CITATION Chr20 /L 8201

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“I can’t breathe” was the last words by George Floyd a black American man while the knee

of a white police officer was on his neck for more than five minutes[ CITATION Chr20 \l 8201 ].
This tragic situation has sparked fire on the deep issue of racism within most if not all
society. According to racism can be seen as the belief that one racial
category is innately superior or inferior to another. The understanding that there is a
relationship between society and ones actions is the pillow on which C.Wright Mills
Sociological imagination concept stands. This concept allows for one to question many
actions in society and try to get a better understanding of these actions and the main or root
causes of these actions. When looking at racism from the sociological imagination concept as
a guiding force the question of why should be pivotal. Why do we have racism? This question
will seek to get a better understanding as to how society action might lead to racism. The
sociological imagination concept will seek to bring about the underlying societal actions
which allow for racism. From a personal point of view sociological imagination might assists
me to look at others within society from a different view point it will allow me to be more
open minded and also have a greater appreciation for everyone in society, after all out of
many one people. If everyone would hold the Jamaican motto dear to their hearts then this
might help to curve some of the contemporary social problems encountered by racism.

Racism causes negative psychological, social, educational and economic impacts

throughout the life span and contributes to mental health problems in society[ CITATION
APS20 \l 1033 ]. One of the big contemporary social problems encountered by racism by
myself and many people in society is racial decimation. Racial discrimination can be seen as
being treated differently because of race. This discrimination comes in many form, it can take
the form of not getting a job because of your race or joining a social club. Racism affects
many where they might experience racial profiling and as a result experience harsh treatment
such as the case of George Floyd.

According to racial profiling refers to the use of an individual's race

or ethnicity by law enforcement personnel as a key factor in deciding whether to engage in
enforcement. The Functionalist theorist Herbert spencer was credited with coining the term
“the survival of the fittest”[ CITATION Ash19 \l 8201 ]. It can be argued that from this view
point there are people in societies who are more powerful than others it also allowed for
person to see themselves different from others. This difference can be seen as a driving force
for racism and racial profiling. With racism being a driving force for many social problems in
society one of which is less opportunities for black people, it can be concluded that these
black folks will find means and ways to create their own opportunities as such when a survey
is done for example in the USA, black might be at the top for where crime and violence is
concern. These are some of contributing factor which might lead to racial profiling. Karl
Marx believed that conflict between groups struggling to either attain wealth and power or
keep the wealth and power they had was inevitable in a capitalist society, and conflict was the
only way for the underprivileged to eventually gain some measure of equality[CITATION
Lum201 \l 8201 ]. Marks put forward the idea that in order for some form of social change to
occur in society there must be a conflict. This theory provides useful insight into racial
profiling by showing that society is divided. This divide in society will always see those of
higher status looking down on the lower class. With slavery in mind white control all the
resources and black provided force labour. The history of slavery still lingers where blacks
are viewed to be inferior and also to an extent it points out blacks to be more deviant in
society which is the foundation for racial profiling.

In concluding racism can be seen as the belief that one racial category is innately superior or
inferior to another. The sociological imagination concept allows for one to question many
actions in society and try to get a better understanding of these actions and the main or root
causes of these actions such as racism. Racism can lead to many social problems in society
which is very current. The Functionalism and conflict sociological theory can provide useful
insight as to where racial profiling is emerging from.

APS. (2020). Australian Psychological Society. Retrieved June 08, 2020, from Australian
Psychological Society:

Christina Maxouris, C. (2020). Minneapolis police chief says all four officers involved in
George Floyd's death bear responsibility. Minneapolis: CNN.

Crossman, A. (2019, January 13). ThoughCo. Retrieved June 09, 2020, from ThoughCo.:

Lumen. (n.d.). Retrieved 06 09, 2020, from


Lumen. (2016, 05 26). Introduction to sociology. Retrieved June 4, 2020, from Racism:

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