Working Capital Management Andprofitability of Manufacturing Companyin Indonesia
Working Capital Management Andprofitability of Manufacturing Companyin Indonesia
Working Capital Management Andprofitability of Manufacturing Companyin Indonesia
Valiensi Utia, Sutisna, Nanny Dewi
Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review
Vol. 2 No. 1 (3-17)
different decisions in order to get good Inventory increase due to the company
results. purchases goods to be produced again to
Several previous studies have shown become semi-finished goods or finished
different results. This can be shown with goods. Purchases made on credit will
the following graph: create debt until the payment settlement
is done. Usually there is a time lag
Figure 1 Graph Relationship of WCM between items received up to payment.
and Profitability Some suppliers may give a discount
if the payment is made in cash and
before the due date and others may not
do it. There are also suppliers who set
certain minimum quotas to buy goods
from them. From the policies taken by
management to inventory management
and debt management there is cost to be
borne and considered when determining
the most optimum strategy for the
If the company sets a low-level
inventory there are several things that
From the graph described above, can happen. Companies buy in small
the author sees that the relationship amounts consequently the price offered
between working capital management by the supplier becomes more expensive
to profitability shows different results. than buying in large quantities. The
The studies were conducted by taking company also needs to consider the
samples from several industries in opportunity that may be lost if the
different countries. stock is small when the demand in the
The Author believes that for Indonesia market is big, how big the impact of loss
especially in the manufacturing industry of sales and profit opportunities due to
is still an open space for study. Indonesia production that cannot be done due to
is a developing country, the result can out of stock.
be different from previous study that If the company sets a high-level
investigates in another countries. The inventory, risks that may need to be
manufacturing industry in Indonesia considered among other things are cost
is also characterized by working capital of storage, defected goods, insurance,
management between small companies and other related costs.
and large companies may vary and the In case of debt management, if the
impact on profitability also varies when company does not make payments with
compared with other industries both in debt the company needs to consider
Indonesia itself and industry in other payments in other ways. Timely payments
countries. There could be a company may leave the company overwhelmed
considered small in other countries if the repayment period is faster than
however in Indonesia with the same type the money receiving period from sale of
is considered as big company. goods. However, there is another aspect
Work capital management is that companies need to consider as some
an integration between inventory suppliers may discount when company
management, accounts payable and paying earlier and also the company
accounts receivable. (Temtime, 2015). reputation needs to be considered if the
Valiensi Utia, Sutisna, Nanny Dewi
Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review
Vol. 2 No. 1 (5-17)
Valiensi Utia, Sutisna, Nanny Dewi
Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review
Vol. 2 No. 1 (7-17)
2.2 Profitability
2.2.1 The meaning of Profitability
Profitability is a measure of a accountability measure of profitability
company’s wealth. This is important in (Katchova & Enlow, 2013). ROA includes
order to achieve the company’s goal of measuring profitability from total
maximizing wealth for shareholders. investment of the firm.
2.2.2 Calculation of Profitability Gross operating profit (GOPTA) is
Temtime (2015) states however to another proxy for profitability. Abuzayed
measure profitability can be done by (2012) investigate the impact of WCM
using several methods, i.e. accounting on profitability through GOPTA. Banos-
ratio, by measuring market valuation, Caballero et al. (2013) also use GOPTA as
or by measuring perception of a subject a proxy measure of profitability. GOPTA
(non-financial subject). Accounting ratio also connects the company’s operations
being used such as return on asset, return with CCC and its components (Banos-
on investment, return on equity, gross Caballero et al., 2013). Deloof (2003),
operating profit, and earnings per share. Profitability is measured by Gross
Measurement of market valuation such Operating Income, i.e. Sales - COGS /
as market value added and Tobin’sq. (Total Asset - Financial Asset). Financial
Measuring non-financial subjective Assets are shares in other companies,
such as measuring customer satisfaction, which are constituting a significant part
employee morale, product quality of total assets.
and other nonfinancial performance Tobin’s q (TBQ) is a market assessment
measurements. Return on asset(ROA), that measures that companies and
gross operating profit to total asset potential investors are often used to
(GOPTA), and Tobin’sq (TBQ) measure evaluate the value of a company’s market
profitability from a different perspective. replacement. Tobin’s q represents Value
Profitability can be measured using added by management above the the
the following variables: companyassetvalue, (Abuzayed, 2012)
Table 2.2Study Variable on ROIC is measured by referring to
Profitability and Author Name Whose Mohammed & Saad study (2010) that is
Using It. by dividing net profit to total debt added
Valiensi Utia, Sutisna, Nanny Dewi
Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review
Vol. 2 No. 1 (9-17)
Valiensi Utia, Sutisna, Nanny Dewi
Coefficent of
NO Variable X Hypothesis Sig.t X Result Correlation Conclusion
Positive effect,
positively affect
1 CATAR 0.2408 - Ho Reject 0.241** significant, weak
on profitability
CLTAR Negative effect,
negatively affect significant,
2 CATAR - 0.2339 - Ho Reject -0.360**
on profitability moderate
(ROA) correlation
Cash rasio
Positive effect,
positively affect
4 Cash Ratio 0.1009 0.044 Ho Reject 0.566** significant, strong
on profitability
Cash conversion
Negative effect,
cycle negatively
5 CCC - 0.0002 affect on 0.001 Ho Reject -0.310**
Test result partially found that of the company. The relationship CATAR
CATAR positively affect the profitability and profitability (ROA) is positive and
of companies (ROA). The results of this weak means only 24.1% CATAR affect on
study support research conducted by profitability (ROA).
Raheman (2010) who found that Partial test results found that CLTAR
CATAR has a positive and significant had a significant negative effect on
impact on corporate profitability. This company profitability as measured by
indicates that the composition of current ROA. This result is in accordance with
assets is greater then it will increase the research hypothesis which states
profitability of the company. This is that there is a negative and significant
due to any aggressive company that has influence between Current Liabilities to
increase in current assets means that the Total Assets Ratio against Profitability.
company has large cash, therefore the Current liabilities to total assets ratio are
working capital of the company will be used to view working capital funding.
greater and this will be able to increase The greater the use of large debt will
the company’s sales so directly and cause the capital structure to become
proportional to the increase profitability larger and stronger, therefore increasing
Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review
Vol. 2 No. 1 (11-17)
the CLTAR ratio and will enable of CR (Current Ratio) and profitability
companies to expand and increase the (ROA)is positive and moderate meaning
company’s sales, therefore profitability only 31.7% CR affect the profitability
of the company will indirectly increase. (ROA) and the rest is influenced by other
The results of this study support the factors.
research conducted by Raheman The test results partially found that
(2010) that the current liabilities to total Cash Ratio has a significant positive effect
assets (CLTAR) negatively affect the on corporate profitability as measured by
profitability of the company’s operations. ROA. Cash ratio is one of liquidity ratio,
The relationship CLTAR and profitability which aims to measure a company’s
(ROA) is negative and moderate ability to meet its short-term obligations.
meaning only equal to 36.0% CLTAR Several previous studies stated that Cash
effect on profitability (ROA) and the rest ratio has a positive and significant effect
influenced by other factors. on company profitability such as research
Test result partially found that the (Wijaya, Anggita, 2012). The relationship
current ratio affected significantly CsR (Cash Ratio) and profitability (ROA)
negative on company profitability as is positive and strong mean only equal to
measured by ROA. This result is in 56.6% CsR effect on profitability (ROA)
accordance with the research hypothesis and the rest influenced by other factors.
which states that there is negative and The partial test result found that
significant effect of Current Ratio to the cash conversion cycle (CCC)
Profitability. This indicates that a large haseffected negatively and significant
current ratio will decrease company on profitability (ROA). The results are in
profitability due to greater current assets accordance with Raheman (2010);
that are able to cover current liabilities Deloof (2003) and the Lazaridis and
that are soon due, then the company Tryfonidis (2006) study that consistently
experienced many assets unemployed found relationship between CCC and
and not being used to increase sales. profitability. Companies with shorter
The results of this study are in line with CCC terms are likely to reap bigger profits
the theory that profitability is inversely when compared to companies with
proportional to liquidity (Horne and longer CCC periods. This phenomenon
Wachowicz, 2012). The higher the can be explained as follows: companies
current ratio of a company means less that have short CCC time are able to
risk of failure of the company in fulfilling collect the cash needed for the company’s
its short-term obligations, which will day-to-day operations, therefore no need
certainly reduce profitability. The to use external sources of funding which
results of this study are in accordance means there is no cost to borrow funds,
with some previous studies (Azam. then company profitwill increase. The
and. Haider. 2011). In this study the relationship of CCC and profitability
relationship between the current ratio on (ROA) is negative and medium meaning
ROA shows negative relationship. Some only 31.0% CCC effect on profitability
studies show different results. Research (ROA).
(Rahemen. 2010), (Shoenen Shin.1998), While the ROA indicates that there is
(Dalayeen, 2017) shows that current significant and simultaneous influence
ratio has a positive effect on profitability. between working capital consisting of
Muhammad and Saad (2010) study CATAR (ratio of total current assets
shows that current ratio negatively to total assets), CLTAR (The ratio of
affects profitability. The relationship total current liabilities to total assets),
Valiensi Utia, Sutisna, Nanny Dewi
Current ratio, Cash Ratio and CCC (Cash resulted in the company not being able to
conversion cycle) on ROA’s profitability. meet sales to consumers and eventually
In general, the company’s working the company became loss. A losing
capital strategy is divided into 3 i.e. company must cover fixed costs and if a
agressif, moderate, and conservative. fixed asset purchase is made,and it will
Managers who implement aggressive be financed with funding sources such
strategies, implement the lowest current as debt which is certainly have interest
asset strategyand bravely implementing charge. Conservative manager, on the
the strategy by trying to take maximum contrary will set up high current assets
advantage of current debt. That’s compared to total assets and moderate
how managers aggressively manage managerwill be in between.
the company. In implementing this Therefore the higher CATAR means the
strategy. liquidity risks will increase and manager is implementing a conventional
companies that run this strategy often strategy. And the lower CATAR means
face situations such as not being able the manager is applying an aggressive
to repay maturing debts. On the other strategy,the following is the result of
hand, due to number of current assets manufacturing industry in Indonesia.
at the lowest level, the rate of return on CLTAR (Current Liabilities to Total
investment will increase (if the company Asset Ratio). An aggressive manager will
does not go bankrupt). Companies that apply a strategy to maximize short-term
use risk strategies are high risk and their debt and use it to finance the company’s
refund rate is very high. (Amiri, Esmaeil current assets however this does not
2014) mean not to use long-term debt at all due
Conservative managerwill apply a to fixed assets can be acquired by long-
different strategy than an aggressive term debt. (Jhankhany and Parsaeian.
manager. Conservative managers will (2001) RaymondP (1986)). While
reduce their short-term debt rates and conventional manager actually does not
prefer to use long-term debt in managing like to use short-term debt and prefer
their current assets. Meanwhile some long-term debt and if the manager is very
would prefer to use other sources of conventional,the manager will prefer to
funds such as shareholder capital rather use other sources of fund besides debt.
than borrow. The higher the CLTAR means the
While moderate managers will manager is applying an aggressive
implement a strategy that is a combination strategy. And the lower CATAR means the
of aggressive strategy and conservative manager is implementing a conventional
strategy.CATAR (Current Asset to Total strategy.
Asset Ratio). Focus on the management CR (Current Ratio means Current
of current assets to total assets. Manager Asset to Current Liabilities). This ratio is
will consider the optimal management of related to the level of corporate liquidity
their current assets in accordance with and describes the ability of the company
the strategy applied to the company. For to pay its short-term debt at maturity.
an aggressive manager, current assets The greater the current ratio. means
such as cash, securities and inventory the company is getting more liquid and
will be set as small as possible. As a means the company’s ability to pay its
result of small assets that are very liquid short-term debt better.
like cash and securities, companies will Therefore the higher the CR means the
have difficulty paying debts due. The manager is implementing a conventional
regulated inventory policy is small, also strategy. And the lower CR means the
Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review
Vol. 2 No. 1 (13-17)
Valiensi Utia, Sutisna, Nanny Dewi
Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review
Vol. 2 No. 1 (15-17)
Valiensi Utia, Sutisna, Nanny Dewi
Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review
Vol. 2 No. 1 (17-17)