Study Cloud Application Platforms With Iot
Study Cloud Application Platforms With Iot
Market Research
Cloud platforms for applications and the This study covers industrial cloud applica- The cloud application market promises to
Internet of Things (IoT) are appearing in tion platforms with IoT functionality. deliver continued growth for the foreseea-
the solution portfolios of many industrial Growth for cloud platforms will be uneven ble future. This report answers key strate-
and smart city software and automation as users determine how organizational gic questions, such as:
suppliers. Together with machine learning processes are impacted by microservice- • What is the market potential for cloud
and artificial intelligence, modern cloud- based technology deployment. Across in- applications and microservices?
based application development and dustries, real-time monitoring of assets • Who are the leading suppliers?
runtime platforms are changing the indus- continues to be a launching point use case.
trial software marketplace. Organizations • Where are people investing and why?
Buyers are also trying to leverage IoT data
cannot remain on older platforms and still and monitoring to grow into larger process • What are the strategic issues facing sup-
compete effectively. capabilities, such as asset performance pliers and users?
But making sense of the emerging plat- management, operations optimization, and
forms market is no easy task. Part of the supply chain management
difficulty is defining the term “platform” North America is currently the clear leader This ARC research is available in the form
which is commonly applied to a variety of in investment for cloud applications and of a Market Intelligence Workbook (Excel)
technologies. However, much of the chal- IIoT, followed by Europe and Asia. and/or a concise, executive-level Market
lenge has to do with the simultaneous Analysis Report (PDF), with or without
commercial emergence of both the Indus- For more information, please visit us at
detailed charts.
trial IoT and these various platforms.