South African Art Times: June 08 Suppliment
South African Art Times: June 08 Suppliment
South African Art Times: June 08 Suppliment
Gabisile Nkosi
1974 - 2008
By Bianca Bothma visual art.” strength. Instead of breaking under
the pain, I decided to confront it
It’s with a great sense of loss that Her print was then flighted on as a challenge for a brighter future
Art for Humanity (AFH) reports the billboards at taxi ranks and train - for all children have the right to a
tragic death of celebrated KZN stations around the country as part happy mother no matter how much
artist, Gabisile Nkosi in the early of the billboard advocacy cam- heavy baggage may weigh.
hours of this morning, 27 May paign and her participation in this
2008. project received a lot of attention This image stresses the impor-
from radio stations and the local tance for domestic abuse victims
Born in 1974 in Umlazi, Durban Zulu communities as her work to engage in dialogue and to find
Gabisile had built a significant confronted controversial issues. relevant ways of dealing with these
career as an artist in her short life. From this point, Gabisile’s career situations. The repeating arms
She received her BTech in Fine took off and her work has been represent the different spirits which
Art from the Durban University of seen in several group and solo support me. The flying dresses
Technology in 2002. Thereafter exhibitions in South Africa and symbolise the many roles I play as
Gabisile was based at the Caver- abroad. a woman – as daughter, as mother
sham Centre for Artists and Writers and father to my son, as a leader
in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands She was particularly interested in in my community. All women and
facilitating printmaking workshops the therapeutic effects of art mak- children deserve to celebrate life.”
with well-known artists and local ing and in 2005 she collaborated Gabisile also received art awards
communities. with Cape-Town based poet Mavis and prizes, during and after her
Smallberg on AFH’s “Women for studies. Amongst many other col-
Gabisile was involved with AFH for Children” print portfolio. Gabisile lections her work is also included
almost 10 years with her participa- strongly advocated women’s rights in the permanent collection of the
tion in two of AFH’s print portfolio in her linocut, “Sisterhood”. In her Durban Art Gallery, South Africa.
projects. artist statement she gave a per-
sonal account of her experiences AFH treasures the opportunity of
In 2000, Gabisile contributed and inspiration: having worked with Gabisile. She
a linocut, “Break the Silence” made such a powerful impact with
which discouraged the practice of “As a female artist who has her capacity as an artist and as an
polygamy in rural areas to AFH’s personally experienced domestic educator in numerous communi-
“Break the Silence” HIV/Aids violence, it is my privilege to ties. Her passion, kindness and
awareness print portfolio. In her contribute to this campaign. This commitment to helping others
artist statement, Gabisile empha- image is about the power of sister- through art inspired and touched
sized the important role art plays hood. It derives from a trauma that many lives.
in advocating social issues, “If you my son and I experienced in 1998,
want to get a message across, an abusive relationship which left We will miss you Gabi.
it’s better to do a colourful visual scars on both of our lives.
rather than text. As an artist, I feel Photo: Lungile Langa
privileged to play a role in HIV/Aids Through the support of my meta-
awareness through the medium of phorical sisters, I found joy and Read more at
South African Art Times. June 2008 Page 3
((Top) Pear Ball. (above and right) Johann’s ‘Punch Bag”, far right - Johann receiving the European Union Award, which included a cash prize and promotion of his work by the EU.
Page 4 South African Art Times. June 2008
(Top) Entrance to 210 Long Street, (below left) directors of 210 space, (below right) clean creative spaces at 210.
All photos: Jacqui van Zyl
Jonathan Garnham and Liza Grobler, Blank Projects, Cape Town. Photo: Steve Kretzmann
Steve Kretzmann mainstream galleries – to exhibit conceptual or site-specific – such their space to two rooms, allowing projects which were first refined in the focus on art that pushes the
their work free of charge. as Brendon Bussy’s drawing artists to either use the extra the Blank Project space. envelope would favour some
Unlike in much of Europe, the And Blank Projects, which has machine currently on show. space in a single show, or to run Like who won the Absa Atelier proposals more than others.
South African art market is small, been somewhat of a nursery for When the work is displayed in two shows concurrently, as was last year and Tamlin Blake who In fact, a glance at the portfolio of
with buyers thin on the ground. this talent, is no fly-by-night initia- more conventional frames that can the case when they were being wentPierre Fouche through the work that has moved through the
This means in order for galleries tive either. It has been going for be hung on a wall – such as Hetti interviewed for this article, with process of creating a beaded space (currently at a rate of about
to turn a profit they have to recoup three years and getting stronger van der Merwe and Tom Cullbergs a hallway separating Bussy’s lamb’s carcass at Blank Projects 20 shows per year) reveals that
their costs by, in addition to taking with each anniversary. prints from Zhane Warren’s War- drawing machine and the Warren which went on to be shown at much of the work had more to do
a hefty commission, charging rent It is also not situated at the end ren Editions, Blank Projects take Edition prints. Iziko and was snapped up for a with a process than a product, and
and additional exhibition marketing of some long dark corridor at the as little as 25% commission to But the funding is a more recent corporate collection. it appears Garnham and Grobler
expenses, leaving many artists arse-end of town, but in the peren- help pay the rent. development and Garnham and The rising Gugulective also had are more excited about allowing
lacking capital out in the cold. nially trendy edge of the Bo-Kaap, Garnham and Grobler employ a Grobler – who met when they one of their shows, Untitled at the public to see the creation of
Counter-initiatives, such as the surrounded by architects, model number of tricks to be able to keep were both lecturing at the College Blank Projects in November last art rather than simply the façade
Mau Mau gallery which existed agencies and the like. the space running, such as using of Cape Town after Garnham had year, which challenged pre-con- which remains at the point the
on Cape Town’s Long Street a If the exhibition space is free and their own art careers to pay the returned from a decade in Berlin ceived ideas of shebeens and process stops.
number of years ago, where artists well-placed, the obvious question bills, opening by appointment so – had to keep this “labour of love” culture by recreating a shebeen in Thus while the space is free, their
could rent the space per week at a is how much commission the two as not having to pay someone to going out of their own pocket for a gallery space. powers of discrimination have
relatively cheap rate and run their directors, Jonathan Garnham and always sit at the gallery, having a the first two years, an impressive Not that anyone can just rock up never allowed it to simply descend
own show, were short lived. Liza Grobler, take off sales. cash bar on opening nights, mar- dedication to art for art’s sake. and put a show on. Garnham ad- into an art-jamming free-for-all.
But where there is a need, some- But the purpose of the space – al- keting new shows by email only And it’s been paying off, if not mits that many exhibition propos- And long may it so survive as
how an answer is created. Two lowing artists’ creativity free reign and, possibly most importantly, monetarily, at least in terms of als are turned down, and he and an antidote to the market-driven
Cape Town-based artists have to produce “cutting edge”, pre- obtaining funding, mostly from the seeing the space be a spring- Grobler approach artists almost as mainstream which all too often
opened up space for emerging dominantly installation art – means Swiss Development Corporation board for artists who have gone much as they are approached. colonise what little space there is
artists – or the avant-garde whose much of the work that is shown is (SDC). on to achieve some measure of “It has to be something which on offer for art.
work might not be accepted at almost unsaleable as it is generally This has enabled them to double success, in at least two cases with excites us,” he says, and of course
Page 6 South African Art Times. June 2008
NPG. same time, so hyper realistic. John Edward Sulston.) This kind of, let’s say, flamboy-
ant art is far removed from the
A brand-new exhibition there Brooks’ pixel-fixated precision For all their in-your-face presence, traditional medium imagined
lenty of locals are keen on the seems, on the face of it, to go for which makes the images look so Brooks’ giant portraits do seem to suitable for the century-old theme
theme. So here, after a visit to that the brash and the big: a portrait of very real and true from afar, turns resonate as sign of the times, as it of portraiture.
THE ARTFUL temple of portraits, the National the Nobel prize-winning scientist into abstraction in close-up. It’s were. Culture is, well, loud nowa-
Portrait Gallery in London, are a Sir Paul Nurse by the artist Jason an old game of course, and a nice days. (Of course, it also has a Yet, this new vivid picture of a
VIEWER few more comments to mull over in Brooks. An enormous painting, scientific pointer about how visuals retro pop art edge as well – Brooks famous pioneering cancer scientist
the name of vanity and art. executed photo-realistic close-up work (especially in the modern is very good at what he does.) (what could be more profound
style in airbrush spray paint, it is media age), and certainly but not than Sir Paul Nurse’s work?) in a
Melvyn Minaar Vanity may well be a key factor accompanied to two other very quite the sort of sedate oil-painted Coincidentally, the Tate Modern version that clearly was produced
in the business of portraiture large paintings. portrait that fills most of the NPG’s had, for the first time, the outside and performs in a contemporary
– and, remember we noted that historical collection. of its big, architecturally-impres- boldness of communication,
If it was boring, going on about the this is placed at both sides of the While the Nurse picture and sive building painted by what used seems to be spot-on in bringing
same subject may strike anyone picturing process: the executing another of the driver Jenson That the NPG is sensitive to this to be known as graffitists but are the message about what he is
with a keen eye and interest to be artist and the consenting ‘sitter’ Button are done in black and kind of unusual stuff – big, brash now more respectably named and does and why we should care
a tad indulgent. But, judging from (as it is known in that trade) – but white – suggesting and accentuat- and a medium that belongs to ‘street artists’. home.
the reaction to both this column walk around the various exhibi- ing the link with black and white billboards and graffito walls - was
last month and Lloyd Pollack’s tions at the NPG and it is easy to mug photography – another is in hinted at when a spokesperson Very, very impressive and playful
sharp review of an exhibition of see that the theme of portraiture meticulous, vivid colour. This is of told a London newspaper that “we looking from the Millennium bridge,
portraiture in the same issue, cuts to many sides. Often there a tattoo artist named Zoe Windle always push to represent new the big, bold and, yes, brash im-
are interesting sub-themes and and measures more than three by work”. ages by Blu from Bologna, Faile
Alex Dodd
Ah, the whirl, the whirl… the crazy
whirl of Joburg creative life that
keeps us spinning like ecstatic
devotees in some delirious dervish
dance. The inbox is overflowing
with exhibition invites and there
goes the jovial plink of the next
new electronic missive announcing
the latest creative initiative to have
been forged out of this dark and
dangerous Jozi mire. Olaf Bisschoff Alone (in bad company).Oil on canvas, 1000 x 1500mm
Saturday morning saw me sharing Chubb Security, has been redevel- “We had all been ferreting away Claudia Giannoccaro (one time to the precinct. The move sparked Emmanuel, a visual artist who was
six cappuccino’s with Brian Green, oped into a mix use development on our own little pluck.” Cuts in chef to Oppenhiemer) serves up a change in the focus of her gal- one of the first tenants to move
developer of 44 Stanley Avenue of lofts, home to artists, actors, the Green. “and while all of this was culinary masterpieces and salads lery that has begun to take shape. into the Refinery also talks of
and a cameraman by trade, Ricci “TV people” and actuaries. Joined happening I met Jonathan Gimple which are, according to Green “ Most people believe that works on how the change has impacted his
Pollack, developer of the Refinery, by Atlas Studios, a redeveloped from Atlas Studios at a party.” rock star salads. paper are limited to drawing and work. Previously living in Sandton
Quince Street and Frost Street Bakery, Afda Film school and the printmaking. Vorsters interest runs and maintaining a small studio
Lofts and Paul Emmanuel, artist Gas Works, this areas is now one “When he told me he had bought “Someone once approached me to far deeper. at the Bag Factory in Newtown,
and resident of the Refinery. All of the hottest residential and busi- the building I just gave him a hug. convert one the retail spaces into a Emmanual is now a full time artists
mavericks in their own ways, the ness addresses in town. But was There was suddenly this energy theatre. I remember looking at his For Art On Paper, the philosophy working and living in his loft at the
conversation bubbled and frothed it wasn’t always so. between three or four like minded shoes, and thinking there was no of the 44 Stanely complex reso- Refinery.
over, bouncing off the high walls, people who wanted to get this area way we could work together.” nates with the philosophy of the
infused with the energy that is According to Green, the site was a going” gallery. The space, its buildings, “Having the sheer space that I now
intrinsic to the precinct. derelict mess. “ There were 300 or Green admits that this philosophy beams and unfinished surfaces do has allowed me to work on a
so vagrants living here, anything What the like minded people has cost him according to conven- talk of process and carry some scale that I could not in my previ-
Johannesburg’s answer to TriBe- of value had been stripped out wanted to do was create an en- tional measurements. The type authenticity which is so important ous studio” Emmanuel’s next show
Ca- the precinct, nestled between of here, toilets were used with vironment reflective of the artistic of tenants he has are smaller, to a convincing artwork. consists of five drawings that are
Empire road and Barry Hertzog, off no water- it was really disgust- energy of the people that use the highly niched creative businesses over two metres in length each.
Stanley Avenue and Owl Street, is ing.” Owned by Old Mutual, the spaces. such as designers, the African Toy Paper is at the core of the proc-
an uncompromising monument to buildings were neither up for rent, Store and out of print book shops, esses employed by most artists While working and living in one
the power of the creative currency nor sale as they were deemed too 44 Stanely Avenue has been who do not generate massive foot for the works they make. It talks of space can become insular, access
in this city. You would be forgiven undesirable. developed as the anthithesis of traffic, and hence cannot pay large the journey and of what is going on from the lofts directly to the Salva-
for missing the shy entrance owl conventional mall wisdom. No rental. However, it is exactly the inside the mind of the artist. Hav- tion Café, and its “rock star salads”
street which has been unceremoni- It took Green 18 months to realize shiny signs and tiled floors. The retention of the authenticity that ing realized that many of the artists is obtained by a lethal staircase
ously covered by the Emmerentia his plan to buy the site. At the shells of the old buildings were re- has other tenants, such as Dion who she works with also work in that allows Emmanuel to engage
flyover, a slipway designed to same time, Pollack had begun his tained, and only the minimum has Chang, lining up at the door. the sculptural realm, Vorster is with the outside world without
allow people to escape to the leafy plans of redeveloping the Refinery been done to refusbish the space. moving towards a renaming of the using a car.
suburbs bypassing the gritty reality into real loft apartments (ala down- The walls and floors all speak of So we know that the creative folk space to “AOP” and thus allowing
of the streets on the outer edge of town New York). Space, and vast the history of the buildings, while work for the development- but her the space to explore more Echoing the developers senti-
the city. expanses of it, was the primary the spaces all possess the raw does the development work for the three dimensional works. ments, Emmanuel admits that it
selling feature of these apartments character of the building materials. creative folk? was a leap of faith. “Banks weren’t
Described by the media, as the in city overrun by Summercon’s The layout of her gallery, with its granting bonds in this area. When
anti-mall, 44 Stanley Avenue, is “little boxes on the hillside, little There is no anchor tenant who According to Alet Voster of Art on high walls and open white space, I bought, it was only a building site
an eclectic mix of buildings linked boxes all the same”. drives the footfall, there are no Paper Gallery, it is a place that she allows her to explore this avenue. and a vision which has taken 5
by passages, rickety stairwells brand name retail outlets or res- can occupy where the integrity of And the audience seem to agree- years to come together.”
and big chunks of old concrete. “We started at a very similar time, taurants. Every tenant has been the space reflects the work she there was a steady stream of foot
It is embraced on the east side but we actually didn’t know about handpicked, from the motorbike does. traffic through the gallery while we All Photos by Taryn Cohn
and south side by the Refinery. each other.” Says Pollack outlet that sells refurbished vintage spoke.
This building, previously home to bikes to the Salvation Café, where Art on Paper moved from Melville
South African Art Times. June 2008 Page 9
Art on Paper Gallery Chef Claudia Resturant Green, Pollack and Emmanual at Bean There
Finalists of the Sasol wax art award 2008: Stephen Hobbs, Tracey Rose, Avhasone Mainganye, Hentie Van Der Merwe (Absent: Brett Murray)
Anne Marie Kruger- Event Specialist, Sasol, Teresa Lizamore, Curator, Annali Cabano Dempsey : Curator of the UJ Art Gallery, Kingsway Sasol wax art award 2008 Judges:Marco Cianfanelli- Artist and advisor to
Sasol, Musha Neluheni, Artist Campus, Ntuthu Nqabeni Provincial Co-ordinator from DAC , Melissa Sasol Melissa Mboweni- Independent Art Consultant, Gordon Fround-
Mboweni Judge of the Sasol wax art award Academic, Artist, Curator Daniel Mosako- Curator, Anton van Vouw
Museum, University of Pretoria
Curator of the Sasol art collection Teresa Lizamore Excutive Director of the Sasol wax art award Carola Ross Curator of the Sasol wax art award, Les Cohn
South African Art Times. June 2008 Page 11
Artist Proof
Studio Charity Winners of the 11th Business Day-BASA Awards
art auction
raises 900K
Anita Funke
Media: Appropriate. Deadline: Various Media: VI DI time-based. Deadline: [email protected]; http://xrl. work, résumé or letter of purpose, $165/ Registry, Hand Papermaking, Box
International. Publication of images, Open us/AOM99cu. Media: VI NM MSC. Deadline: Jul 15 week if accepted. => Preston & Ann 1070, Beltsville MD 220704-1070,
etc. No fee, contact first to discuss International. Showing all forms (ideally International. 5 days (Sep-Jan) to use Browning, Wellspring House, Box 2006, USA. 800-821-6604; fax 301-220-2394;
format and other technical details. => 2-8 min ea, esp on themes of typography, Media: PU. Deadline: Jun 6 sophisticated imaging and production Ashfield MA 01330, USA. 413-628-3276; [email protected]; http://xrl.
Martine Rouleau, Static: Alarm, London translation, life/death or domesticity) that International. RFP to create environ- tools, etc., to create new work. No fee/1 [email protected]; http://xrl. us/AOM98dn.
Consortium, Institute of Contemporary can be documented in digital formats, mentally-friendly lighting for bridge. No (miniDV, DVD or VHS), project descrip., us/AOM91aj.
Arts, 12, Carlton House Terrace, London daily, 5 a.m. to 1 a.m., in Harvard Square fee/10 (CD or DVD), 20 copies of: image résumé, preferred dates, examples, etc., Media: All. Deadline: Open |+|
SW1Y 5AH, UK. +44 (0) 20 7839 8669; to an estimated 53,000 pedestrians. No list, statement, résumés, all on 3-hole $100 studio fee if accepted. => Hank Media: All. Deadline: Open International. Juried interactive database
fax 7930 9896; static@londonconsortium. fee/(send link to an online portfolio to punched paper (also include as PDF on Rudolph, Residency Prog., Experimental International. 4-6 wks. or less in summer of online digital images, slides, video and
com; [email protected] or DVD, CD, mini disk). $2-3 million. Jury: public art com- Television Center, 109 Lower Fairfield for women on farm w/ “wildflowers, DVD documenting the work of emerging
DV),short bio, website, email contact. => mittee. => Yvonne Wise, Call for Artists: Rd, Newark Valley NY 13811, USA. 607- a pond to swim in, fields to dream in, artists, used by curators, gallerists,
Media: Whatever. Deadline: Open |+| Lumen Eclipse, 248 Beacon St, Somer- Coronado Bridge Lighting, Port of San 687-4341; fax same; etc@experimentalt- woods to ramble.” No fee/work examples, collectors, etc.,separate submission
International. Declare an URM (Urban ville MA 02143, USA. art@lumeneclipse. Diego Public Art Dpt, Box 120488, San; description of self, your interest in the procedures for video. No fee/15, (sl, vid.
Ready Made -- a street, a building, com; Diego CA 92112-0488, USA. 619-400- farm, available dates; shared costs if or DVD), bio, statement; digital work by
a view, an object or an event in an 4706; fax -686-6434; ywise@portofsandi- Media: All. Deadline: Jul 15 accepted. Living and studio space. => email only. Jury: Matthew Higgs, director,
urban- or industrial environment, where Media: All. Deadline: Open; International. 2-4 wks Nov thru Apr in Kate Millet, Women’s Art Colony Farm, chief curator. => Curated Artists’ Regis-
a conjunction of circumstances cause International. Juried online boutique historic studio/house in national park. 59 East 4th St 5E,NY NY 10003, USA. try, White Columns, 320 West 13th St,
beauty and art and is so declared by “dedicated to selling the highest quality Media: PU SC. Deadline: Sep 30 |+| $50/6, work plan, appl, recs, etc. Studio, 845-473-9267; NY NY 10014, USA. info@whitecolumns.
the observer) in your own surroundings. creations made by hand.” No fee, use International. RFP for artist/artist team to apartment, $500/mo. stipend. => A-I-R org;
No fee. => Marcello’s Art Factory, Den online appl. => Artchestra, 610 Willow design and create welcoming, durable, Prog, Weir Farm Trust, 735 Nod Hill Rd, Media: All CR. Deadline: Open
Haag, THE NETHERLANDS. (+31) 70 St Ste J, Alameda CA 94501, USA. 510- site specific, static or kinetic work that Wilton CT 06897, USA. 203-761-9945; International. Unstructured time and
3634047; [email protected]; 769-1830; [email protected]; may include water and light features, for space for creative individuals to develop WEB, DIGITAL, NEW MEDIA prominent downtown square. No fee/10 new work on Island of Itaparica in Bay
(CD), letter of interest, initial concept |N| Media: PR PH-process BA DI VI NM. of All Saints, across from Salvador, Media: VI DI NM. Deadline: Jun 16 |+|
Media: SC. Deadline: Open Media: 2D 3D. Deadline: Open drwgs or description, 3 refs. $50K budget. Deadline: Jul 31 Bahia, Brazil. $35/12 (sl, CD/DVD or as Festival of inventive and visually rich
International. Inclusion in exhibitions International. Show on site promoting => Hamilton, Ohio, City of Sculpture, International. 1-3 mo. of 24-hr access to approp.), appl., project descrip., résumé, video created in 21st cent., esp if deal
and/or Image Library. No fee/10-20, (sl, artists working primarily in realism. No One High St, Box 545, Hamilton OH printmaking, digital and other facilities recs, etc. Round trip airfare, private w/ facade of food, agriculture and the
photographs, jpgs, etc or 1 tape, vid. or fee to apply/5-12 (CD or email), appl, 45012, USA. 513-895-3934; hamiltono- starting in Sep, Oct, Nov or Dec. No bedroom, studio, most meals. => Admis- environment or are silent or made esp.
CD or DVD), résumé, etc. Jury: artists résumé, $60-100/yr depending on level [email protected]; http://xrl. fee/20 (sl or CD/DVD or 10 min of video sions, Instituto Sacatar, Rua da Alegria for viewing on Web or mobile hand held
and curators. => Artist Submission, The of membership if selected. => Call for us/AOM97ae. portfolio), résumé, letter re artistic goal, 10, Itaparica BA 44460, BRASIL. info@ device. No fee/2 (sl sheet, audio CD,
Sculpture Center, 44-19 Purves St, Long Artists,, Box $150-$365/mo. access fee if accepted.; VHS, mini-DV, etc.) 5 copies of appl,
Island City NY 11101, USA. 718-361- 481894, Charlotte NC 28269, USA. appli- |N| Media: PU etc. Deadline: Jun 13 Storage space exhibition opportunities, proposal, etc. $700 stipend + $3.3K in
1750x113; [email protected]; [email protected]; http://xrl. International. RFP for outdoor works 20% discount on classes, private tutoring. Media: All. Deadline: Open services, etc. => Video Art Festival #003, us/AOM98cy. that “reinvent and redefine tradition => Patrick Stockstill, Artist-in-Residence International. For contemp. artists to Harvestworks, 596 Broadway Ste 602,
of art in public spaces,” to enhance Program, Kala Art Institute, 1060 Heinz create new work using experimental ma- NY NY 10012. 212-431-1130x13; fax
Media: All. Deadline: Open downtown character, attract visitors, Av, Berkeley CA 94710, USA. 510-549- terials and techniques. By invitation only, -7693; [email protected];
International. Exhibitions by local, POLITICAL & PEACE for yr.-long show. No fee/10 (CD or sl, 2977; fax -540-6914; [email protected]; do not apply directly. Work collaboratively
regional, national, and international may additionally send hard copies), 1-5 w/ FWM’s staff of printers and techni-
artists. No fee/10-20 (sl or CD), résumé, Media: FI VI. Deadline: Aug 15 color laser copies, photographs or digi cians. Jury: panel of prominent artists |C| Media: FI VI. Deadline: Aug 1
sl list. => Ellen Martin, Lincoln Center International. Non-competitive, curated prints, résumé, refs., proposal. $1-2.5K |N| Media: GL. Deadline: Aug 25 |+| and gallerists. => The Fabric Workshop International. On- and off-line festival
City of Ft Collins, 417 W Magnolia St, Ft year-long festival of independent political honorarium ea. => Megan Whilden, Art- International. 3-mo. or 6-wk. fellowships and Mus., 1315 Cherry St, Philadelphia of animated work < 15 min. w/ theme
Collins CO 80521, USA. 970-416-2737; cinema, 0-15min, 15-30 or 30+min, scape: 2008-09, City of Pittsfield, Office in major glass-blowing factory, sometimes PA 19107-2026, USA. 215-568-1111; fax “Here We Are!”. No fee/3 (online and/or
[email protected]; http://xrl. any genre, at several locations across of Cultural Development, 28 Renne Av, in view of visitors, for those w/ hot glass- -8211; info@fabricworkshopandmuseum. download as Quicktime . mov, Windows
us/AOM99d. Canada (also international locales, Pittsfield MA 01201, USA. 413-499-9348; working skills. No fee/10 (CD), bio, appl., org; Media .wmv, Flash video .swf or. flv or
contact for details). No fee/1 (DVD). Pub. [email protected]; http://xrl. statement how use fellowship, résumé, RealMedia .rm or online), bio, URL, etc.
Media: FI VI. Deadline: Open ~ Perf. License Fees paid. => Submis- us/AOM100dq. slide list, 2 recs. Housing, stipend, 24-hr. Media: CE. Deadline: Contact |+| as attachment. => Wilfried Agricola de
International. Showing mixed media sions, Cinema Politica, PO Box 55097 access to facilities. => Fellowship 2009, International. Short and long term stays Cologne, CologneOFF IV, VideoChan-
performances, including film, animation, (Mackay), Montreal QC H3G 2W5, Media: PU. Deadline: Open CGCA, WheatonArts, 1501 Glasstown in well-equipped studio for sculptural, nel, Mauritiussteinweg 64, D - 50676
puppetry, in artist and musician collective CANADA. [email protected]; International. Roster of experienced Rd, Millville NJ 08332-1566, USA. functional or experimental work, also Cologne, GERMANY. info@nmartproject.
presenting live music. No fee, contact for artists for consideration on public art 800-998-4552x106; fax 856-825-2410; woodfire work Oct-May. $10/5-10 (sl or net;
information. Shown at events in London, initiatives commissioned via limited calls [email protected]; http://xrl. CD), appl, résumé, letter of intent, recom-
Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester. => Detta Media: 2D FI VI. Deadline: Open (invitational opportunities) and/or direct us/AOM100er. mendations, teach 8-week adult class. |N| Media: NM WE VI FI. Deadline:
and Arianna, ELEVEN, 49 Tressillian International. Publication of work in online award (single source) contracts. No fee, Semi-private lofted studio, opportunity Open |+|
Rd, London SE4 1YG, UK. elevenarts@ and printed mag devoted to political contact to request Expression of Interest |N| Media: All. Deadline: Aug 31 |+| to exhibit work, electric, raku, and soda International. On line and physical show-; art. No fee/unlimited (jpg or gif under 1 #05-008. Jury: panel of artists, arts and International. 2-3 months for non-Finn- kilns. => Residency Prog., The Clay Stu- ing of work <16 min. relating to mother
MB ea or physical samples by mail; if design professionals, Public Art Program ish artists to familiarize themselves w/ dio of Missoula, 910 Dickens St, Missoula or grandmother, relationship of mother
Media: DI. Deadline: Open |+| time-based, submit as DVD or MiniDV, staff. => Edwin Whang, Buyer, Finance region and Finnish society and “bring MT 59802, USA. 406-543-0509; info@ and child, and how people in general
International. Curated website for work although short works may be submitted & Supply (Purchasing), Artist Roster, City a fresh element from other cultures to; http://xrl. or creator in particular deal w/ loss of
engaged w/ contemporary ideas, for via submitting URL where they may of Calgary Pub. Art Prog, CANADA. 403- local cultural life.” No fee, written appl, us/AOM96bn. a mother. No fee/1 (Quicktime . mov,
sale or not. No fee (jpgs or URL by email be downloaded). => Rob Maguire, Art 268-4090; [email protected]. CV, images of previous work. Apartment, Windows Media .wmv, Flash video .swf
or Zip or CDs or small format printed Threat Magazine, PO Box 55097,Mon- work and exhibition facilities, 20EUR/day Media: All. Deadline: Open |+| or.flv or Real Media .rm, preferably from
proofs). May make work available for treal QC, CANADA. 514-655-6837; edi- allowance, give workshop in local school, International. 1 wk. to 1 yr. on small island own URL or via, bio,
sale as downloads or Print on Demand. [email protected].; RESIDENCIES donate 1 work of art. => Åsa Lönnqvist, in Azores (east of Portugal), “surrounded 2 screenshots, etc. => VideoChannel:
=> Selection Committee, ArtLexis at A.I.R, Pro Artibus, Gustav Wasas gata by simple beauty, the abundance of Mother, netEX - networked experience,
Spectra Digital, 106 Franklin St 3rd Fl, Media: All. Deadline: Open |+| |N| Media: MSC. Deadline: Jul 7 |+| 11, FIN-10600 Ekenäs, FINLAND. nature, and the company of others in the USA. [email protected] (VideoChan-
NY NY 10013, USA. [email protected]; International. Online exhibit of anti-war International. Develop research projects [email protected]; http://xrl. process of creating.” $20/3, financial info, nel: Mother); work. No fee/6, submit online as jpgs w/ companies and organizations in us/AOM100ds. letter of proposal, 3 rec, CV, $EU30/night
or as wmv, mpg, avi or mov format, Basque Country (Spain) between Oct donation requested if accepted, some |N| Media: WE. Deadline: Open
Media: All. Deadline: Open 320x240 pixels up to 15 MB for videos. 08-Jul 09, for artists committed to their |N| Media: All. Deadline: Open |+| partial scholarships, work exchange. International. Netart projects com-
International. Show of forward-looking => Hedva Shemesh, Let-The-Muses- environment and interested in stimulating International. 1 wk - 2 mo. to create Studio space, private bedroom, shared pleted after 1 Jan 2004 and not part of
practices, fruition of innovative ideas, [email protected]; interaction between different cultural and site-specific work. No fee, (sl, 8x10 bath, etc., possible financial assistance. JavaMuseum. No fee/5, submit by email
innovative approaches, etc. No fee/10 social systems, and who can contr. No digi prints, VHS, DVD, interactive CD- => Adrianna Jonet, Residencies 2008, according to entry form on line: name,
-20 (CD or DVD), CV, statement or fee, reg form, descrip. of role of artist in Mac, etc), catalogs, résumés, etc; no Footpaths to Creativity, 8 Rideout La, bio, portrait photo, short descrip, URL,
proposal, description, etc. Pays fees Media: All. Deadline: Open society, motivation for project, registra- specific proposals. Work space, access Stoughton MA 02072, USA. 617-549- etc. => netart features, JavaMuseum,
corresponding to CAR/FAC guidelines. International. Publication of images in tion. EU10-12K. => Call for artists, to tools, prof. tech. and curatorial help, 2452; USA. [email protected]; http://xrl.
=> Main Space, eyelevelgallery, 2063 Iranian emag promoting “common ideas Disonancias, Grupo Xabide, Centro labor, honorarium, per diem for meals, us/AOM100dh
Gottingen St, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K about the same subject and sharing Kursaal Elkargunea, Avda. de la Zurriola airfare, etc. => Residency Program, Media: All. Deadline: Open
3B2, CANADA, USA. 902-425-6412; talents and experiences w/ world wide 1 Etorbidea, E- 20002 Donostia-San The Mattress Factory, 500 Sampsonia International. Stay and work on the edge Media: DR. Deadline: Open
fax -0019; [email protected]; artists.” No fee/2-6, submit online as jpg, Sebastián, SPAIN. izenematea@diso- Wy, Pittsburgh PA 15212-4444, USA. of the North Atlantic Ocean. By invitation International. On-line community of or tif, minimum 800x600. => BrainStorm; 412-231-3169x222; fax 322-2231; info@ only, but artists may send an expression people who draw and wish to dis-
Magazine, kolahstu-; of interest and information about their seminate their drawing. No fee, email
Media: All. Deadline: Open [email protected]; |N| Media: NM VI FI IN PE. Deadline: work. => Fdn Dir, Pouch Cove Fdn, PO for instructions on how to join, add work
International. Web presence of 25-300 Jul 15 |+| |N| Media: All. Deadline: Open Box 693, Pouch Cove, Newfoundland to site. => Marion Ray Behr, Drawing
images, 1-10 videos, blog, etc., on Media: FI VI. Deadline: Open |+| International. 4-6 wks for 4-6 artists to International. 4-12 wks. in 2500 sq. ft. A0L 3L0, CANADA. 800-563-9100; jb@ Blog. [email protected]; http://xrl.
artist-run organization’s site. No fee/25 International. Seed funding for projects collaborate. w/ curators and artists in Victorian house for research, develop-; us/AOM86da.
(on line) or $60/300 for six months. => that bring together filmmakers from op- artist-run residency and project space (in ment and production of ongoing or new
Wooloo Productions, Choriner Strasse posing sides of armed conflict situations old orphanage), esp. if installation and bodies of work. No fee ( CD, DVD or SLIDE & WEB REGISTRIES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
85, 10119 Berlin, GERMANY. +49 (0) 306 worldwide. No fee, submit proposal context based work, vid/film and perform- URL), project descrip. or work plan w/ see also Public Art Compiled by Benny Shaboy; NY Corre-
676 3097; [email protected]; http://xrl. synopsis, 250 words or less via email ance, w/ 3- to 4-wk exhibit in public space length of stay required, résumé. => spondent, Tamara Wyndham.Subscribe
us/AOM98q. then 5-pg proposal synopsis, samples of or chapel’s exhibition. No fee, project Elizabeth Monoian, Pittsburgh A.I.R., |N| Media: PU. Deadline: Open today to get a free bonus list of 80-100
work, etc. by mail. $10K generally. => descrip, vis. documentation, résumés, Society for Cultural Exchange, 4912 International. For consideration for open deadline opportunities. Show your
Media: All. Deadline: Open Claude Ibrahimoff-Hurley, Conflict Zone budget. Accommodations, living facilities, Hatfield St, Pittsburgh PA 15201, USA. projects throughout city, etc. No art in the AOM online gallery FREE when
International. Exhibitions that offer new Film Fund, Make Films Not War, 39 etc, travel and materials budgets. => [email protected]; fee/portfolio, CV, appl. => Artist Registry, you subscribe.
ways to experience art, esp. interactive Mesa St Ste 300, The Presidio, SF CA Hotel Mariakapel, korte achterstraat 2a, Cleveland Public Art, 1951 West 26th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
performance, multi-media installations, 94129, USA. 415-561-3104; fax -3111; 1621GA, the NETHERLANDS. call@ho- St #101, Cleveland OH 44113, USA. Art Opportunities Monthly (AOM
experimental work. No fee/20 (slides, [email protected]; http://xrl.; Media: All. Deadline: Open |+| 216-621-5330; fax -5423; gpeckham@ ), published monthly except August,
photos, etc), proposal. => HotHouse us/AOM93bL. International. 1-3 mo. to live/work for art-; http://xrl. available as a PDF
Gallery, 31 East Balbo, Chicago IL Media: All. Deadline: Jul 15 |+| ists whose lives and work compromised us/AOM90aq
60605, USA. International. 1 wk. -1 yr. on small island by domestic strife, political upheaval Get the book at
PUBLIC ART in Azores (east of Portugal), “surrounded or natural disasters. No fee/10 (sl or |N| Media: All. Deadline: Open
Media: All. Deadline: Open by simple beauty, the abundance of CD), appl, recs., statement of residency International. Centralized database that
International. Exhibits during 08-09 in gal- Media: PU SC. Deadline: Jun 2 |+| nature, and the company of others in the goals. Live/work space, use of facilities. members and affiliates of VANOC can
lery at community center, other venues, International. Expression of Interest process of creating.” $20/3, financial info, => Gabe Gomez, Emergency Relief reference when programming events. No
also related performances, screenings, (RFQ) for new landmark along highway letter of proposal, 3 rec, CV, EU30/night Residency Prog., The Santa Fe Art fee, submit on line. => Cultural Olympiad
workshops. No fee/no limit (CD, sl, to “create a statement of Oldham’s donation requested if accepted, some Inst., Box 24044, Santa Fe NM 87502, Artist Registry, VANOC, 3585 Graveley
DVD, VHS or URL), letter of infroduc- ambitions for itself and its people.” No partial scholarships, work exchange. USA. 505-424-5050; [email protected]; St, Vancouver BC, CANADA V5K 5L5.
tion w/ concepts for exhibit, proposal for fee, CV, work samples, statement about Studio space, private bedroom, shared 1.877.408.2010; info@vancouver2010.
related workshop (optional), résumé. => motivations and general methodology, bath, etc., possible financial assistance. com;
Nicole DeWald, Gallery Exhibits, City of 2 refs.,etc. £2 - £3M budget. => Geoff => Adrianna Jonet, Residencies - 2008, Media: All. Deadline: Open
Greenbelt Dpt of Recreation, 15 Crescent Wood, Icon for Oldham, working pArts Footpaths Foundation, 8 Rideout La, International. 1-4 wks in quiet, private Media: PP. Deadline: Open
Rd, Greenbelt MD 20770, USA. 240- Ltd, Shoulder of Mutton, 70 Towngate, Stoughton MA 02072, USA. fax 781-436- house in unspoiled New England village International. For use by curators, review,
542-2057; fax 301-220-0561; ndewald@ Midgley, Luddendenfoot West Yorkshire 3800; [email protected]; http://xrl. in hills east of Berkshire Mountains. No historical and scholarly purposes, etc.; HX2 6UJ, WALES. 01422 884 538; us/o76AOM. fee to apply, photocoopy or sample of $25/3, $40/6, résumé, statement. =>
Page 14 South African Art Times. June 2008
[email protected]
Tel: +27 82 457 4290
Fax: +27 21 788 6538
In support of South African artists, CTAS arranges small, medium and large-scale exhibitions at (Size, Without Vat, with Vat)
premier venues in the greater Cape Town area. COLOUR BOND
We currently have hundreds of Artists with whom we correspond, and would love to have you on Eighth Page R 1 000 R 1 140 (125 x 80 mm)
board as a valued CTAS Friend!
Quarter Page R 2 600 R 2 964 (260 x 80 mm)
Please contact Karina - or e-mail / fax us your details – to find out about our exciting exhibition being Quarter Page Vertical R 3 000 R 3 420 (200 x 83 mm)
held at the Baxter Theatre in Cape Town. The closing date for this exhibition is soon – so don’t 6 month contract R 5 000 R 5 700 (125 x 80 mm)
delay! Soon to be announced are our other exciting exhibitions in the pipeline……… Half Page R 5 000 R 5 700 (260 x 165 mm)
Full Page R 6 500 R 7 410 (260 x 395 mm)
Company Sponsorship Positions also Available
Karina 082 3186 535 Fax 086 6533 021 e-mail: [email protected]
Eighth page R 500 R 570 (125 x 80 mm)
Quarter Page R 1 300 R 1 482 (260 x 80 mm)
Quarter Page Vertical R 1 800 R 2 052 (200 x 83 mm)
Half Page R 2 500 R 2 850 (125 x 80 mm)
CK2002/095588/23 Representing the Splendour of Art
Full Page R 3 250 R 3 705 (260 x 165 mm)
Six month feature contract R 2 500 R 2 850 (125 x 80 mm)
For further enquiries contact Leone Rouse
021 424 7733 (tel) 424 7732 (fax) 021 761 7736 (tel/fax) 072 990 4444 (cell)