Short Circuit Detector: A Research Paper Presented To

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A Research Paper Presented to


San Roque National High School

Alburquerque, Bohol

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements of the Subject Practical Research II

Bagoy, Daniel Miles B.

Balacuit, Jeric

Cabanlit, Johnbel J.

Malazarte, John Clark

Soy, Joseph S.

Wapanio, Harroid D.

October, 2019




Electricity is one of the greatest technological innovations of mankind. It is one of

those discoveries that have changed the daily life of everybody on the planet. Many

people asked, “What is life without electricity?”. The answer to that question is just very

simple. Life is dark without the existence of electricity. Without the new innovations, our

life would become uncomfortable and full of effort. In the present, electricity

continuously evolves and incredibly become unique. Indeed, people’s need and

demands are getting higher so people tends to prepare, make new designs, and

promote such plans to make life easier and faster.

This modernization means of electricity still need to be enhanced and regenerate

all over again until it will attain its best. The biggest fact is electricity plays a vital role in

our modern life. Learning about electricity theory is not such an easy task to do. It tells

the students to gain actual performance or operations rather than seeing, observing,

and listening. In doing an actual procedure, the students gains more knowledge and

improve high-speed skills to do more projects.

The researchers conduct the study about “short circuit detector” because short

circuit is inevitable. Introducing this study will come up with a greater help in the society

and it also assure the safety of everyone.

Review of Related Literature

Electricity is a form of energy. Electricity is the flow of electrons. All matter is

made up of atoms, and an atom has a center, called nucleus. The nucleus contains

positively charged particles called protons and uncharged particles called neutrons. The

nucleus of an atom is surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons. The

negative charged of an electron is equal to the positive charge of a proton, and the

number of electrons in an atom is usually equal to the number of protons. When the

balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force, an atom

may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are “lost” from an atom, the free

movement of these electrons constitutes an electric current. (Mary Bellis, 2018)

Electricity affects to much our lives, as culture and uses our survival. As it for

today, electricity is everywhere it gives light of our life and has a greater helps in terms

of survival. In the mid-1800s, everyone’s life changed with the invention of electric bulb.

`Invention used electricity to bring indoor lighting to our homes. With this, switches are

being created in order to lessen your effort in switching on/off the lights.

Ohm’s Law is the fundamental equation for electricity and governs the vast

majority of electrical work that we do. It was named named after Georg Ohm, a German

physicist who published a treatise in 1827. In it, he explained measurements of applied

voltage and current by using a simple electrical circuit made with varying lengths of

wire. (Georg Ohm, 1827)

Ohm’s Law states that electrical current in a circuit or conductor will always be

proportionate to the voltage across the conductor or circuit, and inversely proportional to
resistance. Ohm’s Law is also knows as V=IR. The V is for Voltage, which means the

potential difference between two charges. The next component of Ohm’s Law is current,

the units of which are Amperes; in the formula, current is represented by the very logical

choice of the letter I. Current is the measurement of the flow of charge in a circuit. This

leaves with us with the letter R which represents the Resistance. Electrical Resistance,

measured in Ohms, is the measure of the amount of current repulsion in circuit. Simply,

resistance resists current to flow. When electrons flow against the opposition offered by

resistance in the circuit, friction occurs and heat is produced. The light bulb introduces

enough resistance in a circuit to heat up the filament inside, causing light to be emitted.

(Georg Ohm, 1827)

Kirchhoff’s Current Law states that the total current or charge entering a junction

or node is exactly equal to the charge leaving the node as it has no other place to go

except to leave, as no charge is lost within the node. The term Node in an electrical

circuit generally refers to a connection or junction of two or more current carrying paths

or elements such as cables and components. Also for current to flow either in or out of a

node a closed circuit path must exist. We can use Kirchhoff’s current law when

analyzing parallel circuits.


The Superposition Theorem states that in linear circuit with several sources, the

current and voltage for any element in the circuit is the sum of the currents and voltages

by each source acting independently. (Designsoft, 1992)

The Thevenin’s Theorem states that any linear circuit containing several voltages

and resistances can be replaced by just one voltage in series with a single resistance

connected across the load. (, 2011)

Legal Basis

Republic Act No. 9136 an act ordaining reforms in the Electric Power industry,

Amending for the purpose certain laws and for other purposes. Section 2; to enhance

the inflow of private capital and broaden the ownership base of the power generation,

transmission and distribution. This Act shall be known as the “Electric Power Industry

Reform Act of 2001”.

Republic Act No. 9136, An act
THEORIES ordaining reforms in the Electric
The Superposition Theorem States Power industry by amending for
that in linear circuit with several the purpose certain laws and for
sources, the current an voltage by the purposes.
each source, the currents and Section 2; To enhance inflow of
voltages by each source private capital and broaden the
independently. ownership base of the power
generation, transmission and

Short Circuit Detector


Figure 1. Theoritical and Conceptual Framework


Statement of the problem

The main purpose of the study is to determine the acceptability level of “Short

Circuit Detector. This study will conducted in San Roque National High School.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions

1. What are the main descriptions of Short Circuit Detector in terms of?

1.1 Preparations

1.2 Procedure; and


1.4 Parts and functions?

2. What is the acceptability level on the installation of Short Circuit Detector?

3. What action plan can be recommended based on the result of the study?
Significance of the Study

The results of the study would be useful to the following students.

This will influence every students to use Short Circuit Detector.

Users: This will encourage everyone to use Short Circuit Detector.

Household members: This will be hopeful to the people to use Short Circuit Detector.

Teachers: The findings of the study will help the teachers to give knowledge and give

supports of the students.

Parent: The findings of the study will help the parents support their children’s Skills.

Administrator: The findings of the study will encourage the administrator to use Short

Circuit Detector.

Future Researcher: The finding will serves as a guide for the future researchers and it

will give additional information about Short Circuit Detector.



In this study, quantitative research is used by the researcher, because it is mostly

intended for small samples, and it offers a complete description and analysis for

research subject, without limiting the scope of the research and the nature of the

participant’s responses. The aim is complete detailed description, also a flexible a

literative approach.

Environment and Participants

The study will be conducted in San Roque National High School, Alburquerque,

Bohol. The respondents choose this place because, it is highly populated with possible

respondents easily accessible as participants.

The researchers used purposive sampling with a total of 50 respondents in

vicinity who fully understand the Short Circuit Detector.

The respondents of this study were grade11 and grade 12 electrical students.

We choose grades 10 to 12 electrical students because they are easily accessible and

can provide useful information about the research study.


Survey Questionnaires will be utilized to call the data needed. It consist of

statements be answered and with corresponding ratings for assessment and evaluation

of the said study.

After the results were gathered, validity and reliability of efficiency of the

equipment were determined though analysis and interpretation with the use of statistical

Data Gathering Procedure

Before giving the questionnaires to the respondents, the researcher will send a

letter to the principal, the advisers of the respondents themselves. After sending the

letters, the researchers formulate the questionnaires, the researchers construct

statements that served as instrument for data gathering. After that, the researchers

distributed the questionnaires. The data were gathered and collected. The data will be

use to assess the acceptability level of Short Circuit Detector. The respondents will be

given questionnaires which were then retrieved immediately. The gathered data were

tabulated, analyzed, and treat.

Statistical Treatment

In the analysis and interpretation of collected data, there are different statistical

tools that were used.

Before the distribution of questionnaires, know first the number of respondent

using the Slovin’s formula:


n= sample size

N= population

e= margin of error
To determined acceptability level of the Short Circuit Detector, the weighted

mean formula will be used:


X = weighted mean

X = weight of responses

f = frequency of each responses

n = number of respondents

For the purpose of interpreting the weighted mean of each item, the ff. ranged

was used.


4 3.26-4.00 Highly Accepted
3 2.52-3.25 Accepted
2 1.76-2.50 Moderately Accepted
1 1.00-1.75 Slightly Accepted

To have a clear understanding of the research, some of the commonly used

terms were operationally defined.

Acceptability Level – capable or worthy of being accepted in terms of performances. In

this study, the acceptability level is measured through the responses of the students

using the acceptability questionnaire.

Short Circuit Detector- automatically detect when there is a short circuit

Performance – The ability of the device to perform.

Convenience – An appropriate doing that is suitable for you to allows someone to do

things more easily.

Safety – The condition of being safe to prevent anything that causes harm.

Directions: Put a Check (/) that correspond your answer. Please answer honestly.

4- Strongly Agree

3- Agree

2- Disagree

1- Strongly disagree

1. Profile of the respondents:

a. Age

() 18 below () 18-20 () 20 above

b. Gender

() Male () Female

c. Grade Level

() 7 ()8 ()9 ()10 ()11 ()12

2. What is the student’s perception towards the Short Circuit Detector;

1. Short Circuit Detector is functioning

2. Short Circuit Detector is easy to use.
3. Short Circuit Detector is safe to use.
4. Short Circuit Detector is applicable to

any locations.
5. Short Circuit Detector saves money.
6. Short Circuit Detector cannot be

damage easily.
7. Applying Short Circuit Detector

consumes lesser time

8. Short Circuit Detector is durable.
9. Short Circuit Detector is useful.
10. Materials needed in applying Short

Circuit Detector are affordable.

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