31 Ways To Pray For Our Youth

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The document discusses ways to pray for youth by listing 31 spirit-focused prayer points and providing biblical references. It also discusses praying for a youth group using Paul's prayer for the Colossians as a model and includes a prayer for guidance at work.

Some ways one can pray for youth discussed in the document include praying for humility, purity, purpose, commitment, diligence, servanthood and other spirit-focused areas. The document lists 31 specific prayer points.

The document says Paul's prayer for the Colossians in Colossians 1:3-4 can provide a model, which includes giving thanks for faith in Christ, praying for spiritual growth, fellowship and unity among the youth group.




This list of 31 biblically-grounded ideas will help you pray God's heart for the youth
in your life. Start with the person's name in mind. Then work down the list, allowing
the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray Scripture for them.

1. Pray for a spirit of humility.

"The willingness to submit" (James 4:10).
2. Pray for a spirit of reverence.
"The fear of the Lord" (Proverbs 9:10).
3. Pray for a spirit of purity.
"A desire to be clean" (Matthew 5:8).
4. Pray for a spirit of purpose.
"A wisdom to set goals" (Proverbs 4:25).
5. Pray for a spirit of simplicity.
"A lifestyle uncluttered" (Romans 12:8).
6. Pray for a spirit of commitment.
"A dedication to the ‘cause'" (Joshua 24:15).
7. Pray for a spirit of diligence.
"A willingness to work hard" (2 Peter 1:5)
8. Pray for a spirit of servanthood.
"The ministry of helps" (Galatians 6:9-10).
9. Pray for a spirit of consistency.
"The quality of faithfulness" (James 1:8).
10.Pray for a spirit of assurance.
"A depth of faith" (Hebrews 10:22).
11.Pray for a spirit of availability.
"A willingness to go" (Isaiah 6:8).
12.Pray for a spirit of loyalty.
"A zeal for fidelity" (Ruth 1:16).
13.Pray for a spirit of sensitivity.
"Openness of heart" Luke 10: 30-37).
14.Pray for a spirit of compassion.
"Love in action" (Mark 8:1-2).
15.Pray for a spirit of tenderness.
"A willingness to weep" (2 Kings 22:19).
16.Pray for a spirit of maturity.
"The capacity to grow" (Hebrews 5: 12-14).
17.Pray for a spirit of holiness.
"Christ-like behavior" (1 Peter 1:16).
18.Pray for a spirit of reliability.
"A depth of dependability" (1 Corinthians 4:2).
19.Pray for a spirit of revelation.
"Learning to listen" (Ephesians 1:15,18).
20.Pray for a spirit of self-denial.
"A sacrifice to surrender" (Luke 9:23).
21.Pray for a spirit of confidence.
"A baptism of boldness" (Philipians 4:13).
22.Pray for a spirit of integrity.
"The quality of truthfulness" (Romans 12:17).
23.Pray for a spirit of repentance.
"A willingness to change" (Luke 3:8).
24.Pray for a spirit of trust.
"A fearless reliance" (Psalm 125:1).
25.Pray for a spirit of submission.
"Choosing to yield" (Ephesians 5:21).
26.Pray for a spirit of teachability.
"A quality of meekness" (Titus 3:2).
27.Pray for a spirit of prayer.
"A longing to wait" (Isaiah 40:31).
28.Pray for a spirit of unity.
"A respect for others" (1 Corinthians 1:10).
29.Pray for a spirit of restoration.
"A ministry of healing" (Isaiah 61:1-2).
30.Pray for a spirit of authority.
"A capacity to command" (Matthew 16:19).
31.Pray for a spirit of generosity.
"The desire to give" (Matthew 10:8).

Prayer points to heal the sick and all forms of diseases from HIV/AIDS, cancer, fibroid etc.

Note: Before affirming these healing prayer points you must sincerely repent from all sins so that God
can hear your petition. (Also do not exclude going for medical check-ups).

Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?

“The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.” –
Psalm 24 3:4

Meditate on these Bible verse before you read the prayer points below: Isaiah 53:1-5, psalm 107:19-21,
30:2-3, 103:2-4, Jeremiah 17:14, 1Peter 2:24, Philippians 4:6-7.
Prayer points:

1. Father, I thank you because the scriptures I read have healed me in my testimony is permanent after
this prayers

2. I bind and I cast out any sickness in my body without consideration for their name, for it is written I
shall decree a thing and it shall be established therefore I regain my sound health in Jesus name.

3. My body is a temple of God therefore sickness and infirmity whither in the name of Jesus

4. I declare it loud and clear by the stripes of our lord Jesus Christ, I am healed in the name of Jesus

5. Oh God arise and let the enemy of my health be scattered in the name of Jesus.

6. Son of David, Lord Jesus have mercy upon my life and let my sins be washed in the blood of the lamb
that was slain in the name of Jesus.

7. Whatever God has not planted in my body, get out and be disgraced now in the name of Jesus.

8. Oh God visit every part of my body now and perform surgery doctors of the world cannot understand
in the name of Jesus.

9. I am healed by the power in the blood of Jesus.

Praying for your youth group
The Apostle Paul prayed faithfully for the Christians in the church at Colossae, even though he had
never met them. How much more should we devote ourselves to pray for the young people we
meet personally every week? 
But sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start and what to pray for. 
Paul’s prayer for the Colossian Christians can also provide a simple model or pattern for our own

'We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For we
have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all of God’s people.' (Colossians 1: 3-
 Give thanks for those who trust in Christ. Pray for individual group members and their
continuing spiritual growth.
 Give thanks for the fellowship experienced by the group. Pray for unity, harmony and
lasting friendships among the young people. 
 Pray for their witness to friends and family. Pray that as others join the group, they will
come to know Christ themselves.

'So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you
complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.' (V 9)
 Ask God to help them know and understand what he wants them to do with their lives.
Pray for an openness to serve God with their time and gifts.
 Ask God to give them a deeper spiritual wisdom and understanding. Pray for wisdom in
resolving problems and that they become more like Christ.

'Then the way you live will always honour and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every
kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.' (V
 Ask God to help them honour and live for him, continually doing good to others. Pray for
the fruit of the spirit in their lives (Galatians 5: 22). Pray for their families.
 Pray for compassion towards others in spiritual or physical need. 

'We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the
endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy always thanking the Father. He has
enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.'  (V 11-
 Ask God to give them strength and endurance for their Christian life. Pray for freedom
against the pressure to conform. Pray against evil influences.
 Pray for God to fill them with his joy and thankfulness for new life in Christ.
Prayer for Guidance at Work

O Lord, 
Open my eyes to see where you would lead me. 
Awaken my ears that I would hear your voice guiding me. 
Inspire my mind that I may comprehend your love for me. 
Soften my heart that I would offer grace to those I meet.
Watch my feet that I would tread upon your kingdom paths. 
Guard my heart from selfishness that I would give freely. 
Inspire my words that I may speak of hope and healing.
O Lord, I follow you. 

Read more: https://www.lords-prayer-

“People who are truly strong lift others

up. People who are truly powerful bring
others together.” –Michelle Obama

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