DRUG Study Piyali
DRUG Study Piyali
DRUG Study Piyali
Anti- SINEMET is supplied as Oral route Crosses into the brain through More common Assessment & Drug Effects
parkinsonism tablets in three strengths: the "blood- brain barrier."
drug Once it crosses, it is converted Twitching, twisting, Make accurate observations
SINEMET 25-100, to dopamine. The resulting uncontrolled and report promptly adverse
containing 25 mg of increase in brain dopamine repetitive reactions and therapeutic
Carbidopa carbidopa and 100 mg of concentrations is believed to movements of the effects. Rate of dosage
levodopa levodopa. improve nerve conduction and tongue, lips, face, increase is determined
assist the movement disorders arms, or legs primarily by patient's
Brand name SINEMET 10-100, in Parkinson disease. Less common tolerance and response to
Atamet, Sinemet. containing 10 mg of Carbidopa does not cross the levodopa.
carbidopa and 100 mg of blood-brain barrier. Carbidopa Bladder pain, Monitor vital signs,
levodopa. is added to the levodopa to bloody or cloudy particularly during period of
prevent the breakdown of urine, dosage adjustment. Report
SINEMET 25-250, levodopa before it crosses into chest pain alterations in BP, pulse, and
containing 25 mg of the brain. The addition of confusion respiratory rate and rhythm.
carbidopa and 250 mg of carbidopa allows lower doses difficult, burning, or Monitor all patients closely
levodopa. of levodopa to be used. This painful urination for behavior changes.
reduces the risk of side effects discouragement Patients in depression should
from levodopa such inability to move the
Immediate-release as nausea and vomiting. This eyes be closely observed for
Initial dose: 25 mg-100 combination medicine was increased blinking or suicidal tendencies.
mg orally three times a approved by the FDA in 1988. spasms of the eyelid Monitor for changes in
day or 10 mg-100 mg irritability intraocular pressure in
orally 3 or 4 times a day lack of appetite patients with chronic wide-
loss of interest or angle glaucoma.
Sustained-Release pleasure Monitor patients with
Tablets (Sinemet CR): Nervous system diabetes carefully for
-Initial dose (levodopa- Very common (10% alterations in diabetes
naive): 50 mg-200 mg or more): Headache control. Frequent monitoring
orally twice a day; initial (up to 17%), of blood sugar is advised.
dosage should be given dyskinesia (up to Lab tests: Periodic blood
at intervals of more than 16.5%), dizziness glucose, hepatic and renal
6 hours (up to 12%) function tests, CBC with
differential, Hgb and Hct.
Extended-Release Common (1% to Report promptly abnormal
Capsules 10%): Confusion, involuntary movement such
-Initial dose (levodopa- dystonia, on-off as facial grimacing,
naive): 23.75 mg-95 mg phenomena, exaggerated chewing,
orally 3 times a day for 3 hypoesthesia, protrusion of tongue,
days; on the fourth day, polyneuropathy, rhythmic opening and
may increase to 36.25 tremor, dysgeusia, closing of mouth, bobbing of
mg-145 mg 3 times a day bradykinesia head, jerky arm and leg
-Dosing interval may be movements, and exaggerated
increased up to a Uncommon (0.1% respiration.
maximum of 5 times a to 1%): Paresthesia, Assess for "on-off"
day, if tolerated ataxia, gait phenomenon: sudden,
-Maximum daily dose: disturbance, unpredictable loss of drug
612.5 mg-2450 mg convulsion effectiveness ("off" effect),
which lasts 1 min–1 h. This
Rare (less than is followed by an equally
0.1%): Malignant, abrupt return of function
neuroleptic ("on" effect). Sometimes
syndrome symptoms can be controlled
by increasing number of
doses per day.
Monitor therapeutic effects.
Some patients manifest
increase in bradykinesia
("leg freezing" or slow body
movement). The patient is
unable to start walking and
frequently falls. Reduction of
dosage may be indicated in
these patients.
Patients who require more
frequent drug administration
are most likely to manifest
gradual return of
parkinsonian symptoms
toward the end of a dose