A Study On Job Satisfaction of Employees in Select Private Colleges With Special Reference To Salem District V. Kalaivani, Research Scholar
A Study On Job Satisfaction of Employees in Select Private Colleges With Special Reference To Salem District V. Kalaivani, Research Scholar
A Study On Job Satisfaction of Employees in Select Private Colleges With Special Reference To Salem District V. Kalaivani, Research Scholar
V. Kalaivani,
Research scholar,
PG and Research Department of Commerce,
Vivekanandha College of Arts & Science for Women, Elayampalayam
Associate professor,
PG and Research Department of Commerce, KSR College of Arts and Science, Tiruchengode
This research work entitled “A study on Job Satisfaction in select arts colleges in
Salem District” Tamil Nadu, carried out by the researcher to know attitudes, skills and
knowledge. To achieve the objectives of a research, the primary data was collected with the
help of questionnaire. A response was gathered from the employees in self-finance arts and
sciences colleges. A descriptive study was conducted among these sample size of 10 arts and
sciences colleges were chosen for the purpose of study through a well-structured
questionnaire. The collecting data was analyzed with the help of simple statistical tool
Percentage analysis and ANOVA.
This research work has been carried out in self-financing arts and sciences colleges in
Salem District. The faculty is the respondent to find the Job Satisfaction (JS) towards the
institution. The purpose of research was to determine the impact of faculty’s satisfaction with
job dimension perceived organizational commitment. This study reveals the level of faculty
JS which is effecting for the performance of their academics. It is believed faculties who are
committed are those who devote themselves wholly to the teaching profession and to the
educational institutions. Teaching is more than presentation of facts; it includes the
dedication of both heart and time. They exert effort to the optimum level. Teaching is the
profession that moulds the skills of the future workforce and laying the foundation for good
citizenship and full participation in community and civic life. Teaching is a vocation which
needs commitment and perseverance. Faculty commitment is purely based on the level of
satisfaction. The level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction for them to know if the faculties’ are
a likely to be more committed or less committed. Lower level of commitment of faculty may
National Conference On “Recent Trends and Development in Commerce, Management & Social Sciences” Organized by VIVEKANANDHA Arts and Science College for Women, Salem, Tamil Nadu
create a dilemma that affect negatively. The effectiveness of an educational organization may
cause faculty to be more efficient in their profession or to leave the profession.
Primary data consists of original information collected for specific purpose. In this
study primary data has been used. To obtain the primary data a well-structured both open
ended and closed ended questionnaire was prepared to get the answer from the respondent.
Secondary data can be defined as the information already existing somewhere has
been collected for some other purposes. In this study the secondary information is obtained
from the various books, articles and from colleges.
The sample size is restricted to 50 faculties. The sample questionnaire consists of both
open ended and closed ended questions.
The statistical tools and test used for the studies is:
National Conference On “Recent Trends and Development in Commerce, Management & Social Sciences” Organized by VIVEKANANDHA Arts and Science College for Women, Salem, Tamil Nadu
The following Colleges were choose for the purpose of the study.
10 Shri PSG Arts and Science College for Women Salem Tamilnadu
No. of
S.No Gender Respondents Percentage
1 Male 26 52
2 Female 24 48
Total 50 100
Table 4.1 shows that out of 50 respondents 52 percentage of them belong to male and
48 percentage of them belong to female.
National Conference On “Recent Trends and Development in Commerce, Management & Social Sciences” Organized by VIVEKANANDHA Arts and Science College for Women, Salem, Tamil Nadu
S.No Age Percentage
1 25-35 19 38
2 36-45 21 42
46 and above 10 20
Total 50 100
Table 4.2 shows that out of 50 respondents 38 percentages belong to age group of 25 -
35, 42 percentages of them belong to age group of 36-45, 20 percentages respondents belong
to age group of 45 and above.
S.No Qualification Respondents Percentage
1 PG 02 04
2 M.Phil 31 62
3 Ph.D 17 34
Total 50 100
Table 4.3 shows that out of 50 respondents 4 percentage belong to PG. 62
percentage to M.Phil. and 34 percentage belong to Ph.D.
S.No Designation Respondents Percentage
1 Assistant Professor 26 52
2 Associate Professor 20 40
3 Professor 4 8
Total 50 100
Table 4.4 shows that out of 50 respondents 52 percentage belong to Assistant
Professor.40 percentages belong to Associate Professor and 8 percentage belong to Professor.
S.No Department Respondents Percentage
1 Arts 26 52
2 Science 24 48
Total 50 100
Table 4.5 shows that out of 50 respondents 52 percentages belong to Arts.
48 percentages belong to Sciences.
National Conference On “Recent Trends and Development in Commerce, Management & Social Sciences” Organized by VIVEKANANDHA Arts and Science College for Women, Salem, Tamil Nadu
The table 4.6 shows that out of 50 respondents 26 percentage belong to 1-5 years
experience. 36percentage belong to 6 -10 years’ experience. 22 percentages belong to 11-15
years’ experience and 16 percentages belong to above 15 years’ experience.
Total 107.24 49
College administrators should motivate Master and M.Phil degree holders in the
institution to pursue their Ph.D. / NET/SET in order to meet the necessary
qualification in future.
The paying financial incentive to the faculty should be studied and implemented to
keep a loyal and valued work force.
National Conference On “Recent Trends and Development in Commerce, Management & Social Sciences” Organized by VIVEKANANDHA Arts and Science College for Women, Salem, Tamil Nadu
There should be regular review of faculty performance and relevant feedback should
be provided to assure an environment of involvement and increased faculty
The administration should retain valued faculty by providing leadership training to
prepare them for promotion.
The faculty should exert great effort by showing willingness to adhere to college
policies, good record of attendance and efficiency in the teaching performance to
improve the quality of instruction.
The faculty who proves their potential in producing high results should be motivated
by giving bonuses, gold coins or some sort of rewards.
Faculty should stimulate the students to participate in extracurricular activities to
improve the students and society.
National Conference On “Recent Trends and Development in Commerce, Management & Social Sciences” Organized by VIVEKANANDHA Arts and Science College for Women, Salem, Tamil Nadu