the (lightest) graviton mass on the self-accelerated background is related to
the curvature as in (1) just automatically [7]. This is because both the graviton mass
and curvature there have the same origin. The model exhibits the strongly coupled
behavior at the nonlinear level [8, 9] (see also, [10, 11]). In the linearized theory the
problem of coupling to a conserved stress-tensor of nonzero trace, mentioned in the
previous paragraph, is absent. However, the corresponding linearized theory on the
self-accelerated background has a ghost-like state [10, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Because the
theory is in the strongly coupled regime [9, 10, 11], the results of the linearized theory
remain unwarranted in the full non-linear theory [16] (see also [17]). Nevertheless,
the presence of the ghost in the linearized theory is indicative [5, 10] of potential
negative mass solutions in the full nonlinear theory. Such negative mass solutions
have been obtained in a semi-exact [18] and exact nonperturbative settings in the
DGP model [19] (see also, [20]). This suggest that the self-accelerated background
should be unstable, however, it is not clear whether the instability is rapid or not;
for instance, an explicit calculation of the decay of the selfaccelerated branch into
the conventional branch shows that such a decay does not take place, at lest in a
quasi-classical approximation [21].
The present note concerns a simpler issue. Here, we will consider the linearized
theory and will try to decouple the ghost-like state from the physical sector. A con-
sistent nonlinear theory of a massive graviton on dS space with the mass-curvature
relation (1), if exists, should in the linearized approximation reduce to the La-
grangian given in the present paper.

We will show that it is possible to have a fully consistent linearized theory of
massive spin-2 on dS background with the mass-curvature relation (1). We show
this by explicitly setting up the Lagrangian of such a theory and calculating the
physical one-graviton exchange amplitude, from which the tachyon and ghost states
decouple. As to its nonlinear completion, the full theory may or may not be strongly
coupled, depending on the value of a certain coupling1 .
The organization of the paper is as follows: In section 2 we summarize the
results on the enhanced symmetry of massive graviton on dS background with the
mass-curvature relation (1). Then we discuss additional terms that appear in the
low-energy Lagrangian of the DGP model on the self-accelerated background [13],
this section serves to clarify our computational tools, which in the case of tensor
fields on curved background are subtle. In section 3 we discuss a further extension
of the linearized Lagrangian which allows to decouple the ghost and tachyons, and
calculate the one-graviton exchange amplitude. We give brief comments on the
issues associated with non-linear interactions.

2 Enhanced symmetry vs. a ghost

Consider an expansion about the conventional de Sitter background of curvature
R̄ = 12H 2 . The perturbations of the metric are defined as follows:

gµν = γµν + hµν , (2)

where γµν denotes the background dS metric. The Lagrangian that we are interested
in takes the form [2] (we set 8πGN = 1, with GN being the Newton constant)
L∗ ≡ L(2) − m2∗ h2µν − h2 ,

where m∗ is the graviton mass and L(2) denotes the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian
expanded up to the quadratic order about the dS background:
(2) 1 µα 2 1 µν 1 1 µν 1 2 2 1 2
L ≡ (∇µ h ) + hµν h − hh + h ∇µ ∇ν h − H hµν + h . (4)
2 4 4 2 2 2

All the covariant derivatives above are taken w.r.t. the background dS metric, and
covariant d’Alambertian is denoted by  ≡ γ µν ∇µ ∇ν .
Because of the mass term, the Lagrangian (3) is not invariant w.r.t. linearized
reperametrizations, hµν → hµν + ∇µ ζν + ∇ν ζµ , with ζµ being a transformation pa-
rameter. However, the symmetry can be restored by using the Stückelberg method:
redefine the field as hµν ≡ h̃µν − ∇µ Vν − ∇ν Vµ ; the resulting Lagrangian writ-
ten in terms of h̃ and V will be invariant under the simultaneous transformations
The perturbative stability of massive gravity on de Sitter has also been considered albeit
within the context of bi-gravity theories in [22].

h̃µν → h̃µν + ∇µ ζν + ∇ν ζµ and Vµ → Vµ + ζµ . Hence, we can regard the Lagrangian
(3) as a gauge fixed version of the reparametrization invariant theory in which the
gauge condition Vµ = 0 had been enforced.
The Lagrangian (3) exhibits an additional local symmetry [1] when
m2∗ = 2H 2 . (5)
The corresponding symmetry transformation is
hµν (x) → hµν (x) + (∇µ ∇ν + H 2γµν )ρ(x) . (6)
As a consequence of this symmetry, there are four on-shell degrees of freedom prop-
agated by such a graviton; moreover, no ghost or tachyon states appear in the
spectrum [1, 2, 3]. For m∗ < 2H 2 , on the other hand, a ghost appears and the
theory is inconsistent [2], while for m∗ > 2H 2 the graviton propagates five helicity
states and the theory is unitary. The case with the mass-curvature relation (5) (or
with (1)) is the main subject of this note.
So far we have been discussing pure gravity. How about its coupling to other
fields? The coupling can be introduced by adding to (3) the conventional term
hµν T µν , where the stress-tensor T µν is covariantly conserved, ∇µ Tµν = 0. This does
not affect our arguments about the linearized reparametrizations. However, the
coupling breaks the invariance of the theory w.r.t. (6), unless T = 0. One could
introduce a coupling a la Stückelberg (hµν − (∇µ ∇ν + H 2 γµν )σ)T µν , where σ is a
field that also transforms as δσ(x) = ρ(x), when the metric is transformed according
to (6). Such a coupling would not violate the symmetry of the theory. However, the
equation of motion of the σ field would require that Tµµ = 0.
The same problem arises if one looks at the Einstein equations following from
(3): the Bianchi identities then enforce the condition (∇µ hµν − ∇ν h) = 0, and, on
this condition, the trace of the Einstein equation reads
(m2∗ − 2H 2 )h = −2T . (7)
Therefore, for the special value of the mass (5), the theory does not admit coupling
to a non-conformal source, just like the Maxwell theory does not admit coupling to
a non-conserved source.
How can this be changed? Our approach below is motivated by the low energy
effective lagrangian of the DGP model on the selfaccelerated solution which was
derived in [13]. We consider the lagrangian of the following form (see, also [16]):
Leff = L∗ (hµν ) − φÔµν hµν + hµν T µν , (8)
where we have introduced a Lagrange multiplier field φ, and used the notation:
Ôµν ≡ ∇µ ∇ν − γµν  − 3H 2γµν . (9)

Irrespective of its origin, the form of Ôµν can be motivated by the requirement that
the Bianchi identities be free of the field φ (see below).

Variation w.r.t. φ gives
Ôµν hµν = 0 . (10)
While the Einstein equation becomes:
µν − (hµν − γµν h) − Ôµν φ = −Tµν , (11)
where the Einstein tensor on the dS space is defined in the usual way:
1  1
GdS α α αβ

µν = h µν − ∇ µ ∇ α hν − ∇ ν ∇ α hµ + ∇ µ ∇ ν h − γ µν h − ∇ α ∇ β h
2 2  
2 1
−H hµν + γµν h . (12)
Note that ∇µ GdS µ
µν = 0 and ∇ Ôµν (scalar) = 0, then, the Bianchi identities mentioned
above follow from (11)2 , and h = 0 from (10). Therefore, hµν is transverse and
traceless. Thus, out of the ten components of hµν only five are unrestricted. These
correspond to five degrees of freedom of a massive spin-2 state. However, in addition
there is a sixth degree of freedom propagated by the φ field. As we’ll see below,
this degree of freedom is ghost-like, and moreover, it does couple to the trace of the
stress-tensor, making the theory inconsistent.
To calculate the field hµν produced by the source Tµν it is useful to introduce a
decomposition of the tensors in their transverse traceless (TT), pure trace (PT) and
symmetric trace-free (ST) parts:
TT 1 1 1
Tµν = Tµν + γµν T + Pµν T , (13)
4 3 Q
and we use the notations
Pµν ≡ ∇µ ∇ν − γµν , Q ≡ − − 4H 2, S ≡ − + 4H 2 . (14)
Noticing that
Pµν ( + 8H 2 )ϕ = Pµν ϕ , (15)
for any scalar ϕ, we get that Pµν f (Q)ϕ = f (S)Pµν ϕ, for any smooth function f .
Next, let us introduce the Lichnerowicz operator ∆L which acts differently on
the TT, PT and ST parts of the stress-tensor
(∆L − 4H 2)Tµν
= S Tµν ,
(∆L − 4H 2 )γµν ϕ = γµν Qϕ , (16)
(∆L − 4H 2 )Pµν ϕ = Pµν Qϕ ,
Naively, there is no kinetic term for φ, but it can be generated by transformation (6) with
ρ = αφ. The additional term in the Lagrangian (8) is
α3Hφ( + 4H 2 )φ .

where ϕ is an arbitrary scalar.
Using the above relations, one can calculate the field. The result reads
1 1 (1/3) γµν T 1 1 T
hµν = Tµν − + ∇ µ ∇ ν − γ µν  , (17)
2 ∆L − 4H 2 12  + 4H 2 3 4 ( + 4H 2)2

where we introduced the notation

(1/3) 1
Tµν ≡ Tµν − γµν T, (18)
and all the operators act from the left to right.
It is also convenient to rewrite the expression (17) in the following form:

1 1 (1/3) 1 2
hµν = 2
Tµν − ∇ µ ∇ ν + γ µν H . (19)
2 ∆L − 4H 3 ( + 4H 2)2

We can decipher the needed information about the spectrum from the expression
(19): The first term on the r.h.s. of (19) represents a contribution of the helicity-2
and helicity-0 components of the massive graviton.
In the second term of the r.h.s. of (19), there is a structure with covariant
R 4 √ ∇µ ∇ν that does not contribute to the gauge invariant physical amplitude,
A ≡ d x γ T ′µν hµν , because of the conservation of the stress-tensor Tµν ′
. Thus,
in the linearized theory these terms carry no information (they will be important,
though, in the nonlinear theory - see section 3). However, there is a very last term
in (19) which is proportional to γµν and contains a double pole ( + 4H 2)2 . The
latter can be decomposed into a sum of single poles giving rise to a tachyon and a
ghost-like state!
The goal of the next section will be to decouple these states entirely from the
physical sector of the linearized theory.

3 Decoupling the ghost

To solve the problems of the previous section we will consider the Lagrangian of the
tensor field hµν and scalar φ with the mixing and quadratic kinetic terms:

Leff = L∗ (hµν ) − φÔµν hµν + φK̂φ + hµν T µν + qφT, (20)

Here, K̂ is some operator which can contain up to two derivatives as well as terms
proportional to H 2 (will be specified below) and q is a constant determining the
strength of the scalar coupling to the trace of the stress-tensor.
The Einstein equation reads as follows:

µν − (hµν − γµν h) − Ôµν φ = −Tµν , (21)

while variation w.r.t. φ gives

Ôµν hµν − 2K̂φ = qT. (22)

The Bianchi identities give, as before ∇µ hµν = ∇ν h, reducing the number of inde-
pendent components of hµν from ten down to six. Using the Bianchi identities in
the equation of motion of φ (22) we find the equation that is linear in h, has no
derivatives of h, and therefore, determines h in terms of φ. Finally the trace of the
Einstein equation determines φ. The corresponding expression for φ and h read:
1 1 2 K̂
φ= T, h=− 2 q+ T . (23)
3Q 3H 3Q

Hence, there are six independent degrees of freedom, five in hµν and one in φ.
However, as we will see below, for a special choice of the coefficient in (20) the sixth
degree of freedom decouples from the physical sector in the linearized approximation.
Alternatively, one could have excluded φ in favor of h suing (22) and the Bianchi
identities; then, there would remain six unconstrained degrees of freedom in hµν .
The physical metric that couples to the source, and determines the physical
amplitude is:
µν = hµν + γµν qφ = hµν − γµν q . (24)
3( + 4H 2 )

After some algebra, which uses the properties of the Lichnerowicz operator (17),
one can find the following expression for the physical field
1 phys 1 (1/3) T ∇µ ∇ν  q T
hµν = T + γ µν (q − a) + + a , (25)
2 ∆L − 4H 2 µν 3Q 3H 2 2 Q

where we have used an explicit form for K̂, namely:

K̂ = 3H 2 + 3aQ . (26)

The first term in (26) is necessary to cancel the double pole!

In (25) there is still freedom in choosing a. This should be used to remove the
tachyonic pole in the second term in (25). Hence, we can set a = q. Then the
expression for the physical metric reads:
1 phys 1 (1/3) q ∇µ ∇ν T
hµν = 2
Tµν − . (27)
2 ∆L − 4H 2 H  + 4H 2

We achieved our goal – there are no ghost or tachyons in the part of (27) that couples
to a conserved stress-tensor; the last term in (27) does not contribute to physical
amplitudes in the linearized approximation. That term would, however, contribute
to Feynman diagrams with nonlinear self-interactions of gravitons as long as q 6= 0.

It would give rise to strong coupling behavior in a full non-linear theory. Then, it
should be possible to reconcile the predictions of such a theory with the observations
[8, 9] (for a brief review, see [23]). However, for q 6= 0 there might be a danger
that the sixth degree of freedom would contribute to the physical sector in the full
nonlinear theory. This, however, may be possible to avoid if φ corresponds to a
Nambu-Goldstone boson of a nonlinearly realized symmetry, similar to the brane
bending mode in brane induced gravity.
Alternatively, for q = 0 one would not expect to have strongly coupled behavior
in the nonlinear theory. This would be similar to “softly massive” gravity [24] (see
also [25]). Then, one would have to overcome the vDVZ discontinuity [26]. Some
new ideas are needed for this.
It is also possible that there exist nonlinear theories that give rise to selfacceler-
ated backgrounds, which do not necessarily respect the relation (1). Some of these
might be possible to construct by pursuing further the proposal of Refs. [27].

The work of GG was supported by NASA grant NNGG05GH34G. AI was sup-

ported by DOE grant DE-FG03-91ER40674.

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