Parking Management System: Project Report

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Parking Management System

Kasturba Institute of Technical Education

BATCH 2019-2020

Submitted by: Guided by:


RUPALI (00126418119)
VANSHIKA KAPOOR- (00526418119)
SHIVANGI YADAV- (00826418119)
AISHWARYA VIJ - (00926418119)

This is to certify that we, Surbhi,Rupali,Vanshika kapoor,Shivangi yadav, and

Aishwarya vij have completed the project titled “Parking Management” under

the guidance of _Ms. Manpreet kaur_ in the fulfillment of the project for

Kasturba Institute of Technology Pitampura , New Delhi. This is an original piece

of work & I have neither copied nor submitted it earlier elsewhere.



-Vanshika Kapoor

-Shivangi Yadav

-Aishwarya vij

We would like to take an opportunity to thank all the people who helped us in

collecting necessary information and making of the report. We am grateful to all of

them for their time, energy and wisdom.

Getting a project ready requires the work and effort of many people. We would

like to thanks all those who have contributed in completing this project. We would

like to send my sincere thanks to my faculty guide _Ms. Manpreet kaur for her

helpful hand in the completion of my project. We owe my sincere and whole

hearted thanks to her for constantly guiding me in tackling variety of hurdles with

implicit patience throughout my research project. Without her overall guidance and

help the project may not have seen to be completed.

-Vanshika Kapoor
-Shivangi Yadav
-Aishwarya vij

This is to certify that the project titled “Parking management system” – is an

academic work done by Surbhi, Rupali, Vanshika Kapoor, Shivangi Yadav and

Aishwarya vij_ submitted the project to Kasturba institute of technology.

Ms Manpreet kaur
(Project Guide)

Parking management system for managing the records of the incoming and outgoing
vehicles in an parking house

It’s an easy for Admin to retrieve the data if the vehicle has been visited through number
he can get that data .

Now days in many public places such as malls, multiplex system, hospitals, offices,
market areas there is a crucial problem of vehicle parking. The vehicle parking area has
many lanes/slots for car parking. So to park a vehicle one has to look for all the lanes.
Moreover this involves a lot of manual labour and investment. Instead of vehicle caught
in towing the vehicle can park on safe and security with low cost.

Parking control system has been generated in such a way that it is filled with many
secure devices such as, parking control gates, toll gates, time and attendance machine,
car counting system etc. These features are hereby very necessary nowadays to secure
your car and also to evaluate the fee structure for every vehicles entry and exit

The objective of this project is to build a Vehicle Parking management system that
enables the time management and control of vehicles using number plate recognition.
The system that will track the entry and exit of cars, maintain a listing of cars within the
parking lot, and determine if the parking lot is full or not. It will determine the cost of per
vehicle according to their time consumption.

2.1 Objectives :
We can park our vehicle in our own slot by paying.

 Because of that there is no towing problems.

 And our vehicle has been parked as a secure condition.
 There is no risk for vehicle owner for parking the car.
 In case of any damages and problem of vehicle that will claim by parking
 As the world is facing many threads daily, robberies are done easily with no track
to trace, bomb blasts occur with the use of vehicle, so if a proper system is
adopted each and every record can be saved and anyone can be track easily
therefore mainly is to make a better and fast software, most important user-
 Maintain records in short time of period.
 Determines the parking area is full or not.
 Enhances the visitor’s experience.

In the modern age. Many people have vehicles. Vehicle is now a basic need. Every
place is under the process of urbanization. There are many corporate offices and
shopping centers etc. There are many recreational places where people used to go for
refreshment. So, all these places need a parking space where people can park their
vehicles safely and easily. Every parking area needs a system that records the detail of
vehicles to give the facility. These systems might be computerized or non-computerized.
With the help of computerized system we can deliver a good service to customer who
wants to park their vehicle into the any organization’s premises.

Vehicle parking management system is an automatic system which delivers data

processing in very high speed in systematic manner. Parking is a growing need of the
time. Development of this system is very useful in this area of field. We can sell this
system to any organization. By using our system they can maintain records very easily.
Our system covers the every area of parking management. In coming future there will
be excessive need of Vehicle parking management system.

2.2 Definition of problem:

 Now a days in parking like valet parking they maintain just with the tokens and
they have records the vehicle details in books so that during some critical
situations like police enquiry of terrorist car or vehicle roberrer that case it is
difficult to find the details of particular vehicle but in this case is easy to find in 1
to 2 seconds
 By parking the vehicle in public place the vehicle can be claimed by towing
person but in this case there is no towing problems and no need to give fine for
anything we can park our vehicle with securely.
Hardware and software requirement

PROCESSOR TYPE Pentium IV or above for optimum performance.

SYSTEM RAM 1.00GB and Above





Information gathering
Information gathering is done by interviewing the users and reviewing
the existing documents. For the development of Parking management
system a lot of research and important input from various website and
application user was needed. Hence the following questionnaires were
provided to them and hence te need for our website arises .

1. User Requirement
 Need for an application that makes communicating easy and
 An application that enables user to park a vehicle with safe and
 Need for an application that is easy to use and widely available and
hence a web application
 Handling all functions done with organization in a computerized
 Allowing the user to park the vehicle directly.

2. Functional Requirement
 Admin need to enter all details for registration.
 Admin need to insert all details about customer and vehicle.
 Admin need to save all the details of customer and vehicle.
 Admin can retrieve the details of customer.
 Admin must generate a report for payment.

Data Flow Diagram:

Level 0 :

Vehicle Parking Detail: - This report is very essential in this system. This report
provides a brief summary of vehicle activities. It shows the overall Entry and Exit time. It shows
the User at time of Entry and Exit. It also provides the facility for examining the total vehicle
details according to date wise.

Transaction Detail:-This report will show the Transaction between the customer and
the System. . It shows the cost of the vehicle after using the facility of parking. It will show the
number of transaction by date wise. It will also have User at time of the Transaction.

Process Model
Iterative Model

Iterative process starts with a simple implementation of a subset of the software

requirements and iteratively enhances the evolving versions until the full system is
implemented. At each iteration, design modifications are made and new functional
capabilities are added.

Iterative and Incremental development is any combination of both iterative

design or iterative method and incremental build model for software development. The
combination is of long standing and has been widely suggested for large development
efforts. For example, the 1985 DOD-STD-2167 mentions (in section 4.1.2): "During
software development, more than one iteration of the software development cycle may
be in progress at the same time." and "This process may be described as an
'evolutionary acquisition' or 'incremental build' approach." The relationship between
iterations and increments is determined by the overall software development
methodology and software development process. The exact number and nature of the
particular incremental builds and what is iterated will be specific to each individual
development effort.

An iterative life cycle model does not attempt to start with a full specification of
requirements. Instead, development begins by specifying and implementing just part of
the software, which can then be reviewed in order to identify further requirements. This
process is then repeated, producing a new version of the software for each cycle of the

Iterative Model Diagram

Feasibility Study
1. Economic feasibility
Economic feasibility attempts to weigh the cost of developing and implementing a new
system, against the benefits that would accurate from having the new system in place.
This feasibility study gives the top management the economic justification for the new

A simple economic analysis which gives the actual comparison of costs and benefits are
much more meaningful in this case. In addition, this proves to be a useful point of
reference to compare actual costs as the project progresses. There could be various
types of intangible benefits of account of automation. These could include increased
customer satisfaction, improved accuracy of operation, better documentation and record
keeping, faster retrieval of information.

2. Schedule feasibility
Schedule Feasibility means that the project can be completed on time.The project does
not have a deadline but according to the proposed system the development process is
on schedule. Therefore it is feasible.

3. Operational feasibility
Proposed project is beneficial only if it can be turned into information systems that will
meet the organization operating requirements. Simply stated, this test of feasibility asks
if the system will work when it is developed and installed. What are major barriers to
implementation? Here are questions that will help test the operational feasibility of a

3. Technical feasibility
Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system(hardware, software,
etc. ) and to what extent it can support the proposed addition. For example, if the
current computer is operating at 80% capacity-an arbitrary ceiling-then running
another application could overload the system or require additional hardware. This
involves financial considerations to accommodate technical enhancements. If the
budget is a serious constraint, then the project is judged but not feasible.


Scopes For Expansion
This is the modern age. Many people have vehicles. Vehicle is now a basic need. Every
place is under the process of urbanization. There are many corporate offices and
shopping centers etc. There are many recreational places where people used to go for
refreshment. So, all these places need a parking space where people can park their
vehicles safely and easily. Every parking area needs a system that records the detail of
vehicles to give the facility. These systems might be computerized or non-computerized.
With the help of computerized system we can deliver a good service to customer who
wants to park their vehicle into the any organization’s premises.

Enhancement to create a Bigger and Better System

These enhancements deal with what would be required in a new improved, bigger and
better system

 In future if when a vehicle enters into the parking area there should be one
sensor in which the user can easy identify from outside only Is there parking is
full or empty or space is allocated.
 In future the vehicle can be parked by machines

Testing Process
Testing is a process to show the correctness of the program. Testing is
needed to show completeness, it improve the quality of the software and to
provide the maintenance aid. Some testing standards are therefore
necessary reduce the testing costs and operation time. Testing software
extends throughout the coding phase and it represents the ultimate review
of configurations, design and coding. Based on the way the software reacts
to these testing, we can decide whether the configuration that has been
built is study or not. All components of an application are tested, as the
failure to do so many results in a series of bugs after the software is put to



int menu();

void Car();

void Twowheeler();

void Riksha();

void Showdetail();

void Del();

int nor=5,noc=5,notw=5,amount=0,count=nor+noc+notw;

void main()




case 1:



case 2:



case 3:


case 4:



case 5:



default :

printf("\nout from loop");


int menu()

int ch;

printf("\n\n**************PARKING MANAGEMENT**************");

printf("\n1.Enter Car");

printf("\n2.Enter Two wheeler");

printf("\n3.Enter Riksha");

printf("\n4.Enter Show detail");

printf("\n5.Delete data");

printf("\n\nEnter your choice");



void Del()

printf("\nNo of two wheeler=0";p

printf("\nNo of car=0");

printf("\nNo of ricksha=0");



void Showdetail()

printf("\nNumber of Car=%d",noc);

printf("\nNumber of Two wheeler=%d",notw);

printf("\nNumber of Riksha=%d",nor);

printf("\nTotal number of Vehicle=%d",count);

printf("\nAmount gain=%d",amount);

void Riksha()

printf("\nEntry Sucessful");




void Twowheeler()

printf("\nEntry Sucessful");




void Car()

printf("\nEntry Sucessful");





This Project is minimizing the task of parking a vehicle by paying and saying some
details about customer and vehicle to save data .In this the vehicle is parked as a safe
and secure. This project is done as Efficient as possible

Hereby I, the Student of B.Voc 2 nd Semester concludes that the project was completely
and slowly developed by my group. I also conclude that this project has helped us gain
more knowledge about the topic that we are indulged ourselves into “C language”. I
would be glad to enhance and promote this project if given chance and help ourselves
and society in the near future

The developed application is tested with sample inputs and outputs obtained in
according to the requirement. Even though I have tried our level best to make it a dream
project. Due to time constraints I could not add more facilities to it.

The efficiency of the developed system can be enhanced with some minor
modifications. Future development can be made in proposed system by integration
more services like:

 .
 New effectives modules can be added time to time


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