Lesson Plan: Unit 34: Consonant Sound (Pronunciation Skill)

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Vietnam National University-HCM Lê Nguyễn Bảo Ngọc – 1667010220

University of Social Sciences and Humanities Nguyễn Hà Bảo Anh – 1767010005

Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature Đỗ Huỳnh Bảo Trâm - 1767010313
Group 3 Võ Ngọc Chung Tú – 176701 0354
Lý Phượng Vy – 1767010382
Vũ Thị Anh Thư - 1763701024
UNIT 34: CONSONANT SOUND /tʃ/ (Pronunciation skill)
1. Description of the class:
- Level: Intermediate
- Description of the students: They are active and creative. They know pre-intermediate
English communication.
- Class size: 16 students, 18-25 years old. They have already known about some consonants
sounds that they have learned before.
- Schedule: 3rd period, every Wednesday and Friday
2. Textbook: Ann Baker, A.1981, Ship or Sheep? – Intermediate pronunciation course, UK,
Cambridge University Press.
3. Aims: Introduce the articulation of the voiceless post-alveolar affricate sound /tʃ/ through
context and minimal pairs.
4. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
- Produce sound /tʃ/ more accurately and fluently in role-playing and do exercises more
- Identify the difference between 2 sounds /tʃ/ and /ʃ/
5. Detailed description of the plan

Stages Stage Aims Teacher activity Students activity Anticipated

&Timing problems and

1) Activity 1 - Get students’ - Teacher present sound

attention to the /tʃ/ through a story.
lesson. - Teacher: I heard a story - Listen to the
about a car accident that teacher.
(7 mins) I want to share with you.
Here are some questions
to think about.
- Look at the
- Teacher gives out the handout and ask
copy of the questions and questions if they do
goes over the question to not understand the
see if they all understand meaning of the
what they have to listen questions in the
for. handouts.
1/ Where was the
2/ What kind of vehicle
was it?
3/ Who was driving?
4/ Was anyone injured?
5/ What did the police do
when they came?
- Practice
students’ listening - Listen carefully
ability. - Teacher tells the story: and answer the
Two hatchbacks crashed questions.
in front of a church in
March. A man named 1/ in front of a
Charlie was driving the church
small hatchbacks. He was 2/ hatchback
driving very dangerously 3/ Charlie
because he had been
drinking a lot. The other 4/ two children
hatchback went over the 5/ asked people
edge and two children around there some
was injured. Five minutes questions
later, the police came and
asked people around
some questions.

- Ask students answer the - Answer the

questions. questions.
- Write the answers on the

(5 mins) - Helps students - Ask students about the Answer the question If no one
concept questions common letter of the knows the
and brainstorm answer? answer 
words with /tʃ/ suggest some
- Ask students say the 1/ church guiding
words again and correct 2/ hatchback examples and
their pronunciation. answer the
3/ Charlie question
4/ children
- Help students realize the
sound /tʃ/ appear in some 5/ questions
of the words

(4 mins) - Ask students - Look at the conversation Answer question: - No

find the words in the book and find out - Look at the volunteers 
related with /tʃ/ to some words with /tʃ/. conversation and call a
check students’- find out the right particular
Church, Chapel,
understanding answer. student
Chiming, match, chalk,
cheese, checkout, chick, - If students
chairman, channel, rich,
have a wrong
charming, chess,
champion, match, answer,
question. teacher remind
students again
about how
- Ask students repeat the sound /tʃ/
words. appear in some
- Find some volunteers to of the words
read these words again
and correct them.

2) Activity 2 Give instructions - Show the picture and - Look at the picture.
(14 mins) to students how to guides students first
pronoun the sound practice /t/ and /ʃ/. Tell
/tʃ/ correctly. them the position of the - Practice the 2
tongue when pronoun the sounds.
2 sounds. Listen and
- Ask some students say
the 2 sounds individually
and correct them.
- Show students move the
tongue from the roof of
mouth quickly to create
the target sound /tʃ/ and
do not use voice.
- Model the sound again
and gets students practice
- Practice the sound
the sound slowly,
focusing on the two
tongue positions
described above.
- Make sure each
individual student
understands how to make
the sound.

3/ Activity 3 - Students practice - Use the audio and lets - Listen and choose - If students
mins the sound and students choose the words the words with right have the
identify minimal contain the sound /tʃ/ and sound. wrong answer
pairs /tʃ/ and /ʃ/. /ʃ/. - Work in groups -> teacher
- Invite a member of each and share their should instruct
group write the words on answer with their students
the board. peers. pronounce the
sound again.
- Correct their answer. - Students go to the
- Ask students listen and board and write the
repeat these words. answers

- Do the exercise b page - Students repeats

121 and distinguish the 2 the words.
sounds: write 1 for /ʃ/ and
2 for /tʃ/
(7 mins)
- Check students’ - Let students listen the - Students look at the
understanding audio second time. exercise b and listen
about the 2 sound - Invite a member of each
/tʃ/ and /ʃ/. group write the answers
on the board.
- Correct the answers.
- Students go to the
Pair 2: 1,1,2,2,1 board and write the
Pair3: 2,2,2, 1,1 answers
Pair 4: 2,1,2,1,2
Pair 5: l,1,1,2,2
Pair 6: 2,1,2,2,1

7. Evaluation of students’ performance:

- Teacher will give students some feedback for a better performance and add bonuses to
volunteers or outstanding answers and ideas.
- While students are working in pairs or groups for the intrinsic task, teacher will go around
the class room, take a look at their products, give comments or answer some questions of
- Then, teacher will check students’ speeches, correct their pronunciation
8. Homework/ Assignments: practice the sound /tʃ/ at home.
9. Appendices (handouts attached): - question’s handout.

- Powerpoint:
- Video:

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