Word Formation

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‫ امال محمد هاني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬

‫ ثالثة‬:‫المرحلة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫ انكليزي‬:‫القسم‬ ‫كلية اآلداب‬
2020-2019 ‫السنة الدراسية‬
‫ الصرف‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المسائية‬:‫الدراسة‬

2020-2019 ‫التقرير العلمي لطلبة الدراسات االولية للسنة الدراسية‬

/‫عنوان التقرير العلمي‬

Word formation


Compounding is the joining of two separate words to produce a single word.



busybody bookworm

fingerprint Facebook


Blending is typically accomplished by combining the initial part of one word

and the last part of another word.

‫ امال محمد هاني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬
‫ ثالثة‬:‫المرحلة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫ انكليزي‬:‫القسم‬ ‫كلية اآلداب‬
2020-2019 ‫السنة الدراسية‬
‫ الصرف‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المسائية‬:‫الدراسة‬

brunch (breakfast + lunch)

kidult (kid + adult)

edutainment (education + entertainment)

emoticon (emotion + icon)


When a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form, the
process is called clipping.


advertisement → ad

telephone → phone

influenza → flu


Acronyms is a type of abbreviation, which are new words formed from the
initial letters of a set of words. They are pronounced as new single words.
‫ امال محمد هاني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬
‫ ثالثة‬:‫المرحلة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫ انكليزي‬:‫القسم‬ ‫كلية اآلداب‬
2020-2019 ‫السنة الدراسية‬
‫ الصرف‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المسائية‬:‫الدراسة‬


NATO(The North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

UNICEF(The United Nations Children's Fund)


back-formation is the process of forming a new word (a neologism) by

removing actual or supposed affixes from another word. Put simply, a back-
formation is a shortened word (such as edit) created from a longer word


Echoism means the formation of words by imitating sounds.



meow roar

- quack -
‫ امال محمد هاني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬
‫ ثالثة‬:‫المرحلة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫ انكليزي‬:‫القسم‬ ‫كلية اآلداب‬
2020-2019 ‫السنة الدراسية‬
‫ الصرف‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المسائية‬:‫الدراسة‬


The invention of a totally new term is called coinage. The most typical sources
are invented trade names for commercial products that become general terms.






Reduplication is the formation of a new word by doubling a word, either with

change of initial consonants (teenie-weenie, walkie-talkie), with change of
vowel (chit-chat, zig-zag) or without change (night-night, so-so and win-win).
‫ امال محمد هاني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬
‫ ثالثة‬:‫المرحلة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫ انكليزي‬:‫القسم‬ ‫كلية اآلداب‬
2020-2019 ‫السنة الدراسية‬
‫ الصرف‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المسائية‬:‫الدراسة‬

Pattern 1: N be Aj
Food is good

Basic sentence pattern

In this pattern the subject is (N) and the grammatical meaning of it is “that
which is described”. The verb (be) give the meaning of “maybe described as.

Pattern 2: N be Av

The girl is here.

Pattern 2 differs from Pattern 1 in these respects:

1. The verb be in this pattern usually has the meaning of "be located" or

Pattern 3: N1 be N1

My brother is a doctor.

Stageberg (1981: 201) said that The superscript after the second N

(noun) means that this noun has the same referent as N1, both brother and
doctor refer to the same person
‫ امال محمد هاني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬
‫ ثالثة‬:‫المرحلة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫ انكليزي‬:‫القسم‬ ‫كلية اآلداب‬
2020-2019 ‫السنة الدراسية‬
‫ الصرف‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المسائية‬:‫الدراسة‬

Pattern 4: N LV Aj

The acrobat seems young.

In Pattern 4 the verb is called a linking verb (LV), as it links the adjective
with the subject. Any verb except be that may be substituted for seems in this
frame is a linking verb.

Examples: The cyclist appears weary.

The physicist grew sleepy

Pattern 5: N1 LV N1

My sister remained an outstanding student.

The two superscripts show that both nouns have the same referent. The verb,
which links student and sister, is a linking verb. The number of linking verbs
that may occupy the verbal position in this pattern is very small. Among them
are remain, become, appear, seem, continue, stay, make.
‫ امال محمد هاني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬
‫ ثالثة‬:‫المرحلة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫ انكليزي‬:‫القسم‬ ‫كلية اآلداب‬
2020-2019 ‫السنة الدراسية‬
‫ الصرف‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المسائية‬:‫الدراسة‬

Pattern 6: N InV (=intransitive verb)

Girls smile

The verb in Pattern 6 is of the kind called intransitive. An intransitive verb is

self-sufficient; it can stand alone with its subject.

Pattern 7: N1 TrV (=transitive verb) N2

The girl bought a dress.

In Pattern 7 the verb is completed by a noun (or pronoun), for which

one can substitute him, her, it or them. This noun does not have the same
referent as the subject. It is called the direct object of the verb and has the
grammatical meaning of " undergoer of the action" or "that affected by the

Pattern 8: N1 TrV N2 N3

The mother bought the girl a dress.

In Pattern 8 there are seven matters to be observed:

‫ امال محمد هاني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬
‫ ثالثة‬:‫المرحلة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫ انكليزي‬:‫القسم‬ ‫كلية اآلداب‬
2020-2019 ‫السنة الدراسية‬
‫ الصرف‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المسائية‬:‫الدراسة‬

1. The superscripts 1, 2, and 3 indicate that each noun has a different referent;
mother, girl, and dress are three separate entities.

2. it can be seen that there are two grammatical objects after the verb bought.

These two objects are called, in order, the indirect and the direct object. If

the first one was omitted, the pattern becomes number 7 and dress is seen to

be the direct object.

3. The indirect object may often be replaced by a prepositional phrase

beginning with to or for, or occasionally with a different preposition.

Examples: He sold the student a ticket. He sold a ticket to the student. He

built them a playpen. He built a playpen for them. He played me a game of

chess. He played a game of chess with me. He asked her a question. He

asked a question of her.

4. The verbs that can be used in Pattern 8 are in a restricted group. Some of

the common ones are give, make, find, tell, buy, write, send, ask, play, build,
‫ امال محمد هاني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬
‫ ثالثة‬:‫المرحلة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫ انكليزي‬:‫القسم‬ ‫كلية اآلداب‬
2020-2019 ‫السنة الدراسية‬
‫ الصرف‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المسائية‬:‫الدراسة‬

teach, assign, feed, offer, throw, hand, pass, sell, pay. (Greenbaum,2002)

5. A Pattern 8 sentence may be transformed into the passive by making either

the direct or the indirect object the subject of the passive verb:

A dress was bought the girl by her mother.

The girl was bought a dress by her mother.

In some cases, however, the passive transform does not sound fully natural

and seems to demand a preposition, as in


The sergeant found the recruit a rifle.

A rifle was found (for) the recruit.

6. The grammatical meaning of the indirect object is "beneficiary of the action

of the verb-plus-direct-object”

7. If a pronoun is used in the position of the direct object (N3), it must be the
first of the two objects:

The mother bought it for the girl

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