Analgesic and Antiinflammatory Plants-An Updated Review

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Volume 12, Issue 2, January – February 2012; Article-022 ISSN 0976 – 044X

Review Article


*1 2 3
Rupa Sengupta , Sonali D Sheorey , Madhuri A Hinge
ROFEL, Shri G.M.Bilakhia College of Pharmacy, Namdha Road, Vapi-396191 Gujarat, India.

Accepted on: 25-11-2011; Finalized on: 25-01-2012.

The present communication constitutes an updated review on plants with analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity with special
emphasis on those plants found in different parts of the world. This article will be helpful to the common people for their primary
healthcare and the researchers for further isolation and characterization of the active chemical constituents responsible for
analgesic anti-inflammatory potential.
Keywords: Medicinal plants, Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory.

INTRODUCTION function.3 On the contrary many medicines of plant origin

The tribal and rural population of India largely depends had been used since ages without any adverse effects. It
on medicinal plants for their health care as well as for is therefore essential that efforts should be made to
their livestock. This attracted the attention of several introduce new medicinal plants to develop more effective
botanists that lead to an array of reports on and cheaper drugs. Plants represent a large natural
ethnomedicine.1The evaluation of these drugs is primarily source of useful compounds that might serve as lead for
based on phytochemical, pharmacological and allied the development of novel drugs.4
approaches including various instrumental techniques It is very important that profound research with ethno
such as chromatography, microscopy and others. With botanical plants possessing anti-inflammatory and
the emerging worldwide interest in adopting and studying analgesic properties can definitely open up new vistas in
traditional systems and exploiting their potential based inflammatory disorders. Purified natural compounds from
on different health care systems, the evaluation of the plants can serve as template for the synthesis of new
rich heritage of traditional medicine is essential.2 Drugs generation anti-inflammatory drugs with low toxicity and
which are used presently for the management of pain and higher therapeutic value. This article reviews such
inflammatory conditions are either steroidal like medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory and analgesic
corticosteroids or non steroidal like aspirin. All of these properties which have been used by our ancestors to cure
drugs possess more or less side and toxic effects like renal many of their ailments.
failure, allergic reactions, hearing loss or they may
increase the risk of haemorrhage by affecting platelet

Table 1: Plants having Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory activity

S. Botanical Name Part
Family Chemical Constituent Activity Ref
No (Common Name) used
1 Manilkara zapota Alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, phenolic
Sapotaceae Leaves Analgesic 5
(Chickoo) compounds
2 Scoparia dulcis L (Mithi Alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides &
Scrophulariacae whole herb Analgesic 6
patti) tannins
3 Ficus racemosa
Moraceae fruits tannins, gums, flavonoids & alkaloids Analgesic 6
4 Allium stracheyi
Liliaeceae Leaves steroids, alkaloids, saponin Analgesic 7
5 Mitragyna parvifolia pyroligneous acid, methyl acetate, ketones Anti inflammatory,
Rubiaceae fruits 8
(kadam) and aldehydes Analgesics
6 Murraya paniculata
Rutaceae bark coumarins, alkaloids Analgesic 9
(Orange jasmine)
7 Bauhinia racemosa Flavonoids, coumarins, triterpenoids,
Caesalpiniaceae Stem bark Analgesic 10
(Asoda) stilbens, steroids.
8 Butea monosperma
Fabaceae Leaves Flavonoids, chalcones, tannins. Antiinflammatory 11
9 Tectona grandis quinones, steroids, glycosides, flavonoids,
Vervenaceae Leaves Antiinflammatory 12
(sagwan) alkaloids, saponin
10 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis flavonol glycosides, β -sitosterol, nyctanthic Antiinflmmatory,
Oleaceae Bark 13
(Shefali) acid. analgesic.

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Table 1: Plants having Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory activity (continued..)

S. Botanical Name Part
Family Chemical Constituent Activity Ref
No (Common Name) used
11 Acacia catechu Leguminosae bark and Tannins catechin, quercetin, catechuic acid. Anti-inflammatory 14
(Katha) stem
12 Clerodendrum phlomidis Verbanaceae Stem bark Alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, tannins. Analgesic 15
13 Phyllanthus niruri Phyllanthaceae whole plant Flavonoids, sterols, alkaloids, phyllanthin, Antiinflammatory, 16
(Gulf-leaf flower) hypophyllanthin. analgesic.
14 Sterculia foetida Sterculiaceae seeds Fat, cycloprenoid fatty acids. Antiinflammatory, 17
(Jangli badam) analgesic.
15 Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthaceae whole plant α‐spinasterols octacosanoate and saponin. Antiinflammatory 18
(Prickly amaranth)
16 Hibiscus tiliaceus Malvaceae Leaves Vanillic acid, syringic acid, β-sitosterol, Anti-inflammatory 19
(Beach Hibiscus) Quercitin etc.
17 Pletranthus amboinicus Lamiaceae Leaves terpinene, myrcene, limonene, eugenol, Anti-inflammatory 20
(Maxican mint) carvacrol.
18 Calotropis gigantea s Asclepiadaeceae Leaves Calotropnaphthalene, terpenes. Anti-inflammatory 21
(Crown flower)
19 Leucas cephalotes Labiatae Leaves Alkaloides, terpenes, stigmasterol ,sterols. Anti-inflammatory 22
( dronpushpi)
20 Celosia argentia Amaranthaceae Leaves Stigmasterol, sitosterol, celosin A and B, Anti-inflammatory 23
(Lalmurga) fatty acids.
21 Holarrhena Apoynaceae Bark Alkaloid, Tannins & Flavanoids Antiinflammatory, 24
antidysenterica Analgesics
22 Tridex procumbens Asteraceae leaves flavonoids, procumbentin and quercetin,β- Antiinflammatory, 25
(Ghamra) sitosterol Analgesics
23 Oxalis corniculata Oxalidaceae whole plant alkaloids, steroid, triterpenoids, tannins, Anti-inflammatory 26
(Creeping oxalis) flavonoids
24 Cassia sophera Caesalpiniaceae leaves flavonoids, glycosides Anti-inflammatory 27
25 Cissus rependa Vitaceae Root,Stem Alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, tannins. Antiinflammatory, 28
(Pani bel) Analgesics
26 Kaempferia galangal (Zingiberaceae) fresh ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate, Antiinflammatory, 29
(Aromatic ginger) rhizome methylcinnamate, Carvone etc Analgesics
27 Tanacetum artemisioides Asteraceae whole plant Flavonoids Antiinflammatory, 30
(Paloyo Zoon) Analgesics
28 Hedyotis puberula Rubiaceae whole plant Iridoid glycosides Antiinflammatory, 31
(Surbuli) Analgesics
29 Eucalyptus citriodora Myrtaceae essestial oil Terpenes, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, Antiinflammatory, 32
(lemon eucalyptus) eucalyptol. Analgesics
30 Chococca brachiata Rubiaceae Root Steroids, phenolic compounds, ligans Antiinflammatory, 33
31 Cynara scolymus Asteraceae Leaves Sesquiterpenes, flavone glycosides, volatile Antiinflammatory, 33
(Globe artichoke ) oil. Analgesics
32 Elephantopus scaber Asteraceae Leaves Glycosides, stigmasterol, Antiinflammatory, 33
(Elephant foot) deoxyelephantopin Analgesics
33 Mikania glomerata Asteraceae Leaves Coumarins. Antiinflammatory, 33
(sprengel) Analgesics
34 Trianosperma tayaya Curcurbitaceae Root Essential oil, diterpenoids, sesquiterpens Antiinflammatory, 33
(Mart) Analgesics
35 Casearia sylvestris Flacurteaceae Leaves and Alkaloids Antiinflammatory, 33
Swartz. ( wild coffee) bark Analgesics
36 Marsypianthes Lamiaceae Leaves Essential oil, germacrene D, beta- Antiinflammatory, 33
chanaedrys caryophyllene Analgesics
(Konmonmi mawon)
37 Apuleia Leiocarpa Leg-ceae Bark & Flavons, phytosterols, flavonoids Antiinflammatory, 33
(Grapia) duramen Analgesics
38 Dorstonia brasiliensis Moraceae Root Monoterpenoid susbstituted furocoumarin, Antiinflammatory, 33
(Carapia) phytosterol. Analgesics
39 Brunfelsia uniflora Solanaceae Leaves Alkaloids-franciscain, manain, scopoletin. Antiinflammatory, 33
(Manaca) Analgesics
40 Bauhinia racemosa Caesalpiniaceae Stem bark Flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, tannins. Analgesic 33

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Table 1: Plants having Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory activity (continued..)

S. Botanical Name Part
Family Chemical Constituent Activity Ref
No (Common Name) used
41 Sida acuta Malvaceae whole plant alkaloids, flavanoids, steroids, tannins, Analgesic 35
(Bariara) terpenoids
42 Stylosanthes fruitcosa Papilionaceae whole plant alkaloides, flavanoids, saponins, Analgesic 35
(Saillekampa) phytosterols, glycosides.
43 Toona celiata Meliaceae Heart wood Phytosterols, coumarins, carbohydrates. Analgesic 35
44 Baugainvilla spectabillis Nyctaginaceae Leaves flavanoids, Alkaloids, tannins, betacyanine, Analgesic 35
(Booganbel) pinitol.
45 Ficus glomerata Moraceae Bark and Betasitosterol, lupeol, stigmasterol, Analgesic 35
(Cluster Fig Tree) leaves leucoanthocyanins.
46 Polyalthia longifolia Annonaceae Leaves Diterpenes, alkaloids. Analgesic 35
47 Tribulus terrestris Zygophyllaceae Aerial Glycosides, steroidal saponins, alkaloids, Narcotic analgesic 36
(Bindii) flavonoids.
48 Pimpinella anisum Umbellifera Seeds linalol, methylchavicol,2-terpineol, anethol, Narcotic analgesic 36
(Saunf) p-anisaldehide
49 Peganum harmalla Zygophylaceae Whole plant alkaloides, triterpine, Derivatives of Narcotic analgesic 36
(Harmal) ha.rmalol, preganine
50 Myrtus communis Myrtaceae Leaves phytophenols, monoterpenes, alpha- Narcotic analgesic 36
(Vilayati mehndi) pinene, cineole.
51 Withania somnifera Solanaceae Leaves Withanolide, steroidal lactones. Narcotic analgesic 36
(Ashwagandha) &fruit
52 Sinapis arvensis Solanaceae Aerial Essential oil, glucosinolates. Narcotic analgesic 36
(Field mustard)
53 Asphadeline lutea Asphodelaccae Aerial flavonoids, anthraquinone, naphthalene, Narcotic analgesic 36
(Jacob’s rod) sesquiterpene.
54 Murraya paniculata Rutaceae Bark Coumarins, alkaloids, paniculol, alpha- Analgesic 37
(Orange Jessamine) glycol.
55 Tridax procumbens Compositae leaves Saponins, Alkaloids, Flavanoids, Proteins, Analgesic 38
(Tridax daisy) Phytosterols,
56 Hibiscus rosa sinensis Malvaceae leaves Flavons, alkaloids, beta-sitosterol,vitamins. Analgesic 39
(China rose)
57 Pergularia daemia Asclepiadaceae Roots alkaloids, carbohydrates, phytosterols, Analgesic 40
(Utaran) tannins, flavanoids
58 Cissus quadrangularis Vitaceae whole plant flavonoids, coumarins, steroids Antiinflammatory, 41
(Hadjod) Analgesics
59 Bryonia laciniosa. Cucurbitaceae whole Bryonin. Analgesic 42
(Gargumar) plan,fruits
60 Plumbago zeylanica Plumbaginaceae Roots Flavonoids, beta-sitosterol, plumbagin, Analgesic 43
(Chitrak) plumbagic acid.
61 Cissampelos pareira Menispermaceae Aerial parts Alkaloids, flavon curine, volatile oil, Antiinflammatory, 44
(Akanadi) quercitol. Analgesics
62 Clerodendrum phlomidis Verbaneceae Aerial parts Phenolic glycosides, saponin. Analgesic 45
linn. (Arni)
63 Ficus bengalensis(Bar) Moraceae Leaves beta-sitosterol,meso-inositol. Analgesic 46
64 Manihot esculenta Euphorbiaceae Whole plant vitamin A, anthocyanins (flavonoids), Analgesic 47
(Simal alu) saponins, steroids
65 Thesium chinense Santalaceae Leaves Flavanoids, glycosides, essential oils, Antiinflammatory, 48
(bai rui cao) Alkaloids, Steroids Analgesics
66 Sphaeranthus indicus Compositae whole plants sesquiterpens, sesquiterpene glycoside, Analgesic 49
(Mundi) steroid.chavicol.
67 Rubia cordifolia Rubiaceae root Purpurin, xanthin, glycosides, manjisthin, Antiinflammatory, 50
(Indian Madder) resins Analgesics
68 Solanum trilobatum Solanaceae root Tannins, saponins, flavonoids, cardiac Antiinflammatory, 51
(Alarka) glycosides. Analgesics
69 Calotropis Procera Asclepiadaceae Latax alkaloids, tannins Analgesic 52
(Rubber bush)
70 Mitragyna parvifolia Rubiaceae Fruits pyroligneous acid, methyl acetate, ketones Antiinflammatory, 53
(Kaddam kamgi) and aldehydes Analgesics

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Table 1: Plants having Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory activity (continued..)

S. Botanical Name Part
Family Chemical Constituent Activity Ref
No (Common Name) used
71 Nothospondias Studtii Simaroubaceae leaves Alkaloids Antiinflammatory, 54
72 Xanthium indicum Compositae leaves Alpha & gamma-tocopherols, polyphenols, 55
(Banokra) glucosides.
73 Randia dumetornm Rubiaceae Seeds pentacyclic triterpene acid glycoside Antiinflammatory, 56
(Mainphal) Analgesics
74 Amaranthus Viridis Amaranthaceae Whole plant steroids, alkaloids, glycolsides, flavanoids, 57
(Green amaranth) phenolic compounds
75 Marsilea trifolia Marsilea-ceae fresh leaf Betasitosterol, lupeol, stigmasterol, 58
(Goldthread) leucoanthocyanins.
76 Asystasia dalzelliana Acanthaceae Whole plant Alkaloids, saponins, cardiac glycosides, Antiinflammatory, 59
(Lavana-valli) flavanoids, anthraqui Analgesics
77 Nelumbo nucifera Nelumbonaceae seeds steroids, alkaloids, phenolic and 60
(Kamal) carbohydrates
78 Saraca indica Leguminosae Leaves sterols, glycosides, saponins, 61
(Asok) carbohydrates, tannins, alkaloids
79 Baliospormum Euphorbiaceae roots beta-sitosterol, triterpenoids, flavonoids. 62
montanum Analgesic
80 Kyllinga monocephala Cyperaceae Leaves Alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, tannins. 63
81 Mangifera indica Anarcardiaceae Leaves Flavonoids, polyphenolics, triterpenes, Antiinflammatory, 64
(Am) tannins Analgesics
82 Carpolobia lutea Polygalaceae Roots tannins, saponins, flavonoids, cardiac 65
(cattle stick) glycosides,terpenes

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