Judge Disposed Appealed Reversed Court
Judge Disposed Appealed Reversed Court
Judge Disposed Appealed Reversed Court
Judge Sum - Disposed Sum - Appealed Sum - Reversed
Deborah Gaines 8799 48 9
Patrick Dinkelacker 6001 19 4
Penelope Cunningham 2729 7 1
Ronald Panioto 12970 32 3
Total Result 30499 106 17
Ques-1 Prob of cases appealed and reve
Probability of Proabability
Judge Disposed Appealed Reversed Court appeal of reversal
Thomas Nu 3000 121 6 Common 0.040333333333333 0.002
Robert Kra 3138 127 7 Common 0.040471637985978 0.0022307202
Ralph Wink 3089 88 6 Common 0.028488183878278 0.0019423762
Thomas Cr 3372 119 10 Common 0.035290628706999 0.0029655991
Fred Carto 3037 137 12 Common 0.045110306223247 0.0039512677
John O'Co 2969 129 12 Common 0.043448972718087 0.0040417649
Ann Marie 3141 127 13 Common 0.040432983126393 0.0041388093
Arthur Ney 3219 125 14 Common 0.03883193538366 0.0043491768
Timothy H 1954 60 7 Common 0.030706243602866 0.0035823951
Richard Ni 3353 137 16 Common 0.040858932299433 0.0047718461
Robert Ru 3205 145 18 Common 0.045241809672387 0.0056162246
Norbert Na 2959 131 20 Common 0.044271713416695 0.0067590402
J. Howard 955 60 10 Common 0.06282722513089 0.0104712042
Patrick Di 1258 44 8 Common 0.034976152623212 0.0063593005
William Mo 3032 121 22 Common 0.03990765171504 0.0072559367
William M 2264 91 18 Common 0.040194346289753 0.00795053
lty of
when Rank-Prob -
appealed Appeal Rank
0.049587 8 2 1
0.055118 10 3 2
0.068182 1 1 3
0.084034 4 4 4
0.087591 14 6 5
0.093023 12 7 6
0.102362 9 8 7
0.112 5 9 8
0.116667 2 5 9
0.116788 11 10 10
0.124138 15 11 11
0.152672 13 13 12
0.166667 16 16 13
0.181818 3 12 14
0.181818 6 14 14
0.197802 7 15 16
Judegs Sum of Disposed Sum of Appealed Sum of Reversed
Karla Grady 5253 6 0
John A. West 2797 4 2
Deidra Hair 2532 5 0
James Patrick Kenney 2798 6 1
Ronald Panioto 12970 32 3
Penelope Cunningham 2729 7 1
Mark Painter 2239 7 3
Dennis Helmick 7900 29 5
David Stockdale 5371 22 4
Melba Marsh 8219 34 7
Nadine Allen 7812 34 6
Beth Mattingly 2971 13 1
William Mallory 8277 38 9
Timothy Black 7954 41 6
Jack Rosen 7790 41 13
Joseph Luebbers 4698 25 8
Deborah Gaines 8799 48 9
David Davis 7736 43 5
Albert Mestemaker 4975 28 9
Mark Schweikert 5403 33 6
Leslie Isaiah Gaines 5282 35 13
Mike Allen 6149 43 4
Patrick Dinkelacker 7259 63 12
Timothy Hogan 4262 73 9
Ralph Winkler 3089 88 6
Thomas Crush 3372 119 10
Arthur Ney Jr. 3219 125 14
William Morrissey 3032 121 22
William Mathews 2264 91 18
Thomas Nurre 3000 121 6
Ann Marie Tracey 3141 127 13
Robert Kraft 3138 127 7
Richard Niehaus 3353 137 16
John O'Connor 2969 129 12
Norbert Nadel 2959 131 20
Fred Cartolano 3037 137 12
Robert Ruehlman 3205 145 18
J. Howard Sundermann Jr. 955 60 10
Grand Total 182908 2368 320
Probability of Reversal Probability of AppealsProbability of reversal given appeal to a judge
0 0.001142204454597 0
0.000715051841258 0.001430103682517 0.5
0 0.001974723538705 0
0.00035739814153 0.002144388849178 0.166666666666667
0.000231303006939 0.002467232074017 0.09375
0.000366434591425 0.002565042139978 0.142857142857143
0.001339883876731 0.003126395712372 0.428571428571429
0.000632911392405 0.003670886075949 0.172413793103448
0.00074474027183 0.004096071495066 0.181818181818182
0.000851685119844 0.004136756296386 0.205882352941176
0.000768049155146 0.004352278545827 0.176470588235294
0.000336587007742 0.00437563110064 0.076923076923077
0.001087350489308 0.004591035399299 0.236842105263158
0.000754337440282 0.005154639175258 0.146341463414634
0.001668806161746 0.005263157894737 0.317073170731707
0.001702852277565 0.00532141336739 0.32
0.001022843504944 0.0054551653597 0.1875
0.00064632885212 0.005558428128232 0.116279069767442
0.001809045226131 0.005628140703518 0.321428571428571
0.001110494169906 0.006107717934481 0.181818181818182
0.002461188943582 0.006626277925028 0.371428571428571
0.000650512278419 0.006993006993007 0.093023255813954
0.001653120264499 0.008678881388621 0.19047619047619
0.002111684655092 0.017128108869076 0.123287671232877
0.001942376173519 0.028488183878278 0.068181818181818
0.002965599051008 0.035290628706999 0.084033613445378
0.00434917676297 0.03883193538366 0.112
0.007255936675462 0.03990765171504 0.181818181818182
0.007950530035336 0.040194346289753 0.197802197802198
0.002 0.040333333333333 0.049586776859504
0.004138809296402 0.040432983126393 0.102362204724409
0.002230720203952 0.040471637985978 0.055118110236221
0.004771846107963 0.040858932299433 0.116788321167883
0.004041764904008 0.043448972718087 0.093023255813954
0.006759040216289 0.044271713416695 0.152671755725191
0.003951267698387 0.045110306223247 0.087591240875912
0.005616224648986 0.045241809672387 0.124137931034483
0.010471204188482 0.06282722513089 0.166666666666667