Oifig An Stiúrthóra Náisiúnta, Acmhainní Daonna: Nationalabsence@hse - Ie
Oifig An Stiúrthóra Náisiúnta, Acmhainní Daonna: Nationalabsence@hse - Ie
Oifig An Stiúrthóra Náisiúnta, Acmhainní Daonna: Nationalabsence@hse - Ie
Dear Colleagues,
HR Circular 007/2020 and HR Circular 008/2020 advised of the requirement of HSE national collection of
daily absence and subsequent changes in the arrangements regarding monthly employee absence
reporting consequent to our response to COVID-19. HR Circular 008/2020 advised on the development of a
new Paid Absence Code ‘COVID19-Paid Leave issued to the system for use across SAP sites to record
employee absence specifically relating to COVID-19 along with the notification of a revised template as part
of the normal monthly process1. Monthly templates have now issued to all relevant (non-SAP) areas.
Given the dynamic nature of the required response of our services to COVID-19, to support responsive
decisions there is a mandatory requirement for concurrent data on absence. Therefore, the purpose of this
circular is to set out the requirement and approach for the collection of national absence data, specifically
related to COVID-19 which is required to be reported twice weekly (Monday & Thursday by not later
than 12 midday) from all Hospital Groups, Community Healthcare Organisations and National Functions.
The requirement for the measurement of all absence data is set out within HSE HR Circular 008/2008 and HSE HR Circular 007/2010, with the
primary purpose of establishing a national public health service wide reporting process of monthly percentage absence rates by agency and
staff category. The collection and reporting of monthly absence data is managed by the Strategic Workforce Planning and Intelligence Unit
National HR. For fully operational integrated SAP sites, absence data is extracted from the Bex Analyser database directly. All other HSE areas
and Section 38 agencies are required to submit absence returns on the National Absence template to nationalabsence@hse.ie
This critical dataset will provide a current view of the total numbers of employees by staff category absent
due to reasons related to COVID-19.
For HSE only agencies (Statutory) and for all fully integrated SAP sites, HBS HPSA has agreed to provide
daily absence reporting for COVID-19 directly to National HR. For Section 38 agencies that are not
recorded on SAP HR, a reporting template to record absence due to COVID-19 will be issued to each HR
Hospital Group and HR Community Health Organisation from Strategic Workforce Planning & Intelligence
for completion and return to nationalabsence@hse.ie twice weekly. Reporting is mandatory and critical in
assisting national planning and co-ordination in the response to COVID-19
For queries relating to the reporting of National absence template (twice weekly) due to COVID-19, please
contact nationalabsence@hse.ie.
Yours sincerely,
___ ______
Anne Marie Hoey Anne O’ Connor
National Director of Human Resources Chief Operations Officer
“To view the Health Services People Strategy 2019 - 2024 please click here.”