A Short and Sweet Kriya To Get The Energy Moving

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Kundalini Yoga: A Short and

Sweet Kriya to Get the Energy

This is a simple set of exercises. It only takes 22 minutes and makes the back feel great and
gets the energy moving. It is a good series to do after you wake up in the morning or before
bed at night. It is also a good series to do before a longer meditation or meditative kriya.

1. Front Stretch Left. Sit with your left leg stretched out straight in front of
you; and place your right foot against the inner thigh of the left leg. With both hands,
stretch forward and then down over the left leg. Hold on to the foot or as far down the leg
as you can reach with both hands. Keep the chin at a right angle to the chest. Stretch until
you feel gently challenged. Hold steady with Long Slow Deep Breathing. Continue for 2

2. Front Stretch Right. Same as exercise #1 above but the right leg is stretched out in front
of you and the left foot rests against the inner thigh of the right leg. Continue for 2 minutes.

3. Side Stretch Left. Stretch your left leg out in front of you; place your
right foot against the inner thigh of the left leg as in exercise #1. Take your left hand and
catch the shin, ankle, or foot of the left leg. Take the right arm and place it behind the back.
Tilt the pelvis forward so that it lifts the chest up high. The chin will be turned toward the
right shoulder—don't let the head flop over so that the left ear is near the left shoulder.
Gently stretch sideways over the left leg. You will feel the stretch in the left hamstring as
well as the right hip. Hold steady and begin Long Slow Deep Breathing. Continue for 2

4. Side Stretch Right. Same as exercise #3, but with the legs and arms reversed. Continue
for 2 minutes.
5. Basic Spine Flex. Come into Easy Pose (a comfortable cross-legged
sitting position). Grasp the shins above the ankles. Inhale as you lift the chest up high and
tilt the pelvis forward. Then exhale, round the lower back, and rock the pelvis back.
Remember to lift the chest up high on each inhale and keep the chin level to the ground in
both positions. Continue for 3 minutes.

6. Cross Crawl. Lie down on your back with the arms by the sides and the
palms flat against the floor. On the inhale, bring the left knee to the chest and at the same
time bring the right arm up and over to the ground behind you. Exhale into the starting
position and repeat with the opposite arm and opposite leg. Concentrate the breath's energy
at the navel center. Continue for 2 minutes.

7. Cat-Cow. Come onto the hands and knees. The hands are shoulder-width
apart with the fingers pointing forward. The knees are directly below the hips. Inhale and
tilt the pelvis forward, arching the spine down, and stretching the head and neck back. Then
exhale and tilt the pelvis the opposite way, arching the spine up and bring the chin to the
chest. Make the motion very smooth in transition. This is a wonderful exercise for the
entire spine. Continue for 2 minutes.

8. Baby Pose. Sit on the heels and place the forehead on the ground. Place
the arms by the sides, hands near the ankles with the palms facing up. Allow the shoulders
to relax. Breathe normally and continue for 90 seconds.

9. Washing Machine. Come into Easy Pose. Grasp the shoulders with the fingers
in front and thumbs in back (right hand grasps right shoulder, left hand grasps left
shoulder). Inhale and twist the torso to the left. Then exhale and twist the torso to the right.
Keep the chest up high and let the head travel with the shoulders. Continue for 90 seconds.
10. Shoulder Rolls. Place the hands on the knees and roll the shoulders in big,
slow, smooth circles. Breathe normally and continue for 1 minute.

11. Deep Relaxation. Lie down on your back. Have the arms by the sides
with the palms facing up. The eyes are gently closed and the breath is soft and normal.
Have the knees up slightly for comfort, if needed. Completely relax for 3 minutes.

This kriya is on the video Kundalini Yoga: A Complete Course for Beginners, vol. 1. Also
published in Aquarian Times, Nov/Dec 2008.

In all Kundalini Yoga kriyas (exercises and sets of exercises), it is recommended

(especially for beginners) to relax after each posture to allow the body to process the
changes from the exercise before moving on to the next one, unless otherwise specified.

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

Photos by Gurudarshan Kaur | Yoga Model: Tera Kaur

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