Flow of Funds Exercise: Roles of Financial Markets and Institutions

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FM 19 – Financial Markets Midterm Date: June 29, 2020

Rible,Michelle T. Instructor: Dr. Mary Joy C. Teodosio

Activity 2. Introduction and Overview of Financial Markets

Instruction: Read and understand the scenario presented. Then, provide an answer to the
questions below. Make it brief and concise.

Flow of Funds Exercise

Roles of Financial Markets and Institutions

This continuing exercise focuses on the interactions of a single manufacturing firm (Carson
Company) in the financial markets. It illustrates how financial markets and institutions are
integrated and facilitate the flow of funds in the business and financial environment. At the end
of every chapter, this exercise provides a list of questions about Carson Company that require
the application of concepts learned within the chapter, as related to the flow of funds.

Carson Company is a large manufacturing firm in California that was created 20 years ago by the
Carson family. It was initially financed with an equity investment by the Carson family and ten
other individuals. Over time, Carson Company has obtained substantial loans from finance
companies and commercial banks. The interest rates on those loans are tied to market interest
rates and are adjusted every six months. Thus, Carson’s cost of obtaining funds is sensitive to
interest rate movements.

The company has a credit line with a bank in case it suddenly needs to obtain funds for a
temporary period. It has purchased Treasury securities that it could sell if it experiences any
liquidity problems.

Carson Company has assets valued at approximately $50 million and generates sales of nearly
$100 million per year. Some of its growth is attributed to its acquisitions of other firms. Because
it expects the economy to be strong in the future, Carson plans to grow by expanding its business
and making more acquisitions. It expects that it will need substantial long-term financing and
plans to borrow additional funds either through obtaining loans or by issuing bonds. It is also
considering the issuance of stock to raise funds in the next year. Carson closely monitors
conditions in financial markets that could affect its cash inflows and cash outflows and thereby
affect its value.

a. In what way is Carson a surplus unit?

Carson invests in Treasury securities and therefore is providing funds to the Treasury, the
issuer of those securities.

b. In what way is Carson a deficit unit?

Carson has borrowed funds from financial institutions.

c. How might finance companies facilitate Carson’s expansion?

Carson Company can use loans to raise capital. These loans are made by financial
companies and to assist with the expansion or acquisitions.

d. How might commercial banks facilitate Carson’s expansion?

The same as to financial companies, banks can provide Carson with loans to
undergo the planned expansions and acquisitions.

e. Why might Carson have limited access to additional debt financing during its
growth phase?

Carson may have already borrowed up to its capacity. Also financial institution may not
approve in lending more funds to Carson if it has too much debt.

f. How might securities firms facilitate Carson’s expansion?

Securities firms could advise Carson on its acquisitions. In addition, they could
underwrite a stock offering or a bond offering by Carson.

g. How might Carson use the primary market to facilitate its expansion?

Carson could issue a new stock or bonds to obtain funds.

h. How might it use the secondary market?

Carson may sell its holdings of treasury securities in the secondary markets.
i. If financial markets were perfect, how might this factor have allowed Carson to
avoid financial institutions?

It would have been able to obtain loans directly from surplus units, able to assess
potential targets for acquisition without the advice of investment securities firms, and able to
engage in new issuance of stocks or bonds without the help of a securities firm.

j. The loans that Carson has obtained from commercial banks stipulate that Carson
must receive the banks’ approval before pursuing any large projects. What is the
purpose of this condition? Does this condition benefit the owners of the company?

The purpose of this condition is to prevent Carson from using the funds in a way that it
would be very risky, as Carson may failed on its loans if it takes excessive risk when using funds
to expand its business. And the owners would benefit directly from risky ventures that generate
large returns.

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