Stability of Anterior Open Bite Nonextra

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Stability of anterior open bite nonextraction

treatment in the permanent dentition
Guilherme Janson, DDS, MSc, PhD, MRCDC,a Fabrı́cio Pinelli Valarelli, DDS, MSc,b
José Fernando Castanha Henriques, DDS, MSc, PhD,c Marcos Roberto de Freitas, DDS, MSc, PhD,a
and Rodrigo Hermont Cançado, DDSb
Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil

This study cephalometrically evaluated the long-term stability of anterior open bite nonextraction treatment
in the permanent dentition after a mean period of 5 years. The experimental group consisted of 21 patients
who had undergone orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances from whom cephalometric headfilms were
obtained at the pretreatment, posttreatment, and postretention stages. Two control groups were used. The
first, with ages comparable with the experimental group before treatment, was used only to characterize it.
The second control group, with normal occlusion, was longitudinally followed for a period comparable with
the posttretention period and was used to compare the changes between groups during this period. The
differences between the observation stages in the experimental group were analyzed with paired t tests, and
the postretention changes were compared with the changes of the second control group with independent
t tests. A statistically significant decrease of the obtained anterior overbite was demonstrated at the end of
the postretention period. The primary factor that contributed to the overbite decrease was the smaller vertical
development of the maxillary and mandibular incisors in the postretention period. Neither the pretreatment
anterior open bite amount nor the magnitude of correction was associated with the long-term overbite
decrease. However, 61.9% of the sample had a clinically stable open bite correction. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2003;124:265-76)

congenital abnormalities.9,10 On the other hand, during

acial disharmonies in the vertical plane, includ-
ing the anterior open bite, are great challenges to the permanent dentition, depending on the severity of
orthodontists because of the remarkable difficul- skeletal involvement, orthognathic surgery might play
ties of treatment and the instability of the correction, an important role when combined with orthodontic
depending on its severity, etiology, and the stage of treatment to provide stability for correcting this maloc-
treatment onset.1,2 Early treatment of this malocclusion, clusion.11-13
during the deciduous or mixed dentition, usually pro- In 1985, Lopez-Gavito et al14 studied the long-term
vides the best results with the least relapse,3-6 probably stability of anterior open bite treatment in the perma-
because spontaneous correction of the open bite in the nent dentition and concluded that approximately 35%
early ages might be part of the developmental pro- of patients had more than 3 mm of relapse. Katsaros
cess.7,8 Failure to respond successfully to early correc- and Berg15 reported stability of anterior open bite
tion approaches might occur in patients with open bites treatment in 75% of the evaluated patients at least 1
consequent to Down syndrome or other hereditary or
year posttreament. Incomplete adaptation of tongue
posture might lead to a tendency for return of open bite
From the Department of Orthodontics, Bauru Dental School, University of São
Paulo, Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. after treatment,16-18 although tongue and lip pressures

Associate professor. during function (eg, swallowing, speaking, and chew-
Orthodontic graduate student.
ing) are relatively unimportant as determinants in
Supported by FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundation) Process malocclusion.18-20 Therefore, myofunctional therapy is
#00/00603-7. usually advocated after treatment to help in eliminating
This article is based on research submitted by Dr Fabrı́cio Pinelli Valarelli in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the abnormal tongue posture.3,10,21,22 In 1987, Kim23
Orthodontics at Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo. described the multiloop edgewise archwire technique
Reprint requests to: Dr Guilherme Janson, University of São Paulo, Bauru
Dental School, Department of Orthodontics, Alameda Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla
(MEAW) and stated that great stability of anterior open
9-75, Bauru–SP–17012-901, Brazil; e-mail, [email protected]. bite therapy might be achieved. Similarly, Küçükkeles
Submitted, August 2002; revised and accepted, January 2003. et al24 used nickel-titanium wires in that technique and
Copyright © 2003 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2003/$30.00 ⫹ 0 concluded that this mechanotherapy provides results
doi:10.1016/S0889-5406(03)00449-9 that are stable and similar to those observed by Kim.23
266 Janson et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2003

Currently, though some studies3,15,25 report suc- during an average of 4.4 months (range, 15 days–1
cessful treatment of this malocclusion with minor year, SD ⫽ 3.45 months). No additional auxiliaries
relapses, the literature on stability of anterior open bite were used to control the vertical dimension. Thirteen
treatment during the permanent dentition is still scarce. patients underwent maxillary expansion either with
The few studies that do focus on this issue have hyrax or Haas appliances to correct posterior crossbites
deficiencies, such as short follow-up periods after or to provide space in the maxillary arch. After the
treatment,15,24,26 small sample sizes or a single clinical active treatment period, a Hawley retainer was used in
case,27-30 or absence of differentiation between extrac- the maxillary arch and a bonded 3 ⫻ 3 retainer in the
tion and nonextraction therapies.5,14,26 mandibular arch. Myofunctional therapy was recom-
In this study, we evaluated the stability of anterior mended to correct tongue posture and function. The
open bite nonextraction treatment in the permanent mean times were 2.4 years between pretreatment (T1)
dentition, after a mean period of 5 years (range, and immediately after treatment (T2), and 5 years
3.08-9.33), and also clinically significant relapse and between T2 and follow-up (T3).
stability. Lateral cephalograms of the experimental group
were obtained from each subject at T1, T2, and T3—
after a mean follow-up period of 5 years (range,
The experimental group consisted of 21 subjects 3.08-9.33). Because of the long time between evalua-
(16 girls, 5 boys) with a mean pretreatment age of 12.4 tion stages, lateral headfilms were obtained with vari-
years (range, 10.8-16.3), drawn from the files of the ous radiograph machines that produced different mag-
Orthodontic Department at Bauru Dental School, Uni- nification factors of the images, between 6% and
versity of São Paulo, Brazil. The primary selection 10.94%.
criterion for this group was an anterior open bite of at
The cephalometric tracings and landmark identifi-
least 1 mm. Additional criteria were all maxillary and
cations were performed on acetate paper by a single
mandibular teeth up to the second molars and nonex-
investigator (F.P.V.) and then digitized with a DT-11
traction treatment with the edgewise appliance com-
digitizer (Houston Instruments, Austin, Tex) (Figs 1
bined with anterior vertical elastics. Initially, the pre-
and 2). These data were stored on a computer and
selected sample consisted of 22 patients, but 1 patient
analyzed with Dentofacial Planner 7.0 (Dentofacial
with a Class II malocclusion was omitted to produce a
Planner Software, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), which
more uniform group (only patients with Class I maloc-
corrected the image magnification factors of the groups.
Because root resorption is usually a concern when
Because of the inherent difficulties in finding a
suitable longitudinal control group for this type of open bite malocclusions are treated,31-33 a complemen-
study, 2 control groups were used. For control group 1, tary evaluation of root resorption was undertaken to
the data from 18 girls, mean age 12 years, with study the effects on the roots of the mechanotherapy
randomized occlusions and without previous orthodon- used. Root morphology of the maxillary and mandibu-
tic treatment, were used only to characterize the exper- lar central and lateral incisors was evaluated before and
imental group at the pretreatment stage. Control group after treatment, according to the method of Levander
2 comprised 21 subjects (9 boys, 12 girls) with normal and Malmgren,31 in periapical radiographs.
occlusion and an initial mean age of 14.6 years (com- Twenty randomly selected radiographs were re-
parable to the experimental group at the posttreatment traced, redigitized, and remeasured by the same exam-
stage). These groups were selected from the longitudi- iner. The casual error was calculated according to
nal growth study sample of the orthodontic department. Dahlberg’s formula (Se2 ⫽ ⌺d2/2n),34 and the system-
Treatment was conducted with the standard edge- atic error with dependent t tests, for P ⬍ .05.35-37
wise technique, which is characterized by the use of To apply the t test, a normal distribution of the
0.022 ⫻ 0.028-in conventional brackets. For leveling samples is necessary. This was verified with the Kol-
and alignment, the usual wire sequence begins with a mogorov-Smirnov test. Results of this test demon-
0.015-in twist-flex or a 0.016-in nickel-titanium wire, strated that all variables were normally distributed.
followed by 0.016, 0.018, and 0.020-in stainless steel Therefore, the t test was used to compare the experi-
round wires. Detailing of tooth position and the finish- mental group at T1 with control group 1, and changes
ing procedures were accomplished by either 0.019 ⫻ during the postretention period (T3 ⫺ T2) with the
0.025-in or 0.021 ⫻ 0.025-in rectangular wires and changes during the comparable period for control group
0.018-in round wires, respectively. Intermaxillary elas- 2. Comparisons of changes in variables during the
tics (3/16 in) were used to close the anterior open bite treatment period (T2 ⫺ T1) and the postretention
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Janson et al 267
Volume 124, Number 3

Fig 1. Cephalometric landmarks used on lateral trac- Fig 2. Overbite measurement (magnified). Overbite:
ings. S, sella turcica; N, nasion; Po, porion; P, pogonion; distance between incisal edges of maxillary and man-
Or, orbitale; ANS, anterior nasal spine; PNS, posterior dibular central incisors, perpendicular to occlusal plane.
nasal spine; A, subspinale; B, supramentale; U6, point
located on mesial cusp of maxillary first molar; L6, point
located on mesial cusp of mandibular first molar; Go, Table I for definitions of planes and all dental and
gonion; Gn, gnathion; Me, menton; points located on skeletal landmark abbreviations used in the text). The
apex and incisal edges of maxillary and mandibular casual errors were between 0.19 (overjet) and 2.39
incisors. (SN.OP).
Results are shown in Tables II through VII. There
was a statistically significant negative correlation be-
period (T3 ⫺ T2) in the experimental group were made tween the anterior overbite decrease and the increase in
with paired t tests. dentoalveolar height of the mandibular molar in the
Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to postretention period (r ⫽ ⫺.53, P ⫽ .01). No other
determine the relationships between anterior overbite variable change in the postretention period showed a
changes in the postretention period and the following: statistically significant correlation with anterior over-
initial severity of the open bite, amount of correction bite decrease.
achieved through orthodontic treatment, and postreten- No patients had root involvement (grade 0) at T1.
tion changes in all variables. Results were regarded as At T2, 14 patients (66.7%) had apical blunting (grade
significant for P ⬍ .05. These analyses were performed 1), and 7 (33.3%) had moderate resorption (grade 2).
with Statistica for Windows 4.3B (Statsoft, Tulsa, Eight patients (38.1%) had a clinically significant
Okla). relapse of open bite, and 13 (61.9%) did not. Therefore,
A clinically significant relapse of anterior open bite 61.9% had a clinically stable long-term correction of
was defined as a negative overbite between the maxil- open bite in the permanent dentition.
lary and mandibular incisors at T3. Therefore, to
establish a clinical parameter as to the probability of DISCUSSION
open bite correction stability, the percentages of pa- Pretreatment sample characteristics
tients with and without clinically significant relapses Most studies of the stability of anterior open bite
were calculated from the total number of studied correction have not been concerned with dividing the
patients. experimental groups into patients treated with or
without extraction.14,24,26 However, it has been sug-
RESULTS gested that extraction treatment of the anterior open
Among the 30 variables, only 5 had a systematic bite might provide more stable results.38 Therefore,
error: SN.OP, LAFH, U1-NA, U1-PP, and L1-NB (see to give a more accurate result regarding the stability
268 Janson et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2003

Table I. Definition of some planes and abbreviations for dental and skeletal variables used
Frankfort plane: constructed from Po to Or
Palatal plane: constructed from ANS to PNS
Functional occlusal plane: a plane drawn through points of occlusal contact between first permanent molars and first and second
Mandibular plane 1: constructed from Go to Me
Mandibular plane 2: constructed from Go to Gn
Dental cephalometric variables
U1.PP: maxillary incisor long axis to palatal plane angle
U1.NA: maxillary incisor long axis to NA angle
U1-NA: distance between most anterior point of crown of maxillary incisor and NA line
U1-PP: perpendicular distance between incisal edge of maxillary central incisor and palatal plane
U6-PP: perpendicular distance between mesial cusp of maxillary first molar and palatal plane
L1.NB: mandibular incisor long axis to NB angle
L1-NB: distance between most anterior point of crown of mandibular incisor and NB line
IMPA: incisor mandibular plane angle
L1-MP: perpendicular distance between incisal edge of mandibular incisor and mandibular plane
L6-MP: perpendicular distance between mesial cusp of mandibular first molar and mandibular plane
Overbite: distance between incisal edges of maxillary and mandibular central incisors, perpendicular to occlusal plane (also magnified in
Fig 2)
Overjet: distance between incisal edges of maxillary and mandibular central incisors, parallel to occlusal plane
M.REL. (molar relationship): distance between mesial cusps of maxillary and mandibular first molars, parallel to functional occlusal plane
Skeletal cephalometric variables
SNA: SN to NA angle
Co-A: condylion to A point distance
A-Nperp: A point to nasion-perpendicular
SNB: SN to NB angle
Co-Gn: condylion to gnathion distance
Go-Gn: gonion to gnathion distance
Co-Go: condylion to gonion distance
Co.Go.Me: ascending ramus to mandibular body angle
P-Nperp: pogonion to nasion-perpendicular
ANB: NA to NB angle
Wits: distance between perpendicular projections of A and B points on functional occlusal plane
Co-A/Co-Gn: proportion between maxillary and mandibular lengths
FMA: Frankfort mandibular plane angle
SN.GoGn: SN to GoGn angle
LAFH (lower anterior face height): distance from anterior nasal spine to menton
SN.PP: SN to palatal plane angle
SN.OP: SN to functional occlusal plane angle

of nonextraction open bite treatment, our sample However, with only 5 male patients in the experi-
included only patients who had this type of therapy. mental group, their influence on the growth pattern
Studies of the stability of open bite correction were variables could be regarded as minimal, because only
carried out 1 to 2 years after treatment, at most.24,26 SN.PP showed a statistically significant difference
Only Lopez-Gavito et al14 reported changes after a between the sexes at age 12, as reported in the
minimum of 9.6 years after treatment. Consequently, a literature.39 In general, the initial cephalometric
primary requirement in our sample selection was that characteristics of the experimental group showed
patients had completed treatment at least 3 years only a mild vertical growth tendency, slightly diverg-
earlier. The average postretention observation period ing from the literature that reports a stronger pre-
was 5 years. This is very important, because vertical dominance of this growth pattern.14,40 This was
changes might be observed up to 5 years after treat- probably because previous studies included patients
ment, especially in growing patients.14 treated without and with extractions.14,24,26 Usually,
To characterize the experimental group at T1, it open-bite patients treated with extraction have a
was compared with a control group of female sub- more severe vertical pattern, whereas those treated
jects (Table II ). Evidently, this was not ideal. nonextraction have milder patterns.14,24,26
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Janson et al 269
Volume 124, Number 3

Table II. Results of t test between experimental group at pretreatment stage (T1) and control group 1
Pretreatment stage (T1) Control group 1

Variables Mean SD Mean SD P

Maxillary component
SNA (°) 80.30 3.91 81.1 3.5 .508674
A-Nperp (mm) ⫺0.12 2.90 ⫺1.1 3.2 .502581
Co-A* (mm) 82.16 4.98 86.9 4.0 .000397
Mandibular component
SNB (°) 77.44 3.63 78.9 3.1 .176183
P-Nperp (mm) ⫺3.73 6.09 ⫺4.5 3.0 .622248
Co-Go (mm) 50.98 5.43 53.1 4.2 .183674
Go-Gn (mm) 73.07 4.73 74.2 4.1 .435285
Co-Gn (mm) 110.62 5.96 113.7 5.3 .091286
Co.Go.Me (mm) 128.36 6.40
Maxillomandibular relationship
ANB (°) 2.87 2.32 2.2 2.4 .385746
Co-A/Co-Gn (%) 74.29 3.01
Wits (mm) ⫺1.94 2.88
Growth pattern
FMA (°) 29.78 5.83 27.7 2.9 .172385
SN.PP (°) 7.46 2.33 9.3 3.4 .065428
SN.OP (°) 26.84 6.37 27.5 4.8 .720658
LAFH (mm) 67.75 5.28 64.9 5.8 .114635
SN.GoGn* (°) 36.94 5.66 33.2 5.0 .034681
Maxillary dentoalveolar component
U1.NA (°) 28.40 4.28 26.1 5.6 .156451
U1-NA* (mm) 5.98 1.89 4.6 1.7 .022986
U1.PP (°) 116.15 6.13 116.4 5.0 .893548
U1-PP (mm) 26.51 2.62 26.9 3.0 .678991
U6-PP (mm) 23.26 2.51 22.2 2.3 .187227
Mandibular dentoalveolar component
L1.NB (°) 28.25 6.64 26.8 6.3 .495573
L1-NB (mm) 5.45 2.21 4.7 3.0 .372651
IMPA (°) 91.43 7.76 92.4 6.6 .676951
L1-MP (mm) 38.26 2.93 40.0 3.5 .095497
L6-MP* (mm) 29.61 3.26 31.8 2.9 .033671
Dental relationships
Overjet (mm) 4.43 2.60
Overbite (mm) ⫺1.75 0.66
M.REL. (mm) 0.06 0.36

*Statistically significant.

Table III. Means and standard deviations of overbite overbite and the other variables, during either the
for 3 evaluated stages of experimental group treatment or the postretention period, were analyzed to
Overbite (mm) assess whether they could explain the changes in
overbite during the postretention period.
Stages Mean Minimum Maximum SD
There was a statistically significant decrease of
Pretreatment ⫺1.75 ⫺1.00 ⫺4.10 0.66 anterior overbite in the postretention period. Not only
Posttreatment 1.43 0.40 2.50 0.50 did overbite decrease in the experimental group, but
Postretention 0.07 1.20 ⫺1.40 0.62 also this decrease was statistically larger than that
observed in control group 2; this is an abnormal change
of this variable (Tables III and VI). This result contrasts
Treatment and postretention changes with those of other studies, which have found stability
Overbite changes during the postretention period— of the obtained anterior overbite in the permanent
the main focus of this study—were compared with dentition.26,28 However, these reports did not distin-
control group 2 (Table VI). Subsequently, changes in guish between patients treated with and without extrac-
270 Janson et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2003

Table IV. Results of paired t test between pretreatment and posttreatment stages of experimental group (treatment
changes, T2 ⫺ T1)
Pretreatment stage (T1) Posttreatment stage (T2)

Variables Mean SD Mean SD Difference P

Maxillary component
SNA (°) 80.30 3.91 80.62 3.49 0.32 .387630
A-Nperp (mm) ⫺0.12 2.90 ⫺0.10 3.37 0.01 .961943
Co-A (mm) 82.16 4.98 83.00 5.10 0.83 .084448
Mandibular component
SNB* (°) 77.44 3.63 78.00 3.50 0.56 .040182
P-Nperp (mm) ⫺3.73 6.09 ⫺3.08 7.35 0.65 .301902
Co-Go* (mm) 50.98 5.43 53.55 4.84 2.56 .002233
Go-Gn* (mm) 73.07 4.73 74.83 5.12 1.76 .012910
Co-Gn* (mm) 110.62 5.96 113.89 6.34 3.27 .000004
Co.Go.Me* (°) 128.36 6.40 127.03 6.19 ⫺1.32 .011189
Maxillomandibular relationship
ANB (°) 2.87 2.32 2.60 2.05 ⫺0.27 .395539
Co-A/Co-Gn* (%) 74.29 3.01 72.91 3.03 ⫺1.37 .009406
Wits* (mm) ⫺1.94 2.88 ⫺0.71 2.46 1.22 .026182
Growth pattern
FMA (°) 29.78 5.83 29.49 5.97 ⫺0.29 .474763
SN.PP (°) 7.46 2.33 7.23 2.24 ⫺0.22 .518752
SN.PO* (°) 16.84 6.37 13.92 4.47 ⫺2.91 .020992
LAFH* (mm) 67.75 5.28 70.20 5.16 2.45 .000314
SN.GoGn (°) 36.94 5.66 36.43 5.36 ⫺0.50 .217737
Maxillary dentoalveolar component
U1.NA* (°) 28.40 4.28 24.22 4.99 ⫺4.17 .000790
U1-NA (mm) 5.98 1.89 5.30 1.87 ⫺0.68 .169811
U1.PP* (°) 116.15 6.13 112.08 5.55 ⫺4.07 .000821
U1-PP* (mm) 26.51 2.62 29.33 2.64 2.81 .000000
U6-PP* (mm) 23.26 2.51 24.76 2.53 1.50 .000570
Mandibular dentoalveolar component
L1.NB (°) 28.25 6.64 27.13 5.54 ⫺1.12 .304785
L1-NB (mm) 5.45 2.21 6.04 2.08 0.59 .104591
IMPA (°) 91.43 7.76 90.32 6.56 ⫺1.11 .311171
L1-MP* (mm) 38.26 2.93 40.97 2.74 2.70 .000000
L6-MP* (mm) 29.61 3.26 30.91 2.63 1.30 .000214
Dental relationships
Overjet* (mm) 4.43 2.60 2.80 1.01 ⫺1.62 .000958
Overbite* (mm) ⫺1.75 0.66 1.43 0.50 3.19 .000000
M.REL.* (mm) 0.06 0.36 ⫺0.15 0.49 ⫺0.21 .048677

*Statistically significant.

tions;14,26 they were isolated clinical case reports28 or periods, although they were significantly smaller in the
had insufficient observation periods, at most 2 years postreatment period (T3 ⫺ T2) compared with the
after treatment, to evaluate stability.26,38 normal changes of control group 2 (Table VI). How-
Changes in the maxillary component do not seem to ever, because treatment of the open bite is usually not
have played an important role in the overbite change, intended to produce growth changes in these structures,
because they were not statistically significant during they might be regarded as the result of the intrinsic
treatment, during the 5-year period after treatment, or in growth of these patients. It is very unlikely that these
relation to the changes in control group 2 (Tables changes are related to the observed significant decrease
IV-VI). of the anterior overbite.14,24,26 Additionally, there was
Some significant changes were observed regarding no correlation between the decrease of anterior overbite
the mandibular component during the treatment period and the changes in these variables during the 5-year
(T2 ⫺ T1) and in the postretention period (T3 ⫺ T2) postretention period.
(Tables IV and V). Mandibular size (Co-Go and Co- Changes in the maxillomandibular relationship in
Gn) showed statistically significant changes in these the postretention period were statistically different from
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Janson et al 271
Volume 124, Number 3

Table V. Result of paired t test between posttreatment and postretention stages of experimental group
(postretention changes, T3 ⫺ T2)
Posttreatment stage (T2) Postretention stage (T3)

Variables Mean SD Mean SD Difference P

Maxillary component
SNA (°) 80.62 3.49 81.41 3.57 0.78 .054852
A-Nperp (mm) ⫺0.10 3.37 0.26 3.02 0.36 .427163
Co-A (mm) 83.00 5.10 83.50 5.57 0.51 .212953
Mandibular component
SNB (°) 78.00 3.50 78.49 4.30 0.48 .071950
P-Nperp (mm) ⫺3.08 7.35 ⫺2.84 7.83 0.23 .726767
Co-Go* (mm) 53.55 4.84 55.01 6.06 1.46 .047961
Go-Gn (mm) 74.83 5.12 75.43 4.99 0.59 .210799
Co-Gn* (mm) 113.89 6.34 115.01 7.12 1.12 .018849
Co.Go.Me (°) 127.03 6.19 126.18 5.93 ⫺0.84 .105657
Maxillomandibular relationship
ANB (°) 2.60 2.05 2.93 2.12 0.33 .247511
Co-A/Co-Gn (%) 72.91 3.03 72.64 3.02 ⫺0.27 .407078
Wits (mm) ⫺0.71 2.46 ⫺0.75 2.79 ⫺0.03 .909942
Growth pattern
FMA (°) 29.49 5.97 29.27 6.33 ⫺0.21 .606464
SN.PP (°) 7.23 2.24 6.76 2.60 ⫺0.47 .158152
SN.OP (°) 13.92 4.47 13.93 6.77 0.00 .996897
LAFH* (mm) 70.20 5.16 71.69 5.67 1.48 .000681
SN.GoGn* (°) 36.43 5.36 35.41 6.55 ⫺1.02 .022998
Maxillary dentoalveolar component
U1.NA (°) 24.22 4.99 24.71 4.36 0.48 .474029
U1-NA (mm) 5.30 1.87 5.22 1.91 ⫺0.07 .859075
U1.PP (°) 112.08 5.55 112.88 5.57 0.79 .115308
U1-PP (mm) 29.33 2.64 29.19 2.93 ⫺0.14 .566872
U6-PP* (mm) 24.76 2.53 25.39 2.58 0.63 .033761
Mandibular dentoalveolar component
L1.NB (°) 27.13 5.54 28.57 6.74 1.44 .073835
L1-NB* (mm) 6.04 2.08 6.53 2.36 0.49 .002788
IMPA (°) 90.32 6.56 91.93 8.15 1.61 .051980
L1-MP (mm) 40.97 2.74 41.31 2.79 0.33 .153841
L6-MP* (mm) 30.91 2.63 31.91 3.06 1.00 .000175
Dental relationships
Overjet (mm) 2.80 1.01 2.71 1.20 ⫺0.09 .597177
Overbite* (mm) 1.43 0.50 0.07 0.62 ⫺1.36 .000000
M.REL. (mm) ⫺0.15 0.49 ⫺0.21 0.43 ⫺0.06 .691506

*Statistically significant.

those in control group 2 for ANB (Table VI). It the SN.OP angle did not show a decrease similar to the
increased by 0.33° in the experimental group and by control group, probably because of relapse of the
0.60° in control group 2. This increase might be mandibular incisor extrusion, discussed below. On the
explained by a clockwise mandibular rotation after other hand, LAFH continued to increase in the normal
treatment, which in turn might contribute to anterior pattern (Tables IV-VI). Therefore, changes in growth
open bite relapse.14,24,26 However, these changes were pattern consisted of unfavorable changes at the dentoal-
very small to have significantly influenced the decrease veolar structures; these can contribute to a decrease of
of the anterior overbite. the anterior overbite.
During treatment, there was a significant decrease Results from the treatment period (T2 ⫺ T1)
in the SN.OP angle and an increase in LAFH. The indicated that correction of anterior open bite was
SN.OP angle showed a reduction, probably due to the possible primarily due to the extrusion and uprighting
extrusion of the mandibular incisors during the open of the maxillary incisors and extrusion of the mandib-
bite correction. The increase in LAFH is usually ex- ular incisors, as demonstrated by the U1-PP, U1.PP,
pected during orthodontic treatment. After treatment, and L1-MP variables, which had statistically significant
272 Janson et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2003

Table VI.Results of t test between changes during postretention period of experimental group (T3 ⫺ T2) and
changes in control group 2 during comparable period
Postretention period (T3 ⫺ T2) Control group 2

Variables Mean SD Mean SD P

Maxillary component
SNA (°) 0.78 1.76 0.30 1.24 .318674
A-Nperp (mm) 0.36 2.07 ⫺0.38 1.32 .169102
CoA (mm) 0.50 1.81 1.70 2.14 .059408
Mandibular component
SNB (°) 0.48 1.16 0.90 1.32 .282986
P-Nperp (mm) 0.23 3.01 0.60 2.75 .675541
Co-Go* (mm) 1.46 3.17 3.74 2.66 .015788
Go-Gn* (mm) 0.59 2.10 1.90 1.88 .040653
Co-Gn* (mm) 1.12 2.01 4.28 3.12 .000361
Co.Go.Me (°) ⫺0.84 2.29 ⫺1.24 1.84 .536641
Maxillomandibular relationship
ANB* (°) 0.33 1.28 ⫺0.60 0.95 .010413
CoA/CoGn* (%) ⫺0.27 1.46 ⫺1.30 1.00 .010847
Wits (mm) ⫺0.03 1.52 0.59 2.03 .264427
Growth pattern
FMA (°) ⫺0.21 1.87 ⫺1.04 1.62 .134349
SN.PP (°) ⫺0.47 1.47 ⫺0.69 1.60 .647633
SN.OP* (°) 0.00 5.54 ⫺3.44 3.99 .026025
LAFH (mm) 1.48 1.69 2.43 2.30 .132659
SN.GoGn (°) ⫺1.02 1.90 ⫺1.64 2.04 .312912
Maxillary dentoalveolar component
U1.NA (°) 0.48 3.05 0.57 2.28 .913896
U1-NA (mm) ⫺0.07 1.81 0.78 0.98 .065186
U1.PP (°) 0.79 2.21 0.19 2.08 .371767
U1-PP* (mm) ⫺0.14 1.16 0.83 0.79 .002599
U6-PP* (mm) 0.63 1.27 1.90 1.31 .002791
Mandibular dentoalveolar component
L1.NB (°) 1.44 3.50 ⫺0.04 2.45 .119332
L1-NB* (mm) 0.49 0.65 0.08 0.63 .047645
IMPA (°) 1.61 3.57 0.44 2.43 .096548
L1-MP* (mm) 0.33 1.04 1.27 1.12 .007845
L6-MP (mm) 1.00 0.99 1.38 1.57 .347919
Dental relationships
Overjet (mm) ⫺0.09 0.81 ⫺0.08 0.43 .962408
Overbite* (mm) ⫺1.36 0.54 ⫺0.31 0.83 .000022
M.REL. (mm) ⫺0.06 0.70 ⫺0.28 1.06 .436653

*Statistically significant.

Table VII. Analysis of correlation between decrease of

nificant increase (1.5 mm) during orthodontic treatment
anterior overbite in postretention period (overbite (T2 ⫺ T1) and the postretention period (T3 ⫺ T2).
T3 ⫺ T2) and initial severity of anterior open bite However, its vertical development in the latter period
(overbite T1) and amount of correction achieved was significantly smaller than in control group 2
through treatment (overbite T2 ⫺ T1) (Tables IV-VI). It could be speculated that the signifi-
Overbite T3 ⫺ T2 cant increase in maxillary molar dentoalveolar height
Variables r P during treatment could be a consequence of the rapid
palatal expansion that 13 patients had. However, the
Overbite T2 ⫺ T1 ⫺.09 .695372
Overbite T1 ⫺.21 .357618 extrusion of the maxillary posterior teeth that usually
occurs after rapid palatal expansion is noticeable only
immediately after the procedure. At the end of the
changes during treatment— changes that were also complete fixed appliance treatment time, extrusion of
observed by most other authors.14,24,26-28 Maxillary these teeth is similar to that of the control group.41-43 In
molar dentoalveolar height showed a statistically sig- this study, because no control group was used to
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Janson et al 273
Volume 124, Number 3

Fig 3. A, Superimposition on palatal plane, registered on anterior nasal spine, of posttreatment (red)
and postretention (green) mean tracings of experimental group; B, same superimposition of initial
(black) and final (red) mean tracings of control group 2, which compare with stages of experimental
group shown in A.

compare the changes during treatment, it cannot be molars was smaller than that of control group 2, the
determined whether the significant increase in maxil- difference was not statistically significant. This demon-
lary molar dentoalveolar height was a direct conse- strates another factor contributing to open bite re-
quence of the mechanotherapy or of normal growth. lapse—the smaller vertical development of the mandib-
Therefore, even though further investigation is needed, ular incisors in the postretention period—which
it is unlikely that the rapid palatal expansion in these 13 directly contributes to overbite decrease. Additionally,
patients played an important role in the observed although the vertical development of the mandibular
changes. Although the maxillary incisors demonstrated molars was similar to that of the control group, it
a statistically significant vertical development during showed a significant negative correlation with decrease
orthodontic therapy, this was not observed during the of the anterior overbite in the postretention period.
postretention period (Tables IV and V). During the Therefore, effective retention appliances to control this
postretention period, the vertical development of these vertical development should be used to ensure greater
teeth was smaller than in control group 2 (Fig 3 and stability of open bite correction. A possible explanation
Table VI). Whereas the smaller vertical development of for the smaller vertical development of the maxillary
the maxillary molars is a favorable factor for stability of and mandibular incisors in the postretention period in
open bite correction, this is not true for the maxillary relation to the control group is the lack of tongue
incisor. The observed tendency is that variables that adaptation; this causes the tongue to remain positioned
demonstrated the greatest influence during treatment between these teeth at rest.16 To minimize this relapse
will have smaller changes after treatment. Some will be factor, myofunctional therapy is usually recommended
favorable, and some will not.44,45 after orthodontic treatment.3,10,21,22 The treatment pro-
A similar behavior was observed for the mandibular tocol of the experimental sample included myofunc-
teeth. Vertical development of the mandibular molars tional therapy after treatment. However, because this is
was statistically significant during the treatment (T2 ⫺ a retrospective study, it could not be ascertained from
T1) and postretention (T3 ⫺ T2) periods (Tables IV the clinical charts whether all patients followed the
and V). The mandibular incisors showed a statistically recommendations and underwent such therapy. Others
significant vertical development only during treatment. recommend 1 to 2 years of crib or sharp spur therapy,
During the postretention period, only the vertical de- hoping to cause the tongue to adapt to its space.5,46
velopment of the mandibular incisors was statistically Partial glossectomy is another therapy prescribed to
smaller than in control group 2 (Fig 4 and Table VI). improve the stability of open bite therapy. Although
Although the vertical development of the mandibular some case reports show good short-term results, no
274 Janson et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2003

Fig 4. A, Superimposition on mandibular plane, registered on symphysis, of posttreatment (red) and

postretention (green) mean tracings of experimental group; B, same superimposition of initial (black)
and final (red) mean tracings of control group 2, which compare with stages of experimental group
shown in A.

long-term data support its general use, especially in varying malocclusions, and, therefore, the observed
light of the potential morbidity.47,48 resorption could be considered within normal limits.
Only the vertical development of the mandibular Consequently, the mechanotherapy used to treat these
molars in the postretention period was inversely corre- open bite patients did not produce a greater collateral
lated to the decrease of anterior overbite. Kim et al26 effect than expected during fixed orthodontic treatment.
stated that the remarkable vertical development of the
posterior teeth, combined with the changes in the Clinically significant relapse and stability
incisors during and after orthodontic treatment, is the The overbite decrease previously mentioned tells
main reason for the decrease of anterior overbite, only whether the changes in the overbite between T2
because it causes a clockwise mandibular rotation. and T3 are statistically significant in the experimental
Most authors studying treatment stability of anterior group and in relation to a control group. Although this
open bite agree with this statement.14,24 An interesting mathematic jargon can be useful and understandable to
result was the absence of correlation between the the researcher, it does not tell the clinician whether the
decrease of anterior overbite and the initial open bite patients had a negative overbite (that is perceptible by
severity or the amount of open bite correction (Table the patient and might be the reason for complaints)
VII). Most authors state that the initial open bite again after this period. It also does not give the
severity and the amount of open bite correction play an percentage of patients who might or might not have a
important role in open bite relapse.2,5,27 Perhaps this negative overbite again in the long term. For these
absence of correlation might be influenced by exclud- reasons, we evaluated the clinically significant relapse
ing patients treated with extractions. Preliminary results and the stability of open bite treatment. It was observed
from a concurrent study that includes only extraction that only 8 patients had a clinically significant relapse
subjects have demonstrated a correlation between open of the open bite, ie, a negative overbite at T3. Conse-
bite relapse and initial open bite severity and amount of quently, 61.9% of the patients in the experimental
open bite correction. group had clinically significant stability of anterior
Regarding root resorption at the posttreatment open bite correction in the long term. Lopez-Gavito et
stage, 14 patients (66.7%) showed apical blunting al,14 using a different evaluation method, found that
(grade 1), and 7 (33.3%) showed moderate resorption 63.5% of patients had stable open bite corrections in the
(grade 2). No patient had either accentuated (grade 3) long term. In addition to the differences in evaluation
or extreme (grade 4) resorption. These results are methodology, their sample combined nonextraction and
similar to other investigations32,49-52 in patients with extraction treatment protocols. This might explain the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Janson et al 275
Volume 124, Number 3

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