Brickwork For Structures, Rev.a1, 19.10.00

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Technical Specifications (Infrastructure) – Brickwork for Structures


20.1 Applicable Standards

(1) British Standards And Codes of Practice

The latest revision of the following British Standards and Codes of

Practice shall be applicable unless otherwise specified herein :-

B.S. 12:1978 Portland cement (ordinary and rapid

B.S. 405: 1945 Expanded metal (steel) for general
B.S. 1198, 1199 Building sand from natural sources
and 1200:1976
B.S. 314:1980 Tests for water for making concrete
B.S. 4729:1971 Shapes and dimensions of special bricks
B.S. 4887:1973 Mortar
C.P.121 Walling
Part 1:1973 Brick and block masonry

20.2 Materials

(1) Common Bricks

All common bricks used shall be of a standard size of even shape,

hard, wellburnt, machine made, clay pressed bricks with true arises
and generally conforming to B.S.3921. Bricks shall be obtained
from an approved manufacturer and delivered to the site by the
Sub-Contractor/supplier and shall be carefully stacked and stored
on arrival. All bricks shall give a clear ring sound when struck with
a trowel.

(2) Fair face Bricks

Fair face bricks where used shall be of selected best quality bricks,
free from blemishes, dirt, stains, even colour and appearance with
sharp, clean arises and pointed with a neat weathered joint in tinted

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Technical Specifications (Infrastructure) – Brickwork for Structures

(3) Samples

Separate samples of the bricks, taken at random from the

manufacturers factory shall be deposited with and be approved by
the S.E. before being used and all subsequent deliveries shall
generally be to the standard of the sample approved. The strength
of the bricks when sampled and tested in accordance with the
methods laid down in B.S.4728 must not be less than 53 kg per
square cm.

(4) Sand

Sand for mortar used in the brick laying works shall be naturally
occurring sand, hard, clean and free from adherent coating. The
same shall comply in all respects with B.S. 1200 and be well
graded from 4.5 mm down in accordance with Table 10 therein.

(5) Cement

Cement for mortar shall be ordinary Portland cement. For each

source of cement the Sub-Contractor shall obtain from the
manufacturer a certificate showing that the cement has been tested
in accordance with B.S.12 and that the results of these tests
comply in every respect with this standard. The tests shall be
carried out on the batch from which the delivery notes and test
certificates to be sent directly to the S.E. by the manufacturer at
least one day in advance of each delivery of cement to the site.

(6) Protection Of Cement

The cement shall be transported to the site under cover in sound

weatherproof containers and in quantities compatible with the
current work as per the programme. All cement shall be protected
from damage by the weather or any other causes at all times
before use. The cement shall be stored in watertight and ventilated
shed of adequate capacity, fitted with a boarded floor suitably
raised clear of the ground. The cement shall be fully used in the
order of and generally not more than four weeks after delivery.

(7) Water

Mixing water for the mortar shall be clean and free from acids,
vegetable or any other deleterious matter and comply in all respect
with the requirements of the Appendix of B.S. 3148. Portable water
from the public water supply main shall be used.

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Technical Specifications (Infrastructure) – Brickwork for Structures

(8) Cement Mortar

The cement mortar shall consist of one part of Portland cement to

three parts of sand by volume. The sand and cement shall be
measured in specially prepared and approved gauge boxes, one of
each material of internal size 30cm x 30cm and thoroughly mixed.
The mortar shall be mixed mechanically. Care shall be taken to
ensure the mixture is of the right consistency. No mortar, which
has commenced to set, shall be used or mixed with any other

(9) Mortar Plasticiser

For increased workability, a mortar plasticiser may be used subject

to the approval of the S.E.. The mortar plasticisers shall comply
with B.S.4887 and shall be used in the proportions and manner
recommended by the manufacturer.

(10) Hollow Block

(a) Cement and sand blocks shall be to approved sizes cast in

approved moulds and laid in the manner specified for brick
walls. The blocks are to be constructed of one part of
cement to six parts of sand. All blocks must be cast clean
and true to shape with sharp arises.

The mixture measured by volume is to be turned over three

times in a dry state until it achieve an even colour and
consistent texture throughout. Water is than to be added
gently through a hose, the quantity being just enough to
secure adhesion. After wetting, the mixture shall be turned
over three times and well rammed into the middle of the
mould and then smoothed over with a steel face trowel.
After removal from the moulds, the blocks are to be matured
under shade in separate rows. The blocks must not be
removed from the shade for a minimum of 9 days. Twenty
four (24) hours after removal from the moulds, the blocks
must be kept wet by continuous watering through a fine
spray whilst maturing.

(b ) No blocks are to be used on any part of the building until

they have matured for at least 14 days.

(c ) The shell of each hollow block shall be 38mm thick

minimum on all sides. The minimum compressive strength
of blocks shall be 7N/mm2 after 24 days. Sample shall be
taken at random from the Contractor’s stockpile for testing
by the S.E. Any blocks found to be substandard or not to
specified requirements will be rejected and the stockpile
from which the blocks were taken will be subject to rejection
by the S.E and removed from site.

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Technical Specifications (Infrastructure) – Brickwork for Structures

(d) Hollow blocks walls shall be reinforced at every second

course with approved brick reinforcement commencing one
course above floor level.

(11) Damp-proof Course

Damp-proof course where necessary shall be bituminous sheets

complying in all respect with B.S.743 and weigh not less than
3.8kg/m2. The sheets shall lap at least 15cm at joints and 12.5cm
at intersections and shall be laid on 12.5mm thick level bed of
cement mortar as described and coated with 1.25mm thick asphalt
on the upper surface. The damp-proof course shall be laid over the
whole of the brickwalls and the full thickness at a minimum height
of 15cm above the finished ground level.

20.3 Erection
(1) Setting Out Brickwork

The Sub-Contractor shall provide proper setting out rods and set
out on the ground all work showing openings, heights, sills and
lintels and shall build the various walls and piers to the thickness,
widths and heights shown on the drawings.

(2) Bonded Brickwork

All brickwork shall comply with CP 121. Brickworks generally shall

be built up and arranged in cement mortar as described in English
bond in the best approved manner. Half bricks shall, unless
otherwise described, be built in stretcher bond. All piers,
intersections and angles of walls shall be properly bonded together.
No broken bricks or bats shall be used except when closures are
required at quoins, jambs, etc. to make the bond.

(3) Reinforced Brickwork

All brickwork shall be reinforced with approved galvanized

brickwork reinforcement for the full thickness of the walls; one layer
of reinforcement at every fourth course with the bottom-most
reinforcement at 15cm above the floor level. The reinforcement
shall be lapped 15cm at all joints and carried through to the full
thickness of the end wall at corners and junctions and tied to the
columns by overlapping bars welded or embedded thereto. The
expanded metal mesh used as reinforcement shall be made up of
at least 22 gauge and shall comply with B.S.405. If brickwork is
constructed between steel or concrete columns they shall be
bonded with 6 mm diameter galvanized mild steel bars projecting
15 cm into the wall panel at every fourth course.

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Technical Specifications (Infrastructure) – Brickwork for Structures

(4) Laying And Jointing

All bricks shall not be soaked but dipped in water just before being
laid. Tops of walls where left off shall be well-wetted before work is
commenced. All bricks shall be well applied with mortar before
being laid and all joints shall be 9mm thick and thoroughly flushed
up and grouted in solid as the work proceeds.

(5) Brickwork To Be In Level Courses

The wall shall be taken up level as far as possible and no lift shall
be greater than 1 m above the contiguous walls. Joining of lifts
shall be made by long steps and not by toothing. All brickwork
shall be built in level courses, no four courses shall rise more than
30cm. All perpends, quoins, etc. shall be kept strictly true and
square and the whole properly bonded together.

(6) Brickwork To Be Protected

All constructed brickwork shall be protected from the sun's rays

during the day on which it is laid and also during the following day
and the Sub-Contractor shall include and provide for a sufficient
number of gunny bags for this purpose.

(7) Joints In Brickwork To Be Raked

When intended for use with rendering or plastering, all faces of

brickwork shall be left rough and the joints raked out to a depth of
12.5mm whilst the mortar is still green to form adequate key for

(8) Building In Frames

Openings for doors, windows, etc. shall be properly marked out

and left unbuilt until the door and window frames have been fixed in

(9) Frames To Be Primed

All doors, windows, vents, shutter frames, etc. shall be built in as

the work proceeds and the back of such frames be primed with
approved protective paint before fixing in position. All such frames
shall be bedded in 12.5 mm thick cement mortar.

(10) Frames To Be Fixed In Position

All door and window frames shall be carefully fixed and stayed in
position and shall be anchored into the walls and galvanized iron
holdfasts turned up one end fixed to frame with two galvanized
screws and swallow tailed at the other end built into the walls.

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Technical Specifications (Infrastructure) – Brickwork for Structures

(11) Mortices Holes Chases, Etc.

Mortices, recesses, holes, chases, reveals, grooves, etc. shall be

left in or formed as and when required for frames, bolts, pipes,
wiring, bearers, outlet skirtings, etc.

(12) Make Good To Match

Generally all surfaces shall be made good where necessary in

cement mortar to match the surrounding surfaces to the
satisfaction of the S.E.

(13) Plugging

All plugging shall be carried out with wall fasteners or anchors to

the approval of the S.E. No wood plugs shall be permitted.

(14) Defective Work

Any defective bricks found in the work after completion shall be cut
out and replaced by sound ones at the Sub-Contractors own

(15) Scaffolding

All scaffolding shall be self-supporting and independent of the

building. Scaffolding bearers shall not be supported on the walls of
the building under construction.

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