Intellectual Property 101
Intellectual Property 101
Intellectual Property 101
#techbiz #ekoinnovation
[email protected]
❖ A patent is a right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing an
❖ To ensure that your invention is patentable, it must meet three requirements stated in section 1(1)
of the Nigeria’s Patents and Designs Act;
(i) new;
(ii) results from an inventive activity; and
(iii) capable of industrial application;
• Rome Convention;
o Required Documents
❖ Trade Marks Application Form 2
❖ Power of Attorney;
❖ Particulars of the applicant
❖ Clear representation of the mark from which bromide prints will be made (an electronic format is
❖ Class and description of goods for which the trademark is to be registered.
PATENTS: A Patent is a right granted by the Government to an inventor of a process
or method that is new, useful, and not obvious, or for a new use of a known process,
machine, or composition of matter or material. The right to a Patent entitles the inventor
to prevent all others, not just imitators but even independent devisers of the same idea
form using the invention for the duration of the patent.
o Conditions for registrability:-
❖ if it is new, results from inventive activity and is capable of industrial application;
❖ if it constitutes an improvement upon a patented invention and also is new,
results from inventive activity and is capable of industrial application.
o Exclusions from Patentability
❖ plant or animal varieties, or essentially biological processes for the production of
plants or animals (other than microbiological processes and their products);
❖ inventions the publication or exploitation of which would be contrary to public
order or morality
❖ Principles and discoveries of a scientific nature
o Outline of the registration process
❖ Application – on the relevant form, payment of filing fees
❖ Acknowledgement: Notice of Acknowledgement indicates filing date and temporary number
❖ Examination: to confirm that it satisfies documentary requirements
❖ Registration: valid for an initial period of 20 years from the date of application; renewable
annually within that period.
o Duration
❖ Expire at the end of the 20th year from the date of filing
❖ Renewal fees are paid annually or else the patent shall lapse
Required Documents
❖ Patent Application Form 1A (Non - convention) and Form 1B (Convention),
❖ Power of Attorney;
❖ Details of Applicant,
❖ Specification and claims, in duplicate;
❖ Documents evidencing assignment (where the applicant for registration is not the true inventor of the
❖ Where applicable, a declaration signed by the true inventor requesting that he be mentioned as such in
the patent and giving his name and address;
❖ Certified true copy (C.T.C) of the priority documents (applicable only where priority of a foreign patent
application/registration is being claimed
DESIGNS: A design is any three dimensional form capable of
reproduction by industrial means.
o Conditions for registrability:-
❖ it is new;
❖ it is not contrary to public order or morality
o Duration
❖ 5 years renewable only for two (2) consecutive periods of five (5)
years each
[email protected]
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