Anna University Exams Nov / Dec 2019 - Regulation 2017 Unit I-V 1

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Anna University Exams Nov / Dec 2019 – Regulation 2017 Unique Important Questions – 5th Semester BE/BTECH

1. The crank and connecting rod of a petrol engine, running at 1800 r.p.m. are 50 mm and
200 mm respectively. The diameter of the piston is 80 mm and the mass of the
reciprocating parts is 1 kg. At a point during the power stroke, the pressure on the piston
is 0.7 N/mm2, when it has moved 10 mm from the inner dead centre. Determine: 1. Net
load on the gudgeon pin, 2. Thrust in the connecting rod, 3. Reaction between the piston
and cylinder, and 4. The engine speed at which the above values become zero
2. A single cylinder double acting steam engine develops 150 kW at a mean speed of 80
r.p.m. The coefficient of fluctuation of energy is 0.1 and the fluctuation of speed is ± 2% of
mean speed. If the mean diameter of the flywheel rim is 2 m and the hub and spokes
provide 5% of the rotational inertia of the flywheel, find the mass and cross-sectional area
of the flywheel rim. Assume the density of the flywheel material (which is cast iron) as
7200 kg/m3
3. A horizontal gas engine running at 210 r.p.m. has a bore of 220mm and a stroke of 440mm.
The connecting rod is 924mm long the reciprocating parts weight 20kg. When the crank
has turned through an angle of 30° from IDC, the gas pressure on the cover and the crank
sides are 500 KN/m2 and 60 KN/m2 respectively. Diameter of the piston rod is 40 mm.
Determine:1. Turning moment on the crank shaft 2.Thrust on bearing 3. Acceleration of
the flywheel which has a mass of 8kg and radius of gyration of 600mm while the power of
the engine is 22KW.
4. During forward stroke of piston of double acting steam engine , the turning moment has
the maximum value of 1960 Nm when the crank makes an angle of 80° with the IDC.
During the backward stroke, the maximum turning moment is 1470 Nm when the crank
makes 80° with the outer dead centre. The turning moment diagram for the engine may be
assumed to be represented by two triangles. If the crank moves at 100 r.p.m. and radius of
gyration of flywheel is 1.75 m, find the coefficient of fluctuation of energy and mass of
flywheel to keep the speed ± 0.75% of mean speed. Also determine the crank angles at
which the speed has its minimum and maximum values
5. A horizontal double acting steam engine has a stroke of 300 mm and runs at 240 r.p.m.
The cylinder diameter is 200 mm, connecting rod is 750 mm long and the mass of the
reciprocating parts is 70 kg. The steam is admitted at 600 KN/m2 for one third of the
stroke, after which expansion takes place according to the hyperbolic law PV = constant.
The exhaust pressure is 20 KN/m2. Neglecting the effect of clearance and the diameter of
the piston rod, find the (i) Thrust acting on the connecting rod and (ii) effective turning
moment on the crankshaft when the crank has turned through 120° from inner
6. The following particulars relate to a two-cylinder locomotive with two coupled wheels on
each side : Stroke = 650 mm, Mass of reciprocating parts per cylinder = 240 kg, Mass of
revolving parts per cylinder = 200 kg, Mass of each coupling rod = 250 kg, Radius of centre
of coupling rod pin = 250 mm, Distances between cylinders = 0.6 m, Distance between
wheels = 1.5 m, Distance between coupling rods = 1.8 m, The main cranks are at right
angles and the coupling rod pins are at 180° to their respective main cranks. The balance
masses are to be placed in the wheels at a mean radius of 675 mm in order to balance
whole of the revolving and 3/4th of the reciprocating masses. The balance mass for the
reciprocating masses is to be divided equally between the driving wheels and the coupled
wheels. Find : 1. The magnitudes and angular positions of the masses required for the

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driving and trailing wheels, and 2. The hammer blow at 120 km/h, if the wheels are 1.8
metre diameter
7. A shaft fitted with a flywheel rotates at 250 r.p.m. and drives a machine. The torque of
machine varies in a cyclic manner over a period of 3 revolutions. The torque rises from 750
N-m to 3000 Nm uniformly during 1/2 revolution and remains constant for the following
revolution. It then falls uniformly to 750 N-m during the next 1/2 revolution and remains
constant for one revolution, the cycle being repeated thereafter. Determine the power
required to drive the machine and percentage fluctuation in speed, if the driving torque
applied to the shaft is constant and the mass of the flywheel is 500 kg with radius of
gyration of 600mm
8. A rotating shaft carries four unbalanced masses 18 kg, 14 kg, 16 kg and 12 kg at radii 5 cm,
6 cm, 7 cm and 6 cm respectively. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th masses revolve in planes 8 cm, 16
cm and 28 cm respectively measured from the plane of the first mass and are angularly
located at 60°, 135° and 270° respectively measured clockwise from the first mass looking
from this mass end of the shaft. The shaft is dynamically balanced by two masses, both
located at 5 cm radii and revolving in planes mid-way between those of 1s and 2nd masses
and mid-way between those of 3rd and 4th masses. Determine graphically or otherwise,
the magnitudes of the masses and their respective angular positions
9. A, B, C and D are four masses carried by a rotating shaft at radii 100 mm,150 mm, 150 mm
and 200 mm respectively. The planes in which the masses revolve are spaced 500 mm
apart and the masses of B, C and D are 9 kg, 5 kg and 4 kg respectively. Find the required
mass A and relative angular setting of the four masses so that the shaft be in complete
10. A shaft has three eccentrics, each 75 mm diameter and 25 mm thick, machined in one
piece with the shaft. The central planes of the eccentric are 60 mm apart. The distance of
the centres from the axis of rotation are 12 mm, 18 mm and 12 mm and their angular
positions are 120° apart. The density of metal is 7000 kg/m3. Find the amount of out-of-
balance force and couple at 600 r.p.m. If the shaft is balanced by additional two masses at
a radius 75 mm and at a distance of 100 mm from the central plane of the middle
eccentric, find the amount of the masses and their angular positions.
11. The following particulars relate to an outside cylinder of an uncoupled locomotive:
Revolving mass per cylinder = 300 kg; Reciprocating mass per cylinder = 450 kg; Length of
each crank = 350 mm; Distancebetween wheels = 1.6 m; Distance between cylinder
centres = 1.9 m; Diameter of driving wheels = 2m; Radius of balancing mass = 0.8 m; Angle
between the cranks = 90°. If whole of the revolving and 2/3rd of the reciprocating masses
are to be balanced in planes of driving wheels,determine: i. (1)Magnitude and angular
positions of the balancemasses, ii. (2)Speed at which the wheel will lift off the rails when
the load on each driving wheel is 35 KN, and Swaying couple at speed arrived in (ii)above
12. The following data refer to a two cylinder locomotive: Rotating mass per cylinder = 300 kg;
Reciprocating mass per cylinder = 330 kg; Distance between wheels = 1500 mm; Distance
between cylinder centres = 600 mm; Distance of treads of driving wheels =1800 mm; Crank
radius = 325 mm; Radius of centre of balance mass = 650 mm; Locomotive speed = 60
km/hr; Angle between cylinder cranks = 90°; Dead load on each wheel = 40 kN. Determine:
i. (1) The balancing mass required in the planes of the driving wheels if whole of the
revolving and two-third of the reciprocating mass are to be balanced, ii. (2)The swaying
couple, iii. (3)The variation in the tractiveforce, iv. (4)The maximum and minimum
pressure on the rails,and the maximum speed of the locomotive without lifting the wheels
from therails.
13. Derive the Free damped vibrations with viscous damping with all conditions

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14. Derive an expression for the natural frequency of the free longitudinal vibration by (i)
Equilibrium method (ii) Energy method (iii) Rayleigh’s method
15. A cantilever shaft 10 cm diameter and 100 cm long is fixed at one end and other end
carries a flywheel of mass 80 kg. The young’s modulus for the shaft material is 2 x 106
kg/cm2. Determine the natural frequency of longitudinal and transverse vibration of
16. A vertical steel shaft of 14 mm diameter is mounted in long bearings which are1.2 m apart
and carries 160 N of disc at its middle. The eccentricity of the centre of gravity of the disc
from the centre of the rotor is 0.4 mm. Taking Young's modulus as 200 GN/m2 and
permissible stress as 70x106N/m2, calculate the critical speed of the shaft and range of
speed over which it is unsafe to run the shaft.Assume the shaft to be mass less
17. Three rotors A,B and C having moment of inertia of 2000, 6000 and 3500 kgm2
respectivelyarecarriedonauniformshaftof0.35mdiameter.Thelengthof the shaft between
the rotors A and B is 6 m and between B and C is 32 m. Find
thenaturalfrequencyofthetorsionalvibrations.Themodulusofrigidityforthe shaft material is
18. A shaft 50 mm diameter and 3 metres long is simply supported at the endsand carries
three loads of 1000 N, 1500 N and 750 N at 1 m, 2 m and 2.5 m from the left support.The
Young's modulus for shaft material is 200 GN/m2 . Find the frequency of transverse
19. A shaft of length 1.25 m is 75 mm in diameter for the first 275 mm of length, 125 mm in
diameter for the next 500 mm length, 87.5 mm in diameter for the next 375 mm length
and 175 mm in diameter for the remaining 100 mm of its length. The shaft carries two
rotors at two ends. The mass moment of inertia of the first rotor is 75kgm2 whereas of the
second rotor is 50 kg-m2 . Find the frequency of natural torsional vibrations of the system.
The modulus of the rigidity of the shaft material may be taken as 80GN/m2.
20. A machine mounted on springs and fitted with a dashpot has a mass of 60 kg. There are
springs, each of stiffness 12 N/mm. The amplitude of vibrations reduces from 45 to 8 mm
in two complete oscillations. Assuming that the damping force varies as the velocity,
determine the
(a)Damping co efficient
(b)Ratio of frequencies of damped and undamped vibrations
(c)Periodic time of damped vibrations
21. A single-cylinder vertical diesel engine has a mass of 400 kg and is mounted on a steel
chassis frame. The static deflection owing to the weight of the chassis is 24 mm. the
reciprocating masses of the engine amounts to 18 kg and the stroke of the engine is 160
mm. a dashpot with a damping coefficient of 2 N/mm/s is also used to damper the
vibrations. In the steady-state of the vibrations, determine the (a)Amplitude of the
vibrations if the driving shaft rotates at 500rpm Speed of the driving shaft when
the resonance occurs.
22. A mass of 50 kg is supported by an elastic structure of total stiffness 20 KN/m. The
damping ratio of the system is 0.2. A simple harmonic disturbing force acts on the mass
and at any time t seconds, the force is 60 sin10t newtons. Find the amplitude of the
vibration and the phase angle caused by the damping
23. A mass of 10 kg is suspended from one end of a helical spring, the other end being fixed.
The stiffness of the spring is 10 N/mm. The viscous damping causes the amplitude to

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decrease to one-tenth of the initial value in four complete oscillations. If a periodic force
of 150 cos50t N is applied at the mass in the vertical direction. Find the amplitude of the
forced vibrations? What is its value ofresonance?
24. A single cylinder vertical petrol engine of total mass of 200 kg is mounted upon a steel
chassis frame. The vertical static deflection of the frame is 2.4 mm due to the weight of the
engine .The mass of the reciprocating parts is 9 kg and stroke of the piston is 160 mm with
S.H.M. If dashpot of damping coefficient of 1 N/mm/s is used to dampen the vibrations,
calculate at steady state (i) The amplitude of forced vibrations at 500 r.p.m. engine speed.
(ii) The speed of the driving shaft at which resonance will occur.
25. A machine 100 kg has a 20 kg rotor with 0.5 mm eccentricity. The mounting spring have s =
85 x 103 N/m. The damping ratio is 0.02. The operating speed is 600 r.p.m. and the unit is
constrained to move vertically. Find (i) Dynamic amplitude of machine (ii) The force
transmitted to the supports.
26. A centrifugal fan of mass 5kg has a rotating unbalance of 0.25kg.m when dampers having
damping factor of 0.2 are used specify, the springs for mounting such that only 10% of
unbalance force is transmitted to the floor. The fan is running at constant speed of
27. The length of the upper and lower arms of a porter governor are 200 mm and 250 mm
respectively. Both the arms are pivoted on the axis of rotation. The central load is 150 N,
the weight of the each ball is 20 N and the friction of the sleeve together with the
resistance of the operating gear is equivalent to a force of 30N at the sleeve. If the limiting
inclinations of the upper arms to the vertical are 30° and 40°, taking friction in to account,
find the range of speed of the governor.
28. A Proell governor has equal arms of length 300 mm. The upper and lower ends of
the arms are pivoted on the axis of the governor. The extension arms of the lower
links are each 80 mm long and parallel to the axis when the radii of rotation of the
balls are 150 mm and 200 mm. The mass of each ball is 10 kg and the mass of the
central load is 100 kg. Determine the range of speed of the governor
29. A ship propelled by a turbine rotor which has a mass of 5 tonnes and a speed of 2100
r.p.m. The rotor has a radius of gyration of 0.5 m and rotates in a clockwise direction when
viewed from the stern. Find the gyroscopic effects in the following conditions: 1. The ship
sails at a speed of 30 km/h and steers to the left in a curve having 60 m radius. 2. The ship
pitches 6 degree above and 6 degree below the horizontal position. The bow is descending
with its maximum velocity. The motion due to pitching is simple harmonic and the periodic
time is 20 seconds. 3. The ship rolls and at a certain instant it has an angular velocity of
0.03 rad/s clockwise when viewed from stern. Determine also the maximum angular
acceleration during pitching. Explain how the direction of motion due to gyroscopic effect
is determined in each case
30. Calculate the minimum speed of a porter governor, which has equal arms each of 200 mm
and are pivoted on the axis of rotation. The mass of each ball is 4 kg and the central mass
on the sleeve is 20 kg. The radius of rotation of the ball is 100mm when the governor
begins to lift and 130mm the governor is at maximum speed

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31. A spring loaded governor of Wilson-Hartnell type is shown in fig. Two balls each of mass 6
kg are connected by two spring. A speed of the governor is 600 r.p.m. in its mean position.
The radius of the governor ball is 150 mm. The tension in each of the spring A is 1300 N.
Find the tension in the spring B for this position. Find the necessary stiffness of the spring
B if the speed is 630 r.p.m. when the sleeve moves up 20 mm from mean position and if
stiffness of each spring A is 10 kN/m.
32. An aeroplane makes a complete half circle of 50 metres radius, towards left,when flying at
200 km per hr. The rotary engine and the propeller of the plane has a mass of 400 kg and a
radius of gyration of 0.3 m. The engine rotates at 2400 r.p.m. clockwise when viewed from
the rear. Find the gyroscopic couple on the aircraft and state its effect on it.
33. The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 2000 kg and rotates at a speed of 3000 r.p.m.
clockwise when looking from a stern. The radius of gyration of the rotor is 0.5 m.
Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effects upon the ship when the ship is steering to
the right in a curve of 100 m radius at a speed of 16.1 knots (1 knot = 1855 m/hr). Calculate
also the torque and its effects when the ship is pitching in simple harmonic motion, the
bow falling with its maximum velocity. The period of pitching is 50 seconds and the total
angular displacement between the two extreme positions of pitching is 12°. Find the
maximum acceleration during pitching motion.
34. A machine has a mass of 100 kg and unbalanced reciprocating parts of mass 2 kg which
move through a vertical stroke of 80 mm with simple harmonic motion. The machine is
mounted on four springs, symmetrically arranged with respect to centre of mass, in such a
way that the machine has one degree of freedom and can undergo vertical displacements
only. Neglecting damping, calculate the combined stiffness of the spring in order that the
force transmitted to the foundation is 1 / 25 th of the applied force, when the speed of
rotation of machine crank shaft is 1000 r.p.m. When the machine is actually supported on
the springs, it is found that the damping reduces the amplitude of successive free
vibrations by 25%. Find : 1. the force transmitted to foundation at 1000 r.p.m., 2. the force
transmitted to the foundation at resonance, and 3. the amplitude of the forced vibration
of the machine at resonance

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