Budget of Work For Work Agricultural Crop Production Components Most Essential Learning Competencies (Melcs) No. Ofdays Taught

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Teacher: Ronald R.

School: 301233 Bukal National High School
Grade Level: Grade 10
Subject: Technology And Livelihood Education
Specialization: Agri-Crop Production

Budget Of Work For Work Agricultural Crop Production

Components Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS) No. ofDays

Introduction 1. Support 1. Explain the cultural methods and practices in crop production
agricultural crop work 2. Formulate adaptive cultural practices in the care and maintenance of a school
2. Support nursery work nursery 2 days
3. Career opportunities 3. Explore career opportunities in agricultural crop production
1. Assessment of Personal LO 1. Develop and strengthen Personal Competencies and Skills (PeCS) needed in
Competencies and Skills agricultural crop production
(PeCS) vis-à-vis PeCS of a 1.1. Identify and assess one's PeCS: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits
practicing 1.2. Identify successful entrepreneurs/ employees in the town
entrepreneur/employee in 1.3. Identify and assess a practitioner’s PeCS: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle,
the town. skills, traits
1.1. Characteristics 1.4. Compare self with a practitioner.
1.2. Attributes 1.5. Identify areas for improvement, development and growth 4 days
1.3. Lifestyle 1.6. Align, strengthen, develop areas based on the results of the PeCS
1.4. Skills Assessment.
1.5. Traits
2. Analysis of PeCS in
relation to those of a
practicing entrepreneur
/employee 3. Align,
strengthen and develop
ones PeCS based on the
THE MARKET (The Town) LO 1. Recognize and understand the market for agricultural crop production
1. Key concepts of the 1.1. Identify the players/ competitors within the town
Market 1.2. Identify the different products/services available in the market
2. Players in the Market 1.3. Enumerate the differences between these products/ services
(Competitors) 4 days
3. Products and services
available in the market
THE MARKET – CUSTOMER LO 2. Recognize the customers of the agricultural crop production market
1. Key concepts in 2.1. Identify the different customers of the market 2.2. Identify the customer’s
identifying and needs and wants through consumer analysis
understanding the 2.3. Conduct observation exercises, interviews, FGDs and surveys
2. Consumer analysis
through: 6 days
2.1. observation
2.2. interviews
2.3. FGDs (Focused Group
2.4. Surveys
THE MARKET - LO 3. Create new business ideas using the various techniques and based on the
GENERATING BUSINESS analyses of the market for Agricultural Crop Production.
IDEAS 3.1. Generate business ideas using knowledge, skills, passions, and interests
1. Key concepts in 3.2. Generate business ideas using new applications (finding new use for existing
generating business ideas products/materials) 8 days
2. Knowledge, skills, 3.3. Generate business ideas from one's Irritants
passions, and interests
3. New applications
4. Irritants
THE MARKET - LO 2. Recognize the customers of the agricultural crop production market
GENERATING BUSINESS 2.1. Identify the different customers of the market 2.2. Identify the customer’s
IDEAS needs and wants through consumer analysis
1. Key concepts in 2.3. Conduct observation exercises, interviews, FGDs and surveys 8 days
generating business Ideas LO 4. Create new business ideas using the various techniques based on the
2. Striking ideas (new analyses of the market for Agricultural Crop Production
concepts) 4.1. Generate business ideas based on striking Ideas
3. Serendipity Walk 4.2. Generate business ideas using the Serendipity Walk
1. Types and selection of LO 1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for horticultural production work
materials, tools, and 1.1. Identify the required materials, tools and equipment according to lists
equipment provided and/or teacher's/supervisor’s instructions
2. Routine check-up of 1.2. Check farm tools, materials and equipment for faults and defects based on
tools and equipment manufacturer's lists and pre-operating procedures
3. Manual handling 1.3. Demonstrate the correct manual handling procedures and techniques when 8 days
procedures and techniques loading and unloading materials to minimize damage to the load and vehicle
4. Personal protective 1.4. Select and check the suitable personal protective equipment (PPE), as
equipment and required by the job
occupational health and 1.5. Provide the work support in accordance with OHS requirements and the
safety requirements workplace information
5. Common OHS hazards, 1.6. Identify OHS hazards and file a report based on OHS requirements and
risks and its control company report

40 days

Prepared By:

Note: all learning competecies are from Agricultural Crops Production (NC 1) K-12 Curriculum Guide
Teacher: Ronald R. Cortezano
School: 301233 Bukal National High School
Grade Level: Grade 10
Subject: Technology And Livelihood Education
Specialization: Agricultural Crops Production (Horticulture)

Budget Of Work For Work Agricultural Crops Production (Horticulture)

Components Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS) No. ofDays

First quarter Learners are expected to understand the underlying principles and concepts of
PECs more particularly in:
-identifying areas for improvement, development, and growth; 8 days
- aligning learners‟ PECs according to their business or career choice; and
- creating a plan of action that ensures success in their business or career choice.
The learner demonstrates understanding of environment and market in
Agricultural Crops Production (Horticulture) in one‟s province.
1.Develop a quality and marketable product or service in Agricultural Crops 10 days
Production (Horticulture)Select a business idea based on the criteria and
techniques set
2. Develop a brand for the product
The learner demonstrates understanding on the basic concepts, competencies, and
opportunities in vegetable production. 10 days
1. Concepts and opportunities in producing major lowland and semi-temperate
2. Types of vegetable gardening
The learner demonstrates understanding on proper land preparation. 12 days
1. Selecting the site for planting vegetable crops
2. Preparing the land for planting
40 days

Prepared By:

Note: all learning competecies are from Agricultural Crops Production (Horticulture) K-12 Curriculum Guide

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