Mixing Studies of Non-Newtonian Uids in An Anchor Agitated Vessel

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chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818

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Chemical Engineering Research and Design

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Mixing studies of non-Newtonian fluids in an anchor

agitated vessel

B. Triveni a , B. Vishwanadham a,∗ , T. Madhavi a , S. Venkateshwar b

a Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India
b Osmania University College of Technology, Hyderabad, India

a b s t r a c t

The success of any mixing operation involving liquid–liquid, gas–liquid and gas–liquid–solid systems depends mainly
on the geometry of the vessel and impeller, operating conditions and properties of the system. Transformation of
laboratory results to commercial scale unit is very difficult due to the complexity of flow phenomena and the scale
up is being done by adopting a conservative approach which is based on the geometric, kinematic and dynamic
similarities. This approach does not take into account the non-ideal flow behavior of the fluid and the design of
commercial unit will be more rational if this information is included in the design of the unit.
An attempt has been made to generate the data on non-ideal flow by carrying out the tracer experiments in an
anchor agitated vessel. The fluids studied include water, castor oil, castor oil methyl esters and carboxy methyl
cellulose (0.5 and 1 wt%), paper-pulp suspension (0.5 and 2 wt%) and starch suspension (2 and 4 wt%) in presence and
absence of aeration. The data is analyzed for characterizing the flow by employing mixed model and dispersion model.
Increase in the fraction of well-mixed zone ‘g’ from 0.7 to 0.95 with increase in impeller speed has been observed for
both Newtonian and non-Newtonian systems but the increase is small for viscous fluids. A correlation between the
model parameter ‘g’ and impeller speed, aeration and properties of system has been developed. Incorporating the
value of ‘g’ in different scale up rules a commercial scale stirred vessel is designed. Constant tip speed resulted in
large well-mixed zone with minimum power consumption.
© 2009 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mixing; Non-Newtonian; Agitated vessel

1. Introduction and literature used to access the effectiveness of mixers are, namely: the
power input, the mixing and circulation times, and the heat
A major problem in agitated vessel design is to scale up a and mass transfer rates across the vessel wall. These param-
laboratory or pilot plant reactor to a full scale unit partic- eters are closely related to the flow pattern existing in the
ularly for the systems involving more than one phase and vessel. Voluminous literature is reported on the mixing time
non-Newtonian fluids. For many problems adequate correla- and blending time of various Newtonian and non-Newtonian
tions are not available. Similarity principles such as geometric, fluids agitated by different impellers, but the information on
kinematic and dynamic similarities are normally assumed for quantitative estimation of flow pattern and non-ideality exist-
scale up purpose. Mostly the power consumed by the impeller ing in an agitated vessel is limited.
per unit volume of liquid has been used as a measure of mixing Low viscosity mixing applications can usually be handled
effectiveness. These criteria are applied on the assumption of efficiently with impeller systems consisting of one or more
ideal flow pattern existing in the processing unit. The type of turbines and propellers. To obtain adequate mixing under
flow in an agitated vessel depends on the type of impeller, the the laminar flow conditions encountered in high viscosity
characteristic of fluid and size and proportion of tank, baffles applications, close-clearance impellers such as anchors and
and agitator. The performance parameters which normally helical ribbons are required. If turbine impellers are used with

Corresponding author at: Chemical Engineering Division, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Habsiguda, Hyderabad-500607, India.
Tel.: +91 40 27193626; fax: +91 40 27193626.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Vishwanadham).
Received 29 June 2009; Received in revised form 11 September 2009; Accepted 30 November 2009
0263-8762/$ – see front matter © 2009 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
810 chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818

both the bypassing rate and size of the dead water regions
Nomenclature and if agitation is greater than 300 rpm, backmix flow was
B constant (71.5 for anchor)
Levenspiel (1962) proposed number of mixed models con-
C tracer concentration (mol/m3 )
sisting of plug flow, backmix flow, dispersed plug flow and dead
C0 initial concentration of tracer (mol/m3 )
water regions to represent the flow of fluids through vessels.
C1 tracer concentration in well-mixed zone
He explained the application of these models for wide variety
(mol/m3 )
of situations with bypass, recycle and cross-flow. The dead
C2 tracer concentration in dead zone (mol/m3 )
water region exists when the fluid stays in the vessel twice
CE equilibrium concentration of tracer (CE = C0 for
the mean residence time. These models assume no trans-
batch vessel)
fer of fluid between the active and stagnant zones. Further
Di impeller diameter (m)
Levenspiel (1972) reported more realistic two parameter mod-
Dl effective axial dispersion coefficient (m2 /s)
els to characterize the long time behavior of stirred vessel
Dt tank diameter (m)
which accounts for the relatively stagnant regions with long
g fraction of well-mixed zone
holdup of fluid and the present model is based on this concept.
Hl liquid height (m)
One of the earliest studies on non-Newtonian fluids was
I internal age distribution function
made by Moo Young and Chan (1971) who focused on the non-
K fluid consistency index (kg/m (s)2−n )
ideal flow parameters for viscous and non-Newtonian fluids
n flow behavior index
flowing through stirred tank. Based on the visual observations
N impeller speed (s−1 )
of flow fields, a mechanistic model was proposed by assuming
q impeller discharge rate
dual back-mixing region and a dead space in series with a
Q volumetric flow rate of gas
plug flow reactor. He correlated the model parameters with the
Re Reynolds number
impeller speed, average residence time and properties of the
t time (s)
system. These models are applicable for a particular geometry
T residence time (s)
(turbine) of the impeller and they have mentioned that their
ul liquid velocity (m/s)
model is not applicable for anchor and spiral-type agitator as
V volume of the reactant (m3 )
they generate different flow patterns from turbines.
Vd dead volume (m3 )
Soon Khang and Levenspiel (1976) modeled the agitated
Vg superficial gas velocity (m/s)
vessel by a network of ideal reactors consisting of a plug flow
Vm well mixed volume (m3 )
reactor in series with a continuous stirred tank reactor with
Vp plug flow volume (m3 )
total recycling (Fig. 3). They have developed a correlation to
z axial coordinate
estimate the time needed and the energy required for achiev-
ing a given degree of homogeneity, but their correlation results
Greek symbols
in same mixing time for the same power consumption which
 liquid phase viscosity
is practically not possible.
app apparent viscosity
The flow pattern generated by anchor agitator is tangen-
 exchange flow rate (m3 /s)
tial and is suitable for mixing of viscous Newtonian and
 liquid phase density (kg/m3 )
non-Newtonian fluids (Chhabra and Richardson, 1999) and
preliminary experiments by Nagata (1975) revealed that there
exists an axial temperature profile within the vessel. Peters
highly viscous liquids, flow velocities rapidly decay to low and John Smith (1969) reported that at low Reynolds num-
values away from the impeller affecting the blending qual- ber, there is no flow reversal and as the Reynolds number
ity. Turbine impellers are therefore not recommended for use increases, flow reversal commences [at Re ∼20] and there will
in the laminar regime. For such conditions, close-clearance be considerable amount of liquid behind the blade which is
impellers such as anchors and helical ribbons are commonly moving along with the blade and essentially not mixing with
used. For specifically difficult applications, special combina- the rest of the fluid in the tank. Bertrand et al. (1996) and
tions of anchors/helixes and anchor/turbines can be used. For Savreux et al. (2007) simulated laminar 2D mixing of non-
example, a helical ribbon impeller can be supported on an Newtonian fluids with an anchor impeller and conformed the
anchor for providing both top-to-bottom material movement finding of Nagata that anchor is inefficient in laminar regime.
and folding action (Paul et al., 2004). Pedrosa and Nunhez (2000) reported that there are few
Over the years, several approaches have been proposed works in the literature which study anchor type impellers.
to model the blending process, namely circulation models, The great majority of works for stirred vessels refers to turbine
eddy diffusion models, network of zones models and com- impellers, especially six-blade Rushton turbines, under turbu-
putational fluid dynamic models. The basic draw back of lent flow. They modeled anchor agitated vessel using CFD and
circulation model and eddy diffusion model is that only an showed that mixing can be improved by the increase of rota-
approximate picture of flow generated by the impellers is con- tional speed and by the use of impellers with a higher blade
sidered. The network of zones of model is far more realistic height and with a blade support. Akiti et al. (2005) also studied
as compared to circulation and dispersion models, mainly the behavior of an anchor agitated vessel of 2 and 4 l capacity
because it attempts to take into account the flow field. using CFD and observed that anchor impeller produces little
One of the pioneering works on mixing efficiency in CSTR flow and turbulence in the area beneath the impeller irrespec-
is by Cholette and Cloutier (1959) who studied and analyzed tive of the reactor configuration.
mixing phenomena quantitatively by proposing mixed models Dieulot et al. (2005) modeled the mixing phenomena under
based on the combination of effective volume, piston flow and unsteady state stirring conditions and a new model of torus
short-circuit. They found that increased agitation decreases reactor including a well-mixed zone and a transport zone is
chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818 811

Fig. 1 – Schematic representation of experimental setup.

proposed and determined the rotational speed profile that using turbines and propellers and the information on blending
minimizes the mixing energy for a given mixing time. of non-Newtonian fluids in anchor agitated vessel is scant-
Tanguy et al. (1996) measured the power consumption of ily reported. The reported studies are correlated in terms of
an anchor agitator for the homogenization of non-Newtonian dimensionless mixing time and power consumption and suit-
fluids and showed that the constant Ks defined by Metzner able for short time scale of operation. So experiments are
and Otto (1957) do not vary strongly with the power law index. planned in an anchor and turbine agitated vessel and a mech-
Espinosa-Solares et al. (1997) studied the combined effect of anistic model consisting of a well-mixed zone and dead space
bottom clearance and wall clearance on the power consump- (relatively slow moving zone) with some exchange of fluid
tion rate and proposed a correlation between the two regions is applied.
 −0.23  b −0.27 
c 2. Experimental
Np Re = Kp = 41.1 + (1)
Dt Dt
The details of experimental unit is shown in Fig. 1. The setup
They have observed that the power consumption decreases
consists of a stirred vessel (diameter: 0.29 m, height: 0.365 m
as the bottom and wall clearance increase, which is due to the
and capacity: 0.025 m3 , SS vessel) fitted with anchor agitator
change in the flow pattern.
of 0.27 m diameter, 0.02 m blade width, 0.2 m blade height.
Number of studies (Norwood and Metzner, 1960;
The bottom and side clearance of anchor agitator are 0.03 and
Hoogendorn and den Hartog, 1967; Moo-Young et al., 1972;
0.01 m respectively. The vessel is well insulated to avoid the
Patwardhan and Joshi, 1999; Nandkishore et al., 2003; Sasakura
heat losses. A ½ hp variable gear constant speed motor is pro-
et al., 1980; Raghav Rao and Joshi, 1988) are reported focusing
vided for studying the effect of impeller speed. Speed of this
on the determination of mixing time, power utilization and
agitator is measured with a tachometer. The range of impeller
power consumption of turbine and helical ribbons and they
speed covered is 60–200 rpm. Conductivity probe is arranged at
have found that the tubular agitator to be efficient stirrer and
the bottom of the vessel. The local conductivity measurement
for high viscous fluids helical ribbon was efficient.
is affected by the presence of other phases, which are charac-
Brief literature review on mixing of fluids in agitated ves-
terized by different conductivity and random movement near
sel reveals that the anchor impeller is suitable for the mixing
of viscous Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids and there
exists some non-ideality in the vessel. Most of the studies
reported are pertaining to the mixing of Newtonian fluids

Table 1 – Properties of the Newtonian and

Non-Newtonian fluids.
Fluid K (kg/m (s)2−n ) n  (kg/m3 )

Castor oil 0.219 1 961

CME 0.01019 1 899
0.5% CMC 17.78 0.9 1001
1% CMC 8.359 0.4 1005.5
2% starch 0.438 0.7 1003
4% starch 3.518 0.4 1021.5
0.5% pulp 2.106 0.75 999.6
2% pulp 15.41 0.35 1165.8
Fig. 2 – Experimental C/C0 vs time for 0.5%CMC at 60 rpm.
812 chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818

the probe. So the probe is arranged such that the gas bubbles The solution of Eq. (2) with appropriate boundary condi-
directly do not come in contact with the probe. Compressed tions is
air is fed at the bottom of vessel through a gas sparger for

studying aeration effect and the flow rate of air is measured 

n2 2
by using a calibrated rotameter. The air flow rates studied C = C0 1+2 cos(n)exp − Dl t (3)
Hl 2
are 200–2000 cm3 /min. The parameters studied are effect of n=1
impeller speed, air flow rate and properties of fluid on mixing.
About 150 experiments were carried out in these studies. For large values of ‘t’ the non-ideal pulse is less important,
and only the first four terms (n = 4) in the series is significant
(Xiongwei et al., 2002). Dl is determined by fitting Eq. (3) to the
2.1. Systems studied
experimental tracer response data.

Newtonian systems studied are castor oil and its methyl esters
and non-Newtonian fluids studied are CMC (0.5 and 1 wt%), 4.2. Mixed model
paper-pulp (0.5 and 2 wt%), starch suspension (2 and 4 wt%).
When the gross flow pattern of the fluid deviates greatly from
plug flow because of channeling or recirculation of the fluid,
2.2. Viscosity data
eddies in odd corners, etc., then the dispersion model or the
tanks-in-series model cannot satisfactorily characterize the
Properties of the systems are summarized in Table 1. The
flow in the vessel (Levenspiel, 1962). This type of flow can
data of shear stress vs shear rate for CMC, starch and pulp
be found for example in industrial stirred tank reactors. In
suspensions has been generated using rotational viscometer
these situations it is probably most fruitful to view the real
(RHEOLAB viscometer). The range of shear rate studied is from
vessel to consist of inter-connected flow regions with vari-
50 to 500 s−1 . The density of slurries is calculated by the pro-
ous modes of flow between and around these regions. If more
cedure given by Chhabra and Richardson (1999).
than two parameters are present in the model, any test of
the model becomes essentially valueless, and no judgment
3. Experimental procedure can be made about whether or not the model reasonably
represents the physical situation (Scott Fogler, 1992). Based
The experimental work is carried out in a cylindrical stirred on the assumption of good micro-mixing, a multi-parameter
tank with dished end, fitted with an anchor/turbine agitator. model consisting of a well-mixed zone with a dead space and
Provisions for tracer introduction and detection and mea- exchange flow between them is considered. The network of
surement of power consumption by energy meter are made. zones model is far more realistic as compared to the circula-
Conductivity tracing method is adopted to characterize the tion and dispersion models, mainly because it attempts to take
mixing pattern in the anchor/turbine agitated vessel. The ves- into account the local flow field. These models are employed
sel is filled with the process liquid up to a height equal to on the bases of flow pattern observed either visually or fitting
diameter of the vessel. Impeller is set at a particular speed the data to a model based on the assumption of combination
and this speed is measured by using a tachometer. 10 ml of of ideal reactors. We have developed our model based on the
2N KCl is suddenly introduced as a pulse tracer from the top reported flow pattern by Peters and John Smith (1969). They
of the vessel at the liquid surface and the variation of liquid have studied the flow pattern generated by anchor agitator
conductivity with time is measured at the bottom of the ves- and concluded that the flow reversal occurs at higher Reynolds
sel. Thus the average concentration of the tracer is measured number and the circulation behind the blade is of considerable
and analyzed for non-ideality by applying multi-parameter interest as it represents a quantity of liquid which is mov-
model. These experiments are performed at different impeller ing along with the blade and essentially not mixing with the
speeds in presence and absence of aeration. Sample plot of rest of the fluid in the tank. The model consists of a back-mix
experimental data is shown in Fig. 2. region with a stagnant space and exchange between them.
The physical representation of the model is shown in Fig. 3.
The mole balance for tank1:
4. Model and correlations
vC2 − vC1 = Vm (4)
To interpret the flow pattern quantitatively, there are num- dt
ber of models such as single parameter, multi-parameter and
stochastic models. The dispersion model and multi-parameter The mole balance for tank2:
model are employed for analyzing the data and to correlate the
dispersion coefficient and mixed model parameters in terms dC2
vC1 − vC2 = Vd (5)
of the operating variables. dt

as V = Vm + Vd (6)
4.1. Dispersion model

The dispersion model is a single parameter model used to Vm = gV, Vd = (1 − g)V (7)
describe the non-ideality existing within the vessel. The form
of the dispersion model for batch operation is Substitution of above terms and simplification gives:


∂C ∂2 C C1 = C0 g 1 + exp (8)
= Dl 2 (2) g g(1 − g)V/v
∂t ∂z
chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818 813

Fig. 3 – Block diagram of mixed zone models.

and compared with non-Newtonian fluids. The magnitude of k3

 is high in laminar regime when compared with the turbu-
C2 = C0 g 1 − exp (9) lent regime for non-Newtonian fluids which shows that the
g(1 − g)V/v
aeration has profound effect on g in laminar regime.
Limitations of the correlation: this correlation is applicable
The model parameters fraction of well-mixed zone g and
for both viscous Newtonian and non-Newtonian systems for
exchange flow rate  is calculated by matching with the exper-
a wide range of Reynolds number.
imental data. The variation of exchange flow rate  is not
For non-Newtonian fluids, apparent viscosity is taken
significant and of the order of 10−6 m3 /s and the overall per-
(Calderban and Moo-Young, 1961)
formance of the unit is linked to the magnitude of the fraction
of well-mixed zone g. Therefore g has been used to quantify
the extent of non-ideal flow. app = K(¯ avg ) (12)
The fraction of well mixed volume is again function of
operating variables i.e. impeller speed N, velocity of air Vg ,
The average shear rate is ¯ avg = Ks N and Ks is shear rate
geometry of the system (tank diameter Dt , impeller diameter
Di ) and properties of fluids like density and viscosity. Dimen-
sional analysis of the significant variables (N, , , Di , Dt , g)
 3n + 1 (n/(n−1))
indicates that for geometrically similar systems. Ks = B (13)
g˛f (N, , , Dt , Di , Vg ) (10)

9(Dt /Di )
and B = 9.5 + (14)
The dimensional analysis gives: 2
(Dt /Di ) − 1

Non-ideal flow parameter g  3n + 1 n

    D  app = K Bn−1 Nn−1 (15)
ND2i  Vg t 4n
=f , , (11)
 NDi Di

This equation relates g with the impeller speed, velocity

k2 k
of air, geometry and fluid properties (density and viscosity). Table 2 – Correlation: g = k1 (Re) (Vg /NDi ) 3 .
The empirical constants are obtained from the experiments System k1 k2 k3
by the non-linear regression analysis. The results are tabu-
Newtonian 0.49 0.11 –
lated in Table 2. Thus, by means of the above correlation, the
Aerated 0.82 0.078 0.046
fraction of well-mixed zone can be defined in terms of the Non-Newtonian (laminar) 0.75 0.03 –
operating variables. The values of the empirical constant k1 Aerated 0.91 0.022 0.28
and k2 are influenced by the range of Reynolds number stud-
Non-Newtonian (turbulent) 0.497 0.065 –
ied. The values of k3 show that the aeration has significant Aerated 0.71 0.053 0.014
effect on non-ideal parameters for Newtonian fluids when
814 chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818

The generalized Reynolds number for non-Newtonian flu-

ids is defined as

ND2I  N2−n D2I 

Re = = n (16)
app K((3n + 1)/4n) Bn−1

Most of the published literature on shear rate constant had

considered the dependency of Ks on flow behavior index ‘n’.
But Tanguy et al. (1996) reported that Ks is independent of
‘n’. Though the variation in the term ((3n + 1)/4n) is from
0.78 to 0.87 for a change in ‘n’ from 0.9 to 0.1, the percentage
deviation in Ks is 21.8% and 12.3% respectively. So, we have
considered the dependency of Ks on ‘n’ in the calculations.
Fig. 4 – g vs impeller speed for Newtonian systems.

5. Some observations on the effect of

process variables on mixing phenomena 5.2.1. Newtonian fluids
The effect of impeller speed on fraction of well-mixed zone (g)
for different Newtonian fluids is shown in Fig. 4 by plotting g
The design of an agitated vessel primarily depends on two
vs impeller speed. The g value of water is very high compared
aspects, one is impeller power requirement and the other is
to other systems studied and it is observed that the fraction
quality of mixing. The power requirement for mixing has been
of well-mixed zone (g) increases with the impeller speed and
studied extensively in terms of the power correlation for differ-
reaches a constant value at higher impeller speeds for all the
ent impellers and quality of mixing for viscous Newtonian and
systems studied. The laminar regime prevails upto a Re of 1000
non-Newtonian fluids was scantly reported. The present work
for Newtonian systems in an anchor agitated vessel (Shamlou
is focused on the tracer studies to characterize the non-ideal
and Edwards, 1989) and the present experimental conditions
flow of non-Newtonian fluids in an anchor agitated vessel.
falls in laminar for castor oil and turbulent for water and CME.
Since it was reported that the flow pattern in anchor agitated
As the increase in g value of CME is from 0.85 to 0.92 and castor
system is non-ideal and to account the non-ideality, the dis-
oil is from 0.7 to 0.8, we can conclude that the variation in
persion model has been employed.
g with the impeller speed is pronounced in laminar regime
The quality of mixing of a fluid in an agitated vessel pri-
than in turbulent regime. At a particular impeller speed, the
marily depends on agitation (mechanical, aeration), geometry
fraction of dead space occupied is less for CME than that of
and properties of the fluid (viscosity). Effect of some of these
castor oil, which is due to the difference in viscosity of both
parameters is studied.
the solutions.
The aeration effect on the dead space is shown in Fig. 5.
5.1. Dispersion model For aerated systems the value of g is found to increase with
agitation and aeration. The effect of viscosity on the fraction
This model, in general, is applied when the flow pattern of well-mixed zone is shown in Fig. 6 particularly in presence
slightly deviates from the ideal flow condition. Experimental of aeration at lower impeller speed of 60 rpm. As expected, the
determination of dispersion number for water was made prior value of g found to increase with increase in air velocity, but
to carry out the experiments with other fluids. As expected, the increase is relatively small for castor oil compared to CME
the Dl /NDi 2 found to be very high for water and for other fluids and water. At higher impeller speeds the viscosity effect is not
Dl was found to vary from 0.0066 to 0.0095 m2 /s for Newto- very significant.
nian and 0.00025 to 0.0117 m2 /s at 60 and 200 rpm respectively. Data obtained for well-mixed zone for anchor as well as
These values indicate large deviation from ideal flow condi- turbine impellers is shown in Fig. 7. The objective of this data
tions. is mainly to see the effect of agitator geometry on quality of
As the dispersion model is assumed to be applicable for mixing. It may be observed from Fig. 7 that the anchor agi-
small deviations from ideal flow, and to account this non- tator appears to be suitable for viscous systems, though the
ideality, a multi-parameter model has been employed. difference in well-mixed zone is marginal.

5.2. Mixed model

This model is described as combination of ideal reactors and

this is based on the visualization of flow pattern. Among the
different models available combination of ideal back mix reac-
tor with dead space and exchange between them has been
employed. On the basis of mass balance of tracer data the frac-
tion of well mixed volume (g) and the exchange flow rate ()
are evaluated. A generalized correlation between the model
parameters and dimensionless numbers has been developed
(Eq. (11)). This model is useful in estimating the effect of vari-
ables on the extent of non-ideality for both Newtonian and
non-Newtonian systems. Fig. 5 – Effect of aeration on g for castor oil.
chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818 815

Fig. 6 – Effect of aeration on g for Newtonian systems at

60 rpm. Fig. 9 – g with impeller speed for starch.

Fig. 10 – g with impeller speed for CMC.

Fig. 7 – Comparison between anchor and turbine agitators.

5.2.2. Non-Newtonian fluids

Most of the industrial mixing operations of non-Newtonian
fluids are carried out under laminar conditions as the effect
of process parameters will have significant effect on fluid
behavior and hence tracer experiments were carried out in
this regime. The non-Newtonian fluids which are employed in
these studies are different concentrations of carboxy methyl
cellulose, paper-pulp and starch suspensions. The effect of
following variables on well-mixed zone has been observed:
impeller speed, aeration, properties of the fluid. It is well
Fig. 11 – Effect of aeration on g for 0.5% CMC.
known that the viscosity varies with shear rate for non-
Newtonian fluids, there is a need to use generalized Reynolds
general found to increase with impeller speed and the increase
number based on the apparent viscosity of the system for
is not significant. The increase in g value for 0.5% pulp is from
defining the regime of mixing. The data obtained for all these
0.881 to 0.941 and 0.851 to 0.881 for 2% pulp for an increase in
studies is in the range of Reynolds number from 40 to 18,000
rpm from 60 to 140. This clearly indicates that mixing pattern
for a variation in impeller speed from 60 to 200 rpm.
does not change with agitation speed after certain agitation
In Figs. 8–10 the effect of rpm on g for systems pulp, starch
speed. At lowest rpm of 60, the g value around 0.8 to 0.9. There-
and CMC are shown respectively. The well mixed fraction in
fore the flow pattern may also depend on geometry of the
vessel, impeller and properties of the fluid. In case of dilute
solution of CMC, the increase in g is steep with rpm compared
to starch and pulp. This may be due to high flow behavior index
n ∼0.9.
Effect of aeration on g for different systems at different
rpm is shown in Figs. 11–13. General trend of increase in well-
mixed zone is found with aeration. As observed earlier, the
effect of impeller speed is not significant on g but the aera-
tion has influenced considerably in enhancing the well-mixed
zone. From Figs. 12 and 13, it is observed that the aeration has
profound effect on the non-ideal parameter at lower impeller
speeds. As the impeller speed increases, the flow regime trans-
mits to turbulent regime and the effect of air velocity becomes
Fig. 8 – g with impeller speed for pulp. insignificant. Similar trend is observed for pulp suspension
816 chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818

based on constant effective speed and power per unit volume.

The effective stirring speed criterion led to an industrial reac-
tor with a volume of 6 m3 and the constant specific power
input criterion led to a volume of 20 m3 which is very high.
More sophisticated approaches take account of the fact that
different applications in mixing require different ratios to be
maintained constant and constant power per unit volume is
always not suitable for the design of a commercial unit.
Scale up of mixing of Non-Newtonian fluids is compli-
cated because apparent viscosity varies with the shear rate.
Changes in the apparent viscosity can shift the generalized
Reynolds number from laminar to transition or turbulent
regime causing change in power consumption and other
Fig. 12 – Effect of aeration on g for 2% starch. design parameters (Bisio and Kabel, 1985; Robert Wilkens et
al., 2003). In view of this complex situation and to arrive at
reasonable scale up basis, the following number of scale up
criteria are applied. In all these cases geometrical similarity
is assumed. (i) Constant Reynolds number, (ii) power per unit
volume, (iii) tip speed, (iv) impeller discharge rate per unit vol-
ume and (v) Froude numbers are used as scale up criteria. The
results obtained from scale up studies are shown in Table 3
and the following observations are drawn.

5.3.1. Constant Reynolds number (Re)

Constant Reynolds number ensures the dynamic similarity in
both lab scale and commercial scale unit and this result in
Fig. 13 – Effect of aeration on g for 4% starch.
constant g value.

(Fig. 14). So we can conclude that the aeration has similar N   D (2/(2−n))
1 2
effect in both Newtonian and non-Newtonian systems. = (17)
N2 D1

5.3. Scale up This criterion resulted in the smallest production mixer

i.e. very low impeller speed for both Newtonian and non-
Transition of mixing processes from lab scale to full scale com- Newtonian systems. As the impeller speed reduced drastically,
mercial operation is fascinating and challenging, significant the apparent viscosity of the non-Newtonian fluid increases.
differences can exist both in various processes and the mixing For this reason, scale up based on equal Re is not usually rec-
parameters as the scale of operation is increased. Qualitative ommended.
and quantitative concepts of how these differences can be
evaluated in specific areas are essential to good scale up. In 5.3.2. Constant power per unit volume (P/V)
general scale up is based on the Dimensional analysis and fix- Scale up based on equal power per unit volume is eas-
ing either of speed, power per unit volume, torque, blending ily understandable and practical and it correlates well with
time. Power per unit volume is a classical approach which is mass transfer characteristics in the mixer. P/V = constant, i.e.
used extensively for scaling up of an agitated vessel as the P/D3 = constant
power estimation is simple and fairly accurate and it ensures
constant specific interfacial area. But it gives only crude P
Po = (18)
approximation to the quality of mixing and constant power N3 D5
per unit volume is incapable of correlating the widely differ- N   D 2/3
ent local conditions within the vessel. Froment and Bischoff 1 2
= (19)
(1979) mentioned the work by Van Dierendonck who designed N2 D1
a stirred vessel for the hydrogenation of a-nitrocaprolactam
The power consumption required for the agitation in
laminar regime is evaluated by the correlation proposed by
Espinosa-Solares et al. (1997) which accounts the effect of both
wall and bottom clearance on the power consumption. When
the flow regime is transformed to turbulent, the power num-
ber is assumed to be constant. Better mixing is observed but
resulted in higher power consumption for both Newtonian and
non-Newtonian systems.

5.3.3. Constant tip speed (DN)

The impeller tip speed is a common scale up criterion for
industrial mixers, often associated with the shear sensi-
tive mixing phenomena and this tip speed determines the
maximum shear rate. Maintaining a constant tip speed is iden-
Fig. 14 – Effect of aeration on g for 2% pulp. tical to constant torque per unit volume and constant liquid
chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818 817

Table 3 – Scale-up results.

Lab scale Commercial scale (2000 l)

Newtonian systems
D 1.0 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56
N (rpm) 1.0 0.048 0.363 0.219 1 0.462
DN (m/s) 1.0 0.22 1.66 1.0a 4.56 2.10
Re 1.0 1.0a 7.56 4.55 20.8 9.73
P/V 1.0 0.0018 1.0a 0.039 16.85 0.18
q/V 1.0 0.048 0.363 0.219 1.0a 0.4618
Fr 1.0 0.01 0.6 0.218 4.56 1.0a
P (hp) 1.0 0.223 97.17 4.61 20.25 21.28

g = 0.49 Re0.11
g 0.77 0.77 0.97 0.925 – –

Non-Newtonian systems
D 1.0 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56 4.56
N (rpm) 1.0 0.97 0.36 0.219 1.0 0.468
DN (m/s) 1.0 0.547 1.66 1.0a 4.56 2.13
Re 1.0 1.0a 3.9 1.69 20.8 5.94
P/V 1.0 0.016 1.0a 0.104 16.8 0.29
q/V 1.0 0.0967 0.3634 0.219 1a 0.468
Fr 1.0 0.0043 0.60 0.218 4.56 1.0a
P (hp) 1.0 1.93 117 12.2 1982 34.09
app 1.0 2.19 1.93 2.68 1 1.63

Laminar regime g = 0.75 Re0.03 /turbulent g = 0.497 Re0.065

g 0.85 0.85 0.915 0.89 0.85 0.785

Scale up criteria.

motion. Here the kinematic similarity is maintained i.e. the 5.3.5. Constant Froude number (Fr)
velocities in the large scale unit will everywhere be approxi- The Froude number is the ratio of inertial to gravitational force
mately equal to those in corresponding locations in small scale and signifies the surface behavior of the liquid.
unit (Broadkey and Hershey, 1988).
N2 D
Fr = = constant (24)
ND = constant (20)

N  D  N   D 0.5
1 2
1 2 = (25)
= (21) N2 D1
N2 D1

Rotational speed tends to decrease with most scale up criteria.

Good mixing is observed with reasonable amount of power Impeller speed has a powerful non-linear effect on Fr, causing
consumption for Newtonian fluids. But in case of non- Fr to decrease with increasing volume, even though diameter
Newtonian fluids, fraction of well-mixed zone is slightly lower is increasing. Thus scale up based on equal Fr is rarely used
with reasonable amount of power consumption. as a scale up criterion because it results in a relatively large
and expensive industrial mixer for both Newtonian and non-
Newtonian systems.
5.3.4. Constant impeller discharge flow rate per unit The scale up rule must be selected based on the most
volume (q/V) critical transport property which affects the performance of
The impeller pumping number is used to predict the impeller the process. It is observed from scale up calculations that
pumping rate, q, directly and the bulk fluid velocity indirectly. the application of constant power per unit volume criterion
resulted in large well-mixed zone but with high power con-
sumption and constant tip speed criterion has resulted in
q = k ND3 as q/D3 = constant (22)
efficient mixing with reasonable power consumption for New-
tonian systems. It has been observed that the flow regime is
N1 = N2 (23) almost laminar in both lab scale and commercial scale unit for
Newtonian system. Where as, for non-Newtonian fluids, the
apparent viscosity varies with the scale and the flow regime
In case of non-Newtonian fluids, though the fraction of is changed from laminar to transitional or turbulent regime.
dead zone is small power consumption is very high and the In case of non-Newtonian systems, constant Reynolds num-
flow regime is changed from laminar to turbulent. For Newto- ber results in the smallest production mixer and constant
nian system the proposed correlation is applicable in laminar impeller discharge flow per unit volume gives very large power
regime and as the flow regime is shifted from laminar to tur- consumption. Equal power per unit volume criterion leads to
bulent the quantity of well-mixed zone is not found. good mixing but with relatively higher power consumption
818 chemical engineering research and design 8 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 809–818

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