Revenue Expense Summary FY 2021

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Effingham County Board of Education

Budget for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021

FY 2020 FY 2021
General Fund Budget Budget
PT 32.1 6/3/19
16.468 mills (New with roll back 16.225 mills)
Local Property Taxes 30,913,244 32,604,057 6/22/2020 PT32.1
TAVT 2,350,000 3,600,000
Tax in lieu of Ad Valorem 1,825,000 2,040,566 Adj to 2020 actual

Total Local 35,088,244 38,244,623

QBE Allotment Earnings

Education Equalization Grant 13,464,486 11,886,373

QBE Earnings 71,753,258 64,824,406

Total QBE Earnings 85,217,744.00 76,710,779.00 (2)

CARES - 1,195,100.00

DOE Bus Grant 154,000 77,213

Vocational and other state Grants 225,330 225,330

On-behalf payments Grants 250,000 250,000

Estimated Mid Term Allotment

State Preschool Grant 431,747 431,747

Total Grants 1,061,077 2,179,390

Other Local Sources 650,000 650,000

(intangible tax, penalties, interest,
rent, etc.)
Total Revenue $122,017,065 $117,784,792

(Additional 2%+benefits) All adj. included Change

Salary/Benefit Expenses 107,665,817 108,102,820 437,003 (1)
Other Expenses 14,297,135 11,566,396 (2,730,739)
Total Expenses 121,962,952 119,669,216 (2,293,736)
Operational Gain/(Loss) $54,113 (1,884,424)
Fund Balance usage 1,884,424
Expenses vs Revenue 54,113 -

Fund Balance 7/1/2019 10,862,616

Special Revenue Funds adjustments all pior years (4,328,518)
Special Revenue Funds adjustments FY 2020 (projected) (871,068)
General Fund/Consolidated Fund (100&150) Gain (projected) 5,150,151
Fund Balance 6/30/2020 (Projected) 10,813,181

(1) Salary/Benefit Expenses
Step Raises 851,000
Aides and Paraprofessional 261,000
Secondary Counselor 114,000
ECCA Bus Trips 115,000
Other Admin 802,000
Reduction in staff (1,772,726)
Various Other adjustments 66,729

(2) 2021 QBE Funding based on Conference Committee report of 6/26/2020 which includes FTE growth and TRS reduction to 19.06%.

07/13/2020 file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/483650156.xlsx
Effingham County Board of Education
Budget for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021

0- Days Reduction 5 Days Reduction 0- Days Reduction 5 Days Reduction 0- Days Reduction 5 Days Reduction
Reduction 11% Reduction 11% Reduction 11% Reduction 11% Reduction 11% Reduction 11%
in Funding in Funding in Funding in Funding in Funding in Funding
With Roll Back 16.225 mills With Roll Back 16.225 mills Without Roll back 16.468 mills Without Roll back 16.468 mills With 1 mill increase= 17.468 mills With 1 mill increase= 17.468 mills
FY 2021 FY 2021 FY 2021 FY 2021 FY 2021 FY 2021
General Fund Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget

Local Property Taxes 32,604,057 32,604,057 33,092,365 33,128,667 35,101,860 35,101,860

TAVT 3,600,000 1 3,600,000 1 3,600,000 1 3,600,000 1 3,600,000 1 3,600,000 1
Tax in lieu of Ad Valorem 2,040,566 2,040,566 2,040,566 2,040,566 2,040,566 2,040,566

Total Local 38,244,623 38,244,623 38,732,931 38,769,233 40,742,426 40,742,426

QBE Allotment Earnings math error corrected math error corrected math error corrected math error corrected math error corrected math error corrected
Education Equalization Grant 11,886,373 11,886,373 11,886,373 11,886,373 11,886,373 11,886,373
unofficial QBE 6/27/2020 unofficial QBE 6/27/2020 unofficial QBE 6/27/2020 unofficial QBE 6/27/2020 unofficial QBE 6/27/2020 unofficial QBE 6/27/2020
QBE Earnings 64,824,406 64,824,406 64,824,406 64,824,406 64,824,406 64,824,406
Total QBE Earnings 76,710,779.00 76,710,779.00 76,710,779.00 76,710,779.00 76,710,779.00 76,710,779.00

CARES 1,195,100.00 1,195,100.00 1,195,100.00 1,195,100.00 1,195,100.00 1,195,100.00

DOE Bus Grant 77,213 77,213 77,213 77,213 77,213 77,213

Vocational and other state Grants 225,330 225,330 225,330 225,330 225,330 225,330

On-behalf payments Grants 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000

Estimated Mid Term Allotment

State Preschool Grant 431,747 431,747 431,747 431,747 431,747 431,747

Total Grants 2,179,390 2,179,390 2,179,390 2,179,390 2,179,390 2,179,390

Other Local Sources 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000

(intangible tax, penalties, interest,
rent, etc.)
Total Revenue $117,784,792 $117,784,792 $118,273,100 $118,309,402 $120,282,595 $120,282,595

Expenses All adj. included All adj. included All adj. included All adj. included All adj. included All adj. included
Salary/Benefit Expenses 108,556,840 108,556,840 108,556,840 108,556,840 108,556,840 108,556,840
5 day calendar change (2,214,884) (2,214,884) (2,214,884)
Other Expenses 11,392,727 11,392,727 11,392,727 11,392,727 11,392,727 11,392,727
Total Expenses 119,949,567 117,734,683 119,949,567 117,734,683 119,949,567 117,734,683
Expenses vs Revenue (2,164,775) 50,109 (1,676,467) 574,719 333,028 2,547,912

1 TAVT (YTD avg=$330,306/mth; budget=300K/mth=$3,600,000)

07/13/2020 file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/483650156.xlsx
Effingham County Board of Education
Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
Actual and Budget
Eleven Months Ending May 31, 2020
Actual Budget Unencumbered
General Fund General Fund Percentage
Local Sources 28,709,876 30,913,244 7.1%
TAVT 3,368,207 2,350,000 -43.3%
Local Other 740,030 650,000 -13.9%
GA Pacific and Lieu of Taxes 2,040,566 1,825,000 -11.8%
State Sources 78,782,992 85,217,744 7.6%
Federal/State Grant Sources 1,758,541 1,061,077 -65.7%
Transfer In - -
Total 115,400,212 122,017,065 5.4%

Instruction 70,987,029 81,066,659 12.4%
Pupil Services 6,836,953 5,155,525 -32.6%
Instructional Services 5,350,739 5,047,291 -6.0%
Media 1,940,701 2,121,077 8.5%

General Administration 2,133,943 1,956,306 -9.1%

School Administration 7,392,679 8,159,736 9.4%
Business 1,532,767 1,565,239 2.1%
Maintenance & Operation 8,012,756 8,681,941 7.7%
Transportation 5,361,647 5,780,299 7.2%
Central Support Services
Purchased Services
School Nutritional 65,000
Capital Outlay 326,488 1,263,880 74.2%
Debt Services -
Transfers out 1,000,000 1,100,000 9.1%
Total 110,875,702 121,962,953 9.09%
Excess of
Revenues/ Expenditures 4,524,510 54,112

Fund Balance 6/30/2019 7,218,264.30

(after adjusttments)
QBE changes
FY 2020 Midterm allotment 86,071,826.00
TRS reduction 21.14% to 19.06%
Total State Salary 73,222,014.00
Funded positions 987.06
H.I. 11,340.00 11,193,260.40

Salary allotment w/o H.I. 62,028,753.60

Funded FICA medicare 1.45

Funded TRS 21.14
Total % 22.59

Reduction to Salary only 1.2259

Salary Only 50,598,542.78
TRS reduction in funding (21.14-19.06+ 2.08% (1,052,449.69)

Midterm adjusted for TRS reduction 85,019,376.31

14% reduction 11,902,712.68

10% reduction 8,501,937.63

Add: Cares Grant 1,200,000.00

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