Gas Velocity Measurement For Process Air Volume Flow Control in Coating Equipment

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Gas velocity measurement for

process air volume flow control

E P O R T in coating equipment
Ma r k e t s e g m e n t
Coater equipment is used in n Covering chemical carrier ved enabling boundary condi-

process engineering for cover- materials with reaction fluids tions to be defined, which, in
ing, coating, impregnating or n Increasing particle volume turn, provides a high level of
texturing particles with a size by using suitable adhesives reproducibility with regard to

> 0.4 mm. Main application together with powdered the operating procedures.
fields are food, pharmaceutical substances A coating system essentially
and chemical industry. comprises
Examples are n Feed and exhaust air
n Coating of tablets with a film Process system with blowers,
to protect them against light Because of the strong regula- filter and heater
and humidity, to contain un- tions in the food and phar- n Drum with sprayers,
pleasant odors or to allow maceutical industry precise pumps and hoses
their active ingredients to be recording of all measuring data n Control and monitoring
released into the body in a device

from the coating process are

controlled manner. essential in order to achieve a
n Covering chewing gum with very high level of reproducibility Once the system has been
sugar of the processing steps. This is filled with the product to be
n Covering sugar granules with achieved by large-scale auto- coated, lacquer solutions or
chocolate mation of the processes invol- dispersants, for example, are
applied and dried continuously
under a supply of conditioned
warm air. The rotation of the
drum as well as the agitators
ensure homogeneous blending
Drum of the product and precise ap-
Sprayer air plication of the sprayer materi-
als. The process can be run
continuously or in pre-program-
Sprayer pump
med process cycles.
The process air is extracted
PT 100 through the product bed, thus
Product drying the product immediately.
Temp. sensor
FLOWSIC 104 The drum rotation and process
PT 100 air flow at the same time pre-
Temp. sensor Thermostate vent the product from sticking.
Exhaust air
pressure Air heater

Exhaus air Air flow controller

Muffler pressure Feed air filter
Volumetric flow

Exhaust air Process air

Fig. 1: Coating process (schematic)

Me a s u r i n g t a s k
A very important measuring The measuring conditions have
variable in ensuring the repro- been:
ducibility of the product-specific Max. flow: 2000 m3/h
process is the volumetric flow Temp. (appr.): 80 °C
determination of the process Duct diameter: 250 mm
air by means of measuring the
air velocity.
So the same air quantity is al-
ways supplied to the product
bed in case of campaigns and
the product quality remains
Anemometer (m3 / h)


Me a s u r i n g s o l u t i o n
A common device for volu- 500
metric flow measurement is
the vane anemometer.
An attractive alternative how-
ever is the FLOWSIC 104,
which has been tested in an 0 500 1000 1500 2000
coater installation at Glatt AG, FLOWSIC 104 (m /h) 3
Maschinen- & Apparatebau,
CH-4133 Pratteln 1.
FLOWSIC 104 was mounted in Fig. 2: Comparison results of FLOWSIC vs. Anemometer
the air supply pipe down-
stream the anemometer in flow
direction. A series of compari-
son measurements was per-
formed with the air supply flap
open. The flow was regulated
via the exhaust air ventilator.
The diagramm shows the very User benefits
high grade of coincidence of The benefits of using FLOWSIC n Representative values by
the measured values thus prov- for this application are based integral measurement along
ing the qualification of FLOWSIC on the properties of the ultra- one axis (Cross stack)
104 for this application. sonic measuring principle: n No backflush, no com
n No sensitive and movable pressed air needed;
parts in the gas flow extremely low maintenance
n High level of accuracy across requirements
the entire measuring range, n Remote parameter setting
even near the zero point. for FLOWSIC possible from
n Air purging keeps transducer the control station using the
clean with additional cooling evaluation unit
8 008 714.052000.JK.MG • Printed in France • Subject to change

Environmental Monitoring
Nimburger Straße 11
D-79276 Reute

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