Guidelines For Transmission Line Modeling PDF

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M. C. Tavares ' J. Pissolato C. M. Portela

IEEE Member IEEE Member IEEE Senior Member
Slo Carlos Engineering School - UNlCAMP - State University of COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
USP Campinas

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

' - Rua Paul0 Fragoso Coimbra, 392; Sb Carlos - SP; Zip code : 13562-340;phone : +16 2739363; fax :+16 2739372 (author contact)
Abstract - This paper presents some guidelines for verifying the applications, such inaccuracies may be important. There is a
accuracy of a frequency dependent transmission line model in a need for simple and robust guidelines and test methods to
time domain simulation program, such as EMTP. validate line models for transient studies.
The guidelines are described for our quasi-mode The main purpose of the paper is to present basic
transmission line model, which is applied to an actual 440 kV
conditions which a generic line model must attend and a
single three-phase transmission line model, using ATP.
simple procedure to veri@ such compliance.
Keywords : Transmission line model; mode domain; An application of proposed guidelines and validation
electromagnetic transients, EMTP. procedure is presented, considering our quasi-mode
transmission line model [2-51, for an actual single three-
phase 440 kV transmission line.
One of the main difficulties when dealing with transient
simulation studies in a time domain digital simulator 11. LONGITUDINAL

program, such as EMTP [l], is the correct representation of A preliminary aspect to look at is the per unit length line
transmission lines. The EMTP works in the time domain parameters. The most delicate point is the fiequency
and the network elements are generally represented by their dependence of line parameters, for which a simple
phase quantities. Nevertheless, the transmission line verification procedure for eventual important mistakes or
parameters, namely the longitudinal parameters, are function errors is presented below. If propagation characteristics of
of the line length and the per unit parameters vary with line are considered through modules corresponding to
fiequency . propagation modes or similar concepts, the per unit length
The former can be well represented through the hyperbolic line parameters of each "mode" must be compared with the
function in the distributed parameter model or through n- "exact" (apart errors of per unit parameters of line) mode
circuits. To model the fiequency dependence it is more parameters obtained through trivial manipulation of
complex, because the impedance matrix varies with eigenvalues and eigenvectors, in frequency domain.
frequency. As a program like EMTP works in time domain, In Fig. 1 the data of the single three-phase transmission
the fiequency dependence of an element is not a straight line used in our tests are presented.
Some currently applied line models, which intend to
represent the fiequency dependence of line parameters, have
shown some inaccuracies. According to foreseen

Figure 1 - Schematic representation of the 440 kV three-phase


0 1999 IEEE
0-7803-5569-5/99/$10.00 786
These tests should be realized supposing the line ideally eventual anomalous behavior of the line model. For an
transposed, with transposition sections short when compared ideally transposed line there are only two distinct modes, a
to a quarter wave length, and non-transposed line, because equal p, and zero. For the non-transposed line there should
the line parameters should have coherent performance. The be three different modes, the homopolar mode, something
longitudinal parameters calculated with the line model to be similar to the alpha mode (from Clarke transformation [6])
verified, in the present paper the quasi-modes model, are and the beta mode (also similar to Clarke transformation)
compared with the parameters calculated with the exact PI.
eigenvectordeigenvalues,in frequency domain, as shown in In Fig. 4 it is shown a three-phase transmission line with
Figs. 1-2, for non-transposed lines. the ground wire already reduced.
0 0 0
Non-tranrposed line 1 / I


Figure 4 - Schematic representation of a single three-phase line

In phase domain
--= aU 2.i (1) and - - =aiy . u (2)
ax ax
The impedance matrix, in phase components, is :

10' 10'
frequency [Hz]

Figure 2 - Per unit resistance - Non-transposed line - Exact X

Quasi-mode model
Z = D B F
[. .i
Due to the vertical symmetry axis, Clarke's
transformation can be applied and the currents in the
( 3)

conductors are divided as shown in Fig. 5, for each

component :
4/42 0 +U42 -U46 Z46 -IN6 lhl3 lhl3 lhl3
.......9YMd.z.n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-.-_ 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2

- 7 7 1 1 -
-parmts -poncnta component0

Figure 5 - Current in the conductors, for Clarke's components, in

rationalized form
The transformation matrix is
2/& -l/& -l/&
Tcl=[ 0 l / f i -1/&] (4)
Figure 3 - Per unit inductance - Non-transposed line - Exact X l/& 1/& l/&
Quasi-mode model
Applying this matrix to current in phase it becomes:
It can be verified that the analyzed model parameters were
properly calculated and represent correctly the frequency
dependence, once they agree with the parameters calculated
with the exact eigenvector/eigenvalues.The results were also
good for the transposed line.
Another point to attain is to analyze the longitudinal
E] = Tcl.

iabc = T ~ . i up0
~ - ~
[] IC

( 6)
parameters of the line, supposing it transposed and non- Using these equations in (1)
transposed. This is a process to verify the coherence of the
line model using the same per unit parameters, and detecting

The homopolar mode for transposed and non-
transposed lines are similar.
In Figs 6 and 7 it is shown the resistance and inductance
per unit length for the transposed and non-transposed lines,
in the frequency range of 10 Hz to 1 MHz, for the quasi-
and the same for the admittance matrix results in :
modes model. For the homopolar mode the similitude is very
Yogo = TcI .Y . Tc1-l ( 10) high. For the others modes the transposed line result is an
Applying (9)in (3) it becomes : average value, when compared with the non-transposed
result. As explained before, the two modes are equal for
transposed lines, as presented in the figures.
Single three-phase line 440 kV
transposedX non-transposed

lo, .,/’

Z, = -(2A+B-40+F)
- E A +B ) ( 4 0 -F )
- ---
3 3
zao = z o , = - ( A - B + D - F )
zo = -(A+2B+40+2F) . . .
( 15) 101 ID, 1W lo. 10’ 1W

- -?A + 2 B ) ( 4 0 + 2 F )
- +
frequency [Hz]
3 3 Figure 6 - Per unit resistance - Transposed X Non-transposed
The similitude of the components impedance alpha and line
beta, for the non-transposed line can be verified from
equations (12)and (13). From eq. (12) it can be seen that the -
Single three-phase line 440 kV
transposed X non-transposed
alpha term is a median of the self term minus the median of
the coupling term. The beta term is composed of the
difference between the self and the coupling term, which are
similar to the median terms of the alpha component.
Therefore, although for non-transposed lines these values are .-_____.
not equal, they are similar, and these can be used to evaluate
the line parameters obtained from the program. .
For the transposed line, the alpha and beta modes are
equal and correspond to a median value when compared to
the non-transposed line parameters.
From eq. (15) it can also be verified that the homopolar .......
mode impedance of the transposed line is similar to that of .
1W lo. 10s 10s
the non-transposed line. Again the terms composing the
frequency [Hz]
non-transposed term can be divided into parcels of median of
self terms and coupling terms, which are similar to the Figure 7 - Per unit inductance - Transposed X Non-transposed
transposed line impedance. line
Therefore it should be verified if:
As pointed out above, a point to look at very carehlly is if
e For the transposed line the alpha and beta modes are the formulae for the frequency dependence of the
equal; longitudinal parameters have been properly implemented in
For non-transposed lines the alpha and beta modes the line program. Even though the transposed and non-
are not equal, but similar; transposed per unit parameter may be coherent, they both are
e The modes alpha and beta of the transposed line are a calculated with the same formulae, which can be incorrect.
median compared with the non-transposed line To verify the formulae the per unit longitudinal parameters
modes; can be compared with the ones obtained with the line

parameters calculated using an approximated formula, Dlon = 2h'k
which include the earth effect in longitudinal impedance as Dlan = rk
equivalent to having an ideal ground surface at a depth D' and
(complex) below physical ground surface [7]. The latter is an z,t = Rult + i x,,
approximation, which can result in a 10% error for the where
higher frequencies. Rult - internal conductor resistance
The transmission line longitudinal parameters can be Xk, - internal conductor reactance
represented by : In Figs. 9-10 the per unit longitudinal parameters for the
Z k m = ztm, k,m = 1,2, ..., n ( 16) non-transposed line using both formulae are presented.
where :
ZI, - longitudinal impedance matrix element, per unit -
Single three-phase line 440 kV
length; Non transposed line

n -total number of conductors

zo= Zh, + z,, ( 17)
Z i t - conductor internal impedance
, - conductor external impedance
,2 q 0
= i-ln-,k,m Dkm
=1,2 ,...,n
2n dkm 1o i I I I I
10' IO' 10' IO' 100 10'
where frequency [Hz]
4, e d h are defined schematically in Fig. 8, being
1 Figure 9 - Per unit resistance - Carson X Complex distance
D'= -d formulae

Single threephase line 440 kV
Non tansmsedline


D'= 1
1ideal ground
1 1 zz:::

10' 10' 10' 10' IO' 10'

frequency [Hz]

Figure 10 - Per unit inductance - Carson X Complex distance

h'm formulae
It can be observed in the graphics the small difference
between the -curves, pointing to an accuracy in the
implementation of Carson formulae in the quasi-mode
Figure 8 - Conductors k and position supposing the earth at a After applying the tests presented in the previous section,
complex depth D' which analyzed the correct calculation of the per unit
For the self terms (k = m) longitudinal parameters, considering its fiequency

7 89
0 the response for alpha input was similar for both lines,

the same happening with the beta input;

0 the response for modes alpha and beta had very similar

results for transposed and non-transposed lines;

0 the homopolar (zero) mode had equal results due to

model simplification [3].

Comparingmodes a acdp
Non transposed line

-1.51 ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' *
0 20 40 60 BO 100

time (ms)

Figure 13 - Step response for mode 01 and p - Quasi-mode model

- Non-transposed line - Reception end
mode phase voltage (V)
alpha a - 0.5
b (central) 1.0
C - 0.5
beta a 1.o
b 0
C - 1.0
zero a 1.0
b 1.o 2 5 4 5

time (ms)
C 1.0

The mode behavior should be coherent with the analysis -

Figure 14 Step response for zero mode - Reception end
performed before.
In Figs. 12 to 14 some results of the mode analysis are -
5.2 Frequency Analysis
presented. A frequency scan analysis is also an important test to be
r I
carried out. An exact calculation, concerning the aspects
compared in the paper, was also realized so the models could
NT modesA
as shown in Fig. 15.

-1,2L) . 10
' . 20 30 , 40 50 60
time [ms]
Figure 12 Step response for mode p for Quasi-mode model - Figure 15 - Zero sequence - Transposed line
Transposed x non-transposed line - Reception end
Analyzing the results it can be seen that the proposed This so called exact calculation was performed by
model had a very coherent result, as detailed below : computing the line quadripole for each frequency in mode

domain and obtaining the exact eigenvectors to transform Transient Studies”, paper PE-430-PWRD-0-04-
the mode quantities into phase, for both models where the 1998, IEEE Summer Meeting, San Diego, USA,
sending terminal had a 1 V source and the receiving end was July, 1998.
opened. The relations between the line ends were analyzed M.C. Tavares, J. Pissolato and C.M. Portela, “Quasi-
in the range of 10 Hz to 10 kHz. Modes Multiphase Transmission Line Model”, 2nd -
The results for both lines were similar, and the main International Conference on Power Systems
characteristics can be summarized : Transients (IPST), pp. 61-66, Seattle, USA, 1997.
0 the positive sequence response was very similar for M.C. Tavares, J. Pissolato and C.M. Portela, “New
quasi-mode model and the exact case. Mode-Domain Representation of Transmission Line
0 the zero sequence response for quasi-mode model was for Power Systems Studies”, 1998 IEEE
almost equal to the exact response. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
(ISCAS’98), vol. 111, pp. 501-504, Monterey,
IV. CONCLUSION California, USA, 1998.
Some currently applied transmission line models, which M.C. Tavares, J. Pissolato and C.M. Portela, “New
intend to represent the fiequency dependence of line Mode-Domain Multiphase Transmission Line
parameters in time domain simulation program, like EMTP, -
Model Clarke Transformation Evaluation”, 1998
have shown some inaccuracies. According to predicted International Conference on Power Systems
application, such inaccuracies may be important. There is Technology (Powercon’98), pp. 860-864, Beijing,
the need for simple and robust guidelines and test methods China, 1998.
to validate line models for transient studies. E. Clarke, “Circuit Analysis of AC Power Systems”,
The main purpose of the paper is to present basic Volume I, Wiley, New York, 1950.
conditions line models must comply with, and a simple A. Deri, G. Tevan, A. Semlyen e A. Castanheira,
procedure to verify such compliance. “The Complex Ground Return Plane, a Simplified
An application of proposed guidelines and validation Model for Homogeneous and Multi-layer Earth
procedure is presented, considering our quasi-mode Return”, IEEE Trans. PAS, vol. 100, no 8, pp. 3686-
transmission line model, and a concrete 440 kV transmission 3693, 1981.
line. A. Semlyen, “Stability Analysis and Stabilizing
The main aspects of such guidelines are : Procedure for a Frequency Dependent Line Model”,
- To analyze the per unit longitudinal parameters, IEEE Transactions on PAS, Vol PAS-103, No 12, pp
comparing its results with a simplified complex 3579-3586, December 1984.
distance formula; VII. BIOGRAPHIES
- To compare the longitudinal parameters obtained with Maria C. Tavares Electrical engineering (1984) at UFRJ -Federal
the program under examination with the exact University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, MSc. (1991) at COPPE/UFRJ and D.Sc.
eigenvector/eigenvalues,in the fiequency domain. (1998) at Campinas State University, Silo Paulo, Brazil. Worked as consulting
- To apply alpha, beta and zero steps in one line and engineering in consulting firms,with power systems analysis, HVDC studies
(developed at ABB Power Systems, Sweden), models development at EMTP
verify the behavior, according to the model under and electrical transmission planning. She developed DESTRO, a graphical
examination and exact mode theory. preprocessor for ATP. At present is working as a research professor at S%o
- To do a fiequency scan of line response, for positive Paulo University. Her main research interests are power system analysis, long
distance transmission and computer application to analysis of power systems
and zero sequence voltage applied to a line terminal. transients.
The proposed methodology has been applied to our model
Jose Pissolato Filho was born in Campinas,SZLo Paulo, Brazil, in 195 I . He
and to some established models, allowing us to identify some received the PhD. degree in electrical engineering fkom Universitk Paul
inaccuracies very promptly. Sabatier, France, 1986. Since 1979 he has been with Department of Energy and
Control of Campinas State University, Brazil. His main research interests are in
V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS high voltage engineering, electromagnetic transients and electromagnetic
The authors thank the support received fiom FAPESP -
FundaGBo de Amparo A Pesquisa do Estado de SBo Paulo. Carlos M. Portela. Electrical engineering (1958) at IST, UTL Lisbon -
Technical University, Portugal, D.Sc (1963) at IST-UTL. Cathedratic
Professor (fkom 1972) at IST-UTL. Was responsible for Portuguese electrical
VI. REFERENCES network studies and planning and for Portuguese electrical network operation,
[ 13 H.W. Dommel, “Electromagnetic Transients and for several other studies and projects in Portugal. Was responsible for some
major studies and projects in Brazil, and some projects in other countries, in
Program - Rule Book”, Oregon, 1984. electric power and industry sectors. Presently titular professor of COPPEAJFRJ
[2] M.C. Tavares, J. Pissolato and C.M. Portela, “Mode (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), working on research projects in
Domain Multiphase Transmission Line - Use in transmission systems and equipment.

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