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TRANSFER APPLICATION FORM (valid for six months)

AFNHB, Builders, Co-operative Societies) /HOUSING (Flats/Houses allotted by NOIDA)/

Price Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) Sl.No. _______________

Date of issue by the authorized bank __________
For downloaded forms date of deposit of
Rs. 100/- in the authorized bank ______________



I/ We/ M/s (allottee) _____________________________________________________________

___________________________ S/o, W/o, D/o Shri __________________________________
R/o __________________________________________________________________________
(here in shall be referred to as Transferor) of Plot/Premises No. __________________________
Block ________________ Sector________________ NOIDA having an area of _____________
Sq. Mtrs. want to transfer the above plot/premises in favour of Shri/Smt./M/s _______________
______________________________________________ S/o, W/o, D/o Shri ________________
_________________________________ R/o _________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________(herein after shall be
referred to as transferee).

The transferor(s) and the transferee(s) have read and understood the terms and conditions of
transfer and undertake to abide by the same and accordingly apply for transfer of the above said

Signature of the transferor(s) Signature of transferee(s)

Above Signatures are attested Above signatures are arrested

Signature, Name Designation Signature, Name Designation

and seal of Bank Officer attesting and seal of Bank Officer attesting the
signature attesting the signature


Signature, Name Designation Signature, Name Designation

and seal of Bank Officer attesting and seal of Bank Officer attesting the
signature attesting the signature
Note :

(I) The term allottee includes transferee/sub lessee.

(II) Signatures and Photograph of the Power of Attorney holder shall be required to be attested by the
bankers, if the transfer application is submitted through General Power of Attorney Holder of the
(III) Group Housing means flats and houses allotted by AWHO, AFNHB, Builders and Co-operative
Societies. Transfer of such flats/houses shall be considered alongwith transfer of garage, if it was
allotted by the respective institution alongwith the flat/house.
(IV) Transfer permission in favour of HUF shall not be allowed.
(V) In case of industrial plot/premises transfer shall be permitted only after the unit has been declared
(VI) In case of industrial plot/premises project free from pollution & environment hazards shall be
considered. The project should not be on the banned list of directorate of Industries, UP or
Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries and Noida. A list of projects permitted in
Noida is given as ‘A’, list of restricted projects is given as ‘B’ and the list of negative projects is
given as ‘C’ on website of the Authority.
(VII) The transfer charges for transfer Residential plot/flats/houses amongst the prescribed categories
shall be 50% of the applicable transfer charges.
(VIII) The transfer charges for transfer of industrial plots/sheds shall be 50% of the applicable transfer
charges in cases of transfer/sale of the premises by financial institution under section 29 of SFC
Act. The application has to be moved by the financial institution alongwith all NOC’s required
for making the transfer application.
(IX) Prevailing Transfer charges

For transfer application moved by the For transfer application

allottee amount in Rs. Per of moved by the Regd. GPA of
the premium of plot/premises the allottee
i. RESIDENTIAL Transfer within the blood
PLOTS Sector- 14, 14A, 15A, 17&44 – Rs. 1980/- relatives of registered GPA
per sqm. + 5% of location charges. holder, 1.5 times of normal
transfer charges, other than
Sector –15, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, blood relatives of registered
33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 47 & 51 – Rs.1380/- GPA holder 2 times of normal
+ 5% of location charges. transfer charges shall be
applicable. In case of General
Sector – 20, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, Power of Attorney is
49, 50, 52, 53, 61, 71 & 92 – Rs.1005/- + registered without agreement
5% of location charges. to sell, then a public notice in
two National Dailies (one in
Sector – 11, 12, 22, 55, 56, 72, 105, & 108 – hindi and one in english)
Rs. 840/- per sqm. + 5% of location charges. inviting that no claim against
the concerned property exists
Remaining residential sectors – Rs. 720/- other than respective Regd.
per sqm. + 5% of location charges. GPA holder/Transferee.

ii. GROUP Transfer within the blood

HOUSING Sector- 14, 14A, 15A, 17&44 – Rs. 1980/- relatives of registered GPA
per sqm. holder, 1.5 times of normal
transfer charges, other than
Sector –15, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, blood relatives of registered
33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 47 & 51 – Rs.1380/-. GPA holder 2 times of normal
transfer charges shall be
Sector – 20, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, applicable . In case of General
49, 50, 52, 53, 61, 71 & 92 – Rs.1005/-. Power of Attorney is
registered without agreement
Sector – 11, 12, 22, 55, 56, 72, 105, & 108 – to sell, then a public notice in
Rs. 840/- per sqm. two National Dailies (one in
hindi and one in english)
Remaining residential sectors – Rs. 720/- inviting that no claim against
per sqm. the concerned property exists
other than respective Regd.
GPA holder/Transferee.
iii. HOUSING Transfer charges on single storeyed houses Transfer within the blood
shall be applicable as per residential plots. relatives of registered GPA
holder, 1.5 times of normal
Transfer charges on flats/multistorey shall transfer charges, other than
be as fallows:- blood relatives of registered
GPA holder 2 times of normal
Properties alloted before 1990 – 50% of the transfer charges shall be
total allotment price. applicable . In case of General
Power of Attorney is
Properties alloted 1991 to 2000 – 20% of the registered without agreement
total allotment price. to sell, then a public notice in
two National Dailies (one in
Properties alloted 2001 to 2011 – 10% of the hindi and one in english)
total allotment price. inviting that no claim against
the concerned property exists
Properties alloted 2011 onwards – 5% of the other than respective Regd.
total allotment price. GPA holder/Transferee.

Transfer charges for Sharmik Kunj shall be

Rs. 10,000/- for each unit.

EWS Flats- Rs.30,000/-

LIG Flats- Rs.60,000/-
MIG Flats- Rs.1, 00,000/-
HIG Flats- Rs.1,50,000/-

iv. INDUSTRIAL Transfer within the blood relatives of Transfer within the blood
PLOTS/ SHEDS registered GPA holder, 1.5 times of normal relatives of registered GPA
transfer charges, other than blood relatives holder, 1.5 times of normal
of registered GPA holder 2 times of normal transfer charges, other than
transfer charges shall be applicable blood relatives of registered
Phase-I GPA holder 2 times of normal
Reserve price transfer charges shall be
Before 4000 Sqm. Rs. 18865/- per sqm. applicable. In case of General
Above 4001-20000 sqm. Rs. 17415/- per sqm.
Power of Attorney is
Above 20001-60000 Rs. 15965/- per sqm.
sqm. Rs. 14515/- per sqm. registered without agreement
60001 to above to sell, then a public notice in
Phase-II two National Dailies (one in
Reserve price hindi and one in english)
Before 4000 Sqm. Rs. 6715/- per sqm. inviting that no claim against
Above 4001-20000 sqm. Rs. 6045/- per sqm.
Above 20001-60000 Rs. 5805/- per sqm.
the concerned property exists
sqm. Rs. 5565/- per sqm. other than respective Regd.
60001 to above For IT/ITES Rs. 7300/- GPA holder/Transferee.
Reserve price
Before 4000 Sqm. Rs. 6955/- per sqm.
Above 4001-20000 sqm. Rs. 6655/- per sqm.
Above 20001-60000 Rs. 6530/- per sqm.
sqm. Rs. 6410/- per sqm.
60001 to above For IT/ITES Rs. 8060/-

Transfer Charges payable for non-functional

unit 10% of reserve price and functional unit
8% of reserve price.
Transfer charges would be payable 1.5 time
of normal rate.
Payment deposit challan (in original) for
deposit of processing fees of Rs. 5000/-
v. COMMERCIAL Commercial properties are
SHOPS/ PLOTS The cases, where cancellation has been allowed to be tranferred on
effected, are not eligible for transfer. power of attorney basis with
the following conditions:-
The transferee undertakes to put to use the
plot/shop for the original permissble use Thansfer application received
only. on the basis of certified copy
of Registered power of
The lessee, shall pay transfer charges attorney only shall be
prevailing at the time of transfer. All the entertained.
terms and conditions of allotment, transfer
permission and lease deed/ brochure shall be It shall be the sole
applicable. responsibility of intending
transferee to ensure
The transfer shall be as per policy prevailing authenticity and validity of
on the date of transfer application. However, such power of attorney.
at present the rate of transfer charges as
fallows :- The power of attorney holder
shall be required to submit
Upto first five years Rs. 1500/- per or affidavit on the prescribed
10% of the premium whichever is higher. performa in support of
authenticity and validity of
For sixth year Rs. 1700/- per or 10% power attorney. The intending
of the premium whichever is higher. purchaser shall also submit
and indemnity bond on
For seventh year Rs. 1900/- per or prescribed performa in support
10% of the premium whichever is higher. thereof.

For eighth year Rs. 2100/- per or 10% In addition original allotment
of the premium whichever is higher. letter/possession
cerificate/legal documents i.e.
For ninth year Rs. 2300/- per or 10% licence
of the premium whichever is higher. agreement/HPTA/lease
deed/transfer deed for the
For tenth year Rs. 2500/- per or 10% property under transfer, shall
of the premium whichever is higher. also be required alonwith the
transfer application.
For eleventh year Rs. 2600/- per or
10% of the premium whichever is higher. These documents shall be
returned to transferee
For twelth year Rs. 2700/- per or 10% alongwith permission for
of the premium whichever is higher. transfer, if granted, under
registered post or in person.
For thirteenth year Rs. 2800/- per or
10% of the premium whichever is higher. Cerified copy of an agreement
to sell duly registered or
For fourteenth year Rs. 2900/- per or notarised shall also be
10% of the premium whichever is higher. required in favour of intending
transferee. Transfer charges
For fifteenth year Rs. 3000/- per or shall be one and hialf
10% of the premium whichever is higher. times(1.50) of the normal
transfer charges for first
For sixteenth year Rs. 3300/- per or agreement to sell. Thereafter
10% of the premium whichever is higher. Transfer charges shall be
increased @ 50% of the
For seventeenth year Rs. 3630/- per normal transfer charges for
or 10% of the premium whichever is higher. every subsequent agreement to
Thereafter, the transfer charges shall be
applicable with an annual increase of 10% On grant of transfer
of the transfer charges last thus fixed, permission transferee shall be
provided further that the rate of transfer required to execute lease
charges may be modified by Chief deed/transfer deed as the case
Executive Officer, NOIDA or any officer may be.
from time to time and the same shall be
binding on the lessee/sub-lessee. Transfer on power of attorney
basis will be subject to
Charges for first agreement to sell. directions received from Govt.
Thereafter transfer charges shall be of U.P from time to time. In
increased @50% of the normal transfer to case of general power of
sell. attorney is registered without
agreement to sell, then a
On grant of transfer permission transferee public notice in two national
shall be required to execute lease dailies (one in Hindi and one
deed/transfer deed as the case may be. in English) inviting that no
claim against the concerned
Transfer on power of attorney basis will be property exists other than
subject to directions received from Govt. of respective Regd.GPA holder/
U.P. from time to time. Transferee.

Once transfer is approved and transfer

memorandum is issuued, all the assets and
or liabilities against the commercial
property(ies) would pass on the transferee.

Lease rent will be charged @ prevailing at

the time of transfer subject to enhancement
as envissaged in lease deed/ transfer
deed/transfer memorandum. However,
delayed payments in this regard are subject
to payment of interest as per rules of the
Aauthority prevailing from time to time.

In case of transfer of even partial rights of

the Minor, orders of the District Judge are
required regarding the protection of interest
of Minor.

Transfer of cpmmercial properties by

original allottee/transferee in blood relation
i.e. in favour of
and vise – versa would be allowed without
charges, subject to payment of transfer
processing of Rs. 1,000/-.

Transfer charges once deposited will not be

refunded/adjusted even in case transfer does
not materialise due to dispute between the
parties/or withdrawal of transfer application
by the transferor with the consent of



In case of builders plot, no transfer charges

shall be applicable if built up space of
commercial plot is tranferred during the 2
years from the date of completion. In case of
other commercial plots, no transfer charges
shall be payable, if part built up space is
transferred within a stipulated time of
construction. The lessee will be permitted to
transfer built-up space on the fulfilment of
the following conditions:-

(A) The lessee has made full payment

of the plot premium,
interest, lease rent for the entire
period of lease as it is realisable in
terms of policy of the lessor in this
regard and interest, if any, due
(B) The lease deed has been executed.
(C) The lessee has obtained building
completion certificate.
(D) The sub-lesse undertakes to put to
use the premises for the original
permissible use only. The
lessee,shall also execute a sub-
lease deed between lessor, lessee
and proposed transferee(Sub-
lessee). The lessee/sublessee shall
also ensure adherence to the
building regulations and directions.
All the terms and conditions of
allotment and lease deed shall be
applicable and binding on sub-

Thereafter transfer charges shall be payable

period on pro-rata basis as applicable. The
purchaser shall also require to pay pro-rata
lease rent as applicable. The sub lease shall
be required to make the built up space
functional with in one year from the date of
sub lease and submit sufficient documents to
the Authority in proof thereof. Thereafter
extension charges shall be payable, as

10% of current allotment price with location

vi. INSTITUTIONAL Transfer within the blood
relatives of registered GPA
holder, 1.5 times of normal
transfer charges, other than
blood relatives of registered
GPA holder 2 times of normal
transfer charges shall be
applicable . In case of General
Power of Attorney is
registered without agreement
to sell, then a public notice in
two National Dailies (one in
hindi and one in english)
inviting that no claim against
the concerned property exists
other than respective Regd.
GPA holder/Transferee.

Requirements/Enclosures for transfer of plot/premises on request of the allottee

(1) Payment deposit challan (in original) for deposit of processing fees of Rs. 1000/- and transfer
charges ‘as applicable’ in one of the authorised banks.
(2) Joint affidavit by the transferor and transferee in the prescribed format on non-judicial stamp
paper of Rs. 20/- duly notarised.
(3) Affidavit by the transferee in the prescribed format about his satisfaction towards non
encumbrance on the plot/premises.
(4) No dues Certificate issued by the concerned Account Officer.
(5) No dues certificate issued by the Project Engineer (Jal).
(6) Copy of the project report if transfer permission is for Industrial/Institutional plot/premises.
(7) No Objection Certificate issued by GM (DIC) Noida and No Dues Certificate issued by UPPCL
(Power Corporation) shall also be required for transfer of industrial plot/premises.
(8) Copy of Occupancy Certificate/Completion Certificate issued by Building Cell for transfer of
Residential plots/Functional Certificate for transfer of Industrial/ Commercial/Institutional
Copy of the extension letter valid upto the date of transfer issued by the concerned
department(Other than Industrial Properties.).
(9) If the plot/premises is mortgaged then a No Objection Certificate for permitting transfer to be
issued by the financial institution shall also be required.
(10) No Objection Certificate from the respective cooperative society for transfer of residential plots
allotted to the members of cooperative societies.
(11) No Objection Certificate from AWHO, AFNHB, Builders, Co-operative Societies for the flats/
houses allotted by the respective institution.

Requirements/Enclosures for transfer of plot/premises on request of the

General Power of Attorney of the allottee.

In addition to the above requirement/enclosures the following shall also be required:

(1) Certified copy of the General Power of Attorney given by the allottee for transfer of the
(2) An indemnity bond by the transferee in the prescribed format.
(3) An affidavit by the transferee about legal validity of the GPA on the prescribed format.
(4) A copy of the registered agreement to sell in favour of the transferee.
(5) In absence of registered agreement to sell, a public notice, as per the language provided by the
Authority, in two national dailies. Full pages of the newspapers carrying the public notice shall
required to be submitted.

If the transferor/transferee is a partnership firm/Pvt. Ltd. Co./Ltd. Co./Regd. Society/Trust in

addition to the above the following documents shall also be required:

a) A certified copy of the partnership deed of transferee, copy of form A & B (certificates issued by
Registrar of firms),
b) An Authority letter or Power of Attorney to purchase the plot/premises is required if transfer
application is not signed by all partners.
c) An Authority letter or Power of Attorney of the transferor firm shall also be required if transfer
application is not signed by all partners.
d) A certified copy of the resolution passed by board of directors of the transferor company/society/trust
to sell the plot/premises and of the transferee company/society/trust to purchase the plot/premises.
Both resolutions shall be in favour of the authorised signatory to sell/purchase the plot/premises.
e) Memorandum and article of association of the company/Memorandum of the society/trust of the
f) In case of company list of shareholders and list of directors duly certified by Chartered
Accountant/list of executive members of the society/list of trustees in case of society/trust.
g) Attested photograph and signatures of all directors/society executive members and trustees.
The following shall fall into the prescribed categories:

1. Bonafide Sole Proprietor/Partner(s)/Director(s)/Regular Employees of bonafide functional

industrial units who are operational on the land leased by NOIDA/NEPZ (Category : NOIDA-
2. Bonafide Sole Proprietor/Partner(s)/Director(s) of the bonafide functional commercial
establishment, established on land/premises allotted by NOIDA, exclusively & specifically for
this purpose only. (Category : NOIDA-COMM).
3. Bonafide Managing Trustees/Regular Employees of functional institutional which are operational
on land/premises leased by NOIDA, exclusively for this purpose. (Category : NOIDA-INSTT).
4. Bonafide eligible villager who was a KHATEDAR/SAHKHATEDAR of the land which has been
acquired for the development of NOIDA and who has received compensation of acquired land
and there is no litigation pending (Category : NOIDA-VIL).
5. Regular employees of the Authority or regular employees of the Authority. (Category : NOIDA-
Joint affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 20/- from transferor(s) and transferee (s) duly notarized.


I/We/M/s…………………………………..……… S/o, W/o, D/o………..………….…………………….

transferor of Plot/Premises No……………. Block…………………. Sector………………… Noida,
measuring………………….. sq. mtrs.
I/We/M/s……………………………………..…… S/o, W/o, D/o………..………….…………………….
transferor of Plot/Premises No……………. Block…………………. Sector………………… Noida,
measuring………………….. sq. mtrs. on behalf of the allottee Shri/Smt./Km. …………………..…….
………………………………………… S/o, W/o, D/o ………………………………………………….
R/o ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
as registered General Power of Attorney holder, GPA registered with Sub-Registrar/Tehsildar No.
……………………………… dated ………………….. (strike off if application is not through GPA.)
I/We/M/s……………………………………….… S/o, W/o, D/o………………………………………….
transferee for the above stated plot/premises do hereby solemnly affirm and declare jointly on oath as
under in respect of Plot/Premises No. …..…………… Block…………… Sector……… Noida,
measuring…………………. sq. mtrs
1. That the transferor and transferee are bonafide citizen of India and are competent to contract.
2. That the deponents understand that the said plot/premises is transferable on payment of transfer
charges, as applicable, to the Authority.
3. That the deponents undertake to abide by the rules, regulations terms and conditions and
directions of the New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (NOIDA) as applicable from time
to time.
4. That the transfer of rights, interest, payments, assets, liabilities, title etc. respect to the property
are limited to the extent vested in the Transferor.
5. (i) That the dues in respect of above said plot/premises have been cleared and No Dues
Certificate, issued by the concerned Accounts Officer is enclosed.
(ii) That the dues in respect of usages charges/no usages charges, as applicable, have been cleared
and a no dues certificate issued by the Account Officer (Jal) has been enclosed.
6. That the transferor has established the unit/enterprise on the above stated premises and a copy of
the functional certificate issued by the Authority is enclosed.(applicable for transfer of
Industrial/Institutional/Commercial plot/premises)
That the transferor has obtained Occupancy certificate/completion certification issued by the
Authority (applicable for transfer of Residential plot/premises)
That the transferor has obtained valid extension upto the date of transfer and a copy of the
extension letter issued by the Authority is enclosed.
(Not applicable for transfer of Group Housing/Housing)
7. That the above property has neither been mortgaged nor offered as collateral security to any
institution and is free from all encumbrances.
8. That the deponents have ensured that there is no unauthorized construction and/or use in the
9. (i) The transferor, his/her spouse and/or dependent children and/or his/her/their
Industrial/Commercial/Institutional unit established in NOIDA had not obtained any
residential plot/premises (i.e. including the property for which this transfer application is
being submitted) by way of direct allotment from the Authority and he/she/they, their
spouse and/or dependent children and/or his/her/their Industrial/Commercial/ Institutional
unit would not apply for allotment of any residential plot/premises under any allotment
scheme of the Authority and not take possession of any residential plot/premises in any
pending scheme(s) or any future scheme of the Authority but may acquire one or more
residential plot/house/flat in NOIDA through transfer from open market.
(ii) That the transferor his spouse/dependent children is/are not a member of any cooperative
housing society nor will become member of any cooperative housing society operating in
notified area of NOIDA.
(iii) That the transferor understand(s) that in case of any breach of any to he terms and
conditions, the Authority shall take action as it may deem fit.
(iv) That the transferor is applying for transfer of the plot/premises under the terms of
allotment/Lease deed/Lease-cum-sale-deed/transfer deed executed on ……………….
(applicable for transfer of residential plot/flat/houses)
10. (i) That the transferee shall pay to the Authority all outstanding dues along with interest as
(ii) That the outstanding premium/ lease rent /interest and all other dues against the
plot/premises shall constitute the first charge against the plot/premises.
11. (i) That the deponents understands that the receipt of the transfer application and charges by
the Authority are purely provisional and does not provide/constitute any right to either
party for claiming grant of Transfer Permission by the Authority. The Authority reserves
the right to decide the case on merit and is free to reject a request for transfer without
assigning any reason.
(ii) In the event of such rejection the transfer charges deposited, if any, shall be refunded to the
transferor. No interest, however, shall be payable on the deposits so made.
(iii) If transfer does not materialize due to withdrawal of the transfer application by mutual
consent of the transferor and transferee then transfer charges will not be refunded/adjusted
even if transfer application is withdrawn. In case of dispute between the transferor and
transferee, permission for withdrawal of transfer application shall be granted with orders of
the competent court.
(iv) The transferee shall not transfer his/her/their rights without prior approval of the Authority
in writing which the Authority may refuse without assigning any reason or allow on such
terms and conditions as it may deem fit.
(v) The transfer of plot/premises is an act between the transferor and transferee and as such any
liens, claims, damages, compensation, adverse court orders etc. arising thereof
subsequently would be the sole liability of transferee(s) and Noida would remain
indemnified against the same.
12. (i) That in the event of transfer being permitted by the Authority the deponents shall have to
execute a transfer deed and thereafter shall be entitled to lease hold rights for the remaining
period of 90 years from the date of execution of original legal documents or taking over
possession of the plot/premises, whichever is earlier.
(ii) The transfer deed shall be executed within 90 days from the date of issue of transfer
memorandum. The transfer deed must, inter alia, incorporate the various terms and
conditions mentioned in the transfer memorandum. The final mutation will be made in the
name of the transferee after receipt of the certified copy of the transfer deed and its
acceptance by the Authority. This transfer deed shall be required to be submitted with the
Authority within one month from the date of its execution. In case of failure to execute
lease-Cum-Sale Deed/Transfer Deed (as the case may be) by the Transferee would invite
payment of penalty as applicable from time to time.
(iii) The transferee shall be given one year for making the industrial unit/commercial
establishment/institution functional from the date of issue of the transfer memorandum. The
transferee of residential plot shall be required to obtain extension on payment of prescribed
extension charges to raise construction/ obtain occupancy/completion certificate.
13. That the lease rent/ground rent of the subject property shall be revised and shall be payable as
indicated by the Authority in transfer permission letter. The revised lease rent/ground rent may be
enhanced after every 10 years from the date of execution of the original lease deed/legal
documents subject to the condition that the same shall not exceed 50% of the lease/ground rent
last thus fixed. (in case of commercial plot/shop lease rent shall not be revised, however,
provision of enhancement as per terms of lease deed shall be applicable.
14. That the deponents understand that notwithstanding any request/instruction of either party the
payment made by the either party shall be first adjusted towards the interest due and
premium/cost of the property and thereafter the same shall be appropriated towards the annual
lease/ground rent.
15. That the transferee shall put the plot/premises in use exclusively for the authorized purpose and
shall not use it for any purpose other than the allotted/leased.
16. The lease rent/ground/rent of the aforesaid property shall be applicable as indicated in the transfer
17. The transferee shall put the commercial property/plot/shop in use for which it has been allotted.
18. The deponents understand that the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority shall have every right
to amend or after the terms and conditions as deemed fit from time to time and such
amendments/modifications shall be final and binding on them.
19. The transferor and transferee agree that in the event of transfer being obtained through
misrepresentation/suppression or fact or in case of any breach/violation of terms and conditions
of the brochure of the Scheme/ HPTA/Licence Agreement/Lease Deed/Transfer Deed and the
terms and conditions stated here is this affidavit, the Authority shall be free to take action as
deemed fit and exercise its right for cancellation of allotment/lease hold rights including
forfeiture of the deposited amount.
20. The deponent shall be bound by the provisions of U.P. Industrial Area Development Act, 1976
(U.P. Act No. 6 of 1976) and the rules and regulations made and/or directions issued there under
and enacted/amended from time to time.
21. The deponent undertakes that the dispute, if any, with regards to approval of transfer of property
and or otherwise shall be subject to the Courts Jurisdiction of High Court Allahabad/Civil Court
Ghaziabad/ Gautam Budh Nagar.


We the above deponents do hereby verify that the contents and declarations made in the affidavit are true
to the best or our respective knowledge and belief and nothing has been canceled.


NOTE:- Affidavit is to be given on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.20/- and duly notarized by Notary



I, ________________________________________________ aged __________ Years S/o, D/o,

W/o Shri ___________________________________________________________________
R/o __________________________________________________________________________
hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:-

1- That deponent is transferee of plot/premises No. __________ Block _____________

Sector __________, NOIDA measuring ________________Sqm.
2- That Sh./Smt./Km. ________________________________________ S/o, W/o, D/o
Shri ________________________________ R/o ___________________________
_________________________________________ is the allottee of Plot/ premises
No. ________________ Block _____________ Sector- _________, NOIDA
measuring ______________________ Sqm.
3- That Sh./Smt./Km. ____________________________ S/o, W/o, D/o Shri
___________________________ R/o ________________________________
________________________________________ is power of Attorney holder of the
allottee and submitting application for transfer of the plot/premises on behalf of the
allottee. General Power of Attorney was executed on ________________ and
registered with Sub-Registrar/Tehsildar _______________ on __________________
at _____________________ for plot/premises No. _______________________
Block ____________________ Sector ____ measuring ______________ Sqm.
4- That the said GPA has not been revoked so far.
5- That the deponent has satisfied himself about the authenticity and legal validity of the
above stated Power of Attorney and the allottee of the plot/ premises as stated at Sl.
No. 2 above is alive.



I, the above named deponent do hereby verify that the above contents from para 1 to 5 are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and no part of this is false and nothing has been
concealed therein.




I, ________________________________________________ aged __________ Years S/o, D/o,

W/o Shri ______________________________________________________________________
R/o __________________________________________________________________________
hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:-

1. That the deponent is transferee of plot/premises No. __________ Block _____________

Sector __________, NOIDA measuring ________________Sqm.
2. That Sh./Smt./Km. _______________________________________________ S/o, W/o,
D/o Shri _____________________________________ R/o _______________________
______________________________________________________________________ is
the allottee of Plot/ premises No. ______________ Block ___________ Sector- _______,
NOIDA measuring ______________________ Sqm.
3. That the deponent has satisfied himself that the said plot/premises are without any
4. That the deponent has received/shall receive from the transferor all original documents
such as allotment letter, possession letter, lease deed, transfer memorandum, transfer
deed, no dues certificate, extension letter/occupancy/completion certificate/functional
certification, payment deposit challans, etc. pertaining to the above stated plot/premises.



I, the above named deponent do hereby verify that the above contents from para 1 to 4 are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and no part of this is false and nothing has been
concealed therein.




This Indemnity Bond is executed on ____________ day of ____________ in the year Two
thousand ____________________ by Shri/Smt./Km. ________________________ S/o, W/o,
D/o Shri _____________________________________ R/o __________________________
________________________________________ (transferee) hereinafter referred as
'EXECUTANT' in favour of New Okhla Industrial Development Authority hereinafter referred
to as 'AUTHORITY'.

Whereas Shri/Smt./Km. ________________________________________ S/o, W/o, D/o Shri

______________________________ R/o _____________________________________ on
behalf of the allottee of commercial plot/ shop No. _______________ Block _______ Sector
___________________ measuring _____________ Sq.Mtrs. NOIDA holds the power of
attorney (hereinafter called power of attorney) in respect of Plot/Shop No.
___________________ Block _____________ Sector _______ measuring ________ Sqm.
NOIDA and being bounded as under:-

ON THE NORTH BY _____________

ON THE SOUTH BY ______________
ON THE EAST BY ______________
ON THE WEST BY _____________

By virtue of the powers conferred upon Shri/Smt./Km. ___________________________ S/o,

W/o, D/o ___________________________________ R/o _____________________
________________________________________________ vide the attorney dated
_____________________ duly registered with Sub-Registrar on _______________ at
___________________________ (certified copy enclosed). The executant is getting commercial
plot/shop No. ______________ Block _________ Sector _________, NOIDA measuring
______________ Sqm. transferred in his name.
The executant is satisfied that as per the above documents the power of attorney holder is
totally competent and legally authorized to effect the transfer/sale of the above mentioned
property and to do all acts and execute all documents which are necessary for transfer/sale of the
said property on behalf of the present allottee.

And whereas the Authority shall consider the transfer in favour of the executant provided
the executant indemnifies the Authority against all losses, damages, inconvenience, cost and or
litigation which may be caused because of such permission of transfer by Authority.

Now the (transferee) executant in the event of grant of permission by the Authority for
sale/transfer of the above said property has agreed to indemnify the Authority against any
claim/damage, cost, loss, inconvenience, litigation arising by the grant of permission for transfer
of the above property. The executant also indemnifies the Authority for any liability in all forms
that may be created by virtue of a court order and/or any other Competent Authority.

By this deed the executant shall also be totally responsible for other costs, damages, legal
proceedings and any other loss to the Authority on account of above property and shall ensure to
meet all the liabilities arising or which may arise by grant of permission to transfer and shall
discharge the same from his own resources.

This indemnity Bond is executed in presence of the following witnesses on the day and
month first above mentioned.




1. NAME __________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________

2. NAME __________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________

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