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Accepted Manuscript

Development of new nano-enhanced phase change materials

(NEPCM) to improve energy efficiency in buildings: lab-scale

Marc Martı́n , Aida Villalba , A. Inés Fernández ,

Camila Barreneche

PII: S0378-7788(18)31813-9
Reference: ENB 9092

To appear in: Energy & Buildings

Received date: 13 June 2018

Revised date: 24 October 2018
Accepted date: 13 March 2019

Please cite this article as: Marc Martı́n , Aida Villalba , A. Inés Fernández , Camila Barreneche ,
Development of new nano-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM) to improve en-
ergy efficiency in buildings: lab-scale characterization, Energy & Buildings (2019), doi:

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 Two nano-enhanced fatty acids with Tm within building application were

 Capric acid and Capric-Myristic mixture were successfully enhanced by adding
 The NEPCM obtained showed high thermal conductivity and specific heat
 Both are thermal-stable, ensure long-term performance and behave as
Newtonian fluid

 NEPCM are promising available materials to store thermal energy



Energy and Buildings

Development of new nano-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM) to improve energy
efficiency in buildings: lab-scale characterization
Marc Martín1, Aida Villalba1, A. Inés Fernández1, Camila Barreneche1,2,*
Department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry, Universitat de Barcelona, Martí i
Franqués 1–11, 08007 Barcelona, Spain
Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage & School of Chemical Engineering, University of
Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom

*Corresponding author: [email protected]


Fatty acids are promising organic phase change materials (PCMs) for thermal energy storage
(TES) in buildings because of their high storage capacity, non-toxic nature and little subcooling.
Their phase change temperatures make them suitable for heating, ventilating and air

conditioning (HVAC) applications in the building sector. However, one of their main
drawbacks is their poor thermal conductivity which limits their application. In the present study
two fatty acids within the building application temperature range, capric acid (CA) and capric -
myristic acid (CA-MA) eutectic mixture, were nano-enhanced throughout silicon dioxide
nanoparticles (nSiO2) addition (0.5 wt.%, 1.0 wt.% and 1.5 wt.%). Main properties of the nano-

enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM) obtained were characterized by means of

differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Hot wire technique, Fourier transformed infrared (FT-

IR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analyses (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM),

and rheological measurements. Furthermore, their long-term performance was evaluated after
2000 cycles by means of cycling stability tests. The NEPCM obtained showed high thermal

conductivity and specific heat capacity. Additionally, both are thermally stable within their
working temperature range and ensure a long-term performance.

Keywords: Energy efficiency, Buildings, thermal energy storage (TES), latent heat, phase

change material (PCM), nano-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM), fatty acids,
nanofluid, DSC, Hot wire.


1. Introduction

Developed countries still consume huge amount of energy whereas demand is rapidly increasing
in developing countries. Nowadays, energy demand is mainly satisfied by non-renewable
sources such as fossil fuels which have an effect on world climate. Building sector has attracted
attention worldwide since the contribution from this sector towards global energy consumption.
Taking into account residential and commercial applications, energy consumption has increased
constantly, reaching more than 30% of total global final energy use in developed countries and
has exceeded other sectors, such as transport and industry [1]. Moreover, the total building

energy consumptions in BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) have already exceed

those in developed countries while its building stock is continuously increasing [2]. Thus, an
improvement on building energy efficiency is mandatory. Heating, ventilating and air

conditioning (HVAC) services represent 50% of building consumption and 20% of total
consumption in the developed countries [1].
The use of proper thermal energy storage (TES) systems in building increase energy efficiency.

In particular, phase change materials (PCMs) incorporation into buildings enables a more
dynamic use of energy. One of the main gains of using PCMs in buildings lie in the peak load
shifting of energy required for heating and cooling. Furthermore, due to latent heat thermal
storage (LHTS) provided by PCMs thermal comfort is increased by temperature fluctuation
reduction [3]. Other uses include, for example, implementing a peak-shifting strategy to

improve the energy efficiency in domestic hot water applications [4]. These technologies are
usually classified in active or passive systems. On one hand, passive TES systems take

advantage of the daily temperature oscillation and/or seasonal temperature changes in buildings
and reduce HVAC consumption. Passive strategies can be implemented into buildings in several
manners, but so far the most common solution is by installing PCM enhanced wallboards

towards the interior side of the building envelope. Thus, PCMs can improve thermal inertia of
lightweigh structures, providing a significant increase in thermal storage capacity. Whereas,

active TES systems are charged/discharged mechanically by the use of compressors, pumps or
fans. These systems are able to be adapted to the energy production and demand using adequate

control strategies [5].

According to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2013: Thermal Environmental Conditions for
Human Occupancy the suggested room temperature for buildings is between 23.5 ºC - 25.5 ºC
in the summer and between 21.0 ºC - 23.0 ºC during winter. The development of advanced
materials to obtain high energy efficiency in buildings as phase change materials (PCM) which
are able to store thermal energy is one of the key requirements in the building sector.


The proper selection of PCMs with suitable phase change temperature is crucial to obtain
notable energy savings for total annual energy consumption. In generals terms, cooling
dominant climates require PCMs with melting temperatures close to 26 ºC whereas heating
dominant climates require melting temperatures around 20 ºC in order to achieve higher annual
energy savings [6].
Taking into account these scenarios, most fatty acids present a proper melting temperature range
to be applied as PCMs in building applications – active systems: heating and cooling dominant
climates. Moreover, fatty acids present great properties to be used as PCMs, such as high heat

capacity, little or non-subcooling, congruent melting, low vapour pressure, non-toxic, thermal
stability and non-corrosive to metal containers, low cost, small volume change and non-

flammable [7]. Nevertheless, it is worth emphasizing that fatty acids present poor thermal

conductivity, for instance in liquid state capric acid presents 0.150 W/m·K, stearic acid 0.172
W/m·K, lauric acid 0.147 W/m·K and palmitic acid 0.162 W/m·K [7]. These poor thermal
conductivity values may slow down the heat exchange during storage and release processes.

Thus, many research studies have been carried out developing advance materials in order to
enhance fatty acids thermal conductivity. Usually, these advanced materials consist on a PCMs
doped with high surface to volume ratio materials such as nanomaterials, which enhance
thermal conductivity and nucleation process. For instance, Palacios et al. [8] developed and
analysed the thermal conductivity enhanced fatty acids with expanded graphite (EG) and

powder graphite (PG). Zhang et al. [9] prepared palmitic-stearic acid (PA-SA) eutectic mixtures
and enhanced by 20-30% its thermal conductivity with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) addition. For

instance, fatty acids thermal conductivity also increases linearly with expanded graphite (EG)
and carbon fibre (CF) addition. Karaipekli et at. [10] analysed the effect these materials in SA
thermal properties, for 10 wt.% CF and EG content the thermal conductivity of the composite

increased by 217.2% and 279.3%, respectively. Several authors enhanced PCMs thermal
conductivity with nanoparticles addition, obtaining in that way nano-enhanced phase change

materials NEPCM. A new type of NEPCM was developed by Wu et al. [11] with metallic
nanoparticles. In this study, Al, Cu and C/Cu nanoparticles were added to melted paraffin and
the obtained NEPCM characterized by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and

Fourier transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Results obtained revealed the high cycling
stability of this advanced material since the maximum change was -0.6% for melting
temperature and 2% for freezing temperature after 100 melting-solidification cycles. Moreover,
for NEPCM with 1.0 wt.% Cu nanoparticles the melting and solidification times were reduced
by 30.3% and 28.2%, respectively. In another research study in 2014 Parameshwaran et al. [12]
prepared a NEPCM based on fatty acid ester with silver-titania (Ag-TiO2) nanoparticles addition


ranging from 0.1 wt.% to 1.5 wt.%. This advanced material exhibited higher themal
conductivity, from 0.286 W/m·K to 0.538 W/m·K, and a significant reduction in the subcooling
(1.82 ºC). These values produce as a result a reduction in freezing and melting times, 23.9% and
8.5% respectively.
In the present paper, a new type of NEPCM was developed by adding SiO2 nanoparticles to two
fatty acids suitable for building applications. Furthermore, an exhaustive characterization was
carried out in order to measure thermophysical properties, such as specific heat capacity (Cp),
thermal conductivity (k), melting temperature (Tm) and enthalpy (Hm). Furthermore,

rheological behaviour was characterized and nanoparticle morphology observed throughout

scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
2. Materials

2.1. Phase change materials (PCMs)

Two fatty acids have been selected to be used as phase change materials (PCMs) in order to be

able to compare them and analyse how both behave while adding nanoparticles. Fatty acids
belong to organic phase change materials and present some advantages over other type of PCMs
such as chemical stability, melting congruency, low health hazard, high latent heat and phase
change temperature within the building application range [13]. Taking into account that the
PCMs with a phase change temperature between 18 ºC and 30 ºC are preferred in the building

applications [14], capric acid (CA, CH3(CH2)8COOH) and an eutectic mixture of myristic acid
(MA, CH3(CH2)12COOH) and CA have been selected. CA and MA were purchased from
Sigma-Aldrich, both with ≥ 98% of purity.

CA/MA eutectic mixture ratio was 73.5 wt.% and 26.5 wt.% respectively. In order to produce
the eutectic mixture both components were heated to a higher temperature to ensure liquid state.

Meanwhile, fatty acids were stirred in a magnetic stirrer for 30 min at 400 rpm. Afterwards,
eutectic mixtures were obtained by cooling down to room temperature.

Table 1 lists CA, MA and CA-MA eutectic mixture relevant properties found in the literature,
i.e. melting enthalpy (Hm), melting/solidification temperatures (Tm/Ts), specific heat capacity at

constant pressure (Cp), and thermal conductivity (k).

Table 1. Phase change materials properties.

Materials Hm (J/g) Tm/Ts (ºC) Cp (J/g·ºC) k (W/m·K)

Capric acid 152 [15] 31.82/26.54 [16] 2.77 [17] 0.153[7]
Myristic acid 199 [15] 54.55/49.28 [16] 1.90 [17] 0.150[7]


Eutectic mixture
152 [15] 21.4/n.a [15] n.a. n.a.
(73.5-26.5 wt.% CA-MA)
n.a.- not available

2.2. Nano-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM)

The two PCMs described in the prior sections were enhanced with silicon dioxide nanoparticles
(nSiO2) in four different concentrations obtaining eight different samples. Silicon dioxide
nanoparticles were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, present a 99.5% of purity, are spherical-

porous shaped and present an average diameter of 5 nm to 15 nm. Using an analytical balance
with 0.1 mg of precision, PCMs and nanoparticles were weighted in the right proportion. The

preparation of nano-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM) samples was performed using

an ultrasonic probe (VCX 130 from Vibra-Cell) during 30 min obtaining around 40 g of each
sample. In Table 2, composition of fatty acids samples is shown and the proportions of
nanoparticles added to each one. The silicon dioxide nanoparticles cost is expected to be high

and increase the cost of NEPCM, however, it has to be considered the quantities added, between
0.5 wt.% and 1.5 wt.%. In addition, the NEPCM will be more cost-effective as the production
increases and the tanks to contain these NEPCM will be much more compact.

Table 2. Composition of enhanced fatty acids samples.


PCMs SiO2 nanoparticles proportion (wt.%)


Capric acid



Eutectic mixture (73.5-26.5 wt.% CA-MA)


3. Methodology

3.1. Thermophysical properties

Phase change materials have the capacity to store heat energy during melting and solidification
processes (latent heat). Therefore, their key thermophysical properties that have been

characterized are phase change temperature (Tm) and enthalpy (Hm), while the storage of
energy involves also sensible heat. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is one of the most
extensively used techniques to characterize TES materials thermophysical properties. Melting
temperature, melting enthalpy and specific heat capacity at constant pressure measurements
were conducted in a Mettler Toledo DSC822e instrument under 50 mL/min N2 flow. A first
melting and solidification cycle was performed to ensure a suitable contact between sample and
crucibles base. Samples were located in 40 µL aluminium crucibles. In melting enthalpy and
melting temperature measurements temperature program used ranged temperature between 10

ºC and 50 ºC at 0.5ºC/min. Specific heat capacity under atmospheric pressure was measured at

40 ºC in liquid state throughout areas method proposed by Ferrer et al. [18] with a relative error
below 3%.

3.2. Cycling stability

The cycling stability test was performed to study changes in chemical properties of the NEPCM
after a large number of thermal cycles within the working temperature range of building

Materials were cycled in a thermocycler (Bioer Gene Q T-18) and a tube of 0.5 mL was used to
contain each sample. A dynamic method was established ranging temperature from 18 ºC to 40

ºC at 4 ºC/s for cooling and 5 ºC/s for heating. A total of 2000 cycles were performed under
described conditions.

Chemical stability was analysed by means of Fourier transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy
coupled with attenuated total reflectance (ATR). Samples IR spectrums were obtained and

changes in characteristic peaks discussed. This analysis was carried out with a Spectrum Two™
from Perkin Elmer. The equipment standard spectral resolution is 0.5 cm-1 and was optimized

within the 4000 – 350 cm-1 wavelength range. Thereby, aged samples were analysed after 2000
cycles with FT-IR and compared with no aged samples. Moreover, in order to analyse

nanoparticles effect NEPCM spectra with 1.0 wt.% nSiO2 were also obtained. Moreover,
melting enthalpy and specific heat capacity of cycled NEPCM were measured following the
same methodology described in previous section.

3.3. Thermal stability


Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) were performed to study the NEPCM thermal degradation
phenomenon obtaining wt.% as a function of temperature in this case. Initial degradation
temperature is defined as the temperature achieved when the material loses 1.5 wt.% [19]
compared to its initial weight. In addition, the final degradation temperature is defined as the
temperature needed by the material to finish its thermal degradation process. Analyses were
conducted in a simultaneous TGA/DSC DSTQ600 from TGA Instruments which has a balance
sensitivity of 0.1 µg. The heating rate used to perform the analysis was 10 ºC/min from 25 ºC to
500 ºC under 50 mL/min air flow. Opened 100 µL alumina crucibles used were filled with

around 1/3 volume of material leading to average sample masses of around 15 mg.

3.4. Thermal conductivity

KD2 Pro Thermal properties analyser (Decagon Devices, Inc.) has been used for the
measurement of thermal conductivity of NEPCM samples. The measurements were performed

in liquid state at 45 ºC because significant improvements are expected in this state due to the
effect of SiO2 nanoparticles. Accordingly, the KS-1 Single Needle Sensor (6 cm) was used
which has a ±0.01 W/m·K of accuracy from 0.02 W/m·K to 0.20 W/m·K and ±5% from 0.2
W/m·K to 2.0 W/m·K. This equipment use the transient hot-wire (THW) method used to
measure nanofluids thermal conductivity [20].

3.5. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)


A scanning electron microscope (SEM) from FEI, model Quanta 200 XTE 325/D8395, was
used to determine the size of the incorporated nanoparticles. The electron beam used was 15 kV
and the backscattered electron signal was depicted.

3.6. Rheological measurements

Since viscosity plays a key role in practical heat transfer scenarios and determines the pumping

power required, a rheometer was used to characterize this property. The equipment used was a
RST cone plate rheometer from AMETEK Brookfield which has a maximum torque of 100
mN·m with a resolution of 0.15 µN·m using Peltier air as control temperature device.
In addition, taking into account the measurement conditions established by Delgado et al.[21]
and Zhang et al. [22], the rheometer experimental parameters were defined and are listed in
Table 3.
Table 3. Rheometer experimental parameters.


Block Time (s) Shear stress (Pa) Shear rate (s-1) Measurement
Rotation constant 20 Constant increment ratio 300 0
measuring block
Rotation ramp 150 Constant increment ratio 350 to 5000 150
measuring block

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Thermophysical properties

Specific heat capacity (Cp), melting enthalpy and melting temperature were measured by means

of DSC technique. Thermal characterization is crucial in the present study since it measures the
main properties for the PCMs purpose and where nanoparticle improvement takes place.

The DSC signal of the CA-MA mixture showed one sharp endothermic peak during the melting
process, which indicates that the eutectic compound has been obtained (DSC results are listed in
Table 4).

Table 4 shows CA and CA-MA melting temperature and melting enthalpy along with the PCMs
enhanced via the addition of 0.5 wt.%, 1.0 wt.% or 1.5 wt.% nSiO2 particles. At first sight CA

and CA-MA eutectic mixture temperatures agreed with those reported in the literature [15] and
[16]. However, melting temperature of both fatty acids slightly increased by nanoparticles

addition. Enthalpy values around 150 J/g were also close to those reported in the literature. In
general, after the addition of nanoparticles melting enthalpy of both fatty acids presented similar
improvements, ranging from 6.8% to 10.7%. As it is observed, nano-enhanced CA-MA melting

enthalpy was increased by a 6.8% regardless of the nanoparticles wt.%, whereas melting
enthalpy of CA increases with nanoparticles content. However, enthalpy increments of nano-

enhanced CA are detected for all formulations but the higher the nanoparticle content the lower
the melting enthalpy increase for the same amount of nanoparticle addition.

Therefore, nano-enhanced CA-MA achieved 158 J/g and nano-enhanced CA up to 166 J/g with
a 1.5 wt.% nSiO2 content. Thus, the addition SiO2 nanoparticles have a significant potential for
enhancing the TES storage capacity of those fatty acids within the building application
temperature range.

Table 4. Melting enthalpy (Hm) and temperature (Tm) of nano-enhanced CA and CA-MA eutectic


Sample Hm (J/g) Tm (ºC)

Capric acid 150 31.5
SiO2 nanoparticles (wt.%) Hm increment (%) Nano-enhanced CA
0.5 8.0 162 31.2
1.0 10.0 165 31.2
1.5 10.7 166 31.2
Eutectic CA-MA mixture 148 21.9
SiO2 nanoparticles (wt.%)  Hm increment (%) Nano-enhanced eutectic CA-MA

0.5 6.8 158 22.0

1.0 6.8 158 22.1
1.5 6.8 158 22.1

A higher effect of the addition of nSiO2 was obtained on the specific heat capacity; Table 5

shows the specific heat capacities measured for CA and CA-MA and its corresponding
NEPCM. The results obtained show that the addition of nanoparticles to both fatty acids
increases specific heat capacity around 20% in the liquid state (40 ºC). In particular, adding 1.0
wt.% of nSiO2 produced the higher enhancement, in agreement with literature [23], [24], and
[25]: a 23.5% in the CA-MA eutectic mixture and a 22.0% in the CA. Furthermore, the higher
Cp, 3.38 J/g·ºC, was obtained with the addition of 1.0 wt.% of nanoparticles to CA.

Consequently, nanoparticles added to these fatty acids allow the heat storage to be more
effective per unit volume.

Table 5. Specific heat capacity (Cp) at 40 ºC of nano-enhanced CA and CA-MA.

Sample Cp (J/g·ºC)

Capric acid 2.77

SiO2 nanoparticles (wt.%) Cp increment (%) Nano-enhanced CA

0.5 21.0 3.35

1.0 22.0 3.38

1.5 19.0 3.29

Eutectic CA-MA mixture 2.48
SiO2 nanoparticles (wt.%) Cp increment (%) Nano-enhanced eutectic CA-MA
0.5 20.4 2.99
1.0 23.5 3.07
1.5 20.4 3.00


As DSC analysis revealed, in general terms nanoparticles presence motivated high

enhancements in Cp around 20%, while Hm measured increment is between 6.8% and 10.7%.
Thereby, a phase change process usually involves much more energy than a temperature change
(1ºC), and therefore melting enthalpy enhancement become diluted within the melting
enthalpy values obtained. In addition, phase change enthalpy increments were not caused by the
same mechanism as Cp since temperature remains constant during a phase change and Cp is by
definition the energy required to increase one degree of temperature a specific mass under
constant pressure [26].

4.2. Cycling stability

In order to characterize cycling stability NEPCM were analysed by means of FT-IR and DSC

before and after 2000 cycles and results are shown in this section.

Cycling stability characterization by means of FT-IR allows to evaluate chemical degradation

throughout IR spectra comparison: the appearance or disappearance of characteristic peaks
indicate the formation of new bonds or the degradation of the existing, respectively [27].
Results obtained are shown in Figure 1, which revealed NEPCM stability after 2000 thermal
cycles. Since CA and MA are saturated fatty acids with similar structure, CA and CA-MA
eutectic mixture spectrums, Figure 1 a) and c), are very similar and many of its characteristic

peaks coincide. Due to the alkane functionality of these fatty acids sharp peaks are observed in
the 3000 cm-1 to 2850 cm-1 wavenumber range (sp3 C-H stretching). The peak recorded at 1719

cm-1 correspond to the C=O stretching vibration, the 938 cm-1 peak correspond to the out of
plane bending vibration and the 721 cm-1 peak correspond to the in-plane swinging vibration of
functional group –OH [13]. Fatty acids, Figure 1 a) and c), do not degrade significantly due to

thermal cycling since they showed equal characteristic peaks at 0 and 2000 cycles. Moreover,
SiO2 nanoparticles addition does not affect NEPCM cycling stability since equal spectrums

were also obtained after thermal cycling for CA with 1.0 wt.% nSiO2 (Figure 1 b), and CA-MA
with 1.0 wt.% nSiO2 (Figure 1 d). The rest of NEPCM samples with other nanoparticle
proportion are expected to behave the same way not affecting fatty acids thermal cycling



a) b)


Figure 1. IR spectrums: a) CA b) CA with 1.0 wt.% nSiO2 c) CA-MA d) CA-MA with 1.0 wt.%

Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference. shows the effect of thermal cycling on

thermophysical properties (i.e. Hm, Tm and Cp) along with percentile Hm after 2000 cycles. As
it can be seen thermal energy storage capacity and melting temperature were not significantly
affected by thermal cycling including both fatty acids and NEPCM samples. The maximum

Hm variation due to thermal cycling was achieved in the CA-MA sample (+2.03%), however
this value is within the measurement expected error (±10%) [28].

Table 6. Themal cycling results: Hm, Tm and Cp before and after 2000 cycles.

Nº of Cp Hm after 2000

Sample Hm (J/g) Tm (ºC)
cycles (J/g·ºC) cycles (%)

CA 0 cycles 150 2.77 31.5

151 2.81 31.5
CA with 1.0 0 cycles 165 3.38 31.2 +0.61


wt.% nSiO2 2000

166 3.33 31.2
CA-MA 0 cycles 148 2.48 21.9
151 2.51 22.0
CA-MA with 1.0 0 cycles 158 3.07 22.1
wt.% nSiO2 2000 -0.63
157 3.11 22.0

4.3. Thermal stability

When designing a thermal energy storage (TES) system, it is of crucial importance to ensure
thermal stability of the materials used [19]. Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) have been
performed to study the thermal decomposition of the materials and ensure that initial

degradation temperature is higher than the working temperature range of building applications.

First, the thermal stability of CA and CA-MA are plotted in Figure 2. It is observed that the
degradation of these materials consists on one-step that starts at 120 ºC and ends between 210
ºC and 240 ºC. As it can be seen, the decomposition of both materials starts at 120 ºC and

therefore authors confirm that the PCMs and the NEPCM under development are stable within
the buildings applications temperature range. Notice that thermal degradation process of
NEPCM finishes at similar temperatures, which is expected since their matrix is the same. As it

is shown in TGA curves, SiO2 nanoparticles do not affect thermal degradation process of the
analysed nano-enhanced CA while slight improvements are observed in nano-enhanced CA-



Figure 2. NEPCM thermogram: wt.% mass as function of temperature.

4.4. Thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity (k) has been measured in liquid state at 45 ºC. Thermal conductivity as
function of nanoparticles content in both fatty acids is depicted in Figure 3. The thermal
conductivity of the NEPCM increases as the amount of nSiO2 increases. Taking into account the
results obtained, CA presented the highest thermal conductivity before (0.296 W/m·K) and after
the addition of nanoparticles (0.529 W/m·K) for the NEPCM with 1.5 wt.%.

However, CA-MA presented an outstanding thermal conductivity increase, up to 142% for the

1.5 wt.% nSiO2 sample, due to nanoparticles addition. As results revealed, the higher the
nanoparticles content, the higher the thermal conductivity. This could be explained taking into
consideration some phenomena such as: Brownian motion, phonon interaction, clustering of

nanoparticles and surface morphology effects [29] and [30]. Moreover, the thermal conductivity
was not measure at solid state but this property is expected to decrease with the temperature.


Figure 3. Thermal conductivity (W/m·K) as function of SiO2 nanoparticle content (wt.%).

In spite of many desirable properties of fatty acids, the disadvantage of low thermal

conductivity reduce their potential application in buildings since limits its heat transfer capacity.
The addition of nanoparticles to fatty acids improved one of the main drawbacks of this type of
PCMs by enhancing its heat transfer between the system and the media. Therefore, the fatty
acids main drawback is turned into one the main nano-enhanced fatty acids strengths. Thereby,
the fatty acids group pass from the bottom part of the chart where is represented the thermal

conductivity vs. latent heat of fusion to the upper part as Figure 4 shows.

Figure 4. Chart of organic PCMs that plots latent heat of fusion ( Hm) vs. thermal conductivity (k),
adapted from [31].


4.5. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Silicon dioxide nanoparticles were commercial and are spherical-porous shaped. Nanoparticles
present an average diameter of 5 nm to 15 nm according to manufacturer. Results from the
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are shown in Figure 5 with two magnifications: x35000
and x65000, respectively. As it is demonstrated nSiO2 aggregate forming clusters of 100 nm to
300nm. Experimental evidences [29] strongly suggest that clustering phenomena promotes the
thermal conductivity enhancements demonstrated in this study.


Figure 5. The SEM images of nSiO2. Magnification: a) x 35000 b) x65000.

4.6. Rheological behaviour


Rheological characterization is since it determines how the fluid behaves and how nSiO2
particles affect it. NEPCM in liquid state constitutes a nanofluid since it is defined as fluid

containing nm-sized particles. It is well known that viscosity of nanofluids is greatly dependent
on particle aggregation phenomena, temperature and nanoparticles content, size and shape [32].

As it can be seen both NEPCM showed Newtonian behaviour since viscosity (η) do not depend
on shear rate (Figure 6). Moreover, NEPCM viscosity increases linearly as the amount of

nanoparticle increases especially in CA. Usually, the relationship between viscosity and
temperature strongly depends on particle size and concentration. However, building applications
present low temperature gradients and temperature effect could be negligible.


a) b)

Figure 6. η as function of shear rate of NEPCM: a) based on CA b) based on CA-MA.

5. Conclusions

Both fatty acids, CA and CA-MA eutectic mixture, were enhanced with SiO2 nanoparticles
addition up to 1.5 wt.%. Thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of both PCMs were
significantly enhanced by nanoparticles.

Experimental results showed outstanding increments in NEPCM thermal conductivity, for
instance CA-MA thermal conductivity was increased up to 142% with the addition of 1.5 wt.%
nSiO2. The results clearly showed an almost linear relationship between thermal conductivity
and nSiO2 content. Sensible heat storage capacity was significantly improved since specific heat
capacity measurements showed an increment of around 20% in both fatty acids, besides the

higher improvements were obtained with 1.0 wt.% nanoparticle content. Whereas, latent heat
storage capacity improvements were lower, in any case, noteworthy melting enthalpies were

measured: 158 J/g for CA-MA+1.5 wt.% nSiO2 and 166 J/g for CA+1.5 wt.% nSiO2.
Furthermore, TGA showed that both fatty acids are stable within the building working

temperature range. Moreover, nanoparticle content does not affect CA thermal stability while
slightly improves CA-MA thermal stability. Cycling stability tests demonstrated that
thermophysical (i.e. Hm, Tm and Cp) and chemical properties of both NEPCM remain almost

constant after 2000 thermal cycles. Finally, both NEPCM were characterized as a nanofluid
throughout rheological measurements. Results revealed its Newtonian behaviour and how

viscosity nearly increases linearly with nanoparticles mass fraction.

To summarize, two fatty acids with melting points within the building application range, CA
(31.5 ºC) and CA-MA (21.9 ºC), were successfully enhanced via SiO2 nanoparticles addition.
The NEPCM obtained showed high thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity. In addition
both are thermally stable within their working temperature range and ensure a long-term


As fatty acids have a poor thermal conductivity for the PCM purpose, it should be the key
direction of development to combine them and form composite PCMs as the NEPCM developed
in the present study. However, cost is another barrier to the use of NEPCM so future research
should work on doing this composite materials more cost-effective, which would allow its
application in real environments. One key point that has to be developed is nanomaterials
production methods scalability. Despite the fact that several production methods are available at
laboratory-scale, only a minority of them is used for large-scale production nowadays.
Likewise, each production method has a limited range of materials that can be produced in a

viable manner.


The work was partially funded by the Spanish government (ENE2015-64117-C5-2-R
(MINECO/FEDER)). The authors would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality
accreditation given to its research group DIOPMA (2017 SGR 118). DIOPMA is certified agent TECNIO

in the category of technology developers from the Government of Catalonia. The research leading to
these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 712949 (TECNIOspring PLUS) and
from the Agency for Business Competitiveness of the Government of Catalonia.
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