VMware HCX Configuration - Maximums

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Recommended Configuration


VMware HCX
Updated on August 19, 2019
Recommended Configuration Limits

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VMware, Inc.
Recommended Configuration Limits

This Configuration Maximums document provides the recommended configuration limits for VMware
products. When you configure, deploy and operate your virtual and physical equipment, it is highly
recommended you stay within the limits supported by your product. The limits presented in the tool are
tested, recommended limits, and are fully supported by VMware.

Disclaimer: The limits can be affected by other factors, such as hardware dependencies. For more information about the
supported hardware, see the appropriate hardware compatibility guide. It might not be possible to maximize all configuration
settings and expect your desired outcome. To ensure that you do not exceed supported configurations for your environment,
consult individual solution limits. The recommended configuration limits do not represent the theoretical possibilities of your

VMware, Inc.
Recommended Configuration Limits

Category Limit Description

Sites and HCX Service Components

Site Pairs 25 Registered destination HCX

Managers per source HCX
Service Mesh 25 Per HCX Manager.
HCX Interconnect (IX) Appliances 1 One per Service Mesh.
HCX WAN Optimization Appliances 1 One per Service Mesh.
HCX Network Extension Appliances 100 Per HCX Manager.
HCX Service Appliances 125 HCX service appliances of all types.

Concurrent HCX Bulk Migrations 100 Per HCX Manager.

Concurrent HCX vMotions 1 Per Service Mesh. Subsequent
vMotion Migrations are queued, up
to a maximum of 100.
Concurrent HCX Cold Migrations 8 Per Service Mesh. Subsequent Cold
Migrations are queued, up to a
maximum of 100.
Concurrent HCX Replication 100 Per HCX Manager. The scheduled
Assisted vMotions switchover will be serial.
Switchovers will be queued with
HCX vMotions.
Concurrent HCX OS Assisted 50 50 Virtual Machine Disk
Migrations Replications.
Disaster Recovery and Site Recovery Manager

Concurrent VM Protections 500 Per HCX Manager.

Network Extension

Network Extensions with NSX for 200 Maximum number of source

vSphere at the Destination Site networks that can be extended to
per Network Extension appliance.
Network Extensions with NSX-T at 8 10 Network Extension appliance
the Destination Site interfaces minus uplink/
Network Extension Throughput per Approx 4-6+ Gbps per HCX Network
Appliance 4-6+ Gbits/ Extension Appliance.
sec for 10G
pNic Observed performance in similar
environments can vary depending
on factors like MTU, Latency,
Environment Traffic, Network
Bandwidth, CPU, Memory
Network Extension Throughput per Approx. 1 1 Gbps per Network Flow. The
Network Flow Gbits/sec observed performance in similar
for 10G environments can vary depending
pNic. on factors like MTU, Latency,
Environment Traffic, Network
Bandwidth, CPU, Memory
Migration Centric Virtual Machine Limits

VM Disk size for HCX Bulk 62 TB Virtual Machine Disk limit for HCX
Migrations Bulk migrations.
VM Disk size for HCX vMotion 30 TB Virtual Machine Disk limit for HCX
Migrations vMotion migrations.

VMware, Inc.
Recommended Configuration Limits

Category Limit Description

Minimum VM Hardware Version for 7 The VM Hardware can be upgraded
HCX Bulk Migration during the migration operation
using Extended Options.
Minimum VM Hardware Version for 9 The VM Hardware can be flagged
HCX vMotion for upgrade during the migration
operation using Extended Options.
The VM Hardware will be upgraded
when during the next reboot.
Minimum VM Hardware Version for 9 The VM Hardware can be flagged
HCX Replication Assisted vMotion for upgrade during the migration
operation using Extended Options.
The VM Hardware will be upgraded
when during the next reboot.

Minimum VM Hardware Version for 9

HCX Cold Migration

VMware, Inc.

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