Longer Lasting Color
Longer Lasting Color
Longer Lasting Color
Longer-lasting colour
Croda is putting an end to dull hair colour with its two defining factors in vibrancy, shine and colour,
new hair colour intensifying active, VibraRiche. Croda’s analysis of the interaction of light with hair
This new liquid technology offers hair colour identified two specific incidents of reflection: lustre
formulators the ability to deliver shinier, more and chroma. Lustre is the initial reflection of light
vibrant and longer lasting colour to their from the hair surface, and chroma is the second
customers, while sharpening the colour of the reflection of light after it penetrates the hair fibre.
hair for intense visual impact. VibraRiche not only Using these reflections and their overlap, Croda hair colour, they want it to last. In addition to
allows for amplified colour vibrance, it improves has been able to quantitatively measure hair increasing the vibrancy of the hair, Croda has
the condition of the hair for stunning shades of vibrance, creating a basis for comparison in their found that VibraRiche doubles the longevity of a
touchable, soft, healthy-looking locks. studies. The HCVF was calculated for hair dyed hair dye’s initial colour. In a colourwash fastness
While the vibrance of hair colour is a with and without VibraRiche, and the resulting study, hair dyed with VibraRiche maintained its
perceivable attribute, measuring it for the data showed that the hair dyed with VibraRiche colour for twice as long as the control product
purpose of comparison is quite new and had an HCVF almost 10% higher than the control. not containing VibraRiche. This longer-lasting
revolutionary. Croda has developed a new Along with intensity of colour, another colour translates into an increase in value as
methodology to quantify the vibrancy of hair, the important attribute of hair colorants is their staying customers save both time and money by having
Hair Colour Vibrance Factor (HCVF). Using the power. Customers not only want bright, intense to dye their hair less frequently.
Richard Scott
[email protected]
Technical Editor
SQAS assessment
Chris Smith As a European chemical distribution company, assessed to Responsible Care, through Third
[email protected] Cornelius has long been committed not only Party Verification (TPV), via the SQAS/ESAD
Technical Consultant to providing added value to its customers and scheme. Cornelius CEO, Dr Neville Prior, said:
Anthony C. Dweck, BSc. CChem FLS FRSC FRSPH
partners, but also to placing emphasis on “Whilst our Responsible Care programmes gives
[email protected]
community, safety and responsibility in the our customers, suppliers and partners every
Publishing Director
Josh Taylor supply chain. confidence in how we manage our products and
[email protected] While it has adhered to the principals of the the supply chain, TPV assessment puts us at
Trevor Moon Global Responsible Care programme for many the top of the distribution tree. We at Cornelius
[email protected]
years, Cornelius has now been successfully are very proud of this achievement.”
Business Manager (online)
Chris Vincent
[email protected] COMMENT
Publication Administration
Kate Phillips
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Dave Woodall / Ray Ecclestone
Naturally promoting
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Dept, Step Communications Ltd
healthy hair
Hair is one of the most immediate and that mirrors the way in which the body
important visual signals as to a person’s naturally nourishes itself.
personality. Within seconds of meeting Also this month, Sinerga offers an
someone for the first time, their hair has analysis of a new ingredient that will help
Published by: related information ranging from the consumers keep up with the trend for
Step Communications Ltd person’s cleanliness, tidiness, musical straight hair, a trend which itself delivers a
Step House, North Farm Road, taste, health, political persuasion, and range of problems for maintaining healthy
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3DR, UK socio-economic background. These hair associated with heat and chemical
Tel: +44 (0)1892 779999 factors go some way to revealing why damage. This new ingredient helps
Fax: +44 (0)1892 616177
Email: [email protected]
hair care is so important to consumers straighten hair while also protecting it
Website: www.personalcaremagazine.com and why finding hair care products that from heat damage and moisture loss.
work effectively with their particular hair It is very important to keep in touch
Printed by:
type is vital. with the latest developments in this
Taylor Bloxham Ltd, Leicester LE4 1BR
In this issue of Personal Care Croda market, and so Personal Care will be at
examines a novel ingredient that restores SCS Formulate in Coventry this November
hair by mimicking the proteins found in to hear more about the latest hair care
the hair’s natural composition. This ingredients from companies such as
© Step Communications Ltd 2012 biomimetic approach ties in well with the Croda, DSM, and BASF. We look forward
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any desire of consumers to use products that to seeing you there.
means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording take their inspiration from nature and at Richard Scott
or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher
the same time delivering care to the hair Editor
ISSN 2041-0441
September 2012 P E R S O N A L C A R E 5
6 P E R S O N A L C A R E September 2012
Floral oil range unveiled Plant cell culture biotechnology is the leading
new technology for delivering proven activity
as well as true sustainability.”
A new range of floral oils has been launched by of botanicals and specific oils. This new range The IRB products will add to the Sederma
French company, Leticc. The new ingredients of macerates offers an almost unlimited product portfolio, already widely acclaimed for
are designed to be introduced into every kind of number of solutions for the formulator and the their peptide anti-ageing ingredients as well as
cosmetic product. marketing department. The raw materials bring other bioactive molecules. IRB will benefit from
The range, called Prodhyskin, are obtained emolliency to the skin and a smooth texture to significant investment as part of the Croda
thanks to the combination of a selected range the formula. group.
0 days 28 days
8 P E R S O N A L C A R E September 2012
New technology for manufacturing
cosmetics manufacture Grant Industries, a global supplier in personal
care, announces the addition of its new
At this year’s Beyond Beauty in Paris, Romaco distribution and product quality. The improved 100,000 ft2 manufacturing facility in northern
will present the FrymaKoruma Dinex Lab vacuum tool geometry enables the product processing New Jersey. The facility represents the company’s
processing plant and the toothed colloid mill time within the homogeniser to be extended and commitment to future growth and sustainability
FrymaKoruma MZ 110 for the manufacture of increases the overall efficiency of the system. in the personal care industry. Along with three
cosmetics and healthcare products. The optimised energy input is a particular other New Jersey manufacturing sites and
FrymaKoruma Dinex Lab vacuum processing advantage for shear-sensitive products. global R&D headquarters, Grant also conducts
unit featuring a new homogeniser generation The tiny droplet sizes achieved with this system operations out of Beijing, China to fully support
facilitates optimal processing times, droplet enhances the very high quality of the Asia-Pacific region.
the creams, ointments, lotions and
dispersions being manufactured.
The toothed colloid mills in the Mobile
FrymaKoruma MZ series assure
each product is always milled to the correct website
size. The technology is suited for wet grinding
cosmetic applications and healthcare products launched
of almost any viscosity. Users can choose
between coarse, standard or cross-toothed tools After the recent launch of
depending on the product type. The milling gap its new website, Silab has
can be individually adjusted. MZ mills show now has unveiled a new
excellent capability for hygiene management mobile version of the site.
and product safety owing to the systematic The Silab mobile website (m.silab.fr) has
elimination of dead spaces from the milling been optimised to improve accessibility in
interior and the integration of CIP (Cleaning in terms of its content as well as its ergonomics:
Place) and SIP (Sterilisation in Place). simple navigation, optimised window, improved
functionality and quick page download.
10 P E R S O N A L C A R E September 2012
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September 2012 P E R S O N A L C A R E 11