Department of Education: Post-Aptitude Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Sorsogon City School Division
Sorsogon City, Sorsogon

Name: _________________________________ Date:______________

Encircle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

1. Defined as the comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s financial state to predict and manage future cash
flows, expenditures and asset values.
a. Financial Planning b. Financial Capability
c. Savings Plan d. Cash Flow Monitoring
2. The correct saving formula is.....
a. Income - Expenses = Savings b. Fixed Assets - Fixed Expense = Savings

c. Income - Savings = Expenses d. Cash Inflow - Outflow = Savings

3. When is the best time to save?
a. Today b. Tomorrow
c. When interest rates are high d. When interest rates are low
4. The first step in budgeting is.......
a. Tracking Income and Expenses b. Setting a budget goal
c. Implementing a budget plan d. Monitoring Expenses
5. It is the rate of increase in prices of goods and services over a given period of time.
a. Infiltration b. Inflammation
c. Inflation d. Infliction
6. Which of the following is not a factor considered by financial institutions when lending
a. Character b. Collateral
c. Career d. Capital
7. These are instruments of indebtedness issued by the Bureau of Treasury, through Government Securities Eligible
a. Government Investments b. Government Securities
c. Corporate Bonds d. Government Bureaucracy
8. Is the illegal copying of information from the magnetic strip of a credit or ATM Card.
a. Spoofing b. Phishing
c. Text Scam d. Skimming
9. Is a debt reduction strategy, whereby you pay off loans with small balances first, before paying he minimum
amount due of larger loans.
a. Debt Stacking b. Debt Snowball
c. straight Payment d. Payment with Interest
10. The act of getting money from a lender or goods from a supplier with a promise of future pay back based on
certain terms and conditions.
a. Fund Pooling b. Barrowing
c. Solicitation d. Donation
11. Before lending, financial institutions check a borrower’s.....
a. Capacity to Pay b. Cash Flow
c. Both a and b d. None of the Above
12. Loan restructuring is one way of managing over-indebtedness.
a. Yes b. No
c. Sometimes d. I don’t know
13. Saving is very similar to investing.
a. Yes b. No
c. Sometimes d. I don’t know
14. The financial investment instrument bearing the lowest risk is.....
a. Retail Treasury Bills b. Shares of Stocks
c. Corporate Bonds d. Mutual Funds
15. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Borrowing money for investments is a good strategy
b. Investment products are not licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission
c. High-yield investment products are always good investments
d. Your risk appetite should match your choice of investments
16. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Investment products offered by banks are insured by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation
b. Unit Investments Trust Funds are offered by banks authorized by the Bangko Central ng Pilipinas
c. Low-risk Investments generally have low-yields
d. High-yield, low-risk investment products are usually investment scams
17. Which of the following statements best describes insurance products?
a. Insurance products protect beneficiaries of the insured from contingent events
b. Insurance companies and their products are licensed by the Insurance Commission
c. Both a and b
d. None of the Above
18. Which of the following statements about spoofing is true?
a. Spoofing is a cybercrime intended to capture personal information
b. Spoofing is usually done in tandem with phishing
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
19. If P1000.00 is divided equally by 5 brothers, how much does each one gets? _____
20. Assuming that inflation is at 10% which of the following statements is true?
a. The brothers can buy more goods with their money today that last year
b. The brothers can buy the same amount of goods as last year
c. The brothers can buy less goods today than last year
d. It depends on the types of things that they want to buy
21. You put P100 in a savings account with guaranteed annual interest rate of 2%. How much would be in your
account at the end of one year?
a. P102 b. P110
c. P120 d. P112
22. After 5 years, your account will have:
a. More than P110 b. Exactly P110
c. Less than P110 d. It is impossible to tell from
the information given
23. Which store gives better bargain for the same household item worth P1000?
a. Store A gives a discount of P150 b. Store B gives a discount of 10%
24. You buy an insurance product because you want to....
a. Accumulate Savings
b. Protect yourself, your family or your property against risks
c. Make payments or send money
d. Others
25. If you invest in storcks, it is safer to.....
a.Buy stocks of one company b. Buys stocks of many companies


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