Vision-Based Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping Using Scale-Invariant Features
Vision-Based Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping Using Scale-Invariant Features
Vision-Based Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping Using Scale-Invariant Features
6 SIFT Database
(c) (d) Our basic approach has been described above, but
Figure 4: Frames of an image sequence with SIFT fea- there are various enhancements dealing with the SIFT
tures marked. (a) 1st frame. (b) 60th frame. (c) 120th database that can help our tracking to be more robust
frame. (d) 180th frame. and our map-building to be more stable.
6.1 Database Entry
In order to assess the reliability of a certain SIFT
feature in the database, we need some information re-
garding how many times this feature has been matched
1200 and has not been matched so far. The new database
entry is [X, Y, Z, s, o, m, n, l] where l is still the count
1000 for the number of times being missed consecutively,
which is used to decide whether or not the feature
should be pruned from tracking. m is a count for the
number of times it has been missed so far and n is a
count for the number of times it has been seen so far.
400 Each feature has to appear at least 3 times (n ≥ 3)
to be considered as a valid feature. This is to eliminate
200 false alarms and noise, as it is highly unlikely that some
noise will cause a feature to match in the right, left &
top images for 3 times (a total of 9 camera views).
−200 In this experiment, we move the robot around the
lab environment without the chair in the middle. In
−1000 −800 −600 −400 −200 0 200 400 600 800 1000
order to demonstrate visually that the SIFT database
map is three-dimensional, we use a visualization pack-
Figure 5: Bird’s eye view of the SIFT landmarks age Geomview. Figure 6 shows several views of the
(including ceiling features) in the database after 249 3D SIFT map from different angles in Geomview. We
frames. The cross at (0,0) indicates the initial robot can see that the centre region is clear, as false alarms
position and the dashed line indicates the robot path. and noise features are discarded. Visual judgement
indicates that the SIFT landmarks correspond well to
the SIFT features found. At the end, a total of 3590 actual objects in the lab.
SIFT landmarks, with 3D positions relative to the ini-
tial robot position, are gathered in the SIFT database. 6.2 Permanent Landmarks
In a scene where there could be many volatile fea-
Figure 5 shows the bird’s eye view of these fea- tures, e.g., when someone blocks the camera view for a
tures. Consistent clusters are observed correspond- while, stable features observed earlier are not matched
ing to chairs, shelves, posters, computers etc. in the for a number of consecutive frames, and will be dis-
scene. The robot has traversed forward more than carded.
which the feature is observed. Subsequently, if the
new view direction differs from the original view direc-
tion by more than a threshold (currently set to 20◦ ),
its miss count will not be incremented even if it does
not match. This way we can avoid corrupting the fea-
ture information gathered earlier by the current partial
view of the world.
If a feature matches from a direction larger than
the threshold, we add a new view vector with the
associated SIFT characteristic to the existing land-
(a) mark. Therefore, a database landmark can have mul-
tiple SIFT characteristics (si , oi , vi ) where si and oi
are the scale and orientation for the view direction vi .
Over time, if a landmark is observed from various di-
rections, much richer SIFT information is gathered.
The matching procedure is as follows:
• compute view vector v between the database
landmark and the current robot position
• find the existing view direction vi associated with
the database landmark which is closest to v, i.e.,
with minimal angle φ between the two vectors
• check whether φ is less than 20◦ :
(b) (c)
Figure 6: 3D SIFT database map viewed from different – if so, update the existing s and o if feature
angles in Geomview. Each feature has appeared con- matching succeeds, or increment miss count
sistently in at least 9 camera views. (a) From top. (b) if feature matching fails
From left. (c) From right. – else, add a new entry of SIFT characteristics
(s, o, v) to the existing landmark if feature
Therefore, when the environment is clear, we can matching succeeds
build a SIFT database beforehand and mark them as The 3D positions of the landmarks are updated ac-
permanent landmarks, if they are valid (having ap- cordingly if matched.
peared in at least 3 frames) and if the percentage of 6.4 Error Modeling
their occurrence, given by n/(n+m), is above a certain There are various errors such as noise and quan-
threshold. Afterwards, this set of reliable landmarks tization associated with the images and the features
will not be wiped out even if they are being missed found. They introduce inaccuracy in both the land-
for many consecutive frames. They are important for marks’ position as well as the least-squares estimation
subsequent localization after the view is unblocked. of the robot position. In stochastic mapping, a single
6.3 Viewpoint Variation filter is used to maintain estimates of landmark posi-
Although SIFT features are invariant in image ori- tions, the robot position and the covariances between
entation and scale, they are image projections of 3D them [4], with high computational complexity.
landmarks and hence vary with large changes of view- In more recent work, we have employed a Kalman
points and as different parts of the object are observed Filter [1] for each database SIFT landmark which now
or part of the object is occluded. has a 3x3 covariance matrix for its position, assum-
For example, when the front of an object is seen ing the independence of landmarks. When a match is
first, after the robot moves around and views the ob- found in the current frame, the covariance matrix in
ject from the back, the image feature is in general com- the current frame will be combined with the covariance
pletely different. As the original feature may not be matrix in the database so far, and its 3D position will
observable from this viewpoint, or observable but ap- be updated accordingly.
pear different, its miss count will increase gradually An ellipsoidal uncertainty based on its covariance
and it will be pruned even though it is still there. is associated with each landmark position. The el-
Therefore, we allow each SIFT landmark to have lipses shrink when the landmarks are matched over
more than one SIFT characteristics, where each SIFT frames, indicating they are localized better. On the
characteristic (scale and orientation) is associated with other hand, the ellipses expand when the landmarks
a view vector keeping track of the viewpoint from are missed, indicating higher positional uncertainty.
7 Conclusion IEEE International Symposium on Computational In-
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