FC 300 Programming Guide: MG.33.M9.02 - VLT Is A Registered Danfoss Trademark 1

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Contents FC 300 Programming Guide


1 Introduction 3
1.1.1 Approvals 3
1.1.2 Symbols 3
1.1.3 Abbreviations 3
1.1.4 Definitions 4
1.1.5 Electrical Wiring - Control Cables 8

2 How to Programme 12
2.1 The Graphical and Numerical Local Control Panels 12
2.1.1 How to Programme on the Graphical LCP 12
2.1.2 The LCD-Display 13
2.1.4 Display Mode 15
2.1.5 Display Mode - Selection of Read-Outs 15
2.1.6 Parameter Set-Up 17
2.1.7 Quick Menu Key Functions 17
2.1.9 Main Menu Mode 19
2.1.10 Parameter Selection 19
2.1.14 Infinitely Variable Change of Numeric Data Value 20
2.1.16 Read-out and Programming of Indexed Parameters 20
2.1.17 How to Programme on the Numerical Local Control Panel 20
2.1.18 Local Control Keys 22
2.1.19 Initialisation to Default Settings 22

3 Parameter Descriptions 23
3.2 Parameters: 0-** Operation and Display 23
3.3 Parameters: 1-** Load and Motor 33
3.4 Parameters: 2-** Brakes 47
3.5 Parameters: 3-** Reference/Ramps 52
3.6 Parameters: 4-** Limits/Warnings 62
3.7 Parameters: 5-** Digital In/Out 67
3.8 Parameters: 6-** Analog In/Out 85
3.9 Parameters: 7-** Controllers 94
3.10 Parameters: 8-** Communications and Options 99
3.11 Parameters: 9-** Profibus 108
3.12 Parameters: 10-** DeviceNet CAN Fieldbus 114
3.13 Parameters: 12-** Ethernet 118
3.14 Parameters: 13-** Smart Logic Control 122
3.15 Parameters: 14-** Special Functions 134
3.16 Parameters: 15-** Drive Information 142
3.17 Parameters: 16-** Data Read-outs 146

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Contents FC 300 Programming Guide

3.18 Parameters: 17-** Motor Feedb. Option 152

3.19 Parameters: 18-** Data Readouts 2 154
3.20 Parameters: 30-** Special Features 154
3.21 Parameters: 35-** Sensor Input Option 157

4 Parameter Lists 159

5 Troubleshooting 190
5.1.1 Warnings/Alarm Messages 190

Index 199

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Introduction FC 300 Programming Guide

1 Introduction 1.1.3 Abbreviations 1 1

Alternating current AC
American wire gauge AWG
Ampere/AMP A
Programming Guide
Automatic Motor Adaptation AMA
Software version: 6.1x
Current limit ILIM
Degrees Celsius °C
This Programming Guide can be used for all FC 300 frequency
Direct current DC
converters with software version 6.1x.
Drive Dependent D-TYPE
The software version number can be seen from par. 15-43 Software
Electro Magnetic Compatibility EMC
Electronic Thermal Relay ETR
Frequency Converter FC
1.1.1 Approvals Gram g
Hertz Hz
Kilohertz kHz
Local Control Panel LCP
Meter m
Millihenry Inductance mH
Milliampere mA
Millisecond ms
1.1.2 Symbols Minute min
Motion Control Tool MCT
Symbols used in this guide. Nanofarad nF
Newton Meters Nm
Nominal motor current IM,N
Indicates something to be noted by the reader. Nominal motor frequency fM,N
Nominal motor power PM,N
Nominal motor voltage UM,N
Parameter par.
Protective Extra Low Voltage PELV
Indicates a general warning.
Printed Circuit Board PCB
Rated Inverter Output Current IINV
Revolutions Per Minute RPM
Regenerative terminals Regen
Indicates a high-voltage warning. Second s
Synchronous Motor Speed ns
Torque limit TLIM
* Indicates default setting
Volts V
The maximum output current IVLT,MAX
The rated output current supplied by the IVLT,N
frequency converter

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Introduction FC 300 Programming Guide

1 1 1.1.4 Definitions UM
Instantaneous motor voltage.
Frequency converter:
Maximum output current. Rated motor voltage (nameplate data).
Rated output current supplied by the frequency converter. Break-away torque

Maximum output voltage.
Control command
Start and stop the connected motor by means of LCP and
digital inputs.
Functions are divided into two groups.
Functions in group 1 have higher priority than functions in
group 2.
Group 1 Reset, Coasting stop, Reset and Coasting stop, Quick-
stop, DC braking, Stop and the [OFF] key.
Group 2 Start, Pulse start, Reversing, Start reversing, Jog and
Freeze output

Motor Running
Torque generated on output shaft and speed from zero rpm to ηVLT
max. speed on motor. The efficiency of the frequency converter is defined as the
ratio between the power output and the power input.
Motor frequency when the jog function is activated (via digital
Start-disable command
A stop command belonging to the group 1 control commands
fM - see this group.
Motor frequency.
fMAX Stop command
Maximum motor frequency. See Control commands.
Minimum motor frequency. References:
Analog Reference
fM,N A signal transmitted to the analog inputs 53 or 54, can be
Rated motor frequency (nameplate data). voltage or current.
IM Binary Reference
Motor current (actual). A signal transmitted to the serial communication port.
IM,N Preset Reference
Rated motor current (nameplate data). A defined preset reference to be set from -100% to +100% of
nM,N the reference range. Selection of eight preset references via
Rated motor speed (nameplate data). the digital terminals.
ns Pulse Reference
Synchronous motor speed A pulse frequency signal transmitted to the digital inputs
(terminal 29 or 33).
2 × par . 1 − 23 × 60 s
ns = RefMAX
par . 1 − 39
PM,N Determines the relationship between the reference input at
Rated motor power (nameplate data in kW or HP). 100% full scale value (typically 10 V, 20mA) and the resulting
reference. The maximum reference value set in
par. 3-03 Maximum Reference.
Rated torque (motor).

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Introduction FC 300 Programming Guide

RefMIN metres from the frequency converter, i.e. in a front panel by 1 1

Determines the relationship between the reference input at means of the installation kit option.
0% value (typically 0V, 0mA, 4mA) and the resulting reference. lsb
The minimum reference value set in par. 3-02 Minimum Least significant bit.
Miscellaneous: Most significant bit.
Analog Inputs
The analog inputs are used for controlling various functions of MCM
the frequency converter. Short for Mille Circular Mil, an American measuring unit for
There are two types of analog inputs: cable cross-section. 1 MCM = 0.5067 mm2.
Current input, 0-20 mA and 4-20 mA On-line/Off-line Parameters
Voltage input, 0-10 V DC (FC 301) Changes to on-line parameters are activated immediately after
Voltage input, -10 - +10 V DC (FC 302). the data value is changed. Changes to off-line parameters are
Analog Outputs not activated until you enter [OK] on the LCP.
The analog outputs can supply a signal of 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA. Process PID
Automatic Motor Adaptation, AMA The PID control maintains the desired speed, pressure,
AMA algorithm determines the electrical parameters for the temperature, etc. by adjusting the output frequency to match
connected motor at standstill. the varying load.

Brake Resistor PCD

The brake resistor is a module capable of absorbing the brake Process Control Data
power generated in regenerative braking. This regenerative Power Cycle
braking power increases the intermediate circuit voltage and a Switch off the mains until display (LCP) is dark – then turn
brake chopper ensures that the power is transmitted to the power on again
brake resistor.
Pulse Input/Incremental Encoder
CT Characteristics An external, digital pulse transmitter used for feeding back
Constant torque characteristics used for all applications such information on motor speed. The encoder is used in applica-
as conveyor belts, displacement pumps and cranes. tions where great accuracy in speed control is required.
Digital Inputs RCD
The digital inputs can be used for controlling various functions Residual Current Device.
of the frequency converter.
Digital Outputs You can save parameter settings in four Set-ups. Change
The frequency converter features two Solid State outputs that between the four parameter Set-ups and edit one Set-up,
can supply a 24 V DC (max. 40 mA) signal. while another Set-up is active.
Digital Signal Processor. Switching pattern called Stator Flux oriented Asynchronous
ETR Vector Modulation (par. 14-00 Switching Pattern).
Electronic Thermal Relay is a thermal load calculation based Slip Compensation
on present load and time. Its purpose is to estimate the motor The frequency converter compensates for the motor slip by
temperature. giving the frequency a supplement that follows the measured
Hiperface® motor load keeping the motor speed almost constant.
Hiperface® is a registered trademark by Stegmann. Smart Logic Control (SLC)
Initialising The SLC is a sequence of user defined actions executed when
If initialising is carried out (par. 14-22 Operation Mode), the the associated user defined events are evaluated as true by
frequency converter returns to the default setting. the Smart Logic Controller. (Par. group 13-** Smart Logic
Control (SLC).
Intermittent Duty Cycle
An intermittent duty rating refers to a sequence of duty cycles. STW
Each cycle consists of an on-load and an off-load period. The Status Word
operation can be either periodic duty or non-periodic duty. FC Standard Bus
LCP Includes RS 485 bus with FC protocol or MC protocol. See
The Local Control Panel makes up a complete interface for par. 8-30 Protocol.
control and programming of the frequency converter. The Thermistor:
control panel is detachable and can be installed up to 3 A temperature-dependent resistor placed where the tempera-
ture is to be monitored (frequency converter or motor).

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Introduction FC 300 Programming Guide

1 1 Trip
A state entered in fault situations, e.g. if the frequency
converter is subject to an over-temperature or when the
The voltage of the frequency converter is dangerous
frequency converter is protecting the motor, process or
whenever connected to mains. Incorrect installation of
mechanism. Restart is prevented until the cause of the fault
the motor, frequency converter or fieldbus may cause
has disappeared and the trip state is cancelled by activating
death, serious personal injury or damage to the
reset or, in some cases, by being programmed to reset
equipment. Consequently, the instructions in this
automatically. Trip may not be used for personal safety.
manual, as well as national and local rules and safety
Trip Locked regulations, must be complied with.
A state entered in fault situations when the frequency convert-
er is protecting itself and requiring physical intervention, e.g. if Safety Regulations
the frequency converter is subject to a short circuit on the 1. The mains supply to the frequency converter must
output. A locked trip can only be cancelled by cutting off be disconnected whenever repair work is to be
mains, removing the cause of the fault, and reconnecting the carried out. Check that the mains supply has been
frequency converter. Restart is prevented until the trip state is disconnected and that the necessary time has
cancelled by activating reset or, in some cases, by being elapsed before removing motor and mains supply
programmed to reset automatically. Trip may not be used for plugs.
personal safety.
2. The [OFF] button on the control panel of the
VT Characteristics frequency converterr does not disconnect the mains
Variable torque characteristics used for pumps and fans. supply and consequently it must not be used as a
VVCplus safety switch.
If compared with standard voltage/frequency ratio control, 3. The equipment must be properly earthed, the user
Voltage Vector Control (VVCplus) improves the dynamics and must be protected against supply voltage and the
the stability, both when the speed reference is changed and in motor must be protected against overload in accord-
relation to the load torque. ance with applicable national and local regulations.
4. The earth leakage current exceeds 3.5 mA.
60° AVM
Switching pattern called 60°Asynchronous Vector Modulation 5. Protection against motor overload is not included in
(par. 14-00 Switching Pattern). the factory setting. If this function is desired, set
par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection to data value ETR
trip 1 [4] or data value ETR warning 1 [3].
Power Factor
The power factor is the relation between I1 and IRMS. 6. Do not remove the plugs for the motor and mains
supply while the frequency converter is connected
3 x U x I 1 cos ϕ to mains. Check that the mains supply has been
Power factor = disconnected and that the necessary time has
3 x U x I RMS

The power factor for 3-phase control: elapsed before removing motor and mains plugs.
7. Please note that the frequency converter has more
I 1 x cos ϕ1 I1 voltage sources than L1, L2 and L3, when load
= = since cos ϕ1 = 1
I RMS I RMS sharing (linking of DC intermediate circuit) or
The power factor indicates to which extent the frequency external 24 V DC are installed. Check that all voltage
converter imposes a load on the mains supply. sources have been disconnected and that the
The lower the power factor, the higher the IRMS for the same necessary time has elapsed before commencing
kW performance. repair work.

I RMS = I 12 + I 52 + I 72 + .. + I n2

In addition, a high power factor indicates that the different

harmonic currents are low.
The frequency converters' built-in DC coils produce a high
power factor, which minimizes the imposed load on the mains

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Introduction FC 300 Programming Guide

Warning against unintended start 1 1

1. The motor can be brought to a stop by means of
digital commands, bus commands, references or a
High Voltage
local stop, while the frequency converter is connec-
Touching the electrical parts may be fatal - even after
ted to mains. If personal safety considerations (e.g.
the equipment has been disconnected from mains.
risk of personal injury caused by contact with
Also make sure that other voltage inputs have been
moving machine parts following an unintentional
disconnected, such as external 24 V DC, load sharing
start) make it necessary to ensure that no uninten-
(linkage of DC intermediate circuit), as well as the motor
ded start occurs, these stop functions are not
connection for kinetic back up.
sufficient. In such cases the mains supply must be
Systems where frequency converters are installed must,
disconnected or the Safe Stop function must be
if necessary, be equipped with additional monitoring
and protective devices according to the valid safety
2. The motor may start while setting the parameters. If regulations, e.g law on mechanical tools, regulations for
this means that personal safety may be compro- the prevention of accidents etc. Modifications on the
mised (e.g. personal injury caused by contact with frequency converters by means of the operating
moving machine parts), motor starting must be software are allowed.
prevented, for instance by use of the Safe Stop
function or secure disconnection of the motor NOTE
connection. Hazardous situations shall be identified by the machine
3. A motor that has been stopped with the mains builder/ integrator who is responsible for taking
supply connected, may start if faults occur in the necessary preventive means into consideration.
electronics of the frequency converter, through Additional monitoring and protective devices may be
temporary overload or if a fault in the power supply included, always according to valid national safety
grid or motor connection is remedied. If unintended regulations, e.g. law on mechanical tools, regulations for
start must be prevented for personal safety reasons the prevention of accidents.
(e.g. risk of injury caused by contact with moving
machine parts), the normal stop functions of the NOTE
frequency converter are not sufficient. In such cases Crane, Lifts and Hoists:
the mains supply must be disconnected or the Safe The controlling of external brakes must always have a
Stop function must be activated. redundant system. The frequency converter can in no
NOTE circumstances be the primary safety circuit. Comply with
When using the Safe Stop function, always follow the relevant standards, e.g.
instructions in the Safe Stop section of the VLT Hoists and cranes: IEC 60204-32
AutomationDrive FC 300 Design Guide. Lifts: EN 81

4. Control signals from, or internally within, the Protection Mode

frequency converter may in rare cases be activated Once a hardware limit on motor current or dc-link voltage is
in error, be delayed or fail to occur entirely. When exceeded the frequency converter will enter “Protection
used in situations where safety is critical, e.g. when mode”. “Protection mode” means a change of the PWM
controlling the electromagnetic brake function of a modulation strategy and a low switching frequency to
hoist application, these control signals must not be minimize losses. This continues 10 sec after the last fault and
relied on exclusively. increases the reliability and the robustness of the frequency
converter while re-establishing full control of the motor.
In hoist applications “Protection mode” is not usable because
the frequency converter will usually not be able to leave this
mode again and therefore it will extend the time before
activating the brake – which is not recommendable.
The “Protection mode” can be disabled by setting
par. 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault to zero which means that
the frequency converter will trip immediately if one of the
hardware limits is exceeded.
It is recommended to disable protection mode in
hoisting applications (par. 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter
Fault = 0)

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Introduction FC 300 Programming Guide

1 1 1.1.5 Electrical Wiring - Control Cables

Illustration 1.1: Diagram showing all electrical terminals without options.

Terminal 37 is the input to be used for Safe Stop. For instructions on Safe Stop installation please refer to the section Safe Stop Installation of
the Design Guide.
* Terminal 37 is not included in FC 301 (Except FC 301 A1, which includes Safe Stop).
Terminal 29 and Relay 2, are not included in FC 301.

Very long control cables and analogue signals may in rare The digital and analogue inputs and outputs must be connec-
cases and depending on installation result in 50/60 Hz earth ted separately to the common inputs (terminal 20, 55, 39) of
loops due to noise from mains supply cables. the frequency converter to avoid ground currents from both
groups to affect other groups. For example, switching on the
If this occurs, it may be necessary to break the screen or insert digital input may disturb the analog input signal.
a 100 nF capacitor between screen and chassis.

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Introduction FC 300 Programming Guide

Input polarity of control terminals 1 1

1.1.6 Start/Stop

Terminal 18 = par. 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input [8] Start

Terminal 27 = par. 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input [0] No
operation (Default coast inverse)
Terminal 37 = Safe stop (where available!)

Control cables must be screened/armoured.

See section entitled Earthing of Screened/Armoured Control

Cables for the correct termination of control cables.

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Introduction FC 300 Programming Guide

1 1 1.1.7 Pulse Start/Stop 1.1.8 Speed Up/Down

Terminal 18 = par. 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital InputLatched start, Terminals 29/32 = Speed up/down:
[9] Terminal 18 = par. 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input Start
Terminal 27= par. 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital InputStop inverse, [9] (default)
Terminal 27 = par. 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input
Terminal 37 = Safe stop (where available!)
Freeze reference [19]
Terminal 29 = par. 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input
Speed up [21]
Terminal 32 = par. 5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Input
Speed down [22]
NOTE: Terminal 29 only in FC x02 (x=series type).

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Introduction FC 300 Programming Guide

1.1.9 Potentiometer Reference 1 1

Voltage reference via a potentiometer:
Reference Source 1 = [1] Analog input 53 (default)
Terminal 53, Low Voltage = 0 Volt
Terminal 53, High Voltage = 10 Volt
Terminal 53, Low Ref./Feedback = 0 RPM
Terminal 53, High Ref./Feedback = 1500 RPM
Switch S201 = OFF (U)

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How to Programme FC 300 Programming Guide

2 How to Programme
2 2
2.1 The Graphical and Numerical Local
Control Panels
The easiest programming of the frequency converter is
performed by the Graphical LCP (LCP 102). It is necessary to
consult the frequency converter Design Guide, when using the
Numeric Local Control Panel (LCP 101).

2.1.1 How to Programme on the Graphical


The following instructions are valid for the graphical LCP (LCP

The control panel is divided into four functional groups:

1. Graphical display with Status lines.
2. Menu keys and indicator lights - changing parame-
ters and switching between display functions.
3. Navigation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
4. Operation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
All data is displayed in a graphical LCP display, which can
show up to five items of operating data while displaying

Display lines:
a. Status line: Status messages displaying icons and
b. Line 1-2: Operator data lines displaying data defined
or chosen by the user. By pressing the [Status] key,
up to one extra line can be added.
c. Status line: Status messages displaying text.

12 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

How to Programme FC 300 Programming Guide

2.1.2 The LCD-Display Indicator lights (LEDs):

The LCD-display has back light and a total of 6 alpha-numeric If certain threshold values are exceeded, the alarm and/or
lines. The display lines show the direction of rotation (arrow), warning LED lights up. A status and alarm text appear on the 2 2
the chosen Set-up as well as the programming Set-up. The LCP.
display is divided into 3 sections: The ON LED is activated when the frequency converter
receives mains voltage or via a DC bus terminal or 24 V
Top section shows up to 2 measurements in normal operating external supply. At the same time, the back light is on.
• Green LED/On: Control section is working.
The top line in the Middle section shows up to 5 measure- • Yellow LED/Warn.: Indicates a warning.
ments with related unit, regardless of status (except in the
case of alarm/warning). • Flashing Red LED/Alarm: Indicates an alarm.

Bottom section always shows the state of the frequency On
converter in Status mode.

LCP Keys

The control keys are divided into functions. The keys below
the display and indicator lamps are used for parameter Set-up,
including choice of display indication during normal

The Active Set-up (selected as the Active Set-up in

par. 0-10 Active Set-up) is shown. When programming another
Set-up than the Active Set-up, the number of the programmed
Set-up appears to the right.

Display Contrast Adjustment [Status] indicates the status of the frequency converter and/or
the motor. You can choose between 3 different readouts by
Press [status] and [▲] for darker display pressing the [Status] key:
Press [status] and [▼] for brighter display 5 line readouts, 4 line readouts or Smart Logic Control.
Use [Status] for selecting the mode of display or for changing
back to Display mode from either the Quick Menu mode, the
Most parameter set-ups can be changed immediately via the
Main Menu mode or Alarm mode. Also use the [Status] key to
LCP, unless a password has been created via par. 0-60 Main
toggle single or double read-out mode.
Menu Password or via par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password.

[Quick Menu] allows quick access to different Quick Menus

such as:

• My Personal Menu

• Quick Set-up

• Changes Made

• Loggings
Use [Quick Menu] for programming the parameters belonging
to the Quick Menu. It is possible to switch directly between
Quick Menu mode and Main Menu mode.

[Main Menu] is used for programming all parameters.

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How to Programme FC 300 Programming Guide

It is possible to switch directly between Main Menu mode and • [Hand on] - [Off] - [Auto on]
Quick Menu mode.
Parameter shortcut can be carried out by pressing down the
• Reset

2 2 [Main Menu] key for 3 seconds. The parameter shortcut allows • Coasting stop inverse
direct access to any parameter. • Reversing

[Alarm Log] displays an Alarm list of the five latest alarms

• Set-up select bit 0- Set-up select bit 1

(numbered A1-A5). To obtain additional details about an • Stop command from serial communication
alarm, use the arrow keys to manoeuvre to the alarm number • Quick stop
and press [OK]. You will now receive information about the
condition of your frequency converter right before entering
• DC brake

the alarm mode.

[Off] stops the connected motor. The key can be selected as
Enable [1] or Disable [0] via par. 0-41 [Off] Key on LCP. If no
[Back] takes you to the previous step or layer in the navigation
external stop function is selected and the [Off] key is inactive
the motor can be stopped by disconnecting the voltage.

[Cancel] annuls your last change or command as long as the

[Auto On] enables the frequency converter to be controlled
display has not been changed.
via the control terminals and/or serial communication. When a
start signal is applied on the control terminals and/or the bus,
[Info] supplies information about a command, parameter, or the frequency converter will start. The key can be selected as
function in any display window. [Info] provides detailed Enable [1] or Disable [0] via par. 0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP.
information whenever help is needed.
Exit info mode by pressing either [Info], [Back], or [Cancel].
An active HAND-OFF-AUTO signal via the digital inputs
has higher priority than the control keys [Hand on] –
[Auto on].
[Reset] is used for resetting the frequency converter after an
alarm (trip). It can be selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0] via
Navigation Keys
par. 0-43 [Reset] Key on LCP.
The four navigation arrows are used to navigate between the
different choices available in [Quick Menu], [Main Menu] and
The parameter shortcut can be carried out by holding down
[Alarm Log]. Use the keys to move the cursor.
the [Main Menu] key for 3 seconds. The parameter shortcut
allows direct access to any parameter.
[OK] is used for choosing a parameter marked by the cursor
and for enabling the change of a parameter.

Local Control Key for local control are found at the bottom of
the LCP.

[Hand On] enables control of the frequency converter via the

LCP. [Hand on] also starts the motor, and it is now possible to
enter the motor speed data by means of the arrow keys. The
key can be selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0] via
par. 0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP
External stop signals activated by means of control signals or a
serial bus will override a “start” command via the LCP.
The following control signals will still be active when [Hand
on] is activated:

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How to Programme FC 300 Programming Guide

2.1.3 Quick Transfer of Parameter Settings The parameter settings stored in the LCP are now transferred
between Multiple Frequency Converters to the frequency converter indicated by the progress bar.
When 100% is reached, press [OK].
2 2
Once the set-up of a frequency converter is complete, we NOTE
recommend that you store the data in the LCP or on a PC via Stop the motor before performing this operation.
MCT 10 Set-up Software Tool.
2.1.4 Display Mode

In normal operation, up to 5 different operating variables can

be indicated continuously in the middle section: 1.1, 1.2, and
1.3 as well as 2 and 3.

2.1.5 Display Mode - Selection of Read-Outs

It is possible to toggle between three status read-out screens

by pressing the [Status] key.
Operating variables with different formatting are shown in
each status screen - see below.

The table shows the measurements you can link to each of the
operating variables. When Options are mounted, additional
measurements are available. Define the links via
par. 0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small, par. 0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small,
par. 0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small, par. 0-23 Display Line 2 Large,
and par. 0-24 Display Line 3 Large.

Each readout parameter selected in par. 0-20 Display Line 1.1

Small to par. 0-24 Display Line 3 Large has its own scale and
Data storage in LCP: digits after a possible decimal point. By larger numeric value
1. Go to par. 0-50 LCP Copy of a parameter fewer digits are displayed after the decimal
2. Press the [OK] key Ex.: Current readout
3. Select “All to LCP” 5.25 A; 15.2 A 105 A.
4. Press the [OK] key
All parameter settings are now stored in the LCP indicated by
the progress bar. When 100% is reached, press [OK].

Stop the motor before performing this operation.

You can now connect the LCP to another frequency converter

and copy the parameter settings to this frequency converter
as well.

Data transfer from LCP to frequency converter:

1. Go to par. 0-50 LCP Copy
2. Press the [OK] key
3. Select “All from LCP”
4. Press the [OK] key

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How to Programme FC 300 Programming Guide

Operating variable: Unit: Status screen I:

Par. 16-00 Control Word hex This read-out state is standard after start-up or initialization.
Par. 16-01 Reference [Unit] [unit] Use [INFO] to obtain information about the measurement links
2 2 Par. 16-02 Reference [%] % to the displayed operating variables (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2 and 3).
Par. 16-03 Status Word hex See the operating variables shown in the screen in this illustra-
Par. 16-05 Main Actual Value [%] % tion.
Par. 16-10 Power [kW] [kW]
Par. 16-11 Power [hp] [HP]
Par. 16-12 Motor Voltage [V]
Par. 16-13 Frequency [Hz]
Par. 16-14 Motor Current [A]
Par. 16-16 Torque [Nm] Nm
Par. 16-17 Speed [RPM] [RPM]
Par. 16-18 Motor Thermal %
Par. 16-20 Motor Angle
Par. 16-30 DC Link Voltage V
Par. 16-32 Brake Energy /s kW
Par. 16-33 Brake Energy /2 min kW
Status screen II:
Par. 16-34 Heatsink Temp. C
See the operating variables (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 2) shown in the
Par. 16-35 Inverter Thermal %
screen in this illustration.
Par. 16-36 Inv. Nom. Current A In the example, Speed, Motor current, Motor power and
Par. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current A Frequency are selected as variables in the first and second.
Par. 16-38 SL Controller State
par. 16-39 Control Card Temp. C
Par. 16-40 Logging Buffer Full
Par. 16-50 External Reference
Par. 16-51 Pulse Reference
Par. 16-52 Feedback [Unit] [Unit]
Par. 16-53 Digi Pot Reference
Par. 16-60 Digital Input bin
Par. 16-61 Terminal 53 Switch Setting V
Par. 16-62 Analog Input 53
Par. 16-63 Terminal 54 Switch Setting V
Par. 16-64 Analog Input 54
Status screen III:
par. 16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA] [mA]
This state displays the event and action of the Smart Logic
Par. 16-66 Digital Output [bin] [bin]
Control. For further information, see section Smart Logic
Par. 16-67 Pulse Input #29 [Hz] [Hz]
Par. 16-68 Freq. Input #33 [Hz] [Hz]
Par. 16-69 Pulse Output #27 [Hz] [Hz]
Par. 16-70 Pulse Output #29 [Hz] [Hz]
Par. 16-71 Relay Output [bin]
Par. 16-72 Counter A
Par. 16-73 Counter B
Par. 16-80 Fieldbus CTW 1 hex
Par. 16-82 Fieldbus REF 1 hex
Par. 16-84 Comm. Option STW hex
Par. 16-85 FC Port CTW 1 hex
Par. 16-86 FC Port REF 1 hex
Par. 16-90 Alarm Word
Par. 16-92 Warning Word
Par. 16-94 Ext. Status Word

16 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

How to Programme FC 300 Programming Guide

2.1.6 Parameter Set-Up Parameter Setting

Par. 0-01 Language
The frequency converter can be used for practically all assign- Par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW] [kW]
ments, which is why the number of parameters is quite large. Par. 1-22 Motor Voltage [V] 2 2
The frequency converter offers a choice between two Par. 1-23 Motor Frequency [Hz]
programming modes - a Main Menu and a Quick Menu Par. 1-24 Motor Current [A]
mode. Par. 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed [rpm]
The former provides access to all parameters. The latter takes Par. 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input [0] No function*
the user through a few parameters making it possible to start Par. 1-29 Automatic Motor [1] Enable complete AMA
operating the frequency converter. Adaptation (AMA)
Regardless of the mode of programming, you can change a Par. 3-02 Minimum Reference [rpm]
parameter both in the Main Menu mode and in the Quick
Par. 3-03 Maximum Reference [rpm]
Menu mode.
Par. 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up Time [sec]
Par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down [sec]
2.1.7 Quick Menu Key Functions Time
Par. 3-13 Reference Site
Pressing [Quick Menus] The list indicates the different areas
contained in the Quick menu.
* If terminal 27 is set to “no function”, no connection to +24 V
Select My Personal Menu to display the chosen personal
on terminal 27 is necessary.
parameters. These parameters are selected in par. 0-25 My
Personal Menu. Up to 20 different parameters can be added in
this menu. Select Changes made to get information about:

• the last 10 changes. Use the [▲] [▼] navigation keys

to scroll between the last 10 changed parameters.

• the changes made since default setting.

Select Loggings to get information about the display line read-
outs. The information is shown as graphs.
Only display parameters selected in par. 0-20 Display Line 1.1
Small and par. 0-24 Display Line 3 Large can be viewed. It is
possible to store up to 120 samples in the memory for later
Select Quick setup to go through a limited amount of parame-
ters to get the motor running almost optimally. The default
setting for the other parameters considers the desired control
functions and the configuration of signal inputs/outputs
(control terminals).

The selection of parameter is effected by means of the arrow

keys. The parameters in the following table are accessible.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 17

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2.1.8 Initial Commissioning

The easiest way of carrying out the initial commissioning is by using the Quick Menu button and follow the quick set-up
2 2 procedure using LCP 102 (read table from left to right). The example applies to open loop applications:


Q2 Quick Menu

Par. 0-01 Language Set language

Par. 1-20 Motor Power

Set Motor nameplate power

Par. 1-22 Motor Voltage Set Nameplate voltage

Par. 1-23 Motor Frequency Set Nameplate frequency

Par. 1-24 Motor Current Set Nameplate current

Par. 1-25 Motor Nominal

Set Nameplate speed in RPM

If terminal default is Coast

inverse it is possible to change
Par. 5-12 Terminal 27
this setting to No function. No
Digital Input
connection to terminal 27 is
then needed for running AMA
Set desired AMA function.
Par. 1-29 Automatic Motor
Enable complete AMA is
Adaptation (AMA)

Par. 3-02 Minimum Set the minimum speed of the

Reference motor shaft

Par. 3-03 Maximum Set the maximum speed of the

Reference motor shaft

Set the ramping up time with

Par. 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up
reference to synchronous motor
speed, ns
Set the ramping downdecel time
Par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp
with reference to synchronous
Down Time
motor speed, ns

Set the site from where the

Par. 3-13 Reference Site
reference must work

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How to Programme FC 300 Programming Guide

2.1.9 Main Menu Mode 2.1.11 Changing Data

Start the Main Menu mode by pressing the [Main Menu] key. The procedure for changing data is the same whether you
The read-out shown to the right appears on the display. select a parameter in the Quick menu or the Main menu 2 2
The middle and bottom sections on the display show a list of mode. Press [OK] to change the selected parameter.
par. groups which can be chosen by toggling the up and The procedure for changing data depends on whether the
down buttons. selected parameter represents a numerical data value or a text

2.1.12 Changing a Text Value

If the selected parameter is a text value, change the text value

by means of the [▲] [▼] navigation keys.
The up key increases the value, and the down key decreases
the value. Place the cursor on the value you want to save and
press [OK].

Each parameter has a name and number which remain the

same regardless of the programming mode. In the Main Menu
mode, the parameters are divided into groups. The first digit
of the parameter number (from the left) indicates the par.
group number.

All parameters can be changed in the Main Menu. However,

depending on the choice of configuration (par. 1-00 Configu-
ration Mode), some parameters can be "missing". E.g. open
loop hides all the PID parameters, and other enabled options 2.1.13 Changing a Group of Numeric Data
make more par. groups visible. Values

2.1.10 Parameter Selection If the chosen parameter represents a numeric data value,
change the chosen data value by means of the [◀] [▶] naviga-
In the Main menu mode, the parameters are divided into tion keys as well as the [▲] [▼] navigation keys. Use the [◀] [▶]
groups. You select a par. group by means of the navigation navigation keys to move the cursor horizontally.
The following par. groups are accessible:

After selecting a par. group, choose a parameter by means of

the navigation keys.
The middle section on the display shows the parameter
number and name as well as the selected parameter value.

Use the [▲] [▼] navigation keys to change the data value. The
up key enlarges the data value, and the down key reduces the
data value. Place the cursor on the value you want to save and
press [OK].

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2.1.14 Infinitely Variable Change of Numeric 2.1.17 How to Programme on the Numerical
Data Value Local Control Panel
2 2 If the chosen parameter represents a numeric data value, The following instructions are valid for the Numerical LCP (LCP
select a digit by means of the [◀] [▶] navigation keys. 101).
The control panel is divided into four functional groups:
1. Numerical display.
2. Menu keys and indicator lights - changing parame-
ters and switching between display functions.
3. Navigation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
4. Operation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).

Display line: Status messages displaying icons and numeric

Change the selected digit infinitely variably by means of the value.
[▲] [▼] navigation keys.
The chosen digit is indicated by the cursor. Place the cursor on Indicator lights (LEDs):
the digit you want to save and press [OK].
• Green LED/On: Indicates if control section is on.

• Yellow LED/Wrn.: Indicates a warning.

• Flashing red LED/Alarm: Indicates an alarm.

LCP keys
[Menu] Select one of the following modes:

• Status

• Quick Setup
2.1.15 Value, Step-by-Step
• Main Menu

Certain parameters can be changed step by step or infinitely

varying. This applies to par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW],
par. 1-22 Motor Voltage and par. 1-23 Motor Frequency.
The parameters are changed both as a group of numeric data
values and as numeric data values infinitely varying.

2.1.16 Read-out and Programming of

Indexed Parameters

Parameters are indexed when placed in a rolling stack.

Par. 15-30 Fault Log: Error Code to par. 15-32 Alarm Log: Time
contain a fault log which can be read out. Choose a parameter,
press [OK], and use the [▲] [▼] navigation keys to scroll
through the value log.

Use par. 3-10 Preset Reference as another example:

Choose the parameter, press [OK], and use the [▲] [▼] naviga-
tion keys to scroll through the indexed values. To change the
parameter value, select the indexed value and press [OK].
Change the value by using the [▲] [▼] keys. Press [OK] to
accept the new setting. Press [CANCEL] to abort. Press [Back]
to leave the parameter.

20 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

How to Programme FC 300 Programming Guide

Main Menu/ Quick Setup is used for programming all parame-

ters or only the parameters in the Quick Meny (see also
description of the LCP 102 earlier in this chapter).
The parameter values can be changed using the [▲] [▼] keys 2 2
when the value is flashing.
Select Main Menu by pressing [Menu] key a number of times.
Select the par. group [xx-__] and press [OK]
Select the parameter [__-xx] and press [OK]
If the parameter is an array parameter select the array number
and press [OK]
Select the wanted data value and press [OK]
Parameters with functional choices display values such as [1],
[2], etc. For a description of the different choices, see the
individual description of the parameters in the Parameter
Selection section

[Back] for stepping backwards

Arrow [▲] [▼] keys are used for manoeuvring between
commands and within parameters.

P 2-03 Setup 1

Status Quick Main

Menu S etup Menu

Status Mode: Displays the status of the frequency converter or

the motor.
If an alarm occurs the NLCP automatically switches to status
A number of alarms can be displayed.

Parameter copy is not possible with LCP 101 Numerical
Local Control Panel.

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How to Programme FC 300 Programming Guide

2.1.18 Local Control Keys 2.1.19 Initialisation to Default Settings

Keys for local control are found at the bottom of the LCP. Initialise the frequency converter to default settings in two
2 2 ways:

Recommended initialisation (via par. 14-22 Operation Mode)

1. Select par. 14-22 Operation Mode

2. Press [OK]
3. Select “Initialisation”
[Hand on] enables control of the frequency converter via the 4. Press [OK]
LCP. [Hand on] also starts the motor and it is now possible to
5. Cut off the mains supply and wait until the display turns off.
enter the motor speed data by means of the arrow keys. The
6. Reconnect the mains supply - the frequency converter is now
key can be selected as Enable [1] og Disable [0] via
par. 0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP.
External stop signals activated by means of control signals or a
serial bus will override a 'start' command via the LCP. Par. 14-22 Operation Mode initialises all except:
The following control signals will still be active when [Hand Par. 14-50 RFI Filter
on] is activated: Par. 8-30 Protocol
Par. 8-31 Address
• [Hand on] - [Off] - [Auto on]
Par. 8-32 FC Port Baud Rate
• Reset Par. 8-35 Minimum Response Delay
• Coasting stop inverse Par. 8-36 Max Response Delay
Par. 8-37 Max Inter-Char Delay
• Reversing
Par. 15-00 Operating Hours to par. 15-05 Over Volt's
• Set-up select lsb - Set-up select msb
Par. 15-20 Historic Log: Event to par. 15-22 Historic Log: Time
• Stop command from serial communication Par. 15-30 Fault Log: Error Code to par. 15-32 Alarm Log: Time

• Quick stop
Manual initialisation
• DC brake

1. Disconnect from mains and wait until the display turns off.
[Off] stops the connected motor. The key can be selected as
2a. Press [Status] - [Main Menu] - [OK] at the same time while
Enable [1] or Disable [0] via par. 0-41 [Off] Key on LCP .
power up for LCP 102, Graphical Display
If no external stop function is selected and the [Off] key is
inactive the motor can be stopped by disconnecting the 2b. Press [Menu] while power up for LCP 101, Numerical Display
voltage. 3. Release the keys after 5 s.
4. The frequency converter is now programmed according to
default settings.
[Auto on] enables the frequency converter to be controlled via
the control terminals and/or serial communication. When a
start signal is applied on the control terminals and/or the bus, This procedure initialises all except:
the frequency converter will start. The key can be selected as Par. 15-00 Operating Hours
Enable [1] or Disable [0] via par. 0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP. Par. 15-03 Power Up's
Par. 15-04 Over Temp's
NOTE Par. 15-05 Over Volt's
An active HAND-OFF-AUTO signal via the digital inputs
has higher priority than the control keys [Hand on] [Auto NOTE
on]. When you carry out manual initialisation, you also reset
serial communication, RFI filter settings (par. 14-50 RFI
[Reset] is used for resetting the frequency converter after an Filter) and fault log settings.
alarm (trip). It can be selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0] via
par. 0-43 [Reset] Key on LCP.

22 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

17-** Encoder Option parameters

3 Parameter Descriptions
18-** Readout 2 parameters

3.1 Parameter Selection 30-** Special Features

Parameters for FC 300 are grouped into various par. groups for
easy selection of the correct parameters for optimized 32-** MCO Basic Settings parameters
3 3
operation of the frequency converter.
0-** Operation and Display parameters 33-** MCO Adv. Settings parameters

• Basic Settings, set-up handling 34-** MCO Data Readouts

• Display and Local Control Panel parameters for

choosing readouts, setting up selections and 35-** Sensor Input Option parameters
copying functions
1-** Load and Motor parameters includes all load and motor 3.2 Parameters: 0-** Operation and
related parameters
2-** Brake parameters Parameters related to the fundamental functions of the
frequency converter, function of the LCP buttons and config-
• DC brake
uration of the LCP display.
• Dynamic brake (Resistor brake)

• Mechanical brake 3.2.1 0-0* Basic Settings

• Over Voltage Control
0-01 Language
3-** References and ramping parameters includes DigiPot Option: Function:
function Defines the language to be used in the
display. The frequency converter can be
4-** Limits Warnings; setting of limits and warning parameters delivered with 4 different language
packages. English and German are
5-** Digital inputs and outputs includes relay controls included in all packages. English cannot
be erased or manipulated.
6-** Analog inputs and outputs [0] * English Part of Language packages 1 - 4

[1] Deutsch Part of Language packages 1 - 4

7-** Controls; Setting parameters for speed and process
controls [2] Francais Part of Language package 1

[3] Dansk Part of Language package 1

8-** Communication and option parameters for setting of FC
[4] Spanish Part of Language package 1
RS485 and FC USB port parameters.
[5] Italiano Part of Language package 1
9-** Profibus parameters
Svenska Part of Language package 1
10-** DeviceNet and CAN Fieldbus parameters
[7] Nederlands Part of Language package 1

12-** Ethernet parameters [10] Chinese Part of Language package 2

Suomi Part of Language package 1

13-** Smart Logic Control parameters
[22] English US Part of Language package 4
14-** Special function parameters
Greek Part of Language package 4

15-** Drive information parameters Bras.port Part of Language package 4

Slovenian Part of Language package 3

16-** Readout parameters

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 23

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

0-01 Language 0-03 Regional Settings

Option: Function: Option: Function:
Korean Part of Language package 2 [0] * Interna- Activates par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW] for setting
tional the motor power in kW and sets the default
Japanese Part of Language package 2
value of par. 1-23 Motor Frequency to 50 Hz.
Turkish Part of Language package 4
3 3 Trad.Chinese Part of Language package 2
[1] US Activates par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW] for setting
the motor power in HP and sets the default
Bulgarian Part of Language package 3 value of par. 1-23 Motor Frequency to 60 Hz.

Srpski Part of Language package 3 This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
Romanian Part of Language package 3
0-04 Operating State at Power-up (Hand)
Magyar Part of Language package 3 Option: Function:
Selects the operating mode upon reconnec-
Czech Part of Language package 3
tion of the frequency converter to mains
voltage after power down in Hand (local)
Polski Part of Language package 4
operation mode.
Russian Part of Language package 3
[0] Resume Restarts the frequency converter maintaining
Thai Part of Language package 2 the same local reference and the same start/
stop settings (applied by [HAND ON/OFF]) as
Bahasa Indonesia Part of Language package 2
before the frequency converter was powered
[99] Unknown down.

0-02 Motor Speed Unit [1] * Forced stop, Restarts the frequency converter with a saved
ref=old local reference, after mains voltage reappears
Option: Function:
and after pressing [HAND ON].
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is
running. [2] Forced stop, Resets the local reference to 0 upon restarting
The display showing depends on settings in ref=0 the frequency converter.
par. 0-02 Motor Speed Unit and par. 0-03 Regional
Settings. The default setting of par. 0-02 Motor Speed
3.2.2 0-1* Set-up Operations
Unit and par. 0-03 Regional Settings depends on which
region of the world the frequency converter is supplied
Define and control the individual parameter setups.
to, but can be re-programmed as required.
The frequency converter has four parameter setups that can
NOTE be programmed independently of each other. This makes the
Changing the Motor Speed Unit will reset frequency converter very flexible and able to solve advanced
certain parameters to their initial value. It is control functionality problems, often saving the cost of
recommended to select the motor speed external control equipment. For example these can be used to
unit first, before modifying other parame- program the frequency converter to operate according to one
ters. control scheme in one setup (e.g. motor 1 for horizontal
movement) and another control scheme in another setup (e.g.
[0] RPM Selects display of motor speed variables and parame- motor 2 for vertical movement). Alternatively they can be used
ters (i.e. references, feedbacks and limits) in terms of by an OEM machine builder to identically program all their
motor speed (RPM). factory fitted frequency converters for different machine types
[1] * Hz Selects display of motor speed variables and parame-
within a range to have the same parameters and then during
ters (i.e. references, feedbacks and limits) in terms of
production/commissioning simply select a specific setup
output frequency to the motor (Hz).
depending on which machine the frequency converter is
installed on.
The active setup (i.e. the setup in which the frequency
converter is currently operating) can be selected in
par. 0-10 Active Set-up and is displayed in the LCP. Using Multi
set-up it is possible to switch between setups with the
frequency converter running or stopped, via digital input or
serial communication commands. If it is necessary to change
setups whilst running, ensure par. 0-12 This Set-up Linked to is
programmed as required. Using par. 0-11 Edit Set-up it is
possible to edit parameters within any of the setups whilst

24 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

continuing the frequency converter operation in its Active

Setup which can be a different setup to that being edited.
Using par. 0-51 Set-up Copy it is possible to copy parameter
settings between the setups to enable quicker commissioning
if similar parameter settings are required in different setups.

0-10 Active Set-up

Option: Function:
3 3
Select the set-up to control the frequency
converter functions.

[0] Factory Cannot be changed. It contains the Danfoss

setup data set, and can be used as a data source
when returning the other set-ups to a known

[1] * Set-up 1 Set-up 1 [1] to Set-up 4 [4] are the four separate
parameter set-ups within which all parameters
can be programmed.

[2] Set-up 2
[3] Set-up 3
[4] Set-up 4
[9] Multi Set-up Remote selection of set-ups using digital
inputs and the serial communication port. This
set-up uses the settings from par. 0-12 This Set-
up Linked to. Stop the frequency converter
before making changes to open- and closed
loop functions

Use par. 0-51 Set-up Copy to copy a set-up to one or all other
set-ups. Stop the frequency converter before switching
between set-ups where parameters marked ‘not changeable
during operation’ have different values. To avoid conflicting
settings of the same parameter within two different set-ups,
link the set-ups together using par. 0-12 This Set-up Linked to.
Parameters which are ‘not changeable during operation’ are 0-12 This Set-up Linked to
marked FALSE in the parameter lists in the section Parameter
Option: Function:
To enable conflict-free changes from one set-up
0-11 Edit Set-up to another during operation, link set-ups contain-
Option: Function: ing parameters which are not changeable during
Select the set-up to be edited (i.e. program- operation. The link will ensure synchronising of
med) during operation; either the active set- the ‘not changeable during operation’ parameter
up or one of the inactive set-ups. values when moving from one set-up to another
during operation. ‘Not changeable during
[0] Factory setup Cannot be edited but it is useful as a data
operation’ parameters can be identified by the
source to return the other set-ups to a known
label FALSE in the parameter lists in the section
Parameter Lists.
[1] * Set-up 1 Set-up 1 [1] to Set-up 4 [4] can be edited freely Par. 0-12 This Set-up Linked to is used by Multi set-
during operation, independently of the active up in par. 0-10 Active Set-up. Multi set-up is used
set-up. to move from one set-up to another during
[2] Set-up 2 operation (i.e. while the motor is running).
[3] Set-up 3 Example:
[4] Set-up 4 Use Multi set-up to shift from Set-up 1 to Set-up 2
[9] Active Set-up Can also be edited during operation. Edit the whilst the motor is running. Programme in Set-up
chosen set-up from a range of sources: LCP, 1 first, then ensure that Set-up 1 and Set-up 2 are
FC RS-485, FC USB or up to five fieldbus sites. synchronised (or ‘linked’). Synchronisation can be
performed in two ways:

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 25

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

0-12 This Set-up Linked to 0-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups

Option: Function: Array [5]
1. Change the edit set-up to Set-up 2 [2] in Range: Function:
par. 0-11 Edit Set-up and set par. 0-12 This Set-up 0 [0 - View a list of all the set-ups linked by means of
Linked to to Set-up 1 [1]. This will start the linking N/ 255 par. 0-12 This Set-up Linked to. The parameter has one
3 3 (synchronising) process. A* N/
index for each parameter set-up. The parameter value
displayed for each index represents which setups are
linked to that parameter setup.

Index LCP value

0 {0}
1 {1,2}
2 {1,2}
3 {3}
4 {4}
2. While still in Set-up 1, copy Set-up 1 to Set-up
2. Then set par. 0-12 This Set-up Linked to to Set-up Table 3.2: Example: Set-up 1 and Set-up 2 are linked
2 [2]. This will start the linking process.

0-14 Readout: Edit Set-ups / Channel

Range: Function:
0* [-2147483648 - View the setting of par. 0-11 Edit Set-up for
2147483647 ] each of the four different communication
channels. When the number is displayed in
hex, as it is in the LCP, each number
represents one channel.
After the link is complete, par. 0-13 Readout: Numbers 1-4 represent a set-up number; ‘F’
Linked Set-ups will read {1,2} to indicate that all means factory setting; and ‘A’ means active
‘not changeable during operation’ parameters are set-up. The channels are, from right to left:
now the same in Set-up 1 and Set-up 2. If there LCP, FC-bus, USB, HPFB1-5.
are changes to a ‘not changeable during Example: The number AAAAAA21h means
operation’ parameter, e.g. par. 1-30 Stator Resist- that the FC bus selected Set-up 2 in
ance (Rs), in Set-up 2, they will also be changed par. 0-11 Edit Set-up, the LCP selected Set-up
automatically in Set-up 1. A switch between Set- 1 and all others used the active set-up.
up 1 and Set-up 2 during operation is now

[0] * Not
[1] Set-up 1
[2] Set-up 2
[3] Set-up 3
[4] Set-up 4

26 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.2.3 0-2* LCP Display 0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small

Option: Function:
Define the variables displayed in the Graphical Local Control [1610] Power [kW] Actual power consumed by the
Panel. motor in kW.

[1611] Power [hp] Actual power consumed by the

Please refer to par. 0-37 Display Text 1, par. 0-38 Display
motor in HP. 3 3
Text 2 and par. 0-39 Display Text 3 for information on [1612] Motor Voltage Voltage supplied to the motor.
how to write display texts. [1613] Frequency Motor frequency, i.e. the output
frequency from the frequency
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small converter in Hz
Option: Function: [1614] Motor Current Phase current of the motor measured
Select a variable for display in line 1, as effective value.
left position.
[1615] Frequency [%] Motor frequency, i.e. the output
[0] None No display value selected. frequency from the frequency
converter in percent.
[9] Performance
Monitor [1616] Torque [Nm] Actual motor torque in Nm
[37] Display Text 1
[1617] * Speed [RPM] Speed in RPM (revolutions per
[38] Display Text 2 minute) i.e. the motor shaft speed in
[39] Display Text 3 closed loop.
[748] PCD Feed Forward
[1618] Motor Thermal Thermal load on the motor, calcula-
[953] Profibus Warning
ted by the ETR function.
[1005] Readout Transmit [1619] KTY sensor
Error Counter temperature
[1006] Readout Receive [1620] Motor Angle
Error Counter [1621] Torque [%] High
[1007] Readout Bus Off Res.
Counter [1622] Torque [%] Present motor load as a percentage
[1013] Warning Parame- of the rated motor torque.
ter [1625] Torque [Nm] High
[1230] Warning Parame- [1630] DC Link Voltage Intermediate circuit voltage in the
ter frequency converter.
[1472] Legacy Alarm
[1632] Brake Energy /s Present brake power transferred to
an external brake resistor.
[1473] Legacy Warning
Stated as an instantaneous value.
[1474] Leg. Ext. Status [1633] Brake Energy /2 Brake power transferred to an
Word min external brake resistor. The mean
[1501] Running Hours power is calculated continuously for
[1502] kWh Counter the most recent 120 seconds.
[1600] Control Word Present control word [1634] Heatsink Temp. Present heat sink temperature of the
[1601] Reference [Unit] Total reference (sum of digital/ frequency converter. The cut-out
analog/preset/bus/freeze ref./catch limit is 95 ±5 oC; cutting back in
up and slow-down) in selected unit. occurs at 70 ±5° C.

[1635] Inverter Thermal Percentage load of the inverters.

[1602] Reference % Total reference (sum of digital/
analog/preset/bus/freeze ref./catch [1636] Inv. Nom. Current Nominal current of the frequency
up and slow-down) in percent. converter.
[1603] Status Word Present status word. [1637] Inv. Max. Current Maximum current of the frequency
[1605] Main Actual Value Actual value as a percentage. converter.
[%] [1638] SL Controller State State of the event executed by the
[1609] Custom Readout control.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 27

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small 0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[1639] Control Card Temperature of the control card. [1676] Analog In X30/12 Actual value at input X30/12 either as
Temp. reference or protection value.
[1650] External Reference Sum of the external reference as a
[1677] Analog Out X30/8 Actual value at output X30/8 in mA.
3 3 percentage, i.e. the sum of analog/
[mA] Use par. 6-60 Terminal X30/8 Output
to select the value to be shown.
[1651] Pulse Reference Frequency in Hz connected to the [1678] Analog Out X45/1
digital inputs (18, 19 or 32, 33). [mA]
[1652] Feedback [Unit] Reference value from programmed [1679] Analog Out X45/3
digital input(s). [mA]
[1680] Fieldbus CTW 1 Control word (CTW) received from
[1653] Digi Pot Reference
the Bus Master.
[1657] Feedback [RPM]
[1660] Digital Input Signal states form the 6 digital [1682] Fieldbus REF 1 Main reference value sent with
terminals (18, 19, 27, 29, 32 and 33). control word from the Bus Master.
There are 16 bits in total, but only six
[1684] Comm. Option Extended fieldbus communication
of them are used. Input 18
STW option status word.
corresponds to the leftmost of the
used bits. Signal low = 0; Signal high [1685] FC Port CTW 1 Control word (CTW) received from
= 1. the Bus Master.

[1661] Terminal 53 Setting of input terminal 54. Current [1686] FC Port REF 1 Status word (STW) sent to the Bus
Switch Setting = 0; Voltage = 1. Master.

[1662] Analog Input 53 Actual value at input 53 either as a [1690] Alarm Word One or more alarms in a Hex code.
reference or protection value. [1691] Alarm Word 2 One or more alarms in a Hex code.
[1663] Terminal 54 Setting of input terminal 54. Current [1692] Warning Word One or more warnings in a Hex code.
Switch Setting = 0; Voltage = 1.
[1693] Warning Word 2 One or more warnings in a Hex code.
[1664] Analog Input 54 Actual value at input 54 either as
[1694] Ext. Status Word One or more status conditions in a
reference or protection value.
Hex code.
[1665] Analog Output 42 Actual value at output 42 in mA. Use
[1836] Analog Input
[mA] par. 6-50 Terminal 42 Output to select
X48/2 [mA]
the value to be shown.
[1837] Temp. Input X48/4
[1666] Digital Output Binary value of all digital outputs. [1838] Temp. Input X48/7
[bin] [1839] Temp. Input
[1667] Freq. Input #29 Actual value of the frequency applied X48/10
[Hz] at terminal 29 as an impulse input. [1860] Digital Input 2
[1668] Freq. Input #33 Actual value of the frequency applied [1890] Process PID Error
[Hz] at terminal 33 as an impulse input. [1891] Process PID
[1669] Pulse Output #27 Actual value of impulses applied to
[Hz] terminal 27 in digital output mode. [1892] Process PID
Clamped Output
[1670] Pulse Output #29 Actual value of impulses applied to
[1893] Process PID Gain
[Hz] terminal 29 in digital output mode.
Scaled Output
[1671] Relay Output [bin] [3019] Wobble Delta
[1672] Counter A Application dependent (e.g. SLC Freq. Scaled
Control) [3110] Bypass Status
[1673] Counter B Application dependent (e.g. SLC
Control) [3111] Bypass Running
[1674] Prec. Stop Counter Display the actual counter value.
[3401] PCD 1 Write to
[1675] Analog In X30/11 Actual value at input X30/11 either as MCO
reference or protection value. [3402] PCD 2 Write to

28 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small 0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[3403] PCD 3 Write to [3459] Actual Master
MCO Velocity
[3404] PCD 4 Write to [3460] Synchronizing

PCD 5 Write to [3461]
Axis Status
3 3
MCO [3462] Program Status
[3406] PCD 6 Write to [3464] MCO 302 Status
MCO [3465] MCO 302 Control
[3407] PCD 7 Write to [3470] MCO Alarm Word
[3408] PCD 8 Write to [3471] MCO Alarm Word
[3409] PCD 9 Write to [9913] Idle time
MCO [9914] Paramdb requests
[3410] PCD 10 Write to in queue
MCO [9917] tCon1 time
[3421] PCD 1 Read from [9918] tCon2 time
MCO [9919] Time Optimize
[3422] PCD 2 Read from Measure
MCO [9920] HS Temp. (PC1)
[3423] PCD 3 Read from [9921] HS Temp. (PC2)
MCO [9922] HS Temp. (PC3)
[3424] PCD 4 Read from [9923] HS Temp. (PC4)
[9924] HS Temp. (PC5)
[3425] PCD 5 Read from
[9925] HS Temp. (PC6)
[9926] HS Temp. (PC7)
[3426] PCD 6 Read from
[9927] HS Temp. (PC8)
[3427] PCD 7 Read from 0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small
MCO Option: Function:
[3428] PCD 8 Read from [1614] * Motor Current Select a variable for display in line 1,
MCO middle position. The options are the same
[3429] PCD 9 Read from as listed for par. 0-20.
[3430] PCD 10 Read from 0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small
MCO Option: Function:
[3440] Digital Inputs [1610] * Power [kW] Select a variable for display in line 1, right
[3441] Digital Outputs position. The options are the same as listed
[3450] Actual Position for par. 0-20.
[3451] Commanded
0-23 Display Line 2 Large
[3452] Actual Master Option: Function:
Position [1613] * Frequency Select a variable for display in line 2. The
[3453] Slave Index options are the same as listed for par. 0-20.
0-24 Display Line 3 Large
[3454] Master Index
Position Select a variable for display in line 3.

[3455] Curve Position Option: Function:

[3456] Track Error [1502] * kWh Counter The options are the same as those listed in
[3457] Synchronizing par. 0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small.
[3458] Actual Velocity

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 29

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

0-25 My Personal Menu Unit Type Speed Relation

Dimensionless Linear
Range: Function:
Applica- [0 - Define up to 50 parameters to appear in the
Flow, volume
tion 9999 ] Q1 Personal Menu, accessible via the [Quick
Flow, mass
depend- Menu] key on the LCP. The parameters will
3 3 ent* be displayed in the Q1 Personal Menu in the
order they are programmed into this array

parameter. Delete parameters by setting the Temperature

value to ‘0000’. Pressure Quadratic
For example, this can be used to provide Power Cubic
quick, simple access to just one or up to 50
parameters which require changing on a 0-30 Unit for User-defined Readout
regular basis (e.g. for plant maintenance
Option: Function:
reasons) or by an OEM to enable simple
It is possible to program a value to be shown in the
commissioning of their equipment.
display of the LCP. The value will have a linear,
squared or cubed relation to speed. This relation
3.2.4 0-3* LCP Custom Readout will depend on the unit selected (see table above).
The actual calculated value can be read in
It is possible to customize the display elements for various par. 16-09 Custom Readout, and/or shown in the
purposes: *Custom Readout. Value proportional to speed display be selecting Custom Readout [16-09] in
(Linear, squared or cubed depending on unit selected in par. 0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small to par. 0-24 Display
par. 0-30 Custom Readout Unit) *Display Text. Text string Line 3 Large.
stored in a parameter. [0] * None
[1] %
Custom Readout [5] PPM
The calculated value to be displayed is based on settings in [10] 1/min
par. 0-30 Custom Readout Unit, par. 0-31 Custom Readout Min [11] rpm
Value (linear only), par. 0-32 Custom Readout Max Value, [12] Pulse/s
par. 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM], par. 4-14 Motor Speed
[20] l/s
High Limit [Hz] and actual speed.
[21] l/min
[22] l/h
[23] m3/s
[24] m3/min
[25] m3/h
[30] kg/s
[31] kg/min
[32] kg/h
[33] t/min
[34] t/h
[40] m/s
[41] m/min
[45] m
[60] °C
[70] mbar
[71] bar
[72] Pa
[73] kPa
The relation will depend on the type of unit selected in
[74] m WG
par. 0-30 Custom Readout Unit:
[80] kW
[120] GPM
[121] gal/s
[122] gal/min
[123] gal/h
[124] CFM

30 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

0-30 Unit for User-defined Readout 0-39 Display Text 3

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[125] ft3/s 0* [0 - 0 ] Enter a text which can be viewed in the graphical
[126] ft3/min display by selecting Display Text 3 [39] in par. 0-20,
[127] ft3/h 0-21, 0-22, 0-23 or 0-24.
[130] lb/s
[131] lb/min
3 3
3.2.5 0-4* LCP Keypad
[132] lb/h
[140] ft/s
Enable, disable and password protect individual keys on the
[141] ft/min
[145] ft
[160] °F 0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP
[170] psi Option: Function:
[171] lb/in2 [0] Disabled No effect when [Hand on] is pressed. Select
[172] in WG [0] Disabled to avoid accidental start of the
[173] ft WG drive in Hand on mode.
[180] HP [1] * Enabled The LCP switches to Hand on mode directly
when [Hand on] is pressed.
0-31 Min Value of User-defined Readout
Range: Function: [2] Password After pressing [Hand on] a password is
required. If par. 0-40 is in included in My
0.00 Custom- [Application This parameter sets the min. value of
Personal Menu, define the password in par.
ReadoutUnit* dependant] the custom defined readout (occurs
0-65, Personal Menu Password. Otherwise
at zero speed). Only possible to set
define the password in par. 0-60, Main Menu
different from 0 is when selecting a
linear unit in par. 0-30 Unit for User-
defined Readout. For Quadratic and [3] Hand Off/On When [Hand on] is pressed once, the LCP
Cubic units the minimum value will switches to Off mode. When pressed again,
be 0. the LCP switches to Hand on mode.

[4] Hand Off/On Same as [3] but a password is required (see

0-32 Custom Readout Max Value w. Passw. [2]).
Range: Function:
100.00 [Application This parameter sets the max value to 0-41 [Off] Key on LCP
CustomRea- dependant] be shown when the speed of the Option: Function:
doutUnit* motor has reached the set value for
[0] * Disabled Avoids accidental stop of the frequency converter.
par. 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit
[RPM] or par. 4-14 Motor Speed High [1] * Enabled
Limit [Hz] (depends on setting in [2] Password Avoids unauthorised stop. If par. 0-41 [Off] Key on
par. 0-02 Motor Speed Unit). LCP is included in the Quick Menu, then define the
password in par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password.
0-37 Display Text 1
0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] Enter a text which can be viewed in the graphical
Option: Function:
display by selecting Display Text 1 [37] in par. 0-20, [0] * Disabled Avoid accidental start of the frequency converter
0-21, 0-22, 0-23 or 0-24. in Auto mode.

[1] * Enabled
0-38 Display Text 2 [2] Password Avoids unauthorised start in Auto mode. If
Range: Function: par. 0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP is included in the
0* [0 - 0 ] Enter a text which can be viewed in the graphical Quick Menu, then define the password in
display by selecting Display Text 2 [38] in par. 0-20, par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password.
0-21, 0-22, 0-23 or 0-24.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 31

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

0-43 [Reset] Key on LCP 0-51 Set-up Copy

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[0] * Disabled No effect when [Reset] is pressed. Avoids [0] * No copy No function
accidental alarm reset.
[1] Copy to set- Copies all parameters in the present Program-
[1] * Enabled up 1 ming Set-up (defined in par. 0-11 Programming
3 3 [2] Password Avoids unauthorised resetting. If Set-up) to Set-up 1.
par. 0-43 [Reset] Key on LCP is included in the [2] Copy to set- Copies all parameters in the present Program-
Quick Menu, then define the password in up 2 ming Set-up (defined in par. 0-11 Programming
par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password.
Set-up) to Set-up 2.
[7] Enabled Resets the drive without setting it in Off
[3] Copy to set- Copies all parameters in the present Program-
without OFF mode.
up 3 ming Set-up (defined in par. 0-11 Programming
[8] Password Resets the drive without setting it in Off Set-up) to Set-up 3.
without OFF mode. A password is required when
[4] Copy to set- Copies all parameters in the present Program-
pressing [Reset] (see [2]).
up 4 ming Set-up (defined in par. 0-11 Programming
Set-up) to Set-up 4.
3.2.6 0-5* Copy / Save [9] Copy to all Copies the parameters in the present set-up
over to each of the set-ups 1 to 4.
Copy parameter settings between set-ups and to/from the
3.2.7 0-6* Password
0-50 LCP Copy
Option: Function: 0-60 Main Menu Password
[0] * No copy Range: Function:
[1] All to LCP Copies all parameters in all set-ups 100 N/A* [0 - 999 Define the password for access to the Main
from the frequency converter N/A] Menu via the [Main Menu] key. If
memory to the LCP memory. par. 0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password
[2] All from LCP Copies all parameters in all set-ups is set to Full access [0], this parameter will be
from the LCP memory to the frequen- ignored.
cy converter memory.
0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password
[3] Size indep. from LCP Copy only the parameters that are
independent of the motor size. The Option: Function:
latter selection can be used to [0] * Full access Disables password defined in par. 0-60 Main
programme several frequency Menu Password.
converters with the same function [1] LCP: Read only Prevent unauthorized editing of Main Menu
without disturbing motor data. parameters.
[4] File from MCO to LCP [2] LCP: No access Prevent unauthorized viewing and editing of
[5] File from LCP to MCO Main Menu parameters.
[6] Data from DYN to
[3] Bus: Read only Read-only functions for parameters on
fieldbus and/or FC standard bus.
[7] Data from LCP to
DYN [4] Bus: No access No access to parameters is allowed via
[8] LCP Compare fieldbus and/or FC standard bus.

This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running. [5] All: Read only Read-only function for parameters on LCP,
fieldbus or FC standard bus.

[6] All: No access No access from LCP, fieldbus or FC standard

bus is allowed.

If Full access [0] is selected then par. 0-60 Main Menu Password,
par. 0-65 Personal Menu Password and par. 0-66 Access to
Personal Menu w/o Password will be ignored.

32 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

0-65 Quick Menu Password

Range: Function:
3.3 Parameters: 1-** Load and Motor
200* [-9999 - Define the password for access to the Quick
9999 ] Menu via the [Quick Menu] key. If 3.3.1 1-0* General Settings
par. 0-66 Access to Quick Menu w/o Password is
set to Full access [0], this parameter will be
Define whether the frequency converter operates in speed
mode or torque mode; and whether the internal PID control
3 3
should be active or not.
0-66 Access to Quick Menu w/o Password
1-00 Configuration Mode
Option: Function:
Option: Function:
[0] * Full access Disables the password defined in
par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password. Select the application control principle to be
used when a Remote Reference (i.e. via analog
[1] LCP: Read only Prevents unauthorised editing of Quick input or fieldbus) is active. A Remote Reference
Menu parameters. can only be active when par. 3-13 Reference Site
[2] LCP: No access Prevents unauthorised viewing and editing is set to [0] or [1].
of Quick Menu parameters. [0] * Speed open Enables speed control (without feedback signal
[3] Bus: Read only Read only functions for Quick Menu parame- loop from motor) with automatic slip compensation
ters on fieldbus and/ or FC standard bus. for almost constant speed at varying loads.
Compensations are active but can be disabled
[4] Bus: No access No access to Quick Menu parameters is
in the Load/Motor par. group 1-0*.
allowed via fieldbus and/ or FC standard bus.
[1] Speed Enables Speed closed loop control with feed-
[5] All: Read only read only function for Quick Menu parame-
closed loop back. Obtain full holding torque at 0 RPM.
ters on LCP, fieldbus or FC standard bus.
For increased speed accuracy, provide a
[6] All: No access No access from LCP, fieldbus or FC standard feedback signal and set the speed PID control.
bus is allowed.
[2] Torque Enables torque closed loop control with feed-
back. Only possible with “Flux with motor
If par. 0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password is set to Full
feedback” option, par. 1-01 Motor Control
access [0] then this parameter will be ignored.
Principle. FC 302 only.
0-67 Bus Password Access
[3] Process Enables the use of process control in the
Range: Function: frequency converter. The process control
0* [0 - 9999 ] Writing to this parameter enables users to unlock parameters are set in par. groups 7-2* and 7-3*.
the frequency converter from bus/ MCT10.
[4] Torque Enables the use of torque open loop in VVC+
open loop mode (par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle). The
torque PID parameters are set in par. group

[5] Wobble Enables the wobble functionality in

par. 30-00 Wobble Mode to par. 30-19 Wobble
Delta Freq. Scaled.

[6] Surface Enables the surface winder control specific

Winder parameters in par. group 7-2* and 7-3*.

[7] Extended Specific parameters in par. group 7-2* to 7-5*.

PID Speed
[8] Extended Specific parameters in par. group 7-2* to 7-5*.
PID Speed

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 33

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-01 Motor Control Principle 1-01 Motor Control Principle

Option: Function: Option: Function:
Select which motor control principle to employ. [3] Flux w/ very high accuracy speed and torque control,
motor suitable for the most demanding applications. FC
[0] * U/f special motor mode, for parallel connected
feedb 302 only.
motors in special motor applications. When U/f is
3 3 selected the characteristic of the control princi-
ple can be edited in par. 1-55 U/f Characteristic -
The best shaft performance is normally achieved using either
of the two Flux Vector control modes Flux sensorless [2] and
U and par. 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F.
Flux with encoder feedback [3].
[1] VVC+ Voltage Vector Control principle suitable for
most applications. The main benefit of VVCplus This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
operation is that it uses a robust motor model.

[2] Flux Flux Vector control without encoder feedback,

sensorless for simple installation and robustness against
sudden load changes. FC 302 only.

Par. 1-00
Par. 1-01 [0] Speed [1] Speed [2] Torque [3] Process [4] Torque [5] Wobble [6] Surface [7] Ext. PID [8] Ext. PID
[0] U/f
[1] VVCplus
[2] Flux sensorless
[3] Flux w/ motor

Table 3.3: Overview of possible combinations of the settings in par. 1-00 Configuration Mode and par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle.
The gray cells mark the possible combinations.

1-02 Flux Motor Feedback Source 1-03 Torque Characteristics

Option: Function: Option: Function:
Select the interface at which to receive Select the torque characteristic required.
feedback from the motor. VT and AEO are both energy saving operations.

[0] Motor feedb. P1-02 [0] Constant Motor shaft output provides constant torque
[1] * 24V encoder A and B channel encoder, which can be * torque under variable speed control.
connected to the digital input terminals [1] Variable Motor shaft output provides variable torque
32/33 only. Terminals 32/33 must be
torque under variable speed control. Set the variable
programmed to No operation. torque level in par. 14-40 VT Level.
[2] MCB 102 Encoder module option which can be
[2] Auto Automatically optimises energy consumption by
configured in par. group 17-1* Energy minimising magnetisation and frequency via
This parameter appears in FC 302 only. Optim. par. 14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation and
[3] MCB 103 Optional resolver interface module par. 14-42 Minimum AEO Frequency.
which can be configured in par. group
[5] Constant The function provide a constant power in field
Power weakening area. Follows the formula:
[5] MCO Encoder 2 encoder interface 2 of the optional Torque x RPM
Pconstant =
programmable motion controller MCO 9550
305. This selection maybe unavailable depending on
[6] Analog input 53 drive configuration.

[7] Analog input 54

This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
[8] Frequency input
[9] Frequency input

This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.

34 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-04 Overload Mode 3.3.2 1-1* Motor Selection

Option: Function:
[0] * High torque Allows up to 160% over torque.
This par. group cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.

[1] Normal torque For oversized motor - allows up to 110% over 1-10 Motor Construction
torque. Option: Function:

This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.

Select the motor construction type. 3 3
[0] * Asynchron For asynchronous motors.
1-05 Local Mode Configuration
[1] PM, non salient For permanent magnet (PM) motors.
Option: Function: SPM Note that PM motors are divided into two
Select which application configuration mode groups, with either surface mounted (non
(par. 1-00 Configuration Mode), i.e. application salient) or interior (salient) magnets.
control principle, to use when a Local (LCP)
Reference is active. A Local Reference can be Motor construction can either be asynchronous or permanent
active only when par. 3-13 Reference Site is set magnet (PM) motor.
to [0] or [2]. By default the local reference is
active in Hand Mode only.

[0] Speed open

loop 3.3.3 1-2* Motor Data
[1] Speed closed
loop Par. group 1-2* comprises input data from the nameplate on
[2] * As mode par the connected motor.
1-06 Clockwise Direction
Changing the value of these parameters affects the
This parameter defines the term “Clockwise” corresponding to the setting of other parameters.
LCP direction arrow. Used for easy change of direction of shaft
rotation without swapping motor wires. (Valid from SW version
1-20 Motor Power [kW]
Range: Function:
Option: Function:
Applica- [Applica- Enter the nominal motor power in kW
[0] * Normal Motor shaft will turn in clockwise
tion tion according to the motor nameplate data.
direction when frequency convert-
depend- dependant] The default value corresponds to the
er is connected U -> U; V -> V, and
ent* nominal rated output of the unit.
W -> W to motor.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
[1] Inverse Motor shaft will turn in counter the motor is running. This parameter is
clockwise direction when frequen- visible in LCP if par. 0-03 Regional
cy converter is connected U -> U; V Settings is International [0].
-> V, and W -> W to motor.
Four sizes down, one size up
This parameter cannot be changed while the motor is running.
from nominal unit rating.

1-21 Motor Power [HP]

Range: Function:
Application [Applica- Enter the nominal motor power in HP
dependent* tion according to the motor nameplate
dependant] data. The default value corresponds to
the nominal rated output of the unit.
This parameter is visible in LCP if
par. 0-03 Regional Settings is US [1]

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 35

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-22 Motor Voltage 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA)

Range: Function: Option: Function:
Application [Application Enter the nominal motor voltage The AMA function optimises dynamic motor
dependent* dependant] according to the motor nameplate performance by automatically optimising the
data. The default value advanced motor parameters (par. 1-30 Stator

3 3 corresponds to the nominal rated

output of the unit.
Resistance (Rs) to par. 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh))
at motor standstill.

Activate the AMA function by pressing [Hand on]

1-23 Motor Frequency after selecting [1] or [2]. See also the section
Range: Function: Automatic Motor Adaptation in the Design Guide.
Applica- [20 - Min - Max motor frequency: 20 - 1000 Hz. After a normal sequence, the display will read:
tion 1000 Select the motor frequency value from the "Press [OK] to finish AMA". After pressing the
depend- Hz] motor nameplate data. If a value different [OK] key the frequency converter is ready for
ent* from 50 Hz or 60 Hz is selected, it is necessary operation.
to adapt the load independent settings in This parameter cannot be adjusted while the
par. 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed to motor is running.
par. 1-53 Model Shift Frequency. For 87 Hz
operation with 230/400 V motors, set the [0] * Off
nameplate data for 230 V/50 Hz. Adapt [1] Enable Performs AMA of the stator resistance RS, the
par. 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM] and complete rotor resistance Rr, the stator leakage reactance
par. 3-03 Maximum Reference to the 87 Hz AMA X1, the rotor leakage reactance X2 and the main
application. reactance Xh. Do not select this option if an LC
filter is used between the frequency converter
1-24 Motor Current and the motor.
FC 301: The Complete AMA does not include Xh
Range: Function:
measurement for FC 301. Instead, the Xh value is
Application [Application Enter the nominal motor current
determined from the motor database. RS is the
dependent* dependant] value from the motor nameplate
best adjustment method (see 1-3* Adv. Motor
data. The data are used for
calculating torque, motor protec-
T4/T5 E and F Frames, T7 D, E and F Frames will
tion etc.
only run a Reduced AMA when the complete
AMA is selected. It is recommended to obtain
1-25 Motor Nominal Speed
the Advanced Motor Data from the motor
Range: Function: manufacturer to enter into par. 1-31 through
Application [10 - 60000 Enter the nominal motor speed value 1-36 for best performance.
dependent* RPM] from the motor nameplate data. The
[2] Enable Performs a reduced AMA of the stator resistance
data are used for calculating motor
reduced Rs in the system only.
Motor speed must always be Note:
lower than synchronous • For the best adaptation of the frequency converter,
speed. run AMA on a cold motor.

• AMA cannot be performed while the motor is

1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque
Range: Function: • AMA cannot be performed on permanent magnet
Application [0.1 - Enter the value from the motor
dependent* 10000.0 nameplate data. The default value
Nm] corresponds to the nominal rated NOTE
output. This parameter is available It is important to set motor par. 1-2* correctly, since
when par. 1-10 Motor Construction is these form part of the AMA algorithm. An AMA must be
set to PM, non salient SPM [1], i.e. the performed to achieve optimum dynamic motor
parameter is valid for PM and non- performance. It may take up to 10 min, depending on
salient SPM motors only. the power rating of the motor.

36 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

NOTE 1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr)

Avoid generating external torque during AMA. Range: Function:
Applica- [Applica- Fine-tuning Rr will improve shaft perform-
NOTE tion tion ance. Set the rotor resistance value using
If one of the settings in par. 1-2* is changed, depend- depend- one of these methods:
par. 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) to par. 1-39 Motor Poles,
the advanced motor parameters, will return to default
ent* ant]
1. Run an AMA on a cold motor.
The frequency converter will
3 3
measure the value from the
motor. All compensations are
NOTE reset to 100%.
AMA will work problem-free on 1 motor size down,
typically work on 2 motor sizes down, rarely work on 3 2. Enter the Rr value manually.
sizes down and never work on 4 sizes down. Please keep Obtain the value from the motor
in mind that the accuracy of the measured motor data supplier.
will be poorer when you operate on motors smaller than 3. Use the Rr default setting. The
nominal VLT size. frequency converter establishes
the setting on the basis of the
3.3.4 1-3* Adv. Motor Data motor nameplate data.

Parameters for advanced motor data. The motor data in 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1)
par. 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) to par. 1-39 Motor Poles must Range: Function:
match the relevant motor in order to run the motor optimally. Applica- [Applica- Set the stator leakage reactance of the
The default settings are figures based on common motor tion tion motor using one of these methods:
parameter values from standard motors. If the motor parame- depend- depend-
1. Run an AMA on a cold motor.
ters are not set correctly, a malfunction of the frequency ent* ant] The frequency converter will
converter system may occur. If the motor data is not known,
measure the value from the
running an AMA (Automatic Motor Adaptation) is recommen-
ded. See the Automatic Motor Adaptation section in the Design
Guide. The AMA sequence will adjust all motor parameters 2. Enter the X1 value manually.
except the moment of inertia of the rotor and the iron loss Obtain the value from the
resistance (par. 1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe)). motor supplier.
Par. 1-3* and par. 1-4* cannot be adjusted while the motor is 3. Use the X1 default setting. The
running. frequency converter establishes
the setting on the basis of the
motor name plate data.

1-34 Rotor Leakage Reactance (X2)

Range: Function:
Applica- [Applica- Set the rotor leakage reactance of the
tion tion motor using one of these methods:
depend- depend-
1. Run an AMA on a cold motor.
ent* ant]
The frequency converter will
measure the value from the
Illustration 3.1: Motor equivalent diagram for an asynchronous motor.
motor 2. Enter the X2 value manually.
Obtain the value from the
motor supplier.
1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) 3. Use the X2 default setting. The
Range: Function: frequency converter establishes
Application [Application Set the stator resistance value. the setting on the basis of the
dependent* dependant] Enter the value from a motor motor name plate data.
data sheet or perform an AMA
on a cold motor.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 37

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) The table shows the number of poles for normal speed ranges
Range: Function: of various motor types. Define motors designed for other
frequencies separately. The motor pole value is always an even
Applica- [Applica- Set the main reactance of the motor using
number, because it refers to the total number of poles, not
tion tion one of these methods:
pairs of poles. The frequency converter creates the initial
depend- depend-
1. Run an AMA on a cold motor. setting of par. 1-39 Motor Poles based on par. 1-23 Motor
3 3 ent* ant]
The frequency converter will
measure the value from the
Frequency and par. 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed.

1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM
Range: Function:
2. Enter the Xh value manually.
Obtain the value from the motor Application [Applica- Set the nominal back EMF for the
supplier. dependent* tion motor when running at 1000 RPM.
dependant] This parameter is only active when
3. Use the Xh default setting. The
par. 1-10 Motor Construction is set to
frequency converter establishes
PM motor [1] (Permanent Magnet
the setting on the basis of the
motor name plate data.
This parameter is available for FC 302
1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe)
Range: Function:
When using PM motors, it is
Application [Applica- Enter the equivalent iron loss resist-
recommended to use brake
dependent* tion depend- ance (RFe) value to compensate for
ant] iron loss in the motor.
The RFe value cannot be found by
performing an AMA. 1-41 Motor Angle Offset
The RFe value is especially important in Range: Function:
torque control applications. If RFe is
0* [-32768 - Enter the correct offset angle between the PM
unknown, leave par. 1-36 Iron Loss
32767 ] motor and the index position (single-turn) of the
Resistance (Rfe) on default setting.
attached encoder or resolver. The value range of 0 -
32768 corresponds to 0 - 2 * pi (radians). To obtain
1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld)
the offset angle value: After frequency converter
Range: Function: start-up apply DC-hold and enter the value of
Application [Applica- Enter the value of the d-axis inductance. par. 16-20 Motor Angle into this parameter.
depend- tion Obtain the value from the permanent This parameter is only active when par. 1-10 Motor
ent* dependant] magnet motor data sheet. Construction is set to PM, non-salient SPM [1]
This parameter is only active when (Permanent Magnet Motor).
par. 1-10 Motor Construction has the
value PM, non-salient SPM [1]
(Permanent Magnet Motor). 3.3.5 1-5* Load Indep. Setting
For a selection with one decimal, use
this parameter. For a selection with 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed
three decimals, use par. 30-80 d-axis Range: Function:
Inductance (Ld). 100 [0 - Use this parameter along with par. 1-51 Min Speed
This parameter is available for FC 302 %* 300 Normal Magnetising [RPM] to obtain a different
only. %] thermal load on the motor when running at low
1-39 Motor Poles Enter a value which is a percentage of the rated
Range: Function: magnetizing current. If the setting is too low, the
Application depend- [2 - 100 ] Enter the number of motor torque on the motor shaft may be reduced.
ent* poles.

Magn. current

Poles ~nn@ 50 Hz ~nn@60 Hz
2 2700 - 2880 3250 - 3460
4 1350 - 1450 1625 - 1730 Par.1-51 Hz
Par.1-52 RPM
6 700 - 960 840 - 1153

38 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-51 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [RPM] 1-53 Model Shift Frequency
Range: Function: Range: Function:
Application [10 - 300 Set the required speed for normal depend- depend-
dependent* RPM] magnetising current. If the speed is set ent* ant]
lower than the motor slip speed,
par. 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero
Speed and par. 1-51 Min Speed Normal
3 3
Magnetising [RPM] are of no significance. Illustration 3.2: Par. 1-00 Configuration
Use this parameter along with Mode = [1] Speed closed loop or [2]
par. 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Torque and par. 1-01 Motor Control Princi-
Speed. See drawing for par. 1-50 Motor ple = [3] Flux w/motor feedback
Magnetisation at Zero Speed.

1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz]

Variable Current - Flux model - Sensorless
Range: Function: This model is used when par. 1-00 Configu-
Application [Application Set the required frequency for normal ration Mode is set to Speed open loop [0] and
dependent* dependant] magnetising current. If the frequency par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle is set to
is set lower than the motor slip Flux sensorless [2].
frequency, par. 1-50 Motor Magnetisa- In speed open loop in flux mode, the speed
tion at Zero Speed is inactive. is determined from the current measure-
Use this parameter along with ment.
par. 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Below fnorm x 0.1, the frequency converter
Speed. See drawing for par. 1-50 Motor runs on a Variable Current model. Above
Magnetisation at Zero Speed. fnorm x 0.125 the frequency converter runs
on a Flux model.
1-53 Model Shift Frequency
Range: Function:
Applica- [Applica- Flux Model shift
tion tion Enter the frequency value for shift between
two models for determining motor speed.
Choose the value based on settings in
Illustration 3.3: par. 1-00 Configuration
par. 1-00 Configuration Mode and
Mode = [0] Speed open loop,
par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle. There are
par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle = [2] Flux
two options: shift between Flux model 1
and Flux model 2; or shift between Variable
Current mode and Flux model 2. This
parameter is available for FC 302 only.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
1-54 Voltage reduction in fieldweakening
the motor is running.
Range: Function:
Flux Model 1 – Flux model 2
0 V* [0 - 100 V] The value of this parameter will reduce the
This model is used when par. 1-00 Configu-
maximal voltage available for the flux of the
ration Mode is set to Speed closed loop [1] or
motor in fieldweakning, giving more voltage
Torque [2] and par. 1-01 Motor Control Princi-
available for torque. Be aware that too high
ple is set to Flux w/motor feedback [3]. With
value may give stall problems at high speed.
this parameter it is possible to make an
adjustment of the shifting point where FC
302 changes between Flux model 1 and
Flux model 2, which is useful in some
sensitive speed and torque control applica-

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 39

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-55 U/f Characteristic - U 1-59 Flystart Test Pulses Frequency

Range: Function: Range: Function:
Application [0.0 - Enter the voltage at each frequency 200 %* [0 - 500 Control the percentage of the frequency for the
dependent* 1000.0 V] point to manually form a U/f character- %] pulses used to detect the motor direction.
istic matching the motor. Increasing this value will reduce the generated

3 3 The frequency points are defined in

par. 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F.
torque. 100% means 2 times the slip frequency.
The parameter is active when par. 1-73 Flying
This parameter is an array parameter Start is enabled. This parameter is only available
[0-5] and is only accessible when in VVCplus.
par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle is set to
U/f [0].
3.3.6 1-6* Load Depend. Setting
1-56 U/f Characteristic - F
Range: Function: 1-60 Low Speed Load Compensation
Application [Applica- Enter the frequency points to manual- Range: Function:
dependent* tion ly form a U/f-characteristic matching 100 %* [0 - 300 Enter the % value to compensate voltage in
dependant] the motor. %] relation to load when the motor is running at
The voltage at each point is defined in low speed and obtain the optimum U/f
par. 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U. characteristic. The motor size determines the
This parameter is an array parameter frequency range within which this parameter
[0-5] and is only accessible when is active.
par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle is set
to U/f [0]. Motor size Change over
0.25 kW - 7.5 kW < 10 Hz

1-58 Flystart Test Pulses Current

1-61 High Speed Load Compensation
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
30 %* [0 - 200 Control the percentage of the magnetizing
%] current for the pulses used to detect the motor 100 %* [0 - 300 Enter the % value to compensate voltage in
direction. Reducing this value will reduce the %] relation to load when the motor is running at
generated torque. 100% means nominal motor high speed and obtain the optimum U/f
current. The parameter is active when characteristic. The motor size determines the
par. 1-73 Flying Start is enabled. This parameter frequency range within which this parameter
is only available in VVCplus. is active.

Motor size Change-over

0.25 kW - 7.5 kW > 10 Hz

40 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-62 Slip Compensation 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed

Range: Function: Range: Function:
Applica- [-500 - Enter the % value for slip compensation, to depend- par. 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode automat-
tion 500 %] compensate for tolerances in the value of ant] ically adjust par. 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed.
depend- nM,N. Slip compensation is calculated The parameter with the highest value adjusts
ent* automatically, i.e. on the basis of the rated
motor speed nM,N.
par. 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed. The current
setting in par. 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed is
3 3
This function is not active when composed of the torque generating current
par. 1-00 Configuration Mode is set to Speed and the magnetizing current.
closed loop [1] or Torque [2] Torque control Example: Set par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode
with speed feedback or when par. 1-01 Motor to 100% and set par. 4-17 Torque Limit Genera-
Control Principle is set to U/f [0] special motor tor Mode to 60%. par. 1-66 Min. Current at Low
mode. Speed automatically adjusts to about 127%,
depending on the motor size.
1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant This parameter is available for FC 302 only.
Range: Function:
1-67 Load Type
Application [0.05 - 5.00 Enter the slip compensation reaction
dependent* s] speed. A high value results in slow Option: Function:
reaction, and a low value results in [0] * Passive load For conveyers, fan and pump applications.
quick reaction. If low-frequency [1] Active load For hoisting applications, used in slip compen-
resonance problems arise, use a sation at low speed. When Active Load [1] is
longer time setting. selected, set par. 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed
to a level which corresponds to maximum
1-64 Resonance Dampening torque.
Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - 500 Enter the resonance dampening value. Set This parameter is available for FC 302 only.
%] par. 1-64 Resonance Dampening and 1-68 Minimum Inertia
par. 1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant
Range: Function:
to help eliminate high-frequency resonance
problems. To reduce resonance oscillation, Applica- [Applica- Needed for average inertia calculation.
increase the value of par. 1-64 Resonance tion tion Enter the minimum moment of inertia of
Dampening. depend- depend- the mechanical system.
ent* ant] Par. 1-68 Minimum Inertia and
1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant par. 1-69 Maximum Inertia are used for
pre-adjustment of the Proportional Gain
Range: Function:
in the speed control, see par. 30-83 Speed
5 ms* [5 - 50 ms] Set par. 1-64 Resonance Dampening and PID Proportional Gain.
par. 1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant This parameter is available for FC 302
to help eliminate high-frequency resonance only.
problems. Enter the time constant that
provides the best dampening. This parameter cannot be adjusted while motor is running.

1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed 1-69 Maximum Inertia

Range: Function: Range: Function:

100 [Applica- Enter the minimum motor current at low Application [Application Active in Flux Open Loop only. Used
%* tion speed, see par. 1-53 Model Shift Frequency. dependent* dependant] to compute the acceleration torque
Increasing this current improves motor torque at low speed. Used in the torque
at low speed. limit controller.
Par. 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed is enabled This parameter is available for FC
when par. 1-00 Configuration Mode = Speed 302 only.
open loop [0] only. The frequency converter
This parameter cannot be adjusted while motor is running.
runs with constant current through motor for
speeds below 10 Hz.
For speeds above 10 Hz, the motor flux model
in the frequency converter controls the motor.
par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode and / or

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 41

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.3.7 1-7* Start Adjustments 1-72 Start Function

Option: Function:
1-71 Start Delay typically used in hoisting applications. Start
Range: Function: speed/current in reference direction [4] is particu-
0.0 s* [0.0 - 10.0 s] This parameter refers to the start function larly used in applications with counterweight

3 3 selected in par. 1-72 Start Function.

Enter the time delay required before [6] Hoist Mech.
and horizontal movement.

For utilizing mechanical brake control

commencing acceleration. Brake Rel functions, par. 2-24 Stop Delay to par. 2-28 Gain
Boost Factor. This parameter is only active when
1-72 Start Function par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle is set to [3] Flux
Option: Function: w/ motor feedback (FC 302 only).
Select the start function during start delay. This [7] VVC+/Flux
parameter is linked to par. 1-71 Start Delay. counter-cw
[0] DC Hold/ Energizes motor with a DC holding current
1-73 Flying Start
delay time (par. 2-00 DC Hold Current) during the start
delay time. Option: Function:
This function makes it possible to catch a
[1] DC Brake/ Energizes motor with a DC braking current
motor which is spinning freely due to a
delay time (par. 2-01 DC Brake Current) during the start
mains drop-out.
delay time.
[0] * Disabled No function
[2] Coast/delay Motor coasted during the start delay time
* time (inverter off). [1] Enabled Enables the frequency converter to “catch”
and control a spinning motor.
[3] Start speed Only possible with VVC+.
When par. 1-73 Flying Start is enabled,
cw Connect the function described in
par. 1-71 Start Delay and par. 1-72 Start
par. 1-74 Start Speed [RPM] and par. 1-76 Start
Function have no function.
Current in the start delay time.
Regardless of the value applied by the [2] Enabled Always
reference signal, the output speed applies the [3] Enabled Ref. Dir.
setting of the start speed in par. 1-74 Start [4] Enab. Always
Speed [RPM] or par. 1-75 Start Speed [Hz] and the Ref. Dir.
output current corresponds to the setting of
This parameter cannot be adjusted while motor is running.
the start current in par. 1-76 Start Current. This
function is typically used in hoisting applica-
tions without counterweight and especially in NOTE
applications with a Cone-motor, where the start This function is not recommended for hoisting applica-
is clockwise, followed by rotation in the tions.
reference direction. For power levels above 55kW, flux mode must be used
to achieve the best performance.
[4] Horizontal Only possible with VVC+.
operation For obtaining the function described in
1-74 Start Speed [RPM]
par. 1-74 Start Speed [RPM] and par. 1-76 Start
Current during the start delay time. The motor Range: Function:
rotates in the reference direction. If the Application [0 - 600 Set a motor start speed. After the start
reference signal equals zero (0), par. 1-74 Start dependent* RPM] signal, the output speed leaps to set
Speed [RPM] is ignored and the output speed value. Set the start function in
equals zero (0). The output current corresponds par. 1-72 Start Function to [3], [4] or [5],
to the setting of the start current in and set a start delay time in
par. 1-76 Start Current. par. 1-71 Start Delay.

[5] VVC+/Flux for the function described in par. 1-74 Start

clockwise Speed [RPM] only. The start current is calculated
automatically. This function uses the start speed
in the start delay time only. Regardless of the
value set by the reference signal, the output
speed equals the setting of the start speed in
par. 1-74 Start Speed [RPM].Start speed/current
clockwise [3] and VVCplus/Flux clockwise [5] are

42 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-75 Start Speed [Hz] 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz]
Range: Function: Range: Function:
Application [Applica- This par can be used for hoist applica- Application [Application Set the output frequency at
dependent* tion tions (cone rotor). Set a motor start dependent* dependant] which to activate
dependant] speed. After the start signal, the output par. 1-80 Function at Stop.
speed leaps to set value. Set the start
function in par. 1-72 Start Function to 1-83 Precise Stop Function
3 3
[3], [4] or [5], and set a start delay time Option: Function:
in par. 1-71 Start Delay.
[0] * Precise Achieves high repetitive precision at the
ramp stop stopping point.
1-76 Start Current
[1] Cnt stop Runs the frequency converter from receipt of a
Range: Function:
with reset pulse start signal until the number of pulses
0.00 [Applica- Some motors, e.g. cone rotor motors, need
programmed by the user in par. 1-84 Precise Stop
A* tion extra current/starting speed to disengage
Counter Value has been received at input
dependant] the rotor. To obtain this boost, set the
terminal 29 or input terminal 33.
required current in par. 1-76 Start Current. Set
An internal stop signal will activate the normal
par. 1-74 Start Speed [RPM]. Set par. 1-72 Start
ramp down time (par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down
Function to [3] or [4], and set a start delay
Time, par. 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down Time,
time in par. 1-71 Start Delay.
par. 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time or
This parameter can be used for hoist applica- par. 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time). The counter
tions (cone rotor). function is activated (starts timing) at the edge
of the start signal (when it changes from stop to
start). After each precise stop the number of
3.3.8 1-8* Stop Adjustments pulses counted during ramp down 0 rpm is reset.

[2] Cnt stop Same as [1] but the number of pulses counted
1-80 Function at Stop
w/o reset during ramp down to 0 rpm is deducted from
Option: Function: the counter value in par. 1-84 Precise Stop
Select the frequency converter function after Counter Value.
a stop command or after the speed is
[3] Speed Stops at precisely the same point, regardless of
ramped down to the settings in par. 1-81 Min
comp stop the present speed, the stop signal is delayed
Speed for Function at Stop [RPM].
internally when the present speed is lower than
[0] * Coast Leaves motor in free mode. The motor is the maximum speed (set in par. 4-19 Max Output
disconnected from the frequency converter. Frequency).
[1] DC hold Energizes motor with a DC holding current [4] Com cnt Same as [3] but after each precise stop the
(see par. 2-00 DC Hold Current). stop w/rst number of pulses counted during ramp down 0
[2] Motor check Checks if a motor has been connected. rpm is reset.

[3] Pre-magnetiz- Builds up a magnetic field while the motor is [5] Comp cnt Same as [3] but the number of pulses counted
ing stopped. The motor can now produce a stop w/o r during ramp down to 0 rpm is deducted from
quick torque build-up at start. Asynchronous the counter value in par. 1-84 Precise Stop
motors only. Counter Value.

[4] DC Voltage U0 This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
[5] Coast at low
reference 1-84 Precise Stop Counter Value
Range: Function:
1-81 Min Speed for Function at Stop [RPM]
100000* [0 - 999999999 ] Enter the counter value to be used in
Range: Function: the integrated precise stop function,
Application [0 - 600 RPM] Set the speed at which to par. 1-83 Precise Stop Function.
dependent* activate par. 1-80 Function at The maximum permissible frequency
Stop. at terminal 29 or 33 is 110 kHz.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 43

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-85 Precise Stop Speed Compensation Delay 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection
Range: Function: Option: Function:
10 ms* [0 - 100 Enter the delay time for sensors, PLCs, etc. for [7] ETR
ms] use in par. 1-83 Precise Stop Function. In warning 3
speed compensated stop mode, the delay [8] ETR trip 3

3 3 time at different frequencies has a major

influence on the stop function.
[9] ETR
warning 4
[10] ETR trip 4

3.3.9 1-9* Motor Temperature Select ETR Warning 1-4, to activate a warning on the display
when the motor is overloaded.
1-90 Motor Thermal Protection Select ETR Trip 1-4 to trip the frequency converter when the
motor is overloaded.
Option: Function:
Programme a warning signal via one of the digital outputs.
The frequency converter determines the motor
The signal appears in the event of a warning and if the
temperature for motor protection in three
frequency converter trips (thermal warning).
different ways:
ETR (Electronic Terminal Relay) functions 1-4 will calculate the
• Via a thermistor sensor connected to load when the set-up where they were selected is active. For
one of the analog or digital inputs example ETR starts calculating when set-up 3 is selected. For
(par. 1-93 Thermistor Source). See the North American market: The ETR functions provide class
section PTC Thermistor Connection. 20 motor overload protection in accordance with NEC.
• Via a KTY sensor connected to an
analog input (par. 1-96 KTY Thermistor
Resource). See section KTY Sensor

• Via calculation (ETR = Electronic

Terminal Relay) of the thermal load,
based on the actual load and time.
The calculated thermal load is
compared with the rated motor
current IM,N and the rated motor
frequency fM,N. The calculations
estimate the need for a lower load at
lower speed due to less cooling from
the fan incorporated in the motor.

[0] * No protec- Continuously overloaded motor, when no

tion warning or trip of the frequency converter is

[1] Thermistor Activates a warning when the connected

1-91 Motor External Fan
warning thermistor or KTY-sensor in the motor reacts in
the event of motor over-temperature. Option: Function:
[0] * No No external fan is required, i.e. the motor is derated at
[2] Thermistor Stops (trips) frequency converter when connec-
low speed.
trip ted thermistor or KTY sensor in the motor reacts
in the event of motor over-temperature. [1] Yes Applies an external motor fan (external ventilation), so
no derating of the motor is required at low speed. The
The thermistor cut-out value must be > 3 kΩ.
graph below is followed if the motor current is lower
Integrate a thermistor (PTC sensor) in the motor than nominal motor current (see par. 1-24 Motor
for winding protection. Current). If the motor current exceeds nominal current,
[3] ETR Please see detailed description below the operation time still decreases as if no fan were
warning 1 installed.
[4] ETR trip 1
[5] ETR
warning 2
[6] ETR trip 2

44 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3 3
Using a digital input and 10 V as power supply:
Example: The frequency converter trips when the motor
temperature is too high.
Parameter set-up:
Set par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection to Thermistor Trip [2]
Set par. 1-93 Thermistor Source to Digital Input [6]

3.3.10 PTC Thermistor Connection

Using an analog input and 10 V as power supply:

Example: The frequency converter trips when the motor
temperature is too high.
Parameter set-up:
Set par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection to Thermistor Trip [2]
Set par. 1-93 Thermistor Source to Analog Input 54 [2]

Motor protection can be implemented using a range of

techniques: PTC or KTY sensor (see also section KTY Sensor
Connection) in motor windings; mechanical thermal switch
(Klixon type); or Electronic Thermal Relay (ETR).
Input Supply Voltage Threshold
Digital/analog Volt Cut-out Values
Using a digital input and 24 V as power supply:
Digital 24 V < 6.6 kΩ - > 10.8 kΩ
Example: The frequency converter trips when the motor
Digital 10 V < 800Ω - > 2.7 kΩ
temperature is too high
Parameter set-up: Analog 10 V < 3.0 kΩ - > 3.0 kΩ
Set par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection to Thermistor Trip [2]
Set par. 1-93 Thermistor Source to Digital Input [6] NOTE
Check that the chosen supply voltage follows the
specification of the used thermistor element.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 45

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

1-93 Thermistor Source

Option: Function:
Select the input to which the thermistor
(PTC sensor) should be connected. An
analog input option [1] or [2] cannot be

3 3 selected if the analog input is already in use

as a reference source (selected in
par. 3-15 Reference 1 Source,
par. 3-16 Reference 2 Source or
par. 3-17 Reference 3 Source).
When using MCB 112, choice [0] None must NOTE
always be selected. If the temperature of the motor is utilized through a
thermistor or KTY sensor the PELV is not complied with
[0] * None
in case of short circuits between motor windings and
[1] Analog input 53 sensor. In order to comply with PELV the sensor must be
[2] Analog input 54 extra isolated.
[3] Digital input 18
[4] Digital input 19
1-95 KTY Sensor Type
[5] Digital input 32
Option: Function:
[6] Digital input 33
Select the used type of KTY sensor. This
NOTE parameter is available for FC 302 only.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is
[0] * KTY Sensor 1 1 kΩ at 100o C
[1] KTY Sensor 2 1 kΩ at 25o C
NOTE [2] KTY Sensor 3 2 kΩ at 25o C
Digital input should be set to [0] PNP - Active at 24V in
par. 5-00. 1-96 KTY Thermistor Resource
Option: Function:
3.3.11 KTY Sensor Connection Selecting analog input terminal 54 to be used as
KTY sensor input. Terminal 54 cannot be
(FC 302 only) selected as KTY source if otherwise used as
reference (see par. 3-15 Reference Resource 1 to
KTY sensors are used especially in Permanent Magnet Servo par. 3-17 Reference Resource 3).
Motors (PM motors) for dynamic adjusting of motor parame-
This parameter is available for FC 302 only.
ters as stator resistance (par. 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs)) for PM
motors and also rotor resistance (par. 1-31 Rotor Resistance NOTE
(Rr)) for asynchronous motors, depending on winding temper- Connection of KTY-sensor between
ature. The calculation is: term. 54 and 55 (GND). See picture in
section KTY Sensor Connection.
Rs = Rs20° C x (1 + αcu x ΔT ) Ω where
[0] * None
αcu = 0.00393
[2] Analog
input 54
KTY sensors can be used for motor protecting (par. 1-97 KTY
Threshold level). 1-97 KTY Threshold level
FC 302 can handle three types of KTY sensors, defined in Range: Function:
par. 1-95 KTY Sensor Type. The actual sensor temperature can 80 C* [-40 - 140 C] Select the KTY sensor threshold level for
be read out from par. 16-19 KTY sensor temperature. motor thermal protection.
This parameter is available for FC 302 only.

46 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.4 Parameters: 2-** Brakes 2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed [RPM]

Range: Function:
3.4.1 2-0* DC-Brakes Application [Application Set the DC brake cut-in speed
dependent* dependant] for activation of the DC braking
Par. group for configuring the DC brake and DC hold current set in par. 2-01 DC Brake

2-00 DC Hold Current

Current, upon a stop command.
3 3
2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed [Hz]
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
50 [Applica- Enter a value for holding current as a percent-
%* tion age of the rated motor current IM,N set in Application [Application Set the DC brake cut-in speed
dependant] par. 1-24 Motor Current. 100% DC holding dependent* dependant] for activation of the DC braking
current corresponds to IM,N. current set in par. 2-01 DC Brake
This parameter holds the motor function Current, upon a stop command.
(holding torque) or pre-heats the motor.
This parameter is active if DC hold is selected
3.4.2 2-1* Brake Energy Funct.
in par. 1-72 Start Function [0] or
par. 1-80 Function at Stop [1].
Par. group for selecting dynamic braking parameters. Only
valid for drives with brake chopper.
The maximum value depends on the rated motor 2-10 Brake Function
current. Option: Function:
Avoid 100 % current for too long. It may damage the
[0] * Off No brake resistor is installed.
Low values of DC hold will produce larger than expected [1] Resistor A brake resistor is incorporated in the system, for
currents with larger motor power sizes. This error will brake dissipation of surplus brake energy as heat.
increase as the motor power increases. Connecting a brake resistor allows a higher DC
link voltage during braking (generating
operation). The Resistor brake function is only
2-01 DC Brake Current
active in frequency converters with an integral
Range: Function: dynamic brake.
50 [Applica- Enter a value for current as a percentage of the
[2] AC brake Is selected to improve braking without using a
%* tion rated motor current IM,N, see par. 1-24 Motor
brake resistor. This parameter controls an
dependant] Current. 100% DC braking current corresponds
overmagnetization of the motor when running
to IM,N.
with a generatoric load. This function can improve
DC brake current is applied on a stop
the OVC-function. Increasing the electrical losses
command, when the speed is lower than the
in the motor allows the OVC function to increase
limit set in par. 2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed
the braking torque without exceeding the over
[RPM]; when the DC Brake Inverse function is
voltage limit. Please note that AC brake is not as
active; or via the serial communication port.
effective as dynamic breaking with resistor.
The braking current is active during the time
AC brake is for VVC+ and flux mode in both open
period set in par. 2-02 DC Braking Time.
and closed loop.

The maximum value depends on the rated motor 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm)
current. Range: Function:
Avoid 100 % current for too long. It may damage the Application [Applica- Set the brake resistor value in Ohms.
motor. depend- tion This value is used for monitoring the
ent* dependant] power to the brake resistor in
2-02 DC Braking Time par. 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring. This
parameter is only active in frequency
Range: Function:
converters with an integral dynamic
10.0 s* [0.0 - 60.0 s] Set the duration of the DC braking current
set in par. 2-01 DC Brake Current, once
Use this parameter for values without
decimals. For a selection with two
decimals, use par. 30-81 Brake Resistor

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) 2-15 Brake Check

Range: Function: Option: Function:
Application [Application Set the monitoring limit of the brake Select type of test and monitoring function to
dependent* dependant] power transmitted to the resistor. check the connection to the brake resistor, or
The monitoring limit is a product of whether a brake resistor is present, and then

3 3 the maximum duty cycle (120 sec.)

and the maximum power of the
display a warning or an alarm in the event of a
brake resistor at that duty cycle. See
the formula below.
The brake resistor disconnection
function is tested during power-up.
For 200 - 240 V 2
390 × dutytime However the brake IGBT test is
Presistor = [W]
units: R × 120 performed when there is no braking. A
For 380 - 480 V 2 warning or trip disconnects the brake
778 × dutytime
Presistor = [W]
units R × 120 function.
For 380 - 500 V 8102 × dutytime
Presistor = [W]
units R × 120 The testing sequence is as follows:
For 575 - 600 V 9432 × dutytime 1. The DC link ripple amplitude is measured
Presistor = [W]
units R × 120 for 300 ms without braking.
2. The DC link ripple amplitude is measured
This parameter is only active in frequency converters with an for 300 ms with the brake turned on.
integral dynamic brake. 3. If the DC link ripple amplitude while
2-13 Brake Power Monitoring braking is lower than the DC link ripple
amplitude before braking + 1 %: Brake
Option: Function:
check has failed by returning a warning or
This parameter is only active in frequency
converters with an integral dynamic brake.
This parameter enables monitoring of the power 4. If the DC link ripple amplitude while
to the brake resistor. The power is calculated on braking is higher than the DC link ripple
the basis of the resistance (par. 2-11 Brake amplitude before braking + 1 %: Brake
Resistor (ohm)), the DC link voltage, and the check is OK.
resistor duty time. [0] Off Monitors brake resistor and brake IGBT for a short-
[0] * Off No brake power monitoring required. * circuit during operation. If a short-circuit occurs,
warning 25 appears.
[1] Warning Activates a warning on the display when the
power transmitted over 120 s exceeds 100% of [1] Warning Monitors brake resistor and brake IGBT for a short-
the monitoring limit (par. 2-12 Brake Power Limit circuit, and runs a test for brake resistor disconnec-
(kW) ). tion during power-up.
The warning disappears when the transmitted [2] Trip Monitors for a short-circuit or disconnection of the
power falls below 80% of the monitoring limit. brake resistor, or a short-circuit of the brake IGBT.
[2] Trip Trips frequency converter and displays an alarm If a fault occurs, the frequency converter cuts out
when the calculated power exceeds 100% of the while displaying an alarm (trip locked).
monitoring limit. [3] Stop and Monitors for a short-circuit or disconnection of the
[3] Warning Activates both of the above, including warning, trip brake resistor, or a short-circuit of the brake IGBT.
and trip trip and alarm. If a fault occurs, the frequency converter ramps
down to coast and then trips. A trip lock alarm is
If power monitoring is set to Off [0] or Warning [1], the brake displayed (e.g. warning 25, 27 or 28).
function remains active, even if the monitoring limit is [4] AC brake Monitors for a short-circuit or disconnection of the
exceeded. This may lead to thermal overload of the resistor. It brake resistor, or a short-circuit of the brake IGBT.
is also possible to generate a warning via a relay/digital If a fault occurs, the frequency converter performs
outputs. The measuring accuracy of the power monitoring a controlled ramp-down. This option is available
depends on the accuracy of the resistance of the resistor for FC 302 only.
(better than ± 20%).
[5] Trip Lock

48 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

NOTE 2-19 Over-voltage Gain

Remove a warning arising in connection with Off [0] or Range: Function:
Warning [1] by cycling the mains supply. The fault must
100 %* [0 - 200 %] Select over-voltage gain.
be corrected first. For Off [0] or Warning [1], the frequen-
cy converter keeps running even if a fault is located.
3.4.3 2-2* Mechanical Brake
This parameter is only active in frequency converters with an 3 3
integral dynamic brake. Parameters for controlling operation of an electro-magnetic
(mechanical) brake, typically required in hoisting applications.
2-16 AC brake Max. Current
To control a mechanical brake, a relay output (relay 01 or relay
Range: Function: 02) or a programmed digital output (terminal 27 or 29) is
100.0 %* [Application Enter the maximum permissible required. Normally this output must be closed during periods
dependant] current when using AC brake to avoid when the frequency converter is unable to ‘hold’ the motor,
overheating of motor windings. The AC e.g. due to an excessive load. Select Mechanical Brake Control
brake function is available in Flux [32] for applications with an electro-magnetic brake in
mode only (FC 302 only). par. 5-40 Function Relay, par. 5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output, or
par. 5-31 Terminal 29 Digital Output. When selecting Mechani-
2-17 Over-voltage Control cal brake control [32], the mechanical brake is closed from start
Option: Function: up until the output current is above the level selected in
Over-voltage control (OVC) reduces the risk par. 2-20 Release Brake Current. During stop, the mechanical
of the frequency converter tripping due to brake activates when the speed falls below the level specified
an over voltage on the DC link caused by in par. 2-21 Activate Brake Speed [RPM]. If the frequency
generative power from the load. converter enters an alarm condition or an over-current or
over-voltage situation, the mechanical brake immediately cuts
[0] * Disabled No OVC required.
in. This is also the case during safe stop.
[1] Enabled (not Activates OVC except when using a stop
at stop) signal to stop the frequency converter. NOTE
[2] Enabled Activates OVC. Protection mode and trip delay features (par. 14-25 Trip
Delay at Torque Limit and par. 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter
NOTE Fault) may delay the activation of the mechanical brake
OVC must not be enabled in hoisting applications. in an alarm condition. These features must be disabled
in hoisting applications.
2-18 Brake Check Condition
Range: Function:
[0] * At Power Up Brake check will be performed at
power up

[1] After Coast Situations Brake check will be performed after

coast situations

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3 3

2-20 Release Brake Current 2-21 Activate Brake Speed [RPM]

Range: Function: Range: Function:
Applica- [Applica- Set the motor current for release of the Application [0 - 30000 Set the motor speed for activation of
tion tion mechanical brake, when a start dependent* RPM] the mechanical brake, when a stop
depend- dependant] condition is present. The default value is condition is present. The upper speed
ent* the maximum current the inverter can limit is specified in par. 4-53 Warning
provide for the particular power size. The Speed High.
upper limit is specified in par. 16-37 Inv.
Max. Current. 2-22 Activate Brake Speed [Hz]
NOTE Range: Function:
When Mechanical brake control Application [Application Set the motor frequency for
output is selected but no dependent* dependant] activation of the mechanical
mechanical brake is connected, brake, when a stop condition is
the function will not work by present.
default setting due to too low
motor current. 2-23 Activate Brake Delay
Range: Function:
0.0 s* [0.0 - 5.0 Enter the brake delay time of the coast after
s] ramp-down time. The shaft is held at zero speed
with full holding torque. Ensure that the
mechanical brake has locked the load before the
motor enters coast mode. See Mechanical Brake
Control section in the Design Guide.

2-24 Stop Delay

Range: Function:
0.0 s* [0.0 - 5.0 s] Set the time interval from the moment when
the motor is stopped until the brake closes.
This parameter is a part of the stopping

50 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

2-25 Brake Release Time 2-27 Torque Ramp Time

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.20 s* [0.00 - 5.00 This value defines the time it takes for the 0.2 s* [0.0 - 5.0 s] The value defines the duration of the torque
s] mechanical brake to open. This parameter ramp in clockwise direction.
must act as a time-out when brake
feedback is activated. 2-28 Gain Boost Factor
Range: Function:
3 3
2-26 Torque Ref
1.00* [1.00 - 4.00 ] Only active in flux closed loop. The function
Range: Function: ensures a smooth transition from torque
0.00 %* [Application The value defines the torque applied control mode to speed control mode when
dependant] against the closed mechanical brake, the motor takes over the load from the brake.
before release

Illustration 3.4: Brake release sequence for hoist mechanical brake control
I) Activate brake delay: The frequency converter starts again from the mechanical brake engaged position.
II) Stop delay: When the time between successive starts is shorter than the setting in par. 2-24 Stop Delay, the frequency converter starts
without applying the mechanical brake (e.g. reversing).

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.5 Parameters: 3-** Reference/Ramps 3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit

Option: Function:
[41] m/min
Parameters for reference handling, definition of limitations, [45] m
and configuration of the reaction of the frequency converter [60] °C

3 3 to changes. [70]
3.5.1 3-0* Reference Limits [72] Pa
[73] kPa
3-00 Reference Range [74] m WG
Option: Function: [80] kW
[120] GPM
Select the range of the reference signal and the
feedback signal. Signal values can be positive only, [121] gal/s
or positive and negative. The minimum limit may [122] gal/min
have a negative value, unless Speed closed loop [1] [123] gal/h
control or Process [3] is selected in par. 1-00 Config- [124] CFM
uration Mode. [125] ft3/s
[126] ft3/min
[0] Min - Select the range of the reference signal and the
Max feedback signal. Signal values can be positive only, [127] ft3/h
or positive and negative. The minimum limit may [130] lb/s
have a negative value, unless Speed closed loop [1] [131] lb/min
control or Process [3] is selected in par. 1-00 Config- [132] lb/h
uration Mode. [140] ft/s
[141] ft/min
[1] * -Max - For both positive and negative values (both
[145] ft
+Max directions, relative to par. 4-10 Motor Speed
Direction). [150] lb ft
[160] °F
3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit [170] psi
[171] lb/in2
Option: Function:
[172] in WG
Select the unit to be used in Process PID Control
[173] ft WG
references and feedbacks. Par. 1-00 Configuration
Mode must be either [3] Process or [8] Extended PID [180] HP
3-02 Minimum Reference
[0] * None Range: Function:
[1] % Applica- [Applica- Enter the Minimum Reference. The
[2] RPM tion tion Minimum Reference is the lowest value
[3] Hz depend- depend- obtainable by summing all references.
[4] Nm ent* ant] Minimum Reference is active only when
[5] PPM par. 3-00 Reference Range is set to Min.-
[10] 1/min Max. [0].
[12] Pulse/s The Minimum Reference unit matches:
[20] l/s • The choice of configuration in
[21] l/min par. 1-00 Configuration Mode
[22] l/h Configuration Mode: for Speed
[23] m3/s closed loop [1], RPM; for Torque [2],
[24] m3/min Nm.
[25] m3/h
• The unit selected in
[30] kg/s par. 3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit.
[31] kg/min
[32] kg/h
[33] t/min
[34] t/h
[40] m/s

52 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3-03 Maximum Reference

Range: Function:
Applica- [Applica- Enter the Maximum Reference. The
tion tion Maximum Reference is the highest value
depend- depend- obtainable by summing all references.
ent* ant]
The Maximum Reference unit matches: 3 3
• The choice of configuration in
par. 1-00 Configuration Mode: for
Speed closed loop [1], RPM; for
Torque [2], Nm.

• The unit selected in

par. 3-00 Reference Range. Preset ref. bit 2 1 0
Preset ref. 0 0 0 0
3-04 Reference Function Preset ref. 1 0 0 1
Preset ref. 2 0 1 0
Option: Function:
Preset ref. 3 0 1 1
[0] * Sum Sums both external and preset reference
Preset ref. 4 1 0 0
Preset ref. 5 1 0 1
[1] External/ Use either the preset or the external Preset ref. 6 1 1 0
Preset reference source. Preset ref. 7 1 1 1
Shift between external and preset via a
command on a digital input.
3-11 Jog Speed [Hz]
Range: Function:
3.5.2 3-1* References Application [Application The jog speed is a fixed output
dependent* dependant] speed at which the frequency
Select the preset reference(s). Select Preset ref. bit 0 / 1 / 2 [16], converter is running when the jog
[17] or [18] for the corresponding digital inputs in par. group function is activated.
5-1*. See also par. 3-80 Jog Ramp Time.

3-10 Preset Reference

3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value
Array [8]
Range: Function:
Range: 0-7
0.00 [0.00 - Enter a percentage (relative) value to be either
Range: Function:
%* 100.00 added to or deducted from the actual reference
0.00 [-100.00 - Enter up to eight different preset references %] for Catch up or Slow down respectively. If Catch
%* 100.00 %] (0-7) in this parameter, using array program- up is selected via one of the digital inputs
ming. The preset reference is stated as a (par. 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input to
percentage of the value RefMAX par. 5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input), the percent-
(par. 3-03 Maximum Reference) If a RefMIN differ- age (relative) value is added to the total
ent from 0 (par. 3-02 Minimum Reference) is reference. If Slow down is selected via one of the
programmed, the preset reference is calcula- digital inputs (par. 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input
ted as a percentage of the full reference range, to par. 5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input), the
i.e. on the basis of the difference between percentage (relative) value is deducted from the
RefMAX and RefMIN. Afterwards, the value is total reference. Obtain extended functionality
added to RefMIN. When using preset references, with the DigiPot function. See par. group 3-9*
select Preset ref. bit 0 / 1 / 2 [16], [17] or [18] Digital Potentiometer.
for the corresponding digital inputs in par.
group 5-1*.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 53

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3-13 Reference Site 3-15 Reference Resource 1

Option: Function: Option: Function:
Select which reference site to activate. Select the reference input to be used
for the first reference signal.
[0] * Linked to Use local reference when in Hand mode; or
par. 3-15 Reference Resource 1,
Hand / Auto remote reference when in Auto mode.
3 3 [1] Remote Use remote reference in both Hand mode and
par. 3-16 Reference Resource 2 and
par. 3-17 Reference Resource 3 define
Auto mode. up to three different reference signals.
[2] Local Use local reference in both Hand mode and The sum of these reference signals
Auto mode. defines the actual reference.

NOTE [0] No function

When set to Local [2], the frequency [1] * Analog input 53
converter will start with this setting [2] Analog input 54
again following a 'power down'. [7] Frequency input 29
[8] Frequency input 33
[11] Local bus reference
3-14 Preset Relative Reference
[20] Digital pot.meter
Range: Function: [21] Analog input X30-11 (General Purpose I/O Option Module)
0.00 [-100.00 - The actual reference, X, is increased or
[22] Analog input X30-12 (General Purpose I/O Option Module)
%* 100.00 %] decreased with the percentage Y, set in
par. 3-14 Preset Relative Reference. This [29] Analog Input X48/2
results in the actual reference Z. Actual
3-16 Reference Resource 2
reference (X) is the sum of the inputs
selected in par. 3-15 Reference 1 Source, Option: Function:
par. 3-16 Reference 2 Source, Select the reference input to be used
par. 3-17 Reference 3 Source and for the second reference signal.
par. 8-02 Control Source. par. 3-15 Reference Resource 1,
par. 3-16 Reference Resource 2 and
par. 3-17 Reference Resource 3 define
up to three different reference
signals. The sum of these reference
signals defines the actual reference.

[0] No function
[1] Analog input 53
[2] Analog input 54
[7] Frequency input 29
[8] Frequency input 33
[11] Local bus reference
[20] * Digital pot.meter
[21] Analog input X30-11
[22] Analog input X30-12
[29] Analog Input X48/2

3-17 Reference Resource 3

Option: Function:
Select the reference input to be used
for the third reference signal.
par. 3-15 Reference Resource 1,
par. 3-16 Reference Resource 2 and
par. 3-17 Reference Resource 3 define
up to three different reference
signals. The sum of these reference
signals defines the actual reference.

[0] No function
[1] Analog input 53

54 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3-17 Reference Resource 3 3-19 Jog Speed [RPM]

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[2] Analog input 54 Application [Applica- Enter a value for the jog speed nJOG,
[7] Frequency input 29 dependent* tion which is a fixed output speed. The
[8] Frequency input 33 dependant] frequency converter runs at this speed
[11] * Local bus reference
[20] Digital pot.meter
when the jog function is activated. The
maximum limit is defined in
3 3
[21] Analog input X30-11 par. 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit

[22] Analog input X30-12 [RPM].

See also par. 3-80 Jog Ramp Time.
[29] Analog Input X48/2

3-18 Relative Scaling Reference Resource

3.5.3 Ramps
Option: Function: 3-4* Ramp 1
Select a variable value to be added to the
fixed value (defined in par. 3-14 Preset For each of four ramps (par. group 3-4*, 3-5*, 3-6* and 3-7*)
Relative Reference). The sum of the fixed and configure the ramp parameters: ramp type, ramping times
variable values (labelled Y in the illustration (duration of acceleration and deceleration) and level of jerk
below) is multiplied with the actual reference compensation for S ramps.
(labelled X in the illustration below). This
product is then added to the actual reference
Start by setting the linear ramping times corresponding to the
(X+X*Y/100) to give the resultant actual

This parameter cannot be adjusted while the

motor is running.

[0] * No function
[1] Analog input
[2] Analog input
[7] Frequency If S-ramps are selected then set the level of non-linear jerk
input 29 compensation required. Set jerk compensation by defining the
[8] Frequency
proportion of ramp-up and ramp-down times where accelera-
input 33
tion and deceleration are variable (i.e. increasing or decreas-
ing). The S-ramp acceleration and deceleration settings are
[11] Local bus
defined as a percentage of the actual ramp time.
[20] Digital
[21] Analog input
[22] Analog input
[29] Analog Input

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3-40 Ramp 1 Type 3-45 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start

Option: Function: Range: Function:
Select the ramp type, depending on require- 50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up
ments for acceleration/deceleration. dependant] time (par. 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up Time) in
A linear ramp will give constant acceleration which the acceleration torque increases.

3 3 during ramping. An S-ramp will give non-linear

acceleration, compensating for jerk in the
The larger the percentage value, the
greater the jerk compensation achieved,
application. and thus the lower the torque jerks
occurring in the application.
[0] * Linear
[1] S-ramp Acceleration with lowest possible jerk.
3-46 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End
Const Jerk
[2] S-ramp S-ramp based on the values set in Range: Function:
Const Time par. 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up Time and 50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up
par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time. dependant] time (par. 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up Time) in
which the acceleration torque decreases.
NOTE The larger the percentage value, the
If S-ramp [1] is selected and the reference during greater the jerk compensation achieved,
ramping is changed the ramp time may be prolonged in and thus the lower the torque jerks in the
order to realize a jerk free movement which may result application.
in a longer start or stop time.
Additional adjustment of the S-ramp ratios or switching 3-47 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start
initiators may be necessary. Range: Function:
50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up Time dependant] down time (par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down
Range: Function: Time) where the deceleration torque
Applica- Enter the ramp-up time, i.e. the acceleration increases. The larger the percentage value,
tion [Applica- time from 0 RPM to the synchronous motor the greater the jerk compensation
depend- tion speed nS. Choose a ramp-up time such that achieved, and thus the lower the torque
ent* depend- the output current does not exceed the jerks in the application.
ant] current limit in par. 4-18 Current Limit during
ramping. The value 0.00 corresponds to 0.01
3-48 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
sec. in speed mode. See ramp-down time in Range: Function:
par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time. 50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
tacc s x ns RPM dependant] down time (par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down
Par . 3 − 41 = Time) where the deceleration torque
ref RPM
decreases. The larger the percentage
3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time value, the greater the jerk compensation
achieved, and thus the lower the torque
Range: Function:
jerks in the application.
Applica- Enter the ramp-down time, i.e. the decelera-
tion [Applica- tion time from the synchronous motor speed
depend- tion ns to 0 RPM. Choose a ramp-down time such
ent* depend- that no over-voltage arises in the inverter due
ant] to regenerative operation of the motor, and
such that the generated current does not
exceed the current limit set in
par. 4-18 Current Limit. The value 0.00
corresponds to 0.01 s in speed mode. See
ramp-up time in par. 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up
tdec s x ns RPM
Par . 3 − 42 =
ref RPM

56 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.5.4 3-5* Ramp 2 3-55 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start

Range: Function:
Choosing ramp parameters, see 3-4*. 50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up
3-50 Ramp 2 Type dependant] time (par. 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp up Time) in
which the acceleration torque increases.
Option: Function:
Select the ramp type, depending on require-
The larger the percentage value, the
greater the jerk compensation achieved,
3 3
ments for acceleration/deceleration. A linear
and thus the lower the torque jerks in the
ramp will give constant acceleration during
ramping. An S-ramp will give non-linear
acceleration, compensating for jerk in the
3-56 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End
Range: Function:
[0] * Linear
50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up
[1] S-ramp Acceleration with lowest possible jerk
dependant] time (par. 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp up Time) in
Const Jerk
which the acceleration torque decreases.
[2] S-ramp S-ramp based on the values set in The larger the percentage value, the
Const Time par. 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp up Time and greater the jerk compensation achieved,
par. 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down Time and thus the lower the torque jerks in the
If S-ramp [1] is selected and the reference during 3-57 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start
ramping is changed the ramp time may be prolonged in
order to realize a jerk free movement which may result Range: Function:
in a longer start or stop time. 50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
Additional adjustment of the S-ramp ratios or switching dependant] down time (par. 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down
initiators may be necessary. Time) where the deceleration torque
increases The larger the percentage value,
the greater the jerk compensation
3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp up Time
achieved, and thus the lower the torque
Range: Function: jerks in the application.
Applica- Enter the ramp-up time, i.e. the acceleration
tion [Applica- time from 0 RPM to the rated motor speed ns. 3-58 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
depend- tion Choose a ramp-up time such that the output
Range: Function:
ent* depend- current does not exceed the current limit in
50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
ant] par. 4-18 Current Limit during ramping. The
dependant] down time (par. 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down
value 0.00 corresponds to 0.01 sec. in speed
Time) where the deceleration torque
mode. See ramp-down time in
decreases. The larger the percentage
par. 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down Time.
value, the greater the jerk compensation
tacc s x ns RPM achieved, and thus the lower the torque
Par . 3 − 51 =
ref RPM jerks in the application.

3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down Time

Range: Function: 3.5.5 3-6* Ramp 3
Applica- Enter the ramp-down time, i.e. the decelera-
tion [Applica- tion time from the rated motor speed ns to 0 Configure ramp parameters, see 3-4*.
depend- tion RPM. Choose a ramp-down time such that no 3-60 Ramp 3 Type
ent* depend- over-voltage arises in the inverter due to
Option: Function:
ant] regenerative operation of the motor, and
Select the ramp type, depending on require-
such that the generated current does not
ments for acceleration and deceleration. A
exceed the current limit set in
linear ramp will give constant acceleration
par. 4-18 Current Limit. The value 0.00
during ramping. An S-ramp will give non-linear
corresponds to 0.01 s in speed mode. See
acceleration, compensating for jerk in the
ramp-up time in par. 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp up
[0] * Linear
tdec s x ns RPM
Par . 3 − 52 = [1] S-ramp Accelerates with lowest possible jerk.
ref RPM
Const Jerk

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3-60 Ramp 3 Type 3-66 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[2] S-ramp S-ramp based on the values set in 50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up
Const Time par. 3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time and dependant] time (par. 3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time) in
par. 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time which the acceleration torque decreases.

3 3 NOTE
The larger the percentage value, the
greater the jerk compensation achieved,
If S-ramp [1] is selected and the reference during and thus the lower the torque jerks in the
ramping is changed the ramp time may be prolonged in application.
order to realize a jerk free movement which may result
in a longer start or stop time. 3-67 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start
Additional adjustment of the S-ramp ratios or switching Range: Function:
initiators may be necessary.
50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
dependant] down time (par. 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down
3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time Time) where the deceleration torque
Range: Function: increases. The larger the percentage value,
Application [Applica- Enter the ramp-up time, i.e. the acceler- the greater the jerk compensation
dependent* tion ation time from 0 RPM to the rated achieved, and thus the lower the torque
dependant] motor speed ns. Choose a ramp-up time jerks in the application.
such that the output current does not
exceed the current limit in 3-68 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
par. 4-18 Current Limit during ramping. Range: Function:
The value 0.00 corresponds to 0.01 sec. 50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
in speed mode. See ramp-down time in dependant] downdecel time (par. 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp
par. 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time. down Time) where the deceleration torque
decreases. The larger the percentage
3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time value, the greater the jerk compensation
Range: Function: achieved, and thus the lower the torque
Applica- Enter the ramp-down time, i.e. the decelera- jerks in the application.
tion [Applica- tion time from the rated motor speed ns to 0
depend- tion RPM. Choose a ramp-down time such that no
3.5.6 3-7* Ramp 4
ent* depend- over-voltage arises in the inverter due to
ant] regenerative operation of the motor, and
Configure ramp parameters, see 3-4*.
such that the generated current does not
exceed the current limit set in 3-70 Ramp 4 Type
par. 4-18 Current Limit. The value 0.00 Option: Function:
corresponds to 0.01 s in speed mode. See
Select the ramp type, depending on require-
ramp-up time in par. 3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up
ments for acceleration and deceleration. A
linear ramp will give constant acceleration
tdec s x ns RPM during ramping. An S-ramp will give non-linear
Par . 3 − 62 =
ref RPM acceleration, compensating for jerk in the
3-65 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start
[0] * Linear
Range: Function:
[1] S-ramp Accelerates with lowest possible jerk.
50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up
Const Jerk
dependant] time (par. 3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time) in
[2] S-ramp S-ramp based on the values set in
which the acceleration torque increases.
Const Time par. 3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time and
The larger the percentage value, the
par. 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time.
greater the jerk compensation achieved,
and thus the lower the torque jerks in the

58 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

NOTE 3-76 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End

If S-ramp [1] is selected and the reference during Range: Function:
ramping is changed the ramp time may be prolonged in
50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up
order to realize a jerk free movement which may result
dependant] time (par. 3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time) in
in a longer start or stop time.
which the acceleration torque decreases.
Additional adjustment of the S-ramp ratios or switching
initiators may be necessary.
The larger the percentage value, the
greater the jerk compensation achieved,
3 3
and thus the lower the torque jerks in the
3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time application.
Range: Function:
Applica- Enter the ramp-up time, i.e. the acceleration 3-77 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start
tion [Applica- time from 0 RPM to the rated motor speed ns. Range: Function:
depend- tion Choose a ramp-up time such that the output 50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
ent* depend- current does not exceed the current limit in dependant] down time (par. 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down
ant] par. 4-18 Current Limit during ramping. The Time) where the deceleration torque
value 0.00 corresponds to 0.01 sec. in speed increases. The larger the percentage value,
mode. See ramp-down time in the greater the jerk compensation
par. 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time. achieved, and thus the lower the torque
tacc s x ns RPM jerks in the application.
Par . 3 − 71 =
ref RPM
3-78 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time Range: Function:
Range: Function: 50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
Applica- Enter the ramp-down time, i.e. the decelera- dependant] down time (par. 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down
tion [Applica- tion time from the rated motor speed ns to 0 Time) where the deceleration torque
depend- tion RPM. Choose a ramp-down time such that no decreases. The larger the percentage
ent* depend- over-voltage arises in the inverter due to value, the greater the jerk compensation
ant] regenerative operation of the motor, and achieved, and thus the lower the torque
such that the generated current does not jerks in the application.
exceed the current limit set in
par. 4-18 Current Limit. The value 0.00
corresponds to 0.01 s in speed mode. See
3.5.7 3-8* Other Ramps
ramp-up time in par. 3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up
Time. 3-80 Jog Ramp Time
tdec s x ns RPM Range: Function:
Par . 3 − 72 =
ref RPM Applica- [0.01 - Enter the jog ramp time, i.e. the accelera-
tion 3600.00 s] tion/deceleration time between 0 RPM
3-75 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start depend- and the rated motor frequency ns. Ensure
Range: Function: ent* that the resultant output current required
50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up for the given jog ramp time does not
dependant] time (par. 3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time) in exceed the current limit in
which the acceleration torque increases. par. 4-18 Current Limit. The jog ramp time
The larger the percentage value, the starts upon activation of a jog signal via
greater the jerk compensation achieved, the LCP, a selected digital input, or the
and thus the lower the torque jerks in the serial communication port. When jog state
application. is disabled then the normal ramping times
are valid.

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3-82 Quick Stop Ramp Type

Option: Function:
Select the ramp type, depending on
requirements for acceleration and decelera-
tion. A linear ramp will give constant

3 3 acceleration during ramping. An S-ramp will

give non-linear acceleration, compensating
for jerk in the application.

[0] * Linear
[1] S-ramp Const
[2] S-ramp Const

3-83 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start

tjog s x ns RPM
Par . 3 − 80 = Range: Function:
Δ log speed ( par . 3 − 19) RPM
50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time
dependant] down time (par. 3-42) where the deceler-
Range: Function: ation torque increases. The larger the
Applica- [0.01 - Enter the quick–stop ramp-down time, i.e. percentage value, the greater the jerk
tion 3600.00 s] the deceleration time from the synchro- compensation achieved, and thus the
depend- nous motor speed to 0 RPM. Ensure that lower the torque jerks in the application.
ent* no resultant over-voltage will arise in the
inverter due to regenerative operation of 3-84 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
the motor required to achieve the given
Range: Function:
ramp-down time. Ensure also that the
50 %* [Application Enter the proportion of the total ramp-
generated current required to achieve the
dependant] down time (par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down
given ramp-down time does not exceed
Time) where the deceleration torque
the current limit (set in par. 4-18 Current
decreases. The larger the percentage
Limit). Quick-stop is activated by means of
value, the greater the jerk compensation
a signal on a selected digital input, or via
achieved, and thus the lower the torque
the serial communication port.
jerks in the application.

tQstop s x ns RPM
Par . 3 − 81 =
Δ jog ref ( par . 3 − 19) RPM

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.5.8 3-9* Digital Pot.Meter 3-92 Power Restore

Option: Function:
The digital potentiometer function allows the user to increase [0] * Off Resets the Digital Potentiometer reference to 0% after
or decrease the actual reference by adjusting the set-up of the power up.
digital inputs using the functions Increase, Decrease or Clear.
To activate the function, at least one digital input must be set [1] On Restores the most recent Digital Potentiometer
up to Increase or Decrease. reference at power up. 3 3
3-93 Maximum Limit
Range: Function:
100 %* [-200 - 200 Set the maximum permissible value for the
%] resultant reference. This is advisable if the
Digital Potentiometer is used for fine
tuning of the resulting reference.

3-94 Minimum Limit

Range: Function:
-100 %* [-200 - 200 Set the minimum permissible value for the
%] resultant reference. This is advisable if the
Digital Potentiometer is used for fine
tuning of the resulting reference.

3-95 Ramp Delay

Range: Function:
Application [Applica- Enter the delay required from activation
dependent* tion of the digital potentiometer function
dependant] until the frequency converter starts to
3-90 Step Size
ramp the reference. With a delay of 0
Range: Function: ms, the reference starts to ramp as soon
0.10 %* [0.01 - Enter the increment size required for as INCREASE/ DECREASE is activated.
200.00 %] INCREASE/DECREASE, as a percentage of See also par. 3-91 Ramp Time.
the synchronous motor speed, ns. If
INCREASE/ DECREASE is activated the
resulting reference will be increased /
decreased by the amount set in this

3-91 Ramp Time

Range: Function:
1.00 [0.00 - Enter the ramp time, i.e. the time for adjust-
s* 3600.00 s] ment of the reference from 0% to 100% of the
specified digital potentiometer function
(Increase, Decrease or Clear).
If Increase/ Decrease is activated for longer
than the ramp delay period specified in
par. 3-95 Ramp Delay the actual reference will
be ramped up / down according to this ramp
time. The ramp time is defined as the time
used to adjust the reference by the step size
specified in par. 3-90 Step Size.

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.6 Parameters: 4-** Limits/Warnings 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]
Range: Function:
Application [Applica- Enter the minimum limit for motor
3.6.1 4-1* Motor Limits dependent* tion speed. The Motor Speed Low Limit can
dependant] be set to correspond to the minimum

3 3 Define torque, current and speed limits for the motor, and the
reaction of the frequency converter when the limits are
output frequency of the motor shaft.
The Motor Speed Low Limit must not
exceeded. exceed the setting in par. 4-14 Motor
A limit may generate a message on the display. A warning will Speed High Limit [Hz].
always generate a message on the display or on the fieldbus. A Application [Applica- Enter the minimum limit for motor
monitoring function may initiate a warning or a trip, upon dependent* tion speed. The Motor Speed Low Limit can
which the frequency converter will stop and generate an dependant] be set to correspond to the minimum
alarm message. output frequency of the motor shaft.
4-10 Motor Speed Direction The Motor Speed Low Limit must not
exceed the setting in par. 4-14 Motor
Option: Function:
Speed High Limit [Hz].
Select the motor speed direction(s) required.
Use this parameter to prevent unwanted revers- 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]
ing. When par. 1-00 Configuration Mode is set to
Range: Function:
Process [3], par. 4-10 Motor Speed Direction is set
to Clockwise [0] as default. The setting in Application [Application Enter the maximum limit for motor
par. 4-10 Motor Speed Direction does not limit dependent* dependant] speed. The Motor Speed High Limit
options for setting par. 4-13 Motor Speed High can be set to correspond to the
Limit [RPM]. manufacturer’s maximum rated
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor speed. The Motor Speed High
motor is running. Limit must exceed the setting in
par. 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit
[0] * Clockwise The reference is set to CW rotation. Reversing [RPM].
input (Default term 19) must be open.

[1] Counter The reference is set to CCW rotation. Reversing NOTE

clockwise input (Default term 19) must be closed. If Max. output frequency cannot exceed 10% of the
Reversing is required with ‘Reverse’ input is inverter switching frequency (par. 14-01 Switching
open the motor direction can be changed by Frequency).
par. 1-06 Clockwise Direction

[2] Both Allows the motor to rotate in both directions. 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
directions Range: Function:
Application [Applica- Enter the maximum limit for motor
4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM]
depend- tion speed. The Motor Speed High Limit can
Range: Function: ent* dependant] be set to correspond to the manufactur-
Application [Application Enter the minimum limit for motor er’s recommended maximum of the
dependent* dependant] speed. The Motor Speed Low Limit motor shaft. The Motor Speed High Limit
can be set to correspond to the must exceed the in par. 4-12 Motor
manufacturer’s recommended Speed Low Limit [Hz]. Only
minimum motor speed. The Motor par. 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] or
Speed Low Limit must not exceed par. 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] will
the setting in par. 4-13 Motor Speed be displayed depending on other
High Limit [RPM]. parameters in the Main Menu and
depending on default settings depend-
ant on global location.

Max. output frequency cannot exceed 10% of the
inverter switching frequency (par. 14-01 Switching

62 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode 4-19 Max Output Frequency

Range: Function: Range: Function:
Application [Application This function limits the torque on 132.0 [1.0 - Provides a final limit on the output
dependent* dependant] the shaft to protect the mechanical Hz* 1000.0 Hz] frequency for improved safety in applica-
installation. tions where you want to avoid accidental
A drop in motor magnetisation is
automatically compensated by an
over-speeding. This limit is final in all
configurations (independent of the setting
3 3
increase in current to maintain in par. 1-00 Configuration Mode).
motor magnetisation.
NOTE Max. output frequency cannot exceed 10% of the
Changing par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode when inverter switching frequency (par. 14-01 Switching
par. 1-00 Configuration Mode is set to Speed open loop Frequency).
[0], par. 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed is automatically
readjusted. Par. 4-19 Max Output Frequency cannot be adjusted while the
motor is running.
NOTE 4-20 Torque Limit Factor Source
The torque limit reacts on the actual, non-filtrated
torque, including torque spikes. This is not the torque Option: Function:
that is seen from the LCP or the Fieldbus as that is Select an analog input for scaling the
filtered. settings in par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor
Mode and par. 4-17 Torque Limit Genera-
tor Mode from 0% to 100% (or inverse).
4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode
The signal levels corresponding to 0%
Range: Function: and 100% are defined in the analog
100.0 %* [Application This function limits the torque on the input scaling, e.g. par. group 6-1*. This
dependant] shaft to protect the mechanical installa- parameter is only active when
tion. par. 1-00 Configuration Mode is in Speed
A drop in motor magnetisation is Open Loop or Speed Closed Loop.
automatically compensated by an
[0] * No function
increase in current to maintain motor
[2] Analog in 53
[4] Analog in 53 inv
NOTE [6] Analog in 54
The torque limit reacts on the actual, non-filtrated [8] Analog in 54 inv
torque, including torque spikes. This is not the torque [10] Analog in X30-11
that is seen from the LCP or the Fieldbus as that is [12] Analog in X30-11
filtered. inv
[14] Analog in X30-12
4-18 Current Limit [16] Analog in X30-12
Range: Function:
Application [Applica- This is a true current limit function 4-21 Speed Limit Factor SourceOption
dependent* tion depend- that continues in the oversynchronous
Option: Function:
ant] range, however due to field weaken-
Select an analog input for scaling
ing the motor torque at current limit
the settings in par. 4-19 from 0% to
will drop accordingly when the
100% (or vice versa). The signal
voltage increase stops above the
levels corresponding to 0% and
synchronised speed of the motor.
100% are defined in the analog
input scaling, e.g. par. group 6-1*.
This parameter is only active when
par. 1-00 Configuration Mode is in
Torque Mode.
[0] * No function
[2] Analog input 53
[4] Analog input 53 inv
[6] Analog input 54

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

4-21 Speed Limit Factor SourceOption

Option: Function:
[8] Analog input 54 inv
[10] Analog input X30-11
[12] Analog input X30-11

3 3 inv
[14] Analog input X30-12
[16] Analog input X30-12

3.6.2 4-3* Motor Feedback Monitoring

The par. group includes monitoring and handling of motor

feedback devices as encoders, resolvers etc.

4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function

Option: Function:
Select which reaction the frequency
4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout
converter should take if a feedback
fault is detected. The selected action
Range: Function:
is to take place when the feedback 0.05 s* [0.00 - 60.00 s] Set the timeout value allowing the speed
signal differs from the output speed error set in par. 4-31 Motor Feedback
where its range is specified in Speed Error to be exceeded.
par. 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error
during its time frame set in 4-34 Tracking Error Function
par. 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Option: Function:
Timeout. Select which reaction the frequency converter
[0] Disabled should take if a tracking error is detected.
[1] Warning Closed Loop: The tracking error is measured
between the output from the ramp generator
[2] * Trip
and the speed feedback (filtered).
[3] Jog
Open Loop: The tracking error is measured
[4] Freeze Output
between the output from the ramp generator -
[5] Max Speed
compensated for slip - and the frequency that is
[6] Switch to Open Loop
sent to the motor (16-13).
[7] Select Setup 1
The reaction will be activated if the measured
[8] Select Setup 2 difference is more than specified in par. 4-35 for
[9] Select Setup 3 the time specified in par. 4-36.
[10] Select Setup 4 A tracking error in closed loop does not imply
[11] stop & trip that there is a problem with the feedback signal!
A tracking error can be the result of torque limit
4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error
at too big loads.
Range: Function:
[0] * Disable
300 RPM* [1 - 600 RPM] Select the max allowed tracking error
[1] Warning
in speed from the calculated and the
[2] Trip
actual mechanical shaft output speed.
[3] Trip after

64 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

4-35 Tracking Error 3.6.3 4-5* Adjustable Warnings

Range: Function:
10 RPM* [1 - 600 Enter the maximum permissible speed error
Use these parameters to adjust warning limits for current,
RPM] between the motor speed and the output of speed, reference and feedback. Warnings that are shown on
the ramp when not ramping. In open loop
the display can be programmed as an output or sent via serial
the motor speed is estimated and in closed
loop it is the feedback from encoder/resolv- Warnings are shown on display, programmed output or serial
3 3
er. bus.

4-36 Tracking Error Timeout

Range: Function:
1.00 s* [0.00 - 60.00 Enter the time-out period during which an
s] error greater than the value set in
par. 4-35 Tracking Error is permissible.

4-37 Tracking Error Ramping

Range: Function:
100 RPM* [1 - 600 Enter the maximum permissible speed
RPM] error between the motor speed and the
output of the ramp when ramping. In
open loop the motor speed is estimated
and in closed loop it is the feedback from

4-38 Tracking Error Ramping Timeout

Range: Function: 4-50 Warning Current Low

1.00 s* [0.00 - 60.00 Enter the time-out period during which an Range: Function:
s] error greater than the value set in 0.00 A* [Application Enter the ILOW value. When the motor
par. 4-37 Tracking Error Ramping while dependant] current falls below this limit, the display
Ramping is permissible. reads Current Low. The signal outputs can
be programmed to produce a status signal
4-39 Tracking Error After Ramping Timeout on terminal 27 or 29 (FC 302 only) and on
relay output 01 or 02 (FC 302 only). Refer to
Range: Function:
the drawing in this section.
5.00 s* [0.00 - 60.00 s] Enter the time-out period after ramping
where par. 4-37 Tracking Error Ramping
4-51 Warning Current High
and par. 4-38 Tracking Error Ramping
Timeout are still active. Range: Function:
Application [Applica- Enter the IHIGH value. When the motor
dependent* tion current exceeds this limit, the display
dependant] reads Current High. The signal outputs
can be programmed to produce a
status signal on terminal 27 or 29 (FC
302 only) and on relay output 01 or 02
(FC 302 only). Refer to the drawing in
this section.

4-52 Warning Speed Low

Range: Function:
0 RPM* [Application Enter the nLOW value. When the motor
dependant] speed exceeds this limit, the display reads
Speed Low. The signal outputs can be
programmed to produce a status signal on
terminal 27 or 29 (FC 302 only) and on
relay output 01 or 02 (FC 302 only).

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 65

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

4-53 Warning Speed High 4-57 Warning Feedback High

Range: Function: Range: Function:
Applica- [Applica- Enter the nHIGH value. When the motor 999999.999 [Applica- Enter the upper feedback limit.
tion tion speed exceeds this limit, the display ReferenceFeed- tion When the feedback exceeds this
depend- dependant] reads Speed High. The signal outputs can backUnit* dependant] limit, the display reads Feedb High.

3 3 ent* be programmed to produce a status

signal on terminal 27 or 29 (FC 302 only)
The signal outputs can be program-
med to produce a status signal on
and on relay output 01 or 02 (FC 302 terminal 27 or 29 (FC 302 only) and
only). Programme the upper signal limit on relay output 01 or 02 (FC 302
of the motor speed, nHIGH, within the only).
normal working range of the frequency
converter. Refer to the drawing in this 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function
section. Displays an alarm in the event of a missing motor phase (alarm 30,
31 or 32). Select disabled for no missing motor phase alarm. It is
4-54 Warning Reference Low strongly recommended to make an active setting to avoid motor
Range: Function: damage.
-999999.999* [Application Enter the lower reference limit. When Option: Function:
dependant] the actual reference falls below this [0] Disabled No alarm is displayed if a
limit, the display indicates Ref Low. missing motor phase occurs.
The signal outputs can be program-
[1] Trip 100 ms Trips after 100ms. Select 100
med to produce a status signal on
ms for fast detection of
terminal 27 or 29 (FC 302 only) and
missing motor phase.
on relay output 01 or 02 (FC 302
only). [2] Trip 1000 ms Trips after 1000 ms. Select
1000 ms for slow detection
4-55 Warning Reference High of missing motor phase.
Range: Function: [3] Trip 100ms 3ph
999999.999* [Application Enter the upper reference limit. When detec.
dependant] the actual reference exceeds this limit,
the display reads Ref High. The signal
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is
outputs can be programmed to
produce a status signal on terminal 27
or 29 (FC 302 only) and on relay
output 01 or 02 (FC 302 only).

4-56 Warning Feedback Low

Range: Function:
-999999.999 [Applica- Enter the lower feedback limit.
ReferenceFeed- tion When the feedback falls below this
backUnit* dependant] limit, the display reads Feedb Low.
The signal outputs can be
programmed to produce a status
signal on terminal 27 or 29 (FC 302
only) and on relay output 01 or 02
(FC 302 only).

66 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.6.4 4-6* Speed Bypass 3.7 Parameters: 5-** Digital In/Out

Some systems call for avoiding certain output frequencies or 3.7.1 5-0* Digital I/O Mode
speeds, due to resonance problems in the system. A maximum
of four frequency or speed ranges can be avoided. Parameters for configuring the input and output using NPN
and PNP.
4-60 Bypass Speed From [RPM]
Array [4]
3 3
These parameters cannot be adjusted while motor is running.
Range: Function:
Application [Application Some systems call for avoiding
5-00 Digital I/O Mode
dependent* dependant] certain output speeds due to Option: Function:
resonance problems in the Digital inputs and programmed digital outputs are pre-
system. Enter the lower limits of programmable for operation either in PNP or NPN
the speeds to be avoided. systems.

[0] * PNP Action on positive directional pulses (↕). PNP systems

4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz]
are pulled down to GND.
Array [4]
[1] NPN Action on negative directional pulses (↕). NPN systems
Range: Function:
are pulled up to + 24 V, internally in the frequency
Application [Application Some systems call for avoiding converter.
dependent* dependant] certain output speeds due to
resonance problems in the NOTE
system. Enter the lower limits of Once this parameter has been changed, it must be
the speeds to be avoided. activated by performing a power cycle.

4-62 Bypass Speed To [RPM]

5-01 Terminal 27 Mode
Array [4]
Option: Function:
Range: Function:
[0] * Input Defines terminal 27 as a digital input.
Application [Application Some systems call for avoiding
[1] Output Defines terminal 27 as a digital output.
dependent* dependant] certain output speeds due to
resonance problems in the
5-02 Terminal 29 Mode
system. Enter the upper limits
of the speeds to be avoided. Option: Function:
[0] * Input Defines terminal 29 as a digital input.
4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz]
[1] Output Defines terminal 29 as a digital output.
Array [4]
Range: Function: This parameter is available for FC 302 only.
Application [Application Some systems call for avoiding
dependent* dependant] certain output speeds due to
resonance problems in the
system. Enter the upper limits
of the speeds to be avoided.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 67

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.7.2 5-1* Digital Inputs Mech. Brake Feedb. [70] All

Mech. Brake Feedb. Inv. [71] All
The digital inputs are used for selecting various functions in PID Error Inv. [72] All
the frequency converter. All digital inputs can be set to the PID Reset I-part [73] All
following functions: PID enable [74] All
PTC Card 1 [80] All
3 3 Digital input function Select Terminal
No operation [0] All *term 32, 33
FC 300 standard terminals are 18, 19, 27, 29, 32 and 33. MCB
Reset [1] All
101 terminals are X30/2, X30/3 and X30/4.
Coast inverse [2] All *term 27
Terminal 29 functions as an output only in FC 302.
Coast and reset inverse [3] All
Quick stop inverse [4] All Functions dedicated to only one digital input are stated in the
DC-brake inverse [5] All
associated parameter.
Stop inverse [6] All
Start [8] All *term 18 All digital inputs can be programmed to these functions:
Latched start [9] All
Reversing [10] All *term 19 [0] No No reaction to signals transmitted to the
Start reversing [11] All operation terminal.

Enable start forward [12] All [1] Reset Resets frequency converter after a TRIP/ALARM.
Not all alarms can be reset.
Enable start reverse [13] All
[2] Coast (Default Digital input 27): Coasting stop,
Jog [14] All *term 29
inverse inverted input (NC). The frequency converter
Preset reference on [15] All
leaves the motor in free mode. Logic ‘0’ =>
Preset ref bit 0 [16] All
coasting stop.
Preset ref bit 1 [17] All
[3] Coast and Reset and coasting stop Inverted input (NC).
Preset ref bit 2 [18] All
reset Leaves motor in free mode and resets frequen-
Freeze reference [19] All
inverse cy converter. Logic ‘0’ => coasting stop and
Freeze output [20] All
Speed up [21] All
[4] Quick stop Inverted input (NC). Generates a stop in accord-
Speed down [22] All inverse ance with quick-stop ramp time set in
Set-up select bit 0 [23] All par. 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time. When motor
Set-up select bit 1 [24] All stops, the shaft is in free mode. Logic ‘0’ =>
Precise stop inverse [26] 18, 19 Quick-stop.
Precises start, stop [27] 18, 19 [5] DC-brake Inverted input for DC braking (NC). Stops motor
Catch up [28] All inverse by energizing it with a DC current for a certain
Slow down [29] All time period. See par. 2-01 DC Brake Current to
Counter input [30] 29, 33 par. 2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed [RPM]. The
Pulse input Edge Trigged [31] 29, 33 function is only active when the value in
Pulse input Time Based [32] 29, 33 par. 2-02 DC Braking Time is different from 0.
Ramp bit 0 [34] All Logic ’0’ => DC braking.
Ramp bit 1 [35] All [6] Stop inverse Stop Inverted function. Generates a stop
Mains failure inverse [36] All function when the selected terminal goes from
logical level ‘1’ to ‘0’. The stop is performed
Latched precise start [40] 18, 19
according to the selected ramp time
Latched precise stop [41] 18, 19
(par. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time,
par. 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down Time,
DigiPot Increase [55] All
par. 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time,
DigiPot Decrease [56] All
par. 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time).
DigiPot Clear [57] All
Digipot Hoist [58] All
When the frequency converter is at
Counter A (up) [60] 29, 33
the torque limit and has received a
Counter A (down) [61] 29, 33 stop command, it may not stop by
Reset Counter A [62] All itself. To ensure that the frequency
Counter B (up) [63] 29, 33 converter stops, configure a digital
Counter B (down) [64] 29, 33 output to Torque limit & stop [27] and
Reset Counter B [65] All connect this digital output to a digital
input that is configured as coast.

68 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

[8] Start (Default Digital input 18): Select start for a start/ 2 Ramp down Time) in the range 0 - par. 1-23 Motor
stop command. Logic ‘1’ = start, logic ‘0’ = stop. Frequency.
[9] Latched The motor starts, if a pulse is applied for min. 2 NOTE
start ms. The motor stops when Stop inverse is When Freeze output is active, the frequen-
activated. cy converter cannot be stopped via a low
[10] Reversing (Default Digital input 19). Change the direction ‘start [8]’ signal. Stop the frequency
of motor shaft rotation. Select Logic ‘1’ to converter via a terminal programmed for 3 3
reverse. The reversing signal only changes the Coasting inverse [2] or Coast and reset,
direction of rotation. It does not activate the inverse.
start function. Select both directions in [21] Speed Select Speed up and Speed down if digital control of
par. 4-10 Motor Speed Direction. The function is up the up/down speed is desired (motor potentiome-
not active in process closed loop. ter). Activate this function by selecting either Freeze
[11] Start revers- Used for start/stop and for reversing on the reference or Freeze output. When Speed up/ down is
ing same wire. Signals on start are not allowed at activated for less than 400 msec. the resulting
the same time. reference will be increased/ decreased by 0.1 %. If
[12] Enable start Disengages the counterclockwise movement Speed up/ down is activated for more than 400
forward and allows for the clockwise direction. msec. the resulting reference will follow the setting
[13] Enable start Disengages the clockwise movement and in ramping up/ down parameter 3-x1/ 3-x2.
reverse allows for the counterclockwise direction.
[14] Jog (Default Digital input 29): Use to activate jog Shut down Catch up
speed. See par. 3-11 Jog Speed [Hz]. Unchanged speed 0 0
[15] Preset Shifts between external reference and preset Reduced by %-value 1 0
reference reference. It is assumed that External/preset [1] Increased by %-value 0 1
on has been selected in par. 3-04 Reference Reduced by %-value 1 1
Function. Logic '0' = external reference active;
logic '1' = one of the eight preset references is [22] Speed Same as Speed up [21].
active. down
[16] Preset ref Preset ref. bit 0,1, and 2 enables a choice [23] Set-up Select Set-up select bit 0 or Select Set-up select
bit 0 between one of the eight preset references select bit 0 bit 1 to select one of the four set-ups. Set
according to the table below. par. 0-10 Active Set-up to Multi Set-up.
[17] Preset ref Same as Preset ref bit 0 [16]. [24] Set-up (Default Digital input 32): Same as Set-up select
bit 1 select bit 1 bit 0 [23].
[18] Preset ref Same as Preset ref bit 0 [16]. [26] Precise Prolongs stop signal to give a precise stop
bit 2 stop inv. independent of speed.
Sends an inverted stop signal when the precise
Preset ref. bit 2 1 0 stop function is activated in par. 1-83 Precise Stop
Preset ref. 0 0 0 0 Function.
Preset ref. 1 0 0 1 Precise stop inverse function is available for
Preset ref. 2 0 1 0 terminals 18 or 19.
Preset ref. 3 0 1 1 [27] Precise Use when Precise ramp stop [0] is selected in
Preset ref. 4 1 0 0 start, stop par. 1-83 Precise Stop Function.
Preset ref. 5 1 0 1
Preset ref. 6 1 1 0
Preset ref. 7 1 1 1

[19] Freeze Freezes the actual reference, which is now the point
ref of enable/condition for Speed up and Speed down
to be used. If Speed up/down is used, the speed [28] Catch up Increases reference value by percentage (relative)
change always follows ramp 2 (par. 3-51 Ramp 2 set in par. 3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value.
Ramp up Time and par. 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down [29] Slow Reduces reference value by percentage (relative)
Time) in the range 0 - par. 3-03 Maximum Reference. down set in par. 3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value.
[20] Freeze Freezes the actual motor frequency (Hz), which is [30] Counter Precise stop function in par. 1-83 Precise Stop
output now the point of enable/condition for Speed up and input Function acts as Counter stop or speed compen-
Speed down to be used. If Speed up/down is used, sated counter stop with or without reset. The
the speed change always follows ramp 2 counter value must be set in par. 1-84 Precise Stop
(par. 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp up Time and par. 3-52 Ramp Counter Value.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 69

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

[31] Pulse Edge triggered pulse input counts number of [60] Counter A (Terminal 29 or 33 only) Input for increment
edge pulse flanks per sample time. This gives a higher counting in the SLC counter.
triggered resolution at high frequencies, but is not as [61] Counter A (Terminal 29 or 33 only) Input for decrement
precise at lower frequencies. Use this pulse counting in the SLC counter.
principle for encoders with very low resolution [62] Reset Input for reset of counter A.
(e.g. 30 ppr). Counter A
3 3 [63] Counter B (Terminal 29 or 33 only) Input for increment
counting in the SLC counter.
[64] Counter B (Terminal 29 or 33 only) Input for decrement
counting in the SLC counter.
[65] Reset Input for reset of counter B.
[32] Pulse time Time based pulse input measures the duration Counter B
based between flanks. This gives a higher resolution at
[70] Mech. Brake Brake feedback for hoisting applications: Set
lower frequencies, but is not as precise at higher
Feedback par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle to [3] flux w/
frequencies. This principle has a cut-off frequency
motor feedback; set par. 1-72 Start Function to
which makes it unsuited for encoders with very
[6] Hoist mech brake Ref.
low resolutions (e.g. 30 ppr) at low speeds.
[71] Mech. Brake Inverted brake feedback for hoisting applica-
Feedback inv. tions
[72] PID error When enabled, it inverts the resulting error
inverse from the process PID controller. Available only
if "Configuration Mode" is set to "Surface
Winder", "Extended PID Speed OL" or
"Extended PID Speed CL".
[73] PID reset I- When enabled, resets the I-part of the Process
part PID controller. Equivalent to par. 7-40 Process
a: very low encoder b: standard encoder PID I-part Reset. Available only if "Configura-
resolution resolution tion Mode" is set to "Surface Winder",
"Extended PID Speed OL" or "Extended PID
Speed CL".
[74] PID enable When enabled, enables the extended process
PID controller. Equivalent to par. 7-50 Process
PID Extended PID. Available only if "Configura-
tion Mode" is set "Extended PID Speed OL" or
[34] Ramp bit 0 Enables a choice between one of the 4 ramps "Extended PID Speed CL".
available, according to the table below. [80] PTC Card 1 All Digital Inputs can be set to PTC Card 1 [80].
[35] Ramp bit 1 Same as Ramp bit 0. However, only one Digital Input must be set to
this choice.
Preset ramp bit 1 0
Ramp 1 0 0 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input
Ramp 2 0 1 Option: Function:
Ramp 3 1 0 [8] * Start Functions are described under 5-1* Digital Inputs
Ramp 4 1 1
5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input
[36] Mains failure Activates par. 14-10 Mains Failure. Mains Option: Function:
inverse failure inverse is active in the Logic .0. [10] * Reversing Functions are described under 5-1* Digital Inputs
5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input
[41] Latched Sends a latched stop signal when the precise
Precise Stop stop function is activated in par. 1-83 Precise Option: Function:
inverse Stop Function. The Latched Precise stop [2] * Coast inverse Functions are described under 5-1* Digital
inverse function is available for terminals 18 or Inputs
[55] DigiPot INCREASE signal to the Digital Potentiometer
Increase function described in par. group 3-9*
[56] DigiPot DECREASE signal to the Digital Potentiometer
Decrease function described in par. group 3-9*
[57] DigiPot Clear Clears the Digital Potentiometer reference
described in par. group 3-9*

70 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop

Option: Function: Option: Function:
Select the function from the available digital input [4] PTC 1 Alarm Coasts frequency converter when safe stop is
range and the additional options [60], [61], [63] and activated. Manual reset from LCP, digital input
[64]. Counters are used in Smart Logic Control or fieldbus. Choice 4 is only available when the
functions.This parameter is available for FC 302 only.
[14] * Jog Functions are described under 5-1* Digital Inputs
[5] PTC 1
MCB 112 PTC Thermistor Card is connected.

Coasts frequency converter when safe stop is

3 3
5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Input Warning activated (T-37 off). When safe stop circuit is
reestablished, the frequency converter will
Option: Function:
continue without manual reset, unless a Digital
Select the function from the available digital Input set to PTC Card 1 [80] is still enabled.
input range and the additional options [60], Choice 5 is only available when the MCB 112
[61], [63] and [64]. Counters are used in Smart PTC Thermistor Card is connected.
Logic Control functions.
[6] PTC 1 & This choice is used when the PTC option is
[0] * No operation Functions are described under 5-1* Digital
Relay A gated together with a Stop button through a
Safety relay to T-37. Coasts frequency converter
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input when safe stop is activated. Manual reset from
Option: Function: LCP, digital input or fieldbus. Choice 6 is only
available when the MCB 112 PTC Thermistor
Select the function from the available digital
Card is connected.
input range and the additional options [60],
[61], [63] and [64]. Counters are used in Smart [7] PTC 1 & This choice is used when the PTC option is
Logic Control functions. Relay W gated together with a Stop button through a
[0] * No operation Functions are described under 5-1* Digital Safety relay to T-37. Coasts frequency converter
Inputs when safe stop is activated (T-37 off). When safe
stop circuit is reestablished, the frequency
5-16 Terminal X30/2 Digital Input converter will continue without manual reset,
Option: Function: unless a Digital Input set to PTC Card 1 [80] is
[0] * No operation This parameter is active when option module (still) enabled. Choice 7 is only available when
MCB101 is installed in the frequency convert- the MCB 112 PTC Thermistor Card is connected.
er. Functions are described under 5-1* Digital [8] PTC 1 & This choice makes it possible to use a combina-
Inputs Relay A/W tion of Alarm and Warning. Choice 8 is only
available when the MCB 112 PTC Thermistor
5-17 Terminal X30/3 Digital Input
Card is connected.
Option: Function:
[9] PTC 1 & This choice makes it possible to use a combina-
[0] * No operation This parameter is active when option module
Relay W/A tion of Alarm and Warning. Choice 9 is only
MCB101 is installed in the frequency convert-
available when the MCB 112 PTC Thermistor
er. Functions are described under 5-1* Digital
Card is connected.

5-18 Terminal X30/4 Digital Input Choises 4 - 9 are only available when the MCB 112 PTC
Option: Function: Thermistor Card is connected.

[0] * No operation This parameter is active when option module

MCB101 is installed in the frequency convert-
er. Functions are described under 5-1* Digital

5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop

Option: Function:
[1] * Safe Stop Coasts frequency converter when safe stop is
Alarm activated. Manual reset from LCP, digital input
or fieldbus.

[3] Safe Stop Coasts frequency converter when safe stop is

Warning activated (T-37 off). When safe stop circuit is
reestablished, the frequency converter will
continue without manual reset.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 71

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

NOTE 5-23 Terminal X46/7 Digital Input

When Auto Reset/ Warning is selected the frequency Option: Function:
converter opens up for automatic restart.
[0] * No operation This parameter is active when option
moduleMCB 113 is installed in the frequency
Overview of functions, alarms and warnings converter. Functions are described under 5-1*

3 3 Function No. PTC Relay

Digital Inputs

No Function [0] - - 5-24 Terminal X46/9 Digital Input

Safe Stop Alarm [1]* - Safe Stop [A68] Option: Function:
Safe Stop [3] - Safe Stop [W68]
[0] * No operation This parameter is active when option module
MCB 113 is installed in the frequency convert-
PTC 1 Alarm [4] PTC 1 Safe Stop -
er. Functions are described under 5-1* Digital
PTC 1 Warning [5] PTC 1 Safe Stop -
[W71] 5-25 Terminal X46/11 Digital Input
PTC 1 & Relay A [6] PTC 1 Safe Stop Safe Stop [A68] Option: Function:
[A71] [0] * No operation This parameter is active when option
PTC 1 & Relay W [7] PTC 1 Safe Stop Safe Stop [W68] moduleMCB 113 is installed in the frequency
[W71] converter. Functions are described under 5-1*
PTC 1 & Relay A/ [8] PTC 1 Safe Stop Safe Stop [W68] Digital Inputs
W [A71]
PTC 1 & Relay [9] PTC 1 Safe Stop Safe Stop [A68] 5-26 Terminal X46/13 Digital Input
W/A [W71] Option: Function:
[0] * No operation This parameter is active when option module
W means warning and A means alarm. For further information, MCB 113 is installed in the frequency convert-
see Alarms and Warnings in section Troubleshooting in the er. Functions are described under 5-1* Digital
Design Guide or the Operating Instructions Inputs
A dangerous failure related to Safe Stop will give Alarm:
Dangerous Failure [A72]. 3.7.3 5-3* Digital Outputs
Please refer to the section Description of Alarm Word, Warning
Word and extended Status Word in the chapter Troubleshoot- The 2 solid-state digital outputs are common for terminals 27
ing. and 29. Set the I/O function for terminal 27 in
par. 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode, and set the I/O function for
5-20 Terminal X46/1 Digital Input
terminal 29 in par. 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode. These parameters
Option: Function: cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
[0] * No operation This parameter is active when option module
MCB 113 is installed in the frequency convert- [0] No operation Default for all digital outputs and relay
er. Functions are described under 5-1* Digital outputs
Inputs [1] Control ready The control card is ready. E.g.: Feedback
from a drive where the control is supplied
5-21 Terminal X46/3 Digital Input
by an external 24 V (MCB 107) and the main
Option: Function:
power to drive is not detected.
[0] * No operation This parameter is active when option [2] Drive ready The frequency converter is ready for
moduleMCB 113 is installed in the frequency operation and applies a supply signal on the
converter. Functions are described under 5-1* control board.
Digital Inputs
[3] Drive ready / The frequency converter is ready for
5-22 Terminal X46/5 Digital Input remote operation and is in Auto On mode.
Option: Function:
[4] Enable / no Ready for operation. No start or stop
[0] * No operation This parameter is active when option
warning command is been given (start/disable). No
moduleMCB 113 is installed in the frequency
warnings are active.
converter. Functions are described under 5-1*
[5] VLT running Motor is running and shaft torque present.
Digital Inputs
[6] Running / no Output speed is higher than the speed set in
warning par. 1-81 Min Speed for Function at Stop
[RPM]. The motor is running and there are
no warnings.

72 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

[7] Run in range / Motor is running within the programmed [27] Torque limit Use in performing a coasting stop and in
no warning current and speed ranges set in and stop torque limit condition. If the frequency
par. 4-50 Warning Current Low to converter has received a stop signal and is
par. 4-53 Warning Speed High. There are no at the torque limit, the signal is Logic ‘0’.
warnings. [28] Brake, no Brake is active and there are no warnings.
[8] Run on Motor runs at reference speed. No warnings. brake warning
reference / no [29] Brake ready, Brake is ready for operation and there are no 3 3
warning no fault faults.
[9] Alarm An alarm activates the output. There are no [30] Brake fault Output is Logic ‘1’ when the brake IGBT is
warnings. (IGBT) short-circuited. Use this function to protect
[10] Alarm or An alarm or a warning activates the output. the frequency converter if there is a fault on
warning the brake modules. Use the output/relay to
[11] At torque limit The torque limit set in par. 4-16 Torque Limit cut out the main voltage from the frequency
Motor Mode or par. 4-17 Torque Limit Genera- converter.
tor Mode has been exceeded. [31] Relay 123 Relay is activated when Control Word [0] is
[12] Out of current The motor current is outside the range set in selected in par. group 8-**.
range par. 4-18 Current Limit. [32] Mechanical Enables control of an external mechanical
[13] Below current, Motor current is lower than set in brake control brake, see description in the section Control
low par. 4-50 Warning Current Low. of Mechanical Brake, and par. group 2-2*
[14] Above current, Motor current is higher than set in [33] Safe stop Indicates that the safe stop on terminal 37
high par. 4-51 Warning Current High. activated (FC has been activated.
[15] Out of range Output frequency is outside the frequency 302 only)
range set in par. 4-52 Warning Speed Low [40] Out of ref Active when the actual speed is outside
and par. 4-53 Warning Speed High. range settings in par. 4-52 Warning Speed Low to
[16] Below speed, Output speed is lower than the setting in par. 4-55 Warning Reference High.
low par. 4-52 Warning Speed Low. [41] Below Active when actual speed is below speed
[17] Above speed, Output speed is higher than the setting in reference low reference setting.
high par. 4-53 Warning Speed High. [42] Above Active when actual speed is above speed
[18] Out of Feedback is outside the range set in reference high reference setting
feedback par. 4-56 Warning Feedback Low and [43] Extended PID
range par. 4-57 Warning Feedback High. Limit
[19] Below Feedback is below the limit set in [45] Bus Ctrl Controls output via bus. The state of the
feedback low par. 4-56 Warning Feedback Low. output is set in par. 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus
[20] Above Feedback is above the limit set in Control. The output state is retained in the
feedback high par. 4-57 Warning Feedback High. event of bus time-out.
[21] Thermal The thermal warning turns on when the [46] Bus Ctrl On at Controls output via bus. The state of the
warning temperature exceeds the limit in the motor, timeout output is set in par. 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus
the frequency converter, the brake resistor, Control. In the event of bus time-out the
or the thermistor. output state is set high (On).
[22] Ready, no Frequency converter is ready for operation [47] Bus Ctrl Off at Controls output via bus. The state of the
thermal and there is no over-temperature warning. timeout output is set in par. 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus
warning Control. In the event of bus time-out the
[23] Remote, Frequency converter is ready for operation output state is set low (Off).
ready, no and is in Auto On mode. There is no over- [51] MCO control- Active when a MCO 302 or MCO 305 is
thermal temperature warning. led connected. The output is controlled from
warning option.
[24] Ready, no Frequency converter is ready for operation [55] Pulse output
over-/ under and the mains voltage is within the specified [60] Comparator 0 See par. group 13-1*. If Comparator 0 is
voltage voltage range (see General Specifications evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high.
section in the Designn Guide). Otherwise, it will be low.
[25] Reverse Reversing. Logic ‘1’ when CW rotation of the [61] Comparator 1 See par. group 13-1*. If Comparator 1 is
motor. Logic ‘0’ when CCW rotation of the evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high.
motor. If the motor is not rotating the Otherwise, it will be low.
output will follow the reference. [62] Comparator 2 See par. group 13-1*. If Comparator 2 is
[26] Bus OK Active communication (no time-out) via the evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high.
serial communication port. Otherwise, it will be low.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 73

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

[63] Comparator 3 See par. group 13-1*. If Comparator 3 is [85] SL Digital See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action. The input
evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high. Output F will go high whenever the Smart Logic
Otherwise, it will be low. Action [43] Set dig. out. A high is executed.
[64] Comparator 4 See par. group 13-1*. If Comparator 4 is The input will go low whenever the Smart
evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high. Logic Action [37] Set dig. out. A low is
Otherwise, it will be low. executed.
3 3 [65] Comparator 5 See par. group 13-1*. If Comparator 5 is [120] Local Output is high when par. 3-13 Reference Site
evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high. reference = [2] Local or when par. 3-13 Reference Site =
Otherwise, it will be low. active [0] Linked to hand auto at the same time as
[70] Logic Rule 0 See par. group 13-4*. If Logic Rule 0 is the LCP is in Hand on mode.
evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high.
Reference site set Local Remote
Otherwise, it will be low.
in referenc reference
[71] Logic Rule 1 See par. group 13-4*. If Logic Rule 1 is
par. 3-13 Reference e active [121]
evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high.
Site active
Otherwise, it will be low.
[72] Logic Rule 2 See par. group 13-4*. If Logic Rule 2 is
Reference site: 1 0
evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high.
Otherwise, it will be low.
par. 3-13 Reference
[73] Logic Rule 3 See par. group 13-4*. If Logic Rule 3 is
Site [2]
evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high.
Reference site: 0 1
Otherwise, it will be low.
[74] Logic Rule 4 See par. group 13-4*. If Logic Rule 4 is
par. 3-13 Reference
evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high.
Site [1]
Otherwise, it will be low.
Reference site:
[75] Logic Rule 5 See par. group 13-4*. If Logic Rule 5 is
Linked to Hand/
evaluated as TRUE, the output will go high.
Otherwise, it will be low.
Hand 1 0
[80] SL Digital See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action. The
Hand -> off 1 0
Output A output will go high whenever the Smart
Auto -> off 0 0
Logic Action [38] Set dig. out. A high is
Auto 0 1
executed. The output will go low whenever
the Smart Logic Action [32] Set dig. out. A
low is executed. [121] Remote Output is high when par. 3-13 Reference Site
[81] SL Digital See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action. The input reference = Remote [1] or Linked to hand/auto [0] while
Output B will go high whenever the Smart Logic active the LCP is in [Auto on] mode. See above.
Action [39] Set dig. out. A high is executed. [122] No alarm Output is high when no alarm is present.
The input will go low whenever the Smart [123] Start Output is high when there is an active Start
Logic Action [33] Set dig. out. A low is command command (i.e. via digital input bus connec-
executed. active tion or [Hand on] or [Auto on]), and no Stop
[82] SL Digital See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action. The input or Start command is active.
Output C will go high whenever the Smart Logic [124] Running Output is high when the frequency convert-
Action [40] Set dig. out. A high is executed. reverse er is running counter clockwise (the logical
The input will go low whenever the Smart product of the status bits ‘running’ AND
Logic Action [34] Set dig. out. A low is ‘reverse’).
executed. [125] Drive in hand Output is high when the frequency convert-
[83] SL Digital See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action. The input mode er is in Hand on mode (as indicated by the
Output D will go high whenever the Smart Logic LED light above [Hand on]).
Action [41] Set dig. out. A high is executed. [126] Drive in auto Output is high when the frequency convert-
The input will go low whenever the Smart mode er is in Hand on mode (as indicated by the
Logic Action [35] Set dig. out. A low is LED light above [Auto on]).
[84] SL Digital See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action. The input
5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output
Output E will go high whenever the Smart Logic Option: Function:
Action [42] Set dig. out. A high is executed. [0] * No operation Functions are described under 5-3* Digital
The input will go low whenever the Smart Outputs
Logic Action [36] Set dig. out. A low is

74 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

5-31 Terminal 29 Digital Output 5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out (MCB 101)
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[0] * No operation Functions are described under 5-3* Digital [47] Bus ctrl, 0 if timeout
Outputs [51] MCO controlled
This parameter only applies to FC 302 [55] Pulse output

5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out (MCB 101)

Comparator 0
Comparator 1
3 3
Option: Function:
[62] Comparator 2
[0] * No operation This parameter is active when [63] Comparator 3
option module MCB 101 is mounted
[64] Comparator 4
in the frequency converter.
[65] Comparator 5
Functions are described under 5-3*
[70] Logic rule 0
Digital Outputs
[71] Logic rule 1
[1] Control ready [72] Logic rule 2
[2] Drive ready [73] Logic rule 3
[3] Drive rdy/rem ctrl [74] Logic rule 4
[4] Enable / no warning [75] Logic rule 5
[5] Running [80] SL digital output A
[6] Running / no warning [81] SL digital output B
[7] Run in range/no warn [82] SL digital output C
[8] Run on ref/no warn [83] SL digital output D
[9] Alarm [84] SL digital output E
[10] Alarm or warning [85] SL digital output F
[11] At torque limit [120] Local ref active
[12] Out of current range [121] Remote ref active
[13] Below current, low [122] No alarm
[14] Above current, high [123] Start command activ
[15] Out of speed range [124] Running reverse
[16] Below speed, low [125] Drive in hand mode
[17] Above speed, high [126] Drive in auto mode
[18] Out of feedb. range
[19] Below feedback, low 5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB 101)
[20] Above feedback, high Option: Function:
[21] Thermal warning [0] * No operation This parameter is active when
[22] Ready,no thermal W option module option module MCB
[23] Remote,ready,no TW 101 is mounted in the frequency
[24] Ready, Voltage OK converter. Functions are described
[25] Reverse under 5-3* Digital Outputs
[26] Bus OK [1] Control ready
[27] Torque limit & stop [2] Drive ready
[28] Brake, no brake war [3] Drive rdy/rem ctrl
[29] Brake ready, no fault [4] Enable / no warning
[30] Brake fault (IGBT) [5] Running
[31] Relay 123 [6] Running / no warning
[32] Mech brake ctrl [7] Run in range/no warn
[33] Safe stop active [8] Run on ref/no warn
[38] Motor feedback error [9] Alarm
[39] Tracking error [10] Alarm or warning
[40] Out of ref range [11] At torque limit
[41] Below reference, low [12] Out of current range
[42] Above ref, high [13] Below current, low
[43] Extended PID Limit [14] Above current, high
[45] Bus ctrl. [15] Out of speed range
[46] Bus ctrl, 1 if timeout [16] Below speed, low

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 75

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB 101) 3.7.4 5-4* Relays
Option: Function:
[17] Above speed, high
Parameters for configuring the timing and the output
functions for the relays.
[18] Out of feedb. range
[19] Below feedback, low 5-40 Function Relay
3 3 [20]
Above feedback, high
Thermal warning
Array [9]
(Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1], Relay 3 [2] (MCB 113), Relay 4 [3] (MCB 113),
[22] Ready,no thermal W Relay 5 [4] (MCB 113), Relay 6 [5] (MCB 113), Relay 7 [6] (MCB 105),
[23] Remote,ready,no TW Relay 8 [7] (MCB 105), Relay 9 [8] (MCB 105))
[24] Ready, Voltage OK Option: Function:
[25] Reverse [0] * No operation All digital and relay outputs are default
[26] Bus OK set to “No Operation”.
[27] Torque limit & stop
[1] Control ready The control card is ready. E.g.:
[28] Brake, no brake war
Feedback from a drive where the
[29] Brake ready, no fault
control is supplied by an external 24 V
[30] Brake fault (IGBT)
(MCB 107) and the main power to
[31] Relay 123
drive is not detected.
[32] Mech brake ctrl
[2] Drive ready Drive is ready to operate. Mains and
[33] Safe stop active
control supplies are OK.
[39] Tracking error
[40] Out of ref range [3] Drive rdy/rem ctrl The frequency converter is ready for
[41] Below reference, low operation and is in Auto On mode
[42] Above ref, high [4] Enable / no warning Ready for operation. No start or stop
[43] Extended PID Limit commands have been applied (start/
[45] Bus ctrl. disable). No warnings are active.
[46] Bus ctrl, 1 if timeout
[5] Running Motor is running, and shaft torque
[47] Bus ctrl, 0 if timeout
[51] MCO controlled
[6] Running / no Output speed is higher than the speed
[60] Comparator 0
warning set in par. 1-81 Min Speed for Function
[61] Comparator 1
at Stop [RPM] Min Speed for Function
[62] Comparator 2
at Stop [RPM]. The motor is running
[63] Comparator 3
and no warnings.
[64] Comparator 4
[65] Comparator 5 [7] Run in range/no Motor is running within the program-
warn med current and speed ranges set in
[70] Logic rule 0
par. 4-50 Warning Current Low and
[71] Logic rule 1
par. 4-53 Warning Speed High. No
[72] Logic rule 2
[73] Logic rule 3
[74] Logic rule 4 [8] Run on ref/no warn Motor runs at reference speed. No
[75] Logic rule 5 warnings.
[80] SL digital output A [9] Alarm An alarm activates the output. No
[81] SL digital output B warnings
[82] SL digital output C
[10] Alarm or warning An alarm or a warning activates the
[83] SL digital output D output.
[84] SL digital output E
[11] At torque limit The torque limit set in par. 4-16 Torque
[85] SL digital output F
Limit Motor Mode or par. 4-17 Torque
[120] Local ref active
Limit Generator Mode has been
[121] Remote ref active
[122] No alarm
[123] Start command activ [12] Out of current The motor current is outside the range
[124] Running reverse range set in par. 4-18 Current Limit.

[125] Drive in hand mode [13] Below current, low Motor current is lower than set in
[126] Drive in auto mode par. 4-50 Warning Current Low.

76 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

5-40 Function Relay 5-40 Function Relay

Array [9] Array [9]
(Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1], Relay 3 [2] (MCB 113), Relay 4 [3] (MCB 113), (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1], Relay 3 [2] (MCB 113), Relay 4 [3] (MCB 113),
Relay 5 [4] (MCB 113), Relay 6 [5] (MCB 113), Relay 7 [6] (MCB 105), Relay 5 [4] (MCB 113), Relay 6 [5] (MCB 113), Relay 7 [6] (MCB 105),
Relay 8 [7] (MCB 105), Relay 9 [8] (MCB 105)) Relay 8 [7] (MCB 105), Relay 9 [8] (MCB 105))
Above current, high Motor current is higher than set in
Brake, no brake war Brake is active and there are no
3 3
par. 4-51 Warning Current High. warnings.

[15] Out of speed range Output speed/frequency is outside the [29] Brake ready, no Brake is ready for operation and there
frequency range set in fault are no faults.
par. 4-52 Warning Speed Low and
[30] Brake fault (IGBT) Output is Logic ‘1’ when the brake
par. 4-53 Warning Speed High.
IGBT is short-circuited. Use this
[16] Below speed, low Output speed is lower than the setting function to protect the frequency
in par. 4-52 Warning Speed Low converter if there is a fault on the
brake module. Use the digital output/
[17] Above speed, high Output speed is higher than the
relay to cut out the main voltage from
setting in par. 4-53 Warning Speed
the frequency converter.
[31] Relay 123 Digital output/relay is activated when
[18] Out of feedb. range Feedback is outside the range set in
Control Word [0] is selected in par.
par. 4-56 Warning Feedback Low and
group 8-**.
par. 4-57 Warning Feedback High.
[32] Mech brake ctrl Selection of mechanical brake control.
[19] Below feedback, Feedback is below the limit set in
When selected parameters in par.
low par. 4-56 Warning Feedback Low.
group 2-2* are active. The output must
[20] Above feedback, Feedback is above the limit set in be reinforced to carry the current for
high par. 4-57 Warning Feedback High. the coil in the brake. Usually solved by
[21] Thermal warning Thermal warning turns on when the connecting an external relay to the
temperature exceeds the limit either in selected digital output.
motor, frequency converter, brake [33] Safe stop active (FC 302 only) Indicates that the safe
resistor, or connected thermistor. stop on terminal 37 has been activa-
[22] Ready,no thermal W Frequency converter is ready for ted.
operation and there is no over- [36] Control word bit 11 Activate relay 1 by control word from
temperature warning. fieldbus. No other functional impact in
[23] Remote,ready,no Frequency converter is ready for the frequency converter. Typical
TW operation and is in Auto On mode. application: controlling auxiliary
There is no over-temperature warning. device from fieldbus. The function is
valid when FC profile [0] in par
[24] Ready, Voltage OK Frequency converter is ready for
par. 8-10 Control Word Profile is
operation and the mains voltage is
within the specified voltage range (see
General Specifications section in [37] Control word bit 12 Activate relay 2 FC 302 only) by control
Design Guide). word from fieldbus. No other function-
al impact in the frequency converter.
[25] Reverse Logic ‘1’ when CW rotation of the
Typical application: controlling auxili-
motor. Logic ‘0’ when CCW rotation of
ary device from fieldbus. The function
the motor. If the motor is not rotating
is valid when FC profile [0] in
the output will follow the reference.
par. 8-10 Control Word Profile is
[26] Bus OK Active communication (no time-out) selected.
via the serial communication port.
[38] Motor feedback Failure in the speed feedback loop
[27] Torque limit & stop Use in performing a coasted stop and error from motor running in closed loop.
frequency converter in torque limit The output can eventually be used to
condition. If the frequency converter prepare switching the drive in open
has received a stop signal and is in loop in emergency case.
torque limit, the signal is Logic ‘0’.
[39] Tracking error When the difference between calcula-
ted speed and actual speed in

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 77

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

5-40 Function Relay 5-40 Function Relay

Array [9] Array [9]
(Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1], Relay 3 [2] (MCB 113), Relay 4 [3] (MCB 113), (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1], Relay 3 [2] (MCB 113), Relay 4 [3] (MCB 113),
Relay 5 [4] (MCB 113), Relay 6 [5] (MCB 113), Relay 7 [6] (MCB 105), Relay 5 [4] (MCB 113), Relay 6 [5] (MCB 113), Relay 7 [6] (MCB 105),
Relay 8 [7] (MCB 105), Relay 9 [8] (MCB 105)) Relay 8 [7] (MCB 105), Relay 9 [8] (MCB 105))

3 3 Option: Function:
par. 4-35 Tracking Error is larger than
[64] Comparator 4
See par. group 13-1* (Smart Logic
selected the digital output/relay is Control). If Comparator 4 in SLC is
active. TRUE, the output will go high.
Otherwise, it will be low.
[40] Out of ref range Active when the actual speed is
outside settings in par. 4-52 Warning [65] Comparator 5 See par. group 13-1* (Smart Logic
Speed Low to par. 4-55 Warning Control). If Comparator 5 in SLC is
Reference High. TRUE, the output will go high.
Otherwise, it will be low.
[41] Below reference, Active when actual speed is below
low speed reference setting. [70] Logic rule 0 See par. group 13-4*(Smart Logic
Control). If Logic Rule 0 in SLC is TRUE,
[42] Above ref, high Active when actual speed is above
the output will go high. Otherwise, it
speed reference setting.
will be low.
[43] Extended PID Limit
[71] Logic rule 1 See par. group 13-4*(Smart Logic
[45] Bus ctrl. Controls digital output/relay via bus.
Control). If Logic Rule 1 in SLC is TRUE,
The state of the output is set in
the output will go high. Otherwise, it
par. 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control.
will be low.
The output state is retained in the
event of bus time-out. [72] Logic rule 2 See par. group 13-4*(Smart Logic
Control). If Logic Rule 2 in SLC is TRUE,
[46] Bus ctrl, 1 if timeout Controls output via bus. The state of
the output will go high. Otherwise, it
the output is set in par. 5-90 Digital &
will be low.
Relay Bus Control. In the event of bus
time-out the output state is set high [73] Logic rule 3 See par. group 13-4*(Smart Logic
(On). Control). If Logic Rule 3 in SLC is TRUE,
the output will go high. Otherwise, it
[47] Bus ctrl, 0 if timeout Controls output via bus. The state of
will be low.
the output is set in par. 5-90 Digital &
Relay Bus Control. In the event of bus [74] Logic rule 4 See par. group 13-4*(Smart Logic
time-out the output state is set low Control). If Logic Rule 4 in SLC is TRUE,
(Off). the output will go high. Otherwise, it
will be low.
[51] MCO controlled Active when a MCO 302 or MCO 305 is
connected. The output is controlled [75] Logic rule 5 See par. group 13-4*(Smart Logic
from option. Control). If Logic Rule 5 in SLC is TRUE,
the output will go high. Otherwise, it
[60] Comparator 0 See par. group 13-1* (Smart Logic
will be low.
Control). If Comparator 0 in SLC is
TRUE, the output will go high. [80] SL digital output A See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action.
Otherwise, it will be low. Output A is low on Smart Logic Action
[32]. Output A is high on Smart Logic
[61] Comparator 1 See par. group 13-1* (Smart Logic
Action [38].
Control). If Comparator 1 in SLC is
TRUE, the output will go high. [81] SL digital output B See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action.
Otherwise, it will be low. Output B is low on Smart Logic Action
[33]. Output B is high on Smart Logic
[62] Comparator 2 See par. group 13-1* (Smart Logic
Action [39].
Control). If Comparator 2 in SLC is
TRUE, the output will go high. [82] SL digital output C See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action.
Otherwise, it will be low. Output C is low on Smart Logic Action
[34]. Output C is high on Smart Logic
[63] Comparator 3 See par. group 13-1* (Smart Logic
Action [40].
Control). If Comparator 3 in SLC is
TRUE, the output will go high. [83] SL digital output D See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action.
Otherwise, it will be low. Output D is low on Smart Logic Action

78 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

5-40 Function Relay 5-40 Function Relay

Array [9] Array [9]
(Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1], Relay 3 [2] (MCB 113), Relay 4 [3] (MCB 113), (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1], Relay 3 [2] (MCB 113), Relay 4 [3] (MCB 113),
Relay 5 [4] (MCB 113), Relay 6 [5] (MCB 113), Relay 7 [6] (MCB 105), Relay 5 [4] (MCB 113), Relay 6 [5] (MCB 113), Relay 7 [6] (MCB 105),
Relay 8 [7] (MCB 105), Relay 9 [8] (MCB 105)) Relay 8 [7] (MCB 105), Relay 9 [8] (MCB 105))
Option: Function:
[35]. Output D is high on Smart Logic
[124] Running reverse
Output is high when the frequency
3 3
Action [41] converter is running counter clockwise
(the logical product of the status bits
[84] SL digital output E See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action.
‘running’ AND ‘reverse’).
Output E is low on Smart Logic Action
[36]. Output E is high on Smart Logic [125] Drive in hand mode Output is high when the frequency
Action [42]. converter is in Hand on mode (as
indicated by the LED light above
[85] SL digital output F See par. 13-52 SL Controller Action.
[Hand on]).
Output F is low on Smart Logic Action
[37]. Output F is high on Smart Logic [126] Drive in auto mode Output is high when the frequency
Action [43]. converter is in ‘Auto’ mode (as indica-
ted by LED on above [Auto On]).
[120] Local ref active Output is high when
par. 3-13 Reference Site = [2] Local or
when par. 3-13 Reference Site = [0]
5-41 On Delay, Relay
Linked to hand auto at the same time Array [9], (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1], Relay 3 [2], Relay 4 [3], Relay 5 [4],
as the LCP is in Hand on mode. Relay 6 [5], Relay 7 [6], Relay 8 [7], Relay 9 [8])
Range: Function:
Reference site Local Remote
0.01 s* [0.01 - 600.00 s] Enter the delay of the relay cut-in time.
set in referen reference
Select one of available mechanical
par. 3-13 Referen ce active
relays and MCB 105 in an array
ce Site active [121]
function. See par. 5-40 Function Relay.
Relay 3-6 are included in MCB 113.
Reference site: 1 0
par. 3-13 Referen
ce Site [2]
Reference site: 0 1
par. 3-13 Referen
ce Site [1]
Reference site:
Linked to Hand/
Hand 1 0
Hand -> off 1 0
Auto -> off 0 0
Auto 0 1

[121] Remote ref active Output is high when

par. 3-13 Reference Site = Remote [1] or
5-42 Off Delay, Relay
Linked to hand/auto [0] while the LCP
is in [Auto on] mode. See above. Array [9] (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1], Relay 3 [2], Relay 4 [3], Relay 5 [4],
Relay 6 [5], Relay 7 [6], Relay 8 [7], Relay 9 [8])
[122] No alarm Output is high when no alarm is
Range: Function:
0.01 s* [0.01 - 600.00 s] Enter the delay of the relay cut-out
[123] Start command Output is high when the Start time. Select one of available mechanical
activ command high (i.e. via digital input, relays and MCB 105 in an array
bus connection or [Hand on] or [Auto function. See par. 5-40 Function Relay.
on]), and a Stop has been last

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 79

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value

Range: Function:
0.000 [-999999.999 - Enter the low reference value limit
Reference- 999999.999 for the motor shaft speed [RPM].
FeedbackU- ReferenceFeed- This is also the lowest feedback

3 3 nit* backUnit] value, see also par. 5-57 Term. 33

Low Ref./Feedb. Value. Set terminal
29 to digital input
(par. 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode =input
[0] (default) and par. 5-13 Terminal
29 Digital Input = applicable value).
If the selected Event condition changes before the on- or off This parameter is available for FC
delay timer expires, the relay output is unaffected. 302 only.

3.7.5 5-5* Pulse Input 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value

Range: Function:
The pulse input parameters are used to define an appropriate Application [-999999.999 - Enter the high reference value
window for the impulse reference area by configuring the depend- 999999.999 [RPM] for the motor shaft speed and
scaling and filter settings for the pulse inputs. Input terminals ent* ReferenceFeed- the high feedback value, see also
29 or 33 act as frequency reference inputs. Set terminal 29 backUnit] par. 5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb.
(par. 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input) or terminal 33 Value. Select terminal 29 as a digital
(par. 5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input) to Pulse input [32]. If input (par. 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode
terminal 29 is used as an input, then set par. 5-01 Terminal 27 =input [0] (default) and
Mode to Input [0]. par. 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input =
applicable value).
This parameter is available for FC
302 only.

5-54 Pulse Filter Time Constant #29

Range: Function:
100 [1 - 1000 Enter the pulse filter time constant. The pulse
ms* ms] filter dampens oscillations of the feedback
signal, which is an advantage if there is a lot of
noise in the system. A high time constant
value results in better dampening but also
increases the time delay through the filter.
This parameter is available for FC 302 only.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the
5-50 Term. 29 Low Frequency motor is running.

Range: Function:
5-55 Term. 33 Low Frequency
100 Hz* [0 - 110000 Enter the low frequency limit correspond-
Range: Function:
Hz] ing to the low motor shaft speed (i.e. low
reference value) in par. 5-52 Term. 29 Low 100 Hz* [0 - 110000 Hz] Enter the low frequency corresponding
Ref./Feedb. Value. Refer to the diagram in to the low motor shaft speed (i.e. low
this section. reference value) in par. 5-57 Term. 33
This parameter is available for FC 302 only. Low Ref./Feedb. Value.

5-51 Term. 29 High Frequency 5-56 Term. 33 High Frequency

Range: Function: Range: Function:

100 Hz* [0 - 110000 Enter the high frequency limit 100 Hz* [0 - 110000 Hz] Enter the high frequency corresponding
Hz] corresponding to the high motor shaft to the high motor shaft speed (i.e. high
speed (i.e. high reference value) in reference value) in par. 5-58 Term. 33
par. 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value. High Ref./Feedb. Value.
This parameter is available for FC 302

80 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

5-57 Term. 33 Low Ref./Feedb. Value Options for readout output variables:
Range: Function:
0.000 N/A* [-999999.999 - Enter the low reference value Parameters for configuring the
999999.999 N/A] [RPM] for the motor shaft speed. scaling and output functions of
pulse outputs. The pulse outputs
This is also the low feedback
are designated to terminals 27 or
value, see also par. 5-52 Term. 29
Low Ref./Feedb. Value. 29. Select terminal 27 output in 3 3
par. 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode and
5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. Value terminal 29 output in
par. 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode.
Range: Function:
[0] No operation
Application [-999999.999 - Enter the high reference
[45] Bus control
dependent* 999999.999 value [RPM] for the motor
[48] Bus control time-out
ReferenceFeed- shaft speed. See also
[51] MCO controlled
backUnit] par. 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./
[100] Output frequency
Feedb. Value.
[101] Reference

5-59 Pulse Filter Time Constant #33 [102] Feedback

[103] Motor current
Range: Function:
[104] Torque relative to limit
100 ms* [1 - 1000 Enter the pulse filter time constant. The low-
[105] Torque relative to
ms] pass filter reduces the influence on and
dampens oscillations on the feedback signal
[106] Power
from the control.
[107] Speed
This is an advantage, e.g. if there is a great
amount on noise in the system. This parame- [108] Torque
ter cannot be adjusted while the motor is [109] Max Out Freq
5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable
Option: Function:
3.7.6 5-6* Pulse Outputs [0] No operation Select the desired display output for
terminal 27.
These parameters are to configure pulse outputs with their This parameter cannot be adjusted
functions and scaling. Terminal 27 and 29 are allocated to while the motor is running.
pulse output via par. 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode and
[45] Bus ctrl.
par. 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode, respectively.
[48] Bus ctrl., timeout
[51] MCO controlled
[100] Output frequency
[101] Reference
[102] Feedback
[103] Motor current
[104] Torque rel to limit
[105] Torq relate to rated
[106] Power
[107] Speed
[108] Torque
[109] Max Out Freq
[119] Torque % lim

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 81

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

5-62 Pulse Output Max Freq #27 5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable
Range: Function: Select the variable for read-out on terminal X30/6.
Application [0 - 32000 Set the maximum frequency for This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
dependent* Hz] terminal 27, corresponding to the This parameter is active when option module MCB 101 is installed
output variable selected in in the frequency converter.
Same options and functions as par. group 5-6*.
3 3 par. 5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output
Variable. Option: Function:
This parameter cannot be adjusted [104] Torque rel to limit
while the motor is running. [105] Torq relate to rated
[106] Power
5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable
[107] Speed
Option: Function: [108] Torque
[0] * No operation Select the desired display output for [109] Max Out Freq
terminal 29. This parameter is available [119] Torque % lim
for FC 302 only.
This parameter cannot be adjusted 5-68 Pulse Output Max Freq #X30/6
while the motor is running. Select the maximum frequency on terminal X30/6 referring to the
[45] Bus ctrl. output variable in par. 5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
[48] Bus ctrl., timeout
This parameter is active when option module MCB 101 is mounted
[51] MCO controlled
in the frequency converter.
[100] Output frequency
[101] Reference Range: Function:
[102] Feedback Application depend- [0 - 32000 Hz]
[103] Motor current ent*
[104] Torque rel to limit
[105] Torq relate to rated
[106] Power
[107] Speed
[108] Torque
[109] Max Out Freq
[119] Torque % lim

5-65 Pulse Output Max Freq #29

Set the maximum frequency for terminal 29 corresponding to the
output variable set in par. 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
Range: Function:
5000 Hz* [0 - 32000 Hz]

5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable

Select the variable for read-out on terminal X30/6.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
This parameter is active when option module MCB 101 is installed
in the frequency converter.
Same options and functions as par. group 5-6*.
Option: Function:
[0] * No operation
[45] Bus ctrl.
[48] Bus ctrl., timeout
[51] MCO controlled
[100] Output frequency
[101] Reference
[102] Feedback
[103] Motor current

82 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.7.7 5-7* 24 V Encoder Input

Connect the 24 V encoder to terminal 12 (24 V DC supply),

terminal 32 (Channel A), terminal 33 (Channel B), and terminal
20 (GND). The digital inputs 32/33 are active for encoder
inputs when 24 V encoder is selected in par. 1-02 Flux Motor
Feedback Source and par. 7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source. The 3 3
encoder used is a dual channel (A and B) 24 V type. Max input
frequency: 110 kHz.

Encoder Connection to the frequency converter

5-70 Term 32/33 Pulses per Revolution

Range: Function:
1024* [1 - 4096 ] Set the encoder pulses per revolution on the
motor shaft. Read the correct value from the
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the
motor is running.

5-71 Term 32/33 Encoder Direction

Option: Function:
Change the detected encoder rotation
direction without changing the wiring to the

[0] * Clockwise Sets channel A 90° (electrical degrees)

behind channel B upon clockwise rotation of
the encoder shaft.

[1] Counter Sets channel A 90° (electrical degrees) ahead

clockwise of channel B upon clockwise rotation of the
encoder shaft.

This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.

24 V incremental encoder. Max. cable length 5 m.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 83

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.7.8 5-9* Bus Controlled 5-95 Pulse Out #29 Bus Control
Range: Function:
This par. group selects digital and relay outputs via a fieldbus 0.00 %* [0.00 - Set the output frequency transferred to the
setting. 100.00 %] output terminal 29 when the terminal is
5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control configured as 'Bus Controlled' in

3 3 Range: Function:
par. 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable
0* [0 - 2147483647 ] This parameter holds the state of the
This parameter only applies for FC 302.
digital outputs and relays that is controlled
by bus.
5-96 Pulse Out #29 Timeout Preset
A logical '1' indicates that the output is
high or active. Range: Function:
A logical '0' indicates that the output is 0.00 %* [0.00 - Set the output frequency transferred to the
low or inactive. 100.00 %] output terminal 29 when the terminal is
configured as 'Bus Ctrl Timeout' in
Bit 0 Digital Output Terminal 27 par. 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable
[48]. And a time-out is detected.
Bit 1 Digital Output Terminal 29
This parameter only applies for FC 302.
Bit 2 Digital Output Terminal X 30/6
Bit 3 Digital Output Terminal X 30/7
5-97 Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control
Bit 4 Relay 1 output terminal
Range: Function:
Bit 5 Relay 2 output terminal
Bit 6 Option B Relay 1 output terminal 0.00 %* [0.00 - Set the output frequency transferred to the
100.00 %] output terminal X30/6 when the terminal
Bit 7 Option B Relay 2 output terminal
is configured as 'Bus Controlled' in
Bit 8 Option B Relay 3 output terminal
par. 5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output
Bit 9-15 Reserved for future terminals
Variable, Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output
Bit 16 Option C Relay 1 output terminal
Variable [45].
Bit 17 Option C Relay 2 output terminal
Bit 18 Option C Relay 3 output terminal
5-98 Pulse Out #X30/6 Timeout Preset
Bit 19 Option C Relay 4 output terminal
Range: Function:
Bit 20 Option C Relay 5 output terminal
0.00 %* [0.00 - Set the output frequency transferred to the
Bit 21 Option C Relay 6 output terminal
100.00 %] output terminal X30/6 when the terminal is
Bit 22 Option C Relay 7 output terminal
configured as 'Bus Ctrl Timeout' in
Bit 23 Option C Relay 8 output terminal
par. 5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output
Bit 24-31 Reserved for future terminals
Variable [48]. And a time-out is detected.

5-93 Pulse Out #27 Bus Control

Range: Function:
0.00 %* [0.00 - Set the output frequency transferred to
100.00 %] the output terminal 27 when the terminal
is configured as 'Bus Controlled' in
par. 5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable

5-94 Pulse Out #27 Timeout Preset

Range: Function:
0.00 %* [0.00 - Set the output frequency transferred to the
100.00 %] output terminal 27 when the terminal is
configured as 'Bus Ctrl Timeout' in
par. 5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable
[48]. And a time-out is detected.

84 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.8 Parameters: 6-** Analog In/Out 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function
Option: Function:
3.8.1 6-0* Analog I/O Mode [21] Coast and
The analog inputs can freely be allocated to be either voltage
(FC 301: 0..10 V, FC 302: 0..+/- 10V) or current (FC 301/FC 302:
0/4..20 mA) input.
3.8.2 6-1* Analog Input 1 3 3
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog
NOTE input 1 (terminal 53).
Thermistors may be connected to either an analog or a
digital input.

6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time

Range: Function:
10 s* [1 - Enter the Live Zero Time-out time period. Live Zero
99 s] Time-out Time is active for analog inputs, i.e.
terminal 53 or terminal 54, used as reference or
feedback sources. If the reference signal value
associated with the selected current input falls
below 50% of the value set in par. 6-10 Terminal 53
Low Voltage, par. 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current,
par. 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage or
par. 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current for a time period
longer than the time set in par. 6-00 Live Zero
Timeout Time, the function selected in par. 6-01 Live
6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage
Zero Timeout Function will be activated.
Range: Function:
6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function 0.07 V* [Application Enter the low voltage value. This analog
dependant] input scaling value should correspond to
Option: Function:
the minimum reference value, set in
Select the time-out function. The function set in
par. 6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb.
par. 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function will be
Value. See also the section Reference
activated if the input signal on terminal 53 or 54
is below 50% of the value in par. 6-10 Terminal
53 Low Voltage, par. 6-12 Terminal 53 Low
6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage
Current, par. 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage or
par. 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current for a time
Range: Function:
period defined in par. 6-00 Live Zero Timeout 10.00 V* [Application Enter the high voltage value. This
Time. If several time-outs occur simultaneously, dependant] analog input scaling value should
the frequency converter prioritises the time-out correspond to the high reference/
functions as follows: feedback value set in par. 6-15 Terminal
53 High Ref./Feedb. Value.
1. Par. 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function
2. Par. 5-74 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current
3. Par. 8-04 Control Word Timeout Range: Function:
Function 0.14 [Application Enter the low current value. This reference
[0] * Off mA* dependant] signal should correspond to the minimum
[1] Freeze Frozen at the present value reference value, set in par. 3-02 Minimum
output Reference. The value must be set at >2 mA
[2] Stop Overruled to stop in order to activate the Live Zero Time-out
Function in par. 6-01 Live Zero Timeout
[3] Jogging Overruled to jog speed Function.
[4] Max. speed Overruled to max. speed

[5] Stop and Overruled to stop with subsequent trip

[20] Coast

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 85

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

6-13 Terminal 53 High Current 6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage

Range: Function: Range: Function:
20.00 mA* [Application Enter the high current value 10.00 V* [Application Enter the high voltage value. This
dependant] corresponding to the high reference/ dependant] analog input scaling value should
feedback set in par. 6-15 Terminal 53 correspond to the high reference/

3 3 High Ref./Feedb. Value. feedback value set in par. 6-25 Terminal

54 High Ref./Feedb. Value.
6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
Range: Function: 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current
0.000 N/ [-999999.999 - Enter the analog input scaling Range: Function:
A* 999999.999 N/A] value that corresponds to the low 0.14 [Application Enter the low current value. This reference
voltage/low current set in mA* dependant] signal should correspond to the minimum
par. 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage reference value, set in par. 3-02 Minimum
and par. 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Reference. The value must be set at >2 mA
Current. in order to activate the Live Zero Time-out
Function in par. 6-01 Live Zero Timeout
6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value Function.
Range: Function:
6-23 Terminal 54 High Current
Application [-999999.999 - Enter the analog input scaling
dependent* 999999.999 value that corresponds to the Range: Function:
ReferenceFeed- maximum reference feedback 20.00 mA* [Application Enter the high current value
backUnit] value set in par. 6-11 Terminal 53 dependant] corresponding to the high reference/
High Voltage and feedback value set in
par. 6-13 Terminal 53 High par. 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb.
Current. Value.

6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant 6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.001 s* [0.001 - Enter the time constant. This is a first-order 0 Reference- [-999999.999 - Enter the analog input scaling
10.000 s] digital low pass filter time constant for FeedbackUnit* 999999.999 value that corresponds to the
suppressing electrical noise in terminal 53. ReferenceFeed- minimum reference feedback
A high time constant value improves backUnit] value set in par. 3-02 Minimum
dampening but also increases the time Reference.
delay through the filter.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value
the motor is running. Range: Function:
Application [-999999.999 - Enter the analog input scaling
3.8.3 6-2* Analog Input 2 dependent* 999999.999 value that corresponds to the
ReferenceFeed- maximum reference feedback
backUnit] value set in par. 3-03 Maximum
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog
input 2 (terminal 54).

6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant

6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0.001 s* [0.001 - Enter the time constant. This is a first-order
0.07 V* [Application Enter the low voltage value. This analog 10.000 s] digital low pass filter time constant for
dependant] input scaling value should correspond to suppressing electrical noise in terminal 54.
the minimum reference value, set in A high time constant value improves
par. 3-02 Minimum Reference. See also the dampening but also increases the time
section Reference Handling. delay through the filter.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
the motor is running.

86 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.8.4 6-3* Analog Input 3 MCB 101 3.8.5 6-4* Analog Input 4 MCB 101

Par. group for configuring the scale and limits for analog input Par. group for configuring the scale and limits for analog input
3 (X30/11) placed on option module MCB 101. 4 (X30/12) placed on option module MCB 101.

6-30 Terminal X30/11 Low Voltage 6-40 Terminal X30/12 Low Voltage
Range: Function: Range: Function: 3 3
0.07 V* [Application Sets the analog input scaling value to 0.07 V* [Application Sets the analog input scaling value to
dependant] correspond to the low reference/ dependant] correspond to the low reference/
feedback value (set in par. 6-34 Term. feedback value set in par. 6-44 Term.
X30/11 Low Ref./Feedb. Value). X30/12 Low Ref./Feedb. Value.

6-31 Terminal X30/11 High Voltage 6-41 Terminal X30/12 High Voltage
Range: Function: Range: Function:
10.00 V* [Application Sets the analog input scaling value to 10.00 V* [Application Sets the analog input scaling value to
dependant] correspond to the high reference/ dependant] correspond to the high reference/
feedback value (set in par. 6-35 Term. feedback value set in par. 6-45 Term.
X30/11 High Ref./Feedb. Value). X30/12 High Ref./Feedb. Value.

6-34 Term. X30/11 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 6-44 Term. X30/12 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.000 N/A* [-999999.999 - Sets the analog input scaling 0.000 N/A* [-999999.999 - Sets the analog output scaling
999999.999 N/A] value to correspond to the low 999999.999 N/A] value to correspond to the low
voltage value (set in voltage value set in
par. 6-30 Terminal X30/11 Low par. 6-40 Terminal X30/12 Low
Voltage). Voltage.

6-35 Term. X30/11 High Ref./Feedb. Value 6-45 Term. X30/12 High Ref./Feedb. Value
Range: Function: Range: Function:
100.000 N/A* [-999999.999 - Sets the analog input scaling 100.000 N/A* [-999999.999 - Sets the analog input scaling
999999.999 N/A] value to correspond to the high 999999.999 N/A] value to correspond to the high
voltage value (set in voltage value set in
par. 6-31 Terminal X30/11 High par. 6-41 Terminal X30/12 High
Voltage). Voltage.

6-36 Term. X30/11 Filter Time Constant 6-46 Term. X30/12 Filter Time Constant
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.001 s* [0.001 - A 1st order digital low pass filter time 0.001 s* [0.001 - A 1st order digital low pass filter time
10.000 s] constant for suppressing electrical noise 10.000 s] constant for suppressing electrical noise
on terminal X30/11. on terminal X30/12.
Par. 6-36 Term. X30/11 Filter Time Constant Par. 6-46 Term. X30/12 Filter Time Constant
cannot be changed while the motor is cannot be changed while the motor is
running. running.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 87

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.8.6 6-5* Analog Output 1 6-50 Terminal 42 Output

Option: Function:
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog [113] PID
output 1, i.e. Terminal 42. Analog outputs are current outputs: Clamped
0/4 – 20 mA. Common terminal (terminal 39) is the same Output
terminal and has the same electrical potential for analog
3 3 common and digital common connection. Resolution on
[119] Torque %
analog output is 12 bit.
[130] Output 0 Hz = 4 mA, 100 Hz = 20 mA
6-50 Terminal 42 Output freq.
Option: Function: 4-20mA
[131] Reference Par. 3-00 Reference Range [Min-Max] 0% = 4 mA;
Select the function of Terminal 42 as an analog
4-20mA 100% = 20 mA
current output. Depending on the selection the
Par. 3-00 Reference Range [-Max-Max] -100% =
output is either a 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA output.
4mA; 0% = 12 mA; +100% = 20 mA
The current value can be read out in LCP in
par. 16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA]. [132] Feedback
[0] * No When no signal on the analog output.
operation [133] Motor Value is taken from par. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current.
cur. Inverter max. current (160% current) is equal to
[52] MCO
4-20mA 20 mA.
[53] MCO Example: Inverter norm current (11 kW) = 24 A.
4-20mA 160 % = 38.4 A. Motor norm current = 22 A Read-
[100] Output 0 Hz = 0 mA; 100 Hz = 20 mA. out 11.46 mA.
frequency 16 mA x 22 A
+ 4 mA = 13.17 mA
[101] Reference Par. 3-00 Reference Range [Min - Max] 0% = 0 mA; 38.4 A
100% = 20 mA In case the norm motor current is equal to 20
Par. 3-00 Reference Range [-Max - Max] -100% = 0 mA, the output setting of par. 6-62 Terminal
mA; 0% = 10 mA; +100% = 20 mA X30/8 Max. Scale is:

[102] Feedback I VLT x 100

Max 38.4 x 100
= = 175 %
[103] Motor Value is taken from par. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current. I Motor 22
current Inverter max. current (160% current) is equal to Norm
20 mA. [134] Torq.% The torque setting is related to setting in
Example: Inverter norm current (11 kW) = 24 A. lim 4-20 par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode.
160 % = 38.4 A. Motor norm current = 22 A Read- mA
out 11.46 mA. [135] Torq.% The torque setting is related to the motor torque
nom 4-20 setting.
20 mA x 22 A
= 11.46 mA mA
38.4 A
[136] Power Taken from par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW]
In case the norm motor current is equal to 20
mA, the output setting of par. 6-52 Terminal 42
Output Max Scale is: [137] Speed Taken from par. 3-03 Maximum Reference. 20 mA
4-20mA = Value in par. 3-03 Maximum Reference.
I VLT x 100
Max 38.4 x 100 [138] Torque Torque reference related to 160% torque.
= = 175 %
I Motor 22 4-20mA
[139] Bus ctrl. An output value set from fieldbus process data.
[104] Torque rel The torque setting is related to setting in
0-20 mA The output will work independently of internal
to limit par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode
functions in the frequency converter.
[105] Torq The torque is related to the motor torque
[140] Bus ctrl. An output value set from fieldbus process data.
relate to setting.
4-20 mA The output will work independently of internal
functions in the frequency converter.
[106] Power Taken from par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW].
[141] Bus ctrl Par. 4-54 Warning Reference Low defines the
[107] Speed Taken from par. 3-03 Maximum Reference. 20 mA
0-20mA behaviour of the analog output in case of bus
= value in par. 3-03 Maximum Reference
t.o. time-out.
[108] Torque Torque reference related to 160% torque.

[109] Max Out In relation to par. 4-19 Max Output Frequency.


88 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

6-50 Terminal 42 Output

Option: Function:
[142] Bus ctrl Par. 4-54 Warning Reference Low defines the
4-20mA behaviour of the analog output in case of bus
t.o. time-out.

[149] Torque % Analogue output at zero torque = 12 mA.

lim Motoric torque will increase the output current
3 3
4-20mA to max torque limit 20 mA (set in
par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode).
Generative torque will decrease the output to
torque limit Generator Mode (set in
par. 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode) 6-53 Terminal 42 Output Bus Control
Ex: par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode: 200% and Range: Function:
par. 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode: 200%. 20 0.00 %* [0.00 - 100.00 %] Holds the level of Output 42 if
mA = 200% Motoric and 4 mA = 200% Genera- controlled by bus.
6-54 Terminal 42 Output Timeout Preset
Range: Function:
0.00 %* [0.00 - Holds the preset level of Output 42.
100.00 %] In case of a bus timeout and a timeout
function is selected in par. 6-50 Terminal
[150] Max Out In relation to par. 4-19 Max Output Frequency. 42 Output the output will preset to this
Fr level.

6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale 6-55 Analog Output Filter

Range: Function: Option: Function:

The following readout analogue parameters from
0.00 %* [0.00 - Scale for the minimum output (0 or 4 mA)
selection in par. 6-50 Terminal 42 Output have a filter
200.00 %] of the analogue signal at terminal 42.
selected when par. 6-55 Analog Output Filter is on:
Set the value to be the percentage of the
full range of the variable selected in
Selection 0-20 mA 4-20 mA
par. 6-50 Terminal 42 Output.
Motor current (0 - Imax) [103] [133]
Torque limit (0 - Tlim) [104] [134]
6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale
Rated torque (0 - Tnom) [105] [135]
Range: Function:
Power (0 - Pnom) [106] [136]
100.00 [0.00 - Scale the maximum output of the selected
Speed (0 - Speedmax) [107] [137]
%* 200.00 %] analog signal at terminal 42. Set the value to
the maximum value of the current signal
[0] * Off Filter off
output. Scale the output to give a current
lower than 20 mA at full scale; or 20 mA at an [1] On Filter on
output below 100% of the maximum signal
value. If 20 mA is the desired output current
at a value between 0 - 100% of the full-scale
output, programme the percentage value in
the parameter, i.e. 50% = 20 mA. If a current
between 4 and 20 mA is desired at maximum
output (100%), calculate the percentage
value as follows:

20 mA / desired maximum current x 100 %

i .e . 10 mA : x 100 = 200 %

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 89

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.8.7 6-6* Analog Output 2 MCB 101 6-60 Terminal X30/8 Output
Option: Function:
Analog outputs are current outputs: 0/4 - 20 mA. Common [119] Torque %
terminal (terminal X30/8) is the same terminal and electrical lim
potential for analog common connection. Resolution on
[130] Output 0 Hz = 4 mA, 100 Hz = 20 mA
analog output is 12 bit.
3 3 6-60 Terminal X30/8 Output

Option: Function: [131] Reference Par. 3-00 Reference Range [Min-Max] 0% = 4 mA;
4-20mA 100% = 20 mA
Select the function of Terminal X30/8 as an
Par. 3-00 Reference Range [-Max-Max] -100% =
analog current output. Depending on the
4mA; 0% = 12 mA; +100% = 20 mA
selection the output is either a 0-20 mA or 4-20
mA output. The current value can be read out in [132] Feedback
LCP in par. 16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA]. 4-20mA
[133] Motor Value is taken from par. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current.
[0] * No When no signal on the analog output.
cur. Inverter max. current (160% current) is equal to
4-20mA 20 mA.
[52] MCO
0-20mA Example: Inverter norm current (11 kW) = 24 A.
[100] Output 0 Hz = 0 mA; 100 Hz = 20 mA. 160 % = 38.4 A. Motor norm current = 22 A Read-
frequency out 11.46 mA.
[101] Reference Par. 3-00 Reference Range [Min - Max] 0% = 0 mA; 16 mA x 22 A
= 9.17 mA
100% = 20 mA 38.4 A
Par. 3-00 Reference Range [-Max - Max] -100% = 0 In case the norm motor current is equal to 20
mA; 0% = 10 mA; +100% = 20 mA mA, the output setting of par. 6-62 Terminal
X30/8 Max. Scale is:
[102] Feedback
[103] Motor Value is taken from par. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current. I VLT x 100
Max 38.4 x 100
= = 175 %
current Inverter max. current (160% current) is equal to I Motor 22
20 mA. Norm
Example: Inverter norm current (11 kW) = 24 A. [134] Torq.% The torque setting is related to setting in
160 % = 38.4 A. Motor norm current = 22 A Read- lim 4-20 par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode.
out 11.46 mA. mA
[135] Torq.% The torque setting is related to the motor torque
20 mA x 22 A
= 11.46 mA nom 4-20 setting.
38.4 A
In case the norm motor current is equal to 20
[136] Power Taken from par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW]
mA, the output setting of par. 6-62 Terminal
X30/8 Max. Scale is:
[137] Speed Taken from par. 3-03 Maximum Reference. 20 mA
I VLT x 100
Max 38.4 x 100 4-20mA = Value in par. 3-03 Maximum Reference.
= = 175 %
I Motor 22 [138] Torque Torque reference related to 160% torque.
[104] Torque rel The torque setting is related to setting in
[139] Bus ctrl. An output value set from fieldbus process data.
to limit par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode.
0-20 mA The output will work independently of internal
[105] Torq The torque is related to the motor torque functions in the frequency converter.
relate to setting.
[140] Bus ctrl. An output value set from fieldbus process data.
4-20 mA The output will work independently of internal
[106] Power Taken from par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW].
functions in the frequency converter.
[107] Speed Taken from par. 3-03 Maximum Reference. 20 mA
[141] Bus ctrl Par. 4-54 Warning Reference Low defines the
= value in par. 3-03 Maximum Reference
0-20mA behaviour of the analog output in case of bus
[108] Torque Torque reference related to 160% torque. t.o. time-out.
[109] Max Out In relation to par. 4-19 Max Output Frequency. [142] Bus ctrl Par. 4-54 Warning Reference Low defines the
Freq 4-20mA behaviour of the analog output in case of bus
[113] PID t.o. time-out.

90 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

6-60 Terminal X30/8 Output 6-64 Terminal X30/8 Output Timeout Preset
Option: Function: Range: Function:
[149] Torque % Torque % Lim 4-20mA: Torque reference. 0.00 %* [0.00 - Holds the preset level of Output X30/8.
lim par. 3-00 Reference Range [Min-Max] 0% = 4 mA; 100.00 %] In case of a bus timeout and a timeout
4-20mA 100% = 20mA function is selected in par. 6-60 Terminal
Par. 3-00 Reference Range [-Max - Max] -100% = 4
mA; 0% = 12mA; +100% = 20mA
X30/8 Output, the output will preset to this
3 3
[150] Max Out In relation to par. 4-19 Max Output Frequency.
Fr 3.8.8 6-7* Analog Output 3 MCB 113

6-61 Terminal X30/8 Min. Scale Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog
output 3, Terminal X45/1 and X45/2. Analog outputs are
Range: Function:
current outputs: 0/4 – 20 mA. Resolution on analog output is
0.00 [0.00 - Scales the minimum output of the selected 11 bit.
%* 200.00 %] analog signal on terminal X30/8. Scale the
minimum value as a percentage of the 6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output
maximum signal value, i.e. 0 mA (or 0 Hz) is Option: Function:
desired at 25% of the maximum output value Select the function of Terminal X45/1 as an
and 25% is programmed. The value can never analog current output.
be higher than the corresponding setting in [0] No When no signal on the analog output.
par. 6-62 Terminal X30/8 Max. Scale if value is operation
below 100%. [52] MCO 305
This parameter is active when option module 0-20 mA
MCB 101 is mounted in the frequency convert-
[53] MCO 305
4-20 mA
[100] Output 0 Hz = 0 mA; 100 Hz = 20 mA.
6-62 Terminal X30/8 Max. Scale
Range: Function: 0-20 mA
100.00 [0.00 - Scales the maximum output of the selected [101] Reference Par. 3-00 [Min - Max] 0% = 0 mA; 100% = 20 mA
%* 200.00 %] analog signal on terminal X30/8. Scale the 0-20 mA Par. 3-00 [-Max - Max] -100% = 0 mA; 0% = 10
value to the desired maximum value of the mA; +100% = 20 mA
current signal output. Scale the output to [102] Feedback
give a lower current than 20 mA at full scale [103] Motor Value is taken from par. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current.
or 20 mA at an output below 100% of the current Inverter max. current (160% current) is equal to
maximum signal value. If 20 mA is the desired 0-20 mA 20 mA.
output current at a value between 0 - 100% Example: Inverter norm current (11 kW) = 24 A.
of the ful-scale output, program the percent- 160 % = 38.4 A. Motor norm current = 22 A
age value in the parameter, i.e. 50% = 20 mA. Read-out 11.46 mA.
If a current between 4 and 20 mA is desired 20 mA x 22 A
= 11.46 mA
at maximum output (100%), calculate the 38.4 A
percentage value as follows: In case the norm motor current is equal to 20
mA, the output setting of par. 6-52 Terminal 42
20 mA / desired maximum current x 100 % Output Max Scale is:
20 − 4 I VLT x 100
i .e . 10 mA : x 100 = 160 % Max 38.4 x 100
10 = = 175 %
I Motor 22
6-63 Terminal X30/8 Bus Control Norm
Range: Function: [104] Torque rel The torque setting is related to setting in
0.00 %* [0.00 - 100.00 %] Holds the level of Output X30/8 if to lim par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode
controlled by bus. 0-20 mA
[105] Torque rel The torque is related to the motor torque
to rated setting.
0-20 mA
[106] Power Taken from par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW].
0-20 mA

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 91

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output 6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[107] Speed Taken from par. 3-03 Maximum Reference. 20 mA [150] Max Out In relation to par. 4-19 Max Output Frequency.
0-20 mA = value in par. 3-03 Maximum Reference Freq 4-20
[108] Torque Torque reference related to 160% torque. mA

3 3 ref. 0-20
6-71 Terminal X45/1 Output Min Scale
[109] Max Out In relation to par. 4-19 Max Output Frequency. Range: Function:
Freq 0-20 0.00%* [0.00 - Scale the minimum output of the selected
mA 200.00%] analog signal at terminal X45/1, as a
[130] Output 0 Hz = 4 mA, 100 Hz = 20 mA percentage of the maximum signal value.
freq. 4-20 E.g. if 0 mA (or 0 Hz) is desired at 25% of the
mA maximum output value, then programme
[131] Reference Par. 3-00 [Min-Max] 0% = 4 mA; 100% = 20 mA 25%. Scaling values up to 100% can never
4-20 mA Par. 3-00 [-Max-Max] -100% = 4mA; 0% = 12 mA; be higher than the corresponding setting in
+100% = 20 mA par. 6-72 Terminal X45/1 Max. Scale.
[132] Feedback
6-72 Terminal X45/1 Output Max Scale
4-20 mA
Range: Function:
[133] Motor cur. Value is taken from par. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current.
4-20 mA Inverter max. current (160% current) is equal to 100%* [0.00 - Scale the maximum output of the selected
20 mA. 200.00%] analog signal at terminal X45/1. Set the value to
Example: Inverter norm current (11 kW) = 24 A. the maximum value of the current signal
160 % = 38.4 A. Motor norm current = 22 A output. Scale the output to give a current lower
Read-out 11.46 mA. than 20 mA at full scale; or 20 mA at an output
16 mA x 22 A below 100% of the maximum signal value. If 20
= 9.17 mA
38.4 A mA is the desired output current at a value
In case the norm motor current is equal to 20 between 0 - 100% of the full-scale output,
mA, the output setting of par. 6-52 Terminal 42 programme the percentage value in the
Output Max Scale is: parameter, i.e. 50% = 20 mA. If a current
IVLT Max x 100 between 4 and 20 mA is desired at maximum
38.4 x 100
= = 175 % output (100%), calculate the percentage value
I Motor 22
Norm as follows (example where desired max. output
[134] Torque % The torque setting is related to setting in is 10 mA):
lim. 4-20 par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode. I RANGE mA
x 100 %
[135] Torque % The torque setting is related to the motor torque 20 − 4 mA
= x 100 % = 160 %
nom 4-20 setting. 10 mA
[136] Power Taken from par. 1-20 Motor Power [kW]
4-20 mA
[137] Speed Taken from par. 3-03 Maximum Reference. 20 mA
4-20 mA = Value in par. 3-03 Maximum Reference.
[138] Torque Torque reference related to 160% torque.
4-20 mA
[139] Bus ctrl. An output value set from fieldbus process data.
0-20 mA The output will work independently of internal
functions in the frequency converter.
[140] Bus ctrl. An output value set from fieldbus process data.
4-20 mA The output will work independently of internal
functions in the frequency converter.
[141] Bus ctrl. Par. 4-54 Warning Reference Low defines the
0-20 mA, behaviour of the analog output in case of bus 6-73 Terminal X45/1 Output Bus Control
timeout time-out.
Range: Function:
[142] Bus ctrl. Par. 4-54 Warning Reference Low defines the
0.00%* [0.00 - 100.00%] Holds the level of Analog Output 3
4-20 mA, behaviour of the analog output in case of bus
(terminal X45/1) if controlled by bus.
timeout time-out.

92 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

6-74 Terminal X45/1 Output Timeout Preset 6-82 Terminal X45/3 Output Max Scale
Range: Function: Option: Function:
0.00%* [0.00 - Holds the preset level of Analog Output 3 I RANGE mA
x 100 %
100.00%] (terminal X45/1). I DESIRED MAX mA
In case of a bus timeout and a timeout 20 − 4 mA
= x 100 % = 160 %
10 mA
function is selected in par. 6-70 Terminal
X45/1 Output the output will preset to this
3 3
level. 6-83 Terminal X45/3 Output Bus Control
Option: Function:
3.8.9 6-8* Analog Output 4 MCB 113 [0.00%] * 0.00 - 100.00% Holds the level of output 4 (X45/3) if
controlled by bus.
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog
6-84 Terminal X45/3 Output Timeout Preset
output 4. Terminal X45/3 and X45/4. Analog outputs are
Option: Function:
current outputs: 0/4 – 20 mA. Resolution on analog output is
11 bit. [0.00%] * 0.00 - Holds the present level of output 4
100.00% (X45/3). In case of a bus timeout and a
6-80 Terminal X45/3 Output timeout function is selected in
Option: Function: par. 6-80 Terminal X45/3 Output the
Select the function of Terminal X45/3 as an output will preset to this level.
analog current output.
[0] * No operation Same selections available as for
par. 6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output

6-81 Terminal X45/3 Output Min Scale

Option: Function:
[0.00%] * 0.00 - Scales the minimum output of the selected
200.00% analog signal on terminal X45/3. Scale the
minimum value as a percentage of the
maximum signal value, i.e. 0 mA (or 0 Hz) is
desired at 25% of the maximum output
value and 25% is programmed. The value
can never be higher than the corresponding
setting in par. 6-82 Terminal X45/3 Max.
Scale if value is below 100%.
This parameter is active when option
module MCB 113 is mounted in the
frequency converter.

6-82 Terminal X45/3 Output Max Scale

Option: Function:
[0.00%] 0.00 - Scales the maximum output of the selected
* 200.00% analog signal on terminal X45/3. Scale the
value to the desired maximum value of the
current signal output. Scale the output to give
a lower current than 20 mA at full scale or 20
mA at an output below 100% of the maximum
signal value. If 20 mA is the desired output
current at a value between 0 - 100% of the ful-
scale output, program the percentage value in
the parameter, i.e. 50% = 20 mA. If a current
between 4 and 20 mA is desired at maximum
output (100%), calculate the percentage value
as follows (example where desired max. output
is 10 mA):

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 93

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.9 Parameters: 7-** Controllers 7-03 Speed PID Integral Time

Range: Function:
3.9.1 7-0* Speed PID Ctrl. Applica- [2.0 - Enter the speed controller integral time,
tion 20000.0 which determines the time the internal PID
7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source depend- ms] control takes to correct errors. The greater

3 3 Option: Function:
Select the encoder for closed loop
ent* the error, the more quickly the gain increa-
ses. The integral time causes a delay of the
feedback. signal and therefore a dampening effect,
The feedback may come from a differ- and can be used to eliminate steady state
ent encoder (typically mounted on the speed error. Obtain quick control through
application itself) than the motor a short integral time, though if the integral
mounted encoder feedback selected in time is too short, the process becomes
par. 1-02 Flux Motor Feedback Source. unstable. An excessively long integral time
This parameter cannot be adjusted disables the integral action, leading to
while the motor is running. major deviations from the required
reference, since the process regulator takes
[0] * Motor feedb. P1-02 too long to regulate errors. This parameter
[1] 24V encoder is used with Speed open loop [0] and Speed
[2] MCB 102 closed loop [1] control, set in
[3] MCB 103 par. 1-00 Configuration Mode.
[5] MCO Encoder 2
[6] Analog input 53 7-04 Speed PID Differentiation Time
[7] Analog input 54 Range: Function:
[8] Frequency input 29 Application [0.0 - Enter the speed controller differentiation
[9] Frequency input 33 depend- 200.0 time. The differentiator does not react to
ent* ms] constant error. It provides gain proportional
to the rate of change of the speed
If separate encoders are used (FC 302 only) the ramp
feedback. The quicker the error changes,
settings parameters in the following groups: 3-4*, 3-5*,
the stronger the gain from the differentia-
3-6*, 3-7* and 3-8* must be adjusted according to the
tor. The gain is proportional with the speed
gear ratio between the two encoders.
at which errors change. Setting this
parameter to zero disables the differentia-
7-02 Speed PID Proportional Gain
tor. This parameter is used with
Range: Function: par. 1-00 Configuration Mode Speed closed
Applica- [0.000 - Enter the speed controller proportional loop [1] control.
tion 1.000 ] gain. The proportional gain amplifies the
depend- error (i.e. the deviation between the 7-05 Speed PID Diff. Gain Limit
ent* feedback signal and the set-point). This Range: Function:
parameter is used with par. 1-00 Configura-
5.0* [1.0 - Set a limit for the gain provided by the differentia-
tion Mode Speed open loop [0] and Speed
20.0 ] tor. Since the differential gain increases at higher
closed loop [1] control. Quick control is
frequencies, limiting the gain may be useful. For
obtained at high amplification. However if
example, set up a pure D-link at low frequencies
the amplification is too great, the process
and a constant D-link at higher frequencies. This
may become unstable.
parameter is used with par. 1-00 Configuration
Use this parameter for values with three
Mode Speed closed loop [1] control.
decimals. For a selection with four
decimals, use par. 3-83 Quick Stop S-ramp
Ratio at Decel. Start.

94 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

7-06 Speed PID Lowpass Filter Time

Range: Function:
Applica- [1.0 - Set a time constant for the speed control
tion 100.0 low-pass filter. The low-pass filter improves
depend- ms] steady-state performance and dampens
ent* oscillations on the feedback signal. This is an
advantage if there is a great amount on
3 3
noise in the system, see illustration below.
For example, if a time constant (τ) of 100 ms
is programmed, the cut-off frequency for the
low-pass filter will be 1/0.1= 10 RAD/sec.,
corresponding to (10/2 x π) = 1.6 Hz. The PID
regulator only regulates a feedback signal
that varies by a frequency of less than 1.6 Hz.
If the feedback signal varies by a higher
frequency than 1.6 Hz, the PID regulator
does not react.
Practical settings of par. 7-06 Speed PID
Lowpass Filter Time taken from the number of
pulses per revolutions from encoder:

Encoder PPR Par. 7-06 Speed PID

Lowpass Filter Time
512 10 ms

1024 5 ms
2048 2 ms
4096 1 ms

Note that severe filtering can be detrimental

to dynamic performance.
This parameter is used with par. 1-00 Config-
uration Mode Speed closed loop [1] and
Torque [2] control.
The filter time in flux sensorless must be
adjusted to 3-5 ms.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 95

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

7-07 Speed PID Feedback Gear Ratio 7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource
Range: Function: Option: Function:
1.0000* [Application dependant] of the first of these signals. The second
input signal is defined in
par. 7-22 Process CL Feedback 2

3 3 [0] * No function

[1] Analog input 53

[2] Analog input 54
[3] Frequency input 29
[4] Frequency input 33
[7] Analog input X30/11
[8] Analog input X30/12
[15] Analog Input X48/2

7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 Resource

7-08 Speed PID Feed Forward Factor Option: Function:
Range: Function: The effective feedback signal is made
0 %* [0 - 500 %] The reference signal bypasses the speed up of the sum of up to two different
controller by the amount specified. This input signals. Select which frequency
feature increases the dynamic performance of converter input should be treated as
the speed control loop. the source of the second of these
signals. The first input signal is defined
in par. 7-21.
3.9.2 7-1* Torque PI Control
[0] * No function
[1] Analog input 53
Parameters for configuring the torque PI control in torque
[2] Analog input 54
open loop (par. 1-00 Configuration Mode).
[3] Frequency input 29
7-12 Torque PI Proportional Gain [4] Frequency input 33
Range: Function: [7] Analog input X30/11
100 %* [0 - 500 %] Enter the proportional gain value for the [8] Analog input X30/12
torque controller. Selection of a high value [15] Analog Input X48/2
makes the controller react faster. Too high a
setting leads to controller instability.
3.9.4 7-3* Process PID Ctrl.
7-13 Torque PI Integration Time
7-30 Process PID Normal/ Inverse Control
Range: Function:
Option: Function:
0.020 s* [0.002 - 2.000 Enter the integration time for the torque
Normal and inverse control are implemented by
s] controller. Selection of a low value
introducing a difference between the reference
makes the controller react faster. Too
signal and the feedback signal.
low a setting leads to control instability.
[0] * Normal Sets process control to increase the output frequen-
3.9.3 7-2* Process Ctrl. Feedb.
[1] Inverse Sets process control to reduce the output frequency.

Select the feedback sources for the Process PID Control, and
7-31 Process PID Anti Windup
how this feedback should be handled.
Option: Function:
7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource
[0] Off Ceases regulation of an error when the output frequency
Option: Function: can no longer be adjusted.
The effective feedback signal is made
[1] * On Continues regulation of an error even when the output
up of the sum of up to two different
frequency cannot be increased or decreased.
input signals.
Select which frequency converter
input should be treated as the source

96 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

7-32 Process PID Start Speed 7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0 RPM* [0 - 6000 Enter the motor speed to be attained as a start changing the set point. par. 7-38 Process PID Feed
RPM] signal for commencement of PID control. Forward Factor is active when par. 1-00 Configura-
When the power is switched on, the frequency tion Mode is set to [3] Process.
converter will commence ramping and then
operate under speed open loop control. 7-39 On Reference Bandwidth
3 3
Thereafter, when the Process PID start speed is Range: Function:
reached, the frequency converter will change
5 %* [0 - 200 Enter the On Reference bandwidth. When the
over to Process PID control.
%] PID Control Error (the difference between the
reference and the feedback) is less than the set
7-33 Process PID Proportional Gain value of this parameter the On Reference status
Range: Function: bit is high, i.e. =1.
0.01* [0.00 - 10.00 ] Enter the PID proportional gain. The
proportional gain multiplies the error
between the set point and the feedback
3.9.5 7-4* Advanced Process PID Ctrl.
7-40 Process PID I-part Reset
7-34 Process PID Integral Time Option: Function:
Range: Function: [0] * No
10000.00 s* [0.01 - Enter the PID integral time. The [1] Yes Select Yes [1] to reset the I-part of the process PID
10000.00 s] integrator provides an increasing gain controller. The selection will automatically revert to No
at a constant error between the set [0]. Resetting the I-part makes it possible to start from a
point and the feedback signal. The welldefined point after changing something in the
integral time is the time needed by process, e.g. changing a textile roll.
the integrator to reach the same gain
as the proportional gain. 7-41 Process PID Output Neg. Clamp
Range: Function:
7-35 Process PID Differentiation Time -100 %* [Application depend- Enter a negative limit for the
Range: Function: ant] process PID controller output.
0.00 s* [0.00 - 10.00 Enter the PID differentiation time. The
s] differentiator does not react to a constant 7-42 Process PID Output Pos. Clamp
error, but provides a gain only when the Range: Function:
error changes. The shorter the PID differen- 100 %* [Application depend- Enter a positive limit for the
tiation time, the stronger the gain from the ant] process PID controller output.
7-43 Process PID Gain Scale at Min. Ref.
7-36 Process PID Diff. Gain Limit
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - 100 Enter a scaling percentage to apply to the
5.0* [1.0 - 50.0 ] Enter a limit for the differentiator gain (DG). If %] process PID output when operating at the
there is no limit, the DG will increase when minimum reference. The scaling percentage
there are fast changes. Limit the DG to obtain a will be adjusted linearly between the scale at
pure differentiator gain at slow changes and a min. ref. (par. 7-43 Process PID Gain Scale at Min.
constant differentiator gain where fast changes Ref.) and the scale at max. ref. (par. 7-44 Process
occur. PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref.).

7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor 7-44 Process PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref.
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - Enter the PID feed forward (FF) factor. The FF factor 100 %* [0 - 100 Enter a scaling percentage to apply to the
200 %] sends a constant fraction of the reference signal to %] process PID output when operating at the
bypass the PID control, so the PID control only maximum reference. The scaling percentage
affects the remaining fraction of the control signal. will be adjusted linearly between the scale at
Any change to this parameter will thus affect the min. ref. (par. 7-43 Process PID Gain Scale at Min.
motor speed. When the FF factor is activated it Ref.) and the scale at max. ref. (par. 7-44 Process
provides less overshoot, and high dynamics when PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref.).

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 97

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

7-45 Process PID Feed Fwd Resource 3.9.6 7-5* Process PID Ctrl.
Option: Function:
[0] * No function Select which drive input should be 7-50 Process PID Extended PID
used as the feed forward factor. The FF Option: Function:
factor is added directly to the output [0] Disabled Disables the extended parts of the process PID

3 3 of the PID controller. This increases

dynamic performance.

[1] * Enabled Enables the extended parts of the PID controller.

[1] Analog input 53
[2] Analog input 54 7-51 Process PID Feed Fwd Gain
[7] Frequency input 29 Range: Function:
[8] Frequency input 33
1.00* [0.00 - The feed forward is used to obtain the desired
[11] Local bus reference 100.00 ] level, based on a well-known signal available.
[20] Digital pot.meter The PID controller then only takes care of the
[21] Analog input X30-11 smaler part of the control, necessary because
[22] Analog input X30-12 of unknown characters. The standard feed fwd
[32] Bus PCD Selects a bus reference configured by factor in par. 7-38 is always related to the
Par. 8-02 Control Word Source. Change reference whereas 7-51 has more choices. In
PCD Write Configuration for the bus winder applications, the feed fwd factor will
used in order to make the feed- typically be the line speed of the system.
forward available. Use index 1 for feed-
forward [748] (and index 2 for 7-52 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp up
reference [1682]). Range: Function:
0.01 s* [0.01 - 10.00 s] Controls the dynamics of the feed
7-46 Process PID Feed Fwd Normal/ Inv. Ctrl.
forward signal when ramping up.
Option: Function:
[0] * Normal Select Normal [0] to set the feed forward factor to 7-53 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp down
treat the FF resource as a positive value. Range: Function:
[1] Inverse Select Inverse [1] to treat the FF resource as a 0.01 s* [0.01 - 10.00 s] Controls the dynamics of the feed
negative value. forward signal when ramping down.

7-48 PCD Feed Forward 7-56 Process PID Ref. Filter Time
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Read-out parameter where the Fieldbus PCD 0.001 s* [0.001 - Set a time constant for the reference first
feed-forward can be read. 1.000 s] order low-pass filter. The low-pass filter
improves steady-state performance and
7-49 Process PID Output Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. dampens oscillations on the reference/
Option: Function: feedback signals. However severe filtering
[0] * Normal Select Normal [0] to use the resulting output from can be detrimental to dynamic perform-
the process PID controller as is. ance.

[1] Inverse Select Inverse [1] to invert the resulting output from 7-57 Process PID Fb. Filter Time
the process PID controller. This operation is
Range: Function:
performed after the feed forward factor is applied.
0.001 s* [0.001 - Set a time constant for the feedback first
1.000 s] order low-pass filter. The low-pass filter
improves steady-state performance and
dampens oscillations on the reference/
feedback signals. However severe filtering
can be detrimental to dynamic perform-

98 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.10 Parameters: 8-** Communications 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function

Select the time-out function. The time-out function activates when
and Options
the control word fails to be updated within the time period
3.10.1 8-0* General Settings specified in par. 8-03 Control Word Timeout Time.
Option: Function:
8-01 Control Site [0] * Off Resumes control via serial bus (Fieldbus or
standard) using the most recent control
3 3
Option: Function:
The setting in this parameter overrides the
settings in par. 8-50 Coasting Select to [1] Freeze output Freezes output frequency until communica-
par. 8-56 Preset Reference Select. tion resumes.

[0] * Digital and Control by using both digital input and [2] Stop Stops with auto restart when communication
ctrl.word control word. resumes.

[1] Digital only Control by using digital inputs only. [3] Jogging Runs the motor at JOG frequency until
communication resumes.
[2] Controlword Control by using control word only.
only [4] Max. speed Runs the motor at maximum frequency until
communication resumes.
8-02 Control Word Source
[5] Stop and trip Stops the motor, then resets the frequency
Select the source of the control word: one of two serial interfaces or
converter in order to restart: via the fieldbus,
four installed options. During initial power-up, the frequency
via the reset button on the LCP or via a digital
converter automatically sets this parameter to Option A [3] if it
detects a valid fieldbus option installed in slot A. If the option is
removed, the frequency converter detects a change in the config- [7] Select setup 1 Changes the set-up upon reestablishment of
uration, sets par. 8-02 Control Word Source back to default setting communication following a control word
FC RS-485, and the frequency converter then trips. If an option is time-out. If communication resumes causing
installed after initial power-up, the setting of par. 8-02 Control Word the time-out situation to disappear,
Source will not change but the frequency converter will trip and par. 8-05 End-of-Timeout Function defines
display: Alarm 67 Option Changed. whether to resume the set-up used before
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running. the time-out or to retain the set-up endorsed
by the time-out function.
Option: Function:
[0] None [8] Select setup 2 See [7] Select setup 1
[1] FC RS485 [9] Select setup 3 See [7] Select setup 1
[2] FC USB
[10] Select setup 4 See [7] Select setup 1
[3] * Option A
[4] Option B [26] Trip
[5] Option C0 NOTE
[6] Option C1 The following configuration is required in order to
[30] External Can change the set-up after a time-out:
Set par. 0-10 Active Set-up to [9] Multi set-up and select
8-03 Control Word Timeout Time
the relevant link in par. 0-12 This Set-up Linked to.
Range: Function:
1.0 s* [Application Enter the maximum time expected to pass
8-05 End-of-Timeout Function
dependant] between the reception of two consecutive
telegrams. If this time is exceeded, it
Option: Function:
indicates that the serial communication has Select the action after receiving a valid control
stopped. The function selected in word following a time-out. This parameter is
par. 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function will active only when par. 8-04 Control Timeout
then be carried out. The time-out counter is Function is set to [Set-up 1-4].
triggered by a valid control word. [0] Hold set-up Retains the set-up selected in par. 8-04 Control
Timeout Function and displays a warning, until
par. 8-06 Reset Control Timeout toggles. Then the
frequency converter resumes its original set-up.

[1] * Resume Resumes the set-up active prior to the time-out.


MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 99

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

8-06 Reset Control Word Timeout 8-07 Diagnosis Trigger

This parameter is active only when Hold set-up [0] has been Option: Function:
selected in par. 8-05 End-of-Timeout Function. 14 - 17 VLT VLT status word
Option: Function: par. 16-03 Stat
[0] * Do not reset Retains the set-up specified in par. 8-04 Control us Word

3 3 Word Timeout Function, following a control

word time-out.
18 - 21 VLT
par. 16-90 Ala
VLT alarm word

rm Word
[1] Do reset Returns the frequency converter to the original
22 - 23 VLT Communication
set-up following a control word time-out. The
par. 9-53 Profi warning word (Profibus)
frequency converter performs the reset and
bus Warning
then immediately reverts to the Do not reset [0]

8-07 Diagnosis Trigger Enabling diagnosis may cause increased bus traffic.
Diagnosis functions are not supported by all
Option: Function:
fieldbus types.
This parameter enables and controls the frequency
converter diagnosis function and permits [0] * Disable
expansion of the diagnosis data to 24 byte. [1] Trigger
NOTE alarms
This is only valid for Profibus.
[2] Trigger
- Disable [0]: Do not send extended
diagnosis data even if they appear in the
frequency converter. 8-08 Readout Filtering
- Trigger on alarms [1]: Send extended The function is used if the speed feedback value readouts on
diagnosis data when one or more alarms fieldbus are fluctuating. Select filtered if the function is required. A
appear in alarm par. 16-90 Alarm Word or power-cycle is required for changes to take effect.
par. 9-53 Profibus Warning Word. Option: Function:
- Trigger alarms/warn. [2]: Send extended [0] * Motor Data Std- Select [0] for normal bus readouts.
diagnosis data if one or more alarms or Filt.
warnings appear in alarm [1] Motor Data LP- Select [1] for filtered bus readouts
par. 16-90 Alarm Word, par. 9-53 Profibus Filter of the following parameters:
Warning Word, or warning Par. 16-10 Power [kW]
par. 16-92 Warning Word. Par. 16-11 Power [hp]
The content of the extended diagnosis frame is as Par. 16-12 Motor Voltage
follows: Par. 16-14 Motor Current
Par. 16-16 Torque [Nm]
Byte Content Description Par. 16-17 Speed [RPM]
0-5 Standard DP Standard DP Diagnose Par. 16-22 Torque [%]
Diagnose Data Par. 16-25 Torque [Nm] High
6 PDU length xx Header of extended
diagnostic data
7 Status type = Header of extended
0x81 diagnostic data
8 Slot = 0 Header of extended
diagnostic data
9 Status info = 0 Header of extended
diagnostic data
10 - 13 VLT VLT warning word
par. 16-92 Wa
rning Word

100 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.10.2 8-1* Ctrl. Word Settings 8-13 Configurable Status Word STW
Option: Function:
8-10 Control Word Profile [61] Comparator 1 If Comparator 1 is evaluated as TRUE, the
Select the interpretation of the control and status words input will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
corresponding to the installed fieldbus. Only the selections valid for [62] Comparator 2 If Comparator 2 is evaluated as TRUE, the
the fieldbus installed in slot A will be visible in the LCP display.
For guidelines in selection of FC profile [0] and PROFIdrive profile [1] [63] Comparator 3
input will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
If Comparator 3 is evaluated as TRUE, the
3 3
please refer to the Serial communication via RS 485 Interface section. input will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
For additional guidelines in the selection of PROFIdrive profile [1], [64] Comparator 4 If Comparator 4 is evaluated as TRUE, the
ODVA [5] and CANopen DSP 402 [7], please refer to the Operating input will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
Instructions for the installed fieldbus. [65] Comparator 5 If Comparator 5 is evaluated as TRUE, the
Option: Function: input will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
[0] * FC profile [70] Logic Rule 0 If Logic Rule 0 is evaluated as TRUE, the input
[1] PROFIdrive profile will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
[5] ODVA [71] Logic Rule 1 If Logic Rule 1 is evaluated as TRUE, the input
[7] CANopen DSP 402 will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
[8] MCO [72] Logic Rule 2 If Logic Rule 2 is evaluated as TRUE, the input
will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
8-13 Configurable Status Word STW [73] Logic Rule 3 If Logic Rule 3 is evaluated as TRUE, the input
Option: Function: will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
This parameter enables configuration of bits [74] Logic Rule 4 If Logic Rule 4 is evaluated as TRUE, the input
12 – 15 in the status word. will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
[0] No function The input is always low. [75] Logic Rule 5 If Logic Rule 5 is evaluated as TRUE, the input
[1] * Profile Default Depended on the profile set in Parameter will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
8-10. [80] SL Digital SL Controller Action. The input will go high
[2] Alarm 68 Only The input will go high whenever Alarm 68 is Output A whenever the Smart Logic Action [38] Set
active and will go low whenever no alarm 68 dig. out. A high is executed. The input will go
is active low whenever the Smart Logic Action [32]
[3] Trip excl Alarm The input will go high whenever Trip on Set dig. out. A low is executed.
68 other Alarms then Alarm 68 is active. [81] SL Digital SL Controller Action. The input will go high
[10] T18 DI status. The input will go high whenever T18 has 24V Output B whenever the Smart Logic Action [39] Set
and will go low whenever T18 has 0V dig. out. A high is executed. The input will go
low whenever the Smart Logic Action [33]
[11] T19 DI status. The input will go high whenever T19 has 24V
Set dig. out. A low is executed.
and will go low whenever T19 has 0V
[82] SL Digital SL Controller Action. The input will go high
[12] T27 DI status. The input will go high whenever T27 has 24V
Output C whenever the Smart Logic Action [40] Set
and will go low whenever T27 has 0V
dig. out. A high is executed. The input will go
[13] T29 DI status. The input will go high whenever T29 has 24V
low whenever the Smart Logic Action [34]
and will go low whenever T29 has 0V
Set dig. out. A low is executed.
[14] T32 DI status. The input will go high whenever T32 has 24V
[83] SL Digital SL Controller Action. The input will go high
and will go low whenever T32 has 0V
Output D whenever the Smart Logic Action [41] Set
[15] T33 DI status. The input will go high whenever T33 has 24V
dig. out. A high is executed. The input will go
and will go low whenever T33 has 0V
low whenever the Smart Logic Action [35]
[16] T37 DI status The input will go high whenever T37 has 0V
Set dig. out. A low is executed.
and will go low whenever T37 has 24V
[84] SL Digital SL Controller Action. The input will go high
[21] Thermal The thermal warning turns on when the
Output E whenever the Smart Logic Action [42] Set
warning temperature exceeds the limit in the motor,
dig. out. A high is executed. The input will go
the frequency converter, the brake resistor,
low whenever the Smart Logic Action [36]
or the thermistor..
Set dig. out. A low is executed.
[30] Brake fault Will go high when the brake IGBT is short-
[85] SL Digital SL Controller Action. The input will go high
(IGBT) circuited.
Output F whenever the Smart Logic Action [43] Set
[40] Out of ref If Comparator 0 is evaluated as TRUE, the
dig. out. A high is executed. The input will go
range input will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.
low whenever the Smart Logic Action [37]
[60] Comparator 0 If Comparator 0 is evaluated as TRUE, the
Set dig. out. A low is executed
input will go high. Otherwise, it will be low.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 101

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW 8-35 Minimum Response Delay

Option: Function: Range: Function:
Selection of control word bit 10 if it is 10 ms* [Application Specify the minimum delay time
active low or active high dependant] between receiving a request and
transmitting a response. This is used for
[0] None
3 3 [1] * Profile default
overcoming modem turnaround delays.

[2] CTW Valid, active low

8-36 Max Response Delay
Range: Function:
3.10.3 8-3* FC Port Settings
Application [Application Specify the maximum permissible
dependent* dependant] delay time between transmitting a
8-30 Protocol request and receiving a response.
Option: Function: Exceeding this delay time will
[0] * FC cause control word time-out.
[1] FC MC Select the protocol for the FC (standard) port.
8-37 Max Inter-Char Delay
[2] Modbus RTU
Range: Function:
8-31 Address Application [Application Specify the maximum permissible
Range: Function: dependent* dependant] time interval between receipt of two
Application [Application Enter the address for the FC bytes. This parameter activates time-
dependent* dependant] (standard) port. out if transmission is interrupted.
Valid range: 1 - 126. This parameter is active only when
par. 8-30 Protocol is set to FC MC [1]
8-32 FC Port Baud Rate protocol.

Option: Function:
[0] 2400 Baud Baud rate selection for the FC (standard) port. 3.10.4 8-4* FC MC protocol set
[1] 4800 Baud
[2] * 9600 Baud 8-40 Telegram selection
[3] 19200 Baud Option: Function:
[4] 38400 Baud [1] * Standard telegram 1 Enables use of freely configurable
[5] 57600 Baud telegrams or standard telegrams for
[6] 76800 Baud the FC port.
[7] 115200 Baud
[100] None
8-33 Parity / Stop Bits [101] PPO 1
[102] PPO 2
Option: Function:
[103] PPO 3
[0] * Even Parity, 1 Stop Bit
[104] PPO 4
[1] Odd Parity, 1 Stop Bit
[105] PPO 5
[2] No Parity, 1 Stop Bit
[106] PPO 6
[3] No Parity, 2 Stop Bits
[107] PPO 7
8-34 Estimated cycle time [108] PPO 8
Range: Function: [200] Custom telegram 1 Enables use of freely configurable
telegrams or standard telegrams for
0 ms* [0 - 1000000 In a noisy environments, the interface may
the FC port.
ms] be blocked by due to overload of bad
frames. This parameter specifies the time [202] Custom telegram 3
between two consecutive frames on the
network. If the interface does not detect
valid frames in that time it flushes the
receive buffer.

102 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

8-41 Parameters for signals 8-41 Parameters for signals

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[0] * None This parameter [1616] Torque [Nm]
contains a list of [1617] Speed [RPM]
signals available for [1618] Motor Thermal
selection in
par. 8-42 PCD write
[1619] KTY sensor temperature
[1620] Motor Angle
3 3
configuration and [1621] Torque [%] High Res.
par. 8-43 PCD read
[1622] Torque [%]
[1625] Torque [Nm] High
[302] Minimum Reference [1630] DC Link Voltage
[303] Maximum Reference [1632] Brake Energy /s
[312] Catch up/slow Down Value [1633] Brake Energy /2 min
[341] Ramp 1 Ramp up Time [1634] Heatsink Temp.
[342] Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time [1635] Inverter Thermal
[351] Ramp 2 Ramp up Time [1638] SL Controller State
[352] Ramp 2 Ramp down Time [1639] Control Card Temp.
[380] Jog Ramp Time [1650] External Reference
[381] Quick Stop Ramp Time [1651] Pulse Reference
[411] Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] [1652] Feedback [Unit]
[412] Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] [1653] Digi Pot Reference
[413] Motor Speed High Limit [RPM] [1657] Feedback [RPM]
[414] Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] [1660] Digital Input
[416] Torque Limit Motor Mode [1661] Terminal 53 Switch Setting
[417] Torque Limit Generator Mode [1662] Analog Input 53
[590] Digital & Relay Bus Control [1663] Terminal 54 Switch Setting
[593] Pulse Out #27 Bus Control [1664] Analog Input 54
[595] Pulse Out #29 Bus Control [1665] Analog Output 42 [mA]
[597] Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control [1666] Digital Output [bin]
[653] Terminal 42 Output Bus Control [1667] Freq. Input #29 [Hz]
[663] Terminal X30/8 Bus Control [1668] Freq. Input #33 [Hz]
[673] Terminal X45/1 Bus Control [1669] Pulse Output #27 [Hz]
[683] Terminal X45/3 Bus Control [1670] Pulse Output #29 [Hz]
[748] PCD Feed Forward [1671] Relay Output [bin]
[890] Bus Jog 1 Speed [1672] Counter A
[891] Bus Jog 2 Speed [1673] Counter B
[1472] Legacy Alarm Word [1674] Prec. Stop Counter
[1473] Legacy Warning Word [1675] Analog In X30/11
[1474] Leg. Ext. Status Word [1676] Analog In X30/12
[1500] Operating Hours [1677] Analog Out X30/8 [mA]
[1501] Running Hours [1678] Analog Out X45/1 [mA]
[1502] kWh Counter [1679] Analog Out X45/3 [mA]
[1600] Control Word [1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[1601] Reference [Unit] [1682] Fieldbus REF 1
[1602] Reference % [1684] Comm. Option STW
[1603] Status Word [1685] FC Port CTW 1
[1605] Main Actual Value [%] [1686] FC Port REF 1
[1609] Custom Readout [1690] Alarm Word
[1610] Power [kW] [1691] Alarm Word 2
[1611] Power [hp] [1692] Warning Word
[1612] Motor Voltage [1693] Warning Word 2
[1613] Frequency [1694] Ext. Status Word
[1614] Motor Current [1860] Digital Input 2
[1615] Frequency [%] [3310] Synchronization Factor Master (M:S)

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 103

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

8-41 Parameters for signals 8-42 PCD write configuration

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[3311] Synchronization Factor Slave (M:S) the selected parame-
[3401] PCD 1 Write to MCO ters as data values.
[3402] PCD 2 Write to MCO [302] Minimum Reference
3 3 [3403] PCD 3 Write to MCO
[3404] PCD 4 Write to MCO
[303] Maximum Reference
[312] Catch up/slow Down Value
[3405] PCD 5 Write to MCO [341] Ramp 1 Ramp up Time
[3406] PCD 6 Write to MCO [342] Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time
[3407] PCD 7 Write to MCO [351] Ramp 2 Ramp up Time
[3408] PCD 8 Write to MCO [352] Ramp 2 Ramp down Time
[3409] PCD 9 Write to MCO [380] Jog Ramp Time
[3410] PCD 10 Write to MCO [381] Quick Stop Ramp Time
[3421] PCD 1 Read from MCO [411] Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM]
[3422] PCD 2 Read from MCO [412] Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]
[3423] PCD 3 Read from MCO [413] Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]
[3424] PCD 4 Read from MCO [414] Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
[3425] PCD 5 Read from MCO [416] Torque Limit Motor Mode
[3426] PCD 6 Read from MCO [417] Torque Limit Generator Mode
[3427] PCD 7 Read from MCO [590] Digital & Relay Bus Control
[3428] PCD 8 Read from MCO [593] Pulse Out #27 Bus Control
[3429] PCD 9 Read from MCO [595] Pulse Out #29 Bus Control
[3430] PCD 10 Read from MCO [597] Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control
[3440] Digital Inputs [653] Terminal 42 Output Bus Control
[3441] Digital Outputs [663] Terminal X30/8 Bus Control
[3450] Actual Position [673] Terminal X45/1 Bus Control
[3451] Commanded Position [683] Terminal X45/3 Bus Control
[3452] Actual Master Position [748] PCD Feed Forward
[3453] Slave Index Position [890] Bus Jog 1 Speed
[3454] Master Index Position [891] Bus Jog 2 Speed
[3455] Curve Position [1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[3456] Track Error [1682] Fieldbus REF 1
[3457] Synchronizing Error [1685] FC Port CTW 1
[3458] Actual Velocity [1686] FC Port REF 1
[3459] Actual Master Velocity [3310] Synchronization Factor Master (M:S)
[3460] Synchronizing Status [3311] Synchronization Factor Slave (M:S)
[3461] Axis Status [3401] PCD 1 Write to MCO
[3462] Program Status [3402] PCD 2 Write to MCO
[3464] MCO 302 Status [3403] PCD 3 Write to MCO
[3465] MCO 302 Control [3404] PCD 4 Write to MCO
[3470] MCO Alarm Word 1 [3405] PCD 5 Write to MCO
[3471] MCO Alarm Word 2 [3406] PCD 6 Write to MCO
[3407] PCD 7 Write to MCO
8-42 PCD write configuration
[3408] PCD 8 Write to MCO
Option: Function:
[3409] PCD 9 Write to MCO
[0] None Select the parame-
[3410] PCD 10 Write to MCO
ters to be assigned to
PCD's telegrams. The
number of available
PCDs depends on the
telegram type. The
values in PCD's will
then be written to

104 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

8-43 PCD read configuration 8-43 PCD read configuration

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[0] None Select the parameters to be [1667] Freq. Input #29 [Hz]
assigned to PCD's of the [1668] Freq. Input #33 [Hz]
telegrams. The number of [1669] Pulse Output #27 [Hz]
available PCDs depends on
the telegram type. PCDs
[1670] Pulse Output #29 [Hz]
[1671] Relay Output [bin]
3 3
contain the actual data values [1672] Counter A
of the selected parameters.
[1673] Counter B
[1472] Legacy Alarm Word [1674] Prec. Stop Counter
[1473] Legacy Warning Word [1675] Analog In X30/11
[1474] Leg. Ext. Status Word [1676] Analog In X30/12
[1500] Operating Hours [1677] Analog Out X30/8 [mA]
[1501] Running Hours [1678] Analog Out X45/1 [mA]
[1502] kWh Counter [1679] Analog Out X45/3 [mA]
[1600] Control Word [1684] Comm. Option STW
[1601] Reference [Unit] [1690] Alarm Word
[1602] Reference % [1691] Alarm Word 2
[1603] Status Word [1692] Warning Word
[1605] Main Actual Value [%] [1693] Warning Word 2
[1609] Custom Readout [1694] Ext. Status Word
[1610] Power [kW] [1860] Digital Input 2
[1611] Power [hp] [3421] PCD 1 Read from MCO
[1612] Motor Voltage [3422] PCD 2 Read from MCO
[1613] Frequency [3423] PCD 3 Read from MCO
[1614] Motor Current [3424] PCD 4 Read from MCO
[1615] Frequency [%] [3425] PCD 5 Read from MCO
[1616] Torque [Nm] [3426] PCD 6 Read from MCO
[1617] Speed [RPM] [3427] PCD 7 Read from MCO
[1618] Motor Thermal [3428] PCD 8 Read from MCO
[1619] KTY sensor temperature [3429] PCD 9 Read from MCO
[1620] Motor Angle [3430] PCD 10 Read from MCO
[1621] Torque [%] High Res. [3440] Digital Inputs
[1622] Torque [%] [3441] Digital Outputs
[1625] Torque [Nm] High [3450] Actual Position
[1630] DC Link Voltage [3451] Commanded Position
[1632] Brake Energy /s [3452] Actual Master Position
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min [3453] Slave Index Position
[1634] Heatsink Temp. [3454] Master Index Position
[1635] Inverter Thermal [3455] Curve Position
[1638] SL Controller State [3456] Track Error
[1639] Control Card Temp. [3457] Synchronizing Error
[1650] External Reference [3458] Actual Velocity
[1651] Pulse Reference [3459] Actual Master Velocity
[1652] Feedback [Unit] [3460] Synchronizing Status
[1653] Digi Pot Reference [3461] Axis Status
[1657] Feedback [RPM] [3462] Program Status
[1660] Digital Input [3464] MCO 302 Status
[1661] Terminal 53 Switch Setting [3465] MCO 302 Control
[1662] Analog Input 53 [3470] MCO Alarm Word 1
[1663] Terminal 54 Switch Setting [3471] MCO Alarm Word 2
[1664] Analog Input 54
[1665] Analog Output 42 [mA]
[1666] Digital Output [bin]

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 105

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.10.5 8-5* Digital/Bus 8-53 Start Select

Option: Function:
Parameters for configuring the control word Digital/Bus Select control of the frequency converter start
merging. function via the terminals (digital input) and/or
via the fieldbus.
3 3 These parameters are active only when par. 8-01 Control
[0] Digital
Activates Start command via a digital input.

Site is set to [0] Digital and control word.

[1] Bus Activates Start command via the serial
communication port or fieldbus option.
8-50 Coasting Select
[2] Logic AND Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serial
Option: Function:
communication port, AND additionally via one
Select control of the coasting function via the of the digital inputs.
terminals (digital input) and/or via the bus.
[3] * Logic OR Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serial
[0] Digital Activates Start command via a digital input. communication port OR via one of the digital
input inputs.
[1] Bus Activates Start command via the serial
communication port or fieldbus option. 8-54 Reversing Select
[2] Logic AND Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serial Option: Function:
communication port, AND additionally via one [0] Digital Select control of the frequency converter
of the digital inputs. input reverse function via the terminals (digital input)
[3] * Logic OR Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serial and/or via the fieldbus.
communication port OR via one of the digital [1] Bus Activates the Reverse command via the serial
inputs. communication port or fieldbus option.

[2] Logic AND Activates the Reverse command via the

8-51 Quick Stop Select
fieldbus/serial communication port, AND
Select control of the Quick Stop function via the terminals (digital
additionally via one of the digital inputs.
input) and/or via the bus.
[3] * Logic OR Activates the Reverse command via the
Option: Function:
fieldbus/serial communication port OR via one
[0] Digital Input
of the digital inputs.
[1] Bus
[2] Logic AND 8-55 Set-up Select
[3] * Logic OR
Option: Function:
8-52 DC Brake Select Select control of the frequency converter set-up
Option: Function: selection via the terminals (digital input) and/or
via the fieldbus.
Select control of the DC brake via the terminals
(digital input) and/or via the fieldbus. [0] Digital Activates the set-up selection via a digital input.
[0] Digital Activates Start command via a digital input.
[1] Bus Activates the set-up selection via the serial
communication port or fieldbus option.
[1] Bus Activates Start command via the serial
communication port or fieldbus option. [2] Logic AND Activates the set-up selection via the fieldbus/
serial communication port, AND additionally via
[2] Logic AND Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serial
one of the digital inputs.
communication port, AND additionally via one
of the digital inputs. [3] * Logic OR Activate the set-up selection via the fieldbus/
serial communication port OR via one of the
[3] * Logic OR Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serial
digital inputs.
communication port OR via one of the digital

106 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

8-56 Preset Reference Select 3.10.6 8-8* FC Port Diagnostics

Option: Function:
Select control of the frequency converter Preset
These parameters are used for monitoring the Bus communi-
Reference selection via the terminals (digital cation via the Port.
input) and/or via the fieldbus. 8-80 Bus Message Count
[0] Digital
Activates Preset Reference selection via a digital
Range: Function: 3 3
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] This parameter shows the number of valid
[1] Bus Activates Preset Reference selection via the telegrams detected on the bus.
serial communication port or fieldbus option.
8-81 Bus Error Count
[2] Logic AND Activates Preset Reference selection via the
Range: Function:
fieldbus/serial communication port, AND
additionally via one of the digital inputs. 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] This parameter shows the number of
telegrams with faults (e.g. CRC fault),
[3] * Logic OR Activates the Preset Reference selection via the
detected on the bus.
fieldbus/serial communication port OR via one
of the digital inputs.
8-82 Slave Messages Rcvd
Range: Function:
8-57 Profidrive OFF2 Select
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] This parameter shows the number of valid
Select control of the drive OFF2 selection via the terminals (digital
telegrams addressed to the slave, sent by the
input) and/or via the fieldbus. This parameter is active only when
frequency converter.
par. 8-01 Control Site is set to [0] Digital and ctrl. word and par.
8-10 is set to [1] Profidrive profile.
8-83 Slave Error Count
Option: Function:
Range: Function:
[0] Digital input
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] This parameter shows the number of error
[1] Bus
telegrams, which could not be executed by
[2] Logic AND
the frequency converter.
[3] * Logic OR

8-58 Profidrive OFF3 Select 3.10.7 8-9* Bus Jog

Select control of the drive OFF3 selection via the terminals (digital
input) and/or via the fieldbus. This parameter is active only when
8-90 Bus Jog 1 Speed
par. 8-01 Control Site is set to [0] Digital and control word and par.
Range: Function:
8-10 is set to [1] Profidrive profile.
100 RPM* [Application Enter the jog speed. This is a fixed
Option: Function:
dependant] jog speed activated via the serial
[0] Digital input port or fieldbus option.
[1] Bus
[2] Logic AND 8-91 Bus Jog 2 Speed
[3] * Logic OR
Range: Function:
200 RPM* [Application Enter the jog speed. This is a fixed
dependant] jog speed activated via the serial
port or fieldbus option.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 107

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.11 Parameters: 9-** Profibus 9-15 PCD Write Configuration

Array [10]
9-00 Setpoint Option: Function:
Range: Function: [663] Terminal X30/8 Bus Control
0* [0 - 65535 ] This parameter receives cyclical reference from a [673] Terminal X45/1 Bus Control
3 3 Master Class 2. If the control priority is set to
Master Class 2, the reference for the frequency
[683] Terminal X45/3 Bus Control
[748] PCD Feed Forward
converter is taken from this parameter, whereas
[890] Bus Jog 1 Speed
the cyclical reference will be ignored.
[891] Bus Jog 2 Speed
[1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
9-07 Actual Value
[1682] Fieldbus REF 1
Range: Function: [1685] FC Port CTW 1
0* [0 - 65535 ] This parameter delivers the MAV for a Master [1686] FC Port REF 1
Class 2. The parameter is valid if the control
[3310] Synchronization Factor Master
priority is set to Master Class 2.
[3311] Synchronization Factor Slave
9-15 PCD Write Configuration
Array [10] [3401] PCD 1 Write to MCO
Option: Function: [3402] PCD 2 Write to MCO
Select the parameters to [3403] PCD 3 Write to MCO
be assigned to PCD 3 to [3404] PCD 4 Write to MCO
10 of the telegrams. The [3405] PCD 5 Write to MCO
number of available [3406] PCD 6 Write to MCO
PCDs depends on the [3407] PCD 7 Write to MCO
telegram type. The [3408] PCD 8 Write to MCO
values in PCD 3 to 10 will [3409] PCD 9 Write to MCO
then be written to the
[3410] PCD 10 Write to MCO
selected parameters as
data values. Alternative- 9-16 PCD Read Configuration
ly, specify a standard Array [10]
Profibus telegram in
Option: Function:
par. 9-22 Telegram
Select the parameters to be
assigned to PCD 3 to 10 of the
[0] * None telegrams. The number of
[302] Minimum Reference available PCDs depends on
[303] Maximum Reference the telegram type. PCDs 3 to
[312] Catch up/slow Down Value 10 contain the actual data
[341] Ramp 1 Ramp up Time values of the selected parame-
[342] Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time ters. For standard Profibus
[351] Ramp 2 Ramp up Time telegrams, see
[352] Ramp 2 Ramp down Time par. 9-22 Telegram Selection.
[380] Jog Ramp Time [0] * None
[381] Quick Stop Ramp Time [1472] Legacy Alarm Word
[411] Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] [1473] Legacy Warning Word
[412] Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] [1474] Leg. Ext. Status Word
[413] Motor Speed High Limit [RPM] [1500] Operating Hours
[414] Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] [1501] Running Hours
[416] Torque Limit Motor Mode [1502] kWh Counter
[417] Torque Limit Generator Mode [1600] Control Word
[590] Digital & Relay Bus Control [1601] Reference [Unit]
[593] Pulse Out #27 Bus Control [1602] Reference %
[595] Pulse Out #29 Bus Control [1603] Status Word
[597] Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control [1605] Main Actual Value [%]
[653] Terminal 42 Output Bus Control [1609] Custom Readout

108 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

9-16 PCD Read Configuration 9-16 PCD Read Configuration

Array [10] Array [10]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[1610] Power [kW] [1694] Ext. Status Word
[1611] Power [hp] [1860] Digital Input 2
[1612] Motor Voltage [3421] PCD 1 Read from MCO 3 3
[1613] Frequency [3422] PCD 2 Read from MCO
[1614] Motor Current [3423] PCD 3 Read from MCO
[1615] Frequency [%] [3424] PCD 4 Read from MCO
[1616] Torque [Nm] [3425] PCD 5 Read from MCO
[1617] Speed [RPM] [3426] PCD 6 Read from MCO
[1618] Motor Thermal [3427] PCD 7 Read from MCO
[1619] KTY sensor temperature [3428] PCD 8 Read from MCO
[1620] Motor Angle [3429] PCD 9 Read from MCO
[1621] Torque [%] High Res. [3430] PCD 10 Read from MCO
[1622] Torque [%] [3440] Digital Inputs
[1625] Torque [Nm] High [3441] Digital Outputs
[1630] DC Link Voltage [3450] Actual Position
[1632] Brake Energy /s [3451] Commanded Position
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min [3452] Actual Master Position
[1634] Heatsink Temp. [3453] Slave Index Position
[1635] Inverter Thermal [3454] Master Index Position
[1638] SL Controller State [3455] Curve Position
[1639] Control Card Temp. [3456] Track Error
[1650] External Reference [3457] Synchronizing Error
[1651] Pulse Reference [3458] Actual Velocity
[1652] Feedback [Unit] [3459] Actual Master Velocity
[1653] Digi Pot Reference [3460] Synchronizing Status
[1657] Feedback [RPM] [3461] Axis Status
[1660] Digital Input [3462] Program Status
[1661] Terminal 53 Switch Setting [3464] MCO 302 Status
[1662] Analog Input 53 [3465] MCO 302 Control
[1663] Terminal 54 Switch Setting [3470] MCO Alarm Word 1
[1664] Analog Input 54 [3471] MCO Alarm Word 2
[1665] Analog Output 42 [mA]
9-18 Node Address
[1666] Digital Output [bin]
[1667] Freq. Input #29 [Hz] Range: Function:
[1668] Freq. Input #33 [Hz] 126 N/ [Applica- Enter the station address in this parameter
[1669] Pulse Output #27 [Hz] A* tion or alternatively in the hardware switch. In
[1670] Pulse Output #29 [Hz] dependant] order to adjust the station address in
par. 9-18 Node Address, the hardware switch
[1671] Relay Output [bin]
must be set to 126 or 127 (i.e. all switches
[1672] Counter A
set to ‘on’). Otherwise this parameter will
[1673] Counter B
display the actual setting of the switch.
[1674] Prec. Stop Counter
[1675] Analog In X30/11
9-22 Telegram Selection
[1676] Analog In X30/12
Displays the Profibus telegram configuration.
[1677] Analog Out X30/8 [mA]
[1678] Analog Out X45/1 [mA] Option: Function:
[1679] Analog Out X45/3 [mA] [1] Standard telegram 1
[1684] Comm. Option STW [100] * None
[1690] Alarm Word [101] PPO 1
[1691] Alarm Word 2 [102] PPO 2
[1692] Warning Word [103] PPO 3
[1693] Warning Word 2 [104] PPO 4

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

9-22 Telegram Selection 9-23 Parameters for Signals

Displays the Profibus telegram configuration. Array [1000]
Option: Function: Read only

[105] PPO 5 Option: Function:

[106] PPO 6 [1600] Control Word
3 3 [107] PPO 7 [1601] Reference [Unit]
[1602] Reference %
[108] * PPO 8 Read only.
[1603] Status Word
[200] Custom telegram 1
[1605] Main Actual Value [%]
[202] Custom telegram 3
[1609] Custom Readout
9-23 Parameters for Signals [1610] Power [kW]
Array [1000] [1611] Power [hp]
Read only [1612] Motor Voltage
Option: Function: [1613] Frequency

This parameter contains [1614] Motor Current

a list of signals available [1615] Frequency [%]
for selection in [1616] Torque [Nm]
par. 9-15 PCD Write [1617] Speed [RPM]
Configuration and [1618] Motor Thermal
par. 9-16 PCD Read [1619] KTY sensor temperature
Configuration. [1620] Motor Angle

[0] * None [1621] Torque [%] High Res.

[302] Minimum Reference [1622] Torque [%]

[303] Maximum Reference [1625] Torque [Nm] High

[312] Catch up/slow Down Value [1630] DC Link Voltage

[341] Ramp 1 Ramp up Time [1632] Brake Energy /s

[342] Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time [1633] Brake Energy /2 min

[351] Ramp 2 Ramp up Time [1634] Heatsink Temp.

[352] Ramp 2 Ramp down Time [1635] Inverter Thermal

[380] Jog Ramp Time [1638] SL Controller State

[381] Quick Stop Ramp Time [1639] Control Card Temp.

[411] Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] [1650] External Reference

[412] Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] [1651] Pulse Reference

[413] Motor Speed High Limit [RPM] [1652] Feedback [Unit]

[414] Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] [1653] Digi Pot Reference

[416] Torque Limit Motor Mode [1657] Feedback [RPM]

[417] Torque Limit Generator Mode [1660] Digital Input

[590] Digital & Relay Bus Control [1661] Terminal 53 Switch Setting

[593] Pulse Out #27 Bus Control [1662] Analog Input 53

[595] Pulse Out #29 Bus Control [1663] Terminal 54 Switch Setting

[597] Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control [1664] Analog Input 54

[653] Terminal 42 Output Bus Control [1665] Analog Output 42 [mA]

[663] Terminal X30/8 Bus Control [1666] Digital Output [bin]

[673] Terminal X45/1 Bus Control [1667] Freq. Input #29 [Hz]

[683] Terminal X45/3 Bus Control [1668] Freq. Input #33 [Hz]

[748] PCD Feed Forward [1669] Pulse Output #27 [Hz]

[890] Bus Jog 1 Speed [1670] Pulse Output #29 [Hz]

[891] Bus Jog 2 Speed [1671] Relay Output [bin]

[1472] Legacy Alarm Word [1672] Counter A

[1473] Legacy Warning Word [1673] Counter B

[1474] Leg. Ext. Status Word [1674] Prec. Stop Counter

[1500] Operating Hours [1675] Analog In X30/11

[1501] Running Hours [1676] Analog In X30/12

[1502] kWh Counter [1677] Analog Out X30/8 [mA]

110 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

9-23 Parameters for Signals 9-23 Parameters for Signals

Array [1000] Array [1000]
Read only Read only
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[1678] Analog Out X45/1 [mA] [3461] Axis Status
[1679] Analog Out X45/3 [mA]
[1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[3462] Program Status
[3464] MCO 302 Status
3 3
[1682] Fieldbus REF 1 [3465] MCO 302 Control
[1684] Comm. Option STW [3470] MCO Alarm Word 1
[1685] FC Port CTW 1 [3471] MCO Alarm Word 2
[1686] FC Port REF 1
9-27 Parameter Edit
[1690] Alarm Word
[1691] Alarm Word 2 Option: Function:
[1692] Warning Word Parameters can be edited via Profibus, the standard
[1693] Warning Word 2 RS485 interface, or the LCP.
[1694] Ext. Status Word [0] Disabled Disables editing via Profibus.
[1860] Digital Input 2
[1] * Enabled Enables editing via Profibus.
[3310] Synchronization Factor Master
9-28 Process Control
[3311] Synchronization Factor Slave
Option: Function:
Process control (setting of Control Word, speed
[3401] PCD 1 Write to MCO
reference, and process data) is possible via either
[3402] PCD 2 Write to MCO
Profibus or standard fieldbus but not both
[3403] PCD 3 Write to MCO
simultaneously. Local control is always possible
[3404] PCD 4 Write to MCO
via the LCP. Control via process control is possible
[3405] PCD 5 Write to MCO
via either terminals or fieldbus depending on the
[3406] PCD 6 Write to MCO settings in par. 8-50 Coasting Select to
[3407] PCD 7 Write to MCO par. 8-56 Preset Reference Select.
[3408] PCD 8 Write to MCO
[0] Disable Disables process control via Profibus, and enables
[3409] PCD 9 Write to MCO
process control via standard fieldbus or Profibus
[3410] PCD 10 Write to MCO
Master class 2.
[3421] PCD 1 Read from MCO
[3422] PCD 2 Read from MCO [1] * Enable Enables process control via Profibus Master Class
[3423] PCD 3 Read from MCO cyclic 1, and disables process control via standard
master fieldbus or Profibus Master class 2.
[3424] PCD 4 Read from MCO
[3425] PCD 5 Read from MCO
9-44 Fault Message Counter
[3426] PCD 6 Read from MCO
[3427] PCD 7 Read from MCO Range: Function:
[3428] PCD 8 Read from MCO 0* [0 - 65535 ] This parameter displays the number of error
[3429] PCD 9 Read from MCO events stored in par. 9-45 Fault Code and
par. 9-47 Fault Number. The maximum buffer
[3430] PCD 10 Read from MCO
capacity is eight error events. The buffer and
[3440] Digital Inputs
counter are set to 0 upon reset or power-up.
[3441] Digital Outputs
[3450] Actual Position
9-45 Fault Code
[3451] Commanded Position
Range: Function:
[3452] Actual Master Position
[3453] Slave Index Position 0* [0 - 0 ] This buffer contains the alarm word for all alarms and
warnings that have occurred since last reset or
[3454] Master Index Position
power-up. The maximum buffer capacity is eight
[3455] Curve Position
error events.
[3456] Track Error
[3457] Synchronizing Error
[3458] Actual Velocity
[3459] Actual Master Velocity
[3460] Synchronizing Status

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

9-47 Fault Number 9-63 Actual Baud Rate

Range: Function: Option: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] This buffer contains the alarm number (e.g. 2 for live [8] 6000 kbit/s
zero error, 4 for mains phase loss) for all alarms and [9] 12000 kbit/s
warnings that have occurred since last reset or [10] 31,25 kbit/s

3 3 power-up. The maximum buffer capacity is eight

error events.
[11] 45,45 kbit/s
[255] * No baudrate found

9-52 Fault Situation Counter 9-64 Device Identification

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 1000 ] This parameter displays the number of error 0* [0 - 0 ] This parameter displays the device identification.
events which have occurred since last reset of Please refer to the Operating Instructions for Profibus,
power-up. MG.33.CX.YY for further explanation.

9-53 Profibus Warning Word 9-65 Profile Number

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 65535 N/A] This parameter displays Profibus 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] This parameter contains the profile identifica-
communication warnings. Please refer to tion. Byte 1 contains the profile number and
the Profibus Operating Instructions for byte 2 the version number of the profile.
further information.
Read only This parameter is not visible via LCP.

Bit: Meaning: 9-67 Control Word 1

0 Connection with DP-master is not ok Range: Function:
1 Not used 0* [0 - 65535 ] This parameter accepts the Control Word from a
2 FDLNDL (Fieldbus Data link Layer) is not ok Master Class 2 in the same format as PCD 1.
3 Clear data command received
4 Actual value is not updated 9-68 Status Word 1
5 Baudrate search Range: Function:
6 PROFIBUS ASIC is not transmitting
0* [0 - 65535 ] This parameter delivers the Status Word for a
7 Initialisation of PROFIBUS is not ok Master Class 2 in the same format as PCD 2.
8 Frequency converter is tripped
9 Internal CAN error 9-70 Programming Set-up
10 Wrong configuration data from PLC
Option: Function:
11 Wrong ID sent by PLC
Select the set-up to be edited.
12 Internal error occured
13 Not configured [0] Factory setup Uses default data. This option can be used as
14 Timeout active a data source to return the other set-ups to a
known state.
15 Warning 34 active
[1] Set-up 1 Edits Set-up 1.

9-63 Actual Baud Rate [2] Set-up 2 Edits Set-up 2.

Option: Function: [3] Set-up 3 Edits Set-up 3.
This parameter displays the actual
[4] Set-up 4 Edits Set-up 4.
Profibus baud rate. The Profibus
Master automatically sets the baud [9] * Active Set-up Follows the active set-up selected in
rate. par. 0-10 Active Set-up.

[0] 9,6 kbit/s This parameter is unique to LCP and fieldbuses. See also
[1] 19,2 kbit/s par. 0-11 Programming Set-up.
[2] 93,75 kbit/s
[3] 187,5 kbit/s
[4] 500 kbit/s
[6] 1500 kbit/s
[7] 3000 kbit/s

112 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

9-71 Profibus Save Data Values 9-82 Defined Parameters (3)

Option: Function: Array [116]
Parameter values changed via Profibus are not No LCP access
automatically stored in non-volatile memory. Use Read only
this parameter to activate a function that stores Range: Function:
parameter values in the EEPROM non-volatile
memory, so changed parameter values will be
0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A] This parameter displays a list of all the
defined frequency converter parameters
3 3
retained at power-down. available for Profibus.
[0] * Off Deactivates the non-volatile storage function.
9-83 Defined Parameters (4)
[1] Store all Stores all parameter values for all set-ups in the
Array [116]
setups non-volatile memory. The selection returns to Off
No LCP access
[0] when all parameter values have been stored.
Read only
[2] Store all Stores all parameter values for all set-ups in the
Range: Function:
setups non-volatile memory. The selection returns to Off
[0] when all parameter values have been stored. 0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A] This parameter displays a list of all the
defined frequency converter parameters
9-72 ProfibusDriveReset available for Profibus.

Option: Function:
9-84 Defined Parameters (5)
[0] * No action
Range: Function:
[1] Power-on Resets frequency converter upon power-up, as
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter displays a list of all the defined
reset for power-cycle.
frequency converter parameters available for
[3] Comm Resets the Profibus option only, useful after Profibus.
option reset changing certain settings in par. group 9-**,
e.g. par. 9-18 Node Address. 9-90 Changed Parameters (1)
When reset, the frequency converter
Array [116]
disappears from the fieldbus, which may
No LCP access
cause a communication error from the master.
Read only

9-75 DO Identification Range: Function:

0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A] This parameter displays a list of all the
Range: Function:
frequency converter parameters deviat-
0* [0 - 65535 ] Provides information about the DO (Drive
ing from default setting.

9-91 Changed Parameters (2)

9-80 Defined Parameters (1)
Array [116]
Array [116]
No LCP access
No LCP access
Read only
Read only
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A] This parameter displays a list of all the
0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A] This parameter displays a list of all the
frequency converter parameters deviat-
defined frequency converter parameters
ing from default setting.
available for Profibus.

9-92 Changed Parameters (3)

9-81 Defined Parameters (2)
Array [116]
Array [116]
No LCP access
No LCP access
Read only
Read only
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A] This parameter displays a list of all the
0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A] This parameter displays a list of all the
frequency converter parameters deviat-
defined frequency converter parameters
ing from default setting.
available for Profibus.

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

9-94 Changed Parameters (5) 10-07 Readout Bus Off Counter

Array [116] Range: Function:
No LCP Address 0* [0 - 255 ] View the number of Bus Off events since the last
Read only power-up.
Range: Function:
3 3 0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A] This parameter displays a list of all the
frequency converter parameters deviat-
3.12.2 10-1* DeviceNet
ing from default setting.
Parameters specific to the DeviceNet fieldbus.

3.12 Parameters: 10-** DeviceNet CAN 10-10 Process Data Type Selection

Fieldbus Option: Function:

Select the Instance (telegram) for data
3.12.1 10-0* Common Settings transmission. The Instances available are
dependent upon the setting of
10-00 CAN Protocol par. 8-10 Control Profile.
When par. 8-10 Control Profile is set to [0] FC
Option: Function:
profile, par. 10-10 Process Data Type Selection
[0] CANopen
options [0] and [1] are available.
[1] * DeviceNet View the active CAN protocol. When par. 8-10 Control Profile is set to [5]
ODVA, par. 10-10 Process Data Type Selection
NOTE options [2] and [3] are available.
The options depend on installed option. Instances 100/150 and 101/151 are Danfoss-
specific. Instances 20/70 and 21/71 are ODVA-
10-01 Baud Rate Select specific AC Drive profiles.
Select the fieldbus transmission speed. The selection must For guidelines in telegram selection, please
correspond to the transmission speed of the master and the other refer to the DeviceNet Operating Instructions.
fieldbus nodes. Note that a change to this parameter will be
executed immediately.
Option: Function:
[16] 10 Kbps [0] * INSTANCE
[17] 20 Kbps 100/150
[18] 50 Kbps [1] INSTANCE
[19] 100 Kbps 101/151
[20] * 125 Kbps [2] INSTANCE
[21] 250 Kbps 20/70

[22] 500 Kbps [3] INSTANCE

10-02 MAC ID
10-11 Process Data Config Write
Range: Function:
Select the process write data for I/O Assembly Instances 101/151.
Application [Application Selection of station address.
Elements [2] and [3] of this array can be selected. Elements [0] and
dependent* dependant] Every station connected to the
[1] of the array are fixed.
same network must have an
unambiguous address. Option: Function:
[0] None
10-05 Readout Transmit Error Counter [302] Minimum Reference
Range: Function: [303] Maximum Reference
0 N/A* [0 - 255 N/A] View the number of CAN control transmis- [312] Catch up/slow Down Value
sion errors since the last power-up. [341] Ramp 1 Ramp up Time
[342] Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time
10-06 Readout Receive Error Counter [351] Ramp 2 Ramp up Time
Range: Function: [352] Ramp 2 Ramp down Time
[380] Jog Ramp Time
0 N/A* [0 - 255 N/A] View the number of CAN control receipt
errors since the last power-up. [381] Quick Stop Ramp Time
[411] Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM]
[412] Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]
[413] Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]

114 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

10-11 Process Data Config Write 10-12 Process Data Config Read
Select the process write data for I/O Assembly Instances 101/151. Select the process read data for I/O Assembly Instances 101/151.
Elements [2] and [3] of this array can be selected. Elements [0] and Elements [2] and [3] of this array can be selected. Elements [0] and
[1] of the array are fixed. [1] of the array are fixed.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
Torque Limit Motor Mode
Custom Readout
Power [kW]
3 3
[417] Torque Limit Generator Mode [1611] Power [hp]
[590] Digital & Relay Bus Control [1612] Motor Voltage
[593] Pulse Out #27 Bus Control [1613] Frequency
[595] Pulse Out #29 Bus Control [1614] Motor Current
[597] Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control [1615] Frequency [%]
[653] Terminal 42 Output Bus Control [1616] Torque [Nm]
[663] Terminal X30/8 Bus Control [1617] Speed [RPM]
[673] Terminal X45/1 Bus Control [1618] Motor Thermal
[683] Terminal X45/3 Bus Control [1619] KTY sensor temperature
[748] PCD Feed Forward [1620] Motor Angle
[890] Bus Jog 1 Speed [1621] Torque [%] High Res.
[891] Bus Jog 2 Speed [1622] Torque [%]
[1680] Fieldbus CTW 1 [1625] Torque [Nm] High
[1682] Fieldbus REF 1 [1630] DC Link Voltage
[1685] FC Port CTW 1 [1632] Brake Energy /s
[1686] FC Port REF 1 [1633] Brake Energy /2 min
[3310] Synchronization Factor Master [1634] Heatsink Temp.
(M:S) [1635] Inverter Thermal
[3311] Synchronization Factor Slave (M:S) [1638] SL Controller State
[3401] PCD 1 Write to MCO [1639] Control Card Temp.
[3402] PCD 2 Write to MCO [1650] External Reference
[3403] PCD 3 Write to MCO [1651] Pulse Reference
[3404] PCD 4 Write to MCO [1652] Feedback [Unit]
[3405] PCD 5 Write to MCO [1653] Digi Pot Reference
[3406] PCD 6 Write to MCO [1657] Feedback [RPM]
[3407] PCD 7 Write to MCO [1660] Digital Input
[3408] PCD 8 Write to MCO [1661] Terminal 53 Switch Setting
[3409] PCD 9 Write to MCO [1662] Analog Input 53
[3410] PCD 10 Write to MCO [1663] Terminal 54 Switch Setting
[1664] Analog Input 54
10-12 Process Data Config Read
[1665] Analog Output 42 [mA]
Select the process read data for I/O Assembly Instances 101/151.
[1666] Digital Output [bin]
Elements [2] and [3] of this array can be selected. Elements [0] and
[1667] Freq. Input #29 [Hz]
[1] of the array are fixed.
[1668] Freq. Input #33 [Hz]
Option: Function: [1669] Pulse Output #27 [Hz]
[0] * None [1670] Pulse Output #29 [Hz]
[1472] Legacy Alarm Word [1671] Relay Output [bin]
[1473] Legacy Warning Word [1672] Counter A
[1474] Leg. Ext. Status Word [1673] Counter B
[1500] Operating Hours [1674] Prec. Stop Counter
[1501] Running Hours [1675] Analog In X30/11
[1502] kWh Counter [1676] Analog In X30/12
[1600] Control Word [1677] Analog Out X30/8 [mA]
[1601] Reference [Unit] [1678] Analog Out X45/1 [mA]
[1602] Reference % [1679] Analog Out X45/3 [mA]
[1603] Status Word [1684] Comm. Option STW
[1605] Main Actual Value [%] [1690] Alarm Word

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 115

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

10-12 Process Data Config Read 10-13 Warning Parameter

Select the process read data for I/O Assembly Instances 101/151. Range: Function:
Elements [2] and [3] of this array can be selected. Elements [0] and 0* [0 - View a DeviceNet-specific Warning word. One bit is
[1] of the array are fixed. 65535 ] assigned to every warning. Please refer to the
Option: Function: DeviceNet Operating Instructions (MG.33.DX.YY) for

3 3 [1691]
Alarm Word 2
Warning Word
further information.

Bit: Meaning:
[1693] Warning Word 2
0 BusNetwork not active
[1694] Ext. Status Word
1 Explicit connection timeout
[1860] Digital Input 2
2 I/O connection
[3421] PCD 1 Read from MCO
3 Retry limit reached
[3422] PCD 2 Read from MCO
4 Actual is not updated
[3423] PCD 3 Read from MCO
5 CAN bus off
[3424] PCD 4 Read from MCO
6 I/O send error
[3425] PCD 5 Read from MCO
7 Initialization error
[3426] PCD 6 Read from MCO
8 No bus supply
[3427] PCD 7 Read from MCO
9 Bus off
[3428] PCD 8 Read from MCO
10 Error passive
[3429] PCD 9 Read from MCO
11 Error warning
[3430] PCD 10 Read from MCO
12 Duplicate MAC ID Error
[3440] Digital Inputs
13 RX queue overrun
[3441] Digital Outputs
14 TX queue overrun
[3450] Actual Position
15 CAN overrun
[3451] Commanded Position
[3452] Actual Master Position
[3453] Slave Index Position 10-14 Net Reference
[3454] Master Index Position Read only from LCP
[3455] Curve Position
Option: Function:
[3456] Track Error
Select the reference source in Instance 21/71 and 20/70.
[3457] Synchronizing Error
[3458] Actual Velocity [0] * Off Enables reference via analog/digital inputs.
[3459] Actual Master Velocity [1] On Enables reference via the fieldbus.
[3460] Synchronizing Status
[3461] Axis Status 10-15 Net Control
[3462] Program Status Read only from LCP
[3464] MCO 302 Status
Option: Function:
[3465] MCO 302 Control
Select the control source in Instance 21/71 and 20/70.
[3470] MCO Alarm Word 1
[3471] MCO Alarm Word 2 [0] * Off Enables control via analog/digital inputs.

[1] On Enable control via the fieldbus.

116 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.12.3 10-2* COS Filters 10-31 Store Data Values

Option: Function:
10-20 COS Filter 1 [2] Store all Stores all parameter values for all set-ups in the
Range: Function: setups non-volatile memory. The selection returns to Off
0* [0 - 65535 ] Enter the value for COS Filter 1 to set up the filter [0] when all parameter values have been stored.
mask for the Status Word. When operating in
COS (Change-Of-State), this function filters out 10-32 Devicenet Revision
3 3
bits in the Status Word that should not be sent if Range: Function:
they change. Application [0 - 65535 ] View the DeviceNet revision
dependent* number. This parameter is used
10-21 COS Filter 2 for EDS file creation.
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Enter the value for COS Filter 2, to set up the 10-33 Store Always
filter mask for the Main Actual Value. When Option: Function:
operating in COS (Change-Of-State), this [0] * Off Deactivates non-volatile storage of data.
function filters out bits in the Main Actual Value
[1] On Stores parameter data received via DeviceNet in
that should not be sent if they change.
EEPROM non-volatile memory as default.

10-22 COS Filter 3

10-39 Devicenet F Parameters
Range: Function:
Array [1000]
0* [0 - 65535 ] Enter the value for COS Filter 3, to set up the
No LCP access
filter mask for PCD 3. When operating in COS
(Change-Of-State), this function filters out bits in Range: Function:
PCD 3 that should not be sent if they change. 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] This parameter is used to configure the
frequency converter via DeviceNet and build
10-23 COS Filter 4 the EDS-file.

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Enter the value for COS Filter 4 to set up the filter
mask for PCD 4. When operating in COS
(Change-Of-State), this function filters out bits in
PCD 4 that should not be sent if they change.

3.12.4 10-3* Parameter Access

Par. group providing access to indexed parameters and

defining programming set-up.

10-30 Array Index

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 255 ] View array parameters. This parameter is valid only
when a DeviceNet fieldbus is installed.

10-31 Store Data Values

Option: Function:
Parameter values changed via DeviceNet are not
automatically stored in non-volatile memory. Use
this parameter to activate a function that stores
parameter values in the EEPROM non-volatile
memory, so changed parameter values will be
retained at power-down.

[0] * Off Deactivates the non-volatile storage function.

[1] Store all Stores all parameter values from the active set-up
setups in the non-volatile memory. The selection returns
to Off [0] when all values have been stored.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 117

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.13 Parameters: 12-** Ethernet 12-08 Host Name

Range: Function:
3.13.1 12-0* IP Settings Blank [0-19 characters] Logical (given) name of option.

12-00 IP Address Assignment 12-09 Physical Address

Range: Function:
3 3 Option: Function:
Selects the IP Address assignment method. [00:1B:08:00:00:00 – 00:1B: Read only Displays the Physical
[0] * Manual IP-address can be set in par. 12-01 IP Address. 08:FF:FF:FF] (MAC) address of the option.

[1] DHCP IP-address is assigned via DHCP server.

[2] BOOTP IP-address is assigned via BOOTP server. 3.13.2 12-1* Ethernet Link Parameters
12-01 IP Address
12-1* Ethernet Link Parameters
Range: Function:
Option: Function:
[ - Configure the IP address of the
Applies for whole Par. group.] option. Read-only if par. 12-00 set to
[0] Port 1
[1] Port 2
12-02 Subnet Mask
12-10 Link Status
Range: Function:
Option: Function:
[ - Configure the IP subnet mask of the
Read only. Displays the link status of the Ethernet] option. Read-only if par. 12-00 set to
[0] No link
12-03 Default Gateway [1] Link
Range: Function:
12-11 Link Duration
[ – Configure the IP default gateway of
Option: Function:] the option. Read-only if par. 12-00 set
to DHCP or BOOTP. Link Duration Port 1 Read only. Displays the duration of
(dd:hh:mm:ss) the present link on each port in
12-04 DHCP Server dd:hh:mm:ss.
Range: Function:
12-12 Auto Negotiation
[ – Read only. Displays the IP address
Option: Function:] of the found DHCP or BOOTP server.
Configures Auto Negotiation of Ethernet link parameters,
NOTE for each port: ON or OFF.
A power-cycle is necessary after setting the IP parame- [0] Off Link Speed and Link Duplex can be configured in par. 12-13
ters manually. and 12-14.
[1] On
12-05 Lease Expires
12-13 Link Speed
Range: Function:
Option: Function:
[dd:hh:mm:ss] Read only. Displays the lease-time left for the
Forces the link speed for each port in 10 or 100
current DHCP-assigned IP address.
Mbps. If par. 12-12 is set to: ON, this parameter is
12-06 Name Servers read only and displays the actual link speed.
Option: Function: “None” is displayed if no link is present.
[0] * None
IP addresses of Domain Name Servers. Can be
automatically assigned when using DHCP. [1] 10 Mbps

[0] Primary DNS [2] 100 Mbps

[1] Secondary DNS 12-14 Link Duplex

12-07 Domain Name Option: Function:
Range: Function: Forces the duplex for each port to Full or Half
duplex. If par. 12-12 is set to: ON, this parameter
Blank [0-19 characters] Domain name of the attached network.
is read only.
Can be automatically assigned when
using DHCP. [0] Half duplex
[1] * Full duplex

118 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.13.3 12-2* Process Data 3.13.4 12-3* EtherNet/IP

12-20 Control Instance 12-30 Warning Parameter

Range: Function: Range: Function:
[None, 20, 21, 100, Read only. Displays the originator-to-target [0000 – Read only. Displays the EtherNet/IP specific 16-bit
101, 103] connection point. If no CIP connection is
present “None” is displayed.
FFFF hex] Status-word.
3 3
Bit Description
12-21 Process Data Config Write 0 Owned
Range: Function: 1 Not used
[[0 - 9] PCD read 0 - 9] Configuration of readable process 2 Configured
data. 3 Not used
4 Not used
NOTE 5 Not used
For configuration of 2-word (32-bit) parameter read/
6 Not used
write, use 2 consecutive arrays in par. 12-21 and 12-22.
7 Not used
8 Minor recoverable fault
12-22 Process Data Config Read
9 Minor unrecoverable fault
Range: Function: 10 Major recoverable fault
[[0 - 9] PCD read 0 - 9] Configuration of readable process 11 Major unrecoverable fault
data. 12 Not used
13 Not used
12-28 Store Data Values
14 Not used
Option: Function:
15 Not used
This parameter activates a function that stores all
parameter values in the non-volatile memory
(EEPROM) thus retaining parameter values at 12-31 Net Reference
Option: Function:
The parameter returns to “Off”.
Read only. Displays the reference source in Instance
[0] * Off The store function is inactive.
[1] Store All All parameter value will be stored in the non-
[0] * Off Reference from the network is not active.
set-ups volatile memory, in all four setups.
[1] On Reference from the network is active.
12-29 Store Always
12-32 Net Control
Option: Function:
Option: Function:
Activates function that will always store received
Read only. Displays the control source in Instance 21/71.
parameter data in non-volatile memory (EEPROM).
[0] * Off Control via the network is not active.
[0] * Off
[1] On Control via the network is active
[1] On
12-33 CIP Revision
Option: Function:
Read only. Displays the CIP-version of
the option software.
[0] Major version (00 - 99)
[1] Minor version (00 - 99)

12-34 CIP Product Code

Range: Function:
1100 (FC 302) 1110 (FC [0 – 9999] Read only. Displays the CIP
301)* product code.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 119

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

12-37 COS Inhibit Timer 3.13.6 12-9* Advanced Ethernet Settings

Range: Function:
[0 – 65.535 Read only Change-Of-State inhibit timer. If the 12-90 Cable Diagnostics
ms] option is configured for COS operation, this inhibit Option: Function:
timer can be configured in the Forward Open Enables/disables advanced Cable diagnosis function.

3 3 telegram to prevent that continuously changing

PCD data generates extensive network traffic. The
If enabled, the distance to cable errors can be read
out in par. 12-93. The parameter resumes to the
inhibit time is in milliseconds, 0 = disabled. default setting of Disable after the diagnostics have
12-38 COS Filters
[0] * Disable
Range: Function:
[1] Enable
[[0 - 9] Filter 0 – 9 Change-Of-State PCD filters. Sets up a
(0000 - FFFFhex)] filter mask for each word of process data NOTE
when operating in COS-mode. Single bits The cable diagnostics function will only be issued on
in the PCD’s can be filtered in/out. ports where there is no link (see par. 12-10, Link Status)

3.13.5 12-8* Other Ethernet Services 12-91 Auto Cross-Over

Option: Function:
12-80 FTP Server [0] Disable Disables the auto cross-over function.
Option: Function: [1] * Enable Enables the auto cross-over function.

[0] * Disable Disables the built-in FTP server. NOTE

[1] Enable Enables the built-in FTP server. Disabling of the auto cross-over function will require
crossed Ethernet cables for daisy-chaining the options.
12-81 HTTP Server
Option: Function:
12-92 IGMP Snooping
[0] * Disable Disables the build-in HTTP (web) server.
Option: Function:
[1] Enable Enables the build-in HTTP (web) server.
This prevents flooding of the Ethernet protocol stack
12-82 SMTP Service by only forwarding multicast packets to ports that
Option: Function: are a member of the multicast group

[0] * Disable Disables the SMTP (e-mail) service on the option. [0] Disable Disables the IGMP snooping function.

[1] Enable Enables the SMTP (e-mail) service on the option. [1] * Enable Enables the IGMP snooping function.

12-89 Transparent Socket Channel Port 12-93 Cable Error Length

Range: Function: Option: Function:

0* [0 – 9999] Configures the TCP port-number for the transpar- If Cable Diagnostics is enabled in par. 12-90,
ent socket channel. This enables FC-telegrams to the built-in switch is able via Time Domain
be sent transparently on Ethernet via TCP. Default Reflectometry (TDR). This is a measurement
value is 4000, 0 means disabled. technique which detects common cabling
problems such as open circuits, short circuits
and impedance mismatches or breaks in
transmission cables. The distance from the
option to the error is displayed in meters with
an accuracy of +/- 2m. The value 0 means no
errors detected.
[0] Error length
Port 1 (0 –
[1] Error length
Port 2 (0 –

120 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

12-94 Broadcast Storm Protection 12-98 Interface Counters

Option: Function: Option: Function:
The built-in switch is capable of protecting the Read only. Advanced Interface
switch system from receiving too many counters, from build-in switch, can
broadcast packages, which can use up network be used for low-level trouble-
resources. The value indicates a percentage of
the total bandwidth that is allowed for
shooting, The parameter shows a
sum of port 1 + port 2.
3 3
broadcast messages. [0] In Octets
Example: [1] In Unicast Packets
The “OFF” means that the filter is disabled –all [2] In Non-Unicast Packets
broadcast messages will be passed through. [3] In Discards
The value “0%” means that no broadcast [4] In Errors
messages will be passed through. A value of
[5] In Unknown Protocols
“10%” means that 10% of the total bandwidth is
[6] Out Octets
allowed for broadcast messages, if the amount
[7] Out Unicast Packets
of broadcast messages increases above the 10%
[8] Out Non-Unicast Packets
threshold, they will be blocked.
[9] Out Discards
[0] Protection
[10] Out Errors
Value Port 1
(*Off – 20%) 12-99 Media Counters
[1] Protection
Option: Function:
Value Port 2
Read only. Advanced Interface
(*Off – 20%)
counters, from build-in switch, can be
12-95 Broadcast Storm Filter used for low-level trouble-shooting,
Option: Function: The parameter shows a sum of port 1 +
port 2.
Applies to par. 12-94; if the Broadcast
[0] Alignment Errors
Storm Protection should also include
[1] FCS Errors
Multicast telegrams.
[2] Single Collisions
[0] Broadcast only
[3] Multiple Collisions
[1] Broadcast & Multicast
[4] SQE Test Errors
12-96 Port Mirroring [5] Deferred Errors
Enables/disables port-mirroring function. For troubleshooting with [6] Late Collisions
a network analyzer tool. [7] Excessive Collisions
Option: Function: [8] MAC Transmit Errors

[0] * Disable No port-mirroring [9] Carrier Sense Errors

[10] Frame Too Long
[1] Port 1 to Port 2 All network traffic on port 1 will
[11] MAC Receive Errors
be mirrored to port 2.

[2] Port 2 to Port 1 All network traffic on port 2 will

be mirrored to port 1.

[254] Int. Port to Port 1

[255] Int. Port to Port 2

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 121

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.14 Parameters: 13-** Smart Logic 3.14.2 13-0* SLC Settings

Control Use the SLC settings to activate, deactivate and reset the
Smart Logic Control sequence. The logic functions and
3.14.1 Prog. Features
comparators are always running in the background, which
opens for separate control of digital inputs and outputs. .
3 3 Smart Logic Control (SLC) is essentially a sequence of user
defined actions (see par. 13-52 SL Controller Action [x]) 13-00 SL Controller Mode
executed by the SLC when the associated user defined event Option: Function:
(see par. 13-51 SL Controller Event [x]) is evaluated as TRUE by
[0] Off Disables the Smart Logic Controller.
the SLC. Events and actions are each numbered and linked
together in pairs (states). This means that when event [0] is [1] On Enables the Smart Logic Controller.
fulfilled (attains the value TRUE), action [0] is executed. After
this, the conditions of event [1] will be evaluated and if 13-01 Start Event
evaluated TRUE, action [1] will be executed and so on. Only Option: Function:
one event will be evaluated at any time. If an event is evaluated [0] * False Select the boolean (TRUE or FALSE) input to
as FALSE, nothing happens (in the SLC) during the current activate Smart Logic Control.
scan interval and no other events will be evaluated. This means False [0] enters the fixed value - FALSE
that when the SLC starts, it evaluates event [0] (and only event
[1] True True [1] enters the fixed value - TRUE.
[0]) each scan interval. Only when event [0] is evaluated TRUE,
will the SLC execute action [0] and start evaluating event [1]. It [2] Running Running [2] The motor is running.
is possible to programme from 1 to 20 events and actions. [3] In range In range [3] The motor is running within the
When the last event / action has been executed, the sequence programmed current and speed ranges set
starts over again from event [0] / action [0]. The illustration in par. 4-50 Warning Current Low to
shows an example with three event / actions: par. 4-53 Warning Speed High.

[4] On reference On reference [4] The motor is running on


[5] Torque limit Torque limit [5] The torque limit, set in
par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode or
par. 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode, has
been exceeded.

[6] Current limit Current limit [6] The motor current limit, set
in par. 4-18 Current Limit, has been

[7] Out of current Out of current range [7] The motor current is
range outside the range set in par. 4-18 Current

[8] Below I low Below I low [8] The motor current is lower
Starting and stopping the SLC:
than set in par. 4-50 Warning Current Low.
Starting and stopping the SLC can be done by selecting .On
[1]. or .Off [0]. in par. 13-00 SL Controller Mode. The SLC always [9] Above I high Above I high [9] The motor current is higher
starts in state 0 (where it evaluates event [0]). The SLC starts than set in par. 4-51 Warning Current High.
when the Start Event (defined in par. 13-01 Start Event) is [10] Out of speed Out of speed range [10] The speed is outside
evaluated as TRUE (provided that On [1] is selected in range the range set in par. 4-52 Warning Speed Low
par. 13-00 SL Controller Mode). The SLC stops when the Stop and par. 4-53 Warning Speed High.
Event (par. 13-02 Stop Event) is TRUE. par. 13-03 Reset SLC
resets all SLC parameters and start programming from scratch. [11] Below speed Below speed low [11] The output speed is
low lower than the setting in par. 4-52 Warning
Speed Low.

[12] Above speed Above speed high [12] The output speed is
high higher than the setting in par. 4-53 Warning
Speed High.

[13] Out of feedb. Out of feedb. Range [13] The feedback is

range outside the range set in par. 4-56 Warning

122 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-01 Start Event 13-01 Start Event

Option: Function: Option: Function:
Feedback Low and par. 4-57 Warning [37] Digital input Digital input DI32 [37] Use the result of
Feedback High. DI32 digital input 32.

[14] Below feedb. Below feedb. Low [14] The feedback is below [38] Digital input Digital input DI33 [38] Use the result of
low the limit set in par. 4-56 Warning Feedback
DI33 digital input 33. 3 3
[39] Start command Start command [39] A start command is
[15] Above feedb. Above feedb. High [15] The feedback is above issued.
high the limit set in par. 4-57 Warning Feedback
[40] Drive stopped Drive stopped [40] A stop command ( Jog,
Stop, Qstop, Coast) is issued – and not from
[16] Thermal Thermal warning [16] The thermal warning the SLC itself.
warning turns on when the temperature exceeds the
[41] Reset Trip Reset Trip [41] A reset is issued
limit in the motor, the frequency converter,
the brake resistor or the thermistor. [42] Auto-reset Trip Auto-reset Trip [42] An Auto reset is
[17] Mains out of Mains out of range [17] The mains voltage is
range outside the specified voltage range. [43] Ok key OK key [43] The Ok key is pressed.

[18] Reversing Reversing [18] The output is high when the [44] Reset key Reset key [44] The reset key is pressed.
frequency converter is running counter [45] Left key Left key [45] The left key is pressed.
clockwise (the logical product of the status
[46] Right key Right key [46] The right key is pressed.
bits “running” AND “reverse”).
[47] Up key Up key [47] The up key is pressed.
[19] Warning Warning [19] A warning is active.
[48] Down key Down key [48] The down key is pressed.
[20] Alarm (trip) Alarm (trip) [20] A (trip) alarm is active.
[50] Comparator 4 Comparator 4 [50] Use the result of
[21] Alarm (trip Alarm (trip lock) [21] A (Trip lock) alarm is
comparator 4.
lock) active.
[51] Comparator 5 Comparator 5 [51] Use the result of
[22] Comparator 0 Comparator 0 [22] Use the result of
comparator 5.
comparator 0.
[60] Logic rule 4 Logic rule 4 [60] Use the result of logic rule
[23] Comparator 1 Comparator 1 [23] Use the result of
comparator 1.
[61] Logic rule 5 Logic rule 5 [61] Use the result of logic rule
[24] Comparator 2 Comparator 2 [24] Use the result of
comparator 2.

[25] Comparator 3 Comparator 3 [25] Use the result of 13-02 Stop Event
comparator 3.
Select the boolean (TRUE or FALSE) input to activate Smart Logic
[26] Logic rule 0 Logic rule 0 [26] Use the result of logic rule Control.
0. Option: Function:
[27] Logic rule 1 Logic rule 1 [27] Use the result of logic rule [0] * False For descriptions [0] - [61], see
1. par. 13-01 Start Event Start Event

[28] Logic rule 2 Logic rule 2 [28] Use the result of logic rule [1] True
2. [2] Running
[29] Logic rule 3 Logic rule 3 [29] Use the result of logic rule [3] In range
3. [4] On reference
[5] Torque limit
[33] Digital input Digital input DI18 [33] Use the result of
[6] Current limit
DI18 digital input 18.
[7] Out of current range
[34] Digital input Digital input DI19 [34] Use the result of [8] Below I low
DI19 digital input 19. [9] Above I high
[35] Digital input Digital input DI27 [35] Use the result of [10] Out of speed range
DI27 digital input 27. [11] Below speed low

[36] Digital input Digital input DI27 [35] Use the result of [12] Above speed high
DI29 digital input 29. [13] Out of feedb. range
[14] Below feedb. low

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 123

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-02 Stop Event 13-02 Stop Event

Select the boolean (TRUE or FALSE) input to activate Smart Logic Select the boolean (TRUE or FALSE) input to activate Smart Logic
Control. Control.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[15] Above feedb. high [76] Digital input x30/2
3 3 [16] Thermal warning
[17] Mains out of range
[77] Digital input x30/3
[78] Digital input x30/4
[18] Reversing [79] Digital input x46/1
[19] Warning [80] Digital input x46/3
[20] Alarm (trip) [81] Digital input x46/5
[21] Alarm (trip lock) [82] Digital input x46/7
[22] Comparator 0 [83] Digital input x46/9
[23] Comparator 1 [84] Digital input x46/11
[24] Comparator 2 [85] Digital input x46/13
[25] Comparator 3
13-03 Reset SLC
[26] Logic rule 0
[27] Logic rule 1 Option: Function:
[28] Logic rule 2 [0] * Do not reset SLC Retains programmed settings in all group
[29] Logic rule 3 13 parameters (13-*).
[30] SL Time-out 0 [1] Reset SLC Resets all group 13 parameters (13-*) to
[31] SL Time-out 1 default settings.
[32] SL Time-out 2
[33] Digital input DI18
[34] Digital input DI19
3.14.3 13-1* Comparators
[35] Digital input DI27
Comparators are used for comparing continuous variables (i.e.
[36] Digital input DI29
output frequency, output current, analog input etc.) to fixed
[37] Digital input DI32
preset values. In addition, there are digital values that will be
[38] Digital input DI33
compared to fixed time values. See explanation in
[39] Start command par. 13-10 Comparator Operand. Comparators are evaluated
[40] Drive stopped once in each scan interval. Use the result (TRUE or FALSE)
[41] Reset Trip directly. All parameters in this Par. group are array parameters
[42] Auto-reset Trip with index 0 to 5. Select index 0 to programme Comparator 0,
[43] Ok key select index 1 to programme Comparator 1, and so on.
[44] Reset key
13-10 Comparator Operand
[45] Left key
Array [6]
[46] Right key
[47] Up key Option: Function:
[48] Down key Choice [1] to [31] are variables which will be
[50] Comparator 4 compared based on their values. Choice
[51] Comparator 5 [50] to [186] are digital values (TRUE/FALSE)
[60] Logic rule 4 where the comparison is based on the
amount of time during which they are set
[61] Logic rule 5
to TRUE or FALSE, respectively. See
[70] SL Time-out 3 SL Time-out 3 [70] Smart Logic
par. 13-11 Comparator Operator.
Controller timer 3 is timed out.
Select the variable to be monitored by the
[71] SL Time-out 4 SL Time-out 4 [71] Smart Logic comparator.
Controller timer 4 is timed out.
[0] * DISABLED DISABLED [0] The comparator is disabled.
[72] SL Time-out 5 SL Time-out 5 [72] Smart Logic
[1] Reference Reference [1] The resulting remote reference
Controller timer 5 is timed out.
(not local) as a percentage.
[73] SL Time-out 6 SL- Time-out 6 [73] Smart Logic
[2] Feedback Feedback [2] In the unit [RPM] or [Hz]
Controller timer 6 is timed out.
[3] Motor speed Motor speed [3] [RPM] or [Hz]
[74] SL Time-out 7 SL Time-out 7 [74] Smart Logic
Controller timer 7 is timed out. [4] Motor current Motor current [4] [A]

[75] Start command given

124 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-10 Comparator Operand 13-10 Comparator Operand

Array [6] Array [6]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[5] Motor torque Motor torque [5] [Nm] clockwise (the logical product of the status
bits “running” AND “reverse”)
[6] Motor power Motor power [6] [kW] or [hp]

[7] Motor voltage Motor voltage [7] [V]

[56] In range In range [56] The motor is running within 3 3
the programmed current and speed ranges
[8] DC-link voltage DC-link voltage [8] [V] set in par. 4-50 Warning Current Low to
[9] Motor thermal Motor thermal [9] Expressed as a percent- par. 4-53 Warning Speed High.
age. [60] On reference On reference [60] The motor is running on
[10] Drive thermal VLT thermal [10] Expressed as a percentage. reference.

[11] Heat sink Heat sink temp [11] Expressed as a percent- [61] Below Below reference, low [61] The motor is
temp. age. reference, low running below the value given in
par. 4-54 Warning Reference Low
[12] Analog input Analog input AI53 [12] Expressed as a
AI53 percentage. [62] Above ref, high Above reference, high [62] The motor is
running above the value given in
[13] Analog input Analog input AI54 [13] Expressed as a
par. 4-55 Warning Reference High
AI54 percentage.
[65] Torque limit Torque limit [65] The torque limit, set in
[14] Analog input Analog input AIFB10 [14] [V]. AIFB10 is
par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode or
AIFB10 internal 10 V supply.
par. 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode, has
[15] Analog input Analog input AIS24V [15] [V] Analog input been exceeded.
AIS24V AICCT [17] [°]. AIS24V is switch mode power
[66] Current limit Current limit [66] The motor current limit,
supply: SMPS 24 V.
set in par. 4-18 Current Limit, has been
[17] Analog input Analog input AICCT [17] [°]. AICCT is control exceeded.
AICCT card temperature.
[67] Out of current Out of current range [67] The motor current
[18] Pulse input Pulse input FI29 [18] Expressed as a percent- range is outside the range set in par. 4-18 Current
FI29 age. Limit.

[19] Pulse input Pulse input FI33 [19] Expressed as a percent- [68] Below I low Below I low [68] The motor current is lower
FI33 age. than set in par. 4-50 Warning Current Low.

[20] Alarm number Alarm number [20] The error number. [69] Above I high Above I high [69] The motor current is
higher than set in par. 4-51 Warning Current
[21] Warning
[22] Analog input [70] Out of speed Out of speed range [70] The speed is outside
x30 11 range the range set in par. 4-52 Warning Speed
[23] Analog input Low and par. 4-53 Warning Speed High.
x30 12 [71] Below speed Below speed low [71] The output speed is
[30] Counter A Counter A [30] Number of counts low lower than the setting in par. 4-52 Warning
[31] Counter B Counter B [31] Number of counts Speed Low.

[50] FALSE False [50] Enters the fixed value of false in [72] Above speed Above speed high [72] The output speed is
the comparator. high higher than the setting in par. 4-53 Warning
Speed High.
[51] TRUE True [51] Enters the fixed value of true in
the comparator. [75] Out of feedb. Out of feedb. Range [75] The feedback is
range outside the range set in par. 4-56 Warning
[52] Control ready Control ready [52] The control board
Feedback Low and par. 4-57 Warning
receives supply voltage
Feedback High.
[53] Drive ready Drive ready [53] The frequency converter is
[76] Below feedb. Below feedb. Low [76] The feedback is below
ready for operation and applies a supply
low the limit set in par. par. 4-56 Warning
signal on the control board.
Feedback Low.
[54] Running Running [54] The motor is running.
[77] Above feedb. Above feedb. High [77] The feedback is
[55] Reversing Reversing [55] The output is high when the high above the limit set in par. 4-57 Warning
frequency converter is running counter Feedback High.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 125

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-10 Comparator Operand 13-10 Comparator Operand

Array [6] Array [6]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[80] Thermal Thermal warning [80] The thermal warning [122] SL Time-out 2 SL Time-out 2 [122] The result of SLC timer
warning turns on when the temperature exceeds 2.
3 3 the limit in the motor, the frequency
converter, the brake resistor or thermistor.
[123] SL Time-out 3 SL Time-out 3 [123] The result of SLC timer
[82] Mains out of Mains out of range [82] The mains voltage is
[124] SL Time-out 4 SL Time-out 4 [124] The result of SLC timer
range outside the specified voltage range.
[85] Warning Warning [85] A warning is active.
[125] SL Time-out 5 SL Time-out 5 [125] The result of SLC timer
[86] Alarm (trip) Alarm (trip) [86] A (trip) alarm is active. 5.

[87] Alarm (trip Alarm (trip lock) [87] A (Trip lock) alarm is [126] SL Time-out 6 SL Time-out 6 [126] The result of SLC timer
lock) active. 6.

[90] Bus OK Bus OK [90] Active communication (no time- [127] SL Time-out 7 SL Time-out 7 [127] The result of SLC timer
out) via the serial communication port. 7.

[91] Torque limit & Torque limit & stop [91] If the frequency [130] Digital input Digital input DI18 [130] Digital input 18.
stop converter has received a stop signal and is DI18 High = True.
at the torque limit, the signal is logic “0”.
[131] Digital input Digital input DI19 [131] Digital input 19.
[92] Brake fault Brake fault (IGBT) [92] The brake IGBT is DI19 High = True.
(IGBT) short circuited.
[132] Digital input Digital input DI27 [132] Digital input 27.
[93] Mech. brake Mech. brake control [93] The mechanical DI27 High = True.
control brake is active.
[133] Digital input Digital input DI29 [133] Digital input 29.
[94] Safe stop DI29 High = True.
[134] Digital input Digital input DI32 [134] Digital input 32.
[100] Comparator 0 Comparator 0 [100] The result of compara- DI32 High = True.
tor 0.
[135] Digital input Digital input DI33 [135] Digital input 33.
[101] Comparator 1 Comparator 1 [101] The result of compara-
DI33 High = True.
tor 1.
[150] SL digital SL digital output A [150] Use the result of
[102] Comparator 2 Comparator 2 [102] The result of compara- output A the SLC output A.
tor 2.
[151] SL digital SL digital output B [151] Use the result of the
[103] Comparator 3 Comparator 3 [103] The result of compara-
output B SLC output B.
tor 3.
[152] SL digital SL digital output C [152] Use the result of
[104] Comparator 4 Comparator 4 [104] The result of compara- output C the SLC output C.
tor 4.
[153] SL digital SL digital output D [153] Use the result of
[105] Comparator 5 Comparator 5 [105] The result of compara-
output D the SLC output D.
tor 5.
[154] SL digital SL digital output E [154] Use the result of the
[110] Logic rule 0 Logic rule 0 [110] The result of Logic rule 0. output E SLC output E.
[111] Logic rule 1 Logic rule 1 [111] The result of Logic rule 1.
[155] SL digital SL digital output F [155] Use the result of the
[112] Logic rule 2 Logic rule 2 [112] The result of Logic rule 2. output F SLC output F.

[113] Logic rule 3 Logic rule 3 [113] The result of Logic rule 3. [160] Relay 1 Relay 1 [160] Relay 1 is active

[114] Logic rule 4 Logic rule 4 [114] The result of Logic rule 4. [161] Relay 2 Relay 2 [161] Relay 2 is active

[115] Logic rule 5 Logic rule 5 [115] The result of Logic rule 5. [180] Local ref. active Local ref. active [180] High when
par. 3-13 Reference Site = [2] Local or when
[120] SL Time-out 0 SL Time-out 0 [120] The result of SLC timer
par. 3-13 Reference Site is [0] Linked to hand
Auto, at the same time as the LCP is in
[121] SL Time-out 1 SL Time-out 1 [121] The result of SLC timer Hand on mode.
[181] Remote ref. Remote ref. active [181] High when
active par. 3-13 Reference Site= [1] Remote or [0]

126 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-10 Comparator Operand 13-11 Comparator Operator

Array [6] Array [6]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
Linked to hand/auto, while the LCP is in Select the operator to be used in the compari-
Auto on mode. son. This is an array parameter containing

[182] Start command Start command [182] High when there is an

comparator operators 0 to 5. 3 3
active start command, and no stop [0] < Select < [0] for the result of the evaluation to be
command. TRUE, when the variable selected in
par. 13-10 Comparator Operand is smaller than
[183] Drive stopped Drive stopped [183] A stop command ( Jog,
the fixed value in par. 13-12 Comparator Value.
Stop, Qstop, Coast) is issued – and not from
The result will be FALSE, if the variable selected
the SLC itself.
in par. 13-10 Comparator Operand is greater
[185] Drive in hand Drive in hand mode [185] High when the than the fixed value in par. 13-12 Comparator
mode frequency converter is in hand mode. Value.
[186] Drive in auto Drive in auto mode [186] High when the [1] * ≈ (equal) Select ≈ [1] for the result of the evaluation to be
mode frequency converter is in auto mode. TRUE, when the variable selected in
[187] Start command par. 13-10 Comparator Operand is approximately
given equal to the fixed value in par. 13-12 Compara-
[190] Digital input tor Value.
x30 2 [2] > Select > [2] for the inverse logic of option < [0].
[191] Digital input
[5] TRUE
x30 3
[192] Digital input
x30 4
[193] Digital input
x46 1
[194] Digital input
[7] TRUE
x46 2
[195] Digital input
x46 3
[196] Digital input
x46 4
[197] Digital input
x46 5 13-12 Comparator Value
[198] Digital input Array [6]
x46 6
Range: Function:
[199] Digital input
Application [-100000.000 - Enter the ‘trigger level’ for the
x46 7
dependent* 100000.000 N/A] variable that is monitored by
this comparator. This is an
array parameter containing
comparator values 0 to 5.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 127

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.14.4 13-2* Timers 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1

Array [6]
Use the result (TRUE or FALSE) from timers directly to define an
Option: Function:
event (see par. 13-51 SL Controller Event), or as boolean input in
[6] Current limit
a logic rule (see par. 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1, par. 13-42 Logic
[7] Out of current range
Rule Boolean 2 or par. 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3). A timer is
3 3 only FALSE when started by an action (i.e. Start timer 1 [29]) [8] Below I low
until the timer value entered in this parameter is elapsed. Then [9] Above I high
it becomes TRUE again. [10] Out of speed range
All parameters in this Par. group are array parameters with [11] Below speed low
index 0 to 2. Select index 0 to program Timer 0, select index 1 [12] Above speed high
to program Timer 1, and so on. [13] Out of feedb. range
[14] Below feedb. low
13-20 SL Controller Timer
[15] Above feedb. high
Range: Function:
[16] Thermal warning
Application [Application Enter the value to define the [17] Mains out of range
dependent* dependant] duration of the FALSE output from
[18] Reversing
the programmed timer. A timer is
[19] Warning
only FALSE if it is started by an
[20] Alarm (trip)
action (i.e. Start timer 1 [29]) and
[21] Alarm (trip lock)
until the given timer value has
[22] Comparator 0
[23] Comparator 1
[24] Comparator 2
3.14.5 13-4* Logic Rules [25] Comparator 3
[26] Logic rule 0
Combine up to three boolean inputs (TRUE / FALSE inputs) [27] Logic rule 1
from timers, comparators, digital inputs, status bits and events [28] Logic rule 2
using the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT. Select boolean [29] Logic rule 3
inputs for the calculation in par. 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1, [30] SL Time-out 0
par. 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 and par. 13-44 Logic Rule
[31] SL Time-out 1
Boolean 3. Define the operators used to logically combine the
[32] SL Time-out 2
selected inputs in par. 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1 and
[33] Digital input DI18
par. 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2.
[34] Digital input DI19
[35] Digital input DI27
Priority of calculation
[36] Digital input DI29
The results of par. 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1, par. 13-41 Logic
[37] Digital input DI32
Rule Operator 1 and par. 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 are calcula-
[38] Digital input DI33
ted first. The outcome (TRUE / FALSE) of this calculation is
combined with the settings of par. 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2 [39] Start command
and par. 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3, yielding the final result [40] Drive stopped
(TRUE / FALSE) of the logic rule. [41] Reset Trip
[42] Auto-reset Trip
13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1
[43] Ok key
Array [6] [44] Reset key
Option: Function: [45] Left key
[0] * False Select the first boolean (TRUE or [46] Right key
FALSE) input for the selected logic [47] Up key
rule. [48] Down key
See par. 13-01 Start Event ([0] - [61]) [50] Comparator 4
and par. 13-02 Stop Event ([70] - [75]) [51] Comparator 5
for further description. [60] Logic rule 4
[1] True [61] Logic rule 5
[2] Running [70] SL Time-out 3
[3] In range [71] SL Time-out 4
[4] On reference [72] SL Time-out 5
[5] Torque limit [73] SL Time-out 6

128 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2

Array [6] Array [6]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[74] SL Time-out 7 [0] * False Select the second boolean (TRUE or
[75] Start command given FALSE) input for the selected logic
[76] Digital input x30/2 rule. See par. 13-01 Start Event ([0] -
[61]) and par. 13-02 Stop Event ([70] -
3 3
[77] Digital input x30/3
[78] Digital input x30/4 [75]) for further description.
[79] Digital input x46/1 [1] True
[80] Digital input x46/3 [2] Running
[81] Digital input x46/5 [3] In range
[82] Digital input x46/7 [4] On reference
[83] Digital input x46/9 [5] Torque limit
[84] Digital input x46/11 [6] Current limit
[85] Digital input x46/13 [7] Out of current range
[8] Below I low
13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1
[9] Above I high
Array [6]
[10] Out of speed range
Option: Function: [11] Below speed low
Select the first logical operator to use on the [12] Above speed high
Boolean inputs from par. 13-40 Logic Rule [13] Out of feedb. range
Boolean 1 and par. 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean [14] Below feedb. low
2. [15] Above feedb. high
[13 -XX] signifies the boolean input of par.
[16] Thermal warning
group 13-*.
[17] Mains out of range
[0] * DISABLED Ignores par. 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2, [18] Reversing
par. 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2, and [19] Warning
par. 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3. [20] Alarm (trip)
[1] AND Evaluates the expression [13-40] AND [21] Alarm (trip lock)
[13-42]. [22] Comparator 0
[23] Comparator 1
[2] OR evaluates the expression [13-40] OR[13-42].
[24] Comparator 2
[3] AND NOT evaluates the expression [13-40] AND NOT [25] Comparator 3
[26] Logic rule 0
[4] OR NOT evaluates the expression [13-40] OR NOT [27] Logic rule 1
[13-42]. [28] Logic rule 2
[5] NOT AND evaluates the expression NOT [13-40] AND [29] Logic rule 3
[13-42]. [30] SL Time-out 0
[31] SL Time-out 1
[6] NOT OR evaluates the expression NOT [13-40] OR
[32] SL Time-out 2
[33] Digital input DI18
[7] NOT AND NOT evaluates the expression NOT [13-40] AND [34] Digital input DI19
NOT [13-42]. [35] Digital input DI27
[8] NOT OR NOT evaluates the expression NOT [13-40] OR [36] Digital input DI29
NOT [13-42]. [37] Digital input DI32
[38] Digital input DI33
[39] Start command
[40] Drive stopped
[41] Reset Trip
[42] Auto-reset Trip
[43] Ok key
[44] Reset key
[45] Left key
[46] Right key

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 129

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3

Array [6] Array [6]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[47] Up key [0] * False Select the third boolean (TRUE or
[48] Down key FALSE) input for the selected logic
3 3 [50] Comparator 4 rule. See par. 13-01 ([0] - [61]) and par.
13-02 ([70] - [75]) for further descrip-
[51] Comparator 5
[60] Logic rule 4 tion.
[61] Logic rule 5 [1] True
[70] SL Time-out 3 [2] Running
[71] SL Time-out 4 [3] In range
[72] SL Time-out 5 [4] On reference
[73] SL Time-out 6 [5] Torque limit
[74] SL Time-out 7 [6] Current limit
[75] Start command given [7] Out of current range
[76] Digital input x30/2 [8] Below I low
[77] Digital input x30/3 [9] Above I high
[78] Digital input x30/4 [10] Out of speed range
[79] Digital input x46/1 [11] Below speed low
[80] Digital input x46/3 [12] Above speed high
[81] Digital input x46/5 [13] Out of feedb. range
[82] Digital input x46/7 [14] Below feedb. low
[83] Digital input x46/9 [15] Above feedb. high
[84] Digital input x46/11 [16] Thermal warning
[85] Digital input x46/13 [17] Mains out of range
[18] Reversing
13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2
[19] Warning
Array [6]
[20] Alarm (trip)
Option: Function: [21] Alarm (trip lock)
Select the second logical operator to be used [22] Comparator 0
on the boolean input calculated in [23] Comparator 1
par. 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1, [24] Comparator 2
par. 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1, and [25] Comparator 3
par. 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2, and the
[26] Logic rule 0
boolean input coming from par. 13-42 Logic
[27] Logic rule 1
Rule Boolean 2.
[28] Logic rule 2
[13-44] signifies the boolean input of
[29] Logic rule 3
par. 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3.
[30] SL Time-out 0
[13-40/13-42] signifies the boolean input
[31] SL Time-out 1
calculated in par. 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1,
par. 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1, and [32] SL Time-out 2
par. 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2. DISABLED [0] [33] Digital input DI18
(factory setting). select this option to ignore [34] Digital input DI19
par. 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3. [35] Digital input DI27
[36] Digital input DI29
[37] Digital input DI32
[1] AND
[38] Digital input DI33
[2] OR
[39] Start command
[40] Drive stopped
[4] OR NOT
[41] Reset Trip
[42] Auto-reset Trip
[6] NOT OR
[43] Ok key
[44] Reset key
[45] Left key
[46] Right key

130 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3 13-51 SL Controller Event

Array [6] Array [20]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[47] Up key [17] Mains out of range
[48] Down key [18] Reversing
[50] Comparator 4 [19] Warning 3 3
[51] Comparator 5 [20] Alarm (trip)
[60] Logic rule 4 [21] Alarm (trip lock)
[61] Logic rule 5 [22] Comparator 0
[70] SL Time-out 3 [23] Comparator 1
[71] SL Time-out 4 [24] Comparator 2
[72] SL Time-out 5 [25] Comparator 3
[73] SL Time-out 6 [26] Logic rule 0
[74] SL Time-out 7 [27] Logic rule 1
[75] Start command given [28] Logic rule 2
[76] Digital input x30/2 [29] Logic rule 3
[77] Digital input x30/3 [30] SL Time-out 0
[78] Digital input x30/4 [31] SL Time-out 1
[79] Digital input x46/1 [32] SL Time-out 2
[80] Digital input x46/3 [33] Digital input DI18
[81] Digital input x46/5 [34] Digital input DI19
[82] Digital input x46/7 [35] Digital input DI27
[83] Digital input x46/9 [36] Digital input DI29
[84] Digital input x46/11 [37] Digital input DI32
[85] Digital input x46/13 [38] Digital input DI33
[39] Start command
3.14.6 13-5* States [40] Drive stopped
[41] Reset Trip

13-51 SL Controller Event [42] Auto-reset Trip

[43] Ok key
Array [20]
[44] Reset key
Option: Function:
[45] Left key
[0] * False Select the boolean input (TRUE or [46] Right key
FALSE) to define the Smart Logic
[47] Up key
Controller event.See par. 13-01 Start
[48] Down key
Event ([0] - [61]) and par. 13-02 Stop
[50] Comparator 4
Event ([70] - [74]) for further descrip-
[51] Comparator 5
[60] Logic rule 4
[1] True [61] Logic rule 5
[2] Running [70] SL Time-out 3
[3] In range [71] SL Time-out 4
[4] On reference [72] SL Time-out 5
[5] Torque limit [73] SL Time-out 6
[6] Current limit [74] SL Time-out 7
[7] Out of current range [75] Start command given
[8] Below I low [76] Digital input x30/2
[9] Above I high [77] Digital input x30/3
[10] Out of speed range [78] Digital input x30/4
[11] Below speed low [79] Digital input x46/1
[12] Above speed high [80] Digital input x46/3
[13] Out of feedb. range [81] Digital input x46/5
[14] Below feedb. low [82] Digital input x46/7
[15] Above feedb. high [83] Digital input x46/9
[16] Thermal warning [84] Digital input x46/11

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 131

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-51 SL Controller Event 13-52 SL Controller Action

Array [20] Array [20]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[85] Digital input x46/13 commands coming from either the digital
inputs or via a fieldbus.
13-52 SL Controller Action
3 3 Array [20]
[13] Select preset Select preset reference 3 [13] – selects preset
ref 3 reference 3.
Option: Function: If the active preset reference is changed, it
[0] * DISABLED Select the action corresponding to the SLC will merge with other preset reference
event. Actions are executed when the commands coming from either the digital
corresponding event (defined in inputs or via a fieldbus.
par. 13-51 SL Controller Event) is evaluated as
[14] Select preset Select preset reference 4 [14] – selects preset
true. The following actions are available for
ref 4 reference 4.
If the active preset reference is changed, it
*DISABLED [0] will merge with other preset reference
[1] No action No action [1] commands coming from either the digital
inputs or via a fieldbus.
[2] Select set-up 1 Select set-up 1 [2] - changes the active set-up
(par. 0-10) to ‘1’. [15] Select preset Select preset reference 5 [15] – selects preset
If the set-up is changed, it will merge with ref 5 reference 5.
other set-up commands coming from either If the active preset reference is changed, it
the digital inputs or via a fieldbus. will merge with other preset reference
commands coming from either the digital
[3] Select set-up 2 Select set-up 2 [3] - changes the active set-up
inputs or via a fieldbus.
(par. 0-10) to ‘2’.
If the set-up is changed, it will merge with [16] Select preset Select preset reference 6 [16] – selects preset
other set-up commands coming from either ref 6 reference 6.
the digital inputs or via a fieldbus. If the active preset reference is changed, it
will merge with other preset reference
[4] Select set-up 3 Select set-up 3 [4] - changes the active set-up
commands coming from either the digital
(par. 0-10) to ‘3’.
inputs or via a fieldbus.
If the set-up is changed, it will merge with
other set-up commands coming from either [17] Select preset Select preset reference 7 [17] - selects preset
the digital inputs or via a fieldbus. ref 7 reference 7.
If the active preset reference is changed, it
[5] Select set-up 4 Select set-up 4 [5] - changes the active set-up
will merge with other preset reference
(par. 0-10) to ‘4’.
commands coming from either the digital
If the set-up is changed, it will merge with
inputs or via a fieldbus.
other set-up commands coming from either
the digital inputs or via a fieldbus. [18] Select ramp 1 Select ramp 1 [18] - selects ramp 1.

[10] Select preset Select preset reference 0 [10] – selects preset [19] Select ramp 2 Select ramp 2 [19] - selects ramp 2.
ref 0 reference 0. [20] Select ramp 3 Select ramp 3 [20] - selects ramp 3.
If the active preset reference is changed, it
[21] Select ramp 4 Select ramp 4 [21] - selects ramp 4.
will merge with other preset reference
commands coming from either the digital [22] Run Run [22] - issues a start command to the
inputs or via a fieldbus. frequency converter.

[11] Select preset Select preset reference 1 [11] – selects preset [23] Run reverse Run reverse [23] - issues a start reverse
ref 1 reference 1. command to the frequency converter.
If the active preset reference is changed, it [24] Stop Stop [24] - issues a stop command to the
will merge with other preset reference frequency converter.
commands coming from either the digital
inputs or via a fieldbus. [25] Qstop Qstop [25] - issues a quick stop command to
the frequency converter.
[12] Select preset Select preset reference 2 [12] – selects preset
ref 2 reference 2. [26] Dcstop Dcstop [26] - issues a DC stop command to
If the active preset reference is changed, it the frequency converter.
will merge with other preset reference

132 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

13-52 SL Controller Action 13-52 SL Controller Action

Array [20] Array [20]
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[27] Coast Coast [27] - the frequency converter coasts [73] Start timer 6 Start Timer 6 [73] - Start Timer 6, see par.
immediately. All stop commands including 13-20 for further description.
the coast command stop the SLC.
[74] Start timer 7 Start Timer 7 [74] - Start Timer 7, see par. 3 3
[28] Freeze output Freeze output [28] - freezes the output 13-20 for further description.
frequency of the frequency converter.

[29] Start timer 0 Start timer 0 [29] - starts timer 0, see par.
13-20 for further description.

[30] Start timer 1 Start timer 1 [30] - starts timer 1, see par.
13-20 for further description.

[31] Start timer 2 Start timer 2 [31] - starts timer 2, see par.
13-20 for further description.

[32] Set digital out Set digital output A low [32] - any output with
A low SL output A will be low.

[33] Set digital out Set digital output B low [33] - any output with
B low SL output B will be low.

[34] Set digital out Set digital output C low [34] - any output with
C low SL output Cwill be low.

[35] Set digital out Set digital output D low [35] - any output
D low with SL output D will be low.

[36] Set digital out Set digital output E low [36] - any output with
E low SL output E will be low.

[37] Set digital out Set digital output F low [37] - any output with
F low SL output F will be low.

[38] Set digital out Set digital output A high [38] - any output
A high with SL output A will be high.

[39] Set digital out Set digital output B high [39] - any output
B high with SL output B will be high.

[40] Set digital out Set digital output C high [40] - any output
C high with SL output C will be high.

[41] Set digital out Set digital output D high [41] - any output
D high with SL output D will be high.

[42] Set digital out Set digital output E high [42] - any output
E high with SL output E will be high.

[43] Set digital out Set digital output F high [43] - any output
F high with SL output Fwill be high.

[60] Reset Counter Reset Counter A [60] - resets Counter A to

A zero.

[61] Reset Counter Reset Counter B [61] - resets Counter B to

B zero.

[70] Start timer 3 Start Timer 3 [70] - Start Timer 3, see par.
13-20 for further description.

[71] Start timer 4 Start Timer 4 [71] - Start Timer 4, see par.
13-20 for further description.

[72] Start timer 5 Start Timer 5 [72] - Start Timer 5, see par.
13-20 for further description.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 133

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.15 Parameters: 14-** Special NOTE

The output frequency value of the frequency converter
Functions must never exceed 1/10 of the switching frequency.
When the motor is running, adjust the switching
3.15.1 14-0* Inverter Switching frequency in par. 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] until
the motor is as noiseless as possible. See also
3 3 14-00 Switching Pattern par. 14-00 Switching Pattern and the section Special
Option: Function: conditions in the VLT AutomationDrive FC 300 Design
[0] * 60 AVM Select the switching pattern: 60° AVM or SFAVM. Guide.
[1] * SFAVM
NOTE Switching frequencies higher than 5.0 kHz lead to
The output frequency value of the frequency converter automatic derating of the maximum output of the
must never exceed 1/10 of the switching frequency. frequency converter.
When the motor is running, adjust the switching
frequency in par. 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] until 14-03 Overmodulation
the motor is as noiseless as possible. See also
Option: Function:
par. 14-00 Switching Pattern and the section Special
conditions in the FC 300 Design Guide. [0] Off Select On [1] to connect the overmodulation
function for the output voltage, to obtain an output
voltage up to 15% greater than the mains voltage.
14-01 Switching Frequency
Select Off [0] for no overmodulation of the output
Select the inverter switching frequency. Changing the switching voltage, in order to avoid torque ripple on the
frequency can help to reduce acoustic noise from the motor. motor shaft. This feature may be useful for applica-
Default depend on power size. tions such as grinding machines.
Option: Function: [1] * On
[0] 1.0 kHz [2] Optimal
[1] 1.5 kHz Default switching frequency for
355-1200 kW, 690V 14-04 PWM Random

[2] 2.0 kHz Default switching frequency for Option: Function:

250-800 kW, 400V and 37-315 [0] * Off No change of the acoustic motor switching noise.
kW, 690V [1] On Transforms the acoustic motor switching noise from a
[3] 2.5 kHz clear ringing tone to a less noticeable ‘white’ noise. This
[4] 3.0 kHz Default switching frequency for is achieved by slightly and randomly altering the
18.5-37 kW, 200V and 37-200 synchronism of the pulse width modulated output
kW, 400V phases.

[5] 3.5 kHz

14-06 Dead Time Compensation
[6] 4.0 kHz Default switching frequency for
Option: Function:
5.5 – 15 kW, 200V and 11-30 kW,
400V [0] Off No compensation.

[7] * 5.0 kHz Default switching frequency for [1] * On Activates dead time compensation.
0.25 – 3,7 k W, 200V and
0.37-7.5 kW, 400V

[8] 6.0 kHz

[9] 7.0 kHz
[10] 8.0 kHz
[11] 10.0 kHz
[12] 12.0 kHz
[13] 14.0 kHz
[14] 16.0 kHz

134 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.15.2 14-1* Mains On/Off 14-10 Mains Failure

Par. 14-10 Mains Failure is typically used where very short mains
Parameters for configuring mains failure monitoring and interruptions (voltage dips) are present. At 100% load and a short
handling. If a mains failure appears, the frequency converter voltage interruption, the DC voltage on the main capacitors drops
will try to continue in a controlled way until the power in the quickly. For larger drives it only takes a few milliseconds before the
DC link has been exhausted. DC level is down to about 373 V DC and the main IGBT cuts off and

14-10 Mains Failure looses the control over the motor. When the mains is restored, and 3 3
the IGBT starts again, the output frequency and voltage vector
Par. 14-10 Mains Failure is typically used where very short mains
does not correspond to the speed/frequency of the motor, and the
interruptions (voltage dips) are present. At 100% load and a short
result is normally an overvoltage or overcurrent, mostly resulting in
voltage interruption, the DC voltage on the main capacitors drops
a trip lock. Par. 14-10 Mains Failure can be programmed to avoid
quickly. For larger drives it only takes a few milliseconds before the
this situation.
DC level is down to about 373 V DC and the main IGBT cuts off and
looses the control over the motor. When the mains is restored, and Option: Function:
the IGBT starts again, the output frequency and voltage vector 1. The power is back before the
does not correspond to the speed/frequency of the motor, and the energy from DC /moment of
result is normally an overvoltage or overcurrent, mostly resulting in inertia from load is too low.
a trip lock. Par. 14-10 Mains Failure can be programmed to avoid The frequency converter will
this situation. perform a controlled ramp
down when par. 14-11 Mains
Option: Function:
Voltage at Mains Fault level
Function: Select the function to which
has been reached.
the frequency converter must act when
the threshold in par. 14-11 Mains 2. The frequency converter will
Voltage at Mains Fault has been perform a controlled ramp
reached. down as long as energy in the
Par. 14-10 Mains Failure cannot be DC link is present. After this
changed while motor is running. point the motor will be
Controlled ramp down:
The frequency converter will perform a Kinetic back-up:
controlled ramp down. If par. 2-10 Brake The frequency converter will perform a
Function is Off [0] or AC brake [2], the Kinetic back-up. If par. 2-10 Brake
ramp will follow the Over Voltage Function is Off [0] or AC brake [2] , the
Ramping. If par. 2-10 Brake Function is ramp will follow the Over Voltage
[1] Resistor Brake the ramp will follow Ramping. If par. 2-10 Brake Function is
the setting in par. 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp [1] Resistor Brake the ramp will follow
Time. the setting in par. 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp
Controlled ramp down [1]:
After power-up the frequency converter Kinetic Back-up [4]: The frequency
is ready for start. Controlled ramp down converter will keep on running as long
and trip [2]: After power-up the as there is energy in the system due to
frequency converter needs a reset for the moment of inertia produced by the
starting. load.

Kinetic Back-up [5]: The frequency

converter will ride through on speed as
long as the energy is present from
moment of inertia from the load. If the
DC voltage goes below par. 14-11 Mains
Voltage at Mains Fault the frequency
converter will perform a trip.

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

14-10 Mains Failure 14-10 Mains Failure

Par. 14-10 Mains Failure is typically used where very short mains Par. 14-10 Mains Failure is typically used where very short mains
interruptions (voltage dips) are present. At 100% load and a short interruptions (voltage dips) are present. At 100% load and a short
voltage interruption, the DC voltage on the main capacitors drops voltage interruption, the DC voltage on the main capacitors drops
quickly. For larger drives it only takes a few milliseconds before the quickly. For larger drives it only takes a few milliseconds before the
DC level is down to about 373 V DC and the main IGBT cuts off and DC level is down to about 373 V DC and the main IGBT cuts off and
3 3 looses the control over the motor. When the mains is restored, and looses the control over the motor. When the mains is restored, and
the IGBT starts again, the output frequency and voltage vector the IGBT starts again, the output frequency and voltage vector
does not correspond to the speed/frequency of the motor, and the does not correspond to the speed/frequency of the motor, and the
result is normally an overvoltage or overcurrent, mostly resulting in result is normally an overvoltage or overcurrent, mostly resulting in
a trip lock. Par. 14-10 Mains Failure can be programmed to avoid a trip lock. Par. 14-10 Mains Failure can be programmed to avoid
this situation. this situation.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
seconds or fractions of seconds.
Compressors only for fractions of

[5] Kinetic back-

up, trip
[6] Alarm
[0] * No function This selection does not present a
14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault
danger to the frequency converter, but
Range: Function:
a trip lock would normally be the result
of the short voltage interruptions. Application [180 - This parameter defines the threshold
depend- 600 V] voltage at which the selected function in
[1] Ctrl. ramp- This selection will keep the output
ent* par. 14-10 Mains Failure should be activated.
down frequency following the motor speed.
The detection level is at a faktor sqrt(2) of
The IGBT will not loose the connection
the value in 14-11.
to the motor, but will follow the speed
down. This is particularly useful in NOTE
pump applications, where the inertia is Note for converting between VLT
low and the friction is high. When the 5000 and FC 300:
mains is restored, the output frequency Even though the setting of the
will ramp the motor up to the reference Mains Voltage at Mains Fault is the
speed (if the mains interruption is same for VLT 5000 and FC 300, the
prolonged, the controlled ramp down detection level is different. Use the
might take the output frequency all the following formula to obtain the
way down to 0 rpm , and when the same detection level as in VLT 5000:
mains is restored, the application is 14-11 (VLT 5000 level) = Value used
ramped up from 0 rpm to the previous in VLT 5000 * 1,35/sqrt(2).
reference speed via the normal ramp
14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance
[2] Ctrl. ramp-
Operation under severe main imbalance conditions reduces the
down, trip
lifetime of the motor. Conditions are considered severe if the motor
[3] Coasting Centrifuges can run for an hour without is operated continuously near nominal load (e.g. a pump or fan
power supply. In those situations it is running near full speed).
possible to select a coast function at
Option: Function:
mains interruption, together with a
flying start which occurs when the [0] * Trip Trips the frequency
mains is restored. converter

[4] Kinetic back- Kinetic back up will maintain the DC [1] Warning Issues a warning
up level as long as possible, by converting [2] Disabled No action
the mechanical energy from the motor
to the DC level supply. Fans normally
can extend the mains interruptions for
several seconds. Pumps can normally
only extend the interruptions for 1-2

136 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

14-14 Kin. Backup Time Out NOTE

Range: Function: Automatic reset will also be active for resetting safe stop
function in firmware version < 4.3x.
60 s* [0 - 60 s] This parameter defines the Kinetic Backup Time
Out in flux mode when running on low voltage
grids. If the supply voltage does not increase 14-21 Automatic Restart Time
above the value defined in P14-11 + 5% within
the specified time, the drive will then automati-
10 s*
[0 - 600 s] Enter the time interval from trip to start of the
3 3
cally run a controlled ramp-down profile prior to automatic reset function. This parameter is
stop. active when par. 14-20 Reset Mode is set to
Automatic reset [1] - [13].

3.15.3 14-2* Trip Reset

14-22 Operation Mode

Parameters for configuring auto reset handling, special trip Option: Function:
handling and control card self test or initialisation. Use this parameter to specify normal operation;
to perform tests; or to initialise all parameters
14-20 Reset Mode except par. 15-03 Power Up's, par. 15-04 Over
Option: Function: Temp's and par. 15-05 Over Volt's. This function
Select the reset function after tripping. is active only when the power is cycled to the
Once reset, the frequency converter frequency converter.
can be restarted. Select Normal operation [0] for normal
operation of the frequency converter with the
[0] * Manual reset Select Manual reset [0], to perform a
motor in the selected application.
reset via [RESET] or via the digital
Select Control card test [1] to test the analog
and digital inputs and outputs and the +10 V
[1] Automatic reset x 1 Select Automatic reset x 1…x20 [1]-[12] control voltage. The test requires a test connec-
to perform between one and twenty tor with internal connections. Use the following
automatic resets after tripping. procedure for the control card test:
[2] Automatic reset x 2 1. Select Control card test [1].
[3] Automatic reset x 3
2. Disconnect the mains supply and wait
[4] Automatic reset x 4 for the light in the display to go out.
[5] Automatic reset x 5
3. Set switches S201 (A53) and S202
[6] Automatic reset x 6
(A54) = ‘ON’ / I.
[7] Automatic reset x 7
[8] Automatic reset x 8 4. Insert the test plug (see below).

[9] Automatic reset x 9 5. Connect to mains supply.

[10] Automatic reset x 10 6. Carry out various tests.
[11] Automatic reset x 15
7. The results are displayed on the LCP
[12] Automatic reset x 20
and the frequency converter moves
[13] Infinite auto reset Select Infinite Automatic Reset [13] for
into an infinite loop.
continuous resetting after tripping.
8. Par. 14-22 Operation Mode is automat-
[14] Reset at power-up
ically set to Normal operation. Carry
NOTE out a power cycle to start up in
The motor may start without warning. If the specified Normal operation after a control card
number of AUTOMATIC RESETs is reached within 10 test.
minutes, the frequency converter enters Manual reset
[0] mode. After the Manual reset is performed, the If the test is OK:
setting of par. 14-20 Reset Mode reverts to the original LCP read-out: Control Card OK.
selection. If the number of automatic resets is not Disconnect the mains supply and remove the
reached within 10 minutes, or when a Manual reset is test plug. The green LED on the Control Card
performed, the internal AUTOMATIC RESET counter will light up.
returns to zero. If the test fails:
LCP read-out: Control Card I/O failure.
Replace the frequency converter or Control
card. The red LED on the Control Card is turned

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

14-22 Operation Mode 14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit

Option: Function: Range: Function:
on. Test plugs (connect the following terminals 60 s* [0 - 60 Enter the torque limit trip delay in seconds. When
to each other): 18 - 27 - 32; 19 - 29 - 33; 42 - 53 - s] the output torque reaches the torque limits
54 (par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode and

3 3 par. 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode), a warning is

triggered. When the torque limit warning has been
continuously present for the period specified in this
parameter, the frequency converter trips. Disable
the trip delay by setting the parameter to 60 s =
OFF. Thermal monitoring of the frequency convert-
er will still remain active.

14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault

Range: Function:
Application [0 - 35 When the frequency converter detects an
dependent* s] over-voltage in the set time trip will be
effected after the set time.
If value = 0, protection mode is disabled

Select Initialization [2] to reset all parameter
It is recommended to disable
values to default settings, except for
protection mode in hoisting
par. 15-03 Power Up's, par. 15-04 Over Temp's,
and par. 15-05 Over Volt's. The frequency
converter will reset during the next power-up.
Par. 14-22 Operation Mode will also revert to the 14-29 Service Code
default setting Normal operation [0].
Range: Function:
[0] * Normal 0* [-2147483647 - 2147483647 ] For internal service only.
[1] Control card
test 3.15.4 14-3* Current Limit Control
[2] Initialisation
[3] Boot mode The frequency converter features an integral Current Limit
Controller which is activated when the motor current, and
14-24 Trip Delay at Current Limit thus the torque, is higher than the torque limits set in
Range: Function: par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode and par. 4-17 Torque Limit
60 s* [0 - 60 Enter the current limit trip delay in seconds. When Generator Mode.
s] the output current reaches the current limit When the current limit is reached during motor operation or
(par. 4-18 Current Limit), a warning is triggered. regenerative operation, the frequency converter will try to
When the current limit warning has been continu- reduce torque below the preset torque limits as quickly as
ously present for the period specified in this possible without losing control of the motor.
parameter, the frequency converter trips. Disable While the current control is active, the frequency converter
the trip delay by setting the parameter to 60 s = can only be stopped by setting a digital input to Coast inverse
OFF. Thermal monitoring of the frequency convert- [2] or Coast and reset inv. [3]. Any signal on terminals 18 to 33
er will still remain active. will not be active until the frequency converter is no longer
near the current limit.
By using a digital input set to Coast inverse [2] or Coast and
reset inv. [3], the motor does not use the ramp-down time,
since the frequency converter is coasted. If a quick stop is
necessary, use the mechanical brake control function along
with an external electro-mechanical brake attached to the

138 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain 14-42 Minimum AEO Frequency
Range: Function: Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - 500 %] Enter the proportional gain value for the 10 Hz* [5 - 40 Hz] Enter the minimum frequency at which the
current limit controller. Selection of a high Automatic Energy Optimisation (AEO) is to be
value makes the controller react faster. Too active.
high a setting leads to controller instability.
14-43 Motor Cosphi
3 3
14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time Range: Function:
Range: Function: Application [0.40 - The Cos(phi) setpoint is automatically
0.020 s* [0.002 - 2.000 Controls the current limit control dependent* 0.95 ] set for optimum AEO performance. This
s] integration time. Setting it to a lower parameter should normally not be
value makes it react faster. A setting too altered. However in some situations it
low leads to control instability. may be necessary to enter a new value
to fine-tune.
14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time
Range: Function:
3.15.6 14-5* Environment
1.0 ms* [1.0 - 100.0 ms]

14-35 Stall Protection These parameters help the frequency converter to operate
under special environmental conditions.
Option: Function:
Select Enable [1] to enable the stall protection in 14-50 RFI Filter
field-weakening in flux mode. Select Disable [0] if Option: Function:
you desire to disable it. This might cause the motor [0] Off Select Off [0] only if the frequency converter is fed by an
to be lost. Par. 14-35 Stall Protection is active in Flux isolated mains source (IT mains).
mode only. In this mode, the internal RFI filter capacitors between
[0] Disabled chassis and the mains RFI filter circuit are cut-out to
[1] * Enabled reduce the ground capacity currents.

[1] * On Select On [1] to ensure that the frequency converter

3.15.5 14-4* Energy Optimising complies with EMC standards.

Parameters for adjusting the energy optimisation level in both 14-51 DC Link Compensation
Variable Torque (VT) and Automatic Energy Optimization Option: Function:
(AEO) mode in par. 1-03 Torque Characteristics. [0] Off Disables DC Link Compensation.

14-40 VT Level [1] * On Enables DC Link Compensation.

Range: Function:
14-52 Fan Control
66 %* [40 - 90 Enter the level of motor magnetisation at low
%] speed. Selection of a low value reduces energy Select minimum speed of the main fan.
loss in the motor, but also reduces load capabil- Select Auto [0] to run fan only when internal temperature in
ity. frequency converter is in range 35° C to approx. 55° C.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the Fan runs at low speed below 35° C, and at full speed at approx. 55°
motor is running. C.
Option: Function:
14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation [0] * Auto
Range: Function: [1] On 50%
Application [40 - 75 Enter the minimum allowable magnet- [2] On 75%
dependent* %] isation for AEO. Selection of a low [3] On 100%
value reduces energy loss in the
motor, but can also reduce resistance
to sudden load changes.

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

14-53 Fan Monitor 3.15.7 14-7* Compatibility

Option: Function:
Select which reaction the frequency converter
The parameters in this group are for setting of compatibility
should take in case a fan fault is detected. for VLT 3000, VLT 5000 to FC 300

[0] Disabled 14-72 VLT Alarm Word

3 3 [1] * Warning Option: Function:
[2] Trip [0] 0 - 4294967295 Read out the alarm word corresponding to
VLT 5000
14-55 Output Filter
Option: Function: 14-73 VLT Warning Word
Select the type of output filter connec- Option: Function:
ted. This parameter cannot be [0] 0 - 4294967295 Read out the warning word corresponding to
adjusted while motor is running. VLT 5000

[0] * No Filter 14-74 Leg. Ext. Status Word

[1] Sine-Wave Filter
Range: Function:
[2] Sine-Wave Filter
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] Read out the ext. status word correspond-
ing to VLT 5000
14-56 Capacitance Output Filter
Compensation function of the LC-filter requires the per phase
3.15.8 14-8* Options
equivalent star connected capacitance of the filter (3 times the
capacity between two phases when capacitance is ’Delta’ connec-
14-80 Option Supplied by External 24VDC
Option: Function:
Range: Function:
[0] No Select No [0] to use the drive's 24 V DC supply.
2.0 uF* [0.1 - 6500.0 uF] Set the capacitance of the output filter.
The value can be found on the filter [1] * Yes Select Yes [1] if an external 24 V DC supply will be used
label. to power the option. Inputs/Outputs will be galvanically
isolated from the drive when operated from an external
NOTE supply.
This is required for correct
compensation in Flux mode
(par. 1-01 Motor Control Princi-
This parameter is only changing function by performing
a power cycle.

14-57 Inductance Output Filter 14-89 Option Detection

Range: Function: Selects the behaviour of the frequency converter when a change in
7.000 [0.001 - Set the inductance of the output filter. the option configuration is detected.
mH* 65.000 mH] The value can be found on the filter Option: Function:
label. [0] * Frozen Configura- Freezes the current settings and
NOTE tion prevents unwanted changes when
This is required for correct missing or defective options are
compensation in Flux mode detected.
(par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle) [1] Enable Option Changes drive settings and is used
Change when modifying the system configura-
tion. This Parameter setting will return
to [0] after an Option Change.

140 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

14-90 Fault Level

Option: Function:
[0] * Off Use this parameter to customize Fault levels. Use
[0] "Off" with caution as it will ignore all Warnings
& Alarms for the chosen source.

[1] Warning 3 3
[2] Trip
[3] Trip Lock

Failure Alarm Off Warning Trip Trip Lock

10V low 1 X X*
24V low 47 X X*
1.8V supply low 48 X X*
Voltage limit 64 X X*
Earth fault during ramping 14 X* X
Earth fault 2 during cont. 45 X* X
Torque Limit 12 X X*

Table 3.4: Table for selection of choice of action when selected alarm appear:

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.16 Parameters: 15-** Drive Informa- NOTE

The reset is carried out by pressing [OK].
3.16.1 15-0* Operating Data 15-07 Reset Running Hours Counter
Option: Function:

3 3 15-00 Operating Hours [0] * Do not reset

[1] Reset Select Reset [1] and press [OK] to reset the
Range: Function:
counter Running Hours counter to zero (see
0 h* [0 - 2147483647 h] View how many hours the frequency
par. 15-01 Running Hours). This parameter
converter has run. The value is saved
cannot be selected via the serial port, RS-485.
when the frequency converter is
Select Do not reset [0] if no reset of the
turned off.
Running Hours counter is desired.

15-01 Running Hours

Range: Function: 3.16.2 15-1* Data Log Settings
0 h* [0 - 2147483647 View how many hours the motor has run.
h] Reset the counter in par. 15-07 Reset The Data Log enables continuous logging of up to 4 data
Running Hours Counter. The value is saved sources (par. 15-10 Logging Source) at individual rates
when the frequency converter is turned (par. 15-11 Logging Interval). A trigger event (par. 15-12 Trigger
off. Event) and window (par. 15-14 Samples Before Trigger) are used
to start and stop the logging conditionally.
15-02 kWh Counter
15-10 Logging Source
Range: Function:
Array [4]
0 kWh* [0 - 2147483647 Registering the power consumption
Option: Function:
kWh] of the motor as a mean value over
one hour. Reset the counter in Select which variables are to be
par. 15-06 Reset kWh Counter. logged.

[0] * None
15-03 Power Up's [1472] Legacy Alarm Word
Range: Function: [1473] Legacy Warning Word
0 N/A* [0 - 2147483647 N/A] View the number of times the [1474] Leg. Ext. Status Word
frequency converter has been [1600] Control Word
powered up. [1601] Reference [Unit]
[1602] Reference %
15-04 Over Temp's [1603] Status Word
Range: Function: [1610] Power [kW]
0 N/A* [0 - 65535 N/A] View the number of frequency convert- [1611] Power [hp]
er temperature faults which have [1612] Motor Voltage
occurred. [1613] Frequency
[1614] Motor Current
15-05 Over Volt's [1616] Torque [Nm]
Range: Function: [1617] Speed [RPM]
0 N/A* [0 - 65535 N/A] View the number of frequency convert- [1618] Motor Thermal
er overvoltages which have occurred. [1621] Torque [%] High Res.
[1622] Torque [%]
15-06 Reset kWh Counter [1625] Torque [Nm] High
Option: Function: [1630] DC Link Voltage
[0] * Do not reset Select Do not reset [0] if no reset of the kWh [1632] Brake Energy /s
counter is desired. [1633] Brake Energy /2 min
[1634] Heatsink Temp.
[1] Reset counter Select Reset [1] and press [OK] to reset the
[1635] Inverter Thermal
kWh counter to zero (see par. 15-02 kWh
[1650] External Reference
[1651] Pulse Reference
[1652] Feedback [Unit]
[1657] Feedback [RPM]

142 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

15-10 Logging Source 15-12 Trigger Event

Array [4] Select the trigger event. When the trigger event occurs, a window
Option: Function: is applied to freeze the log. The log will then retain a specified
percentage of samples before the occurrence of the trigger event
[1660] Digital Input
(par. 15-14 Samples Before Trigger).
[1662] Analog Input 53
[1664] Analog Input 54 Option:
[23] Comparator 1
3 3
[1665] Analog Output 42 [mA]
[1666] Digital Output [bin] [24] Comparator 2
[1675] Analog In X30/11 [25] Comparator 3
[1676] Analog In X30/12 [26] Logic rule 0
[1677] Analog Out X30/8 [mA] [27] Logic rule 1
[1690] Alarm Word [28] Logic rule 2
[1692] Warning Word [29] Logic rule 3
[1694] Ext. Status Word [33] Digital input DI18
[1860] Digital Input 2 [34] Digital input DI19
[3110] Bypass Status Word [35] Digital input DI27
[3470] MCO Alarm Word 1 [36] Digital input DI29
[3471] MCO Alarm Word 2 [37] Digital input DI32
[38] Digital input DI33
15-11 Logging Interval [50] Comparator 4
Range: Function: [51] Comparator 5
Application [Application Enter the interval in millisec- [60] Logic rule 4
dependent* dependant] onds between each sampling [61] Logic rule 5
of the variables to be logged.
15-13 Logging Mode
15-12 Trigger Event Option: Function:
Select the trigger event. When the trigger event occurs, a window [0] * Log always Select Log always [0] for continuous logging.
is applied to freeze the log. The log will then retain a specified [1] Log once on Select Log once on trigger [1] to conditionally
percentage of samples before the occurrence of the trigger event trigger start and stop logging using
(par. 15-14 Samples Before Trigger). par. 15-12 Trigger Event and
Option: Function: par. 15-14 Samples Before Trigger.
[0] * False
[1] True 15-14 Samples Before Trigger
[2] Running Range: Function:
[3] In range 50* [0 - 100 ] Enter the percentage of all samples prior to a
[4] On reference trigger event which are to be retained in the log.
[5] Torque limit See also par. 15-12 Trigger Event and
[6] Current limit par. 15-13 Logging Mode.
[7] Out of current range
[8] Below I low
[9] Above I high
[10] Out of speed range
[11] Below speed low
[12] Above speed high
[13] Out of feedb. range
[14] Below feedb. low
[15] Above feedb. high
[16] Thermal warning
[17] Mains out of range
[18] Reversing
[19] Warning
[20] Alarm (trip)
[21] Alarm (trip lock)
[22] Comparator 0

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Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.16.3 15-2* Historic Log 15-21 Historic Log: Value

Array [50]
View up to 50 logged data items via the array parameters in
Range: Function:
this par. group. For all parameters in the group, [0] is the most
Digtal input Decimal value. See
recent data and [49] the oldest data. Data is logged every time
par. 16-60 Digital Input
an event occurs (not to be confused with SLC events). Events in
3 3 this context are defined as a change in one of the following
for description after
converting to binary
Digital output Decimal value. See
1. Digital input
(not par. 16-66 Digital Output
2. Digital outputs (not monitored in this SW release) monitored in [bin] for description after
3. Warning word this SW converting to binary
release) value.
4. Alarm word
Warning word Decimal value. See
5. Status word par. 16-92 Warning Word
for description.
6. Control word
Alarm word Decimal value. See
7. Extended status word par. 16-90 Alarm Word for
Events are logged with value, and time stamp in msec. The description.
time interval between two events depends on how often Status word Decimal value. See
events occur (maximum once every scan time). Data logging is par. 16-03 Status Word
continuous but if an alarm occurs, the log is saved and the for description after
values can be viewed on the display. This feature is useful, for converting to binary
example when carrying out service following a trip. View the value.
historic log contained in this parameter via the serial Control word Decimal value. See
communication port or via the display. par. 16-00 Control Word
for description.
15-20 Historic Log: Event
Extended Decimal value. See
Array [50]
status word par. 16-94 Ext. Status
Range: Function: Word for description.
0 N/A* [0 - 255 N/A] View the event type of the logged events.

15-21 Historic Log: Value 15-22 Historic Log: Time

Array [50] Array [50]

Range: Function: Range: Function:

0 N/ [0 - View the value of the logged event. 0 ms* [0 - 2147483647 View the time at which the logged
A* 2147483647 N/ Interpret the event values according to ms] event occurred. Time is measured in ms
A] this table: since frequency converter start. The
max. value corresponds to approx. 24
days which means that the count will
restart at zero after this time period.

144 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.16.4 15-3* Alarm Log 15-43 Software Version

Range: Function:
Parameters in this group are array parameters, where up to 10 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the combined SW version (or ‘package
fault logs can be viewed. [0] is the most recent logged data, version’) consisting of power SW and control
and [9] the oldest. Error codes, values, and time stamp can be SW.
viewed for all logged data.

15-30 Fault Log: Error Code 15-44 Ordered Typecode String

3 3
Array [10] Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the type code string used for re-
ordering the frequency converter in its
0* [0 - 255 ] View the error code and look up its meaning in the
original configuration.
Troubleshooting chapter of the FC 300 Design
15-45 Actual Typecode String
15-31 Alarm Log: Value Range: Function:
Array [10] 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the actual type code string.

Range: Function:
15-46 Frequency Converter Ordering No
0 N/A* [-32767 - 32767 View an extra description of the error.
Range: Function:
N/A] This parameter is mostly used in
combination with alarm 38 ‘internal 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the 8-digit ordering number used for
fault’. re-ordering the frequency converter in its
original configuration.
15-32 Alarm Log: Time
15-47 Power Card Ordering No
Array [10]
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the power card ordering number.
0 s* [0 - 2147483647 s] View the time when the logged event
occurred. Time is measured in seconds
15-48 LCP Id No
from frequency converter start-up.
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the LCP ID number.
3.16.5 15-4* Drive Identification
15-49 SW ID Control Card
Parameters containing read only information about the Range: Function:
hardware and software configuration of the frequency
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the control card software version
15-40 FC Type
Range: Function: 15-50 SW ID Power Card
0* [0 - 0 ] View the FC type. The read-out is identical to the FC Range: Function:
300 Series power field of the type code definition, 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the power card software version
characters 1-6. number.

15-41 Power Section 15-51 Frequency Converter Serial Number

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] View the FC type. The read-out is identical to the FC 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the frequency converter serial number.
300 Series power field of the type code definition,
characters 7-10. 15-53 Power Card Serial Number
Range: Function:
15-42 Voltage 0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the power card serial number.
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] View the FC type. The read-out is identical to the FC 15-59 CSIV Filename
300 Series power field of the type code definition, Range: Function:
characters 11-12.
Application [0 - 0 ] Shows the currently used CSIV
dependent* (Costumer Specific Initial Values)

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 145

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.16.6 15-6* Option Ident. 3.17 Parameters: 16-** Data Read-outs

This read-only par. group contains information about the
hardware and software configuration of the options installed
3.17.1 16-0* General Status
in slots A, B C0 and C1.

3 3 15-60 Option Mounted 16-00 Control Word

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the installed option type. 0 N/A* [0 - 65535 N/A] View the Control word sent from the
frequency converter via the serial
15-61 Option SW Version communication port in hex code.
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the installed option software version. 16-01 Reference [Unit]
Range: Function:
15-62 Option Ordering No 0.000 [-999999.000 - View the present reference value
Range: Function: Reference- 999999.000 applied on impulse or analog
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] Shows the ordering number for the installed FeedbackU- ReferenceFeed- basis in the unit resulting from
options. nit* backUnit] the configuration selected in
par. 1-00 Configuration Mode (Hz,
15-63 Option Serial No Nm or RPM).

Range: Function:
16-02 Reference [%]
0 N/A* [0 - 0 N/A] View the installed option serial number.
Range: Function:
0.0 %* [-200.0 - 200.0 View the total reference. The total
3.16.7 15-9* Parameter Info %] reference is the sum of digital, analog,
preset, bus, and freeze references, plus
15-92 Defined Parameters catch-up and slow-down.

Array [1000]
16-03 Status Word
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A] View a list of all defined parameters in
0 N/A* [0 - 65535 N/A] View the Status word sent from the
the frequency converter. The list ends
frequency converter via the serial
with 0.
communication port in hex code.

15-93 Modified Parameters

16-05 Main Actual Value [%]
Array [1000]
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0.00 %* [-100.00 - 100.00 View the two-byte word sent with the
0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/ View a list of the parameters that have been
%] Status word to the bus Master report-
A] changed from their default setting. The list
ing the Main Actual Value.
ends with 0. Changes may not be visible
until up to 30 seconds after implementa-
16-09 Custom Readout
Range: Function:
15-99 Parameter Metadata 0.00 Custom- [0.00 - 0.00 View the value of custom readout
ReadoutUnit* CustomRea- from par. 0-30 Unit for User-
Array [30]
doutUnit] defined Readout to
Range: Function: par. 0-32 Custom Readout Max
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter contains data used by the Value
MCTæ10 software tool.

146 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.17.2 16-1* Motor Status 16-16 Torque [Nm]

Range: Function:
16-10 Power [kW] 0.0 [-3000.0 - View the torque value with sign, applied to the
Range: Function: Nm* 3000.0 motor shaft. Linearity is not exact between
0.00 [0.00 - Displays motor power in kW. The value Nm] 160% motor current and torque in relation to
kW* 10000.00
shown is calculated on the basis of the
actual motor voltage and motor current.
the rated torque. Some motors supply more
than 160% torque. Consequently, the min.
3 3
The value is filtered, and therefore approx. value and the max. value will depend on the
30 ms may pass from when an input value max. motor current as well as the motor used.
changes to when the data read-out values The value is filtered, and thus approx. 30 ms
change. The resolution of read-out value on may pass from when an input changes value
fieldbus is in 10 W steps. to when the data read-out values change.

16-11 Power [hp] 16-17 Speed [RPM]

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.00 [0.00 - View the motor power in HP. The value 0 RPM* [-30000 - View the actual motor RPM. In open loop
hp* 10000.00 hp] shown is calculated on the basis of the 30000 RPM] or closed loop process control the motor
actual motor voltage and motor current. RPM is estimated. In speed closed loop
The value is filtered, and therefore approx- modes the motor RPM is measured.
imately 30 ms may pass from when an
input value changes to when the data 16-18 Motor Thermal
read-out values change. Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - 100 %] View the calculated thermal load on the motor.
16-12 Motor Voltage The cut-out limit is 100%. The basis for calcula-
Range: Function: tion is the ETR function selected in
0.0 V* [0.0 - 6000.0 V] View the motor voltage, a calculated par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection.
value used for controlling the motor.
16-19 KTY sensor temperature
16-13 Frequency Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0 C* [0 - 0 C] Returning the actual temperature on KTY sensor
0.0 Hz* [0.0 - 6500.0 Hz] View the motor frequency, without buil into the motor.
resonance dampening. See par. 1-9*.

16-14 Motor Current 16-20 Motor Angle

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.00 A* [0.00 - View the motor current measured as a 0* [0 - 65535 ] View the current encoder/resolver angle offset
10000.00 A] mean value, IRMS. The value is filtered, relative to the index position. The value range of
and thus approximately 30 ms may pass 0-65535 corresponds to 0-2*pi (radians).
from when an input value changes to
when the data read-out values change. 16-21 Torque [%] High Res.
Range: Function:
16-15 Frequency [%] 0.0 %* [-200.0 - 200.0 The value shown is the torque in
Range: Function: %] percent of nominal torque, with sign
0.00 %* [-100.00 - View a two-byte word reporting the actual and 0.1% resolution, applied to the
100.00 %] motor frequency (without resonance motor shaft.
dampening) as a percentage (scale
0000-4000 Hex) of par. 4-19 Max Output 16-22 Torque [%]
Frequency. Set par. 9-16 PCD Read Configu- Range: Function:
ration index 1 to send it with the Status 0 %* [-200 - 200 %] Value shown is the torque in percent of
Word instead of the MAV. nominal torque, with sign, applied to the
motor shaft.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 147

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

16-25 Torque [Nm] High 16-37 Inv. Max. Current

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.0 [-200000000.0 - View the torque value with sign, applied Application [0.01 - View the inverter maximum
Nm* 200000000.0 to the motor shaft. Some motors supply dependent* 10000.00 A] current, which should match the
Nm] more than 160% torque. Consequently, nameplate data on the connected

3 3 the min. value and the max. value will

depend on the max. motor current as
motor. The data are used for
calculation of torque, motor
well as the motor used. This specific protection, etc.
readout has been adapted to be able to
show higher values than the standard 16-38 SL Controller State
readout in par. 16-16 Torque [Nm]. Range: Function:
0* [0 - 100 ] View the state of the event under execution by the
3.17.3 16-3* Drive Status SL controller.

16-39 Control Card Temp.

16-30 DC Link Voltage
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0 C* [0 - 100 C] View the temperature on the control card,
0 V* [0 - 10000 V] View a measured value. The value is filtered
stated in °C.
with an 30 ms time constant.

16-40 Logging Buffer Full

16-32 Brake Energy /s
Option: Function:
Range: Function:
View whether the logging buffer is full (see par. group
0.000 kW* [0.000 - 10000.000 View the brake power transmit-
15-1*). The logging buffer will never be full when
kW] ted to an external brake resistor,
par. 15-13 Logging Mode is set to Log always [0].
stated as an instantaneous value.
[0] * No
16-33 Brake Energy /2 min [1] Yes
Range: Function:
16-49 Current Fault Source
0.000 kW* [0.000 - View the brake power transmitted
Range: Function:
10000.000 kW] to an external brake resistor. The
0* [0 - 8 ] Value indicates source of current faults including
mean power is calculated on an
short circuit, over current, and phase imbalance
average basis for the most recent
(from left):
120 seconds.
1-4 Inverter
5-8 Rectifier
16-34 Heatsink Temp.
0 No fault recorded
Range: Function:
0 C* [0 - 255 C] View the frequency converter heatsink temper-
ature. The cut-out limit is 90 ± 5 °C, and the 3.17.4 16-5* Ref. & Feedb.
motor cuts back in at 60 ± 5 °C.
16-50 External Reference
16-35 Inverter Thermal Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0.0* [-200.0 - 200.0 ] View the total reference, the sum of digital,
0 %* [0 - 100 %] View the percentage load on the inverter. analog, preset, bus and freeze references,
plus catch-up and slow-down.
16-36 Inv. Nom. Current
Range: Function: 16-51 Pulse Reference
Application [0.01 - View the inverter nominal current, Range: Function:
dependent* 10000.00 A] which should match the 0.0* [-200.0 - View the reference value from programmed
nameplate data on the connected 200.0 ] digital input(s). The read-out can also reflect
motor. The data are used for the impulses from an incremental encoder.
calculation of torque, motor
protection, etc.

148 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

16-52 Feedback [Unit] 16-60 Digital Input

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.000 [-999999.999 - View the feedback unit resulting
Reference- 999999.999 from the selection of unit and
FeedbackU- ReferenceFeed- scaling in par. 3-00 Reference
nit* backUnit] Range, par. 3-01 Reference/
Feedback Unit, par. 3-02 Minimum
3 3
Reference and par. 3-03 Maximum

16-53 Digi Pot Reference

Range: Function:
0.00* [-200.00 - 200.00 ] View the contribution of the Digital
Potentiometer to the actual reference.

16-57 Feedback [RPM] 16-61 Terminal 53 Switch Setting

Range: Function: Option: Function:
0 RPM* [-30000 - Read-out parameter where the actual View the setting of input terminal 53. Current =
30000 RPM] motor RPM from the feed-back source can 0; Voltage = 1.
be read in both closed loop and open
[0] * Current
loop. The feed-back source is selected by
[1] Voltage
par. 7-00.
[2] Pt 1000 [°C]
[3] Pt 1000 [°F]
3.17.5 16-6* Inputs and Outputs [4] Ni 1000 [°C]
[5] Ni 1000 [°F]
16-60 Digital Input
16-62 Analog Input 53
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0 [0 - View the signal states from the active digital inputs.
0.000* [-20.000 - 20.000 ] View the actual value at input 53.
N/ 1023 Example: Input 18 corresponds to bit no. 5, ‘0’ = no
A* N/A] signal, ‘1’ = connected signal. Bit 6 works in the
16-63 Terminal 54 Switch Setting
opposite way, on = '0', off = '1' (safe stop input).
Option: Function:
Bit 0 Digital input term. 33 View the setting of input terminal 54. Current =
Bit 1 Digital input term. 32 0; Voltage = 1.
Bit 2 Digital input term. 29
[0] * Current
Bit 3 Digital input term. 27
[1] Voltage
Bit 4 Digital input term. 19
[2] Pt 1000 [°C]
Bit 5 Digital input term. 18
[3] Pt 1000 [°F]
Bit 6 Digital input term. 37
[4] Ni 1000 [°C]
Bit 7 Digital input GP I/O term. X30/4
[5] Ni 1000 [°F]
Bit 8 Digital input GP I/O term. X30/3
Bit 9 Digital input GP I/O term. X30/2 16-64 Analog Input 54
Bit 10-63 Reserved for future terminals Range: Function:
0.000* [-20.000 - 20.000 ] View the actual value at input 54.

16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA]

Range: Function:
0.000* [0.000 - View the actual value at output 42 in mA.
30.000 ] The value shown reflects the selection in
par. 6-50 Terminal 42 Output.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 149

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

16-66 Digital Output [bin] 16-73 Counter B

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 15 ] View the binary value of all digital outputs. 0* [-2147483648 - View the present value of Counter B.
2147483647 ] Counters are useful as comparator operands
16-67 Pulse Input #29 [Hz] (par. 13-10 Comparator Operand).

3 3 Range:
0 N/A*
[0 - 130000 N/A] View the actual frequency rate on
The value can be reset or changed either via
digital inputs (par. group 5-1*) or by using
an SLC action (par. 13-52 SL Controller
terminal 29.

16-68 Freq. Input #33 [Hz]

16-74 Prec. Stop Counter
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 130000 ] View the actual value of the frequency applied
0* [0 - 2147483647 ] Returns the actual counter value of precise
at terminal 33 as an impulse input.
counter (par. 1-84 Precise Stop Counter
16-69 Pulse Output #27 [Hz]
Range: Function:
16-75 Analog In X30/11
0* [0 - 40000 ] View the actual value of pulses applied to
Range: Function:
terminal 27 in digital output mode.
0.000 N/A* [-20.000 - 20.000 N/ View the actual value at input
A] X30/11 of MCB 101.
16-70 Pulse Output #29 [Hz]
Range: Function:
16-76 Analog In X30/12
0* [0 - 40000 ] View the actual value of pulses at terminal 29 in
Range: Function:
digital output mode.
0.000 N/A* [-20.000 - 20.000 N/ View the actual value at input
This parameter is available for FC 302 only.
A] X30/12 of MCB 101.

16-71 Relay Output [bin]

16-77 Analog Out X30/8 [mA]
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 511 N/A] View the settings of all relays.
0.000 N/A* [0.000 - 30.000 N/A] View the actual value at input
X30/8 in mA.

Readout choice (Par. 16-71):

Relay output (bin):
16-78 Analog Out X45/1 [mA]
0 0 0 0 0 bin
Range: Function:
OptionB card relay 09 0.000* [0.000 - 30.000 ] View the actual value at output X45/1.
OptionB card relay 08 The value shown reflects the selection in
OptionB card relay 07 par. 6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output.
Power card relay 02
Power card relay 01
16-79 Analog Out X45/3 [mA]
Range: Function:
16-72 Counter A 0.000* [0.000 - 30.000 ] View the actual value at output X45/3.
The value shown reflects the selection in
Range: Function:
par. 6-80 Terminal X45/3 Output.
0* [-2147483648 - View the present value of Counter A.
2147483647 ] Counters are useful as comparator operands,
see par. 13-10 Comparator Operand.
The value can be reset or changed either via
digital inputs (par. group 5-1*) or by using
an SLC action (par. 13-52 SL Controller

150 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.17.6 16-8* Fieldbus & FC Port 3.17.7 16-9* Diagnosis Read-Outs

Parameters for reporting the BUS references and control 16-90 Alarm Word
words. Range: Function:
16-80 Fieldbus CTW 1 0 N/A* [0 - 4294967295 N/A] View the alarm word sent via the
Range: Function: serial communication port in hex
3 3
0 N/A* [0 - 65535 View the two-byte Control word (CTW)
N/A] received from the Bus-Master. Interpretation
16-91 Alarm Word 2
of the Control word depends on the fieldbus
option installed and the Control word profile Range: Function:
selected in par. 8-10 Control Profile. 0* [0 - 4294967295 ] View the alarm word sent via the serial
For more information please refer to the communication port in hex code.
relevant fieldbus manual.
16-92 Warning Word
16-82 Fieldbus REF 1 Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0 N/A* [0 - 4294967295 N/A] View the warning word sent via
0 N/A* [-200 - 200 View the two-byte word sent with the the serial communication port in
N/A] control word form the Bus-Master to set the hex code.
reference value.
For more information please refer to the 16-93 Warning Word 2
relevant fieldbus manual. Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] View the warning word sent via the serial
16-84 Comm. Option STW
communication port in hex code.
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 65535 N/A] View the extended fieldbus comm. 16-94 Ext. Status Word
option status word. Range: Function:
For more information please refer to the
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] Returns the extended warning word sent
relevant fieldbus manual.
via the serial communication port in hex
16-85 FC Port CTW 1
Range: Function: 16-95 Ext. Status Word 2
0 N/A* [0 - 65535 View the two-byte Control word (CTW) Range: Function:
N/A] received from the Bus-Master. Interpretation
0 N/A* [0 - 4294967295 N/A] Returns the extended warning
of the control word depends on the fieldbus
word 2 sent via the serial
option installed and the Control word
communication port in hex code.
profile selected in par. 8-10 Control Profile.

16-96 Maintenance Word

16-86 FC Port REF 1
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 4294967295 N/A]
0 N/A* [-200 - 200 View the two-byte Status word (STW) sent to
N/A] the Bus-Master. Interpretation of the Status
word depends on the fieldbus option instal-
led and the Control word profile selected in
par. 8-10 Control Profile.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 151

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.18 Parameters: 17-** Motor Feedb. 17-24 SSI Data Length

Range: Function:
13* [13 - 25 ] Set the number of bits for the SSI telegram.
Additional parameters to configure the Encoder (MCB 102) or Choose 13 bits for single-turn encoders and 25
the Resolver (MCB 103) Feedback Option. bits for multi-turn encoder.

3 3 3.18.1 17-1* Inc. Enc. Interface 17-25 Clock Rate

Range: Function:
Parameters in this group configure the incremental interface Application [Application Set the SSI clock rate. With
of the MCB 102 option. Note that both the incremental and dependent* dependant] long encoder cables the clock
absolute interfaces are active at the same time. rate must be reduced.

17-10 Signal Type

17-26 SSI Data Format
Select the incremental type (A/B channel) of the encoder in use.
Option: Function:
Find the information on the encoder data sheet.
Select None [0] if the feedback sensor is an absolute encoder only. [0] * Gray code
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running. [1] Binary code Set the data format of the SSI data. Choose
between Gray or Binary format.
Option: Function:
[0] None 17-34 HIPERFACE Baudrate
[1] * RS422 (5V TTL)
Select the baud rate of the attached encoder.
[2] Sinusoidal 1Vpp
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running. The
17-11 Resolution (PPR) parameter is only accessible when par. 17-20 Protocol Selection is
set to HIPERFACE [1].
Range: Function:
1024* [10 - 10000 ] Enter the resolution of the incremental
Option: Function:
track, i.e. the number of pulses or periods [0] 600
per revolution. [1] 1200
This parameter cannot be adjusted while [2] 2400
the motor is running. [3] 4800
[4] * 9600
[5] 19200
3.18.2 17-2* Abs. Enc. Interface [6] 38400

Parameters in this group configure the absolute interface of

the MCB 102 option. Note that both the incremental and
absolute interfaces are active at the same time.

17-20 Protocol Selection

Select HIPERFACE [1] if the encoder is absolute only.
Select None [0] if the feedback sensor is an incremental encoder
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
Option: Function:
[0] * None
[2] EnDat
[4] SSI

17-21 Resolution (Positions/Rev)

Select the resolution of the absolute encoder, i.e. the number of
counts per revolution.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running. The
value depends on setting in par. 17-20 Protocol Selection.
Range: Function:
Application depend- [Application
ent* dependant]

152 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.18.3 17-5* Resolver Interface 17-59 Resolver Interface

Activate the MCB 103 resolver option when the resolver parame-
Par. group 17-5* is used for setting parameters for the MCB ters are selected.
103 Resolver Option. To avoid damage to resolvers par. 17-50 Poles – par. 17-53 Transfor-
Usually the resolver feedback is used as motor feedback from mation Ratio must be adjusted before activating this parameter.
Permanent Magnet motors with par. 1-01 Motor Control Princi-
ple set to Flux with motor feedback.
[0] * Disabled
3 3
Resolver parameters cannot be adjusted while the motor is
[1] Enabled

17-50 Poles
3.18.4 17-6* Monitoring and Application
Range: Function:
2* [2 - 2 ] Set the number of poles on the resolver. This par. group is for selecting additional functions when MCB
The value is stated in the data sheet for resolvers. 102 Encoder option or MCB 103 Resolver option is fitted into
option slot B as speed feedback.
17-51 Input Voltage Monitoring and Application parameters cannot be adjusted
Range: Function: while the motor is running.
7.0 V* [2.0 - 8.0 V] Set the input voltage to the resolver. The 17-60 Feedback Direction
voltage is stated as RMS value.
Change the detected encoder rotation direction without changing
The value is stated in the data sheet for
the wiring to the encoder.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.

17-52 Input Frequency Option: Function:

Range: Function: [0] * Clockwise
[1] Counter clockwise
10.0 kHz* [2.0 - 15.0 Set the input frequency to the resolver.
kHz] The value is stated in the data sheet for 17-61 Feedback Signal Monitoring
Select which reaction the frequency converter should take in case a
faulty encoder signal is detected.
17-53 Transformation Ratio
The encoder function in par. 17-61 Feedback Signal Monitoring is an
Range: Function: electrical check of the hardware circuit in the encoder system.
0.5* [0.1 - 1.1 ] Set the transformation ratio for the resolver.
Option: Function:
The transformation ration is:
[0] Disabled
V Out [1] * Warning
T ratio =
V In [2] Trip
The value is stated in the data sheet for resolv- [3] Jog
ers. [4] Freeze Output
[5] Max Speed
17-56 Encoder Sim. Resolution [6] Switch to Open Loop
Set the resolution and activate the encoder emulation function [7] Select Setup 1
(generation of encoder signals from the measured position from a [8] Select Setup 2
resolver). Needed when necessary to transfer the speed or position [9] Select Setup 3
information from one drive to another. To disable the function, [10] Select Setup 4
select [0]. [11] stop & trip
Option: Function:
[0] * Disabled
[1] 512
[2] 1024
[3] 2048
[4] 4096

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 153

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.19 Parameters: 18-** Data Readouts 2 3.20 Parameters: 30-** Special Features

18-36 Analog Input X48/2 [mA] 3.20.1 30-0* Wobble Function

Range: Function:
3 3 0.000* [-20.000 - 20.000 ] View the actual current measured at
The wobble function is primarily used for synthetic yarn
winding applications. The wobble option is to be installed in
input X48/2.
the frequency converter controlling the traverse drive. The
18-37 Temp. Input X48/4 traverse drive frequency converter will move the yarn back
and forth in a diamond pattern across the surface of the yarn
Range: Function:
package. To prevent a buildup of yarn at the same points at
0* [-500 - 500 ] View the actual temperature measured at input the surface, this pattern must be altered. The wobble option
X48/4. The temperature unit is based on the can accomplish this by continuously varying the traverse
selection in par. 35-00. velocity in a programmable cycle. The wobble function is
created by superimposing a delta frequency around a center
18-38 Temp. Input X48/7 frequency. To compensate for the inertia in the system a quick
Range: Function: frequency jump can be included. Especially suitable for elastic
0* [-500 - 500 ] View the actual temperature measured at input yarn applications the option features a randomized wobble
X48/7. The temperature unit is based on the ratio.
selection in par. 35-02.

18-39 Temp. Input X48/10

Range: Function:
0* [-500 - 500 ] View the actual temperature measured at input
X48/10. The temperature unit is based on the
selection in par. 35-04.

18-60 Digital Input 2

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the signal states from the active digital
inputs. '0' = no signal, '1' = connected signal. 30-00 Wobble Mode
Option: Function:
18-90 Process PID Error
The standard speed open loop mode in par.
Range: Function: 1-00 is extended with a wobble function . In
0.0 %* [-200.0 - 200.0 %] this parameter it is possible to select which
method to be used for the wobbler. The
18-91 Process PID Output frequency parameters can be set as absolute
Range: Function: values (direct frequencies) or as relative values
0.0 %* [-200.0 - 200.0 %] (percentage of other parameter) . The wobble
cycle time can be set as an absolute alue or as
18-92 Process PID Clamped Output independent up- and down times. When
Range: Function: using an absolute cycle time, the up- and
0.0 %* [-200.0 - 200.0 %] down times are configured through the
wobble ratio.
18-93 Process PID Gain Scaled Output
[0] * Abs. Freq.,
Range: Function:
Abs. Time
0.0 %* [-200.0 - 200.0 %]
[1] Abs. Freq.,
Up/ Down
[2] Rel. Freq.,
Abs. Time
[3] Rel. Freq.,
Up/ Down

154 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

NOTE 30-04 Wobble Jump Frequency [Hz]

This parameter can be set while running. Range: Function:
parameter can only be changed in stop-
NOTE mode
The setting of “Center Frequency” takes place via the
normal reference handling parameters, 3-1* 30-05 Wobble Jump Frequency [%]
Range: Function:
3 3
30-01 Wobble Delta Frequency [Hz] 0 %* [0 - 100 %] The jump frequency can also be expressed as
Range: Function: percentage of the center frequency. The
5.0 [0.0 - The delta frequency is determining the function is the same as for par. 30-04.
Hz* 25.0 Hz] magnitude of the wobble frequency. The delta
frequency is superimposed on the center 30-06 Wobble Jump Time
frequency. Parameter 30-01 is selecting both the Range: Function:
positive and negative delta frequency. The
Application [Application This parameter determines the
setting of parameter 30-01 must thus not be
dependent* dependant] slope of the jump ramp at the
higher than the setting of the center frequency.
max. and min. wobble frequen-
The initial ramp up time from standstill until the
wobble sequence is running is determined by
parameters 3-1*.
30-07 Wobble Sequence Time
Range: Function:
30-02 Wobble Delta Frequency [%]
10.0 s* [1.0 - 1000.0 s] This parameter determines the wobble
Range: Function:
sequence period. This parameter can
25 %* [0 - 100 %] The delta frequency can also be expressed as
only be changed in stop-mode.
percentage of the center frequency and can
Wobble time = tup + tdown
thus be maximum 100%. The function is the
same as for par. 30-01.
30-08 Wobble Up/ Down Time

30-03 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaling Resource Range: Function:

5.0 s* [0.1 - 1000.0 s] Defines the individual up- and down
Option: Function:
times for each wobble cycle.
Select which drive input should be
used to scale the delta frequency
30-09 Wobble Random Function
Option: Function:
[0] * No function
[0] * Off
[1] Analog input 53
[1] On
[2] Analog input 54
[3] Frequency input 29 FC 302 only 30-10 Wobble Ratio
[4] Frequency input 33 Range: Function:
[7] Analog input X30/11 1.0* [Application If the ratio 0.1 is selected: tdown is 10 times
[8] Analog input X30/12 dependant] greater than tup.
[15] Analog Input X48/2 If the ratio 10 is selected: tup is 10 times
greater than tdown.
30-04 Wobble Jump Frequency [Hz]
Range: Function: 30-11 Wobble Random Ratio Max.
0.0 [Applica- The jump frequency is used to compensate Range: Function:
Hz* tion for the inertia in the traverse system. If a 10.0* [Application dependant] Enter the maximum allowed
dependant] jump in the output frequency is required in wobble ratio.
the top and in the bottom of the wobble
sequence, the frequency jump is set in this 30-12 Wobble Random Ratio Min.
parameter. If the traverse system has a very
Range: Function:
high inertia a high jump frequency may
0.1* [Application dependant] Enter the minimum allowed
create a torque limit warning or trip
wobble ratio.
(warning/alarm 12) or an over voltage
warning or trip (warning/alarm 7). This

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 155

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

30-19 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaled 30-83 Speed PID Proportional Gain
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.0 Hz* [0.0 - 1000.0 Hz] Readout parameter. View the actual Application [0.0000 - Enter the speed controller propor-
wobble delta frequency after scaling dependent* 1.0000 ] tional gain. Quick control is
has been applied. obtained at high amplification.

3 3 However if amplification is too

great, the process may become
3.20.2 30-2* Adv. Start Adjust unstable.

30-20 High Starting Torque Time [s] 30-84 Process PID Proportional Gain
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.00 s* [0.00 - 0.50 s] High starting torque time for PM-Motor in 0.100* [0.000 - 10.000 ] Enter the process controller proportional
Flux mode without feedback. This gain. Quick control is obtained at high
parameter is available for FC 302 only. amplification. However if amplification is
too great, the process may become
30-21 High Starting Torque Current [%] unstable.
Range: Function:
100.0 %* [Application High starting torque current for PM-
dependant] Motor in Flux mode without
feedback. This parameter is available
for FC 302 only.

30-22 Locked Rotor Protection

Locked Rotor Protection for PM-Motor in Flux mode without
feedback. This parameter is available for FC 302 only.
Option: Function:
[0] * Off
[1] On

30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s]

Locked Rotor Detection Time for PM-Motor in Flux mode without
feedback. This parameter is available for FC 302 only.
Range: Function:
0.10 s* [0.05 - 1.00 s]

3.20.3 30-8* Compatibility

30-80 d-axis Inductance (Ld)

Range: Function:
Application [Application Enter the value of the d-axis
dependent* dependant] inductance. Obtain the value from
the permanent magnet motor data
sheet. The d-axis inductance
cannot be found by performing an

30-81 Brake Resistor (ohm)

Range: Function:
Application [Application Set the brake resistor value in Ohms.
dependent* dependant] This value is used for monitoring the
power to the brake resistor in
par. 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring. This
parameter is only active in drives with
an integral dynamic brake.

156 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

3.21 Parameters: 35-** Sensor Input 35-06 Temperature Sensor Alarm Function
Select the alarm function:
Option: Function:
3.21.1 35-0* Temp. Input Mode (MCB 114) [0] Off
[2] Stop

35-00 Term. X48/4 Temp. Unit

[5] * Stop and trip 3 3
Select the unit to be used with temperature input X48/4 settings 3.21.2 35-1* Temp. Input X48/4 (MCB 114)
and readouts:
Option: Function: 35-14 Term. X48/4 Filter Time Constant
[60] * °C Range: Function:
[160] °F 0.001 s* [0.001 - Enter the filter time constant. This is a first-
10.000 s] order digital low pass filter time constant
35-01 Term. X48/4 Input Type
for suppressing electrical noise in terminal
View the temperature sensor type detected at input X48/4:
X48/4. A high time constant value
Option: Function: improves dampening but also increases
[0] * Not Connected the time delay through the filter.
[1] PT100 2-wire
[3] PT1000 2-wire 35-15 Term. X48/4 Temp. Monitor
[5] PT100 3-wire This parameter gives the possibility of enabling or disabling the
[7] PT1000 3-wire temperature monitor for terminal X48/4. The temperature limits
can be set in par. 35-16 and par. 35-17.
35-02 Term. X48/7 Temp. Unit
Option: Function:
Select the unit to be used with temperature input X48/7 settings
[0] * Disabled
and readouts:
[1] Enabled
Option: Function:
[60] * °C 35-16 Term. X48/4 Low Temp. Limit
[160] °F Range: Function:
Application [Application Enter the minimum tempera-
35-03 Term. X48/7 Input Type
dependent* dependant] ture reading that is expected
View the temperature sensor type detected at input X48/7: for normal operation of the
Option: Function: temperature sensor at terminal
[0] * Not Connected X48/4.
[1] PT100 2-wire
[3] PT1000 2-wire 35-17 Term. X48/4 High Temp. Limit
[5] PT100 3-wire Range: Function:
[7] PT1000 3-wire Application [Application Enter the maximum tempera-
dependent* dependant] ture reading that is expected
35-04 Term. X48/10 Temp. Unit for normal operation of the
Select the unit to be used with temperature input X48/10 settings temperature sensor at terminal
and readouts: X48/4.
Option: Function:
[60] * °C
3.21.3 35-2* Temp. Input X48/7 (MCB 114)
[160] °F

35-05 Term. X48/10 Input Type 35-24 Term. X48/7 Filter Time Constant
View the temperature sensor type detected at input X48/10: Range: Function:
Option: Function: 0.001 s* [0.001 - Enter the filter time constant. This is a first-
[0] * Not Connected 10.000 s] order digital low pass filter time constant
for suppressing electrical noise in terminal
[1] PT100 2-wire
X48/7. A high time constant value
[3] PT1000 2-wire
improves dampening but also increases
[5] PT100 3-wire
the time delay through the filter.
[7] PT1000 3-wire

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 157

Parameter Descriptions FC 300 Programming Guide

35-25 Term. X48/7 Temp. Monitor 35-37 Term. X48/10 High Temp. Limit
This parameter gives the possibility of enabling or disabling the Range: Function:
temperature monitor for terminal X48/7. The temperature limits Application [Application Enter the maximum tempera-
can be set in par. 35-26 and 35-27. dependent* dependant] ture reading that is expected
Option: Function: for normal operation of the

3 3 [0] *
temperature sensor at terminal

35-26 Term. X48/7 Low Temp. Limit

3.21.5 35-4* Analog Input X48/2 (MCB 114)
Range: Function:
Application [Application Enter the minimum tempera-
dependent* dependant] ture reading that is expected
35-42 Term. X48/2 Low Current
for normal operation of the
temperature sensor at terminal Range: Function:
X48/7. 4.00 [Application Enter the current (mA) that corresponds
mA* dependant] to the low reference value, set in par.
35-27 Term. X48/7 High Temp. Limit 35-44. The value must be set at > 2 mA
Range: Function: in order to activate the Live Zero Time-
out Function in par. 6-01.
Application [Application Enter the maximum tempera-
dependent* dependant] ture reading that is expected
35-43 Term. X48/2 High Current
for normal operation of the
temperature sensor at terminal Range: Function:
X48/7. 20.00 mA* [Application Enter the current (mA) that
dependant] corresponds to the high reference
value (set in par. 35-45).
3.21.4 35-3* Temp. Input X48/10 (MCB 114)
35-44 Term. X48/2 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
Range: Function:
35-34 Term. X48/10 Filter Time Constant
0.000* [-999999.999 - Enter the reference or feedback
Range: Function: 999999.999 ] value (in RPM, Hz, bar, etc.) that
0.001 s* [0.001 - Enter the filter time constant. This is a first- corresponds to the voltage or
10.000 s] order digital low pass filter time constant current set in par. 35-42.
for suppressing electrical noise in terminal
X48/10. A high time constant value 35-45 Term. X48/2 High Ref./Feedb. Value
improves dampening but also increases Range: Function:
the time delay through the filter.
100.000* [-999999.999 - Enter the reference or feedback
999999.999 ] value (in RPM, Hz, bar, etc.) that
35-35 Term. X48/10 Temp. Monitor
corresponds to the voltage or
This parameter gives the possibility of enabling or disabling the current set in par. 35-43.
temperature monitor for terminal X48/10. The temperature limits
can be set in pars. 35-36/37. 35-46 Term. X48/2 Filter Time Constant
Option: Function: Range: Function:
[0] * Disabled 0.001 s* [0.001 - Enter the filter time constant. This is a first-
[1] Enabled 10.000 s] order digital low pass filter time constant
for suppressing electrical noise in terminal
35-36 Term. X48/10 Low Temp. Limit
X48/2. A high time constant value
Range: Function: improves dampening but also increases
Application [Application Enter the minimum tempera- the time delay through the filter.
dependent* dependant] ture reading that is expected
for normal operation of the
temperature sensor at terminal

158 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4 Parameter Lists 'All set-ups': the parameter can be set individually in each of
the four set-ups, i. e. one single parameter can have four
different data values.
FC Series ’1 set-up’: data value will be the same in all set-ups.
All = valid for FC 301 and FC 302 series
01 = valid for FC 301 only
Conversion index
02 = valid for FC 302 only
This number refers to a conversion figure used when writing
or reading by means of a frequency converter.
Changes during operation
”TRUE” means that the parameter can be changed while the
4 4
frequency converter is in operation and “FALSE” means that
the frequency converter must be stopped before a change can
be made.

Conv. index 100 67 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

Conv. factor 1 1/60 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001

Data type Description Type

2 Integer 8 Int8
3 Integer 16 Int16
4 Integer 32 Int32
5 Unsigned 8 Uint8
6 Unsigned 16 Uint16
7 Unsigned 32 Uint32
9 Visible String VisStr
33 Normalized value 2 bytes N2
35 Bit sequence of 16 boolean variables V2
54 Time difference w/o date TimD

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 159

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.1 0-** Operation/Display

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion index
0-0* Basic Settings
0-01 Language [0] English 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
0-02 Motor Speed Unit [0] RPM 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
0-03 Regional Settings [0] International 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
4 4 Operating State at Power-up
0-04 (Hand) [1] Forced stop, ref=old All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
0-09 Performance Monitor 0.0 % All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
0-1* Set-up Operations
0-10 Active Set-up [1] Set-up 1 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
0-11 Edit Set-up [1] Set-up 1 All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
0-12 This Set-up Linked to [0] Not linked All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
0-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
0-14 Readout: Edit Set-ups / Channel 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
0-2* LCP Display
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small 1617 All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small 1614 All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small 1610 All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
0-23 Display Line 2 Large 1613 All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
0-24 Display Line 3 Large 1602 All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
0-25 My Personal Menu SR 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
0-3* LCP Custom Readout
0-30 Unit for User-defined Readout [0] None All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
Min Value of User-defined
0-31 Readout 0.00 CustomReadoutUnit All set-ups TRUE -2 Int32
Max Value of User-defined 100.00 CustomReadoutU-
0-32 Readout nit All set-ups TRUE -2 Int32
0-37 Display Text 1 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[25]
0-38 Display Text 2 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[25]
0-39 Display Text 3 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[25]
0-4* LCP Keypad
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
0-41 [Off] Key on LCP null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
0-43 [Reset] Key on LCP null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
0-45 [Drive Bypass] Key on LCP null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
0-5* Copy/Save
0-50 LCP Copy [0] No copy All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
0-51 Set-up Copy [0] No copy All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
0-6* Password
0-60 Main Menu Password 100 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int16
Access to Main Menu w/o
0-61 Password [0] Full access 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
0-65 Quick Menu Password 200 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int16
Access to Quick Menu w/o
0-66 Password [0] Full access 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
0-67 Bus Password Access 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16

160 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.2 1-** Load/Motor

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
1-0* General Settings
1-00 Configuration Mode null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
1-01 Motor Control Principle null All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
1-02 Flux Motor Feedback Source [1] 24V encoder All set-ups x FALSE - Uint8
1-03 Torque Characteristics [0] Constant torque All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
4 4
1-04 Overload Mode [0] High torque All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
1-05 Local Mode Configuration [2] As mode par 1-00 All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
1-06 Clockwise Direction [0] Normal All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
1-1* Motor Selection
1-10 Motor Construction [0] Asynchron All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
1-2* Motor Data
1-20 Motor Power [kW] SR All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
1-21 Motor Power [HP] SR All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
1-22 Motor Voltage SR All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-23 Motor Frequency SR All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-24 Motor Current SR All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
1-25 Motor Nominal Speed SR All set-ups FALSE 67 Uint16
1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque SR All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint32
1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA) [0] Off All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
1-3* Adv. Motor Data
1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) SR All set-ups FALSE -4 Uint32
1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr) SR All set-ups FALSE -4 Uint32
1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1) SR All set-ups FALSE -4 Uint32
1-34 Rotor Leakage Reactance (X2) SR All set-ups FALSE -4 Uint32
1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) SR All set-ups FALSE -4 Uint32
1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe) SR All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint32
1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld) SR All set-ups x FALSE -4 Int32
1-39 Motor Poles SR All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM SR All set-ups x FALSE 0 Uint16
1-41 Motor Angle Offset 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
1-5* Load Indep. Setting
1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
1-51 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
1-53 Model Shift Frequency SR All set-ups x FALSE -1 Uint16
1-54 Voltage reduction in fieldweakening 0V All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
1-55 U/f Characteristic - U SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
1-56 U/f Characteristic - F SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
1-58 Flystart Test Pulses Current 30 % All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-59 Flystart Test Pulses Frequency 200 % All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-6* Load Depen. Setting
1-60 Low Speed Load Compensation 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
1-61 High Speed Load Compensation 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
1-62 Slip Compensation SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
1-64 Resonance Dampening 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant 5 ms All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint8
1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed 100 % All set-ups x TRUE 0 Uint8
1-67 Load Type [0] Passive load All set-ups x TRUE - Uint8

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 161

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
1-68 Minimum Inertia SR All set-ups x FALSE -4 Uint32
1-69 Maximum Inertia SR All set-ups x FALSE -4 Uint32
1-7* Start Adjustments
1-71 Start Delay 0.0 s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
1-72 Start Function [2] Coast/delay time All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
1-73 Flying Start [0] Disabled All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
4 4 1-74 Start Speed [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
1-75 Start Speed [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
1-76 Start Current 0.00 A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
1-8* Stop Adjustments
1-80 Function at Stop [0] Coast All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
1-81 Min Speed for Function at Stop [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
1-83 Precise Stop Function [0] Precise ramp stop All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
1-84 Precise Stop Counter Value 100000 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
1-85 Precise Stop Speed Compensation Delay 10 ms All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint8
1-9* Motor Temperature
1-90 Motor Thermal Protection [0] No protection All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
1-91 Motor External Fan [0] No All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
1-93 Thermistor Resource [0] None All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
1-95 KTY Sensor Type [0] KTY Sensor 1 All set-ups x TRUE - Uint8
1-96 KTY Thermistor Resource [0] None All set-ups x TRUE - Uint8
1-97 KTY Threshold level 80 °C 1 set-up x TRUE 100 Int16

162 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.3 2-** Brakes

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
2-0* DC-Brake
2-00 DC Hold Current 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
2-01 DC Brake Current 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
2-02 DC Braking Time 10.0 s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4 4
2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
2-05 Maximum Reference MaxReference (P303) All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
2-1* Brake Energy Funct.
2-10 Brake Function null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm) SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
2-13 Brake Power Monitoring [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
2-15 Brake Check [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
2-16 AC brake Max. Current 100.0 % All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint32
2-17 Over-voltage Control [0] Disabled All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
2-18 Brake Check Condition [0] At Power Up All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
2-19 Over-voltage Gain 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
2-2* Mechanical Brake
2-20 Release Brake Current ImaxVLT (P1637) All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
2-21 Activate Brake Speed [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
2-22 Activate Brake Speed [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
2-23 Activate Brake Delay 0.0 s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
2-24 Stop Delay 0.0 s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
2-25 Brake Release Time 0.20 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
2-26 Torque Ref 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
2-27 Torque Ramp Time 0.2 s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
2-28 Gain Boost Factor 1.00 N/A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 163

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.4 3-** Reference/Ramps

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
3-0* Reference Limits
3-00 Reference Range null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-02 Minimum Reference SR All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
4 4 3-03 Maximum Reference SR All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
3-04 Reference Function [0] Sum All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-1* References
3-10 Preset Reference 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
3-11 Jog Speed [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
3-13 Reference Site [0] Linked to Hand / Auto All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-14 Preset Relative Reference 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int32
3-15 Reference Resource 1 null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-16 Reference Resource 2 null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-17 Reference Resource 3 null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-18 Relative Scaling Reference Resource [0] No function All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-19 Jog Speed [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
3-4* Ramp 1
3-40 Ramp 1 Type [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up Time SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-45 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-46 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-47 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-48 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-5* Ramp 2
3-50 Ramp 2 Type [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp up Time SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down Time SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-55 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-56 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-57 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-58 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-6* Ramp 3
3-60 Ramp 3 Type [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-65 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-66 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-67 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-68 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-7* Ramp 4
3-70 Ramp 4 Type [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-75 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-76 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-77 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-78 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8

164 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
3-8* Other Ramps
3-80 Jog Ramp Time SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time SR 2 set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-82 Quick Stop Ramp Type [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-83 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-84 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 50 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
3-9* Digital Pot.Meter 4 4
3-90 Step Size 0.10 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
3-91 Ramp Time 1.00 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-92 Power Restore [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
3-93 Maximum Limit 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
3-94 Minimum Limit -100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
3-95 Ramp Delay SR All set-ups TRUE -3 TimD

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 165

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.5 4-** Limits / Warnings

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
4-1* Motor Limits
4-10 Motor Speed Direction null All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
4 4 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode 100.0 % All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
4-18 Current Limit SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint32
4-19 Max Output Frequency 132.0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
4-2* Limit Factors
4-20 Torque Limit Factor Source [0] No function All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
4-21 Speed Limit Factor Source [0] No function All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
4-3* Motor Speed Mon.
4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function [2] Trip All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error 300 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout 0.05 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
4-34 Tracking Error Function null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
4-35 Tracking Error 10 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4-36 Tracking Error Timeout 1.00 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
4-37 Tracking Error Ramping 100 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4-38 Tracking Error Ramping Timeout 1.00 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
4-39 Tracking Error After Ramping Timeout 5.00 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
4-5* Adj. Warnings
4-50 Warning Current Low 0.00 A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
4-51 Warning Current High ImaxVLT (P1637) All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
4-52 Warning Speed Low 0 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4-53 Warning Speed High (P413) All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4-54 Warning Reference Low -999999.999 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
4-55 Warning Reference High 999999.999 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
-999999.999 Reference-
4-56 Warning Feedback Low FeedbackUnit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
999999.999 Reference-
4-57 Warning Feedback High FeedbackUnit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
4-6* Speed Bypass
4-60 Bypass Speed From [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
4-62 Bypass Speed To [RPM] SR All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz] SR All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16

166 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.6 5-** Digital In/Out

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
5-0* Digital I/O mode
5-00 Digital I/O Mode [0] PNP All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
5-01 Terminal 27 Mode [0] Input All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-02 Terminal 29 Mode [0] Input All set-ups x TRUE - Uint8
5-1* Digital Inputs
4 4
5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input null All set-ups x TRUE - Uint8
5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Input null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-16 Terminal X30/2 Digital Input null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-17 Terminal X30/3 Digital Input null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-18 Terminal X30/4 Digital Input null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop [1] Safe Stop Alarm 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
5-20 Terminal X46/1 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-21 Terminal X46/3 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-22 Terminal X46/5 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-23 Terminal X46/7 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-24 Terminal X46/9 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-25 Terminal X46/11 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-26 Terminal X46/13 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-3* Digital Outputs
5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-31 Terminal 29 Digital Output null All set-ups x TRUE - Uint8
5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out (MCB 101) null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB 101) null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-4* Relays
5-40 Function Relay null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-41 On Delay, Relay 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
5-42 Off Delay, Relay 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
5-5* Pulse Input
5-50 Term. 29 Low Frequency 100 Hz All set-ups x TRUE 0 Uint32
5-51 Term. 29 High Frequency 100 Hz All set-ups x TRUE 0 Uint32
0.000 ReferenceFeedback-
5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value Unit All set-ups x TRUE -3 Int32
5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value SR All set-ups x TRUE -3 Int32
5-54 Pulse Filter Time Constant #29 100 ms All set-ups x FALSE -3 Uint16
5-55 Term. 33 Low Frequency 100 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-56 Term. 33 High Frequency 100 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
0.000 ReferenceFeedback-
5-57 Term. 33 Low Ref./Feedb. Value Unit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. Value SR All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
5-59 Pulse Filter Time Constant #33 100 ms All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint16
5-6* Pulse Output
5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-62 Pulse Output Max Freq #27 SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable null All set-ups x TRUE - Uint8
5-65 Pulse Output Max Freq #29 SR All set-ups x TRUE 0 Uint32

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Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
5-68 Pulse Output Max Freq #X30/6 SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-7* 24V Encoder Input
5-70 Term 32/33 Pulses per Revolution 1024 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
5-71 Term 32/33 Encoder Direction [0] Clockwise All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
5-9* Bus Controlled
4 4 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-93 Pulse Out #27 Bus Control 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 N2
5-94 Pulse Out #27 Timeout Preset 0.00 % 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
5-95 Pulse Out #29 Bus Control 0.00 % All set-ups x TRUE -2 N2
5-96 Pulse Out #29 Timeout Preset 0.00 % 1 set-up x TRUE -2 Uint16
5-97 Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 N2
5-98 Pulse Out #X30/6 Timeout Preset 0.00 % 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16

168 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.7 6-** Analog In/Out

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
6-0* Analog I/O Mode
6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time 10 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
6-1* Analog Input 1
6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage 0.07 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
4 4
6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage 10.00 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current 0.14 mA All set-ups TRUE -5 Int16
6-13 Terminal 53 High Current 20.00 mA All set-ups TRUE -5 Int16
6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 ReferenceFeedbackUnit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value SR All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
6-2* Analog Input 2
6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage 0.07 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage 10.00 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current 0.14 mA All set-ups TRUE -5 Int16
6-23 Terminal 54 High Current 20.00 mA All set-ups TRUE -5 Int16
6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 ReferenceFeedbackUnit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value SR All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
6-3* Analog Input 3
6-30 Terminal X30/11 Low Voltage 0.07 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-31 Terminal X30/11 High Voltage 10.00 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-34 Term. X30/11 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 ReferenceFeedbackUnit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-35 Term. X30/11 High Ref./Feedb. Value SR All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-36 Term. X30/11 Filter Time Constant 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
6-4* Analog Input 4
6-40 Terminal X30/12 Low Voltage 0.07 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-41 Terminal X30/12 High Voltage 10.00 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-44 Term. X30/12 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 ReferenceFeedbackUnit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-45 Term. X30/12 High Ref./Feedb. Value SR All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-46 Term. X30/12 Filter Time Constant 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
6-5* Analog Output 1
6-50 Terminal 42 Output null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale 100.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-53 Terminal 42 Output Bus Control 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 N2
6-54 Terminal 42 Output Timeout Preset 0.00 % 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
6-55 Analog Output Filter [0] Off 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
6-6* Analog Output 2
6-60 Terminal X30/8 Output null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
6-61 Terminal X30/8 Min. Scale 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-62 Terminal X30/8 Max. Scale 100.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-63 Terminal X30/8 Bus Control 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 N2
6-64 Terminal X30/8 Output Timeout Preset 0.00 % 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
6-7* Analog Output 3
6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
6-71 Terminal X45/1 Min. Scale 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-72 Terminal X45/1 Max. Scale 100.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-73 Terminal X45/1 Bus Control 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 N2

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 169

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
6-74 Terminal X45/1 Output Timeout Preset 0.00 % 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
6-8* Analog Output 4
6-80 Terminal X45/3 Output null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
6-81 Terminal X45/3 Min. Scale 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-82 Terminal X45/3 Max. Scale 100.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
6-83 Terminal X45/3 Bus Control 0.00 % All set-ups TRUE -2 N2
4 4 6-84 Terminal X45/3 Output Timeout Preset 0.00 % 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16

170 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.8 7-** Controllers

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
7-0* Speed PID Ctrl.
7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source null All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
7-02 Speed PID Proportional Gain SR All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
7-03 Speed PID Integral Time SR All set-ups TRUE -4 Uint32
7-04 Speed PID Differentiation Time SR All set-ups TRUE -4 Uint16
4 4
7-05 Speed PID Diff. Gain Limit 5.0 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
7-06 Speed PID Lowpass Filter Time SR All set-ups TRUE -4 Uint16
7-07 Speed PID Feedback Gear Ratio 1.0000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -4 Uint32
7-08 Speed PID Feed Forward Factor 0% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
7-1* Torque PI Ctrl.
7-12 Torque PI Proportional Gain 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
7-13 Torque PI Integration Time 0.020 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
7-2* Process Ctrl. Feedb
7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource [0] No function All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 Resource [0] No function All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
7-3* Process PID Ctrl.
7-30 Process PID Normal/ Inverse Control [0] Normal All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
7-31 Process PID Anti Windup [1] On All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
7-32 Process PID Start Speed 0 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
7-33 Process PID Proportional Gain 0.01 N/A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
7-34 Process PID Integral Time 10000.00 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
7-35 Process PID Differentiation Time 0.00 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
7-36 Process PID Diff. Gain Limit 5.0 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor 0% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
7-39 On Reference Bandwidth 5% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
7-4* Adv. Process PID I
7-40 Process PID I-part Reset [0] No All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
7-41 Process PID Output Neg. Clamp -100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
7-42 Process PID Output Pos. Clamp 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
7-43 Process PID Gain Scale at Min. Ref. 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
7-44 Process PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref. 100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
7-45 Process PID Feed Fwd Resource [0] No function All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
7-46 Process PID Feed Fwd Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. [0] Normal All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
7-48 PCD Feed Forward 0 N/A All set-ups x TRUE 0 Uint16
7-49 Process PID Output Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. [0] Normal All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
7-5* Adv. Process PID II
7-50 Process PID Extended PID [1] Enabled All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
7-51 Process PID Feed Fwd Gain 1.00 N/A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
7-52 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp up 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
7-53 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp down 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
7-56 Process PID Ref. Filter Time 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
7-57 Process PID Fb. Filter Time 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 171

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.9 8-** Comm. and Options

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
8-0* General Settings
8-01 Control Site [0] Digital and ctrl.word All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-02 Control Word Source null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-03 Control Word Timeout Time 1.0 s 1 set-up TRUE -1 Uint32
4 4 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function null 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
8-05 End-of-Timeout Function [1] Resume set-up 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
8-06 Reset Control Word Timeout [0] Do not reset All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-07 Diagnosis Trigger [0] Disable 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-08 Readout Filtering null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-1* Ctrl. Word Settings
8-10 Control Word Profile [0] FC profile All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-13 Configurable Status Word STW null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW [1] Profile default All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-3* FC Port Settings
8-30 Protocol [0] FC 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
8-31 Address 1 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
8-32 FC Port Baud Rate null 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
8-33 Parity / Stop Bits [0] Even Parity, 1 Stop Bit 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
8-34 Estimated cycle time 0 ms 2 set-ups TRUE -3 Uint32
8-35 Minimum Response Delay 10 ms All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
8-36 Max Response Delay SR 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint16
8-37 Max Inter-Char Delay SR 1 set-up TRUE -5 Uint16
8-4* FC MC protocol set
8-40 Telegram selection [1] Standard telegram 1 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-41 Parameters for signals 0 All set-ups FALSE - Uint16
8-42 PCD write configuration SR All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
8-43 PCD read configuration SR All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
8-5* Digital/Bus
8-50 Coasting Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-51 Quick Stop Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-52 DC Brake Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-53 Start Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-54 Reversing Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-55 Set-up Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-56 Preset Reference Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-57 Profidrive OFF2 Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-58 Profidrive OFF3 Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
8-8* FC Port Diagnostics
8-80 Bus Message Count 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
8-81 Bus Error Count 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
8-82 Slave Messages Rcvd 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
8-83 Slave Error Count 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
8-9* Bus Jog
8-90 Bus Jog 1 Speed 100 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
8-91 Bus Jog 2 Speed 200 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16

172 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.10 9-** Profibus

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
9-00 Setpoint 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-07 Actual Value 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-15 PCD Write Configuration SR 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint16
9-16 PCD Read Configuration SR 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint16
9-18 Node Address 126 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
4 4
9-22 Telegram Selection [100] None 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
9-23 Parameters for Signals 0 All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
9-27 Parameter Edit [1] Enabled 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint16
9-28 Process Control [1] Enable cyclic master 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
9-44 Fault Message Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-45 Fault Code 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-47 Fault Number 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-52 Fault Situation Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-53 Profibus Warning Word 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 V2
9-63 Actual Baud Rate [255] No baudrate found All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
9-64 Device Identification 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-65 Profile Number 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 OctStr[2]
9-67 Control Word 1 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 V2
9-68 Status Word 1 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 V2
9-71 Profibus Save Data Values [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
9-72 ProfibusDriveReset [0] No action 1 set-up FALSE - Uint8
9-75 DO Identification 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-80 Defined Parameters (1) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-81 Defined Parameters (2) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-82 Defined Parameters (3) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-83 Defined Parameters (4) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-84 Defined Parameters (5) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-90 Changed Parameters (1) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-91 Changed Parameters (2) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-92 Changed Parameters (3) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-93 Changed parameters (4) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-94 Changed parameters (5) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-99 Profibus Revision Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 173

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.11 10-** CAN Fieldbus

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
10-0* Common Settings
10-00 CAN Protocol null 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
10-01 Baud Rate Select null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
10-02 MAC ID SR 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
4 4 10-05 Readout Transmit Error Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
10-06 Readout Receive Error Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
10-07 Readout Bus Off Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
10-1* DeviceNet
10-10 Process Data Type Selection null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
10-11 Process Data Config Write SR All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
10-12 Process Data Config Read SR All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
10-13 Warning Parameter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
10-14 Net Reference [0] Off 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
10-15 Net Control [0] Off 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
10-2* COS Filters
10-20 COS Filter 1 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
10-21 COS Filter 2 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
10-22 COS Filter 3 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
10-23 COS Filter 4 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
10-3* Parameter Access
10-30 Array Index 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
10-31 Store Data Values [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
10-32 Devicenet Revision SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
10-33 Store Always [0] Off 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
10-34 DeviceNet Product Code SR 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
10-39 Devicenet F Parameters 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
10-5* CANopen
10-50 Process Data Config Write. SR 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint16
10-51 Process Data Config Read. SR 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint16

174 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.12 12-** Ethernet

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion index
12-0* IP Settings
12-00 IP Address Assignment null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-01 IP Address 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 OctStr[4]
12-02 Subnet Mask 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 OctStr[4]
12-03 Default Gateway 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 OctStr[4]
4 4
12-04 DHCP Server 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 OctStr[4]
12-05 Lease Expires SR All set-ups TRUE 0 TimD
12-06 Name Servers 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 OctStr[4]
12-07 Domain Name 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[48]
12-08 Host Name 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[48]
12-09 Physical Address 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[17]
12-1* Ethernet Link Parameters
12-10 Link Status [0] No Link 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
12-11 Link Duration SR All set-ups TRUE 0 TimD
12-12 Auto Negotiation [1] On 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-13 Link Speed [0] None 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-14 Link Duplex [1] Full Duplex 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-2* Process Data
12-20 Control Instance SR 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
12-21 Process Data Config Write SR All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
12-22 Process Data Config Read SR All set-ups TRUE - Uint16
12-28 Store Data Values [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-29 Store Always [0] Off 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
12-3* EtherNet/IP
12-30 Warning Parameter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
12-31 Net Reference [0] Off 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-32 Net Control [0] Off 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-33 CIP Revision SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
12-34 CIP Product Code SR 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
12-35 EDS Parameter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
12-37 COS Inhibit Timer 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
12-38 COS Filter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
12-4* Modbus TCP
12-40 Status Parameter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
12-41 Slave Message Count 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
Slave Exception Message
12-42 Count 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32

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Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion index
12-8* Other Ethernet Services
12-80 FTP Server [0] Disabled 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-81 HTTP Server [0] Disabled 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-82 SMTP Service [0] Disabled 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
Transparent Socket
12-89 Channel Port SR 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
4 4 12-9* Advanced Ethernet Services
12-90 Cable Diagnostic [0] Disabled 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-91 MDI-X [1] Enabled 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-92 IGMP Snooping [1] Enabled 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-93 Cable Error Length 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
12-94 Broadcast Storm Protection -1 % 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int8
12-95 Broadcast Storm Filter [0] Broadcast only 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-96 Port Mirroring [0] Disable 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
12-98 Interface Counters 4000 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
12-99 Media Counters 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16

4.1.13 13-** Smart Logic

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
13-0* SLC Settings
13-00 SL Controller Mode null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-01 Start Event null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-02 Stop Event null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-03 Reset SLC [0] Do not reset SLC All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-1* Comparators
13-10 Comparator Operand null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-11 Comparator Operator null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-12 Comparator Value SR 2 set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
13-2* Timers
13-20 SL Controller Timer SR 1 set-up TRUE -3 TimD
13-4* Logic Rules
13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1 null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1 null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2 null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3 null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-5* States
13-51 SL Controller Event null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
13-52 SL Controller Action null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8

176 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.14 14-** Special Functions

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion index
14-0* Inverter Switching
14-00 Switching Pattern null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-01 Switching Frequency null All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-03 Overmodulation [1] On All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
14-04 PWM Random [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
4 4
14-06 Dead Time Compensation [1] On All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-1* Mains On/Off
14-10 Mains Failure [0] No function All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance [0] Trip All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-13 Mains Failure Step Factor 1.0 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
14-14 Kin. Backup Time Out 60 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-2* Trip Reset
14-20 Reset Mode [0] Manual reset All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-21 Automatic Restart Time 10 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
14-22 Operation Mode [0] Normal operation All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-23 Typecode Setting null 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
14-24 Trip Delay at Current Limit 60 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit 60 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-28 Production Settings [0] No action All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-29 Service Code 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
14-3* Current Limit Ctrl.
14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain 100 % All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time 0.020 s All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint16
14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time 1.0 ms All set-ups TRUE -4 Uint16
14-35 Stall Protection [1] Enabled All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
14-4* Energy Optimising
14-40 VT Level 66 % All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation SR All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-42 Minimum AEO Frequency 10 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-43 Motor Cosphi SR All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
14-5* Environment
14-50 RFI Filter [1] On 1 set-up x FALSE - Uint8
14-51 DC Link Compensation [1] On 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
14-52 Fan Control [0] Auto All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-53 Fan Monitor [1] Warning All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-55 Output Filter [0] No Filter All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
14-56 Capacitance Output Filter 2.0 uF All set-ups FALSE -7 Uint16
14-57 Inductance Output Filter 7.000 mH All set-ups FALSE -6 Uint16
14-59 Actual Number of Inverter Units SR 1 set-up x FALSE 0 Uint8

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 177

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion index
14-7* Compatibility
14-72 Legacy Alarm Word 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
14-73 Legacy Warning Word 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
14-74 Leg. Ext. Status Word 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
14-8* Options
14-80 Option Supplied by External 24VDC [1] Yes 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
4 4 14-89 Option Detection [0] Frozen Configuration 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
14-9* Fault Settings
14-90 Fault Level null 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8

178 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.15 15-** Drive Information

Par. No. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
# only during sion index
15-0* Operating Data
15-00 Operating Hours 0h All set-ups FALSE 74 Uint32
15-01 Running Hours 0h All set-ups FALSE 74 Uint32
15-02 kWh Counter 0 kWh All set-ups FALSE 75 Uint32
15-03 Power Up's 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
4 4
15-04 Over Temp's 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
15-05 Over Volt's 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
15-06 Reset kWh Counter [0] Do not reset All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
15-07 Reset Running Hours Counter [0] Do not reset All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
15-1* Data Log Settings
15-10 Logging Source 0 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint16
15-11 Logging Interval SR 2 set-ups TRUE -3 TimD
15-12 Trigger Event [0] False 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
15-13 Logging Mode [0] Log always 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
15-14 Samples Before Trigger 50 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
15-2* Historic Log
15-20 Historic Log: Event 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
15-21 Historic Log: Value 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
15-22 Historic Log: Time 0 ms All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint32
15-3* Fault Log
15-30 Fault Log: Error Code 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
15-31 Fault Log: Value 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
15-32 Fault Log: Time 0s All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
15-4* Drive Identification
15-40 FC Type 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[6]
15-41 Power Section 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-42 Voltage 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-43 Software Version 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[5]
15-44 Ordered Typecode String 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[40]
15-45 Actual Typecode String 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[40]
Frequency Converter Ordering
15-46 No 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[8]
15-47 Power Card Ordering No 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[8]
15-48 LCP Id No 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-49 SW ID Control Card 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-50 SW ID Power Card 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
Frequency Converter Serial
15-51 Number 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[10]
15-53 Power Card Serial Number 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[19]
15-59 CSIV Filename SR 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[16]
15-6* Option Ident
15-60 Option Mounted 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[30]
15-61 Option SW Version 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-62 Option Ordering No 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[8]
15-63 Option Serial No 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[18]
15-70 Option in Slot A 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[30]
15-71 Slot A Option SW Version 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-72 Option in Slot B 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[30]
15-73 Slot B Option SW Version 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]

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Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. No. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
# only during sion index
15-74 Option in Slot C0 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[30]
15-75 Slot C0 Option SW Version 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-76 Option in Slot C1 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[30]
15-77 Slot C1 Option SW Version 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-9* Parameter Info
15-92 Defined Parameters 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
4 4 15-93 Modified Parameters 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
15-98 Drive Identification 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[40]
15-99 Parameter Metadata 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16

180 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.16 16-** Data Readouts

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
16-0* General Status
16-00 Control Word 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 V2
0.000 ReferenceFeedbackU-
16-01 Reference [Unit] nit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
16-02 Reference % 0.0 % All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16 4 4
16-03 Status Word 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 V2
16-05 Main Actual Value [%] 0.00 % All set-ups FALSE -2 N2
16-09 Custom Readout 0.00 CustomReadoutUnit All set-ups FALSE -2 Int32
16-1* Motor Status
16-10 Power [kW] 0.00 kW All set-ups FALSE -2 Int32
16-11 Power [hp] 0.00 hp All set-ups FALSE -2 Int32
16-12 Motor Voltage 0.0 V All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
16-13 Frequency 0.0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
16-14 Motor Current 0.00 A All set-ups FALSE -2 Int32
16-15 Frequency [%] 0.00 % All set-ups FALSE -2 N2
16-16 Torque [Nm] 0.0 Nm All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
16-17 Speed [RPM] 0 RPM All set-ups FALSE 67 Int32
16-18 Motor Thermal 0% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
16-19 KTY sensor temperature 0 °C All set-ups FALSE 100 Int16
16-20 Motor Angle 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
16-21 Torque [%] High Res. 0.0 % All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
16-22 Torque [%] 0% All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
16-25 Torque [Nm] High 0.0 Nm All set-ups FALSE -1 Int32
16-3* Drive Status
16-30 DC Link Voltage 0V All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
16-32 Brake Energy /s 0.000 kW All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
16-33 Brake Energy /2 min 0.000 kW All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
16-34 Heatsink Temp. 0 °C All set-ups FALSE 100 Uint8
16-35 Inverter Thermal 0% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
16-36 Inv. Nom. Current SR All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
16-37 Inv. Max. Current SR All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
16-38 SL Controller State 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
16-39 Control Card Temp. 0 °C All set-ups FALSE 100 Uint8
16-40 Logging Buffer Full [0] No All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
16-41 LCP Bottom Statusline 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 VisStr[50]
16-49 Current Fault Source 0 N/A All set-ups x TRUE 0 Uint8
16-5* Ref. & Feedb.
16-50 External Reference 0.0 N/A All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
16-51 Pulse Reference 0.0 N/A All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
0.000 ReferenceFeedbackU-
16-52 Feedback [Unit] nit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
16-53 Digi Pot Reference 0.00 N/A All set-ups FALSE -2 Int16
16-57 Feedback [RPM] 0 RPM All set-ups FALSE 67 Int32
16-6* Inputs & Outputs
16-60 Digital Input 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
16-61 Terminal 53 Switch Setting [0] Current All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
16-62 Analog Input 53 0.000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
16-63 Terminal 54 Switch Setting [0] Current All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
16-64 Analog Input 54 0.000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 181

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA] 0.000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int16
16-66 Digital Output [bin] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
16-67 Freq. Input #29 [Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups x FALSE 0 Int32
16-68 Freq. Input #33 [Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32
16-69 Pulse Output #27 [Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32
16-70 Pulse Output #29 [Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups x FALSE 0 Int32
4 4 16-71 Relay Output [bin] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
16-72 Counter A 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
16-73 Counter B 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
16-74 Prec. Stop Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
16-75 Analog In X30/11 0.000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
16-76 Analog In X30/12 0.000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
16-77 Analog Out X30/8 [mA] 0.000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int16
16-78 Analog Out X45/1 [mA] 0.000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int16
16-79 Analog Out X45/3 [mA] 0.000 N/A All set-ups FALSE -3 Int16
16-8* Fieldbus & FC Port
16-80 Fieldbus CTW 1 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 V2
16-82 Fieldbus REF 1 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 N2
16-84 Comm. Option STW 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 V2
16-85 FC Port CTW 1 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 V2
16-86 FC Port REF 1 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 N2
16-9* Diagnosis Readouts
16-90 Alarm Word 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
16-91 Alarm Word 2 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
16-92 Warning Word 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
16-93 Warning Word 2 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
16-94 Ext. Status Word 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32

182 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.17 17-** Motor Feedb.Option

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
17-1* Inc. Enc. Interface
17-10 Signal Type [1] RS422 (5V TTL) All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
17-11 Resolution (PPR) 1024 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
17-2* Abs. Enc. Interface
17-20 Protocol Selection [0] None All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
4 4
17-21 Resolution (Positions/Rev) SR All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
17-24 SSI Data Length 13 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
17-25 Clock Rate SR All set-ups FALSE 3 Uint16
17-26 SSI Data Format [0] Gray code All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
17-34 HIPERFACE Baudrate [4] 9600 All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
17-5* Resolver Interface
17-50 Poles 2 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint8
17-51 Input Voltage 7.0 V 1 set-up FALSE -1 Uint8
17-52 Input Frequency 10.0 kHz 1 set-up FALSE 2 Uint8
17-53 Transformation Ratio 0.5 N/A 1 set-up FALSE -1 Uint8
17-56 Encoder Sim. Resolution [0] Disabled 1 set-up FALSE - Uint8
17-59 Resolver Interface [0] Disabled All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
17-6* Monitoring and App.
17-60 Feedback Direction [0] Clockwise All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
17-61 Feedback Signal Monitoring [1] Warning All set-ups TRUE - Uint8

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 183

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.18 18-** Data Readouts 2

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
18-3* Analog Readouts
18-36 Analog Input X48/2 [mA] 0.000 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
18-37 Temp. Input X48/4 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16

4 4 18-38 Temp. Input X48/7

18-39 Temp. Input X48/10
0 N/A
0 N/A
All set-ups
All set-ups
18-6* Inputs & Outputs 2
18-60 Digital Input 2 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
18-90 PID Readouts
18-90 Process PID Error 0.0 % All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
18-91 Process PID Output 0.0 % All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
18-92 Process PID Clamped Output 0.0 % All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
18-93 Process PID Gain Scaled Output 0.0 % All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16

4.1.19 30-** Special Features

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
30-0* Wobbler
30-00 Wobble Mode [0] Abs. Freq., Abs. Time All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
30-01 Wobble Delta Frequency [Hz] 5.0 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
30-02 Wobble Delta Frequency [%] 25 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
30-03 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaling Resource [0] No function All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
30-04 Wobble Jump Frequency [Hz] 0.0 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
30-05 Wobble Jump Frequency [%] 0% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
30-06 Wobble Jump Time SR All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
30-07 Wobble Sequence Time 10.0 s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
30-08 Wobble Up/ Down Time 5.0 s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
30-09 Wobble Random Function [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
30-10 Wobble Ratio 1.0 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
30-11 Wobble Random Ratio Max. 10.0 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
30-12 Wobble Random Ratio Min. 0.1 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
30-19 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaled 0.0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
30-2* Adv. Start Adjust
30-20 High Starting Torque Time [s] 0.00 s All set-ups x TRUE -2 Uint8
30-21 High Starting Torque Current [%] 100.0 % All set-ups x TRUE -1 Uint32
30-22 Locked Rotor Protection [0] Off All set-ups x TRUE - Uint8
30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s] 0.10 s All set-ups x TRUE -2 Uint8
30-8* Compatibility (I)
30-80 d-axis Inductance (Ld) SR All set-ups x FALSE -6 Int32
30-81 Brake Resistor (ohm) SR 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint32
30-83 Speed PID Proportional Gain SR All set-ups TRUE -4 Uint32
30-84 Process PID Proportional Gain 0.100 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16

184 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.20 32-** MCO Basic Settings

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
32-0* Encoder 2
32-00 Incremental Signal Type [1] RS422 (5V TTL) 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-01 Incremental Resolution 1024 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-02 Absolute Protocol [0] None 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-03 Absolute Resolution 8192 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
4 4
32-05 Absolute Encoder Data Length 25 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
32-06 Absolute Encoder Clock Frequency 262.000 kHz 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-07 Absolute Encoder Clock Generation [1] On 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-08 Absolute Encoder Cable Length 0m 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
32-09 Encoder Monitoring [0] Off 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-10 Rotational Direction [1] No action 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-11 User Unit Denominator 1 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-12 User Unit Numerator 1 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-3* Encoder 1
32-30 Incremental Signal Type [1] RS422 (5V TTL) 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-31 Incremental Resolution 1024 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-32 Absolute Protocol [0] None 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-33 Absolute Resolution 8192 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-35 Absolute Encoder Data Length 25 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
32-36 Absolute Encoder Clock Frequency 262.000 kHz 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-37 Absolute Encoder Clock Generation [1] On 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-38 Absolute Encoder Cable Length 0m 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
32-39 Encoder Monitoring [0] Off 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-40 Encoder Termination [1] On 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-5* Feedback Source
32-50 Source Slave [2] Encoder 2 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-51 MCO 302 Last Will [1] Trip 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-6* PID Controller
32-60 Proportional factor 30 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-61 Derivative factor 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-62 Integral factor 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-63 Limit Value for Integral Sum 1000 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
32-64 PID Bandwidth 1000 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
32-65 Velocity Feed-Forward 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-66 Acceleration Feed-Forward 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-67 Max. Tolerated Position Error 20000 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-68 Reverse Behavior for Slave [0] Reversing allowed 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-69 Sampling Time for PID Control 1 ms 2 set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
32-70 Scan Time for Profile Generator 1 ms 2 set-ups TRUE -3 Uint8
32-71 Size of the Control Window (Activation) 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-72 Size of the Control Window (Deactiv.) 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 185

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion index
32-8* Velocity & Accel.
32-80 Maximum Velocity (Encoder) 1500 RPM 2 set-ups TRUE 67 Uint32
32-81 Shortest Ramp 1.000 s 2 set-ups TRUE -3 Uint32
32-82 Ramp Type [0] Linear 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
32-83 Velocity Resolution 100 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-84 Default Velocity 50 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
4 4 32-85 Default Acceleration 50 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
32-9* Development
32-90 Debug Source [0] Controlcard 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8

4.1.21 33-** MCO Adv. Settings

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
33-0* Home Motion
33-00 Force HOME [0] Home not forced 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-01 Zero Point Offset from Home Pos. 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
33-02 Ramp for Home Motion 10 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
33-03 Velocity of Home Motion 10 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
33-04 Behaviour during HomeMotion [0] Revers and index 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-1* Synchronization
33-10 Synchronization Factor Master (M:S) 1 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
33-11 Synchronization Factor Slave (M:S) 1 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
33-12 Position Offset for Synchronization 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
33-13 Accuracy Window for Position Sync. 1000 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
33-14 Relative Slave Velocity Limit 0% 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
33-15 Marker Number for Master 1 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
33-16 Marker Number for Slave 1 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
33-17 Master Marker Distance 4096 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
33-18 Slave Marker Distance 4096 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
33-19 Master Marker Type [0] Encoder Z positive 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-20 Slave Marker Type [0] Encoder Z positive 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-21 Master Marker Tolerance Window 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
33-22 Slave Marker Tolerance Window 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
33-23 Start Behaviour for Marker Sync [0] Start Function 1 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint16
33-24 Marker Number for Fault 10 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
33-25 Marker Number for Ready 1 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
33-26 Velocity Filter 0 us 2 set-ups TRUE -6 Int32
33-27 Offset Filter Time 0 ms 2 set-ups TRUE -3 Uint32
33-28 Marker Filter Configuration [0] Marker filter 1 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-29 Filter Time for Marker Filter 0 ms 2 set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
33-30 Maximum Marker Correction 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
33-31 Synchronisation Type [0] Standard 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-4* Limit Handling
33-40 Behaviour atEnd Limit Switch [0] Call error handler 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-41 Negative Software End Limit -500000 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
33-42 Positive Software End Limit 500000 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
33-43 Negative Software End Limit Active [0] Inactive 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-44 Positive Software End Limit Active [0] Inactive 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-45 Time in Target Window 0 ms 2 set-ups TRUE -3 Uint8

186 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
33-46 Target Window LimitValue 1 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
33-47 Size of Target Window 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
33-5* I/O Configuration
33-50 Terminal X57/1 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-51 Terminal X57/2 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-52 Terminal X57/3 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-53 Terminal X57/4 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8 4 4
33-54 Terminal X57/5 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-55 Terminal X57/6 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-56 Terminal X57/7 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-57 Terminal X57/8 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-58 Terminal X57/9 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-59 Terminal X57/10 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-60 Terminal X59/1 and X59/2 Mode [1] Output 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
33-61 Terminal X59/1 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-62 Terminal X59/2 Digital Input [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-63 Terminal X59/1 Digital Output [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-64 Terminal X59/2 Digital Output [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-65 Terminal X59/3 Digital Output [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-66 Terminal X59/4 Digital Output [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-67 Terminal X59/5 Digital Output [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-68 Terminal X59/6 Digital Output [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-69 Terminal X59/7 Digital Output [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-70 Terminal X59/8 Digital Output [0] No function 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-8* Global Parameters
33-80 Activated Program Number -1 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Int8
33-81 Power-up State [1] Motor on 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-82 Drive Status Monitoring [1] On 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-83 Behaviour afterError [0] Coast 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-84 Behaviour afterEsc. [0] Controlled stop 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-85 MCO Supplied by External 24VDC [0] No 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-86 Terminal at alarm [0] Relay 1 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-87 Terminal state at alarm [0] Do nothing 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
33-88 Status word at alarm 0 N/A 2 set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16

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Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.22 34-** MCO Data Readouts

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
34-0* PCD Write Par.
34-01 PCD 1 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-02 PCD 2 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-03 PCD 3 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
4 4 34-04 PCD 4 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-05 PCD 5 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-06 PCD 6 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-07 PCD 7 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-08 PCD 8 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-09 PCD 9 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-10 PCD 10 Write to MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-2* PCD Read Par.
34-21 PCD 1 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-22 PCD 2 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-23 PCD 3 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-24 PCD 4 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-25 PCD 5 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-26 PCD 6 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-27 PCD 7 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-28 PCD 8 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-29 PCD 9 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-30 PCD 10 Read from MCO 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-4* Inputs & Outputs
34-40 Digital Inputs 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-41 Digital Outputs 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-5* Process Data
34-50 Actual Position 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-51 Commanded Position 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-52 Actual Master Position 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-53 Slave Index Position 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-54 Master Index Position 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-55 Curve Position 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-56 Track Error 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-57 Synchronizing Error 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-58 Actual Velocity 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-59 Actual Master Velocity 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-60 Synchronizing Status 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-61 Axis Status 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-62 Program Status 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-64 MCO 302 Status 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-65 MCO 302 Control 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-7* Diagnosis readouts
34-70 MCO Alarm Word 1 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
34-71 MCO Alarm Word 2 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32

188 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Parameter Lists FC 300 Programming Guide

4.1.23 35-** Sensor Input Option

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up FC 302 Change Conver- Type
No. # only during sion
operation index
35-0* Temp. Input Mode
35-00 Term. X48/4 Temp. Unit [60] °C All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
35-01 Term. X48/4 Input Type [0] Not Connected All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
35-02 Term. X48/7 Temp. Unit [60] °C All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
35-03 Term. X48/7 Input Type [0] Not Connected All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
4 4
35-04 Term. X48/10 Temp. Unit [60] °C All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
35-05 Term. X48/10 Input Type [0] Not Connected All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
35-06 Temperature Sensor Alarm Function [5] Stop and trip All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
35-1* Temp. Input X48/4
35-14 Term. X48/4 Filter Time Constant 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
35-15 Term. X48/4 Temp. Monitor [0] Disabled All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
35-16 Term. X48/4 Low Temp. Limit ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
35-17 Term. X48/4 High Temp. Limit ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
35-2* Temp. Input X48/7
35-24 Term. X48/7 Filter Time Constant 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
35-25 Term. X48/7 Temp. Monitor [0] Disabled All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
35-26 Term. X48/7 Low Temp. Limit ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
35-27 Term. X48/7 High Temp. Limit ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
35-3* Temp. Input X48/10
35-34 Term. X48/10 Filter Time Constant 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
35-35 Term. X48/10 Temp. Monitor [0] Disabled All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
35-36 Term. X48/10 Low Temp. Limit ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
35-37 Term. X48/10 High Temp. Limit ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
35-4* Analog Input X48/2
35-42 Term. X48/2 Low Current 4.00 mA All set-ups TRUE -5 Int16
35-43 Term. X48/2 High Current 20.00 mA All set-ups TRUE -5 Int16
35-44 Term. X48/2 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0.000 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
35-45 Term. X48/2 High Ref./Feedb. Value 100.000 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
35-46 Term. X48/2 Filter Time Constant 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16

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Troubleshooting FC 300 Programming Guide

If an alarm cannot be reset, the reason may be that its cause

5 Troubleshooting has not been rectified, or the alarm is trip-locked (see also
table on following page).

5.1.1 Warnings/Alarm Messages Alarms that are trip-locked offer additional protection,
meaning that the mains supply must be switched off before
A warning or an alarm is signalled by the relevant LED on the the alarm can be reset. After being switched back on, the
front of the frequency converter and indicated by a code on frequency converter is no longer blocked and may be reset as
the display. described above once the cause has been rectified.

A warning remains active until its cause is no longer present. Alarms that are not trip-locked can also be reset using the
Under certain circumstances operation of the motor may still automatic reset function in par. 14-20 Reset Mode (Warning:
5 5 be continued. Warning messages may be critical, but are not automatic wake-up is possible!)
necessarily so.
If a warning and alarm is marked against a code in the table on
In the event of an alarm, the frequency converter will have the following page, this means that either a warning occurs
tripped. Alarms must be reset to restart operation once their before an alarm, or else that you can specify whether it is a
cause has been rectified. warning or an alarm that is to be displayed for a given fault.
This may be done in three ways:
1. By using the [RESET] control button on the LCP. This is possible, for instance, in par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protec-
2. Via a digital input with the “Reset” function. tion. After an alarm or trip, the motor carries on coasting, and
the alarm and warning flash. Once the problem has been
3. Via serial communication/optional fieldbus. rectified, only the alarm continues flashing until the frequency
converter is reset.
After a manual reset using the [RESET] button on the
LCP, the [AUTO ON] button must be pressed to restart
the motor.

190 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Troubleshooting FC 300 Programming Guide

No. Description Warning Alarm/Trip Alarm/Trip Lock Parameter

1 10 Volts low X
2 Live zero error (X) (X) Par. 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function
3 No motor (X) Par. 1-80 Function at Stop
4 Mains phase loss (X) (X) (X) Par. 14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance
5 DC link voltage high X
6 DC link voltage low X
7 DC over-voltage X X
8 DC under voltage X X
9 Inverter overloaded X X
Motor ETR over temperature
Motor thermistor over temperature
Par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection
Par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection
5 5
12 Torque limit X X
13 Over Current X X X
14 Earth Fault X X X
15 Hardware mismatch X X
16 Short Circuit X X
17 Control word time-out (X) (X) Par. 8-04 Control Word Timeout
22 Hoist Mech. Brake (X) (X) Par. group 2-2*
23 Internal Fan Fault X
24 External Fan Fault X Par. 14-53 Fan Monitor
25 Brake resistor short-circuited X
26 Brake resistor power limit (X) (X) Par. 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring
27 Brake chopper short-circuited X X
28 Brake check (X) (X) Par. 2-15 Brake Check
29 Heatsink temp X X X
30 Motor phase U missing (X) (X) (X) Par. 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function
31 Motor phase V missing (X) (X) (X) Par. 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function
32 Motor phase W missing (X) (X) (X) Par. 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function
33 Inrush Fault X X
34 Fieldbus communication fault X X
36 Mains failure X X
37 Phase imbalance X
38 Internal Fault X X
39 Heatsink sensor X X
40 Overload of Digital Output Terminal (X) Par. 5-00 Digital I/O Mode,
27 par. 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode
41 Overload of Digital Output Terminal (X) Par. 5-00 Digital I/O Mode,
29 par. 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode
42 Overload of Digital Output On X30/7 (X) Par. 5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB
45 Earth Fault 2 X X X
46 Pwr. card supply X X
47 24 V supply low X X X
48 1.8 V supply low X X
49 Speed limit X
50 AMA calibration failed X
51 AMA check Unom and Inom X
52 AMA low Inom X
53 AMA motor too big X

Table 5.1: Alarm/Warning code list

(X) Dependent on parameter 1) Can not be Auto reset via par. 14-20 Reset Mode

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Troubleshooting FC 300 Programming Guide

A trip is the action when an alarm has appeared. The trip will LED indication
coast the motor and can be reset by pressing the reset button Warning yellow
or make a reset by a digital input (par. group 5-1* [1]). The Alarm flashing red
origin event that caused an alarm cannot damage the Trip locked yellow and red
frequency converter or cause dangerous conditions. A trip
lock is an action when an alarm occurs, which may cause
damage to frequency converter or connected parts. A Trip
Lock situation can only be reset by a power cycling.

Alarm Word Extended Status Word

Bit Hex Dec Alarm Word Alarm Word 2 Warning Word Warning Extended
Word 2 Status Word
5 5 0 00000001 1 Brake Check (A28) ServiceTrip, Read/ Brake Check (W28) reserved Ramping
1 00000002 2 Heatsink temp. (A29) ServiceTrip, Heatsink temp. (W29) reserved AMA Running
2 00000004 4 Earth Fault (A14) ServiceTrip, Earth Fault (W14) reserved Start CW/CCW
3 00000008 8 Ctrl.Card Temp (A65) ServiceTrip, Ctrl.Card Temp (W65) reserved Slow Down
4 00000010 16 Ctrl. Word TO (A17) ServiceTrip, Ctrl. Word TO (W17) Catch Up
5 00000020 32 Over Current (A13) reserved Over Current (W13) reserved Feedback High
6 00000040 64 Torque Limit (A12) reserved Torque Limit (W12) reserved Feedback Low
7 00000080 128 Motor Th Over (A11) reserved Motor Th Over (W11) reserved Output Current High
8 00000100 256 Motor ETR Over (A10) reserved Motor ETR Over (W10) reserved Output Current Low
9 00000200 512 Inverter Overld. (A9) reserved Inverter Overld (W9) reserved Output Freq High
10 00000400 1024 DC under Volt (A8) reserved DC under Volt (W8) Output Freq Low
11 00000800 2048 DC over Volt (A7) reserved DC over Volt (W7) Brake Check OK
12 00001000 4096 Short Circuit (A16) reserved DC Voltage Low (W6) reserved Braking Max
13 00002000 8192 Inrush Fault (A33) reserved DC Voltage High (W5) Braking
14 00004000 16384 Mains ph. Loss (A4) reserved Mains ph. Loss (W4) Out of Speed Range
15 00008000 32768 AMA Not OK reserved No Motor (W3) OVC Active
16 00010000 65536 Live Zero Error (A2) reserved Live Zero Error (W2) AC Brake
17 00020000 131072 Internal Fault (A38) KTY error 10V Low (W1) KTY Warn Password Timelock
18 00040000 262144 Brake Overload (A26) Fans error Brake Overload (W26) Fans Warn Password Protection
19 00080000 524288 U phase Loss (A30) ECB error Brake Resistor (W25) ECB Warn
20 00100000 1048576 V phase Loss (A31) reserved Brake IGBT (W27) reserved
21 00200000 2097152 W phase Loss (A32) reserved Speed Limit (W49) reserved
22 00400000 4194304 Fieldbus Fault (A34) reserved Fieldbus Fault (W34) reserved Unused
23 00800000 8388608 24 V Supply Low (A47) reserved 24V Supply Low (W47) reserved Unused
24 01000000 16777216 Mains Failure (A36) reserved Mains Failure (W36) reserved Unused
25 02000000 33554432 1.8V Supply Low (A48) reserved Current Limit (W59) reserved Unused
26 04000000 67108864 Brake Resistor (A25) reserved Low Temp (W66) reserved Unused
27 08000000 134217728 Brake IGBT (A27) reserved Voltage Limit (W64) reserved Unused
28 10000000 268435456 Option Change (A67) reserved Encoder loss (W90) reserved Unused
29 20000000 536870912 Drive Initialized(A80) Feedback Fault Feedback Fault (W61, W90) Unused
(A61, A90)
30 40000000 1073741824 Safe Stop (A68) PTC 1 Safe Stop Safe Stop (W68) PTC 1 Safe Unused
(A71) Stop (W71)
31 80000000 2147483648 Mech. brake low (A63) Dangerous Failure Extended Status Word Unused

Table 5.2: Description of Alarm Word, Warning Word and Extended Status Word

192 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Troubleshooting FC 300 Programming Guide

The alarm words, warning words and extended status words Alarm/warning limits:
can be read out via serial bus or optional fieldbus for 3 x 200 - 240 V 3 x 380 - 500 V 3 x 525 - 600 V
diagnose. See also par. 16-94 Ext. Status Word. [VDC] [VDC] [VDC]
WARNING 1, 10 Volts low: Undervoltage 185 373 532
The 10 V voltage from terminal 50 on the control card is below Voltage 205 410 585
10 V. warning low
Remove some of the load from terminal 50, as the 10 V supply Voltage 390/405 810/840 943/965
is overloaded. Max. 15 mA or minimum 590 Ω. warning high
(w/o brake - w/
WARNING/ALARM 2, Live zero error:
The signal on terminal 53 or 54 is less than 50% of the value
Overvoltage 410 855 975
set in par. 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage, par. 6-12 Terminal 53
Low Current, par. 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage, or
par. 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current respectively. The voltages stated are the intermediate circuit voltage of the 5 5
frequency converter with a tolerance of ± 5 %. The corresponding
WARNING/ALARM 3, No motor: mains voltage is the intermediate circuit voltage (DC-link) divided by
No motor has been connected to the output of the frequency 1.35
WARNING/ALARM 4, Mains phase loss: WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage:
A phase is missing on the supply side, or the mains voltage If the intermediate circuit voltage (DC) drops below the
imbalance is too high. “voltage warning low” limit (see table above), the frequency
This message also appears in case of a fault in the input rectifi- converter checks if 24 V backup supply is connected.
er on the frequency converter. If no 24 V backup supply is connected, the frequency convert-
Check the supply voltage and supply currents to the frequen- er trips after a given time depending on the unit.
cy converter. To check whether the supply voltage matches the frequency
WARNING 5, DC link voltage high: converter, see General Specifications.
The intermediate circuit voltage (DC) is higher than the WARNING/ALARM 9, Inverter overloaded:
overvoltage limit of the control system. The frequency The frequency converter is about to cut out because of an
converter is still active. overload (too high current for too long). The counter for
WARNING 6, DC link voltage low electronic, thermal inverter protection gives a warning at 98%
The intermediate circuit voltage (DC) is below the undervolt- and trips at 100%, while giving an alarm. You cannot reset the
age limit of the control system. The frequency converter is still frequency converter until the counter is below 90%.
active. The fault is that the frequency converter is overloaded by
more than 100% for too long.
WARNING/ALARM 7, DC over voltage:
If the intermediate circuit voltage exceeds the limit, the WARNING/ALARM 10, Motor ETR over temperature:
frequency converter trips after a time. According to the electronic thermal protection (ETR), the
motor is too hot. You can choose if you want the frequency
Possible corrections:
converter to give a warning or an alarm when the counter
Connect a brake resistor
reaches 100% in par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection. The fault is
Extend the ramp time that the motor is overloaded by more than 100% for too long.
Activate functions in par. 2-10 Brake Function Check that the motor par. 1-24 Motor Current is set correctly.

Increase par. 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault WARNING/ALARM 11, Motor thermistor over temp:
The thermistor or the thermistor connection is disconnected.
You can choose if you want the frequency converter to give a
warning or an alarm when the counter reaches 100% in
par. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection. Check that the thermistor
is connected correctly between terminal 53 or 54 (analog
voltage input) and terminal 50 (+ 10 V supply), or between
terminal 18 or 19 (digital input PNP only) and terminal 50. If
aKTY sensoris used, check for correct connection between
terminal 54 and 55.
WARNING/ALARM 12, Torque limit:
The torque is higher than the value in par. 4-16 Torque Limit
Motor Mode (in motor operation) or the torque is higher than
the value in par. 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode (in regener-
ative operation).

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Troubleshooting FC 300 Programming Guide

WARNING/ALARM 13, Over Current: than 90%. If Trip [2] has been selected in par. 2-13 Brake Power
The inverter peak current limit (approx. 200% of the rated Monitoring, the frequency converter cuts out and issues this
current) is exceeded. The warning will last approx. 8-12 sec., alarm, when the dissipated braking power is higher than
then the frequency converter trips and issues an alarm. Turn 100%.
off the frequency converter and check if the motor shaft can
WARNING/ALARM 27, Brake chopper fault:
be turned and if the motor size matches the frequency
The brake transistor is monitored during operation and if it
short-circuits, the brake function disconnects and the warning
If extended mechanical brake control is selected, trip can be
comes up. The frequency converter is still able to run, but
reset externally.
since the brake transistor has short-circuited, substantial
ALARM 14, Earth fault: power is transmitted to the brake resistor, even if it is inactive.
There is a discharge from the output phases to earth, either in Turn off the frequency converter and remove the brake
the cable between the frequency converter and the motor or resistor.
5 5 in the motor itself. This alarm/ warning could also occur should the brake resistor
Turn off the frequency converter and remove the earth fault. overheat. Terminal 104 to 106 are available as brake resistor.
Klixon inputs, see section Brake Resistor Temperature Switch.
ALARM 15, Incomplete hardware:
A fitted option is not handled by the present control board CAUTION
(hardware or software). Warning: There is a risk of substantial power being
ALARM 16, Short-circuit transmitted to the brake resistor if the brake transistor is
There is short-circuiting in the motor or on the motor short-circuited.
Turn off the frequency converter and remove the short-circuit. WARNING/ALARM 28, Brake check failed:
Brake resistor fault: the brake resistor is not connected/
WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word timeout:
There is no communication to the frequency converter.
The warning will only be active when par. 8-04 Control Word ALARM 29, Drive over temperature:
Timeout Function is NOT set to OFF. If the enclosure is IP 20 or IP 21/Type 1, the cut-out tempera-
If par. 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function is set to Stop and ture of the heat-sink is 95 ºC +5 ºC. The temperature fault
Trip, a warning appears and the frequency converter ramps cannot be reset, until the temperature of the heatsink is below
down until it trips, while giving an alarm. 70 ºC +5 ºC.
Par. 8-03 Control Word Timeout Time could possibly be The fault could be:
increased. - Ambient temperature too high
WARNING/ALARM 22, Hoist Mechanical Brake: - Too long motor cable
Report value will show what kind it is. 0 = The torque ref. was
not reached before timeout. 1 = There was no brake feedback ALARM 30, Motor phase U missing:
before timeout. Motor phase U between the frequency converter and the the
motor is missing.
WARNING 23, Internal fan fault: Turn off the frequency converter and check motor phase U.
The fan warning function is an extra protection function that
checks if the fan is running / mounted. The fan warning can be ALARM 31, Motor phase V missing:
disabled in par. 14-53 Fan Monitor (set to [0] Disabled). Motor phase V between the frequency converter and the
motor is missing.
WARNING 24, External fan fault: Turn off the frequency converter and check motor phase V.
The fan warning function is an extra protection function that
checks if the fan is running / mounted. The fan warning can be ALARM 32, Motor phase W missing:
disabled in par. 14-53 Fan Monitor (set to [0] Disabled). Motor phase W between the frequency converter and the
motor is missing.
WARNING 25, Brake resistor short-circuited: Turn off the frequency converter and check motor phase W.
The brake resistor is monitored during operation. If it short-
circuits, the brake function is disconnected and the warning ALARM 33, Inrush fault:
appears. The frequency converter still works, but without the Too many power ups have occured within a short time period.
brake function. Turn off the frequency converter and replace See the chapter General Specifications for the allowed number
the brake resistor (see par. 2-15 Brake Check). of power ups within one minute.

WARNING/ALARM 26, Brake resistor power limit: WARNING/ALARM 34, Fieldbus communication fault:
The power transmitted to the brake resistor is calculated as a The fieldbus on the communication option card is not working
percentage, as a mean value over the last 120 s, on the basis of correctly. Please check parameters associated with the module
the resistance value of the brake resistor (par. 2-11 Brake and make sure module is properly inserted in Slot A of the
Resistor (ohm)) and the intermediate circuit voltage. The drive. Check the wiring for fieldbus.
warning is active when the dissipated braking power is higher

194 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Troubleshooting FC 300 Programming Guide

WARNING/ALARM 36, Mains failure: 3072- Parameter value is outside its limits. Perform a initialization.
This warning/alarm is only active if the supply voltage to the 5122 Parameter number causing the alarm: Subtract the code
frequency converter is lost and par. 14-10 Mains Failure is NOT from 3072. Ex Error code 3238: 3238-3072 = 166 is outside
set to OFF. Possible correction: check the fuses to the frequen- the limit
cy converter 5123 Option in slot A: Hardware incompatible with Control board
ALARM 37, Phase imbalance: hardware
There is a current imbalance between the power units 5124 Option in slot B: Hardware incompatible with Control board
ALARM 38, Internal fault:
5125 Option in slot C0: Hardware incompatible with Control
By this alarm it may be necessary to contact your Danfoss
board hardware
supplier. Some typical alarm messages:
5126 Option in slot C1: Hardware incompatible with Control
board hardware
0 The serial port cannot be initialized. Serious hardware
failure 5376- Out of memory 5 5
256 The power EEPROM data is defect or too old 6231
512 The control board EEPROM data is defect or too old
513 Communication time out Reading EEPROM data ALARM 39, Heatsink sensor
514 Communication time out Reading EEPROM data No feedback from the heatsink temperature sensor.
515 The Application Orientated Control cannot recognize the The signal from the IGBT thermal sensor is not available on the
EEPROM data power card. The problem could be on the power card, on the
516 Cannot write write to the EEPROM because a write gate drive card, or the ribbon cable between the power card
command is on progress and gate drive card.
517 The write command is under time out
WARNING 40, Overload of Digital Output Terminal 27
518 Failure in the EEPROM Check the load connected to terminal 27 or remove short-
519 Missing or invalid BarCode data in EEPROM 1024 – 1279 circuit connection. Check par. 5-00 Digital I/O Mode and
CAN telegram cannot be sent. (1027 indicate a possible par. 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode.
hardware failure)
WARNING 41, Overload of Digital Output Terminal 29:
1281 Digital Signal Processor flash time-out
Check the load connected to terminal 29 or remove short-
1282 Power micro software version mismatch
circuit connection. Check par. 5-00 Digital I/O Mode and
1283 Power EEPROM data version mismatch
par. 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode.
1284 Cannot read Digital Signal Processor software version
1299 Option SW in slot A is too old WARNING 42, Overload of Digital Output On X30/6 :
1300 Option SW in slot B is too old Check the load connected to X30/6 or remove short-circuit
connection. Check par. 5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out (MCB 101).
1311 Option SW in slot C0 is too old
1312 Option SW in slot C1 is too old WARNING 42, Overload of Digital Output On X30/7 :
1315 Option SW in slot A is not supported (not allowed) Check the load connected to X30/7 or remove short-circuit
1316 Option SW in slot B is not supported (not allowed) connection. Check par. 5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB 101).
1317 Option SW in slot C0 is not supported (not allowed) ALARM 45, Earth fault 2:
1318 Option SW in slot C1 is not supported (not allowed) There is a discharge from the output phases to earth, either in
1536 An exception in the Application Orientated Control is the cable between the frequency converter and the motor or
registered. Debug information written in LCP in the motor itself.Turn off the frequency converter and
1792 DSP watchdog is active. Debugging of power part data remove the earth fault. This alarm is detected under the start-
Motor Orientated Control data not transferred correctly up test sequence.
2049 Power data restarted ALARM 46, Power card supply
2315 Missing SW version from power unit The supply on the power card is out of range.
2816 Stack overflow Control board module
There are three power supplies generated by the switch mode
2817 Scheduler slow tasks
power supply (SMPS) on the power card: 24 V, 5V, +/- 18V.
2818 Fast tasks
When powered with 24 VDC with the MCB 107 option, only
2819 Parameter thread
the 24 V and 5 V supplies are monitored. When powered with
2820 LCP stack overflow three phase mains voltage, all three supplied are monitored.
2821 Serial port overflow
WARNING 47, 24 V supply low:
2822 USB port overflow
The external 24 V DC backup power supply may be overloa-
ded, otherwise Contact your Danfoss supplier.
WARNING 48, 1.8 V supply low:
Contact your Danfoss supplier.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 195

Troubleshooting FC 300 Programming Guide

WARNING 49, Speed limit: ALARM 63, Mechanical Brake Low:

The speed is not within the specified range in par. 4-11 Motor The actual motor current has not exceeded the “release brake”
Speed Low Limit [RPM] and par. 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit current within the “Start delay” time window.
[RPM]. WARNING 64, Voltage Limit:
ALARM 50, AMA calibration failed: The load and speed combination demands a motor voltage
The motor is not suitable for the particular size of drive. Start higher than the actual DC link voltage.
the AMA procedure once again by par. 1-29 Automatic Motor
WARNING/ALARM/TRIP 65, Control Card Over Temperature:
Adaptation (AMA), eventually with a reduced AMA function. If Control card over temperature: The cut-out temperature of
still failing; check the motor data.
the control card is 80° C.
ALARM 51, AMA check Unom and Inom:
WARNING 66, Heatsink Temperature Low:
The setting of motor voltage, motor current, and motor power The heat sink temperature is measured as 0° C. This could
5 5 is presumably wrong. Check the settings. indicate that the temperature sensor is defect and thus the fan
ALARM 52, AMA low Inom: speed is increased to the maximum in case the power part or
The motor current is too low. Check the settings. control card is very hot.
ALARM 53, AMA motor too big: ALARM 67, Option Configuration has Changed:
The motor is too big for the AMA to be carried out. One or more options has either been added or removed since
the last power down.
ALARM 54, AMA motor too small:
The motor is too small for the AMA to be carried out. ALARM 68, Safe Stop:
Safe Stop has been activated. To resume normal operation,
ALARM 55, AMA par. out of range:
apply 24 V DC to T-37. Press reset button on LCP.
The motor parameter values found from the motor are outside
acceptable range. WARNING 68, Safe Stop:
Safe Stop has been activated. Normal operation is resumed
ALARM 56, AMA interrupted by user:
when Safe Stop is disabled. Warning: Automatic Restart!
The AMA has been interrupted by the user.
ALARM 69, Power card temperature
ALARM 57, AMA timeout:
The temperature sensor on the power card is either too hot or
Try to start the AMA again a number of times, until the AMA is
too cold.
carried out. Please note that repeated runs may heat the
motor to a level where the resistance Rs and Rr are increased. Troubleshooting:
In most cases, however, this is not critical. Check the operation of the door fans.
ALARM 58, AMA internal fault: Check that the filters for the door fans are not
Contact your Danfoss supplier. blocked.
WARNING 59, Current limit: Check that the gland plate is properly installed on IP
The current is higher than the value in par. 4-18 Current 21 and IP 54 (NEMA 1 and NEMA 12) drives.
Limit. ALARM 70, Illegal FC Configuration:
WARNING 60, External interlock Actual combination of control board and power board is
External interlock has been activated. To resume normal illegal.
operation, apply 24 V DC to the terminal programmed for ALARM 71, PTC 1 Safe Stop:
external interlock and reset the frequency converter (via serial Safe Stop has been activated from the MCB 112 PTC Thermis-
communication, digital I/O, or by pressing reset button on tor Card (motor too warm). Normal operation can be resumed
keypad). when the MCB 112 applies 24 V DC to T-37 again (when the
WARNING/ALARM 61, Feedback Error: motor temperature reaches an acceptable level) and when the
An error between calculated speed and speed measurement Digital Input from the MCB 112 is deactivated. When that
from feedback device. The function Warning/Alarm/Disabling happens, a reset signal must be is be sent (via Bus, Digital I/O,
setting is in par. 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function. Accepted or by pressing [RESET]).
error setting in par. 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error and the WARNING 71, PTC 1 Safe Stop:
allowed time the error occur setting in par. 4-32 Motor
Safe Stop has been activated from the MCB 112 PTC Thermis-
Feedback Loss Timeout. During a commissioning procedure the tor Card (motor too warm). Normal operation can be resumed
function may be effective. when the MCB 112 applies 24 V DC to T-37 again (when the
WARNING 62, Output Frequency at Maximum Limit: motor temperature reaches an acceptable level) and when the
The output frequency is higher than the value set in Digital Input from the MCB 112 is deactivated. Warning:
par. 4-19 Max Output Frequency. This is a warning in VVCplus Automatic Restart.
mode and an alarm (trip) in Flux mode.

196 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Troubleshooting FC 300 Programming Guide

ALARM 72, Dangerous Failure: ALARM 79, Illegal power section configuration
Safe Stop with Trip Lock. The Dangerous Failure Alarm is The scaling card is the incorrect part number or not installed.
issued if the combination of safe stop commands is unexpec- Also MK102 connector on the power card could not be instal-
ted. This is the case if the MCB 112 VLT PTC Thermistor Card led.
enables X44/ 10 but safe stop is somehow not enabled.
ALARM 80, Drive Initialised to Default Value:
Furthermore, if the MCB 112 is the only device using safe stop
Parameter settings are initialised to default setting after a
(specified through selection [4] or [5] in par. 5-19), an unexpec-
manual (three-finger) reset.
ted combination is activation of safe stop without the X44/ 10
being activated. The following table summarizes the unexpec- ALARM 81, CSIV corrupt:
ted combinations that lead to Alarm 72. Note that if X44/ 10 is CSIV file has syntax errors.
activated in selection 2 or 3, this signal is ignored! However, ALARM 82, CSIV parameter error:
the MCB 112 will still be able to activate Safe Stop. CSIV failed to init a parameter.

Function No. X44/ 10 (DI) Safe Stop T37 ALARM 85, Dang fail PB: 5 5
Profibus/Profisafe Error.
ALARM 86, Dang fail DI:
PTC 1 Warning [4] + - Sensor Error.
- +
ALARM 90, Feedback Monitor:
PTC 1 Alarm [5] + - Check the connection to encoder/ resolver option and eventu-
- + ally replace the MCB 102or MCB 103.
PTC 1 & Relay A [6] + -
ALARM 91, Analogue Input 54 Wrong Settings:
PTC 1 & Relay W [7] + -
Switch S202 has to be set in position OFF (voltage input) when
PTC 1 & RelayA/ W [8] + -
a KTY sensor is connected to analogue input terminal 54.
PTC 1 & Relay W/A [9] + -
ALARM 243, Brake IGBT
This alarm is only for F Frame drives. It is equivalent to Alarm
+ = activated
27. The report value in the alarm log indicates which power
- = Not activated
module generated the alarm:
WARNING 73, Safe stop auto restart
Safe stopped. Note that with automatic restart enabled, the 1 = left most inverter module.
motor may start when the fault is cleared. 2 = middle inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
WARNING 76, Power Unit Setup 2 = right inverter module in F1 or F3 drive.
The required number of power units does not match the
3 = right inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
detected number of active power units.
5 = rectifier module.
When replacing an F-frame module, this will occur if the ALARM 244, Heatsink temperature
power specific data in the module power card does not match This alarm is only for F Frame drives. It is equivalent to Alarm
the rest of the drive. Please confirm the spare part and its 29. The report value in the alarm log indicates which power
power card are the correct part number. module generated the alarm:
WARNING 77, Reduced power mode: 1 = left most inverter module.
This warning indicates that the drive is operating in reduced 2 = middle inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
power mode (i.e. less than the allowed number of inverter
sections). This warning will be generated on power cycle when 2 = right inverter module in F1 or F3 drive.
the drive is set to run with fewer inverters and will remain on. 3 = right inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
ALARM 78, Tracking Error: 5 = rectifier module.
The difference between set point value and actual value has
ALARM 245, Heatsink sensor
exceeded the value in par. 4-35 Tracking Error. Disable the
This alarm is only for F Frame drives. It is equivalent to Alarm
function by par. 4-34 Tracking Error Function or select an
39. The report value in the alarm log indicates which power
alarm/warning also in par. 4-34 Tracking Error Function. Investi-
module generated the alarm:
gate the mechanics around the load and motor, Check
feedback connections from motor – encoder – to drive. Select 1 = left most inverter module.
motor feedback function in par. 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss 2 = middle inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
Function. Adjust tracking error band in par. 4-35 Tracking Error
2 = right inverter module in F1 or F3 drive.
and par. 4-37 Tracking Error Ramping.
3 = right inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
5 = rectifier module.

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 197

Troubleshooting FC 300 Programming Guide

ALARM 246, Power card supply

This alarm is only for F Frame drives. It is equivalent to Alarm
46. The report value in the alarm log indicates which power
module generated the alarm:
1 = left most inverter module.
2 = middle inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
2 = right inverter module in F1 or F3 drive.
3 = right inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
5 = rectifier module.
ALARM 247, Power card temperature
5 5 This alarm is only for F Frame drives. It is equivalent to Alarm
69. The report value in the alarm log indicates which power
module generated the alarm:
1 = left most inverter module.
2 = middle inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
2 = right inverter module in F1 or F3 drive.
3 = right inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
5 = rectifier module.
ALARM 248, Illegal power section configuration
This alarm is only for F Frame drives. It is equivalent to Alarm
79. The report value in the alarm log indicates which power
module generated the alarm:
1 = left most inverter module.
2 = middle inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
2 = right inverter module in F1 or F3 drive.
3 = right inverter module in F2 or F4 drive.
5 = rectifier module.
ALARM 250, New Spare Part:
The power or Switch Mode Power Supply has been
exchanged. The frequency converter type code must be
restored in the EEPROM. Select the correct type code in
par. 14-23 Typecode Setting according to the label on unit.
Remember to select ‘Save to EEPROM’ to complete.
ALARM 251, New Type Code:
The Frequency Converter has got a new type code.

198 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Index FC 300 Programming Guide

Cabling 120
A CAN Protocol 10-00 114
Abbreviations 3
Capacitance Output Filter 14-56 140
AC brake Max. Current 2-16 49
Catch Up 69
Access To Main Menu W/o Password 0-61 32
Catch Up/slow Down Value 3-12 53
Access To Quick Menu W/o Password 0-66 33
Changed Parameters (1) 9-90 113
Activate Brake Delay 2-23 50
Changed Parameters (2) 9-91 113
[Activate Brake Speed Hz] 2-22 50
Changed Parameters (3) 9-92 113
[Activate Brake Speed Rpm] 2-21 50
Changed Parameters (5) 9-94 114
Active Set-up 0-10 25
Change-of-state 120
Actual Baud Rate 9-63 112
Changing A Group Of Numeric Data Values 19
Actual Typecode String 15-45 145
Changing A Text Value 19
Actual Value 9-07 108
Changing Data 19
Address 8-31 102
Clock Rate 17-25 152
AEO Minimum Magnetisation 14-41 139
Clockwise 42
Alarm Log 145
Clockwise Direction 1-06 35
Alarm Log: Time 15-32 145
Coasting 4, 14
Alarm Log: Value 15-31 145
Coasting Select 8-50 106
Alarm Messages 190
Comm. Option Stw 16-84 151
Alarm Word 100, 151
Communication Option 194
Alarm Word 2 16-91 151
Comparator Operand 13-10 124
Analog In X30/11 16-75 150
Comparator Operator 13-11 127
Analog In X30/12 16-76 150
Comparator Value 13-12 127
Analog Input 53 16-62 149
Configurable Control Word Ctw 8-14 102
Analog Input 54 16-64 149
Configuration 99, 101, 119
[Analog Input X48/2 Ma] 18-36 154
Configuration Mode 1-00 33
Analog Inputs 4
Control Cables 9
[Analog Out X30/8 Ma] 16-77 150
Control Card Temp. 16-39 148
[Analog Out X45/1 Ma] 16-78 150
Control Site 8-01 99
[Analog Out X45/3 Ma] 16-79 150
Control Word 16-00 146
[Analog Output 42 Ma] 16-65 149
Control Word 1 9-67 112
Analog Output Filter 6-55 89
Control Word Profile 8-10 101
Array Index 10-30 117
Control Word Source 8-02 99
[Auto On] Key On Lcp 0-42 31
Control Word Timeout Function 8-04 99
Automatic Motor Adaptation (ama) 1-29 36
Control Word Timeout Time 8-03 99
Automatic Restart Time 14-21 137
Cooling 44
COS Filter 1 10-20 117

B COS Filter 2 10-21 117

COS Filter 3 10-22 117
Back EMF at 1000 RPM 1-40 38
COS Filter 4 10-23 117
Baud Rate Select 10-01 114
Counter A 16-72 150
Brake Check 2-15 48
Counter B 16-73 150
Brake Check Condition 2-18 49
CSIV Filename 15-59 145
Brake Control 194
Current Fault Source 16-49 148
Brake Energy /2 Min 16-33 148
Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time 14-32 139
Brake Energy /s 16-32 148
Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time 14-31 139
Brake Function 2-10 47
Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain 14-30 139
Brake Power 5
Current Limit 4-18 63
Brake Power Limit (kw) 2-12 48
Custom Readout 16-09 146
Brake Power Monitoring 2-13 48
Custom Readout Max Value 0-32 31
Brake Release Time 2-25 51
Brake Resistor (ohm) 2-11 47, 156
Break-away Torque 4 D
Bus Controlled 84
Data Log Settings 142
Bus Error Count 8-81 107
D-axis Inductance (ld) 1-37 38, 156
Bus Jog 1 Speed 8-90 107
DC Brake Current 2-01 47
Bus Jog 2 Speed 8-91 107
[DC Brake Cut In Speed Hz] 2-04 47
Bus Message Count 8-80 107
[DC Brake Cut In Speed RPM] 2-03 47
Bus Password Access 0-67 33
DC Brake Select 8-52 106
[Bypass Speed From Hz] 4-61 67
DC Braking Time 2-02 47
[Bypass Speed From Rpm] 4-60 67
DC Hold Current 2-00 47
[Bypass Speed To Hz] 4-63 67
DC link 193
[Bypass Speed To Rpm] 4-62 67
DC Link Compensation 14-51 139
DC Link Voltage 16-30 148

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 199

Index FC 300 Programming Guide

Dead Time Compensation 14-06 134 Flying Start 1-73 42

Default Settings 1, 159 Flystart Test Pulses Current 1-58 40
Defined Parameters 15-92 146 Flystart Test Pulses Frequency 1-59 40
Defined Parameters (1) 9-80 113 Forward Open 120
Defined Parameters (2) 9-81 113 Freeze Output 4
Defined Parameters (3) 9-82 113 [Freq. Input #33 Hz] 16-68 150
Defined Parameters (4) 9-83 113 Frequency 16-13 147
Defined Parameters (5) 9-84 113 [Frequency %] 16-15 147
Definitions 4 Frequency Converter Ordering No 15-46 145
Device Identification 9-64 112 Frequency Converter Serial Number 15-51 145
Devicenet 114 Function At Mains Imbalance 14-12 136
Devicenet F Parameters 10-39 117 Function At Stop 1-80 43
Devicenet Revision 10-32 117 Function Relay 5-40 76
Diagnosis Trigger 8-07 100
Digi Pot Reference 16-53 149
Digital & Relay Bus Control 5-90 84
Digital I/o Mode 5-00 67 Gain Boost Factor 2-28 51

Digital Input 16-60 149 General Warning 3

Digital Input 2 18-60 154 Graphical Display 12

[Digital Output Bin] 16-66 150

Display Line 1.1 Small 0-20 27
Display Mode 15
[Hand On] Key On Lcp 0-40 31
Display Mode - Selection Of Read-outs 15
Heatsink Temp. 16-34 148
Display Text 1 0-37 31
High Speed Load Compensation 1-61 40
Display Text 2 0-38 31
[High Starting Torque Current %] 30-21 156
Display Text 3 0-39 31
[High Starting Torque Time S] 30-20 156
DO Identification 9-75 113
HIPERFACE Baudrate 17-34 152
Drive Identification 145
Historic Log 144
Historic Log: Event 15-20 144

E Historic Log: Time 15-22 144

Edit Set-up 0-11 25 Historic Log: Value 15-21 144

Electrical Terminals 8
Electronic Terminal Relay 44
Encoder Pulses 83
IGMP 120
Encoder Sim. Resolution 17-56 153
Incremental Encoder 148
End-of-timeout Function 8-05 99
Indexed Parameters 20
Environment 139
Indicator Lights 13
Estimated Cycle Time 8-34 102
Inductance Output Filter 14-57 140
Ethernet 118, 120
Infinitely Variable Change Of Numeric Data Value 20
Ethernet/ip 119
Initialisation 1
ETR 147, 193
Input Frequency 17-52 153
Ext. Status Word 16-94 151
Input Voltage 17-51 153
Ext. Status Word 2 16-95 151
Intermediate Circuit 193
External Reference 16-50 148
Inv. Max. Current 16-37 148
Inv. Nom. Current 16-36 148

F Inverter Thermal 16-35 148

Fan Control 14-52 139 Iron Loss Resistance (rfe) 1-36 38

Fan Monitor 14-53 140

Fault Code 9-45 111
Fault Level 14-90 141
Jog 4
Fault Log: Error Code 15-30 145
Jog Ramp Time 3-80 59
Fault Message Counter 9-44 111
[Jog Speed Hz] 3-11 53
Fault Number 9-47 112
[Jog Speed Rpm] 3-19 55
Fault Situation Counter 9-52 112
FC Port Baud Rate 8-32 102
FC Port CTW 1 16-85 151 K
FC Port REF 1 16-86 151 Kin. Backup Time Out 14-14 137
FC Type 15-40 145 KTY sensor 193
Feedback Direction 17-60 153 KTY sensor temperature 16-19 147
[Feedback RPM] 16-57 149 KTY Sensor Type 1-95 46
Feedback Signal Monitoring 17-61 153 KTY Thermistor Resource 1-96 46
[Feedback Unit] 16-52 149 KTY Threshold level 1-97 46
Fieldbus CTW 1 16-80 151 kWh Counter 15-02 142
Fieldbus REF 1 16-82 151
Flux Motor Feedback Source 1-02 34

200 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Index FC 300 Programming Guide

Motor Angle 16-20 147

Motor Angle Offset 1-41 38
L Motor Construction 1-10 35
Language 0-01 23 Motor Cont. Rated Torque 1-26 36
Language Package 1 23 Motor Control Principle 1-01 34
Language Package 2 23 Motor Cosphi 14-43 139
Language Package 3 23 Motor Current 1-24 36, 147
Language Package 4 23 Motor External Fan 1-91 44
LCP 20 Motor Feedback Loss Function 4-30 64
LCP Copy 0-50 32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout 4-32 64
LCP Id No 15-48 145 Motor Feedback Speed Error 4-31 64
LEDs 12 Motor Frequency 1-23 36
Leg. Ext. Status Word 14-74 140 Motor Magnetisation At Zero Speed 1-50 38
Live Zero Timeout Function 6-01 85 Motor Nominal Speed 1-25 36
Live Zero Timeout Time 6-00 85 Motor Poles 1-39 38
Load Type 1-67 41 [Motor Power Hp] 1-21 35
Local Control Keys 1 [Motor Power Kw] 1-20 35
Local Mode Configuration 1-05 35 Motor Protection 44
Local Reference 24 Motor Speed Direction 4-10 62
[Locked Rotor Detection Time S] 30-23 156 [Motor Speed High Limit Hz] 4-14 62
Locked Rotor Protection 30-22 156 [Motor Speed High Limit Rpm] 4-13 62
Logging Buffer Full 16-40 148 [Motor Speed Low Limit Hz] 4-12 62
Logging Interval 15-11 143 [Motor Speed Low Limit Rpm] 4-11 62
Logging Mode 15-13 143 Motor Speed Unit 0-02 24
Logging Source 15-10 142 Motor Status 147
Logic Rule Boolean 1 13-40 128 Motor Thermal 16-18 147
Logic Rule Boolean 2 13-42 129 Motor Thermal Protection 1-90 44
Logic Rule Boolean 3 13-44 130 Motor Voltage 1-22 36, 147
Logic Rule Operator 1 13-41 129 Multicast 121
Logic Rule Operator 2 13-43 130 My Personal Menu 0-25 30
Low Speed Load Compensation 1-60 40

M Net Control 10-15 116
MAC ID 10-02 114 Net Reference 10-14 116
[Main Actual Value %] 16-05 146 Network 118, 119, 120, 121
Main Menu 17 Node Address 9-18 109
Main Menu Mode 14, 19 Numerical Local Control Panel 20
Main Menu Password 0-60 32
Main Reactance 36
Main Reactance (xh) 1-35 38
Mains Failure 14-10 135 Off Delay, Relay 5-42 79

Mains Supply 6 [Off] Key On Lcp 0-41 31

Mains Voltage At Mains Fault 14-11 136 On Delay, Relay 5-41 79

Maintenance Word 16-96 151 On Reference Bandwidth 7-39 97

Max Inter-char Delay 8-37 102 Operating Hours 15-00 142

Max Output Frequency 4-19 63 Operating Mode 24

Max Response Delay 8-36 102 Operating State At Power-up (hand) 0-04 24

Maximum Inertia 1-69 41 Operation Mode 14-22 137

Maximum Limit 3-93 61 Option Detection 14-89 140

Maximum Reference 3-03 53 Option Ident. 146

MCB 113 72, 76, 91, 93 Option Mounted 15-60 146

MCB 114 157 Option Ordering No 15-62 146

[Min Speed For Function At Stop Hz] 1-82 43 Option Serial No 15-63 146

[Min Speed For Function At Stop Rpm] 1-81 43 Option Supplied By External 24vdc 14-80 140

[Min Speed Normal Magnetising Hz] 1-52 39 Option SW Version 15-61 146

[Min Speed Normal Magnetising Rpm] 1-51 39 Ordered Typecode String 15-44 145

Min Value Of User-defined Readout 0-31 31 Output Filter 14-55 140

Min. Current At Low Speed 1-66 41 Output Speed 42

Minimum AEO Frequency 14-42 139 Over Temp's 15-04 142

Minimum Inertia 1-68 41 Over Volt's 15-05 142

Minimum Limit 3-94 61 Overload Mode 1-04 35

Minimum Reference 3-02 52 Overmodulation 14-03 134

Minimum Response Delay 8-35 102 Over-voltage Control 2-17 49

Missing Motor Phase Function 4-58 66 Over-voltage Gain 2-19 49

Model Shift Frequency 1-53 39

Modified Parameters 15-93 146

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 201

Index FC 300 Programming Guide

Profidrive OFF3 Select 8-58 107

Profile Number 9-65 112
P Programming Set-up 9-70 112
Parameter Access 117 Protection Mode 7
Parameter Edit 9-27 111 Protocol 8-30 102
Parameter Info 146 Protocol Selection 17-20 152
Parameter Metadata 15-99 146 Pulse Filter Time Constant #29 5-54 80
Parameter Selection 19 Pulse Filter Time Constant #33 5-59 81
Parameter Set-up 17 [Pulse Input #29 Hz] 16-67 150
Parameters For Signals 8-41 103, 110 Pulse Out #27 Bus Control 5-93 84
Parity / Stop Bits 8-33 102 Pulse Out #27 Timeout Preset 5-94 84
PCD Feed Forward 7-48 98 Pulse Out #29 Bus Control 5-95 84
PCD read configuration 8-43 105, 108 Pulse Out #29 Timeout Preset 5-96 84
PCD write configuration 8-42 104, 108 Pulse Out #x30/6 Bus Control 5-97 84
Poles 17-50 153 Pulse Out #x30/6 Timeout Preset 5-98 84
Port Mirroring 12-96 121 [Pulse Output #27 Hz] 16-69 150
Potentiometer Reference 11 [Pulse Output #29 Hz] 16-70 150
Power Card Ordering No 15-47 145 Pulse Output Max Freq #27 5-62 82
Power Card Serial Number 15-53 145 Pulse Output Max Freq #29 5-65 82
[Power Hp] 16-11 147 Pulse Output Max Freq #x30/6 5-68 82
[Power kW] 16-10 147 Pulse Reference 16-51 148
Power Restore 3-92 61 Pulse Start/stop 10
Power Section 15-41 145 PWM Random 14-04 134
Power Up's 15-03 142
Prec. Stop Counter 16-74 150
Precise Stop Counter Value 1-84 43
Precise Stop Function 1-83 43 Quick Menu 13, 17

Precise Stop Speed Compensation Delay 1-85 44 Quick Menu Mode 13, 17

Preset Reference 3-10 53 Quick Menu Password 0-65 33

Preset Reference Select 8-56 107 Quick Stop Ramp Time 3-81 60

Preset Relative Reference 3-14 54 Quick Stop Ramp Type 3-82 60

Process CL Feedback 1 Resource 7-20 96 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio At Decel. End 3-84 60

Process CL Feedback 2 Resource 7-22 96 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio At Decel. Start 3-83 60

Process Control 9-28 111 Quick Transfer Of Parameter Settings Between Multiple Frequency Converters 15

Process Data Config Read 10-12 115

Process Data Config Write 10-11 114
Process Data Type Selection 10-10 114
Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time 3-42 56
Process PID Anti Windup 7-31 96
Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time 3-41 56
Process PID Clamped Output 18-92 154
Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio At Accel. End 3-46 56
Process PID Diff. Gain Limit 7-36 97
Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio At Accel. Start 3-45 56
Process PID Differentiation Time 7-35 97
Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio At Decel. End 3-48 56
Process PID Error 18-90 154
Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio At Decel. Start 3-47 56
Process PID Extended PID 7-50 98
Ramp 1 Type 3-40 56
Process PID Fb. Filter Time 7-57 98
Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time 3-52 57
Process PID Feed Forward Factor 7-38 97
Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time 3-51 57
Process PID Feed Fwd Gain 7-51 98
Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio At Accel. End 3-56 57
Process PID Feed Fwd Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. 7-46 98
Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio At Accel. Start 3-55 57
Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp down 7-53 98
Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio At Decel. End 3-58 57
Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp up 7-52 98
Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio At Decel. Start 3-57 57
Process PID Feed Fwd Resource 7-45 98
Ramp 2 Type 3-50 57
Process PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref. 7-44 97
Ramp 3 Ramp Down Time 3-62 58
Process PID Gain Scale at Min. Ref. 7-43 97
Ramp 3 Ramp Up Time 3-61 58
Process PID Gain Scaled Output 18-93 154
Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio At Accel. End 3-66 58
Process PID Integral Time 7-34 97
Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio At Accel. Start 3-65 58
Process PID I-part Reset 7-40 97
Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio At Decel. End 3-68 58
Process PID Normal/ Inverse Control 7-30 96
Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio At Decel. Start 3-67 58
Process PID Output 18-91 154
Ramp 3 Type 3-60 57
Process PID Output Neg. Clamp 7-41 97
Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time 3-72 59
Process PID Output Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. 7-49 98
Ramp 4 Ramp Up Time 3-71 59
Process PID Output Pos. Clamp 7-42 97
Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio At Accel. End 3-76 59
Process PID Proportional Gain 7-33 97, 156
Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio At Accel. Start 3-75 59
Process PID Ref. Filter Time 7-56 98
Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio At Decel. End 3-78 59
Process PID Start Speed 7-32 97
Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio At Decel. Start 3-77 59
Profibus Save Data Values 9-71 113
Ramp 4 Type 3-70 58
Profibus Warning Word 9-53 112
Ramp Delay 3-95 61
Profibusdrivereset 9-72 113
Ramp Time 3-91 61
Profidrive OFF2 Select 8-57 107

202 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

Index FC 300 Programming Guide

Rated Motor Speed 4 Speed PID Integral Time 7-03 94

RCD 5 Speed PID Lowpass Filter Time 7-06 95
Readout Bus Off Counter 10-07 114 Speed PID Proportional Gain 7-02 94, 156
Readout Filtering 8-08 100 [Speed RPM] 16-17 147
Readout Receive Error Counter 10-06 114 Speed Up/down 10
Readout Transmit Error Counter 10-05 114 SSI Data Format 17-26 152
Readout: Edit Set-ups / Channel 0-14 26 SSI Data Length 17-24 152
Readout: Linked Set-ups 0-13 26 Stall Protection 14-35 139
Reference 119 Start Current 1-76 43
[Reference %] 16-02 146 Start Delay 42
Reference Function 3-04 53 Start Event 13-01 122
Reference Range 3-00 52 Start Function 42
Reference Resource 1 3-15 54 Start Select 8-53 106
Reference Resource 2 3-16 54 [Start Speed Hz] 1-75 43
Reference Resource 3 3-17 54 [Start Speed Rpm] 1-74 42
Reference Site 3-13 54 Start/stop 9
[Reference Unit] 16-01 146 Stator Leakage Reactance 36
Reference/feedback Unit 3-01 52 Stator Leakage Reactance (x1) 1-33 37
Regional Settings 0-03 24 Stator Resistance (rs) 1-30 37
Relative Scaling Reference Resource 3-18 55 Status 13
[Relay Output Bin] 16-71 150 Status Messages 12
Relay Outputs 72 Status Word 16-03 146
Release Brake Current 2-20 50 Status Word 1 9-68 112
Reset 14 Step Size 3-90 61
Reset Control Word Timeout 8-06 100 Step-by-step 20
Reset kWh Counter 15-06 142 Stop Delay 2-24 50
Reset Mode 14-20 137 Stop Event 13-02 123
Reset Running Hours Counter 15-07 142 Store Always 10-33 117
Reset SLC 13-03 124 Store Data Values 10-31 117
[Reset] Key On Lcp 0-43 32 SW ID Control Card 15-49 145
Resolution (Positions/Rev) 17-21 152 SW ID Power Card 15-50 145
Resolution (PPR) 17-11 152 Switching Frequency 14-01 134
Resolver Interface 17-59 153 Switching Pattern 14-00 134
Resonance Dampening 1-64 41 Synchronous Motor Speed 4
Resonance Dampening Time Constant 1-65 41
Reversing Select 8-54 106
RFI Filter 14-50 139
Rotor Leakage Reactance (x2) 1-34 37 Telegram Selection 8-40 102, 109

Rotor Resistance (rr) 1-31 37 Temp. Input X48/10 18-39 154

Running Hours 15-01 142 Temp. Input X48/4 18-37 154

Temp. Input X48/7 18-38 154
Temperature Sensor Alarm Function 35-06 157
S Term 32/33 Encoder Direction 5-71 83
Safety Precautions 6 Term 32/33 Pulses Per Revolution 5-70 83
Samples Before Trigger 15-14 143 Term X30/6 Digi Out (mcb 101) 5-32 75
Screened/armoured 9 Term X30/7 Digi Out (mcb 101) 5-33 75
Serial Communication 4 Term. 29 High Frequency 5-51 80
Service Code 14-29 138 Term. 29 High Ref./feedb. Value 5-53 80
Setpoint 9-00 108 Term. 29 Low Frequency 5-50 80
Set-up Copy 0-51 32 Term. 29 Low Ref./feedb. Value 5-52 80
Set-up Select 8-55 106 Term. 33 High Frequency 5-56 80
Signal Type 17-10 152 Term. 33 High Ref./feedb. Value 5-58 81
SL Controller Action 13-52 132 Term. 33 Low Frequency 5-55 80
SL Controller Event 13-51 131 Term. 33 Low Ref./feedb. Value 5-57 81
SL Controller Mode 13-00 122 Term. X30/11 Filter Time Constant 6-36 87
SL Controller State 16-38 148 Term. X30/11 High Ref./feedb. Value 6-35 87
SL Controller Timer 13-20 128 Term. X30/11 Low Ref./feedb. Value 6-34 87
Slave Error Count 8-83 107 Term. X30/12 Filter Time Constant 6-46 87
Slave Messages Rcvd 8-82 107 Term. X30/12 High Ref./feedb. Value 6-45 87
Slip Compensation 1-62 41 Term. X30/12 Low Ref./feedb. Value 6-44 87
Slip Compensation Time Constant 1-63 41 Term. X48/10 Filter Time Constant 35-34 158
Software Version 15-43 145 Term. X48/10 High Temp. Limit 35-37 158
Speed PID Diff. Gain Limit 7-05 94 Term. X48/10 Input Type 35-05 157
Speed PID Differentiation Time 7-04 94 Term. X48/10 Low Temp. Limit 35-36 158
Speed PID Feed Forward Factor 7-08 96 Term. X48/10 Temp. Monitor 35-35 158
Speed PID Feedback Gear Ratio 7-07 96 Term. X48/10 Temp. Unit 35-04 157
Speed PID Feedback Source 7-00 94 Term. X48/2 Filter Time Constant 35-46 158

MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 203

Index FC 300 Programming Guide

Term. X48/2 High Current 35-43 158 Torque PI Proportional Gain 7-12 96
Term. X48/2 High Ref./feedb. Value 35-45 158 Torque Ramp Time 2-27 51
Term. X48/2 Low Current 35-42 158 Torque Ref 2-26 51
Term. X48/2 Low Ref./feedb. Value 35-44 158 Tracking Error 4-35 65
Term. X48/4 Filter Time Constant 35-14 157 Tracking Error After Ramping Timeout 4-39 65
Term. X48/4 High Temp. Limit 35-17 157 Tracking Error Function 4-34 64
Term. X48/4 Input Type 35-01 157 Tracking Error Ramping 4-37 65
Term. X48/4 Low Temp. Limit 35-16 157 Tracking Error Ramping Timeout 4-38 65
Term. X48/4 Temp. Monitor 35-15 157 Tracking Error Timeout 4-36 65
Term. X48/4 Temp. Unit 35-00 157 Transformation Ratio 17-53 153
Term. X48/7 Filter Time Constant 35-24 157 Trigger Event 15-12 143
Term. X48/7 High Temp. Limit 35-27 158 Trip Delay At Current Limit 14-24 138
Term. X48/7 Input Type 35-03 157 Trip Delay At Inverter Fault 14-26 138
Term. X48/7 Low Temp. Limit 35-26 158 Trip Delay At Torque Limit 14-25 138
Term. X48/7 Temp. Monitor 35-25 158 Trip Reset 137
Term. X48/7 Temp. Unit 35-02 157
Terminal 27 Mode 5-01 67
Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable 5-60 81
Terminal 29 Mode 5-02 67 U/f Characteristic - F 1-56 40

Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable 5-63 82 U/f Characteristic - U 1-55 40

Terminal 37 Safe Stop 5-19 71 Unit For User-defined Readout 0-30 30

Terminal 42 Output 6-50 88

Terminal 42 Output Bus Control 6-53 89
Terminal 42 Output Max Scale 6-52 89
Value 20
Terminal 42 Output Min Scale 6-51 89
Voltage 15-42 145
Terminal 42 Output Timeout Preset 6-54 89
Voltage Reduction In Fieldweakening 1-54 39
Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant 6-16 86
Voltage Reference Via A Potentiometer 11
Terminal 53 High Current 6-13 86
VT Level 14-40 139
Terminal 53 High Ref./feedb. Value 6-15 86
VVCplus 6
Terminal 53 High Voltage 6-11 85
Terminal 53 Low Current 6-12 85
Terminal 53 Low Ref./feedb. Value 6-14 86 W
Terminal 53 Low Voltage 6-10 85 Warning Current High 4-51 65
Terminal 53 Switch Setting 16-61 149 Warning Current Low 4-50 65
Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant 6-26 86 Warning Feedback High 4-57 66
Terminal 54 High Current 6-23 86 Warning Feedback Low 4-56 66
Terminal 54 High Ref./feedb. Value 6-25 86 Warning Parameter 10-13 116
Terminal 54 High Voltage 6-21 86 Warning Reference High 4-55 66
Terminal 54 Low Current 6-22 86 Warning Reference Low 4-54 66
Terminal 54 Low Ref./feedb. Value 6-24 86 Warning Speed High 4-53 66
Terminal 54 Low Voltage 6-20 86 Warning Speed Low 4-52 65
Terminal 54 Switch Setting 16-63 149 Warning Word 100, 151
Terminal X30/11 High Voltage 6-31 87 Warning Word 2 16-93 151
Terminal X30/11 Low Voltage 6-30 87 Warnings 190
Terminal X30/12 High Voltage 6-41 87 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaled 30-19 156
Terminal X30/12 Low Voltage 6-40 87 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaling Resource 30-03 155
Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable 5-66 82 [Wobble Delta Frequency %] 30-02 155
Terminal X30/8 Bus Control 6-63 91 [Wobble Delta Frequency Hz] 30-01 155
Terminal X30/8 Max. Scale 6-62 91 [Wobble Jump Frequency %] 30-05 155
Terminal X30/8 Min. Scale 6-61 91 [Wobble Jump Frequency Hz] 30-04 155
Terminal X30/8 Output 6-60 90 Wobble Jump Time 30-06 155
Terminal X30/8 Output Timeout Preset 6-64 91 Wobble Mode 30-00 154
Terminal X45/1 Output Min Scale, 6-71 92 Wobble Random Function 30-09 155
Terminal X45/3 Output Min Scale, 6-81 93 Wobble Random Ratio Max. 30-11 155
Thermal Load 38, 147 Wobble Random Ratio Min. 30-12 155
Thermistor 44 Wobble Ratio 30-10 155
Thermistor Source 1-93 46 Wobble Sequence Time 30-07 155
This Set-up Linked To 0-12 25 Wobble Up/ Down Time 30-08 155
[Torque %] 16-22 147
[Torque %] High Res. 16-21 147
Torque Characteristics 1-03 34
Torque Limit Factor Source 4-20 63
Torque Limit Generator Mode 4-17 63
Torque Limit Motor Mode 4-16 63
[Torque Nm] 16-16 147
[Torque Nm] High 16-25 148
Torque PI Integration Time 7-13 96

204 MG.33.M9.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

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