Tutorialspoint Examples: JSON Format and Data Types
Tutorialspoint Examples: JSON Format and Data Types
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JSON Format And Data Types
JSON Syntax:
JSON syntax is a subset of the JavaScript object notation syntax. JSON syntax has following
1. Data is represented in name/value pairs.
2. Data is separated by commas.
3. Curly braces hold objects and each object name is followed by colon.
4. Square brackets hold arrays.
JSON example:
{"firstName":"Sandy", "lastName":"Sethi"},
{"firstName":"Roxy", "lastName":"Malik"},
{"firstName":"Sunil", "lastName":"Antil"}
JSON datatypes:
Data Type Description
Number It represents doubleprecision floatingpoint format in JavaScript
String It represents doublequoted Unicode with backslash escaping
Boolean It represents true or false
Array It represents an ordered sequence of values
Value it can be a string, a number, true or false, null etc
Object It represents an unordered collection of key:value pairs
Whitespace It can be used between any pair of tokens
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1/12/2016 JSON format and data types | Tutorialspoint examples
null It represents empty
Next Topic: How to create json object from string in javascript?
Previous Topic: JSON overview. (http://tutorialspointexamples.com/jsonoverview/)
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JSON Tutorial
JSON overview. (http://tutorialspointexamples.com/jsonoverview/)
JSON format and data types (http://tutorialspointexamples.com/jsonformatanddatatypes/)
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