Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide

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Genesys Interactive Insights

User's Guide
Genesys Interactive Insights 8.5.0

Table of Contents
Genesys Interactive Insights 8.5 User's Guide 3
New In This Release 4
Licensing Restrictions 5
Managing the BI 4.1 Environment 6
Understanding Reports and Workspaces 10
Working With Reports in Web Intelligence 20
Understanding the Universe 27
Measure Names 30
Classification of Measures 32
Available Media Types 37
Source of Aggregated Information 39
Measure Maps 40
Media-Neutral Measure Mapping 41
Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports 43
Customizing Measure Definitions 44
Distinguishing Same-Named Queues 47
Creating Week-Level Reports 48
Using 15-Minute Aggregation 51
Removing Fields from Reports 53
Using Attached Data 54
Example - Product Line and Product 59
Changing the Forecast 73
Using Cascading Prompts 78
Reporting Outside the GMT Time Zone 83
Setting the Scope of Analysis 85
Troubleshooting Incompatibility 86
Managing Performance 91
Additional Resources 95
Genesys Interactive Insights 8.5 User's Guide

Genesys Interactive Insights 8.5 User's Guide

Welcome to the Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide. Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) provides reports that
summarize contact center activity and an entire universe of elements (the GI2_Universe) that support them.

This guide picks up where the Genesys Interactive Insights Deployment Guide leaves off. Begin to use this
document only after you have configured Genesys Info Mart 8.5 and its supporting applications to measure and
record contact center activity, installed and set up your BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (BI) 4.1
environment, and installed and imported the appropriate reports and universe. This document describes:

• how to manage the reports that are deployed with GI2,

• how to create or modify reports and the supporting universe elements using BI software,
• how universe elements are organized to paint a picture of contact center activity within your enterprise.

This document describes the 8.5.x release(s) of GI2. For other releases of GI2, visit the Genesys Customer Care
website, or request the Documentation Library DVD, which you can order by email from Genesys Order
Management at Genesys Order Management. GI2 8.5.x releases rely on BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
Platform (BI) 4.1, which provides functionality similar to that provided by BO XI 3.1 in releases 8.1.1 and earlier,
though the names of some applications, tools, and options differ.

BI 4.1 software
GI2 8.5.0 is powered by BI 4.1 software. This document does not describe in detail how to operate BI software,
because that information is provided in documentation provided by SAP. For more information about the operation
of BI Launch Pad, Web Intelligence, or the Design tools, refer to the BO/BI documentation, available from the
following sources:

• from the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Documentation CD,

• if you are a direct SAP customer, you can acquire the BusinessObjects documents from the SAP website,

• if you obtained BI software through Genesys, you can acquire BusinessObjects documents from this page on the SAP

Refer to the Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide for more information about GI2 universe elements and

Because you can customize the appearance and functionality of BI user interfaces, screens
shown in this guide might differ from what you see in your environment.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 3

Genesys Interactive Insights 8.5 User's Guide New In This Release

New In This Release

This section describes the changes that have been incorporated within this guide since the 8.5.0 release of GI2.

For information about what's new in the software, see the Genesys Interactive Insights Release Notes.

Genesys Interactive Insights

Added information about GI2 releases that are incompatible with BI 4.2.

Genesys Interactive Insights

This is the initial release of this new document.

Other Changes
Changes pertaining to the the deployment and localization of GI2 are described in the Genesys Interactive Insights
Deployment Guide. Also, refer to the Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide for information about the new
reports and other new universe elements that were introduced or updated within the 8.5.x releases.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 4

Genesys Interactive Insights 8.5 User's Guide Licensing Restrictions

Licensing Restrictions
GI2 and Genesys Info Mart licensing allow you to add third-party data to enrich the reporting and analysis of your
enterprise operations. You may use GI2, including the BI Web Intelligence component, to report on any Genesys
data sources. However, when reporting on non-Genesys data sources, GI2 reports must contain data from at least
one Genesys data source. The number of concurrent users who can operate BO software in your environment is
controlled by the number of GI2 seats that you have purchased. To obtain unrestricted licenses that enable you to
freely access data sources other than Genesys Info Mart, contact SAP.

GI2 8.5.0 is based on the Enterprise Edition of BI 4.1.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 5

Managing the BI 4.1 Environment Licensing Restrictions

Managing the BI 4.1 Environment

CMC Home Page

This page describes the BI environment. Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) is based on BI 4.1, which you manage
using the Central Management Console (CMC). The figure CMC Home Page shows the CMC home page, which
summarizes the tasks that administrators can perform with this tool.

CMC is a web-based application that you can use to control individual preferences. The BI Administrator must grant
permission for you to access the CMC.

Use BI software to perform the following key administrative tasks:

Managing Folders

Setting Folder Permissions Within CMC

BO software uses folders to organize repository documents. You control access to these folders and to specific
items within them by setting permissions. The figure Setting Folder Permissions Within CMC shows user security
permissions being invoked for a GI2 report.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 6

Managing the BI 4.1 Environment Licensing Restrictions

Release-specific subfolders of the Interactive Insights root folder house report and documentation
subfolders. This folder structure enables you to maintain any customizations that you applied to previous universes.
In this document (and other GI2 documentation) text references and screen shots might omit the release-specific

A BI 4.1 installation deploys many default folders—such as Administration Tools, Auditor, and Report
Samples—that are not used by GI2. As the BI administrator, you can hide these folders to avoid confusion. To hide
folders from select groups of users, apply no-access levels to those groups within the security profile of the folder’s
properties. Refer to the “Manually Setting Up GI2 Access Levels, Groups, and Permissions” section of the Genesys
Interactive Insights Deployment Guide for further details.

The Genesys Interactive Insights Deployment Guide instructs you to delete the root folder (Interactive
Insights) prior to redeploying GI2 or reimporting the same GI2 universe version. Before you delete this folder,
archive any custom reports that exist in the folder.

To prevent the installation routine from overwriting a preexisting universe (GI2_Universe), you must export the
universe to an LCMBIAR file using Promotion Management in CMC. When you customize reports, consider using a
storage location that minimizes the need to relocate these custom reports when new releases of GI2 become

Managing Servers
You can view and modify server settings and stop and start BI servers by using the CMC or Central Configuration
Manager. Use either tool to troubleshoot your BI environment when you cannot access the GI2 universe or reports.

A BI installation deploys a set of servers; in some cases you may not need all of them. If you choose to stop servers
you do not need, be sure to leave running all servers that are required by GI2. Refer to the Business Intelligence
Platform Administrator Guide for a description of the servers and how to manage them (see BO/BI documentation).

Stopping the Adaptive Processing Server by Using CMC

The figure Stopping the Adaptive Processing Server by Using CMC shows the process to stop an unused server
using the CMC. If you use BO functionality that requires these servers, such as scheduling reports or setting up
rules or events, make sure that you leave the required servers running. Refer to the Business Intelligence Platform
Administrator Guide for a description of the servers and how to manage them (see BO/BI documentation).

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 7

Managing the BI 4.1 Environment Licensing Restrictions

Managing Connections
The GI2 installation routine copies a database connection object (GI2_GIM_DB) when it imports the GI2 universe
into the BI repository. This connection is reserved for Genesys use; use or modify it only as directed. Refer to the
Genesys Interactive Insights Deployment Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to link the GI2 Universe to your
data source (your Info Mart database).

Managing the Universe

The BI 4.1 installation routine deploys several sample universes in the Universes root folder, including
eFashion, Monitoring TrendData, and Report Conversion Tool Audit. These universes are not used
by the GI2 reports, and you can ignore them. The installation routine deploys the GI2-specific universe
(GI2_Universe) in a release-specific subfolder of the Interactive Insights root folder. You control which
users have write access to the GI2_Universe by setting user permissions appropriately in CMC. Extend this
permission only to those users who need it; editing the universe can affect report results for all who receive them,
especially if the changes are imported back into the repository. The Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide
describes which measures of the GI2 universe are directly used in the GI2 reports.

BI 4.1 has no mechanism for tracking or reversing the changes made to a universe once it has
been imported into the BI repository.

Managing Users, Groups, and Access Levels

The insights.lcmbiar file, which is deployed during installation of GI2, includes the groups that are shown in
the following table and the corresponding access levels. To complete configuration, and make the various objects of
the GI2 repository available to other users in your contact center, you should set up BI accounts using the
identification information of the users. You can assign these users to the predefined Interactive Insights user groups
using the predefined access levels, or you can assign users to groups that you create with custom permissions. For
instructions on how to assign users in a BI environment, refer to the Business Intelligence Platform Installation
Guide for your specific operating system (see BO/BI documentation).

Interactive Insights User Groups

The following table describes the user groups that are available in GI2:

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 8

Managing the BI 4.1 Environment Licensing Restrictions

Group Summary
Interactive Insights report developers can create reports in
Web Intelligence from scratch, delete them, and edit and
view their underlying SQL. Report developers can also
Interactive Insights report developers
schedule reports for later running and distribution and
save them in other formats, such as PDF and Microsoft
Office Excel.
Interactive Insights report editors can modify existing
reports and copy them in order to create new reports.
Interactive Insights report editors However, they cannot create new reports within the GI2
universe in any other manner. Report editors can also
schedule reports and save results in other formats.
Interactive Insights report viewers can specify values at
the user prompts when they run the reports, view report
Interactive Insights report viewers results, and modify reports—however they cannot save
the modifications. Report viewers can also schedule
reports and save results in different formats.
Interactive Insights report basic users can see scheduled
Interactive Insights report basic and existing report instances. A user within this group,
however, cannot run reports or see the Details folder.
Interactive Insights access restrictions users can see only
certain data and reports. Users within this group have
Interactive Insights access restrictions their access to data restricted based on geography, line of
business, or organizational role. Specific data can also be
blocked (such as system objects).

For information about tasks not covered here, refer to the Business Intelligence Platform Administrator Guide for
additional information about working with Central Management Console (see BO/BI documentation).

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 9

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

Understanding Reports and Workspaces

This section helps you understand GI2 reports and BI Workspaces, how to work with them in Web Intelligence, and
how to customize them to suit your needs. The GI2 reports and BI Workspaces for Genesys Info Mart compile
contact center interaction activity and agent-summarized states for telephony and multimedia DNs. Agent-based
reports and workspaces do not contain data that summarizes virtual interactions, virtual agent activity, and
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) port activity. However, if IVRs are configured as handling resources in your
environment, data that pertains to IVR ports is included in the business attribute and interaction detail workspaces

About BI Workspaces

Managing Workspaces

BI Workspaces provide dashboard-like displays of one or more charts of contact center activity. Each workspace is
effectively a container for specially-designed reports. This release provides one customizable workspace, Call
Center Monitor, which is composed of the following reports, represented on four tabs:

• Accepted Performance— This tab links to the Interaction Traffic Report, displaying four charts.

• Agent Performance— This tab links to the Agent Summary Activity Report and the Agent Utilization Report, displaying
two charts and a table that summarizes each agent's call volume, utilization, and revenue.

• Business Result— This tab links to the Interaction Volume Customer Segment Report, displaying four charts.

[+] Read More About BI Workspaces

The workspace charts are designed using Web Intelligence, which is an application in the BusinessObjects (BO)
Business Intelligence Platform suite. Workspaces are stored in one subfolder: Workspaces.

For optimal viewing of the workspaces, set your screen resolution to a width of at least 1280 pixels.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 10

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

The figure Managing Workspaces shows the organization of the workspaces in the BI Workspaces folder and some
of the operations that you can perform within Web Intelligence.

The data in the workspaces represents a snapshot of the database at a given point in time; to view current data,
you must refresh the data (see Refreshing Data for related information on this topic). Also, consider scheduling
regular runs of the constituent reports, as the workspaces do not display the date range over which the reports were
run. Workspaces can display more than one chart from a single report, or can display charts from more than one
report. You can refresh the data in a workspace either from the workspace itself, or by running each report before
opening the workspace. When you refresh, the values that you specify at the user prompts apply only to the report
for which the user prompt was invoked, with one exception: any associated (hyperlinked) standalone report inherits
the prompt values from the called report only if these user prompts are populated.

About GI2 Reports

Managing Reports

The GI2 release for Genesys Info Mart 8.5 includes the following reports:

• 16 agent activity reports

• 7 queue activity reports

• 6 detail reports
• 2 callback reports

• 3 outbound contact reports

• 9 business attribute reports

All of these reports were designed using Web Intelligence. The reports use the hierarchies, classes, dimensions,
details, conditions (filters), measures, and prompts that are defined in the corresponding Interactive Insights
universe: GI2_Universe. The figure Managing Reports shows the organization of some of the reports in the
Agents folder and some of the operations that you can perform within Web Intelligence. To learn about performing
basic report operations, such as running and scheduling reports and printing, sharing, and exporting their results,
refer to the BO/BI documentation.

• [+] Common Elements of Design Across All Reports

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 11

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

Viewing Reports Using Web Intelligence (top half)

Viewing Reports Using Web Intelligence (bottom half)

When you view, run on-demand, or modify a report, the report opens in the Web Intelligence interface, as depicted in the figure Viewing Reports
Using Web Intelligence. As an administrator, you can configure permissions that determine whether Web Intelligence is available for each user and
which operations each user can perform.

Main and Description Tabs

Each report includes a User Prompt Input area, a Description tab (in most reports) that describes the report’s measures, and a Main tab (in
most reports) that contains one report. A few reports have a different design:

• The Agent Summary Activity Report provides 4 reports displayed on 4 main tabs (Active Time, % Active
Time, Interaction Time, and % Interaction Time).

• The Agent Utilization Report uses 2 main tabs (Customer and Consult).

• Instead of a main tab, the Business Executive Report provides 3 summary tabs (Business Result, Customer
Segment, and Service Type).

Main and Date Range Queries

If your user account has access permissions of an Interactive Insights Editor or Developer, the Edit button is available to you, and you can click
it to view and edit a report’s layout and underlying query.

Combined Query

Right-click a report, and choose Modify to edit the report. Select the Data Access tab, and on the Data Providers sub-tab, click Edit
(available only to Developer users), to open the Query Panel and show the report’s building blocks, (as shown in Cutaway of the Query Panel
for the Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report).

Most GI2 reports display the results of two queries, Main Query and Date Range Query. However, in order to achieve a particular end result, a
few reports incorporate a third (or fourth) query. Two reports—the Interaction Volume Service Type Trend and the Agent Details Activity
reports—use a combined query, as shown in the figure Combined Query.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 12

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

If you have to customize reports, make sure that you are working with the correct query when there is more than one.

Cutaway of the Query Panel for the Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report

The figure Cutaway of the Query Panel for the Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report shows the Main Query, the Date Range Query, and the
Total Not Ready Query of the Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report. Other reports that make use of three or more queries include the

• Agent Conduct Report

• Agent Interval Based Report

• Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report

• Agent Summary Activity Report

• Agent Wrap Report

• Business Metrics Executive Report

• Interaction Volume Summary Report

Summary Tabs

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 13

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

Summary Tab of the Interaction Volume Service Type Report

Many reports include one or more Summary tabs that highlight exceptional events that occur within your contact center or enterprise.
Depending on the report, these exceptions might be highlighted in one or more colors to enable you to focus quickly on highly productive or
problematic areas.

The figure Summary Tab of the Interaction Volume Service Type Report shows sample data on the Summary tab of the Interaction Volume
Service Type Report. With the exception of the Interaction Flow Report, none of the detail reports (found in the Details folder) include a
Summary tab.

• [+] What Zero Signifies

Whenever the underlying query for a GI2 report returns no rows, the report displays no data. For example, a query to retrieve activity for a particular
agent for a shift that the agent did not work returns no data. On rare occasions, Web Intelligence returns the message No data to retrieve
in Main Query.

Zero Values in the Speed of Accept Report

For those GI2 reports that do return rows, but in which a particular field is not applicable, the reports return a value of 0. For example, suppose that
all interactions for a particular day were accepted within the first four service time intervals that were defined for a tenant, but none were accepted
beyond the fourth interval. As a result, the Speed of Accept (seconds) Report—a portion of which is shown in the figure Zero Values in the Speed of
Accept Report—displays 0 values for the each of the fifth through tenth intervals.

The reports also return 0 for measures when the underlying database columns on which measures are based hold 0 values. Additionally, when a
report is based on a query that gathers data from more than one aggregation table, empty cells in reports are possible where other cells contain

For composite measures, such as percentages and averages, wherever a 0 count or 0 duration ensues, the reports display 0 for such measures.
The average duration of calls placed on hold, for instance, is 0 in the circumstances where either no calls were placed on hold during the interval, or
where the duration of held calls was 0 seconds (or a fraction of 1 second).

The custom reports that you create might behave differently depending on their design. Refer to BO/BI documentation for further information.

• [+] Printing Reports

GI2 reports are optimized for onscreen viewing, though where possible they are also designed to be legible when printed.

Some of the charts and tables that are presented on the Summary tabs of reports use background colors (for example, green, red, and yellow) to
summarize the information that is provided in the main report tab; these colors might be difficult to differentiate when the report is printed to a black-
and white printer.

Printing most reports requires tabloid-size paper (11"x17") and most reports are output with landscape orientation. Reports that contain a lot of data,
such as the Queue Summary and Agent Utilization reports, encroach the minimum margin space that is required for some printers. If you find that
your printed output is cropped at the margins, consider scaling down the report output to satisfy the minimum allowable margins for your printer.
Typically, you can accomplish this either by adjusting the settings in the Print dialog box of your printer driver, or through the Print Setup or Page
Setup menu items of the software application of the report output. As well, you can scale output with some of the supported BI output formats.
Consult the software documentation of your targeted output format to learn about its ability to scale, as well as the hardware documentation for your
specific printer for information about the minimum margin widths.

• [+] Personalizing Report Instances

Using the built-in features of BO, you can publish reports in a manner that limits the dataset that is exposed to report viewers when they open a
report instance. Do this by personalizing the dataset to a dynamic profile that is defined in the Central Management Console (CMC).

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 14

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

In addition to (or instead of) using the method described in this section, you can restrict user access to data using integrated,
role-based Data Access Restrictions, described in the Genesys Interactive Insights Deployment Guide.

Use the following procedures to personalize BI reports, restrict data access, and send reports (containing the selected data) by email.

The task of personalizing report instances begins with

the creation of one user profile within the Central
Management Server (CMS). Profiles work in
conjunction with publications to personalize the content
that users see. This sample profile will be
dynamic—classifying users and groups, based on the
user name that is issued to log in to BI LaunchPad.
However, you can create other types of profiles that are
based on other variables or on one or more fixed
To create a dynamic profile, perform the following steps:

1. Log in to CMC as an Administrator, and select


1. Creating a Dynamic Profile Within CMS.

Setting a Dynamic Profile Value

2. Click Manage > New > New Profile.

3. Enter a title and (optionally) a description for the
new profile, and click OK.

4. Open the profile and add a new profile value:

a. Select Profile Values.

b. Click Add, and then click Choose (next to User

or Group).

c. Select the targets of your publication from the

list on the left, move them to the right, and then
click OK.

d. From the Add Placeholder list box, select

CMC autofills the New value field with a
variable: %USER.SI_NAME%.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 15

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

e. Click Add to move this value to the Existing

values list, as shown in the figure Setting a
Dynamic Profile Value.

f. Click OK, and then click Close to close the


Creating this dynamic profile enables you to concentrate configuration

refinements to one BI object; you do not have to configure data-
restriction rules individually for each recipient. Next, you must apply
the profile to a publication that is distributed to report-viewer
recipients. Refer to “Managing Profiles” in the relevant SAP
Administrator's Guide for more information about creating profiles
(see BO/BI documentation).

The next step is to create a publication. Continuing with

the example shown in Step 1. Creating a Dynamic
Profile Within CMS, this step shows you how to create
the Agent Conduct Publication, which uses the Agent
Conduct Report as the source document. To this
publication, you add the BOE User Account profile that
was created earlier. Finally, you schedule the
publication for distribution to all Interactive Insights
report viewers.

1. Create a publication that points to a WebI report as

the source document:

a. Within BI LaunchPad, click New > Publication.

b. In the Title field, enter Agent Conduct


c. Click Source Documents, then click Add.

Select the Agent Conduct Report as the source
document, and click Save and Close.
2. Applying the Profile to a Publication

Assigning a Local Profile to a Publication

2. Open and modify the publication’s properties to

associate with it the previously created profile:

a. Double-click the new publication to open the


Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 16

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

b. From the list of Properties, select


c. In the Local Profiles section, from the Report

Field list box, select a value that will serve as
the filter. The figure Assigning a Local Profile to
a Publication shows the Agent Name field
from the report’s Agent query selected for this
option. The Enterprise Recipient Mapping list
box appears.

d. From the Enterprise Recipient Mapping list

box, select the profile you created previously
(in Step 1. Creating a Dynamic Profile Within

e. Click Destinations and choose notification

options (for example, select Email to send the
report by email, and in the Show options for
selected destinations list box, choose Email,
and set appropriate options.).

f. Click Recurrence, and from the Run Object

list box, choose how often to send the
notification (for example, select Daily to send it
once per day).

g. Click OK to save your changes.

Note that, unlike most other Interactive Insights reports, the

Agent Conduct Report is built from the unified results of two
queries. Most other reports are built from one query.

Refer to the relevant SAP Publisher’s Guide for more information

about creating and scheduling publications (see BO/BI

The final step in personalizing a report is to modify the

Agent Name Dimension. If you followed the example in
Step 1: Creating a Dynamic Profile Within CMS, you
defined a filter that is associated with BI account
names (a dynamic profile, which changes according to
the manner in which the user logs into BI LaunchPad).
This filter limits the data that is exposed to users. As
packaged, however, no GI2 report contains any object
that directly correlates to BI account names. To
complete this example, therefore, you must tailor one
3. Modifying the Agent Name Dimension universe object to synchronize it with BI user account
names, which ensures that users see only data from
their own dataset.
The User Name detail dimension is the closest universe object that
can be associated with a BI account name. This requires that you
configure BI user names in the same manner in which users are
configured within Genesys Configuration Server. In the 8.5 release,
however, no GI2 reports employ the User Name detail dimension in
their design; the Agent Name dimension is used instead. Agent
Name is a composite entity comprised of three components when
their values are not null:

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 17

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

• Last Name

• First Name

• Resource Name

There are three solutions from which you can choose:

• Modify all of the reports to substitute User Name for

Agent Name, modify the report layouts that section
and filter on this dimension, and conduct testing.

• Add the User Name detail to the query and layout

of those reports wherever the Agent Name
dimension appears.

• Alter the definition of the Agent Name dimension in

the few classes where it exists.

This example uses the third option. To modify the Agent Name

1. Open the Information Design Tool and navigate to

the Agent\Activity class.

2. Open the properties of the Agent Name dimension,

clear the WHERE clause, and change the Select
statement to the following:
@Select(Activity\User Name)
Or, mimic the User Name detail definition:

3. Save the definition by clicking OK.

4. Repeat this modification for all other Agent Name

dimensions that exist throughout the universe.

5. Save the universe and export the changes back to

the repository.

6. Test by running agent-related reports and

comparing results to expectations.

Subsequently, when a BI user opens a report instance that was

distributed by the publication, the results that the user sees are
limited to only those records in which Agent Name is equivalent to
the name of the user’s own BI user account.

The following limitations apply:

Profiles filter the view of a document’s content; profiles do not restrict
the data that is being queried from the data source nor do they
control users’ access to data. If users have the appropriate rights to
access documents in their original format, they can see the
document’s entire dataset. Altering the definition of the Agent Name
Limitations of personalization dimension—or replacing this dimension altogether within the
reports—is neither supported nor tested by Genesys Quality
Assurance. Subsequent redesign and testing can be extensive,
depending on the option that you choose to associate contact center
objects with BI objects. Genesys has not assessed the full impact of
such changes, such as the continued functionality of drill-down/drill-
up operations.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 18

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Licensing Restrictions

For additional information about working with reports, see the section Working With Reports in Web Intelligence.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 19

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

This section helps you work with reports in Web Intelligence. This section contains the following topics:

Using the Prompts

Each GI2 report contains several user prompts that filter the data that the report will retrieve (see the User Prompt
Input area). The values specified at these prompts apply to all tabs of the report. If you clear the default
specifications for these prompts without providing new values, you will not be able to run the report.

For the hourly reports, you must restrict your specification

of hours to a range within one calendar day.
[+] More Information

Hour Prompts For instance, if a shift operates from 9:00 PM of one day to 3:00 AM of
the next day, the results can not appear within one report. Instead, run
two reports—one from 9:00–11:59 PM of one day and the other report
from 12:00–3:00 AM of the next day. Alternatively, you can customize
the day-range prompts for the report to recognize hours.

With the exception of the detail reports, BI LaunchPad

and Web Intelligence ignore the time component of date
[+] More Information

BI software Ignores the Time Component of

Date Prompts Start and End Date Prompts

This is common in the Start Date, End Date, and Report Date prompts
of GI2 reports. Thus, if you select a specific time in conjunction with a
specific date, the GI2 reports ignore the time and use only the specified
date. The figure BI software Ignores the Time Component of Start and
End Date Prompts highlights the time component that automatically
appears with all date settings. Regardless of the time that appears in the
prompts, GI2 uses the following times:

• 12:00:00 AM as the start time for all dates that are

specified under Start Date

• 11:59:59 PM as the end time for all dates that are

specified under End Date—even though 12:00:00
AM appears in this field

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 20

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

So, to run a report for one day—for example, for November 30,
2014—you would designate the following:

• 11/30/2014 12:00:00 AM for the Start Date

prompt (or any other time value)

• 11/30/2014 12:00:00 AM for the End Date

prompt (or any other time value)

where these user prompts appear in the reports. Even though start and
end appear to be the same moment in time, the report actually spans 24
hours. For the detail reports, the Start Time and End Time user prompts
actually do recognize the time values that you designate, and you must
indicate an appropriate time value along with a date.

Troubleshooting Date Prompts

When you select Date from a Calendar, BI can sometimes return the
previous day’s date. If this happens, you can correct the problem by
setting the time zone to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), using one of
the following procedures:

For Microsoft Windows:

1. On the Microsoft Windows system where Tomcat is
installed, open the Tomcat program group and select
Tomcat Configuration.

2. In the Tomcat Configuration window, click the Java


3. Under Java Options, append the parameter -


Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 21

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

Preset Date Prompts

For Linux:
1. Log in to the Linux account where BI software is
running, and open .bash_profile for editing.

2. Add the following rows to the .bash_profile file:

export TZ

3. Save the file, and restart Linux.

Preset Date Prompts

Each GI2 report also includes one preset date prompt (from the list in the
figure Preset Date Prompts) that enables you to specify one date
range—relative to the current date—in which to run reports.

The preset dates that are available to you can vary from report to report.
With the exception of the Today and the Date preset dates, all
preset dates exclude information that has been gathered about the
current day. GI2 reports use the value that is specified in the preset date
field over any other dates that are specified in the report’s Start Date,
End Date, and/or Report Date fields. For a report to recognize these
other fields, you must set the preset date to None.

User prompts in some reports require that you type in

Free-Text Prompts values instead of selecting from a list.
[+] More Information

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 22

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

The Interaction Handling Attempt Report, for example, contains the

following free-text prompts:

• Customer ID

• From

• To

• Interaction ID

The values that you supply in these fields must match exactly the values
that are to be retrieved from your data source. Wild-card characters and
operators (such as ‹ and ›) are not recognized. To specify more than one
value in a field, separate each value with a semicolon (;)—for example:
To have Web Intelligence retrieve all values for these fields (satisfying
the report’s other conditions):

• Type 0 in number-based free-text fields, such as

Interaction ID.

• Type ALL in character-based free-text fields, such as

Customer ID.

Running a report with these fields cleared will cause Web Intelligence to
display a dialog box that prompts you to specify the missing values.

With the exception of the Interaction Flow report, there are

no interrelationships between the user prompts in GI2
reports, by default.
[+] More Information
(You can add interrelationships by customizing the reports to use
cascading prompts, as described in Using Cascading Prompts.) From
the perspective of BI LaunchPad or Web Intelligence, the selections that
you make at one prompt are independent of the selections that you
make at another. Although relationships between objects might be well
defined within your data source, selecting a particular queue group from
the Queue Group prompt, for instance, does not restrict the queues that
are available at the Queue prompt to only those that belong to the
selected queue group. Therefore, take care to make meaningful
selections at all prompts.

For the Interaction Flow report, the selections that you make at the
Target Agent and Target Queue prompts are interdependent. Select
Prompt Interrelationships ALL targeted queues, for instance, to return all interactions (meeting the
report’s other qualifications) that pass through any queue that is
associated with the indicated agent at the Target Agent prompt, and
vice versa. In addition, although the values you select at other prompts
in this report are independent—bearing no relationship to each
another—the report will retrieve all legs of an interaction in which the
criteria that you specify indicate to retrieve fewer than the entire life of
the interaction.

Many of the reports have more than one date prompt, including Pre-set
Date Filter, Pre-set Day Filter, Start Date, and End Date prompts.
Know that the selection that is specified in the Pre-set Date Filter or
Pre-set Day Filter trumps any other date specification that you make.
Also, if your preset date selection is set to a date for which there is no
data in your data mart, your report will return no results, regardless of
any range of dates that you might have specified in the Start Date and
End Date user prompts. For the report to recognize the values that you
specify for Start Date and End Date, you must explicitly set the Pre-set
Date Filter (or Pre-set Day Filter) prompt to None. Web Intelligence

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 23

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

does not validate for meaningless input at the user prompts, such as end
dates that fall before start dates.

Drilling Up and Drilling Down

The ability to drill up and drill down within a report to view results from a wider or narrower perspective is available
through Web Intelligence. This feature is controlled by the ordering of dimensions in the hierarchies that are defined
using the Information Design Tool.

[+] Show Table: Hierarchies Inherent within GI2_Universe

Time Interval hierarchy: Year > Quarter > Month > Day > Hour > 30 minutes
Service Type hierarchy: Service Type > Service Subtype
Agent hierarchy: Agent Group > Agent Name
Campaign Group hierarchy: Campaign Group > Campaign
Queue hierarchy: Queue Group > Queue
Interaction hierarchy: Interaction Type > Interaction Subtype

The hierarchies in the Information Design Tool differ from those that are used for aggregation of
Info Mart data, which are described in the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates User’s Guide.

Drilling along the Campaign Group Hierarchy

Drill operations along the Campaign Group hierarchy can result in the display of duplicate rows in a report when
agents belong to more than one agent group.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 24

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

Drilling Anomaly When Agents Belong to more than one


When agent-campaign results are displayed, drilling down from campaign to campaign group and then drilling up
from agent to agent group results in duplicate rows. The figure Drilling Anomaly When Agents Belong to more than
one Group demonstrates this anomaly in three cutaway illustrations of the Agent Outbound Campaign Report.

Drill-Up Operations
Drill-up operations display results based on the criteria that you originally specify. For example, drilling up from a
daily report instance that spans two days provides results for only the two days selected for the new report instance,
which, according to the Time Interval hierarchy, is aggregated by month. Further drill-up from the one-month report
instance provides partial quarter results—containing data only for those originally selected two days. The same is
true if you drill-up to a year report. Reverse drilling also respects the original selection criteria.

Drill-Down Operations
You cannot drill down from aggregated results to the interaction- or interaction-segment level; however, the relevant
data is available in the Info Mart database (if it has not been purged), and you can create reports to provide this
level of detail. (The Interaction Detail reports provide interaction- and interaction-segment levels of detail without
drilling from aggregated information.) The previously referenced Interaction hierarchy is based on an interaction’s
type and subtype (for example, Inbound/InboundNew), not on the legs of the interaction.

Refreshing Data
You should refresh report data whenever the aggregation process completes and prior to first opening the report.
Indeed, for that report to display any results, you must refresh the data upon opening a report that has never been
previously opened at all. The process of opening a report, in and of itself, does not refresh the report’s data.

Refreshing the report’s data is important if the report was previously saved with its results; if the data is not
refreshed, Web Intelligence uses instead the data that is saved within the report’s cube, which might contain
outdated data. (Refer to BusinessObjects documentation for information about the content of report cubes.) You
must also refresh a report upon drill when the report contains smart measures—measures whose aggregation
function is Database delegated. By design, instead of the cell’s value, Web Intelligence, displays #TOREFRESH
as a place-holder until the report is refreshed.

To refresh a report’s data, click Refresh Data. The Web Intelligence status bar reflects the last date and time when
the report was refreshed. If a report has never been refreshed, the Status bar displays the following message:
Refresh Date: Data is not refreshed.

The aggregation process runs continuously throughout the day within the time frame that is determined by
configuration options in the [schedule] section of the Genesys Info Mart Application object. Refer to the Genesys
Interactive Insights Deployment Guide for information about these options, and to determine the schedule setting in
your environment.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 25

Understanding Reports and Workspaces Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

When aggregation values are not available at the time that a query is run, delegated measures
can return #TOREFRESH values in some reports. To prevent this, you can enable an automatic
refresh option either on the server, or on a per-document basis. For more information, see the
Genesys Interactive Insights Release Note.

For additional information about Web Intelligence, refer to the BO/BI documentation.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 26

Understanding the Universe Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

Understanding the Universe

This section provides general information about the GI2 Universe, and helps you understand how to use the
Information Design Tool.
The universe for GI2 consists of the following elements:

• nearly 600 measures

• 60 conditions (otherwise known as filters)

• several queue, agent, and time-related dimensions

• hierarchies

• lists of values
• hidden elements

You organize and manage these elements using the Information Design Tool (see the figure The Information
Design Tool). Note, however, that if your universe uses the BOE 3.1 UNV format, you must manage it using the
Universe Design Tool.

[+] More Information

Most of the elements used by the GI2 reports are defined in the universe. Other elements—such as the labels, the
page footer, column headers, and a portion of report headers—are defined in the report structure using Web
Intelligence. Note that there are many universe elements that are not used in any report. The Genesys Interactive
Insights Universe Guide describes each element and the reports that rely on them.

Universe restructuring should be performed only by users who possess a profound understanding of Info Mart
tables and columns and commensurate knowledge of BI software. Genesys does not support modifications to
universe elements beyond those customizations described in Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports. Because
universe elements serve as the semantic layer for all users, Genesys recommends that you do not allow your
general user population to modify universe elements. For information about controlling the rights of GI2 (BO) users,
see the BO/BI Documentation.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 27

Understanding the Universe Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

The Information Design Tool

The GI2 Universe in the Information Design Tool

The GI2 Universe in the Information Design Tool

The elements within the GI2 universe constitute the business-friendly semantic layer of Genesys Info Mart.

[+] More Information

This universe contains:

• Predefined SQL-based objects that map to SQL structures (tables, columns, database functions) in the Info Mart

• A schema of the tables and joins that are used in the Info Mart.

The Information Design Tool is the BusinessObjects tool that was used to define this layer and the tool that you can
use (if your account has the appropriate rights) to:

• Modify the objects to affect which results are retrieved by the GI2 reports.

• Create new universe objects (or universes) for use in Web Intelligence reports.

• See the extended definitions of objects that belong to the GI2 universe. (Basic descriptions of measures are visible to
all users in the BI LaunchPad and Web Intelligence interfaces.)

• Specify connection parameters to one or more database middleware.

Through Web Intelligence, report users connect seamlessly to the GI2 universe and run queries against their data
mart. Report users can perform data analysis and create new reports, choosing objects from the GI2 universe,
without ever seeing or having to understand the complex queries or data structures of their underlying data mart.

Supported Alternate Definitions of the % Accepted Measure

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 28

Understanding the Universe Working With Reports in Web Intelligence

For instructions on how to use this component, refer to the Information Design Tool User Guide available from SAP.
Certain modifications to universe elements are supported; these are indicated in the description of a particular
measure in the Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide. In addition, if alternate definitions exist, they are
provided in the measure’s properties on the Source Information tab, which is shown in the figure Supported
Alternate Definitions of the % Accepted Measure. In the Information Design Tool, supported alternate definitions
begin with the phrase “Developer use only”. (You might have to scroll to read all of the alternate definitions.) Refer
to Customizing Measure Definitions for the preferred procedure for changing these definitions.

For more information about the universe, see the following pages:

• Measure Names

• Classification of Measures

• Available Media Types

• Source of Aggregated Information

• Measure Maps

• Media-Neutral Measure Mapping

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 29

Understanding the Universe Measure Names

Measure Names
Use the information on this page to understand measure naming and reference metric IDs.

Reference Metric ID

Reference Metric ID of the Queue\Entered Measure

Many classes contain measures with names that match measures in other classes. However, the full name of a
measure includes the class in which the measure belongs, which thereby makes it unique. Because the full name
can be quite long, most measures have been assigned a reference metric ID which appears on the Source
Information tab of the measure’s properties. This ID is informational only and is not referenced by any of the
reports. Should you need to contact Genesys Customer Care for assistance, this ID might be useful when you are
describing a particular measure.

The figure Reference Metric ID of the Queue\Entered Measure shows the ID that is assigned to the Entered
measure that belongs to the Q Customer class in GI2_Universe. By contrast, the reference ID of the like-named
measure in the BA Customer class is T_ENTERED.

Naming Convention
Detail measures are sourced from the following Genesys Info Mart tables:





All interval measures are sourced from aggregation tables that contain "_I_" in the database object name—for




Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 30

Understanding the Universe Measure Names

No special naming convention identifies a table as one that contains disposition measures, other than disposition
measures are all sourced from AG2_* tables that do not to use "_I_" in the table name—for instance:











Each hierarchy contains seven tables and/or views, which have the following suffixes: _SUBHR, _HOUR, _DAY,

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 31

Understanding the Universe Classification of Measures

Classification of Measures
All measures are classified as one of three types:

• Detail

• Interval

• Disposition

The Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide identifies each measure’s classification. Measures can also be
described as measuring either customer or consult interactions, and for consult interactions, as either warm or
simple consultations. The following subsections describe each of these classifications.

Detail Measures
Detail measures provide the measure of one and only one activity, in contrast to interval and disposition measures,
which aggregate information about a number of interactions that occur over a period of time. Some examples of
detail measures include the following:

• Flow\Duration

• Session\Active Time

• State\Reason Time

• Ixn State\Duration

• Handling Attempt\Queue Time

• Flow User Data Example\Detail 8

• Handling User Data Example\Detail 16

(Flow User Data Example\Detail 8 and Handling User Data Example\Detail 16 are hidden universe measures that
appear in italic font both in this document and in the Information Design Tool.) Note the distinction between these
detail measures and BO’s terminology for Detail objects—such as the User Name detail object of the Agent Name
dimension. The two concepts are entirely different.

Interval Measures
Interval measures measure the activities occurring within the reporting interval as they occur, regardless of whether
or not the interactions complete during the interval and whether or not the interval completes.

Counts and durations of such measures are clipped where interactions cross over multiple intervals and are
attributed to each of the intervals in which the activities occur. In scenarios in which an interaction is waiting in
queue when the hour changes, the time that the interaction actually waited in queue during the first interval is
attributed to the first interval. For example, if an interaction is waiting in queue from 3:58–4:03 PM, two minutes is

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 32

Understanding the Universe Classification of Measures

attributed to the first interval (3:30–3:59 PM), and the remaining three minutes is attributed to the second interval
(4:00–4:29 PM).

Furthermore, a count is attributed to each interval in which the interaction persists—that is, a count of 1 for the
interaction that is waiting in queue during the first interval, and another count of 1 for the same interaction, waiting in
queue, during the second interval.

Interval measures provide an interpretation of the activity that occurred during an interval. Some examples of
interval measures include the following:

• Interaction State\Consult Received Time

• Interaction State\Hold

• Summarized State\Active Time

• Summarized State\Busy

The Ixn State class in the GI2 universe houses additional interval measures.

Disposition Measures
Disposition measures provide an interpretation of the count and duration of contact center activity, attributing their
measure to the interval in which an interaction was received by the contact-center resource—whether the resource
is a mediation DN or a handling resource, such as an agent. In scenarios in which an agent talks to a customer over
day boundaries, all of the talk time is attributed to the first reporting interval and no time is attributed to the latter
interval. For example, if an agent talks to a customer over day boundaries (11:45 PM –12:15 AM), all of the talk time
(30 minutes) is attributed to the first reporting interval (Day 1) and no time is attributed to the latter interval(s) (Day

Likewise, the count (of 1 interaction) gets attributed to the first interval; no count at all gets attributed to the second.
As such, disposition measures are additive; their counts from one interval can be added to the counts of other
intervals to obtain a total count of activity across all intervals, without double counting.

The following are examples of disposition measures:

• Activity\Avg Consult Received Time

• BA Customer\% Transfer Initiated Agent

• Q Customer\Hold

• Agent Contact\Preview

Special Note about Campaign Disposition Measures

For measures that are associated with outbound campaigns, counts and durations are attributed to the interval in
which contact attempts were made. This differs from prior releases, in which such measures were attributed to the
interval in which the outbound campaign group session was started.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 33

Understanding the Universe Classification of Measures

Customer versus Consult Interactions

The GI2 universe contains objects that measure only the customer-related legs of interactions or the consultation-
related legs of interactions—described as customer interaction and consult interaction, respectively, within GI2
documentation. These terms are defined in the “Dictionary of Data Elements” appendix of the Genesys Interactive
Insights Universe Guide. This distinction enables you to create reports that summarize activities that better align
with a contact center’s core business.

Some universe measures mix together these different parts of an interaction’s life cycle—most predominantly, those
that are in the Q Customer & Consults class. Some measures co-mingle customer interactions with a subset of
consult interactions, or warm consultations (discussed in the Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide.)

The following table summarizes whether measures in each universe class incorporate customer-related activity or
consultation-related activity; and, if the latter, what type of consultation activity is measured therein. A few universe
measures are related neither to customer nor consultation activity; this is indicated in the N/A column. (The Bound
measures in the Service Objects class, for example, do not measure contact center activity; they are provided in an
administrative capacity for the derivation of other measures.):

[+] Show Table: Customer vs. Consult Interactions in the Universe

Class\Measure Customer Simple Consult Warm Consult Warm & Simple N/A
Waiting STI * *
Accepted Agent
STI class\*
Activity class: All
Consult Warm *
Activity class: All
other Consult *
Activity class: All
Offered, * *
Activity class:
* *
Activity class: All
other measures
Agent Contact
class: All Consult *
Warm measures
Agent Contact
class: All other

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 34

Understanding the Universe Classification of Measures

Class\Measure Customer Simple Consult Warm Consult Warm & Simple N/A
Agent Contact
class: All other *
BA Consults
class: All Consult *
Warm measures
BA Consults
class: All other
BA Customer
class\*: All
* *
BA Customer
class\*: All other *
Consults class:
All Consult Warm
Consults class:
All other Consult
Contact Attempt
Customer class:
All Accepted
measures * *
(but not the Accept

Customer class:
All Entered,
* *
Distribute(d), and
Customer class:
All other
Customer & * *
Consults class\*

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 35

Understanding the Universe Classification of Measures

Class\Measure Customer Simple Consult Warm Consult Warm & Simple N/A
Flow class\
* *
Handling Attempt
class: All
Handling Attempt
class: All
Handling Attempt
class: Revenue, * *
Handling Attempt
class: Queue
Time, Response
Time, Routing * *
Point Time, and
Total Duration
Interaction State
* *
Ixn State class\* * *
Service Objects
Session class\* * *
State class\* * *
State and
* *
Reason class\*
* *
State class\*
Transfer class\* *

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 36

Understanding the Universe Available Media Types

Available Media Types

The Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide lists which media types can yield results different from zero for
each measure in the universe. For example, the available media types for the Consult Standard Abandoned Waiting
measure in the Q Consults class is described as "Voice, Open (Sync)", indicating that voice and all open
synchronous media types are available.

The following table summarizes the applicable media types for groupings of measures across all of the classes in
which they are found. “All Abandon measures”, for instance, applies to all of those that measure the abandonment
of interactions, whether they be consultations that were abandoned, abandoned inviting and waiting measures,
short-abandoned measures, standard abandons, or abandoned-within-a-service-time-interval measures including
durations, counts, maximums, averages, and percentages thereof:

[+] Applicable Media Types Within the Universe

Voice Media Sync Media All Media N/A
All Abandon
All Accepted/Not
Accepted measures
All Active Time
All Bound measures
and Is Current Data
All Busy measures X
All Clear measures X
All Conference
All Consult measures X
All Dial measures X
All Distributed
All Duration
measures (not to be
confused with all X
measures that
measure duration)
All Engage measures X
All Entered measures X
All Finish measures X
All Handle measures X
All Hold measures X
All Invite measures X

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 37

Understanding the Universe Available Media Types

Voice Media Sync Media All Media N/A

All Offered measures X
All Outbound
All Ready/Not Ready/
Occupancy X
All Redirected
All Rejected
All Response, No
Response, and
All Revenue and
Satisfaction X
All Routed Other
All Skill measures X
All Stuck measures X
All Transfer
All Unknown
All Warm measures X
All Wrap measures X

Where the listed applicable media types for a particular measure within the group differs from the norm, the
differences are footnoted at the bottom of the table. For those measures that can be classified as belonging to more
than one grouping (that is, represented by two or more rows in the table), the most restrictive media-type rule

For example, the Consult Received Warm Wrap Time measure can be classified under:

• “All Consult measures”, which apply to all but Chat media.

• “All Warm measures”, which apply only to Voice media.

• “All Wrap measures”, which apply only to Voice media.

The last two media rules are the most restrictive of the three; therefore, they apply to the Consult Received Warm
Wrap Time measure.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 38

Understanding the Universe Source of Aggregated Information

Source of Aggregated Information

The tables that are created and populated by the aggregation engine are the immediate source of aggregated
contact center data for GI2 reports. This engine is deployed seamlessly with GI2 installations, and is described in
the RAA documentation. The reports are built on data from these tables,and enable you to view the performance of
contact center resources as interactions pass through the resources or are handled by them, dimensioned by the
following Info Mart dimension tables:







The “Interactive Insights Reports” chapter of the Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide lists the supporting
tables for each report and some of the configuration options that control the Genesys Info Mart Server’s population
of the tables. Also, the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates User’s Guide provides business views of each
aggregate subject area. See the Genesys Info Mart User’s Guide to learn how data is populated to the Info Mart

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 39

Understanding the Universe Measure Maps

Measure Maps
Several measure maps that illustrate the relationships among measures in the universe are available in the
Documentation folder in BI LaunchPad. The same folder contains the Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide,
this User’s Guide, and a graphic illustrating the synchronicity of interactions. The measure maps that are available
include the following:

The Business Attribute

(1 of 2) Measure Map

• Agent Activity
• Agent Contact
• Agent Activity – Interaction State
• Contact Attempt
• Agent Activity – Summarized State
• Queue 1 of 2
• Business Attribute 1 of 2
• Queue 2 of 2
• Business Attribute 2 of 2

The figure The Business Attribute (1 of 2) Measure Map shows one of the two Business Attribute measure maps.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 40

Understanding the Universe Media-Neutral Measure Mapping

Media-Neutral Measure Mapping

GI2 reports internal and outbound interactions (in addition to inbound interactions) across chat and email media
channels (in addition to the voice channel). In order for measures to apply to media other than voice media, the GI2
language uses media-neutral object names instead of replicating like measures and assigning them media-
identifying names. You might be accustomed to viewing results that use voice-centric terminology, especially if your
contact center monitors voice-only interactions. For example, while "Avg Engage Time" describes the average
length of an active telephone conversation, the meaning of "Avg Talk Time" is more immediately understood.

• The following table facilitates this transition to media-neutral terminology by providing a mapping of industry-common
terms to the names of GI2’s media-neutral measures:
[+] Mapping Media-Neutral Measures to Voice Terminology

Voice-Centric Term Media-Neutral Term in GI2

Abandoned while Ringing Abandoned Inviting
ACW (after-call work) Wrap
Accept (for Chat)
Response (for E-mail)

Answered in Threshold Accepted in Threshold

ASA (Average Speed of Answer) Average Accept Time
Dialing Inviting or Invite
Login Time Active Time
Alerting or Alert
Ringing Inviting or Invite (Both Ringing and Dialing constitute Inviting

Talk Engage

• The following table illustrates how Genesys Info Mart prescribes some media-neutral states to interactions that differ
slightly from how GI2 reflects interaction (ixn) states in the names of some measures:
[+] Mapping of Genesys Info Mart Ixn States to GI2 Ixn States

Genesys Info Mart Classification GI2 Classification

This is reflected in the Dialing component of Inviting
Alerting. This is reflected in the Alerting component of
Inviting measures.
Connect Engaged.
Hold Hold.
Wrap Wrap.
Unknown Unknown.

This difference is most visible in data that is retrieved by the Agent Details Activity Report. For online media, for example, the report reports the state
of an interaction as connected (Connect), whereas you might otherwise expect to see it classified as Engaged. Read more about Genesys Info

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 41

Understanding the Universe Media-Neutral Measure Mapping

Mart’s classification of interaction states in the relevant reference manual (available in the Genesys Info Mart documentation set); they are
described under the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_STATE table.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 42

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Media-Neutral Measure Mapping

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports

This section provides general guidelines for how to customize the GI2 universe and reports to achieve additional
functionality. Emphasis is placed on customizing a copy of the reports and/or making a copy of the universe.

BI software does not maintain older versions of reports, and once you save changes to a report and export universe
elements to the repository, you cannot restore the previous version.

After you have customized definitions in the universe, remember that you must save the universe and export it back
to the BI repository so that your changes are made available to report users, using the procedure described in the
"Linking the Universe to Your Data Mart > Publishing the Universe Back to the Repository" section of the Genesys
Interactive Insights Deployment Guide.

Carefully design and implement all Universe customizations, and test them fully in your own
environment before placing them into production. Genesys does not support the implementation of
the procedures in this chapter other than where explicitly recommended. Genesys Quality
Assurance has not tested these procedures, but believes that, if you use them as general
guidelines, they will enhance your GI2 experience.

For additional information, see the following sections:

• Customizing Measure Definitions

• Distinguishing Same-Named Queues

• Creating Week-Level Reports

• Using 15-Minute Aggregation

• Removing Fields from Reports

• Using Attached Data

• Changing the Forecast

• Using Cascading Prompts

• Reporting Outside the GMT Time Zone

• Setting the Scope of Analysis

• Troubleshooting Incompatibility

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 43

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Customizing Measure Definitions

Customizing Measure Definitions

Genesys supports limited customization of the following measures in GI2_Universe:

Queue Class
Activity Class
% Accepted
Avg Handle Time % Accepted 80
Handle Time Avg Handle Time
Handle Time

BA Customer Class Summarized State Class

% First Response Time
% Occupancy
Service Level

Alternate Definition of the Activity\Avg Handle Time Measure

The supported alternate definitions for each measure are provided in the measure Source Information properties
in the Information Design Tool, as shown in the figure Alternate Definition of the Activity\Avg Handle Time Measure.
Alternate definitions are not provided within the documentation.

Composite measures are based on the definitions of their supporting measures, which have definitions that might
also be customizable. So, if you customize one definition, be sure to consider customizing the supported definitions
for the entire family of measures that is affected by your change. Also, keep in mind that some of the measures are
used by more than one report; the Activity\Avg Handle Time measure, for instance, is used by the following seven

• Agent Conduct Report

• Agent Group Business Result Report

• Agent Group Customer Segment Report

• Agent Group Interaction Handling Report

• Agent Group Service Type Report

• Agent Queue Report

• Agent Utilization Report

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 44

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Customizing Measure Definitions

Alternate Field, Showing Whether Customization Is


Changing a measure definition in the Information Design Tool affects all of the reports in which the measure is
used. Refer to the description of each measure in the Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide for a listing of
GI2 reports that employ the measure.

To determine if customization for a particular measure is supported, look for the measure in the Genesys Interactive
Insights Universe Guide; in the Universe Guide, the value in the Alternate? field indicates whether customization is
supported (as shown in the figure Alternate Field, Showing Whether Customization Is Supported which shows part
of the Universe Guide entry for the Activity\Avg Handle Time measure).

How To Change a Measure Definition

1. In the Information Design Tool, click a measure to display the measure properties.

2. Verify that the correct Projection Function is assigned. (The Information Design Tool might reset this value to Sum
when you make certain changes to measures.)

3. On the Source Information tab, copy the appropriate alternate definition from the Technical Information field. There
might be more than one definition from which you can choose.

4. On the SQL Definition tab, replace the definition that is listed in the Select field with the alternate definition that you

5. In the Description field, edit the measure description to match the definition that you chose.

6. Save and close the universe.

7. Export the universe back to the repository so that the changes that you make are available to all users.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 45

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Customizing Measure Definitions

The Report Description Tab in Web Intelligence

To ensure that report users see accurate descriptions, you must also update measure descriptions, as appropriate,
in the reports in which the customized measures are used. The reports do not inherit descriptions from the
Information Design Tool; you must update them manually. You can find the descriptions on the Descriptions tab of
each report in Web Intelligence, as shown in the figure The Report Description Tab in Web Intelligence.

You can also create new measures (based on the definitions of existing universe measures) by using the Formula
Toolbar (available when you Modify a report in Web Intelligence). New measures you create using this method are
available only within the Web Intelligence document in which you create them. In general, Genesys does not
recommend this approach to define new measures. Ensure that only qualified personnel use the custom formula

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 46

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Distinguishing Same-Named Queues

Distinguishing Same-Named Queues

This page describes steps you can take to reset dimensions to distinguish queues with matching names. GI2
expects contact center objects to be uniquely named, and while this is usually true in single-switch environments, it
might not be true in more complex environments that employ more than one switch. In such scenarios, the names
of queue objects could be identical from one switch to the next.

Because the contact center objects in your enterprise might not have unique names, the queue-based GI2 reports
consider only a queue’s name when retrieving data about queue objects. The reports do not filter data based on the
switch from which the data originated, so queue-based GI2 reports display the results for all queue objects sharing
the same name instead of only the results from the intended queue.

To reset the definition of queue dimensions to recognize the queue’s switch:

[+] Show Steps

Distinguishing Queues

1. Open the GI2 Universe.

2. In the definitions of all Queue dimensions, wherever they occur, replace the SELECT statement with the following:

3. Make similar modifications in other queue-type dimensions, such as Last Queue, Source Last Queue, and Target Last

4. Save the universe and test the results.

5. Export the universe back to the repository.

Queue-based reports now display the name of the queue’s switch along with the name of the queue object
instead of displaying only the queue’s name. However, in some cases the queue@switch values might be too
long to fit within the report headers, labels, and table cells where they might occur. The Interaction Flow
Report, for instance, populates the names of queue objects in tables cells under the Source and Target
columns of the report. You can adjust the layout of this and other reports for better presentation.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 47

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Creating Week-Level Reports

Creating Week-Level Reports

GI2 includes no weekly reports, although the Genesys Info Mart server regularly aggregates and populates week-
level data in the AG2_*_WEEK tables in the Info Mart database. You can use these tables as the source for week-
level GI2 reports that you can create, either:

• Drillable week-level reports

• Week-level-only reports

If you want week-level-only reports without the ability to drill-up or drill-down functionality to the other aggregation
levels, follow the steps in Week-Level-Only Reports to replace the time dimension that is used in the reports with
the Week dimension.

Drillable Week-Level-Reports
For drillable week-level reports, you must do the following:

[+] Show Steps

1. Redefine the Day dimension to be a week-compatible day or create a new day-type dimension altogether (see
Creating a Week-Compatible Day Dimension).

2. Modify the universe Time hierarchy to define one drill path along the desired dimensions (which includes the Week
dimension). Refer to BO/BI documentation for details about editing hierarchies.

3. Replace the time dimension used in the applicable reports with the Week dimension (to create week-level reports). If,
however, you want report users to be able to drill up for week-level results, this step is not necessary.

BI software enables you to create hierarchies to facilitate multidimensional analysis in the reports. You can create
and maintain two or more time-related hierarchies within one universe, for example:

• 30 minutes > Hour > Day > Week and

• 30 minutes > Hour > Day > Month > Quarter > Year

However, if you create such a sophisticated system, you may experience complications with respect to performing
drill operations in the reports. If hierarchies share the same dimensions, as previously demonstrated, drill operations
become less convenient. No further modification to the reports is required to enable users to drill up for week-level
results. However, you must inform your users of a week’s boundaries, as they are defined within your data mart.
This is discussed in Understanding Week Boundaries.

Week-Level-Only Reports
The Week dimension is omitted from the Time hierarchy in GI2 reports, which disables drilling up or down for week-
level results. You can, however, create new copies of some of the reports and customize them to summarize

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 48

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Creating Week-Level Reports

contact center activity in week-only time buckets. For Week-level-only reports, you cannot drill along the Time
hierarchy. You can enable week-level reporting in all reports except those reports in the Details folder.

To create Week-Level-Only Reporting:

Customize a copy of a GI2 report as follows:

[+] Show Steps

1. In BI LaunchPad, select the report to copy and customize, then click Organize > Copy, and then Organize > Paste to
create a copy of the report.

2. Select the newly-created copy of the report, and click More Actions > Modify.

3. Edit the report to add the Week dimension to both the report’s query and the report’s layout.

4. (Optional) Edit the prompts to display a selection of dates along week boundaries. This is a complex task.
Alternatively, you can inform your report users of the week boundaries as defined within your data mart. Refer to
Understanding Week Boundaries for information on this topic.

5. Remove any other time dimension from both the report query and its layout.

6. Save the report.

7. Test your changes by running the report and verifying its results.

Creating a Week-Compatible Day Dimension

You must create a week-compatible day dimension if you intend to enable your report users to drill up from or drill
down to day-level results in the reports that you customize. In the default configuration, the Day dimension in the
Time class is a month-compatible day, sourced from the LABEL_YYYY_MM_DD column of the DATE_TIME table.
This field references the particular day with respect to the month and year in which the day falls; days are
consequently numbered as 01 through 31. To reference a particular day within a given week, source the Day
dimension from the CAL_DAY_NUM_IN_WEEK field of this table, which stores the day number of a week—starting
with 1 for the first day of the week and ending with 7 for the last day of the week.

To this end, within the Information Design Tool, you can do either of the following:

• Redefine the existing Day dimension. If you choose this method, the new definition affects the results of all other
reports that provide day- and month-level results.

• Create and define a new dimension, such as Day in Week. If you choose this, you must substitute the new dimension,
in both the query panel and report layout, in all reports for which you want to generate week-level results.

When you have finished customizing the universe, you must export your work to the BI repository so that this
redefined or new dimension is made available to report users. This procedure is described in the "Linking the
Universe to Your Data Mart > Publishing the Universe Back to the Repository" section of the Genesys Interactive
Insights Deployment Guide.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 49

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Creating Week-Level Reports

Understanding Week Boundaries

The boundaries of 15-minute, hour, day, month, quarter, and year aggregation levels are very well defined within
any given Gregorian calendar year because each denomination represents an integral fraction of that year; there
are four whole quarters in a year, 12 full months, 365 (or 366) complete days, and one year in a year. No single
hour splits in such a way that part of the hour resides in one year and the other part in the next, as is precisely the
case for the beginning and/or ending weeks of any given year.

Over and above this dual membership in each year, your system locale settings specify your preferred date-related
conventions, which include the definition of a week and on which day the week begins. Different cultures observe
different date conventions. As such, these variations in what constitutes a week merit special discussion.

Week Boundaries, as Defined in Genesys Info Mart

The beginning of whole weeks in the Info Mart database is determined by the settings of the [date-time]/first-day-
of-week Genesys Info Mart configuration option in the [date-time] section. By default, each week begins on
Sunday and ends on Saturday. If report users specify any other week range in the User Prompt Input area of the
week reports that you create in Web Intelligence, such as Monday to Sunday (when the default settings are used),
the generated results display data for two partial weeks instead of one seven-day period.

[+] More Information

In the Monday–Sunday example, this breaks down to:

• Six days, Monday–Saturday, for the first partial week and

• One day, Sunday–Sunday, for the second partial week.

In addition, the first and last weeks of the year could be partial weeks, depending on how the simple-week-
numbering Genesys Info Mart option is configured. A true value for this option mandates that Week 1 begin with
January 1 and that the last week end with December 31. Simple week numbering is not the default.

There are other configuration options in the [date-time] section that affect the content of a week, including the

• min-days-in-first-week

• date-time-min-days-ahead

• date-time-max-days-ahead

Refer to the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Deployment Guide for more information about these and other
week-related options. (The Genesys Info Mart 8.x release also supports ISO-8601–compliant weeks which this
section does not address.) Refer also to the discussion of the DATE_TIME table in the relevant Genesys Info Mart
reference manual for more information about the definition of a week that is used by Genesys Info Mart.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 50

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using 15-Minute Aggregation

Using 15-Minute Aggregation

All of the included GI2 reports (except for the reports in the Details folder) enable drill-down of results to a
30-minute level, by default, to enable you to review performance of your contact center for each half-hour of a day.
The sub-hour-interval Genesys Info Mart configuration option (in the [agg] section) allows you to change this
value. The Genesys Info Mart Server accepts a value of 15min for this option, which enables 15-minute
aggregations, and therefore reporting at a 15-minute level. To enable 15-minute reporting in the GI2 reports,
change sub-hour-interval to 15, rerun the aggregation job, and customize the universe and reports to use the 15
minutes dimension.

Note that the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Deployment Guide recommends that you set the aggregation
level during the initial installation of Genesys Info Mart, and not change it thereafter.

Note that either 15 or 30 minutes is allowed—but not both simultaneously. Therefore, drill-up operations from the
15-minute level in the GI2 reports that you customize take you directly to hour-level results, and not to 30-minute

To Enable 15-minute Aggregation

Except where indicated, the following activities can be performed only on Microsoft Windows platforms:

[+] Show Steps

1. In the Genesys Configuration Manager, open the Genesys Info Mart Application object that controls Info Mart

2. Stop the aggregation process:

a. In the Genesys Info Mart Application object, in the [schedule] section, change the run-aggregates configuration
option to false.

b. If Job_AggregateGIM is running, stop it using the Genesys Info Mart Manager.

c. Wait until the current aggregation cycle completes. The following message appears in the Genesys Info Mart log
when it is done:
Stopped processing pending aggregation

3. As an optional but recommended step, disable the scheduler by setting the run-scheduler (in the [schedule] section)
configuration option to false, and use the Genesys Info Mart Manager to ensure that no jobs are running.

The following steps are database-intensive, so it is best to reduce the load and execute them when contact center activity is
at a minimum.

4. In the [agg] section, set the sub-hour-interval option to 15min and save your changes.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 51

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using 15-Minute Aggregation

Set the value of this option before the Genesys Info Mart Server runs for the first time and avoid changing it thereafter.

5. Reaggregate data following the instructions provided in the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates User’s Guide (see
Reaggregating Data over a Certain Time Range). You can perform this step on any supported platform. This step
submits a request to delete and replace previously aggregated rows for the specified time period. When the next
aggregation cycle starts and completes, the AG2_*_SUBHR tables contains data that is aggregated in 15-minute

6. If you disabled the scheduler in Step 3, re-enable it by setting run-scheduler to true.

7. Restart aggregation:

a. Reset run-aggregates to true.

b. Open the Genesys Info Mart Manager, and start Job_AggregateGIM.

Perform this operation during the time of day when the reaggregation process does not interfere with ETL
processing of new data or with end-user querying of existing Genesys Info Mart data.

8. Close the Genesys Configuration Manager, and open the the Information Design Tool application.

9. Under the Time class, rename the 30 minutes dimension appropriately—for example, to 15 minutes. Genesys
recommends that you rename the existing dimension instead of creating a new one.

10. In the dimension’s properties, set the SELECT statement to either of the following and apply your changes:



If you choose the latter, you will not be able to distinguish between 12 AM and 12 PM in your week reports.

11. Save the universe, and export the universe back to the repository.

Your GI2 reports now display subhour results at the 15-minute level when you drill down from hour results.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 52

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Removing Fields from Reports

Removing Fields from Reports

As you customize the GI2 reports to meet your business’s needs, there are some specific rules that you should
observe with regard to removing undesired dimensions and/or measures from the reports. If you do not follow these
recommendations, then under some circumstances, you might encounter database and/or other errors when you
run reports.

Remove Objects from the Presentation Layer

If you remove a measure or dimension from the report’s query, you must also remove it from the presentation layer.
(The converse is not necessarily true, however. If you remove a measure from the presentation layer, you need not
remove it from the report’s query—though doing so can improve report performance.)

Remove Combination Objects

If the measure or dimension that you plan to remove from a report is the last one that belongs to a particular class,
then in addition to removing that dimension or measure, you must also remove any corresponding Combination
condition that pertains only to that dimension or measure.

The Combination conditions (such as Group Combination Sess and Group Combination) are distinguished
from the non-Combination conditions in that they provide filtering only against a named series of aggregate tables.
For example, whereas the Queue Group condition (a non-Combination condition) can be used to filter mediation
DN groups from any Info Mart table that stores queue-related data, the Group Combination ABN condition can be
used only to filter queue group–related data from the AG2_QUEUE_ABN_* series of Info Mart tables.

If the Combination condition remains among a report’s query filters when no measures remain to gather data from
the aggregate table, the query returns a database error when it is executed against the Info Mart database. You are
likely to encounter this situation when you are removing measures from reports that query more than one series of
aggregate tables.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 53

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

Using Attached Data

This section provides information to help you customize the GI2 universe and reports to provide results that are
dimensioned by your own business’s user data.

Configuring Social Media User Data

The Social Engagement Report relies on how user data is configured in your environment, and on the strategies
you use to route interactions. This section describes how to set up your environment to report on social media user
data. The Social Engagement Report and the universe objects that directly support it are described in the Genesys
Interactive Insights Universe Guide. Perform the following steps to configure social media user data:

[+] Show Steps

1. Review the routing strategies in your environment with respect to user data and update them as appropriate. Note that
the default Genesys-provided routing strategies do not set the Sent reason when responses are sent. You must
design your strategy to change the StopProcessing reason from Normal to Sent when this event occurs. If you do
not do so, the GI2 third-party media reports generate results for transfers only—not for responses.

2. In the ccon_adata_spec_GIM_example.xml file that is provided within the Genesys Info Mart installation package,
uncomment the appropriate rows to enable Interaction Concentrator (ICON) to record data for the following user data

• Classify_Actionability_CtgRelevancy

• Classify_Sentiment_CtgRelevancy

• KloutScore

• CtgName

• Screen_Sentiment_CtgName

• Screen_Actionability_CtgName

• Classify_Actionability_CtgName

• Classify_Sentiment_CtgName

• desktop_influence

Place this file in ICON’s root directory. Refer to Steps 1 and 2 of Enabling Reporting on User Data in the Genesys Info
Mart Deployment Guide for detailed instructions.

3. Run make_gim_UDE_template_<rdbms>.sql against the Info Mart database to create the database objects for
social media detail reporting. This SQL script is deployed in the \script subfolder as part of a GI2 installation. Refer
to the Application Files chapter of the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Deployment Guide for more information.

4. Run aggregation in autonomous mode and specify the setFeature runtime parameter as follows:
This parameter enables RAA to aggregate social media data, including mapping GEN_ES_KEY (in the
IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table) to USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_ID, H_AGENT, and H_AGENT_QUEUE hierarchies.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 54

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

Note that USER_DATA_KEY1 can be mapped only once per hierarchy. If you previously mapped this field to
CUSTOM_KEY_10 (as instructed in step 2 of Example - Product Line and Product) for the Product Line example,
then consider mapping USER_DATA_KEY2 to CUSTOM_KEY_10 instead. Refer to the Reporting and Analytics
Aggregates User’s Guide to learn how to run aggregation in this autonomous mode.

Your environment is ready to process social media user data for each interaction, and RAA is equipped to
aggregate this data. You can now use the Agent Social Engagement and Social Engagement reports to retrieve
meaningful data.

The following section describes additional hidden universe objects, some of which indirectly support social media
user data reporting.

Hidden User Data Objects in GI2_Universe

Universe objects that report on user data, and which are visible to report designers and viewers, are described in
the Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide. Some objects, however, are hidden in the universe.

The table following table lists those hidden objects that are related to user data. You must properly set up your
environment and unhide these objects before you can use them to create reports.

[+] Predefined, Hidden User Data Objects

Class and Member User Data Table and Field Char or Numeric




M Influence Score AG2_AGENT_GRP_*.INFLUENCE Numeric



M Offered with Actionability ACTIONABILITY_OFFERED




M Offered with Influence AG2_AGENT_GRP_*.INFLUENCE_OFFERED


M Offered with Sentiment AG2_AGENT_*.SENTIMENT_OFFERED


Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 55

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

Class and Member User Data Table and Field Char or Numeric




M SentimentScore AG2_AGENT_GRP_*.SENTIMENT Numeric


Agent\Activity\Activity User Data Example

Dimension 2
D Char
Dimension 5

D ... Char
Dimension 10

Screen Actionability
D Char

Screen Sentiment
D Char

Business Attribute\BA Customer

M Actionability Score AG2_ID_*.ACTIONABILITY Numeric
M Entered with Actionability AG2_ID_*.ACTIONABILITY_ENTERED
M Entered with Influence AG2_ID_*.INFLUENCE_ENTERED
M Entered with Sentiment AG2_ID_*.SENTIMENT_ENTERED
M Influence Score AG2_ID_*.INFLUENCE Numeric
a factor of BA User Data
M Sentiment Factor Example\Classify Numeric
Sentiment Category
M Sentiment Score AG2_ID_*.SENTIMENT Numeric
Business Attribute\BA User Data Example
Dimension 2

D ... Char
Dimension 5
Dimension 6

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 56

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

Class and Member User Data Table and Field Char or Numeric

Dimension 10

Screen Actionability
D Char

Screen Sentiment

Flow\Flow User Data Example

Detail 1 Char

... ...

Handling Attempt\Handling User Data Example

Detail 2
Detail 14
Detail 15
Detail 16

Queue User Data Example

Dimension 2
D Char
Dimension 5

D ... Char
Dimension 10

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 57

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

Using the Predefined User Data Objects

If the user data that you configured within your environment exactly matches the sample tables that have been
imported into GI2_universe—as well as their structure—all you have to do to use the predefined user data objects
in custom reports is make visible the corresponding universe elements and save and export the universe to the BI
repository. The objects will be revealed to report designers and can be used in reports just like any other universe
object. If, however, your user data configuration employs different tables or table structure, perform the following
steps within Web Intelligence to avail their use to report designers:

[+] Show Steps

1. If necessary, add the appropriate user data table(s) to GI2 universe schema. (See step 4 of Example - Product Line
and Product.)

2. To use the predefined user data objects, show only those objects that you intend to use. User data classes,
dimensions, and measures are marked as hidden within the universe so that they are not available to report designers
before their time.

3. Alter user data object definitions, as needed:

• For instance, fields in the IRF_USER_DATA_CUST_* tables could be numeric or character.

• Perhaps your user data table is named differently from that which is used in the table above.

• Perhaps you want the dimension or detail to reference a field different from that which is already defined for the

• Perhaps you want to reference a list of values and have the dimension available as a user prompt on a custom
report. (See step 5 of Example - Product Line and Product)

• Perhaps you want to rename the predefined classes, dimensions, or measures.

4. Save the universe and export it to the BI repository.

Special Note about Numeric User Data

The Customer Perspective Report includes four measures that are based on numeric user data—Revenue,
Satisfaction, Avg Revenue, and Avg Satisfaction. Running aggregation (to populate the data for this report) will
yield errors if users are permitted to attach non-numeric data for these business attributes to interactions. You must
ensure that the resources that set the values of Revenue and Satisfaction user data keys are configured or trained,
as applicable, to record numerical values only. Refer to Check for Incorrect Data Type in the Reporting and
Analytics Aggregates User’s Guide to learn how to recover from this situation.

In addition to the information on this page, see:

• Example - Product Line and Product

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 58

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

Example - Product Line and Product

This customization example adds two dimensions to the Info Mart database that are derived from string-based
attached data that might exist in your environment. These dimensions (Product Line and Product) form a Product
hierarchy within the GI2 universe that you can drill. You can add these dimensions to the GI2 reports to provide
results by product, by product line, or by any other dimension that you choose to substitute in this example.

The general steps for customization are the following:

[+] Show Steps

Creating User Data Dimension

1. Create and populate one or more user data tables in Within the Info Mart database, create and populate a custom user data
dimension table—for example, USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_10. The
the Info Mart database. USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_x tables store information about changes in
data that accompany telephony events that are recorded by Interaction
Concentrator (ICON) and further processed by Genesys Info Mart ETL
runtime processes. Genesys Info Mart writes to these tables up to five
descriptors of your business data. This example populates two fields:
PRODUCT_LINE with product line data and PRODUCT_CODE with
product code data.

Refer to the relevant Genesys Info Mart Reference Manual (available on for the complete data model of the

[+] Show Steps

Mapping User Data Keys and

The information in this section describes how to configure user data keys
2. Configure user data keys in the aggregation tables to and columns in the Info Mart database Mapping and Aggregation tables.
point to your user data table(s) and populate the
aggregation tables.
User Data Mapping Tables in the Info Mart
Deployment-specific attributes, in the form of user-defined attached data,
are represented in the Genesys Info Mart model both by low-cardinality
data (in string format) and high-cardinality data (in numeric, date/time,
and string formats). Low-cardinality-string user data that is associated
with an interaction resource—such as automobile models and product
codes—is stored in the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS and
USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_x dimension tables. High-cardinality user
data that is associated with an interaction resource—such as prices,
number of widgets sold, and dates—is stored in the

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 59

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data


extension tables. In addition to these tables are the
CTL_UDE_KEYS_TO_DIM_MAPPING tables that you must update:

• CTL_UD_TO_UDE_MAPPING ties in user data keys

that are defined in the underlying ICON application
with user data columns that are defined in the
previous tables.


data dimension tables (USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_x)

Execute the sample script (Sample SQL Script for Creating and Mapping
User Data) to set up user data mapping and recording in your
environment. Also, refer to the:

• Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.

• make_gim_UDE_template.sql script, provided with
Genesys Info Mart deployment. Note that RAA
deploys similar
These scripts, however, hold entirely different content
and are designed to configure user data for social
media measures.

• Mapping User Data Worksheet in the Genesys Info

Mart Deployment Guide. This worksheet contains
several columns that you can use to record
information about the specific attached data key in
use in your environment. Consider adding each
custom attached data table in use within your
environment to this worksheet.

• Refer to Special Note about Numeric User Data

for information about configuring keys for
Revenue and Satisfaction user data.

• The instructions in step 4 (below) for adding user

data dimensions to the universe and customizing
the GI2 reports apply to all of the fields in this

Predefined attached data also appears in other Info Mart database

tables, including the following:





Using the attached data from these tables falls outside the scope of this
section. Several GI2 reports, however, are provided for all of the
attached data-related fields in the INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR table.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 60

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

Configuring User Data Keys in the

Aggregation Tables
AG2_CAMPAIGN, and AG2_ID aggregate tables provide two key
columns each that you can configure to join to two user data dimension
tables of your choice. (Recall that the user data dimension tables store
low cardinality, string data only.) The AG2_AGENT_GRP aggregate
tables also provide two such columns, but their values are inherited from
the AG2_AGENT tables. The USER_DATA_KEY fields are not available
in the agent session, agent states, agent interval, and queue-only
aggregate tables.

Mapping User Data Keys in the Aggregate Tables/Views to User Data


These columns are:

• USER_DATA_KEY1—A key that points to one

dimension table, such as
USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_10, storing five

• USER_DATA_KEY2—A key that points to a second

dimension table, storing another five dimensions

These two fields provide access to a total of 10 attached data

dimensions—or two hierarchies—for each aggregate table and view, as
shown in the figure to the right. You must configure the aggregation job
to aggregate and populate these fields.

Our product-line example uses the business attribute aggregate set,

AG2_ID_*, which consists of four tables and three views. We must
configure the USER_DATA_KEY1 column in each to point to the custom
user data dimension table, USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_10. For more
information about how to map the USER_DATA_KEY2 field, see How
Do I Configure User Data for Aggregation? in the Reporting and
Analytics Aggregates User’s Guide.

1. Create a text file having the following content on a

single line:
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_ID)
(dimension: USER_DATA_KEY1)
(expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_10))

2. Save the file in the Genesys Info Mart root directory

with the name The next time
Genesys Info Mart Server restarts, the aggregation
process detects this file, and aggregation begins.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 61

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

Refer to the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Reference Manual for a

data model of the aggregation tables in the Info Mart database, and the
relevant Genesys Info Mart Reference Manual (available on for the structure of the USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_*

[+] Show Steps

Setting Configuration Options

Several options are available that you can use to configure what data is
written to the Info Mart database, and how long data is retained. In
particular, you can configure storage of user data as follows:

• On Interaction Concentrator, by means of the attached

data specification file (adata_spec.xml) and ICON
configuration options, such as EventData, for event-
based user data.
3. Set Genesys Info Mart and Interaction Concentrator
configuration options for collection of user data. • On Genesys Info Mart, by means of customizable SQL
scripts to create mapping and storage tables in the
Info Mart database.

Some of these options apply specifically to user data. Interim releases of

Genesys Info Mart and Interaction Concentrator might also introduce
new configuration options that affect results. Review the following
documents for a listing and description of these options:

• Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide

• Genesys Info Mart Release Notes

• Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide

• Interaction Concentrator Release Notes

[+] Show Steps

Adding Attached Data Tables to

the Universe
4. Add the attached data tables to the universe structure. After you have created and populated a user data table, you must add it
to the universe and define joins between the user data table and those
aggregate tables from which you plan to dimension data in the
Interactive Insights reports. Note that you can use your RDBMS to define
joins between tables or you can define these joins within the Information
Design Tool. This section illustrates defining joins within the Information
Design Tool.

The GI2_universe schema includes custom user data tables:

appropriate joins and contexts already defined. If, however, you choose

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 62

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

to include user data tables that are named or structured differently, you
must add the tables to the universe schema yourself.

Inserting a table

Our product-line example relies on data that is stored in the

USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_10 table, so we must perform the following

1. Open the GI2_Universe Data Foundation in the

Information Design Tool.

2. From the menu bar, select Insert Object > Insert

Tables to open the Insert Tables Browser and locate
your attached data table.

3. Select your table—USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_10,

using this example—and click Finish. A symbol for
the table appears in the Structure panel.

The Edit Join Dialog Box

4. From the Insert menu, select Insert Join to display

the Edit Join dialog box, shown in the figure The Edit
Join Dialog Box. Here, we will add joins between the
attached data table and each variation of an
aggregate table:

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 63

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

a. From the Table 1 drop-down list, select the

USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_10 table, and select
ID from the list.

b. From the comparison drop-down list, select the

equal sign (=).

c. From the Table 2 drop-down list, select the

AG2_ID_HOUR table, and select
USER_DATA_KEY1 from the list.

d. Set the cardinality for one (1) to many (N).

e. Click OK.

5. Reopen the Edit Join dialog box and repeat steps a

through e to establish joins between the attached data
table and each of the remaining AG2_ID_* tables and







Next, we add these new joins to the contexts that already exist in the
universe so that any join paths will automatically be resolved when
report queries are run against the Info Mart database.

[+] Show Steps

Adding Dimensions and Filters to

the Universe
5. Add LOV, dimensions, and filters. With the user data tables added to the universe, joins established
between them, and the aggregate tables and contexts defined, we can
now add two new dimensions and filters to the universe. These objects
are used in the report that we will create.

Adding LOV
Before we create the dimensions, we must add LOV that will be
associated with the dimensions. Complete the following steps to add and
define Product and Product Line LOV.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 64

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

Insert Combined Query

1. In the Information Design Tool, in the Business Layer

list, click Parameters and Lists of Values.

2. On the menu bar for List of Values, click Insert Object

-> List of Values based on business layer objects.
The properties for the new LOV appears.

3. In the Name field, enter lov_product_line.

4. Click Edit Query.

The Query Panel appears.

5. In the Query Panel, select the Business Attribute\

Product Line dimension.

6. If the Combined Queries panel is not visible, click

Show/Hide Combined Queries Panel, then click
Insert Combined Query, and create a combined
query, selecting the dimensions Service Objects and

7. Save the universe.

8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the Product code (in the

Name field, enter lov_product).

9. Publish the universe to a repository.

Creating Dimensions Based on User Data

Complete the following steps to add and define the Product and
Product Line dimensions to the Business Attribute class.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 65

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

1. Within the Information Design Tool, in the Business

Layer list, click the Business Attribute class.

2. On the menu bar, click Insert > Dimension. The

properties for the new dimension appear.

3. In the name field, enter the name Product Line,

and set other properties of this object as follows:

a. Set the data type to String and the Select

statement to

b. On the Advanced tab, select the Associate a

List of Values checkbox, and select an
appropriate name for the product line list of
values, such as lov_product_line.

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to create the Product Code

dimension, setting the Select statement to
the list of values to lov_product.

5. Save the universe and export it to the repository.

The sample report that we create offers report users the opportunity to
select one or more products or product lines in which to generate results.
One way to utilize this capability is to prepare two filter universe objects
that populate two product-oriented user prompts in our report. To do so,
first create necessary parameters, and then create fileters based on

Creating Parameters
Complete the following steps to add and define the Parameters required
for filtering.

1. In the Information Design Tool, click the Parameters

and Lists of Values class.

2. On the menu bar for Parameters, click Insert

The properties for the new Parameter appear.

3. In the Name field, enter Product Line.

4. In the Prompt Text field, enter Product Line:.

5. Next to Associate a List Of Values, click the ...

The Select a List of Values dialog box appears.

6. Select List of Values defined in the business layer,

and select product_line_lov from the list.

7. Click the Set default Value radio button, and from the
list, select ALL.

8. Save the universe.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 66

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

9. Publish the universe to a repository.

Creating Filters
Complete the following steps to add and define Filters based on the LOV
we previously created.

1. In the Information Design Tool, in the Business Layer

list, click the Business Attribute class.

2. On the menu bar, click Insert Object > Filter.

The properties for the new filter appear.

3. Rename the Filter as Product Line, and set its Where

clause to the following:
@Select(Business Attribute\Product
Line) IN @Prompt(Product Line:) OR '
ALL' in @Prompt(Product Line:)

4. On the menu bar, click Insert Object > Filter.

The properties for the new filter appear.

5. Rename the Filter as Product Code, and set its

Where clause to the following:
@Select(Business Attribute\Product
Code) IN @Prompt(Product Code:) OR '
ALL' in @Prompt(Product Code:)
Refer to BO/BI documentation for more information about how to
define filters.

[+] Show Steps

Defining a Hierarchy to the

This example created two dimensions that share a parent-child
relationship: a product belongs to a specific product line, and a product
6. Define a hierarchy within the universe for attached data line consists of one or more products. The custom dimensions that you
that has parent-child relationships, such as Product Line create might not share this section. We continue this example by
defining a Product hierarchy, which makes drill up and drill down
and Product. functionality available along product lines in the reports that you

Defining the Product Hierarchy

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 67

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

1. Open the Business Layer by clicking the business

layer name in the Local Projects view.

2. In the Business Layer list, click the Navigation Path

The Navigation Path properties appear, as shown in
the figure Defining the Product Hierarchy.

3. In the Name field, type a suitable name for the

hierarchy—for example, Business Attribute -
Product. Keep this hierarchy highlighted.

4. Click Add, and in the Available Dimensions list, in

the Business Attribute class, select the Product
Line and Product Code dimensions.

5. Click OK to save this new hierarchy and close the


6. Save the universe and publish it to the repository.

7. Save the universe and export it to the repository.

[+] Show Steps

Creating a Product-Line Business

Attribute Report
Using the dimensions that you added to the universe in step 5, you can
now build one or more business attribute reports that provide the results
of your contact center activity by product line and product. The easiest
way to create one such report is to make a copy of the Interaction
Volume Service Type Report, and tailor it to use the Product Line and
Product dimensions (instead of Service Type and Service Subtype
dimensions) using the following steps:
8. Customize the Interactive Insights reports to include 1. Within BI LaunchPad, copy Interaction Volume
your attached data dimensions. Service Type Report to a working folder.

2. Open the report properties, and rename the report

appropriately—for example, Interaction Volume
Product Line Report. Change its description, as
desired, and save your changes.

3. Edit the text on the Description tab, as appropriate,

and click Save and Close.

4. Right-click a report, and in the context menu, select

Modify to open the report for editing. Complete the
following steps:

a. On the Data Access tab, Data Providers sub-

tab, click Edit Data.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 68

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

b. In the Query Panel, browse in the hierarchical list

on the left, and double-click the Product Line
dimension to copy it into the Result Objects
window. (Do not yet remove the Service Type
dimension from the Result Objects window.)

c. Close the Query Panel.

d. Edit the report structure on both the Summary

and Main tabs to replace the 'Service Type'
dimension, labels, and text with 'Product Line',
wherever it occurs. Do the same for 'Service
Subtype', replacing it with 'Product Code'.

e. Replace the Service Type section with a Product

Line section:

i. Right click the report and choose Show


ii. Select the Service Type section and change

the formula from =[Service Type] to
=[Product Line].

f. Click Edit Data Provider, and in the Query

Panel, in the Query Filters field, replace the
Service Type and Service Subtype dimensions
with Product Line and Product Code,
respectively. Close the Query Panel.

g. Save and test your changes.

5. When you are satisfied with the report results, click

Edit Data Provider, and in the Query Panel, edit the
report query to remove the Service Type dimension
from the Result Objects window, save, and retest the

Sample SQL Script for Creating and Mapping User Data

The following sample script provides the SQL code that is used for this example.

[+] Show Sample Code

Note that this is a sample script only. You should validate it for use within your environment.

FROM sysobjects
WHERE id = object_id('USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_10') AND type = 'U' )

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 69

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data


ID INT identity ,


-- This row is for the predefined key 'UNKNOWN'. It is

-- mandatory. Do not remove it!
VALUES ( -1, -1, -1 ) ;

-- This row is for the predefined key 'NO_VALUE'. It is

-- mandatory. Do not remove it!
VALUES ( -2, -2, -1 ) ;


-- Add a foreign key reference column from IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS

-- to the user data dimension table.
-- Note: Adding columns to a sizeable IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table
-- could consume significant DBMS resources and time. Consider the
-- tradeoff between:
-- (1) adding redundant columns initially and adding/activating

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 70

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data

-- mapping later and

-- (2) adding columns later.



-- Add mapping between user data dimension table and




-- Add mapping between user data keys and user data tables to
-- Note: ICON should be configured to record these user data keys.


ID ,
103 ,
'CustomProductLine' ,
'CALL' ,
'' ,
1 )

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 71

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Attached Data


ID ,
104 ,
'CustomProductCode' ,
'CALL' ,
'' ,
1 )

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 72

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Changing the Forecast

Changing the Forecast

Time Ranges for the Interaction Volume Service Type Trend


The Interaction Volume Service Type Trend Report (sometimes called the Trend report) provides a forecast of one
service-level measure based on the historical values that are retrieved within the time range that is bound by the
start and end dates that you specify. The report provides forecasted data beginning from the end date and
extending through the forecast-thru date that you specify, as shown in the figure Time Ranges for the Interaction
Volume Service Type Trend Report. The Interaction Volume Service Type Trend Report uses several variable-
based measures (discussed on this page, under Swapping the Forecast Measure) to load the terms for a least-
squared forecast calculation. These variables are reserved for internal use; alter them only as instructed below.

Swapping the Forecast Measure

The Measure variable identifies the universe measure that is used to compute the trend. Resetting this variable to
another measure will not break the formula. As packaged, the % First Response Service Level measure in the BA
Customer class is assigned to this variable. You can customize a copy of the report to provide a forecast of a
different measure. To do so, perform the following steps:

[+] Show Steps

1. Choose the measure that you want to substitute—for example, Entered, in the Business Attributes class.

2. Within BI LaunchPad, make a copy of the Interaction Volume Service Type Trend Report and retitle it accordingly—for
example, Interaction Volume Entered Trend Report:

a. Select the report to copy, and choose Organize > Copy.

b. Select the folder in which to paste the report, and choose Organize > Paste.

c. Right click the report and choose Properties. Edit the Title, and click Save & Close.

3. Right-click a report, and in the context menu, select Modify to open the report for editing.

4. On the Data Access tab, Data Providers sub-tab, click Edit Data.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 73

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Changing the Forecast

Edit Variable

5. On the Query Panel, add the measure you want to add to both combined queries (Combined Query 1 [for current
data] and Combined Query 2 [for forecasted data]):

a. Select Combined Query 1, then double click the measure you want to add (this adds it to the Result Objects

b. Select Combined Query 2, then double click the measure you want to add (this adds it to the Result Objects

Do not yet remove the % First Response Service Level measure.

Close the Query Panel.

6. From the toolbar, click Design > With Data.

7. In the Available Objects list, double-click Measure to open the Edit Variable dialog box.

The figure Edit Variable shows the main Available Objects list, and the Edit Variable dialog box. Note that the
Edit Variable dialog box also contains a list called 'Available Objects'.

8. Create the new variable as follows:

a. In the Name field, type a name for the variable.

b. In the Formula field, replace [% First Response Time Service Level] with the measure that you chose
in Step 1 (for example, Entered) and click OK.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 74

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Changing the Forecast


9. If your selected measure yields values that are greater than 1—as is the case with the example Entered, given in Step
1—perform the following steps on the Main tab of the report:

a. Set Forecast Alerter (the alerter that is associated with the forecast column, shown in the figure Alerter)
appropriately, or remove it altogether.

b. Update the legend.

c. In the Available Objects list, double-click the Trend Line variable and change its formula to the following:
If [A] * [Dimension With Forecast] + [B] < 0 Then 0
Else [A] * [Dimension With Forecast] + [B]

10. Appropriately rename any strings that indicate the name of the measure that is to be replaced. On the report
Summary tab, for instance, change the name of the axis, change the chart name, and, in the report structure, change
the hardcoded string % First Response Time Service Level over Time to Entered over Time.

11. On the report Description tab, add the Entered measure and its description to the table. Change the report
description appropriately.

12. (Optional) On the Query Panel, remove any measures that you no longer want to appear in the query.

13. Save and test your report.

In the GI2 universe, the First Response in Threshold and Entered with Objective measures
(the first two columns of the Trend report) are used to derive % First Response Time Service

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 75

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Changing the Forecast

Level (the third column in the report). If you swap the service-level measure for another, as
instructed in the preceding section, you might also want to swap out the first two measures. Be
sure to add any new measures to both halves of the underlying combined query and set the
columns of the main table appropriately.

Managing the Report Dimensions

Among the internal variables of the Interaction Volume Service Type Trend Report are some that parameterize
dimensions. This section demonstrates how to modify such variables and the report structure to reflect different

Changing Dimensions Other than Time dimensions

The following abbreviated steps demonstrate how to define additional or fewer dimensions within the report:

[+] Show Steps

1. On the Query Panel, add the desired dimension to (or remove it from) both combined queries.

2. In the Available Objects list, double-click Dimension With Forecast to open the variable editor. Change this variable
definition to include or remove the desired dimension. For instance, the following definition adds the Service Type
=RunningCount([Time Dimension];([Tenant Name];[Media Type];[Service Type]))

3. Click Document Structure and Filters and modify the report section as desired.

4. Save and test your report.

Changing Time Dimensions

To change the report time dimension, perform the following abbreviated steps:

[+] Show Steps

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 76

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Changing the Forecast

Hidden Columns in the Trend Report

1. In the Query Panel, add the desired time dimension to both combined queries. For example, add Month. Do not yet
remove the Day dimension.

2. In the Available Objects list, double-click Time Dimension to open the variable editor. Change this variable definition
to match the added dimension—for example, to =[Month].

3. Click Close > Apply changes and close.

Between the first two visible columns in the main table of the report are two hidden columns: [Day] and [Is Current
Data]. The figure Hidden Columns in the Trend Report shows the hidden [Day] column, highlighted within the red

4. Select the hidden [Day] column and change its formula to your desired dimension—for example, to =[Month].

5. (Optional) On the Query Panel, remove any time dimensions that you no longer want to appear in the query.

6. Save and test your report.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 77

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Cascading Prompts

Using Cascading Prompts

By default, the user prompts in the GI2 reports do not observe interrelationships between the objects that users
select for report generation even though direct relationships might exist within the contact center. (The one
exception to this rule is described in Prompt Interrelationships.) Users can, for example, select any combination of
agents against which to run a report regardless of the groups to which the agents belong and regardless of the
agent groups which the report user selects. The GI2 universe features agent and queue cascading prompts whose
purpose is to limit user selections during report generation to only those members that belong to the selected agent
group(s) or queue group(s). This functionality is delivered through either of the following methods:

• Modify the Universe LOVs—Customize the agent and queue lists of values in the universe.

• Modify the Report Query—Customize the reports to replace agent and queue user prompts with those cascading
objects described in the table, Universe Objects Used for Cascading Prompts. (Some of these objects are hidden.)

This page demonstrates how to implement cascading-prompt functionality within your reports using both methods
and discusses the limitations associated with their use.

Table: Universe Objects Used for Cascading Prompts

[+] Show Table

Universe Object Description
Class Object
Same as the Agent Name dimension
except this object employs
Agent Cascade dimension
agentcascade_lov to populate
values instead of agentname_lov.
Same as the Agent condition except
this object references the Agent
Agent Cascade condition
Cascade dimension instead of the
Agent Name dimension.
Service Objects
Same as the Queue dimension
except this object employs
Queue Cascade dimension
queuecascade_lov to populate
values instead of queue_lov.
Same as the Queue condition except
this object references the Queue
Queue Cascade condition
Cascade dimension instead of the
Queue dimension.

Modify the Universe LOVs

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 78

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Cascading Prompts

The benefit in the approach of modifying the agent and queue lists of values (LOVs) in the universe to provide
cascade functionality is that all reports (that employ agent and queue LOVs) reflect this change automatically. Any
report that references the altered LOVs will reflect cascading-prompt behavior. However, this approach also has a
drawback in the scenario in which you want only a subset of reports to use cascade functionality.

To add cascading prompts to a report using the modify-the-LOV approach, perform the following steps:

[+] Show Steps

1. In the Information Design Tool, open the GI2 universe.

2. In the Business Layer list, click the Parameters and List of values class.

3. From the List of Values list, select agentname_lov.

4. Click Edit Query. The Query Panel opens, where you can modify the code for the agentname_lov list of value.

5. Click View Script, and enable Use custom query script.

6. Replace the code in the [Query] script field with the following, and click OK:

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 79

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Cascading Prompts


AND ' ALL' IN @Prompt('Agent Group:','A','Activity\Agent Group',Multi,Constrained,Persistent,{' ALL'},User:9)
union ALL
AND (( ' ALL' IN @Prompt('Agent Group:','A','Activity\Agent Group',Multi,Constrained,Persistent,{' ALL'},User:9))
Group:','A','Activity\Agent Group',Multi,Constrained,Persistent,{' ALL'},User:9))

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 80

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Cascading Prompts

7. On the Query Panel, click OK to save the modified LOV definition.

8. Repeat Steps 2–7 to modify the queue_lov definition in the Queue class. Copy the SQL code from the
queuecascade_lov—the LOV associated with the Queue Cascade dimension. These two LOV modifications affect
the Agent Name and Queue dimensions in all classes in which the dimensions exist throughout the universe and in
which they are paired with the agentname_lov and queue_lov LOVs.

9. Save the universe and export your changes to the repository to make them available to the reporting community.

10. In Web Intelligence, for each affected report, edit the query to remove a group condition—where it exists—and save
the report. This includes the following conditions:

• Group Combination

• Group Combination ABN

• Group Combination ANS

• Group Combination Detail Session

• Group Combination Detail State

• Group Combination Rsn

• Group Combination Sess

Unless other significant modifications are made, do not remove the Agent Group condition from the Agent
Group reports; these reports do not reference the Agent Name dimension.

Modify the Report Query

To add cascading prompts to one or more reports by using the modify-the-report-query approach:

[+] Show Steps

1. Make a copy of the report you want to customize. Reports that include either or both the Agent Name and Queue
conditions are for incorporating agent- and queue-cascade functionality.
Note that the Agent Group reports reference the Agent Group condition instead of Agent Name; these reports are
not suitable for cascade prompt customization unless you make other significant modifications.

2. In Web Intelligence, edit the report query to perform the following modifications. Where it exists:

a. Replace the Agent condition with the Agent Cascade condition.

b. Replace the Queue condition with the Queue Cascade condition.

It does not suffice merely to add cascading objects to a report; you must remove the regular conditions.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 81

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Using Cascading Prompts

Accessing the Advanced Prompts Panel

c. Remove any group condition from the report. (See step 10 of Modify the Universe LOVs for more information.)

d. Save the report.

After you make these modifications, users of this report who run the report using the Advanced Prompt Panel (as shown in the figure Accessing the
Advanced Prompts Panel) are prompted to select agents or queues from a particular group instead of from a listing of all agents (or queues) who
belong to the tenant (or contact center).

Limitations on Cascading Prompts

You can design cascading prompts for contact center relationships for any universe object that uses an LOV and
that can be used in conditions. The GI2 universe provides only the two mentioned in this section to retrieve:

• A listing of agents from a group of agents.

• A listing of queues from a group of queues.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 82

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Reporting Outside the GMT Time Zone

Reporting Outside the GMT Time Zone

A standard Genesys Info Mart deployment using the default DATE_TIME calendar yields reporting in the Genesys
Info Mart default time zone only. There are, however, other supported deployments allowing:

• One tenant reporting across multiple time zones

• Multiple tenant reporting within one common time zone

• Multiple tenant reporting using a different time zone for each tenant

To configure Genesys Info Mart to accomplish this type of reporting within GI2 using one universe and multiple

1. Configure additional calendars in Genesys Info Mart; for example, DATE_TIME_CNT and DATE_TIME_AET. See
Creating Custom Calendars section in the Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide for further instructions.

2. Identify the created calendars to RAA:

a. Create an ASCII file that contains the following code (substitute the AET and CNT time zones and their offsets
with your desired time zone(s) and their corresponding offsets):

;This code identifies time zones TO RAA

(~time-zone CNT "DATE_TIME_CNT" -12600 -9000)
(~time-zone AET "DATE_TIME_AET" +36000 +39600)
;This code instructs RAA TO USE the AET time zone when
;populating DATA FOR only those aggregation hierarchies that
;are listed
(add-other-tz AET
(hierarchies: H_AGENT H_QUEUE
;This code make ALL hierarchies CNT-time zone aware
(add-standard-hierarchies-in-tz CNT)

b. Save this file in the Genesys Info Mart root folder with the file name The aggregation process
must be able to locate this file from the location where aggregation is run.

3. Invoke aggregation. RAA creates a separate set of database objects for each calendar and names the objects with the
time zone’s abbreviation (AG2_AET_AGENT_SUBHR). RAA manages these objects within the main schema.

4. Create a schema in Genesys Info Mart for each tenant. Users should not directly reference objects in the main
schema, so you must create aliases to control the access that users have to Info Mart data.

5. Create an alias file, (for example:, following the instructions in “Format of the Tenant Alias
File” in the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates User’s Guide. For example:

(aliases-for-account name: <tenant1_schema_name> login: "<tenant1_user>" password: "<tenant1_pwd>"

(tenants: <tenant1_key>) (time-zone: PST))
(aliases-for-account name: <tenant2_schema_name> login: "<tenant2_user>" password: "<tenant2_pwd>"
(tenants: ALL) (time-zone: EST))

6. To update tenant aliases, invoke aggregation in standalone mode by issuing the following command:
java -jar agg/GIMAgg.jar -conf runagg -updateAliases
RAA creates views in the specified schema(s) that employ standard names. Therefore, no change to the definitions of

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 83

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Reporting Outside the GMT Time Zone

measures, dimensions, or conditions is required in the GI2 universe. Each tenant account now sees data in their own
time zone.

7. Open the Information Design Tool, and create connection parameters for each tenant account. At the Login
Parameters screen of the Wizard Connection, specify the parameters to connect to the desired tenant schema. Refer
to “Linking the Universe to Your Data Mart” in the Genesys Interactive Insights Deployment Guide for more

Through the connection parameters that you establish (and depending on how calendars are set up), your users
have access to their own data and the GI2 reports display this data in the user's time zone.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 84

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Setting the Scope of Analysis

Setting the Scope of Analysis

Scope of Analysis for the Agent Conduct Report

When you run and save a report, BI software stores analytical information about the report in the report’s cube. This
information includes referenced universe elements, the database query, the returned results, and the report’s scope
of analysis, which defines the degree of data that is retrieved from the data mart as the result of a query. This
degree of data corresponds directly to the additional hierarchical levels, lower than those initially designed to be
included in the query. The figure Scope of Analysis for the Agent Conduct Report shows the Scope of Analysis
dialog for the Agent Conduct Report. This dialog becomes visible when you edit a report’s query within Web
Intelligence and click the Show/Hide Scope of Analysis Panel icon on the menu bar.

By default, the GI2 reports have the Scope of Analysis set to None; this means that no extra data is stored within
the report cube other than the dimensions that are directly used by the query to organize and retrieve results. This
minimizes the size of a report cube and maximizes the report performance by reducing the time required to run the
report (retrieve data from the Data Mart) and display the results. However, to make extra data available to your
users, you can customize each report to broaden its scope of analysis. You can change the Scope of Analysis to:

• One level

• Two levels

• Three levels
• Custom (Custom permits you to selectively designate the additional objects that should be included in the query.)

Refer to the BO/BI documentation for further information about this feature.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 85

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Troubleshooting Incompatibility

Troubleshooting Incompatibility
It is possible for your custom reports to generate results that are difficult to interpret, to generate errors, or to require
excessively long query-processing times when certain combinations of GI2 measures and dimensions are included
in the report. These conditions can occur under several circumstances, including:

• Improperly combining incompatible dimensions—such as the Queue and State Name dimensions—in the same

• Improperly combining disposition and interval measures in the same report.

For this reason, Genesys recommends that when you create or customize new reports, you try to employ measures
and dimensions that belong to the same class. Additionally, you should select one or more dimensions from the
Time class in every report. Observing this simple rule will minimize errors and confusion among your report users.

Incompatible Objects

Incompatible Objects Error Message

Incompatibilities can result if you add to your custom reports measures and dimensions from different
classes—even if you mix objects from a parent and its subclasses. Web Intelligence displays an error, shown in the
figure to the right, when it encounters an incompatibility.

To resolve this problem, you can modify the existing contexts to add joins between tables—where they can be
joined—or you can create new contexts defining these relationships. In scenarios where two tables cannot be
joined, avoid mixing measures and dimensions within the same report.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 86

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Troubleshooting Incompatibility

Ambiguous Queries

The Query Contexts Dialog Box

(Appears When the Report Query is Ambiguous)

If you build custom reports—even when you select objects from the same class—the Query Contexts dialog box
can appear, as shown in the figure The Query Contexts Dialog Box. Web Intelligence displays this dialog box when
the resulting query of your custom report is ambiguous—that is, when the query does not uniquely identify the table
from which data should be retrieved. On the contrary, an ambiguous query can be executed against more than one
table in the database.

For example, if you fail to include in your report a time-related dimension, then Web Intelligence displays the Query
Contexts dialog box before the query is executed—because like results are stored in all of the _SUBHR, _HOUR,
_DAY, _WEEK, _MONTH, _QRTR, and _YEAR aggregation tables and views. Only after you have specified the
appropriate context (the appropriate time dimension in this case) can Web Intelligence display the report’s results.

As another example, if you attempt to run a custom report in which you added only the Queue and Queue Group
dimensions from the Queue class (from GI2_Universe) to the query definition and nothing else, a message similar
to that shown in the The Query Contexts Dialog Box figure appears. Queue-related data from this class can be
retrieved from any of the following aggregate tables:






Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 87

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Troubleshooting Incompatibility

Such a query, without any measures or a time-related dimension, provides insufficient information for Web
Intelligence to determine the table (or view) from which it should retrieve the desired data.

To supress the message, so that users of your report do not see it, add the appropriate universe elements that
satisfy Web Intelligence’s request for additional information. Even if you choose not to display these elements in the
report, make them part of the underlying query. Optionally, you can preselect the appropriate context, so that the
message will not be displayed to users. Refer to BO/BI documentation for information on how to create contexts.

Finally, as is the case with any report design, study the results of your generated custom report to ensure that they
make sense.

GI2 releases that are incompatible with BI 4.2

In scenarios where you have installed SAP BI 4.2 with unsupported GI2 releases (GI2 8.5.000), drilling up from
Agent to Agent Group in customized reports can fail, producing an error message such as:

Modify joins for these Queue dimensions

Modify joins for these Queue Group dimensions

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 88

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Troubleshooting Incompatibility

Modify joins for these Agent Name dimensions

Modify joins for these Agent Group dimensions

Modify LOVs

The following database error occured: The multi-part identifier 'GROUP_GROUP_TYPE_CODE' could not be bound...

In these scenarios, Genesys recommends that you upgrade to GI2 release or later, which interoperates
correctly with BI 4.2. Alternatively, you can customize GI2 to work correctly with BI 4.2 by using the instructions in
the following procedure.

Genesys recommends that you install GI2 with the recommended releases of supporting software,
including RAA, Gensys Info Mart, and BI 4.x software. Compatible releases are listed in the 8.5
Product Alerts, available on the Genesys Interactive Insights page.

Editing the universe so that older versions of GI2 can work with BI 4.2
To resolve problems with drill operations (Agent up to Agent Group) in scenarios where you have installed BI 4.2
with releases of GI2 that do not support it, make the following changes to the universe:

1. In the class Service Objects, add the following new conditons:

• Resource Type Agent: RESOURCE_GI2.RESOURCE_TYPE_CODE = 'AGENT' and



• Resource Type Queue and None: RESOURCE_Q.RESOURCE_TYPE_CODE in ('QUEUE','NONE','UNKNOWN')


Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 89

Customizing the GI2 Universe and Reports Troubleshooting Incompatibility


2. For each of the following dimensions, in all classes except the details classes, remove the Where clause:

• Agent Name

• Agent Group

• Queue

• Queue Group

3. Modify the following joins to support deleted Where expressions:

• For Agent Name dimensions, modify the joins for the dimensions shown in the figure Modify joins for these
Agent Name dimensions.

• For Agent Group dimensions, modify the joins for the dimensions shown in the figure Modify joins for these
Agent Group dimensions.
• For Queue dimensions, modify the joins for the dimensions shown in the figure Modify joins for these Queue

• For Queue Group dimensions, modify the joins for the dimensions shown in the figure Modify joins for these
Queue Group dimensions.

4. Modify the definitions of the following LOVs, as shown in the figure Modify LOVs, to reflect the corresponding
condition from the Service Objects class: queue_lov, queuegroup_lov, queueandnone_lov, agentname_lov,

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 90

Managing Performance Troubleshooting Incompatibility

Managing Performance
This page describes steps you can take to improve the performance of GI2.

Maintaining High Performance

Some elements are repeated throughout the universe for convenience, to reduce the potential for incompatibilities
(see Troubleshooting Incompatibility), and also to improve report-query performance, including all time-related
conditions that exist in more than one class:

[+] More Information

• DateRange—in the Activity, Agent Contact, Business Attribute, Contact Attempt, and Time classes

• PreSetAndDate—in the Activity, Agent Contact, Business Attribute, Contact Attempt, Summarized State, and Time

• PreSetAndDateRange—in the Activity, Agent Contact, Business Attribute, Contact Attempt, Queue, Summarized
State, and Time classes

• PreSetAndDayAndTimeRange—in the Handling Attempt and Transfer classes

In previous releases, many of the reports referenced date-time keys that directly queried records in the DATE_TIME
table; this required an additional join from the aggregate table to the DATE_TIME table—which is a sizeable table
filled with thousands of rows of metadata. Beginning with the 8.0 release, some of these date-time references within
the reports have been redirected to query the date and time fields within the reports’ base aggregate tables
themselves—constituting a simpler design that requires one fewer complex join. As a direct result, performance for
those reports improved over the 7.6 release.

As you build new reports or customize the provided reports, be sure to weigh the decision to employ date-time
elements from the Time class with the decision to employ those elements—where they exist—from the universe
class that supports your report’s underlying aggregate tables and views.

Optimal Time to Run Reports

The GI2 reports provide a snapshot of contact center and enterprise activity as of the most recent transformation
and aggregation in the Info Mart database. For completed interactions in completed reporting intervals that occurred
prior to the last transformation and aggregation runs, the reports provide consistent results each time the reports
are run. However, results can differ for interactions that are still active, or for intervals that are incomplete. For
example, running a month-type report mid-month yields results that differ from those that are obtained by running
the same monthly report at the end of the month.

[+] More Information

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 91

Managing Performance Troubleshooting Incompatibility

As with other Genesys applications, GI2 requires that your system GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
setting is accurate and synchronized among the servers in your environment.

The headers of each report display the report date (which is the date and time when the report was run) rather than
the date and time when the most recent transformation job was run. In fact, the date and time when the most recent
transformation job was run are not reflected in the report, even though it is that date and time at which contact
center activity is reflected by the report data.

For the smaller aggregation levels, the variances in report results are more pronounced, given the configuration
within the Genesys Info Mart application of the data chunk size that is to be transformed. Genesys Info Mart is an
historical-reporting application, therefore you must give care to the interpretation of report results when you use GI2
as a near real-time tool to obtain daily reports (for example, when the day has not yet completed or has only
recently completed).

Many factors contribute to latency in data availability between the date and time of the most recent transformation
and aggregation run, and the date and time when the report is run, including the following:

• Scheduling of ETL jobs and job performance.

• Interaction volume, and the number of segments per interaction.

• Number of configured key-value pairs.

• Hardware and RDBMS that are used in your environment.

• Performance of ICON’s merge procedure.

Read more about these factors in the Genesys Info Mart documentation, and in the Genesys Hardware Sizing

Preventing WebI Server Problems

As your Info Mart database accumulates large amounts of contact center data, it becomes possible for users to
request a report containing a very large amount of data. It is possible for such a report to stop the BI system,
because when BI software retrieves data, it stores the data in memory. If the BO software has insufficient memory
to handle a report with large amounts of data, or if the BI software is charged to handle requests from too many
concurrent users running reports in parallel, an overflow occurs, and the software displays the following error
Unexpected behavior: Java heap space.

To prevent overflow due to insufficient memory, Genesys recommends that you perform one or more of the
following procedures:

Microsoft Windows x86 applications are limited to 2 GB

each for maximum memory pool size. The default memory
Manage the Memory Pool Size of Your Web Server
pool size for the Tomcat web server application that is
deployed with BO, however, is 1 GB. To increase this

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 92

Managing Performance Troubleshooting Incompatibility

value, you can modify Tomcat configuration to set the

maximum memory pool size to a value within the
1,200–1,500 MB range. Having this maximum number of
pre-allocated memory blocks available for Tomcat
enables memory allocation with constant execution.
[+] Show Steps
To change this setting for the Tomcat application, perform the following

1. On your Microsoft Windows platform, open the Tomcat

program group and select Tomcat Configuration.

2. In the Apache Tomcat Properties window, on the Java

tab, set the Initial memory pool size to 512, and the
Maximum memory pool to a value between 1,200 MB
and 1,500 MB.

3. Restart Tomcat.

Refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide for

additional information (see BO/BI documentation).

When your computer lacks adequate physical memory to

perform an operation or run a program, Microsoft
Windows uses virtual memory to compensate. For
efficient GI2 operation, set the amount of virtual memory
Manage the Virtual Memory of Your Host
to a size at least 1.5 times that of your host’s RAM.
To adjust virtual memory configuration, refer to the documentation
provided by Microsoft.

Depending on the design of a GI2 report and the types of

actions being performed against it, memory requirements
vary. The peak memory usage for a Web Intelligence
document occurs when you refresh a report, because BI
must query the Info Mart database and transfer the entire
dataset to the Web Intelligence server.
File caching allows BI web services to handle very large attachments
without buffering them in memory. File caching compromises
performance because BO’s web services must process information by
using files instead of memory. If file caching is not enabled, however, all
Manage the WebI Document Cache JVM memory could be utilized when handling very large attachments
and replication can fail. You can configure BI web services to use file
caching for large transfers to a file and to use memory for smaller files.

[+] Show steps

To manage the Web Intelligence document cache, perform the following

1. Within the Central Management Console (CMC), click


Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 93

Managing Performance Troubleshooting Incompatibility

Setting Web Intelligence Processing Parameters

2. Expand Service Categories, and open the properties

of Web Intelligence Processing server. The figure
Setting Web Intelligence Processing Parameters
shows the default values in WebI properties.

3. Set the value in the Document Cache Cleanup

Interval field to 600 seconds.

4. Set the value in the Cache Timeout field to 20

minutes. This value indicates how often the BI
software will clear the document cache.

5. If it is checked, clear the Disable Cache Sharing


6. Set the value in the Maximum Document Cache Size

field to 10240 KB.

7. Restart the Web Intelligence Processing server.

Refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator’s Guide (or

the Business Intelligence Platform Administrator Guide) and the relevant
SAP Sizing Companion Guide for further information (see BO/BI

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 94

Additional Resources Troubleshooting Incompatibility

Additional Resources

Genesys Info Mart

Documentation for Genesys Info Mart is available on the Genesys Documentation website:

• Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide, for information about Genesys Info Mart jobs such as Job_AggregateGIM, and
the Genesys Info Mart Manager, which you can use to manage Genesys Info Mart jobs.

• Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide, for information about configuring the Genesys Info Mart and Interaction
Concentrator servers to recognize user data.

Reporting and Analytics Aggregates

Documentation for Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA) is available on the Genesys Documentation website:

• Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Deployment Guide, which describes the runtime parameters and configuration
options mentioned in this document.

• Reporting and Analytics Aggregates User’s Guide, which describes the different modes of running aggregation, the
aggregation hierarchies, and how to configure Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA) to aggregate data based on
these user-defined dimensions.

• The Physical Data Model documentation for your RDBMS, which describes the aggregate tables and subject areas:

• Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Physical Data Model for a Microsoft SQL Server Database

• Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Physical Data Model for an Oracle Database

• Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Physical Data Model for a PostgreSQL Database

Genesys Interactive Insights

Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) 8.5 entered End of Life (EOL) on January 25, 2019. It enters
End of Maintenance on July 28, 2020, and reaches End of Support on January 24, 2021. If you
have questions, contact your account representative. GI2 is replaced by Genesys CX Insights.

Documentation for Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) is available on the Genesys Documentation website:

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 95

Additional Resources Troubleshooting Incompatibility

• Genesys Interactive Insights Deployment Guide, which will help you install, start, stop, and uninstall the Genesys-
provided image of BI and the GI2 reports and universe.

• Genesys Interactive Insights Universe Guide, which describes, in detail, the reports and measures that are provided in
the GI2 release.

• Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide, which includes a report- customization example that displays aggregated
results that are sectioned by your own custom user data.

BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.1

Documentation for BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.1 (BI) is provided by SAP (see BO

• Business Intelligence Platform User Guide—SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.1 Support

• Business Intelligence Launch Pad User Guide—SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.1 Support

• Information Design Tool User Guide—SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 Support Package

Additional documentation for Genesys products is available, as follows:

• The Genesys Glossary provides a comprehensive list of the Genesys and computer-telephony integration (CTI)
terminology and acronyms.

• Genesys Migration Guide, available on the Genesys Documentation website, provides documented migration
strategies for Genesys product releases. Contact Genesys Customer Care for more information.</li>

• Release Notes and Product Advisories for this product, which are available on the Genesys Documentation website.

Information about supported hardware and third-party software is available on the Genesys Documentation website
in the following documents:

• The Genesys Interactive Insights page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide

• Genesys Supported Media Interfaces Reference Manual

• Genesys Hardware Sizing Guide, which provides information about Genesys hardware sizing guidelines for the
Genesys 8.x releases. For additional system-wide planning tools and information, see the release-specific listings of
System-Level Documents on the Genesys Documentation website (

Genesys product documentation is available on the:

• Genesys Customer Care website

• Genesys Documentation website

• Genesys Documentation Library DVD, which you can order by email from Genesys Order Management at Genesys
Order Management.

Genesys Interactive Insights User's Guide 96

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