SMETA Audit Protocol
SMETA Audit Protocol
SMETA Audit Protocol
ID Number: 201718766
Some requirements of MNEs and big firms contain the implementation of SMETA Audit
Protocol as a pre-requisite to make deals with Lebanese local companies which gives
this protocol more advantages. In addition, the SMETA Audit achieves the sustainability
by the preservation of the environment, and helps the workers to improve their living
conditions and gain their rights and encourages the small manufacturing companies to
upgrade their products and improve their competitiveness.
I read three relevant articles related to my research, each of these three articles contain
the implementation of Corporation Social Responsibility in each country. The First article
talks about CSR implementation in Peruvian companies, while the second one targets
CSR implementation in Polish companies and the third one CSR implementation in
African companies.
In the first article, the author mentions advantages and disadvantages that trouble the
execution and mentions the assessment of SMETA audit protocol that investigated in
five distinctive organizations situated in Lima, Peru. The purpose of this thesis is to
understand how SMETA works (Medina Rodriguez 2016).
After interviewing auditors and companies, we found that, according to them SMETA is
a finished standard with rules that once executed, can bring many advantages to them,
for example, consumer loyalty, entering new markets, constant improvement, sparing
costs, consciousness of their own blemishes and upgrade of reputation. Moreover, they
all agreed that SMETA is a very complete standard that incorporates issues of wellbeing
and security, work, human rights, condition and morals which are audited later on. They
considered that SMETA has expanded since and more Peruvian organizations are
actualizing the standard and requiring audits. As for the auditors, they have given their
suggestion in respect to a few enhancements or issues that ought to be considered
while executing the standard. In addition, they considered that one of the fundamental
issues is the absence of responsibility from the management that could affect negatively
the implementation of the standard (Medina Rodriguez 2016).
In the second article, they opted ten Polish enterprises, in which social responsibility
and environmental awareness are applied from the stakeholders and thus to analyze
and limit the impact of business on the environment.
The Market in Poland is gaining a lot of interest in social responsibility. Big and
international customers are dealing with the companies that respect environmental
standards and have important certifications such as the ones offered by SMETA audit.
The European Union imposes to respect the requirements related to the environmental
protection and the sustainability.
This study was achieved from 2006 till 2013 on ten Polish manufacturing companies
(Misztal and Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek 2014).
The Polish enterprises have shown attention in the three key groups of activity and
respect environmental standards (Misztal and Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek 2014).
In the third article, the author presents the situation of CSR performance in the Saharan
Africa. Most of the applicants showed that CSR is not a formal policy in these countries.
These countries struggled to make the CSR's application accepted in their constitutions.
Many African participants indicated the rights-based policy as a broad challenge of CSR.
Some participants in Africa like Nigeria and Ghana viewed CSR from a moral obligation
perspective, which is influenced by international advocacy of right-based framework for
development. Furthermore, CSR showed by this study is a company initiative in
compliance with international code of business conduct. Lack of national CSR policy
meant that organizations are a liberty to take individual initiatives, which often do not
reflect corporate social responsibility practice. This creates a number of challenges to
government companies and host communities where companies operate, with the
resulting difficulty in assessing ,monitoring CSR company initiatives from a motivational
perspective, the research shows the achievement of simple business operation based
objectives with an underlying profit increasing motive are fixed factors why companies
engage in CRS in Saharan Africa. CSR reporting in Saharan Africa is specialized by
voluntary reporting a country level with financial- based accomplishment, while at the
international level, companies have to report in order to secure international
accreditations among nations. The issue of bias and small number of countries involved
in the study may constitute some restrains, this study could have policy suggestions for
both executive and national parliaments in developing countries in initiating appropriate
legal framework and enabling legislations to support CSR practice (Samy, Ogiri, and
Bampton 2015).
3. Problem Statement
4.1.1 Philosophies
According to my research question, I will study the behavior of each Lebanese manufacturing
company, and I will oversee if these are using any protocol or codes like SMETA audit to achieve
Corporation Social Responsibility and sustainability. I will take the evidence from the audit firms
to make sure if the SMETA audit protocol are applied in Lebanon, therefore this study or this
thesis depends on pragmatism philosophies because I use the behavior of Lebanese
manufacturing companies and evidence from audit firms, in this way I mixed between two
philosophies named by positivist and interpretivism.
4.1.2 Approaches
The theory of the thesis is: The SMETA audit protocol ameliorates labor standards, health,
safety, environment and business integrity.
The advantages of this protocol are: Reducing audit fatigue, getting the products internationally
recognized and achieving the sustainability.
I will be interviewing managers from each manufacturing company and ask about the
implementation of CSR through the SMETA audit protocol. I will also be interviewing the audit
firms to ask about any implementation of SMETA audit in Lebanon. Moving from theory to
implementation means that the approach is deductive.
4.1.3 Strategies
I will study the ethical wise of Lebanese manufacturing company and i will compare the result
with other countries according to my literature review and other articles that studied the
implementation of CSR in several countries. This diversity and helicopter view over many ethnic
backgrounds and various countries implies that the strategy is ethnographic. I will also try to
request archival information from audit firms to cover an archival research in my methodology.
4.1.4 Choices
Given the purpose of the research, I’ve chosen the qualitative method. I will be doing
interviews with four Lebanese Manufacturing Companies followed by four Lebanese
audit firms.
The period in which interviews and studies will be conducted in both manufacturing
companies and audit firms will be the same to ensure completeness and accuracy in
both results. Therefore we will be choosing the fiscal year 2019 for example for both
companies and audit firms to perform the study.
4.2 Participants
Name of companies
PWC (Big four)
HLB Fiducia
BDO – Semaan Gholam & Co
Ernst & Young (Big four)
These four manufacturing companies have been chosen randomly and each one from a
different industry. The manufacturing companies in Lebanon are very limited due to
Lebanon’s economic policy that depends on services sector more than manufacturing.
And I have chosen four audit firms local and international to confirm the
implementation of SMETA audit protocol or any protocol that applies CSR and achieves
environmental sustainability.
4.3 Techniques
I will do four interviews with four Lebanese manufacturing companies. First, I will take
an appointment with each company’s manager to ask him several questions related to
my research question and research objectives. The questions taken into consideration
are as follow:
According to your company’s activities, do you apply Sustainability and
Corporate Social Responsibility?
Do you apply SMETA audit protocol in your company?
When you applied SMETA audit protocol, did you notice an amelioration in the
product’s quality?
Did turnover increase when you applied SMETA audit protocol, specifically
Does SMETA audit application effect on benefits?
Do you respect all the rules of labor standards, health and safety, environment
and business integrity?
In the same period I will do another four interviews for four audit firms, to ask them
questions related to my research question and research objectives.
The questions are as follow:
Is SMETA audit applicable in Lebanon?
How many manufacturing companies applied this protocol?
Does the application of SMETA audit protocol take time?
Is there any protocol related to ethical audit applicable in Lebanon?
When I finish my interviews, i will organize the information in the table and then I will
analyze all the data to conclude a result for my thesis.
All these interviews are semi structured, a lot of the content can be modified, and
duration of each interview ranges between 10 minutes and 15 minutes.
The most important part of my research is the ethical, especially when I do the
interviews, all the information remain confidential and I use it only in my thesis. As for
the identities of the managers, they shall also stay a secret. I will send by email the
objectives of my thesis to the manufacturing companies and the audit firms to support
me in my interviews.
5. Timescale
6. Resources
My resources come from my experience and from the E-services offered from the
university (Universite La Sagesse). Reading many thesis and articles related to my topic
and to my research objectives will also come in handy. The site of the SMETA audit can
help me and I can always surf the web looking for key terms related to my research
7. References
Medina Rodriguez, Alicia. 2016. “The Application of the SMETA Audit Protocol on the
Management of the CSR of Peruvian Companies: A Case Study of Standardization
via SMETA in Manufacturing Companies.”
Samy, Martin, Henry Itotenaan Ogiri, and Roberta Bampton. 2015. “Examining the Public
Policy Perspective of CSR Implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Social
Responsibility Journal.